(1) that (2)

Московский государственный лингвистический университет
Демонстрационный вступительный тест по английскому языку
Тест состоит из 50 упражнений (1-50), в каждом упражнении 5
заданий (a-e). Выполните их, выбрав необходимые по смыслу
варианты ответов. Укажите их номера в талоне ответов в
строчке, соответствующей номеру упражнения, под буквой
соответствующего предложения.
1. Прочитайте абзац А текста THE COMMON COLD и вставьте
пропущенные слова. Внесите номера выбранных вариантов в талон
A. _(a)_ 30 years there have been a lot of studies examining the
effectiveness of this vitamin. _(b)_ overview of _(c)_ suggests that this
vitamin does appear to decrease the symptoms of the common cold _(d)_ 23
per cent. Roger Odd says: “There is some proof it fights against the initial
infection, but there _(e)_ that it can make you better once you’ve caught a
a) (1) In the recent (2) Over the last (3) Over the latest
b) (1) A recent (2) The late (3) Recent
c) (1) some researchers (2) researches (3) the research
d) (1) on the middle of (2) on the average of (3) by an average of
e) (1 ) are no evidences (2) is no real evidence (3) are no actual proofs
2. Прочитайте абзацы B-E текста THE COMMON COLD. Для каждого
из пяти абзацев (А-Е, задания 1 и 2) выберите заголовок в соответствии
с его содержанием. Внесите соответствующий номер заголовка в талон
ответов. Внимание: заголовков больше, чем абзацев.
B. Far too many are prescribed unnecessarily for colds and flu viruses. In
a recent US survey, 60 percent of patients seen by family doctors for a
common cold were given one of the range available. Another study, in
Switzerland, found that they were effective only in the 20 per cent of
patients who had bacterial complications.
C. This herbal treatment based on root extracts is an increasingly popular
remedy, and supposedly boosts the immune system. In a recent German
trial, though, there were no significant differences between those who took
it and those who were given a placebo.
D. The oldest remedy around. It’s widely believed that breathing in water
vapour from a bowl or jug can ease the soreness and discomfort of a cold.
It is cheap and safe and some people find it helpful, though there’s no solid
evidence to back up the belief.
E. This is another remedy that doesn’t really target the virus itself. Like
vitamin C, it should be taken regularly to protect from an infection – by the
time a cold starts it’s probably too late. In eight recent trials, four showed a
benefit and the other four didn’t. Some people swear by its properties,
although the exact mechanism through which such a mineral affects the
common cold remains unclear.
3. Определите, является утверждение верным или ложным в
соответствии с текстом THE COMMON COLD (задания 1-2). Верный
вариант обозначьте цифрой 1, ложный – 2 в талоне ответов.
a) Vitamin treatment reduces the symptoms of the common cold by half.
b) Breathing in water steam has been around longest of all.
c) Doctors seldom prescribe antibiotics for colds and flu, though they are very
effective in many
d) There is solid evidence that herbal treatment of colds and flu is very
e) The effect of mineral treatment is mostly preventive.
4. Определите, к чему относятся следующие цифры в тексте THE
COMMON COLD (задания 1-2), выбрав подходящий по смыслу вариант
из правой колонки. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне
a) thirty (абзац А)
b) twenty-three (абзац
c) sixty (абзац B)
d) twenty (абзац B)
e) eight (абзац E)
(1) percentage of sick people
treated for a common cold
(2) percentage of patients with
(3) percentage of family doctors
(4) an average decrease
(5) a time period
(6) medical trials
5. Выберите синонимы к выделенным словам из текста THE COMMON
(задания 1-2) и укажите номера выбранных
вариантов в талоне
a) initial (абзац А)
(1) small (2) first (3) primary
boost (абзац C)
(1) improve (2) make feel more confident (3)
c) vapour (абзац D) (1) air (2) liquid (3) steam
d) soreness (абзац D) (1) anger (2) dryness (3) pain
e) target (абзац E)
(1) reach (2) affect (3) cure
6. Выберите подходящий по смыслу вариант предложения и укажите
его номер в талоне ответов.
a) I want (1)/ am wanting (2) to ask you a simple question.
b) He is willing (1)/ wills (2) to give us a second chance.
c) Do you prefer (1) / Are you preferring (2) tea or coffee?
d) Are you smelling (1) / Can you smell (2) something burning?
e) These shoes fit (1) / are fitting (2) me perfectly.
