Цель Задачи тренировать учащихся применять усвоенный лексический и

Цель: закрепить лексико-грамматический материал по теме « Погода».
1) обучающие:
тренировать учащихся применять усвоенный лексический и
грамматический материал в новых ситуациях общения в
монологической и диалогической речи.
развивать навыки говорения с полным пониманием прочитанного;
развивать навыки самостоятельной работы;
развивать эмоционально-правильную реакцию в ходе беседы;
развивать внимание, мышление, логику высказывания.
3) воспитательные:
воспитывать любовь и понимание культуры страны изучаемого языка;
воспитывать уважение к обычаям и культуре как своего, так и других
развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка, как
источника получения интересной информации и новых знаний.
Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, магнитофон.
Дополнительные средства обучения: раздаточный материал (карточки с
диалогом по теме «Погода»), презентация по теме «Погода. Времена года»,
мини – проекты по теме «Лето».
Оформление кабинета: плакаты по теме «Времена года».
Учебные пособия: УМК «Английский язык.4 класс, для общеобразовательных
учреждений/ Ю.А.Комарова, И.В.Ларионова, Ж. Перрет.- М.: ООО « Русское
слово – РС»: Макмиллан, 2011.
1.Ход урока.
1).Организационный момент: (T. - P.)
Good morning! Nice to see you!
What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today?
What’s the weather like today?
2).План урока.
What are we going to do at the lesson?
-repeat the words and the proverbs;
-sing a song;
-listen to the texts;
-read the texts and a dialogue, translate them and do the exercises;
-play the game;
-do the projects;
-speak on the topic of our lesson.
Look at the pictures! Complete the sentences and answer the question: “What is
the topic of our lesson today?” (Слайд 1)
Hot sunny rainy snowy
What is the topic of the lesson? (Слайд 2)
(The weather)
3).Фонетическая зарядка.
Sing a song!
The wind is blowing
And it is snowing,
It’s cold and it’s windy outside.
But don’t be frightened
Of the thunder and lightning.
It’s nice and warm inside.
Go to bed,
Rest your head,
And listen to the rain outside.
But don’t be frightened
Of the thunder and lightning.
It’s nice and warm inside.
4).Основная часть урока.
1. а). Listen to the text! What season is it? (Текст 1)
In September, October and November it is autumn. The children go to
school. The leaves are red and yellow and orange. It’s windy. The leaves always
fall off the trees and the children kick the leaves and play with them. It’s very
beautiful. (Слайд 3)
b). Read! Answer the questions!
In the autumn in America it is cold and windy. All the leaves fall off the
trees. The colours are beautiful in the autumn. Look at the orange and
yellow leaves. These children live in America. They love playing outside.
They always play leaves in the autumn.
1. Do the leaves fall off the trees in the spring? (No, they don’t.)
2. Do the children like playing outside? (Yes, they do.)
c). Let’s play the game “Who are you?”!
T.: I’m autumn. I’m windy and rainy. And who are you?
P 1: I’m September. I’m warm and sunny. And who are you?
P 2: I’m October. I’m cool and cloudy. And who are you?
P 3: I’m November. I’m cold and snowy. And who are you? ...
And now a new season comes.
2.a). Listen to the text! What season is it? (Текст 2)
In Britain December, January and February are the winter months. It
sometimes snows in the winter and it’s often cold. The girl and her friends play in
the snow and make snowmen. They throw snowballs and fall in the snow.
(Слайд 4)
b). Read and answer the questions!
In the winter in Russia it is usually very cold. There‘s a lot of snow. After
school the children throw snowballs in the parks. They often go skiing and skating.
These boys are sliding down the hill. They are having lots of fun!
1). Do the children go to the beach in the winter? (No, they don’t.)
2). Do they throw snowballs in the winter? (Yes, they do.)
3). Do they often go skating? (Yes, they do.)
c).Listen to the weather forecast! Who wants to be a TV presenter in London?
(Слайд 5)
P.: I’m John Black. I’m a TV presenter in London. It’s the 19th of February today.
And I tell you about the weather forecast in London today. Look! It’s the winter in
London. But the weather is changeable. It’s not cold, but it’s cloudy and rainy
today. The temperature is 1 degree below zero.
Listen to the weather forecast in Saint Petersburg! (Слайд 6)
P.: I’m_________. And I’m going to tell you about the weather in St. Petersburg.
It is the 19th of February today. The weather is dull (fine) today. The sky is grey
( blue) and cloudy (cloudless). It is not snowing, but it’s windy. The temperature
is 10 degrees below zero.
Good luck!
Listen to the weather forecast in Lomonosov! (Слайд 7)
P.: I’m _______________. Listen to the weather in Lomonosov. Today the
weather is fine. It’s not cold and snowy. It’s windy. The sky is
cloudy. The temperature is 10 degrees below zero. Thank you!
-Listen and do the actions!
Touch your head, touch your knees, touch your toes.
Touch your back, touch your ears, touch your nose.
Stand up straight, fold your arms, stand your feet.
Clap your hands, click your fingers and repeat.
Touch your head, touch your knees, touch your toes.
Touch your back, touch your ears, touch your nose.
Stand up straight, fold your arms, stand your feet.
Clap your hands, click your fingers. That’s neat!
4. a). Listen to the text! What season is it? (Текст3).
It is spring in March, April and May. It is sunny in the spring and the
flowers grow. It’s sometimes windy. This boy visits his grandfather in the spring.
They go to the farm.( Слайд 8).
b). Let’s remember the English proverbs about spring!
- April showers bring May flowers. - Апрельские ливни приносят
майские цветы.(Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.)
- Everything is good in its season. ( Всё хорошо в своё время.)
-It never rains, but it pours. - Дождь не просто идет, а льёт. (Беда не
приходит одна.)
-One swallow does not make a spring. ( Одна ласточка весны не делает.)
-Rain at seven- fine at eleven. ( Дождь в семь - ясно в одиннадцать.)
-The tree is known by its fruit. -Дерево узнают по его плодам. (Скажи
кто твой друг и я скажу, кто ты.)
c).Read and translate the dialogue! Act!
R: - Hi! I`m from Russia. Where are you from?
E: - Hi! I`m from England.
R: - What`s the weather like in England in spring?
E: - It`s rainy and warm. And in Russia?
R: - It`s cool, sunny and windy.
E: - That`s great! I like the spring very much!
5. a). Listen to the text! What season is it? (Текст4).
June, July and August are the summer months. It’s hot in the summer.
It’s sunny and the children go to the beach. They don’t go to school. It doesn’t
usually rain in the summer.(Слайд 9)
b). Finish your projects about the summer! Tell us about your projects!
1. “Summer. June.”
It is the summer. June is the first summer month. The weather is usually warm.
The trees are green. The flowers are red, white, blue and yellow. We like the
summer, because we like the hot weather and beautiful flowers.
2.“Summer. July.”
It’s July. July is the second summer month. It is very hot in July. We likes
swimming in the summer. We like the summer, because we have summer
3.”Summer. August.”
August is the third summer month. What do we do during the summer holidays?
We play football, volleyball and tennis. We like the summer, because we don’t go
to school.
5). Open your workbooks on p.49, ex.3! Write the months!
( учитель собирает рабочие тетради с письменным классным и домашним
T.: Give me your workbooks! I’ll check your workbooks to the
next lesson.
6. Рефлексия.
Что вы знаете по теме? О чем можете рассказать по-английски? Чему
научились? (Ответы учащихся)
T.: Your marks are «5» today.
7. Домашнее задание. ( W/b p.112-113).
8. T.: The lesson is over. Good bye!