Пр modal verbs

Modal verbs CAN, MAY, MUST and their
Модальные глаголы и их заменители
Be able to
Able to
1 Возможность:
Могу, умею, возможно
2 Разрешение:
3 Запрещение:
--------Able to
Will be able to
I can run very fast
He can speak French. Can he do sums?
You can get there by bus.
You can come at my time
Can I have a cup of coffee?
You can’t cross the street here.
. Rewrite
the sentences changing the tense form of
the modal verb (if necessary) adding the words in
I am sorry, I cannot come to your birthday party
(yesterday). 2. I speak very little French now, I
can understand it (when I finish school next
year). 3. He has always been good at Maths,
but even he cannot solve this problem
(at the last lesson). 4. Can I see the doctor
(now)? 5. There was a sign. I cannot take
pictures in the museum (when we were there).
6. Nobody can help me (then). 7. Can you do
this work (tomorrow)? 8. We can go to the
mountains (next year).
Translate the words in brackets using modal verbs.
1. He (не мог) decide what career to choose. 2. Jane (сможет
to pass the exams well, if she studies hard. 3. She (может)
apply for the job, but she has no experience. 4. Robert knew
a lot about the job, he (мог) get on-the-job training but his
father wanted him to take a course of studies. 5. (Смогу ли
я) attend evening classes if I take the job? 6. But she (не
смогла) do the job property and had to quit (уволиться). 7.
He (мог) play chess well but he (не смог) to win the game. 8
He knew what he wanted to be since he was six and he (смог
to persuade (убедить) his father to help him. 9. John (не
мог) pass the exams when he finished school but he (смог) to
retake it a year later. 10. He (мог) do the work by himself bu
together they (смогли) to finish it very quickly.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Я не смогу сдать этот тест. Он очень трудный. 2. Он
не смог сдать экзамен, он провалился. (fail) 3. В 16 лет
молодые люди не могут поступать в университет, они
должны сдать еще экзамены A-level. 4. После
экзаменов мы сможем продолжить обучение в
колледже.! 5. Сейчас трудно найти работу, боюсь, ты не
сможешь найти работу, когда получишь диплом. 6.
Можно мне поговорить с мистером Джонсоном? Я хочу
сказать ему, что не сшя4 встретиться с ним завтра. 7. В
16 лет он не мог решить, кем он хочет быть. 8. Я
надеюсь что я смогу принять решение, когда поговорю
с консультантом по выбору профессии. (Career
Adviser) 9. Я не смогу дать тебе книгу на неделю. 10.
Вы не сможете принять участие в а проекте (scheme),
если не сдадите экзамены.
Значения глагола could и его
эквивалента не всегда полностью
совпадают. В некоторых случаях could и
его эквивалент was/were able to
используются в разных контекстах:
could - постоянная способность делать
что-либо в прошлом - мог was/were
able to - имеет значение смог, удалось
-исключительная ситуация.
*I could read when I was 5.
*When he was 17 he could play chess
well. Once he even was able to beat the
Fill in could or was/were able to.
1. He spoke very little French when he was at
school, but he------ understand the language.
2. He was good at Maths, he ---------solve the
most difficult problems. 3.He was very strong,
he----ski all day and dance all night. 4. The
swimmer was very tired, but he---reach the
shore. 5. We wanted to go to the opera, but
we-- get the tickets. 6. After the accident, she---somehow walk home. 7. All three children ----swim as well as they--- walk. 8. He------repair
the byke but it took him a long time.
Complete the sentences using the correct form of can,
could, or be able to.
I----see you tomorrow. It was too expensive – I---buy it.----have a
word with you, please?
I generally leave work at six, but I----leave earlier on
------you help me carry this downstairs?
-----(she)-----come to the office
I tried to see her, but I---lift it.
I----come tomorrow, I'm afraid,
I'm too busy.
(you)-----contact your parents yesterday?
After I had tried for a few hours, I----open the door and get
I-----see you next Monday at ten.
They didn't come to the restaurant – they------- (not) afford it.
When they came back from Paris they---- speak perfect French.
Be allow to
Allowed to
Можно, разрешается
2Строгое запрещение:
Не смей
(воз) можно
were Allowed
Will be allowed
May I come in? Yes you can( may).
No, you can’t ( may not)
You may not leave the room until I say so.
You may often see such faces in the South of
Спросить разрешение сделать что- либо можно
следующим образом:
CAN/ COULD/ MAY/ MIGHT I borrow your pen?
