RUSSIAN ADVANCED II NON-NATIVE (ELEMENTARY) ESSENTIAL UNIT 5 (E05) (Famous People) (July 2015) Unit Statement: The student will discuss famous people and tell about the person whom they like the most. Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery) 1. The Student Will apply vocabulary related to the professions, such as: писатель, поэт, художник, композитор, певец, and etc. 2. TSW apply superlative form of adjectives. 3. TSW ask and answer the questions using родился/родилась, вырос/выросла, стал/стала, умер/умерла. 4. TSW answer the question “В каком году...?” 5. TSW create a project about famous person Introduced/Practice Outcomes: (See Course Outcomes) 1. The Student Will make a list of the vocabulary words. 2. TSW practiced applying adjective to describe a person. 3. TSW review prepositions в/на. 4. TSW review selected verbs in Past tense. 5. TSW practice speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. 6. TSW develop listening and speaking skills through daily speaking routine (dialogues among students and teacher, and also peer conversations). 16 QSI RUSSIAN ADVANCED II EL E05 Copyright © 1988-2015 Suggested Materials: (Please see Course Outcomes) RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE……………………………. 17 QSI RUSSIAN ADVANCED II EL E05 Copyright © 1988-2015 RUSSIAN ADVANCED II (Elementary) Evaluation Rubric Essential Unit 5 (E05) (Famous People) (July 2015 Name: __________________ Date: _______________ Grade: ___________ ● ● To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSWs). To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery in 1 out of available ‘A’ level TSWs and ‘B’ level mastery on all of the remaining TSWs. ‘A’ LEVEL T SUMMARY S W 1 The Student Will memorize the vocabulary related to topic. ‘B’ LEVEL I recall the vocabulary related to topic. 2 TSW apply vocabulary related to the professions, such as: писатель, поэт, художник, композитор, певец, and etc. I appropriately apply vocabulary related to the professions, such as: писатель, поэт, художник, композитор, певец, and etc. 3 TSW apply superlative form of adjectives. I appropriately apply superlative form of adjectives. 4 TSW ask and answer the questions using родился/родилась, вырос/выросла, стал/стала, умер/умерла. I ask and answering the questions using родился/родилась, вырос/выросла, стал/стала, умер/умерла. I answer the question “Вкакомгоду...?” 5 TSW answer the question “Вкакомгоду...?” 6 TSW create a project about famous person. I create a visual project related to the topic. 18 QSI RUSSIAN ADVANCED II EL E05 Copyright © 1988-2015 I ask and answer the questions applying vocabulary related to the topic. ‘P’ Comments