Модуль 4. - Российский новый университет

Рабочий учебник
Фамилия, имя, отчество студента _________________________________
Факультет ______________________________________________________
Номер договора__________________________________________________
И. Н. Мороз – кандидат педагогических наук
О. А. Горбачева – старший преподаватель кафедры иностранного языка
Рецензент: Н. П. Миничева – кандидат филологических наук, доцент МГОУ
А. И. Чумаченко– декан факультета иностранных языков МЭЛИ
советом РосНОУ
БАЗОВОЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МОДУЛЯ............................................... 4
УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ И СОКРАЩЕНИЯ ............................... 5
СОДЕРЖАНИЯ МОДУЛЯ ................................................................ 6
1. Лексика ................................................................................................... 6
Модуль 1. “Hello! It’s me”.
2. Грамматика ............................................................................................ 14
Модуль 2. “The Place I Live In”.
Модуль 3. “Daily Life”.
Модуль 4. “Leisure and Pleasure”.
Модуль 5. “On the Move”.
Модуль 6. “It’s a Small World”.
Модуль 7. “The Body and the Soul”.
Модуль 8. “Shopping and Eating out”.
Модуль 9. “It’s a Fine Day, isn’t it?”
Модуль 10-12. “English for Specific Purposes”.
В предлагаемом модуле рассматриваются лексические темы «Свободное время. Хобби», «Праздники. Отдых». Дана система будущих времен в действительном залоге, представлены основные модальные глаголы
и их эквиваленты.
Для студентов Российского нового университета
Общие сведения ..............................................................................
Будущее Простое время (The Future Simple Tense) .......................
Будущее Длительное время (The Future Progressive Tense) ..........
Будущее Совершенное время (The Future Perfect Tense) .............
Будущее Совершенное Длительное время
(The Future Perfect Progressive Tense) ............................................
3. Лексика ................................................................................................... 34
4. Грамматика. Модальные глаголы ......................................................... 42
4.1. Основные модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты .......................... 42
4.2. Выражение долженствования ......................................................... 49
4.3. Выражение предположения ............................................................. 50
КЛЮЧИ К ЗАДАНИЯМ ........................................................................... 53
КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ....................................................................... 74
ЛИТЕРАТУРА ............................................................................................ 78
© И. Н. Мороз, 2005
© О. А. Горбачева, 2005
© РосНОУ, 2005
Свободное время и способы его проведения. Любимое занятие. Виды
хобби. Будущие времена в действительном залоге. Будущее простое время.
Употребление времен в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточными условия и времени. Будущее длительное время. Будущее совершенное время. Будущее совершенное длительное время. Система времен
глагола в действительном залоге (обобщение). Виды отдыха. Активный и
пассивный отдых. Основные модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Глаголы can, may, must и их эквиваленты.
Различные оттенки и способы выражения долженствования в английском языке.
Различная степень уверенности и способы выражения предположения в английском языке.
Am.- American – американский вариант.
Br. – British – Британский вариант.
A – adjective – прилагательное.
Ad – adverb – наречие.
N – noun – существительное.
N-s – существительное во множественном числе (если оно подчиняется
общему правилу образования множественного числа).
N’s – существительное в единственном числе в притяжательном падеже.
N-s’– существительное во множественном числе в притяжательном падеже.
Nu – numeral – числительное.
V – verb – глагол.
V-s – форма 3-го лица единственного числа настоящего простого времени.
V-ed – форма прошедшего простого времени или причастия II правильного
V-ing – форма причастия I или герундия.
V2 – форма прошедшего простого времени.
V3 – форма причастия II.
smb. – somebody – кто-либо.
smth. – something – что-либо.
Syn. – синоним.
etc. – et cetera – и т.д.
1. leisure time – свободное время.