7. Какой частью речи являются следующие слова: (1) прилагательным,
(2) наречием,
(3) прилагательным и наречием? Укажите номер
выбранного варианта в талоне ответов:
a) friendly b) surely c) hard d) merely e) sickly
8. Выберите подходящее по смыслу прилагательное и укажите
соответвующий номер в талоне ответов.
a) Jim is very bored (1)/ boring (2) to listen to. He keeps telling the same old
b) Jane thinks she has seen a ghost. I’d be terrified(1) / terrifying(2) in a
similar situation.
c) Have you seen the fireworks? It must have been excited (1)/ exciting (2) to
d) John’s got another award. My life is not as stimulating (1)/ stimulated
(2) as his.
e) I’m not interesting (1)/ interested (2) any more. I have other plans.
9. Выберите
правильную форму сказуемого. Укажите номер
выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) When are (1)/is (2) the news on tonight?
b) Mathematics were (1) /was (2) my weakest subject at school.
c) Whose scissors is this (1) /are these (2)/ are this(3) ?
d) Her little daughter is still ill. Mumps takes (1)/take (2) a long time to get
e) Three thousand pounds are (1) /is (2) a large sum of money.
10. Закончите фразы, выбрав требуемый по смыслу вариант. Укажите
номер выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) Who ___ was there? (1) more (2) else (3) other
b) Let it boil for __ 5 minutes. (1) still (2) more (3) another
c) How __ times must I call you? (1) much (2) many more (3) more many
d) How __ can I help you? (1) more (2) other way (3) else
e) What __information do you have? (1) more (2) other (3) another
11. Вставьте it (1) или there (2) в следующие предложения. Укажите
номер выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) ___used to be a cafe here but it closed down last year.
b) ___ is likely to be another train later.
c) They live in the country. ___ must be very quiet there.
d) This building is now a small supermarket. ___ used to be an old garage.
e) ___ was my birthday two days ago. I entertained 10 people.
12. Образуйте прилагательные при помощи суффиксов и укажите
номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов:
(1) ful (2) ous (3) ive (4) ly (5) able (6) less
a) sense
b) reason
c) beauty
d) friend
e) impulse
13. Закончите следующие фразы и укажите номер выбранного
варианта в талоне ответов.
a) I don’t know where can I find the secretary (1)/ where I can find the
secretary (2).
b) She is wondering when does the show begin (1)/ when begins the show
(2)/ when the show begins (3).
c) Have you any idea how far is the airport? (1)/ how far the airport is? (2)
d) I can’t remember where is the car parked (1)/ where the car is parked (2).
e) He asked me how late was I working on Saturday (1)/ how late I was
working on Saturday (2)/ how lately I was working on Saturday (3).
14. Прочитайте диалог, выбeрите подходящий по смыслу модальный
глагол и вставьтe соответствующий номер в талон ответов.
- Tony _(a)_ into heavy traffic. It’s 6 o’clock already. He _(b)_by now.
- I am afraid he _(c)_ here for dinner.
