Внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку "Музыка внашей

Автор: Рязанцева Нелля Алексеевна
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №2№ Амурская область г.Тында (с
указанием региона и населенного пункта):
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему «Музыка в нашей
Предмет: английский язык
Возрастная группа (класс): 9 класс
Название сценария: Музыка в нашей жизни.
Цель: защита проектов по теме.
1. Совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков.
2. Тренировать учащихся уметь защищать свою точку зрения.
3. Развитие навыков монологической речи, аудирования. Речевая
тренировка в умении отвечать на вопросы использовав прочитанную
4. Развитие умений делать обобщение на основе иллюстративного
5. Развитие языковой догадки.
6. Культурное обогащение речевой практики школьников.
7. Повышать интерес к английскому языку.
8. Уважать традиции стран изучаемого языка.
9. Привитие эстетического вкуса, интереса к музыке, развитие
художественного вкуса
Подготовительный этап: дети делятся на группы по направлениям жанров
музыки и готовят проекты по защите своих проектов.
Оформление зала, сцены, класса и др.: Мультимедийная доска, компьютеры,
диски, магнитофон, постеры различных певцов, проекты, карточки.
Ведущие, выступающие и помощники: ученики 9 классов.
Время реализации: 2 недели на подготовку и 50 минут мероприятие.
Авторский медиапродукт:
1. Презентация 29 слайдов (операционная среда Smart Board)
2. Вид медиапродукта: наглядная презентация учебного материала .
План мероприятия
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Hello, my dear children! I am glad to see you. Today we are having
an unusual lesson because our students have prepared some projects and we
are going to listen to them. But first of all I want you to guess one word. Look
at the blackboard, you can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in
each word, find it and write it down, please, each missing letter and say what
word is it?
( Идет презентация первого слайда и учащиеся записывают пропущенные
буквы и называют получившееся слово, слово появляется в конце
 senti__ental
Teacher: So you see the word is MUSIC and the topic of our lesson is “ Music
in our life”. Today we shall speak about different styles of music. Look at the
blackboard you can see a charming quotation, read it :
 P1.“ Music is a free art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the
sky, the sea.”
( Debussy)
( 2 слайд)
Music in my life.
 Music
is a free art, an openopen-air art, an art
boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea.
( Debussy)
T. Answer my questions, please.
( 3 слайд) и т.д.
Music in my life.
 What
role does music play in your life?
does music reflect?
 Where can we hear music?
 What do you think about when you listen
to music?
 What musical instruments are the most
 Do you like having background music
while you are working?
 What
1. What role does music play in our life?
P2. Music helps us to live and learn.
T. What does music reflect?
P3. it reflects our mood, our state, our soul, our style of life.
T. Where can you hear music?
P4. We can hear music everywhere: in shops, in concert halls, on TV, over the
radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and in the streets.
T. What do you think about when you listen to music?
P5 When I listen to music I dream about my future life.
P6. When I listen to music I want to sing and dance.
P7. When I listen to music I remember my happy days.
P8. When I listen to music I forget about my dark days.
P9. When I listen to music I see green fields, deep lakes and rivers.
P10. When I listen to music it makes me think of funny parties.
T. What musical instruments do you think are the most popular?
P1. To my mind the most popular instruments are: guitars, pianos, flutes, violins,
saxophones and drums.
T. If you could choose one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly,
what instrument would it be?
P2. I think it would be the piano or the guitar.
T. I think many students of your group can play the musical instruments,
can’t you?
P3,4. I can play the guitar ( the piano) very well.
T. Do you like having background music while you are working?
P5. Yes, I do. I like listening to music while I am working.
T. As for me I like music very much too. And now it is high time to listen to
your projects. Be very attentive because you will have a test and do some
( каждая группа представляет свои музыкальные проекты)
P1. I want to tell you about classical music. Serious music is called classical music.
As for me this kind of music is the closest to my soul. Classical music gives me
delight and pleasure. This music has been living for centuries. It addresses both our
senses and intellect. As for me I prefer musical pieces by Bach, Mozart, Paganini,
( идет презентация композиторов классической музыки)
(4 слайд)
Classical music
Serious music is called classical
(5 слайд)
Classical music.
Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 and died in 1750. He was a German
musician and composer, one of the best known and most admired of all time, wellknown for his organ music.
( 6 слайд)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 and died in 1791. He was an
Austrian composer whose works include 41 symphonies, piano concertos and
operas. Mozart began to compose music before he was five years old and
performed throughout Europe as a child.
(7 слайд)
( 8 слайд)
(9 слайд)
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Germany and died in 1827, one of the
world’s greatest composers. At the peak of his career, he began to lose his hearing.
But it didn’t interfere with his ability to compose. He wrote one of his most
powerful compositions- the Ninth Symphony- after he became completely deaf.
And now I want you to listen to a piece of his greatest work “ The Ninth
( учащиеся прослушивают отрывок «Девятой симфонии»)
P2. I am fond of jazz. Jazz was created in the USA by black Americans. It is a
mixture of many different kinds of music. It is a combination of the music of West
America, the work songs the slaves sang and religious music. Jazz bands were
formed in the late 1800-s. improvisation is an important part of jazz. Jazz became
more and more popular. Today, people all over the world play jazz. People who
like jazzalways remember Louis Armstrong, Fitzgerald, Miller, Davis. And now
let’s listen to jazz.