Syn. spare time
2. a hobby – хобби
3. different –разный
4. to take up / to give up – заняться чем-либо / бросить что-либо
5. favourite pastime – любимое времяпровождение
6. to be popular with – быть популярным среди
7. to stay in – оставаться дома
8. to stay indoors (outdoors) – находиться дома / на улице
9. to watch TV (television) – смотреть телевизор
10. the news – новости
11. serials, soap operas (soaps) – сериалы, «мыльные оперы»
12. a talk show – «ток шоу»
13. a game show – игровое шоу
14. sports programmes – спортивные программы
15. a documentary – документальный фильм
16. to listen to music – слушать музыку
17. a record, a CD – запись, компакт-диск
18. classical music – классическая музыка
19. folk music – народная музыка
20. to go to the concert – идти на концерт
21. to play computer games – играть в компьютерные игры
22. to surf the Internet – «путешествовать» по Интернету
23. to read – читать
24. fiction – художественная литература
25. comics – комиксы
26. an adventure story – приключенческий роман
27. a love story – любовный роман
28. a short story – рассказ
29. poetry – поэзия
30. science fiction – научная фантастика
31. a detective story –детектив
a historical novel – исторический роман
a newspaper – газета
a magazine – журнал
a journal – журнал (обычно научный)
a glamour magazine – журнал мод
an issue – номер, выпуск
to go to the theatre – идти в театр
a performance (show) – представление
a play – пьеса
to go to the opera / ballet – идти на оперу, балет
to get a takeaway – заказывать / покупать готовые блюда домой
to go out (for a meal) – идти развлекаться (поесть)
to go to a café / bar / the pub – идти в кафе/бар/паб
to have a drink – выпить
to go to a club (go clubbing) – идти в клуб
to go dancing – танцевать
to go to the cinema (movies)– идти в кино
a feature film – художественный фильм
a thriller – триллер
a (romantic) comedy – комедия (фильм для семейного просмотра)
a horror film – фильм ужасов
a western – вестерн
a cartoon – мультфильм
a musical – мюзикл
a blockbuster – боевик
to get a video – взять кассету напрокат
to go to the park – идти в парк
to go for a walk – идти гулять
Syn. to go walking
to walk the dog / take the dog for a walk – гулять с собакой
to keep pets – держать домашних животных
to go to the aquapark / waterpark – идти в аквапарк
the zoo – зоопарк
the circus – цирк
tо go shopping – идти в магазин
to have friends over (round) for dinner – приглашать друзей
to go over (round) to smb’s house – идти в гости
Syn. visit smb
68. to go for a drive / ride – покататься на машине
69. to have a party (barbecue) – устраивать вечеринку (шашлыки)
70. casino – казино
71. to gamble – играть в азартные игры
72. to collect coins / stamps / toys / badges / posters – коллекционировать
73. a collection of – коллекция чего-либо
74. to have (take) classes – посещать занятия
75. handicraft – ручная работа
76. photography – фотография
77. to take pictures (of) – фотографировать
78. knitting – вязание
79. sewing – шитье
80. embroidery – вышивание
81. cooking – готовка
82. gardening – садоводство
83. to go traveling – путешествовать
84. board games – настольные игры
85. to play cards/chess – играть в карты/ шахматы
86. to do jigsaw puzzles – собирать «паззлы»
87. to do crosswords – решать кроссворды
88. to draw (paint) – рисовать
89. to play musical instruments – играть на музыкальных инструментах
90. to play the guitar / the piano / the flute – играть на гитаре/пианино/
91. leisure centre – развлекательный центр
92. to go in for sports – заниматься спортом
93. to do sports / play sports – заниматься спортом
94. to be good at sport – быть хорошим спортсменом
95. to go to the gym – ходить в спортзал
96. to go cycling – кататься на велосипеде
97. to go for a run / jogging – заниматься бегом
98. to go rollerskating – кататься на роликах
99. to go hiking/camping – ходить в походы
100. to take (go to) keep-fit classes – ходить на тренировки
101. to do aerobics – заниматься аэробикой
102. to play bowls – играть в боулинг
103. to play billiards / pool / snooker – играть в бильярд
1. like
be fond of
be interested in
2. When I am not studying
3. I am (really) into smth.
4. Whenever I get the
5. I spend a lot of time
6. I prefer
7. I am proud of my
8. Sometimes I feel like
Любить делать что-либо
+ doing
Мне действительно нравится…
Как только у меня появляется
свободное время
+ doing
dancing to
Я провожу много времени,
Я предпочитаю танцы бегу.
Я горжусь своей коллекцией.
+ doing smth
Иногда мне хочется…
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык:
1) On Sunday I had my friends over for a late dinner.
2) Surfing the Internet is extremely popular with young people today.
3) Let’s go clubbing tonight.
