Документ 5021103

 image(изображение)-Имидж
 magazine– журнал
 data – данные
 sex – пол
 accuracy – точность
 artist - художник
 George Bernard Shaw
The symbol of Ireland is shamrock.
 Американский вариант английского языка
 Канадский вариант английского языка
 Австралийский вариант английского языка
 Новозеландский вариант английского языка
 Британский (классический) английский
 В. Набоков
 Б. Заходер
 Л. Яхнин
 В. Орл
 Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle – Sherlock Holmes
 Charles Dickens - The Adventures of Oliver Twist
 Lewis Carroll - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
 Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - The Hobbit, or There
and Back Again, The Lord of the Rings
 Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
Game – гамать
Counter-Strike – контра
To chat – чатиться
Looser – неудачник
To tweet – твититься ( общаться в соц.сетях)
To use ( использовать) – Юзер
Noob ( новичок) – нуб
Party ( вечеринка ) – пати
Bug (жук, ошибка) – баг в программе
Like (нравиться) – лайк (в соц. Сети) «Поставь мне лайк
на фотку»
A headquarter – штаб-квартира
head doctor - психиатр
Head off for a break – брать отпуск
having head in the clouds – летать в облаках
To be in love head over heels – влюбиться по уши
 I. Goethe
- Никто ни о чем не узнает!
Nobody will know about it.
-Ничего страшного не произошло!
Nothing had happened
- Мне нечего терять!
I have nothing to lose !
- Здесь не о чем думать.
There is no think about
- Ничего, что я зашел?
Don’t you mind of my having come?
 as easy as apple pie
 As easy as a bee
 To fit like a glove
 To sell like hot cakes
 As good as gold
 As fat as a pig
 As cool as a cucumber
 Валлийская арфа
 Antoni Grabowski
 Armin Vambery
 Vasilii Vodovozov
 Alfons Worms
Cooker – chef
pavement – sidewalk
Sweets – candies
Mad – crazy
holiday(s)- vacation
at the weekend – on the weekend
in a team – on a team
trainers – sneakers
flat – apartment
Lift- elevator
rubbish – trash / garbage
Crossroads- intersection
 underground – metro / subway
 The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh
 Voltaire
 A word is enough to the wise.
 A word spoken is past recalling.
 Actions speak louder than words.
 Truth comes out of the mouths of babes and sucklings.
 Words pay no debts.
 Hard words break no bones
 Fine words butter no parsnips.
 A word warmly said gives comfort even to a cat
 Beinn Nibheis
 Aesopian language - called the Greek fabulist Aesop -
disguised style of a literary work in which the direct
meaning for the background lurks the above
understanding, revealing the true thoughts and
intentions of the author.
 burn the ships, bridges - cut yourself any possibility of
 To be all at sea – быть сбитым с толку