X Международная дистанционная олимпиада «Эрудит» Английский язык 9 класс I тур

X Международная дистанционная олимпиада «Эрудит»
Английский язык
9 класс
I тур
Task 1: Who is that? Write the names and dates of reigns of Britain’s kings and
queens according to portraits and descriptions (max - 18 points).
She reigned for 63 years.
German was her first
language. She also spoke
English and French. But she
didn’t speak English well.
One of her great passions
was for art.
She revered the ideal of
family life.
The British population more
than doubled during her
assassination attempts.
 He was a talented musician
and composer.
 He had six wives, two of
which he had beheaded and
two of which he divorced.
One died in child labour
and the other survived.
 He loved court life with its
 She was the daughter of
Henry VIII.
 She became queen at the
age of 25.
 Her reign is known as
because she made England
strong and prosperous.
 She reconciled Catholic
and Protestant Churches.
He was born in Britain and
used English as his first 
She was the 40th
British 
He fought the Vikings,
and then made peace so
He ended a nine year war 
with France.
He had a maddening
disease called porphyria. He
died blind, deaf and mad at
Windsor castle.
He didn’t want to be a king.
He preferred a family life
with his wife and 2 little
girls, as the Duke of York.
He suffered from a speech
He was a good King.
She opened New Art
Gallery in Buckingham
Palace in 1962.
that English and Vikings
settled down to live
He encouraged people to
learn and he tried to
govern well and fairly.
 She had the name “Bloody
 She was keen to make
England a catholic country
once again. Many people
were killed for being
 He became the king at the
age of 9.
 He was an intelligent boy
and excelled at all
 He introduced a uniform
 It was believed that he
Task 2: Read the text and match the headings (A-E) to the paragraphs (1-4) in
each text. There is an extra heading you do not need (max - 4 points).
A. A lot to see
B. Used by the Army
C. Home to royalty
D. Ancient traditions live on
E. A national symbol
1. ____ Edinburgh Castle, situated high above the
city on Castle Rock, was once the home of the
kings and queens of Scotland. The 700-year-old
Crown of Scotland is still on display there, and the
Royal apartments include a tiny room where the
future king of England, James I, was born in 1566.
2. _____ The Castle was the site of many battles with the English. Over the centuries
it survived many attempts to destroy it, that is why many Scots see it as a symbol
of their own survival.
3. _____ Visitors to the Castle will see a military guard at the gate, because the castle
is still the headquarters of the army’s Scottish
Division. The famous Military Tattoo is also held
here every August. This is a spectacular three-week
festival of bagpipe and band music, marching and
displays by Scottish regiments.
4. _____ Edinburgh Castle houses exhibitions of
Scottish history and a collection of armour and
weapons. As well as what there is to see inside, the
castle’s hilltop position offers the best views of the city.
Task 3: Choose the best variant (max - 12 points).
1. The king was not interested … court at all.
A. in
B. at
C. of
2. How much does it cost to stay at … Grand Hotel?
A. a
B. the
C. –
3. You will never guess who’s coming … tonight.
A. up
B. round
C. at
4. The problem was … that they expected.
A. seriouser
B. more serious C. most serious
5. How often do they … the shopping?
A. do
B. make
C. –
6. I hope that she … keep it a secret.
A. will be able to B. will have to C. will be allowed
7. They agreed … in the main square at 8.30.
A. to meet
B. meeting
C. meet
8. You will enjoy your stay here if you … to our street signs.
A. will pay attention B. pay attention C. give attention
9. … English is a world language.
A. –
B. a
C. the
10.Look! There … an accident. Call an ambulance.
A. has been
B. have been
C. was
11.That magnificent … temple was constructed by the English.
A. eight-centuries old B. eight-century’s old C. eight-century-old
12.In her dreams she sees herself crossing …Sahara Deseret.
A. the
B. a
C. –
Task 4: Think of one best word that can suit the gap (max - 20 points).
One of the most powerful women who ever lived 1)… Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Elizabeth (1533-1603) was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and was
2)… as the Virgin Queen or Good Queen Bess. She was 25 years old when she 3)…
Queen and ruled England 4)… 44 years until 5)… 69. She was
tall and slender with fair skin and had curly red hair.
In the 1500s there was a major rivalry on the seas 6)… the
ships of Britain and Spain over control of trade in the New
World. King Philip II of Spain 7)… to settle the question once
and for all by invading and conquering England itself. Philip
assembled a huge fleet of warships 8) … as the Spanish
Armada and in 1588 sailed into the English Channel.
During the nine-9)… battle, the smaller, more
maneuverable British ships met the Spanish Armada and
inflicted terrible losses. Spanish ships that sailed away encountered foul weather and only
a few ever returned 10) … Spain. Following the defeat of the Spanish Armada, Britain
became the dominant world power and remained so for centuries.
Task 5: From Alfred the Great, in the ninth century, to Elizabeth II today, 56 very
talented men and women have reigned as kings and queens of England. Many of
them were given nicknames. Think of 5 most interesting from your point of view.
Write down them and explain why Britain’s kings or queens got them (4-7 sentences
about each person) (max - 16 points).
Max – 70 points
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