Краткий отрицательный ответ на такой вопрос может
быть выражен следующим образом:
No, I don’t- просьба не делать этого
No you may not.- запрещение
No you must not- запрещение происходит не от вас это
No you can not- правилами законами и т.д.
Мы используем эквивалент модального глагола may ( be
allowed/ permitted to…) когда хотим подчеркнуть, что
разрешение/ запрещение исходит от кого- либо:
You are not allowed/ permitted to wait here
Rewrite the sentences putting them into the
He may play computer games after he finishes his homework. 2.
They may use dictionary during the test. 3. He may go there if he
wants. 4. She may go to Canada, if she has a 5. You may help if
you want to.
28. Rewrite the sentences using can, could, or may. Ask the permission
in different styles
I. I'd like to talk to you for a minute, Bill, (friendly) Can
I talk to you for a minute, Bill? 2. Mrs. White, I would
like to leave an hour earlier today, (formal) 3. I would
like to use your computer, (more elite) 4. I would like
to speak to Barbara, please, (polite) 5. I don't want
you to use the phone in the office, (formal) 6. I would
like to have some tea. (friendly) 7. Take my byke if
you want to (friendly) 8. I would like to give you the
answer tomorrow, (polite)
Ex. 29. Read the sentences and complete
them with the verbs in brackets.
In Britain you are not allowed to leave school or to
get married until you are 16. You cannot drive в car
until you are 17, you cannot drive a taxi until you are
21. You are allowed to vote at 18.
When you are 16 you (можете) ... and you (также
можете) ... but you (не разрешается) ...until you are
18.You (можете) ... at the age of 17. You (не можете)
... until you are 21.You (можете) ... at the age of 17
and you (можете) ... at the age of 18.I It seems silly
that you (разрешается) ... when you are only 16, but
you (запрещается) ... until you are 17.I think you
should (разрешать) ... a year earlier, when you are
17.If you (можете) ... at the age of 17 I don't see
why you shouldn't (разрешать) ... .
have to
be to
must have/has
had to...
am/is/are to...
was/were to...
1. долг, обязательство:
2. приказ,
настоятельный совет:
3. запрещение:нельзя,
will have to...
We must study hard.
I must buy some bread.
You must go there at once.
You must see the doctor
You mustn't smoke here.
have to - вынужден, придется (в связи с
Ann's eyes are not very good. She has to wear glasses
for reading.
Jane was feeling ill last night so she had to leave the
party early. be to - долженствование, связанное с
планом, договоренностью: должен Не is to meet us
at the station at five. This is Dora. She is
your room.
to share
(1) Для образования вопросительной и отрицательной формы эквивалента have to
используются вспомогательные глаголы
Why did you have to go to hospital?
Do you have to get up early at
Tom doesn't have to work on Sundays.
(2) Mustn't и don't have to имеют разные значения:
"не должен", "нельзя" (запрещение)
□You mustn't tell anyone what I said.
"не нужно" (отсутствие необходимости)
□She stayed in bed this morning
because she didn't have to go to work.
(З) Отрицательная форма глагола must (mustn't)
означает запрещение. Отрицательная форма
глагола need (needn't) выражает отсутствие
необходимости (не надо, не нужно):
May I do it? - Можно мне это сделать?
No, you mustn't. - Нет, нельзя. Must I do it? - Я
должен сделать это?
No, you needn't do it now. You may do it tomorrow if
you like. - Нет, не нужно. Можете сделать это
завтра, если хотите.
Ex. 30. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Explain the use of
must and its equivalents.
1. I must write to Ann. I haven't written to her for ages.
2. I am to meet Mother at the Metro S: at 5, I'm sorry,
but I have to hurry. 3. I have to get up at 6 every working
day. My day begins at 8 o’clock 4.You mustn't talk during
the test. I'll have to ask you to leave. 5. He had to leave
his native and look for a job.
A. must - have to
1. You ... follow my advice, there is no choice. 2. We
... walk all the way to the station, there no buses. 3. It
was very hot and we ... start early. 4. They ... show
you how to organize the work 5.I feel I... do
something to help the man. 6. The manager was
busy and we ... wait. The secretary has a lot of
duties: she ... type the documents and answer the
letters. 8. He ... sit up late when he was getting ready
for the exams.
Ex. 32. Translate the words in brackets.
I. It is getting dark so we (должны) go. 2. We
agreed to go to the library. We (должны) meet at
the metro station at 5. 3. Mother is away so we
(приходится) to cook our meals. 4. He (должен) be
there at 3 o'clock sharp, so he (придется) walk
very quickly. 5. David is ill. He (должен) take this
medicine. 6. I (пришлось) to wait for him for an
hour. 7. You (не должен) say anything if you don't
want to. 8. We don't have classes today. I (не
нужно) get up early. 9. You (должны) find the
mistake and correct it. 10. I (вынужден был) read
the rule twice before I understood it.