4) I’m most interested in cooking, it’s my favourite pastime.
5) I’ve taken up sewing recently but I’m thinking of giving it up.
6) Are you good at swimming? - I believe I am.
7) At the moment she is taking yoga classes and she is really enjoying it!
8) Do you prefer collecting different things to playing sports?
9) Yesterday we got a Chinese takeaway and spent the evening in watching
a new thriller with de Niro.
10) Whenever I get the time I go for a drive with my dog.
Упражнение 2. Какие слова соответствуют данным определениям?
1) stories about imaginary future developments in science and their effect
on life (usually about future);
2) a place where one can enjoy different activities – doing sports, watching
a film in the cinema, eating in a restaurant;
3) slow and steady running, usually for exercise;
4) a TV programme in which people play games for prizes;
5) to invite friends to your place;
6) to gather objects for a period of time as a hobby;
7) games which are played on a special board of wood, card, paper;
8) an activity which one enjoys doing in one’s free time;
9) to take a long walk in the country, usually for pleasure or as a sport;
10) a film which gives facts and information and doesn’t tell a story.
Cooking, volleyball, tennis, crosswords, walking, sports, basketball, cycling,
aerobics, bowls, hiking, jogging, jigsaw puzzles, football, billiards, rollerskating,
gardening, shopping
Упражнение 3. Дополните предложения словами из рамки:
Упражнение 5. Выберите соответствующий перевод выражения из
предложенных вариантов:
get a video
is fond of
a. to give up a hobby
are going over
2) фотографировать
take up
a. to take pictures
1) выбрать хобби
b. to take up a hobby
c. to begin a hobby
b. photography
c. to take paintings
b. to do sports
c. to go sport
b. to go clubing
c. to go clubbing
b. jogging
c. walking
b. to be fond of
c. to be proud of
3) заниматься спортом
1) My granny … knitting. This winter she’s knitted two pairs of mittens for us.
2) What do you think of this …? I think it’s a really … film.
3) I’ve decided to … painting. Maybe I’ll be good at it.
4) Can you play the …?
5) We … to Mary’s place tonight.
6) If I have … time I’ll attend … classes.
7) My friend … reading historical … . I will give him another one as a
birthday present.
8) Jack is so … of his collection of toys. Indeed it’s quite interesting and
even … in some way.
9) Sally would like to go to a … in the Bolshoy theatre some day. She is
really interested in …
10) Let’s stay in tonight, … and just relax.
a. to make sports
Упражнение 4. Распределите слова по трем колонкам (два слова
возможно разместить в два столбца):
8) идти в зоопарк
4) ходить в клубы
a. to make clubbing
5) бег
a. runing
6) гордиться
a. to be proud in
7) хотеть сделать что-либо
a. to feel like to do
a. to go to the zoo
b. to feel like doing
c. to like
b. to go to zoo
c. to go to the circus
9) приглашать друзей в гости
a. to visit
b. to go over to smb
c. to have friends over
b. to do crosswords
c. to make crosswords
10) решать кроссворды
a. to crossword
Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What are you fond of doing in your free time?
2) What kinds of books do you enjoy reading and why?
3) Do you often go clubbing? Why or why not?
4) What kinds of films do you like watching and why?
5) What things would you like to collect?
6) What board games are you good at?
7) What musical instrument can you play?
8) What sports do you go in for?
9) What music do you like listening to?
10) What hobbies would you like to take up?
Упражнение 7. Прочитайте текст:
Dan is a good friend of mine. He is a young man of 25. Two years ago he
graduated from university and now he works as a doctor at a hospital. I can’t say
he has some special hobby, but there are a lot of things which he finds enjoyable
and exciting.
One of his favourite pastimes is surfing the Internet. He likes to chat and
he has made a lot of friends in the I-net. Dan also spends a lot of time studying
the information on medical research, new discoveries and new medicines.
Whenever he has some spare time he goes to the theatre. Dan is not a real
theatergoer, but he is fond of watching drama performances, especially at the
Lenkom theatre. He likes the stage design and the good acting of the leading actors
of this theatre. It’s not easy to get tickets for the shows and they are quite expensive
too, but Dan doesn’t mind spending money on the things he is interested in.