- Actually, he _(d)_. I _(e)_ it though I have been in all evening and haven’t
heard the phone.
a) (1) must run (2) must have run (3) should have run
b) (1) should arrive (2) must arrive (3) should have arrived
c) (1) won’t be (2) shan’t be (3) will be
d) (1) can’t have called (2) might have called (3) must have called
e) (1) would have missed (2) could have missed (3) can’t have missed
15. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово и укажите его номер в
талоне ответов.
a) Some of the apartments are still empty (1) / vacant (2). We can find out
about the rent.
b) It’s been her sixth week abroad and she feels alone (1) / lonely (2).
c) She spent many days besides (1) / beside (2) her sick father's bed.
d) He suggested (1) / offered (2) going on holiday together.
e) They gave up (1) / turned down (2) our invitation.
16. Образуйте антоним при помощи одного из аффиксов и укажите
соответствующий номер в талоне ответов:
(1) il (2) un (3) ir (4) dis (5) in (6) im (7) ful
a) loyal
b) regular
c) joyless
d) perfect
e) direct
17. Закончите фразы, выбрав подходящий по смыслу вариант, и
укажите его номер в талоне ответов.
a) I met my friends yesterday. The evening was great! We had __ fun! (1)
such much (2) so much (3) so little
b) My brother is three but he is _ clever! He can read. (1) so (2) such a (3) so
c) We’re not prepared for __ hot weather. (1) so (2) such a (3) such
d) His Italian was __ poor that I had to translate everything for him. (1) very
(2) so (3) such
e) Judi was always __ intelligent woman. (1) a such (2) so (3) such an
18. Закончите фразы, выбрав подходящее по смыслу слово, и укажите
его номер в талоне ответов.
a) After so many years it’s great to see him __his ambitions.
(1) get (2) realize (3) deserve (4) reach
b) The review committee __ three practising doctors.
(1) consists (2) comprises (3) is made up (4) encloses
c) Don’t worry: there is nothing that __ you.
(1) matters (2) touches (3) concerns (4) complicates
d) As always, I am __with everything you say.
(1) agree (2) agreeing (3) agreeable (4) in agreement
e) I __ doubt whether he’ll do it.
(1) very (2) deep (3) absolutely (4) seriously
19. Употребите подходящий по смыслу артикль. Укажите номер
выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
(1) a (2) an (3) the (4) нулевой артикль
I am a journalist with “_(a)_ National Geographic”. I travel a lot in my job.
Last month I visited _(b)_ south-eastern Spain, I also went to _(c)_ north of
France. My next destination is _(d)_ Canaries in _(e)_ Atlantic Ocean.
20. Какое из четырех существительных не сочетается с указанным
прилагательным? Укажите номер выбранного варианта в талоне
a) administrative (1) error (2) post (3) product (4) procedure
b) commercial (1) labour (2) enterprise (3) proposition (4) development
c) economic (1) trends (2) growth (3) company (4) crisis
d) financial (1) security (2) forecast (3) reward (4) price
e) political (1) party (2) seller (3) environment (4) pressure
21. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу предлоги в следующие фразы и
укажите их номера в талоне ответов:
(1) on /(2) to/ (3) отсутствие предлога/(4) at /(5) of /(6) with /(7) in
a) When did you arrive ____ the station?
b) As we approached ___ the woods we saw a fox.
c) Sally’s got married ____ a friend of mine.
d) What is your opinion _____ the new play?
e) I’m not sure __his guilt.
22. Какие из приведенных глаголов могут употребляться с приставкой
OVER- (1), а какие не могут (2)? Укажите номера выбранных вариантов
в талоне ответов.
a) – estimate b) -state c) -rate d) -cut e) - play
23. Завершите фразы, выбрав правильные пары слов, и укажите их
номера в талоне ответов.
a) __ growth of mass tourism is __economic as well as a democratic good.
(1) a/a (2) the/an (3) нулевой артикль/an
b) __ United Kingdom has become ___sixth largest tourist destination.
