Passive Voice Пассивный залог

Passive Voice
Пассивный залог
Passive Voice (страдательный залог)
Страдательный залог показывает, что
действие направлено на предмет или лицо,
выраженное подлежащим.
Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
образуется при помощи вспомогательного
глагола to be в соответствующем времени,
лице и числе и причастия прошедшего
времени смысл. глагола – Participle II (III –я
форма или ed-форма).
Сводная таблица спряжения глаголов в
страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)
I + am + V III
he, she, it + is + V III
we, you, they + are + V III
I am asked. Меня спрашивают.
I, he, she, it + was + V III
we, you, they + were + V III
I was asked. Меня спросили.
I, we, he, she, it, you, they + will be +
I will be asked. Меня спросят.
Вопросительная форма
образуется путём переноса первого вспомогательного
глагола на место перед подлежащим, например:
Is the suit pressed?
Отглажен ли костюм?
Has the house been built?
Дом построен?
Will they be requested to go there?
Их попросят пойти туда?
When will the telegram be sent?
Когда будет отправлена телеграмма?
How is this word spelt?
Как пишется/произносится это слово?
Отрицательная форма
образуется путем постановки отрицательной частицы not
после первого вспомогательного глагола, например:
He was not (wasn’t) sent there.
Его туда не посылали.
We were not told that he was ill.
Нам не говорили, что он был болен.
Глаголы с предлогами в
Passive Voice
• Many stative passive verbs are followed
by prepositions other than by.
• e.g. I’m interested in Greek culture. He’s
worried about losing his job.
Глаголы с предлогами в
Passive Voice
Be accustomed to
Be acquainted with
Be addicted to
Be annoyed with, by
Be associated with
Be bored with, by
Be cluttered with
Be composed of
Be concerned about
Be connected to
Be coordinated with
Be covered with
Be crowded with
Be dedicated to
Be devoted to
Be disappointed in, with
Be discriminated against
Be divorced from
Be done with
Be dressed in
Be engaged to
Be equipped with
Be excited about
Be exhausted from
Be exposed to
Be filled with
Be finished with
Be frightened with, by
Be gone from
Be interested in
Be involved in
Be known for
Be limited to
Be located in
Be made of
Be married to
Be opposed to
Be pleased with
Be prepared for
Be protected from
Be provided with
Be qualified for
Be related to
Be remembered for
Be satisfied with
Be scared of, by
Be terrified of, by
Be tired of, from
Be worried about
1.-The president gave an interesting speech at the European
2.-Roger paid all the bills at the Palace hotel.
3.-My friends are using their mobile phones during lessons.
4.-The dog followed me for half an hour.
5.-We always support our football team.
6.-The director looked into the complaints from the public.
7.-Some people didn’t watch the documentary about employment.
8.-Patrick was telling me about his free time.
9.-Students can’t use dictionaries in exams.
10.-You can learn languages in your own country.
11.-The teacher encourages the pupils to pay more attention.
12.-It’s so small that I hold it in one hand.
13.-It can transfer information from the internet to your computer.
14.-You are downloading some files onto my USB Flash.
15.-My parents have bought a lovely house in the country.
16.-The lava has destroyed thousands of homes.
17.- The volcano will affect the Earth’s climate.
18.- Miriam is blowing her birthday candles.
19.-The Lord Mayor of the city provided food and shelter for the
20.-Thomas threw the ball a hundred metres away.
21.-Thousands of people have left the houses in the village.
22.-Mr and Mrs Rush brought their son to Canada.
23.-Policemen are evacuating people after the explosion.
24.-Lorebnzo never saw Isabel in the golf club.
25.-He escaped when they were moving him from one prison to
26.-They are demolishing the entire block of houses.
27.-Has someone taken my wallet?
28.-You need not send this letter to the office.
29.-Chinese people made the first paper.
30.-The Filipino scientist Gregorio Zara invented the videophone.
Choose the correct form
1.America … by Columbus in 1498.
a). is discovered b). was discovered b). discovered
2.The houses … of stone and wood.
a) were built b)are built c). are being built
3.The article … already … .
a). had … been typed b). will be typed c). has … been typed
4.These letters … tomorrow.
a)are mailed b).were mailed c). will be mailed
5.The fish … very well.
a). was cooked b). had been cooked c). will be cooked
Choose the correct form
6.Moscow University … in 1755.
a). is founded b). was founded c).will be founded
7.Three foreign languages … in our school next year.
a). is taught b). was taught c). will be taught
8.The doctor … an hour ago.
a). send for b). is sent for c).was sent for
9.English … in many countries of the world.
a). is being spoken b). spoke c). is spoken
10.Most of the Earth’s surface(поверхность Земли) … by water.
a). is covered b) coveres c) was covered
Unity of Judicial System
Unity of judicial system of the Russian Federation is ensured
by: establishment of judicial system of the Russian Federation by
the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal
Constitutional Law; observance of the rules of court procedure
established by federal laws by all federal courts and Justices of
the Peace;
application of the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws universally
recognized principles and norms of the international law and
international treaties of the Russian Federation, and also
constitutions (by-laws) and other laws of the subjects of the
Russian Federation by all courts; acceptance of compulsory
execution of judicial decisions, which came into legal force, on
the whole territory of the Russian Federation; legislative securing
of the unity of judicial status; financing of federal courts and
Justices of the Peace from federal budget.
Ensured – Обеспечивать, гарантировать
Establishment – Ответственность
Observance – Соблюдение, исполнение
Application – Заявление, применение
Recognized – Узнавать, признавать
Treaties – Обращение
Acceptance – Принимать
Compulsory – Принудительный, обязательный
Force – Сила, заставлять
Budget – Бюджет
Упражнение №1
Переведите на русский язык:
а) Judicial system.
б) Federal Constitutional Law.
в) Justices of the Peace.
г) Federal budget.
д) Financing of
Упражнение №2
Уберите предложения не относящиеся к тексту:
а) Universally recognized principles and norms of the
international law and international treaties of the RF.
б) Only one judge is usually required to hear and decide
a case in a district court.
в) However any court may sit as a court of first instance.
г) Financing of federal courts and justices of the Peas
from federal budget.
д) Federal courts are the Constitutional Court of the
Russian Federation the Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation Supreme Courts of the republics, regional
(Kraj, coul, oblast) courts and offers.
Упражнение №3
Закончите мысль:
а) Observance of the rules of court procedure
established by federal …………
б) Acceptance of compulsory execution of judicial
concision’s ………….
в) Financing of federal courts and Justices of the