Ex. 33. Translate the sentences.
1. Мы должны спешить, уже без пяти девять. 2.
Мне придется бежать, чтобы успеть (catch) на
поезд. 3. Тебе незачем торопиться, лекция
начинается через полчаса. 4. Мне пришлось
долго идти пешком (walk). 5. Мне надо
переписать сочинение. 6. Я должен идти туда сейчас? 7. Я должен написать письмо своему другу.
Я волнуюсь за него. 8. Когда они приезжают? Они должны приехать в понедельник. 9. Вы
должны вставать рано каждый день?
Ex. 34. Put the correct form of must or have to in these sentences. Use
the negative or question if necessary and put have to in the correct tense.
In some sentences, two answers are possible.
1. I ... leave the party early last night - I wasn't well. 2. I'm
sorry, you ... smoke here. Smoking is not allowed here. 3.
The children are happy because they ... do any homework
today. 4. You ... get up early tomorrow if you want to catch
the bus. 5. ... (you) have a visa to come here? 6. It was a
very bad accident. You ... be more careful in future. 7. I've
told the children that they ... come home before ten on
Saturday nights. 8. ... (you) do military service in your
country when you were young? 9. It was a lovely holiday.
We ... do anything. 10. They were very rude. They ...
apologize the next day. 11. The teacher told us that we ...
work harder. 12. You ... get a passport before you go
abroad next month. 13. We ... come back by boat because
the airport was closed because of fog.
Имеет лишь одну форму. Выражает совет,
рекомендацию, порицание: должен, следует,
следовало бы, не нужно было.
*You should see a doctor.
*Should we take umbrellas with us?
You shouldn't wear a uniform for the party, you should wear
a nice suite
Совет, рекомендация.
Относится к настоящему или
будущему времени: следует,
You should stop smoking.
Tom shouldn't drive so fast.
Do you think, I should apply for the
Порицание, сожаление, упрек.
Относится к прошедшему
времени: следовало, нужно
The party last night was great. You
should have come. Why didn't you?
It was his birthday yesterday.
I should have sent him a birthday
Ex. 35. Give recommendation, ask for advice. Write the
second sentence, using should and the words given.
A.1. It's past the children's bedtime, (they/be/in
bed) They should be in bed. 2. Can't they see the "No
Smoking" sign? (they/not smoke/in here) 3. These
windows are dirty, (you/clean them more often) 4.
Peter drives too fast, (he/drive/more carefully) 5.
He owes (должен) you a lot of money, (you/not lend
him/any more) 6. There won't be much food at the
picnic, (we/take something/to eat?) 7. I'm not sure
what to wear at the party. (I/wear/a suit?) 8. He
says he can get us what we want, (we/pay him/now?)
9. The hotel is too expensive, (we/not stay/there 10.
It's her birthday next week, (maybe we/send her/a
B. Write sentences according to the model.
Model 1: I didn't drive along the coast.
/ should have driven along the coast.I didn't buy a map.
I didn't watch the signs.
I didn't bring enough money.
I didn't have traveller's checks with me.
I didn't plan my trip carefully.
Model 2: I took a trip, (stay home)
/ should have stayed home
I went by car. (plane)
I left on Wednesday. (Tuesday)
I took the scenic route, (main highway)
I got lost, (buy a map)
I arrived on Monday. (Saturday)
must or should
осознание долга
приказ: должен
запрет (mustn't):
нельзя, запрещено
Ann is ill. I must visit
her today.
Soldiers must obey
Passengers must not
speak to the driver.
совет, рекомендация
(should): порицание
(should (not) have...):
не следовало, не нужно
You really should stop
smoking. We got lost. You
should have a map!
(следовало, нужно было)
Ex. 36. Complete the sentences saying what is good or
right thing to do in this case, using should or should not.
1-------drive carefully on a busy road. 2---------- eat between
meals if you want to lose weight. 3--------go to the dentist
regularly. 4----------- lie in bed late every day.5---------- clean your
teeth twice a day. 6--------- eat a lot of sugar. 7-------- be
more careful. 8------ spend a lot of money.
Ex. 37. Which do you think is better - must or should?
I. You look tired. I think you ------- have a holiday. 2. Tell
your brother he---- come home at once! 3. People--------realize
that the world is in serious trouble! 4. It's a fantastic film. I----see it this week. 5. Visitors are reminded that they ------leave
their bags in the boxes downstairs. 6. I'm sorry, but you----leave. We don't want you here. 7. I'm gaining weight. I----go
on a diet. 8. You have you hair cut at least once a month.9.