( звучит фрагмент музыки Армстронга)
( 10 слайд)
Jazz was created in the United States by
black Americans. It is a mixture of many
different kinds of music. It is a combination of
the music of West America.
( 11 слайд)
( 12 слайд)
(13 слайд)
(14 слайд)
(15 слайд)
P3. As for me I prefer to listen to rock music. It is a musical style where the singer
speaks or shouts the words.
( 16 слайд)
Rock music
 Rock
music or rockrock-andand-roll appeared in
the 19501950-s.
 The first rock music is connected with the
( 17 слайд)
The Rolling Stones
( 18 слайд)
The Doors
( 19 слайд)
Deep Purple
(20 слайд)
I want to tell you a few words about Elvis Presley. He was the King of rock music.
He was born in 1935 and died in 1977, an American singer and guitar player who
made rock’n’roll ( later called rock) popular in 1950s. from 1956-63, he was the
most successful and influential person in popular music.
( 21 слайд)
( 22 слайд)
The Beatles
And of course I want to tell you about The Beatles. It was one of the most
influential groups, first performing in 1959 in Liverpool. The group included: Paul
McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. At first, the group
performed music that was influenced by American rock’n’roll. However, their
experimental songs, imaginative lyrics and catchy melodies soon became very
popular. Their records were consistently top of the pop music charts in the 60s. the
Beatles split up in 1970.
( звучит фрагмент песни группы « Биттлз»)
P4. As for me I ‘d like to tell you about pop music.
( 23 слайд)
Pop music
 The
dictionary defines pop music as
“modern popular music of a simple kind
with strong beat and not usually of lasting
interest, liked especially by younger
You know many well-known names of pop music, they are:
( 24 слайд)
( 25 слайд)
( 26 слайд)
( 27 слайд)
I am fond of music and I want you to listen to a song written by Aguiliera.
( ученица исполняет песню Кристины Агилеры на английском языке и идет
презентация фильма сделанный учениками 9 класса под данную песню из
фильмов американских режиссеров)
T. My dear children you have listened and watched the students’
presentations and I want you to listen to me and do the following task:
complete my statements and put the right number to each kind of music.
( учащиеся слушают высказывания учителя и у себя на листочках ставят
номера высказываний к каждому типу музыки, а затем через слайд проверяем
правильность их заполнения)
T. 1. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern
electronic instruments. They are hard and heavy-metal styles.
2. It is an American style of music. It was created by black Americans. The
constant elements are improvisation.
3. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. But try to listen to it. It
is played by big orchestras.
4. This music live for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance
5. You can hear this music everywhere. There are a lot of musical groups who
performed this kind of music.
( 28 слайд)
Music in my life.
music symphony
T. And now read the text and do the acvtivities that follow.
Music is a language which speaks to everyone- from the day we are born we hear
music of some kind most of the days of our life. But there are many different kinds
of music as there are different languages, nd it is impossible to describe them all.
In the passage below there are a few well known types.
“Welcome to the concerts to the Gilbert’s Concert hail’ Look through the
programme and choose your music!”
You will hear
June 23d
Las Paloinas
This South American group play the traditional
tunes and sing
the popular songs of Peru and Bolivia.
June 30th
The Bad Bad Boys Punk music from one of the new waves of
punk bands coming out of California
July 14th
“Elvis Lives!”
He looks like Elvis! He sings like Elvis! Jimmy
Wild creates the great sound of the great rock singer- Elvis Presley.
July 21st
Ronnie Sonny
One of the world’s great jazz musicians excites
you with the wonderful rhymes of his saxophone.
July 23d
An Evening of Classical Music The Vienna Orchestra play some
of your favorite tunes- the timeless melodies of Mozart, Strauss arid Beethoven.
July 31st
Jamaica Inn
The West Indian Band plays reggae music that
will make you want to get up and dance. Listen and dance to the great reggae beat.
August 5th
“Sixties’ Nights”
Pop music from the 1960s played by Sam and
the Band. Remember the songs and the sounds of the pop greats- The Beatles, The
Beach Boys many more.
Which type of music do the performers play?
1. The Bad Bad Boys
2. Jimmy Wild
3. Jamaica Inn
4. Las Palomas
5. Sam and The Band
6. The Vienna Orchestra
7. Ronnie Sonnie
a). pop music
b). jazz
c). punk music
d). classical music
e). rock music
f). reggae
g). folk music
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Pop music reggea classical music folk music jazz punk
1._____________ is often played by a big orchestra in a concert hail.
2._____________ is often played by young people with guitars in a group.
3. _____________is usually played with brightly coloured hair.
4._____________ comes originally from black American musicians.
5. _____________comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a
long time.
6._____________ is popular for dancing in discos.
7. _____________is often played freely, not following written music.
T. My dear children, you’ve made good work today. I liked your music
projects and I am going to put good and excellent marks. Your task for the
next lesson to continue the poem I wrote myself “ Music in my life”. Our
lesson is over. Good bye!
( 29 слайд)
Music in my life.
I want to tell you a few words
About the music in my world.
When I wake up, I hear a song
That takes me into my own soul.
I want to sing it everywhere
At school, at home, anywhere.
The song that can’
can’t bring me fear,
I hope it will be forever.
Let’s sing songs altogether