(1) the/ world’s
(2) нулевой артикль / the world
(3) the/ the world’s
c) In recent years, __ number of holidaymakers travelling there has
surpassed the 20 __mark. (1) a/million (2) the/ million (3) the/ million’s
d) Their spending has exceeded $1600 __, more than __ most other invisible
(1) billion/ нулевой артикль
(2) billions/the
(3) billions/ нулевой артикль
e) However,__tourism is what __economists’ jargon describes as a positional
(1) the/the
(2) нулевой артикль /the
(3) нулевой артикль / нулевой артикль
24. Восстановите логическую последовательность предложений в абзаце
и внесите соответствующие номера, указанные после предложений, в
установленном Вами порядке в талоне ответов под буквой
соответствующего предложения.
a) She just took longer to open up. (1)
b) In fact, the reverse was true: (2)
c) Some time later we became close friends. (3)
d) When I first saw Jane I thought her to be reserved and quiet. (4)
e) Jane was a warm and friendly person, always eager to help. (5)
25. Определите, в каких предложениях редактор пропустил ошибку, а в
каких нет. В талонe ответов правильные предложения обозначьте
цифрой 1, неправильные – цифрой 2.
a) These students speak fluently Spanish.
b) He ran very fastly and won the competition.
c) Your cough sounds just terrible.
d) They built their house very nearly to ours.
e) The rescued people remained calm and friendly.
26. Из каждой группы выберите 1 слово, не относящееся к ней по
тематическому или грамматическому признаку, и укажите номера
выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов:
a) cracker (1) biscuit (2) doughnut (3) crisper (4)
b) handful (1) mindful (2) beautiful (3) dreadful (4)
c) computer (1) monitor (2) scanner (3) programmer (4)
d) legal (1) natural (2) arrival (3) logical ( 4)
e) doctor (1) nanny (2) nurse (3) paramedic (4)
27. Какой/е
из союзов/союзных слов по смыслу НЕ подходит к
данному контексту? Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне
a) I’ll finish the report __ I get home (1) when (2) a soon as (3) while
b) ____she has an important position, she gets an excellent salary.
(2) Although (3) Since (4) As
c) She worked very hard. __she got the sack. (1) All the same (2) Despite
(3) Nevertheless (4) Therefore
d) Jane graduated from university with an honours degree. Jill,___, has
very good
qualifications. (1) likewise (2) equally (3) in contrast (4) similarly
e) As far as the management is concerned, he is a perfect employee. His
colleagues, __,
know that he is extremely lazy. (1) however (2) still (3) moreover
28. Определите ударный слог в глаголах и существительных. Если
ударение падает на первый слог, внесите цифру 1 в талон ответов,
если на второй – цифру 2.
a) export b) to import c) commerce d) record e) to contrast
29. Закончите диалог, выбрав правильную реплику в соответствии с
коммуникативной ситуацией, и укажите номер выбранного варианта в
талоне ответов.
a) Hi, how are things?– (1) Badly, thanks (2)Not bad, thank you (3) Nothing,
thank you
b) Help yourself to some more biscuits. – (1) I can’t help myself (2) Thank
you, not (3) I think I’ve had enough, thank you.
c) Good luck with your test! – (1) Thanks, I need it (2)I’m always very
unlucky (3) I don’t need it, I’m well-prepared.
d) Would you like some more tea? – (1) I would (2) I wouldn’t say no (3)Yes,
give me more tea
e) Take care! – (1) Bye, see you soon! (2) I’m always careful (3) And you.
30. Какие глаголы являются (1) правильными, (2) неправильными, (3)
имеют правильные и нeпрaвильные формы. Укажите номер выбранного
варианта в талоне ответов.
a) to lean b) to strike c) to fill d) to show e) to fly.
31. Какие из пар рифмуются? Внесите соответствующий номер пары в
талон ответов.
a) aid - lad (1) aid – laid (2) laid – lad (3)
b) promise – coerce(1) promise - commerce (2) coerce – commerce (3)
c) fast – caste (1) haste – caste (2) haste – fast (3)
d) sew – sue (1) tow – sue (2) tow – sew (3)
e) live – sieve (1) sieve - Steve (2) live- Steve (3)
32. Выберите правильное объяснение разговорного выражения и
укажите номер выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) The task is anything but easy.