You--------- wear a uniform to school. It's a rule.
Ex. 38. Fill in should or should (not) have and use the verb in
brackets in the corresponding form.
1. It's Christmas in a week. We------ (send)
Granny a postcard. 2. She took offence. You----(say) that. 3. I think teachers-----(be paid) more.
4. Why didn't you phone? You------ (phone) to
say you'd be late. 5. It's raining. You----- (take)
an umbrella. 6. It's too far to walk. We--- (take) a
taxi. 7. Now you've broken it. You--------- (read)
the instructions carefully. 8. I didn't know you
were coming. You---(call) me the day before. 9.
You have to get up early. You------ (set) your
alarm clock. 10. You are late. You-------- (be)
here an hour ago.
Ex. 39. Translate the sentences.
1. Завтра будет холодно. Следует надеть пальто. 2. Если
ты себя плохо чувствуешь, тебе следует показаться
врачу. 3. Ты провалился (fail) на экзамене. Тебе надо
было больше заниматься. 4. Ты не должен пропускать
уроки (miss). 5. В сочинении много ошибок. Тебе надо
было прочесть сочинение еще раз. 6. Почему ты
задаешь так много вопросов? Тебе следует знать это. 7.
Вечеринка была замечательной. Тебе надо было тоже
пойти. 8. Это очень полезная книга. Тебе надо было
купить ее. 9. Не нужно было никому рассказывать об
этом. Теперь все это обсуждают. 10. Ты не должен
шуметь, когда я работаю. 11. Я поговорю с Виктором.
Он не должен так себя вести (behave). 12. Вам следовало
пойти туда раньше и поговорить с ними.
Ex. 40. Use should or have to / had to.
1. I------send a telegram,
it was too late to send a letter. 2. You---find a lawyer
to. give you good advice. 3. There were no
buses yesterday. We ---walk home.
4. When you are driving, you ----- wear a seat
belt. 5. My eyesight isn't very good.
I----wear glasses. 6.
It's a good book, you--------- read it. 7. You
look ill. You------go
to bed and call the doctor. 8. He doesn't
understand much English, so I----speak to
him very slowly.
Ex. 41. Put should, must or have to in the sentences below, using
negatives or questions if necessary.
1. They----- be arriving in a few hours. 2. We---- go home at
twelve because my mother didn't feel well. 3. They insisted
that we -------have a meal. 4. There are no trains today, so we--to go by car. 5. I think you--------tell your parents you're
going to be late. They'll be worried. 6. You ---never do that
again! 7. The manager suggested that we---- try to find
another hotel. 8. You---- see that film if you get the chance. 9.
According to our information, the President------- be
reelected. 10. Do you think we-------ask before we borrow the
car? 11. You-----come if you don't want to. 12. You --be
smoking at your age. 13. He asked me anxiously what he----do next. 14. Do you think I ----tell the teacher what happened?
15. My boss told me that I ---- be late.
Ex. 42. Put in suitable positive or negative forms of have to, be allowed
to, be able to.
When Lucy's great-grandmother comes to stay, she notices how
things have changed since was a girl. "You don't realize how
lucky you are, Lucy! When I was a girl, we all 1------ wear thick
black stockings for school, even in the heat of summer. We 2--wear shorts at all - in fact, we 3 even be seen in trousers!
Nowadays, all you young people learn to drive. In my day, not
many people 4
afford a car. Luckily, my parents had one,
but I 5----often----drive it. My father thought women 6------drive at
all! You 7------take a driving test at all. You just bought
your car, and you 8-drive off in it without a single lesson.
When I was young, far fewer women 9--go to university.
Most of the places reserved for men. I went into teaching, as you
know, but when I got married, I automat10-----give up my job. I
don't think many women would get married today if they11---do
that, do you?"
DOUBT, SURPRISE Модальные глаголы для выражения
предположения, сомнения, удивления
Предположение "может быть", "возможно"
write (вообще)
be writing (сейчас)
have written (уже)
Не might work here. Он, возможно, здесь работает.
*Не might be waiting for you there. Может быть, он вас
ждет там.
*They may have closed the shop already. Они, возможно,
уже закрыли магазин.
Может быть/возможно, он
не…. Не may NOT...
Не may not know her address.
Он, возможно, и не знает ее адреса.
Он может и не знать ее адреса.
Не may not have come yet.
Он мог еще и не приехать.
