Структура течения в плоском комбинированном канале в

Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics SB RAS
Influence of Pulse Energy
Deposition on Burning
Development in the Channel
V.A. Zabaykin, P.K. Tretyakov
7th International Seminar on Flame Structure, July 11-15 2011, Novosibirsk
Problems of Burning in Channels at Supersonic
Flow Speed
In channels at flow Mach numbers above 1.5 the transition from a
supersonic current to the subsonic one occurs in system of (direct,
oblique, λ-shaped) shock waves. The arising complex wave structure is
called a pseudo-shock.
Such type of a current exists in gasdynamic lasers, supersonic wind
tunnels and combustion chambers of scramjets. In the latter case the
organization of burning in pseudo-shock leads to an intensification of
mixing processes and raises intensity of burning.
However, a control of pseudo-shock seems to involve considerable
difficulties. In the report the new approach based on non-stationary
influence on pseudo-shock is shown.
Experimental Facility
(Supersonic Combustion Wind Tunnel with Arc Heater)
T0 = 1200-2700 K
W = 2 000 KWt
τ = 10 ÷ 100 s
Pseudoshock Structure
1 – поток (air flow)
2 – система скачков (shock train)
3 – область смешения (mixing region)
4 – область псевдоскачка (pseudoshock)
5 – распределение статического
давления по оси (pressure on axis)
6 – распределение статического
давления по стенке канала (wall pressure)
Shlieren images, P - var
Shlieren images of stationary positions of pseudoshock
Constant Area Channel
Канал постоянного сечения
Scheme of Flat Channel of Constant Cross-Section
Схема плоского канала постоянного сечения
( 20×40×565 mm )
1 – nozzle М=2; 2 – quartz windows 20 × 150 mm
The Applied Ways of Periodic Influence
Overlapped area of duct outlet
The oscillogram of work of pulse-periodic
Pseudo-shock Movement at External Periodic
The experiment scheme :
1 – nozzle М=2;
2 – channel with registration area;
3 – locations of pulse-periodic
plasma input.
Flat channel 40×20×565 mm, throttling – mechanical or by a pulsed plasmatron
Frequency of
influence f = 25 Hz
Videorecording: slow motion playback.
Without influence
Maximum displacement
Maximum re-entry
Experiments in the Axisymmetric Channel of Constant and
Variable Section, an Isothermal Stream
The scheme of the axisymmetric channel of constant section
( d = 50 mm, L = 550 mm)
1 – Tepler instrument IAB-451; 2 – mechanical choke; 3 – CCD-camera.
Refinement on dynamics of movement of pseudo-shock and
possibility of its registration in the axisymmetric channel
Possibility of exact registration of
pseudo-jump movement speed in
axisymmetric channel by optical
methods with the limited
possibilities of registration is shown
Look of the central part of pseudo-jump in the cylindrical channel
It is found out that at periodic disturbances the movement rate of gasdynamic structures isn't a
constant and has a maximum at 3-4 ms after a start of motion
Speed of movement of pseudo-shock upwards (a) and downwards (b) on the axisymmetric channel
at throttling frequency 12.2 Hz.
Speed of moving of pseudo-shock isn't a constant, and has a maximum in a middle part of a cycle
Experiments in the Axisymmetric Channel of Constant
and Variable Section, a High-Temperature Stream,
Hydrogen Burning
The axisymmetric channel of
constant section d = 50 mm
Cooled nozzle М=2 with a
hydrogen injector
The channel of variable section: 1 – nozzle, 2 – channel
D=50mm, 3 – expanding section, 4 – channel
D=90mm, 5 – exhaust system.
Flame look in channel windows at hydrogen burning
Diffusive and pseudo-shock burning modes in the
combined channel
The channel with сonstant and expansion sections
The power impulse shifts a diffusive
mode of burning into pseudo-shock
Diffusive mode
Power delivery point
Distribution of pressure and OH radiation for two
modes of burning
Pseudo-shock mode
- Periodic power influence on an isothermal air stream in the channel leads to
pseudo-shock moving up and down the stream;
- Speed of moving of pseudo-shock in an isothermal stream in axisymmetric
and rectangular channels at input of periodic disturbances is determined; its
value falls within the limits of 5-25 m/s. At the organization of burning the
speed of pseudo-shock decreases down to 1-2 m/s;
- At periodic input of disturbances the speed of movement of gasdynamic
structures isn't constant, and has a maximum at 3-4 ms after a start of
- It is experimentally established that for a mode with diffusive H2 burning a
short-term power impulse supply into a stream leads to a pseudo-shock
burning mode.