(1)The task is very easy. (2) The task is difficult.
(3) The task is
b) He is too clever by half. (1) He is stupid. (2) He is exceptionally clever. (3)
He is generally clever but sometimes does stupid things.
(4) He is too
confident about his abilities and that is why he is annoying.
c) You cannot be too careful. (1) You mustn’t be careful. (2) You’re not
required to be very careful. (3) You should do everything possible to avoid
problems. (4) You can be careless sometimes.
d) I couldn’t care less what you think. (1) A polite way of saying that you’re
not interested (2) A friendly way of saying that you’re not interested (3) A
rude way of saying that you’re not interested
e) For all I know, she is away. (1) I wonder if she is away. (2) I don’t really
know if she is away. (3) I am sure she is away.
33. Закончите идиоматические выражения, выбрав подходящий по
смыслу вариант, и внесите номер выбранного варианта в талон
a) It rains like _____ .
When the mother told
Jack off, he really took it
c) I missed school again. Now
I’m in the headteacher’s ___.
d) My sister can’t make up
her mind. She keeps ___.
e) Mary is a brilliant student.
She stands___ above anyone
else in the school.
1) dogs and cats.
2) cats and dogs.
3) cats and mice.
1) mind.
2) ear.
3) heart.
1) black books.
2) blue prints.
3) white paper.
1) getting on and off.
2) blowing hot and cold.
3) jumping up and
1) head and shoulders
2) hand and foot
3) eyes and eyebrows.
34. Выберите фразы, в которых не нарушен традиционный порядок
слов, и укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов:
a) Ann plays often tennis (1)/ Ann often plays tennis (2).
b) I’m not going to school next week (1)/ I’m not going next week to school
c) She closed quietly the door (1)/ She closed the door quietly (2).
d) We’ll meet a lot of young enthusiastic competent professionals at the
We’ll meet a lot of enthusiastic competent young
professionals at the workshop (2).
e) They usually don’t smoke here (1)/ They don’t usually smoke here (2).
35. Завершите фразы, вставив отрицательные местоимения, и укажите
соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.
(1) no (2) none (3) neither (4) nothing
a) I took some photographs but ___of them came out.
b) Will you have tea or coffee? - ___. I’m not thirsty.
c) Even the boss could do___to help him out. Unbelievable!
d)____news is good news.
e) Have you got any small change? - No,___.
36. Из 9 предложений выберите 5, в которых корректор допустил
ошибки, и укажите их номера в талоне ответов в порядке следования.
1) The birthday cake smells deliciously.
2) She’s got seven brothers and sisters.
3) He looked angrily at me but said nothing.
4) Do you know their new proposal? Sounds interestingly, doesn’t it?
5) The company went internationally 10 years ago and is now one of the top
6) I keep seeing somebody hiding in the bush.
7) I’m seeing her later today.
8) Sorry, I’m busy now. I taste the rice to see if there’s enough curry in it.
9) On hearing the news, she went red.
37. Завершите фразы, вставив подходящие по смыслу варианты, и
укажите соответствующие номера в талоне ответов.
much (1), many (2), a lot (3), few (4), a few (5), some (6)
a) I must run. I haven’t got __ time.
b) Jane feels lonely here, she has ___ friends.
c) He gave me ___ advice.
d) The library is very small. There are only___books and magazines.
e) He is very popular and goes out __.