Он, может быть, еще и не приехал.
"Might" выражает большую долю
сомнений, чем "may".
Ex. 44. Somebody is asking you about your plans.
You have some ideas but you are not sure. What
would you to say?
1. What are you going to do after you finish
school? 2. Do you plan to go to college? 3. Are
you going to join your father's company? 4. Will
you go to Technical school or University? 5. Are
you going to study law as your father or medicine
as your mother? 6. Are you planning to train for a
Model: I am not sure yet. / might look for a job.
I don't know yet
I haven't decided yet
Ex. 45. Express the same idea replacing the words
possibly, perhaps (возможно), may / might.
1.Perhaps Mrs Smart is right.
Mrs Smart may be right.
2. Perhaps he is at school.
3. Possibly the game will be on
4. Perhaps Misha is ill.
5. Possibly they are on the
He must
должно быть,
вероятно (почти
know (вообще)
be working (сейчас)
have left (уже)
Не must know her address. Он, вероятно, знает ее адрес.
*Не must be working now. Он, должно быть, сейчас
*Не must have already left. Он, должно быть, уже уехал.
Для выражения предположения, относящегося к будущему и в отрицательных предложениях must не употребляется. В этом случае
используются наречия probably, evidently.
*The weather will probably (is likely to) change tomorrow. Завтра
*погода, вероятно, изменится.
*Не probably didn't see her. Он, должно быть, не видел ее.
Ex. 46. Rewrite the parts in bold type saying
that you are almost certain.
1.Peter doesn't look at you. Obviously he is
angry with you. He must be angry with you.
2.He is very pale. I'm sure he is not feeling
look happy. You seem to be enjoying your
------------4. Your son has won a scholarship. Of course,
you are very proud of him---------------------- 5.
There is nobody in the classroom. Probably
they are in the lab--------------------
Ex. 47. Translate the words in brackets.
1. He (возможно)---be late at home. 2. He (должно
быть)--have fallen ill. 3. He (может быть)----have caught cold while playing 4.
Where is Mary? She (возможно)---be still
sleeping. 5. She (должно быть)------be tired. 6. She
----have been working, yesterday. 7.
Where is Mother? - She (очевидно)-------be in the 8.
She (возможно)---be watering the flowers. 9. I can't
find my text book(должно быть)----have left it at
school. 10. It (возможно) ----be in your bag. 11.
You (вероятно)-------have given it to Mike. 12. You
(возможно)------have forgotten to borrow it from the
Он должен быть там завтра. 2. Он может
быть там завтра. 3. Он, возможно, будет там
завтра. 4. Он, возможно, был там вчера. 5.
Он, по всей вероятности, был там вчера. 6.
Он должен был быть там вчера. 7. Вы,
наверное, ошиблись тогда. 8. Вы, возможно,
ошибаетесь. S. Вы должны исправить свою
ошибку. 10. Можно я исправлю ошибку в
тесте? - Нет, нельзя. " Ошибки в тесте
исправлять нельзя. 12. Вам следует знать
это. 13. Вы должны были переписать тест?
14. Нет, мне не пришлось переписывать тест,
я получил "хорошо".
I.Complete the conversation with the suitable verb.
Good morning. May (Must/May) I speak to Mr. Harris, please?
Secretary: I'm sorry. He
(can't/mustn't) come to the phone right
(May/Should) I take a message?
(must/may) get hold of him today. It's very
(Can/Must) you hold on? I think I hear him
Sure. Thank you.
Hi, Jack! What's up?
Listen. There's a big problem with the Larsen account (счет). I
(shouldn't/can't) figure it out! What do you think I (should/
may) do?
The Larsen account? Well, one thing you
(can't/shouldn't) do is
worry. I was about to call you. The reason you
figure it out is that the figures they gave us aren't accurate.
What?! No wonder I (can 't/ mustn 't) get it to work out. Thanks for
telling me!
Choose the correct verb underlined in each
Sorry I'm late. I had to/may go to the library.
My brother could walk/might walk before he
started talking.
George hadn't to wait/didn't have to wait long
for the bus.
Sam dropped the three glasses, but he might
catch/was able to catch one.
The weather forecast says it may rain/is to rain
III. Put a suitable modal verb in each
You're only wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
You---feel cold! This---be your bag. It hasn't
got your name on it. Perhaps you left your
book on the bus, or it--be at home. He
wasn't at school yesterday and I didn't see
him in the gym. No doubt he ----caught cold. Possibly Mary didn't hear what
you said or she------misunderstood you.
They-----left the country only yesterday. I
saw them in the shop.