Большой экран

These words are too easy to understand we
needn’t explain their meaning.
Choose the correct ending.
A producer
A director
A writer
An editor
A director of
special effects
…organizes the special effects.
…organizes the money for the
…writes a script.
…plans how they can make a film.
… cuts the film and joins it
together the way director wants it.
1.Who is the author of the novel “ Gone with the wind ?”
2.What is the novel about?”
3.Who decided to make a film “ Gone with the wind ?”
4.Did he find an actress for the part of Scarlet at once ?
5.How did he meet Vivien Leigh?
6.When was the first screening of the film ?
7.What did the Mayor of Atlanta do on the day of the premiere ?
8.How many awards did the film win ?
9.Have you watched this film ?
10.What do you think about it ?
Translate the sentences.
1. « Унесенные ветром» - один из самых популярных романов в Америке.
2. Этот роман о прекрасной молодой женщине и о двенадцати годах ее жизни.
3. Скарлет выходит замуж за Рета Батлера, но она не любит его.
4. Давид Зельцник не мог никого найти на роль Скарлет.
5. Он искал в течение двух с половиной лет.
6. Но никто не подходил на эту роль.
7. В огнях пожара он увидел прекрасное лицо Вивьен Ли.
8. Вивьен Ли выиграла самую главную роль в истории кино.
9. Фильм длился почти четыре часа.
10.Какое то время после окончания фильма журналисты сидели молча.
11.Во время премьеры мэр Атланты закрыл все школы и офисы.
12.« Унесенные ветром» стал самым известным фильмом и заработал много денег.
13. Этот фильм завоевал много наград.
Read the text and find
facts about each of these
Margaret Mitchell
Vivien Leigh
David Selznick
Clark Gable
Scarlet O’ Hara
film - catastrophe
The Titanic sailed from England
She was the largest ship on the seas
The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank
A lot of people drowned in the
Leonardo DiCaрrio plays the poor
Jack Dowson
He meets Kate Winslet who plays
They fall in love
The Lion-King
it tells of the love between a lion ruler, Mufasa, and his
son Simba
Uncle Scar wants to rule
Rafiki helps Simba to reclaim his true destiny in the
‘circle of life’
“ The Lord of the Rings”
The Lord of the Rings were
filmed in 2001.
It’s a very complex work.
This film was made in New
Zealand. It took 15 months.
We can see a lot of modern
special effects.
P. Tolkien created his own
world inhabited by wizards,
elves, goblins and hobbits.
Frodo is given a dengerous
He must destroy the magic
ring which gives owner great
power. We think this film is
very interesting
Test to the topic “ The big screen”
Complete the sentences using the right word:
1. Music is very….. in a film.
a) important
b) dangerous
c) long
2. I like … . They are funny.
a) horror films
b) cartoons
c) detective films
3. Harry Potter is a …..
a) author
b) wizard
c) ghost
4. This film ….. the latest techniques to show special effects.
a) used
b) use
c) uses
5. This film is only…… now.
a) possible
b) impossible
c) possibility
6. British audiences will recognize famous actors and actresses….. the parts of the
witches and wizards.
a) play
b) plays
c) playing