38. Закончите придаточные определительные предложения, выбрав
подходящий по смыслу вариант,
и укажите номер выбранного
варианта в талоне ответов.
a) I don’t like stories ___ have a predictable plot. (1) that (2) who (3) which
(4) with (5) they
b) I didn’t believe them at first but in fact everything___ was true. (1) they
said (2) what they said (3) as they said
c) Mary’s been going on about her new job ____ very much. (1) that she’s
enjoying (2) which she’s enjoying (3) she’s enjoying (4) she’s enjoying it.
d) What’s the name of the girl ____ book you’ve borrowed? (1) who’s (2)
which (3) whose (4) her
e) Bob never turned up, ___ was a pity. (1) that (2) it (3) what (4) which
39. Выберите официальное название национальности и внесите номер
выбранного варианта в талон ответов.
a) The people who live in Switzerland are called (1)the Switzerlanders (2)the
b) Someone from the Netherlands is called (1)a Hollander (2)a Dutch (3)a
c) The people who live in Germany are called (1) the Germanics (2) the
d) Someone from Denmark is called (1) a Danish (2) a Dane
e) If you are from Iran, you are called (1) an Iranese (2) an Irani (3) an
40. Закончите фразы, выбрав подходящее по смыслу слово, и укажите
номер выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) You need a passport to cross the _____ between Mexico and the Unites
(1) edge (2) border (3) line
b) The hotel where we are ____ is quite luxurious.
(1) living (2) remaining (3) staying
c) It can be quite busy here during the tourist ___.
(1) period (2) phase (3) season
d) The brochure says the hotel has a great ___of the sea.
(1) look (2) sight (3) view
e) I live in Barcelona, but my ___town is Madrid.
(1) birth (2) origin (3) home
41. Какой из отрывков написан в более официальном стиле, а какой - в
менее официальном?
Официальный стиль обозначьте
цифрой 1,
неофициальный – цифрой 2 в талоне ответов.
a) I saw a great movie last night. It’s called The Score, and it’s about a
De Niro is fab as one of the robbers, and Ed Norton is really cool! Great
twist at the end, too. I recon it’s gonna win loads of Oscars.
b) I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know how long I will have
to wait from the date of my order until the equipment is installed.
c) As requested, I have visited the three outdoor cinemas currently taking
part in the film festival. I have compared them in terms of ticket pricing,
comfort, sound quality and picture quality.
d) Oh, I really don’t fancy going to the cinema tonight. Can’t we just stay in
and watch a movie on TV or do something?
e) Furthermore, your advertisement stated that the DVD contains interviews
with the stars and the director. The copy which I received unfortunately
contains the film and nothing more.
42. Прочитайте предложения из рекламного буклета о курорте
Torequento в левой колонке и выберите из правой колонки варианты,
передающие истинный смысл этих предложений.
a) Torequento is a popular
b) A convenient bus runs to
the beach
every half an
c) It is only a few minutes
walk from your hotel to
exciting nightclubs.
d) Bring your books for lazy
days at the pool.
e) You will learn to love the
traditional local dishes.
(1) There is nothing to do
but read.
(2) You won’t like the food
at first.
(3) It’s very noisy and you
won’t be able to sleep.
(4) It’s a long way from
the sea.
(5) It’s busy and your hotel
probably isn’t finished.
43. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу вариант
и укажите
соответствующий номер в талоне ответов.
a) We ___ a swimming pool put in this week. (1) have ordered (2) are having
(3) had got
b) Why don’t you get a doctor ___ at your arm? (1) to look (2) look (3)
c) Stuart is thinking of having ___. (1) shaving his head (2) his head shaving
(3)his head shaved
d) We ___ while we were on holiday. (1)were burgled our house (2) had
burgled our house (3) had our house burgled
e) We wanted to have a live band __ at our wedding. (1) to play (2) play (3)
to be played
44. Что обозначают следующие реалии? Укажите номер выбранного
варианта в талоне ответов:
a) The Union Jack (1) a famous football team (2) the national flag of the
United Kingdom (3) a literary character
b) The Big Apple (1) a type of apples (2) a popular name for New York City
(3) a popular name for Los Angeles
c) The Fame Academy (1) a popular English TV show (2) an educational
institution (3) a charity organisation
d) R’n’B (1) a pop star (2) a music style (3) a traditional English folk
e) fish and chips (1) a popular children’s game (2) a traditional American
holiday (3) a traditional English dish
45. Выберите подходящий по контексту синоним и укажите номер
выбранногo варианта в талоне ответов.
a) You fall for his trick every time! You’re so ___!
trusting (1)/trustworthy (2)
b) Paul can do any difficult job. He is absolutely ___ in his attention to
meticulous (1) / fussy (2)
c) Don’t let other people take advantage of you. Learn to be more ___.
arrogant (1) / assertive (2)
d) He is always polite, cheerful and ___ with everyone all the time.
friendly (1)/ familiar (2)
e) At the age of 15 she was far from attractive: too tall, angular and ___ .
slim (1)/ skinny (2)
46. Выберите подходящую по смыслу ответную реплику и укажите
соответствующий номер в талоне ответов.
a) I can’t remember his name. (1)Neither I can. (2) So can I. (3) Nor can I.
b) Is he going to join us? (1) I think yes. (2) I think no. (3) I don’t think so.
c) I’ve had a sandwich. I’m not hungry. (1) Are you? I am. (2) Aren’t you? I
am. (3) Aren’t you? I do.
d) She could never understand the reasons for her father’s leaving. (1) So
could I. (2) Never did I. (3) Nor did I.
e) I hope it’s not going to rain. (1) I hope not too. (2) I hope it is. (3) I hope so
47. Задайте грамматически правильные вопросы к выделенным
отрывкам фразы и укажите номер выбранного варианта в талоне
a) There were a lot of guests at the party. (1) Were there a lot or a few
guests at the party? (2) Were there much or little guests at the party? (3) How
many guests were there at the party?
b) He plays the guitar very well. (1) Does he play the guitar well? (2) Does
he play the guitar well or unwell? (3) How well does he play the guitar?
c) This room is mine. (1) Who’s room is this? (2) Whose room is this? (3)
Who lives in this room?
d) We’ve bought an Opel. (1) Which type of a car do you have ? (2) What
make have you bought? (3) What make is your car?
e) He’s eaten it all by himself. (1) By whom was it eaten? (2) Who ate it all?
(3) Has he left anything for us or has he eaten the whole cake?
48. Выберите правильный вариант ответа и укажите номер
выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
a) Is the English Cabinet headed by the Queen, the President or the PrimeMinister?
1) By the Queen, I think. 2) By the President. 3) By the Prime-Minister. 4) By
none of them.
b) Is Edinburgh the capital of Scotland?
1) No, it isn't. 2) Yes, it was. 3) Glasgow is the capital of Scotland. 4) I think
c) Is Oxbridge a British or an American university?
1) Neither. 2) It is a university in the south of Great Britain. 3) It's a symbol
of a first-rate education, combining the names of the two old British
universities - Oxford and Cambridge. 4) It is not a university. It’s a bridge
over the River Ox.
d) New York is the seat of the US Government, isn't it?
1) I think so. 2) No, it doesn't. 3) So it's not. 4) Washington is the seat of the
US Government, not New York.
e) Where is the English Cabinet of Ministers located?
1) Oxford Street 10 2) Downing Street 10 3) Wall Street 11 4) Fleet St 10
49. При помощи данных предлогов/ наречий образуйте фразовый
глагол и укажите номер выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
(1)out (2) down (3)off (4) into (5) of (6) on
a) We got ___the bus as soon as it stopped and ran home.
b) When the war broke __ they joined the army.
c) I can’t finish the report - my computer’s broken___.
d) It turned ___ later that he was the son of a lord.
e) They all burst __laughing at the expression on her face.
50. Выберите подходящее по смыслу дополнение и укажите номер
выбранного варианта в талоне ответов.
(1) предложное (2) беспредложное
a) Shall I repeat __you what I’ve said?
b) You’ve lied __ me again!
c) It would give me pleasure to prove ___ John right.
d) Did they show __you the new house?
e) I can’t explain __ you how to use the system.