Dan goes in for sport with pleasure. His job is most tiring and he needs a lot
of energy. In summer he enjoys jogging and keep-fit classes, and in winter he
goes skiing and trains in the gym. He is good at cycling and basketball as well.
As he goes to work by subway he has a chance to read books while he is
on his way. Reading is one of Dan’s hobbies, too, I suppose. He never misses a
single bestseller! He prefers science fiction to other kinds of literature, but he is
also fond of reading classical literature. His favourite writer is V. Nabokov. Dan
thinks his style of writing is exceptionally refined and the plots are intriguing.
At weekends Dan has a good rest. He doesn’t like to go to nightclubs but
he likes to invite friends over and to cook light meals for them. Strange as it may
seem, Dan likes cooking. He believes men are better cooks than women. Most of
all he is proud of his meat and vegetable dishes. On Saturdays Dan and his girlfriend
Pam often go out for a meal in some national food restaurant. Sometimes they go
to the cinema. Pam likes romantic comedies but Dan thinks they are boring, he
prefers horror films and thrillers so that’s always a bit of a problem what film to
watch. From time to time they just get a video and have a quiet evening in eating
takeaway food.
Dan is constantly short of time but still he is dreaming of taking up rollerskating
and learning to play billiards. He hopes he’ll try these sports when he has his summer
vacation. He would also like to learn to play some musical instrument, for example
the guitar but unfortunately he doesn’t have an ear for music.
Упражнение 8.
а) определите, верны ли данные утверждения (разместите номер предложения в соответствующие столбцы таблицы):
don’t know
1) Dan thinks that reading is a waste of time.
2) Pam’s favourite films are romantic comedies.
3) Dan’s job is very tiring.
4) Dan likes to watch cartoons.
5) Dan doesn’t go in for winter sports.
6) He is not fond of clubbing.
7) Dan doesn’t like to go shopping.
8) Dan would like to take up snowboarding.
9) Most of all he enjoys the performances at the Lenkom.
10) Dan doesn’t spend much money on his hobbies.
b) Продолжите предложения:
1) In summer Dan takes …
2) He enjoys cooking …
3) His favourite writer is …
4) Dan will learn to play billiards when …
5) He goes to work by …
6) Dan has made a lot of friends …
7) The tickets to the Lenkom theatre are … and … to get.
8) In the Net he looks for information on …
9) Sometimes Dan and Pam spend an evening in eating…
10) Dan likes reading …
c) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1) Why is V.Nabokov Dan’s favourite writer?
2) Do Pam and Dan go out at weekends? Where do they go?
3) What winter sports does Dan play?
4) What kinds of films does Dan like to watch?
5) Why does Dan like the Lenkom?
6) Is he a passionate theatergoer?
7) What kind of restaurants does Dan like to visit?
8) Dan often invites his friends round, doesn’t he?
9) What sports would Dan like to take up?
10) In what way does Dan use the Internet?
Вспомогательные глаголы shall и will в разговорной речи обычно употребляются в краткой форме:
Упражнение 9. Перескажите текст и расскажите о том, как Вы проводите свое свободное время.
Упражнение 10. Задайте 10 вопросов о любимом занятии и свободном времени своему предполагаемому собеседнику.
последовательность действий
I, we shall
Perfect Progressive /
Perfect Continuous
которое будет
происходить в
момент времени
результат, завершенность до
момента времени
или другого
действия в
действие, которое
будет продолжаться
уже некоторое
время до определенного момента
времени или
другого действия
I, we shall
be V-ing
have V3
be V-ing
have been
not have V3
not have been
He’ll be here tomorrow.
He won’t be there tomorrow.
(Будущее Простое время)
I. Образование
Будущее простое время образуется с помощью вспомогательных
глаголов shall и will и первой формы глагола. Глагол shall употребляется
только с местоимениями I и we.
We shall/ will work
2.1. Общие сведения
We shan’t / won’t go to the country soon.
I shall / will work
Система времен английского глагола.
Будущее время
Progressive /
We’ll go home soon.
He will work
She will work
It will work
You will work
They will work
I shall not (=shan't)/ will not
(=won't) work
We shall not =shan't)/ will
not (=won't) work
He will not (=won't) work
She will not (=won't) work
It will not (=won't) work
You will not (=won't) work
They will not (=won't) work
Shall I work?
Shall we work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will you work?
Will they work?
II. Употребление
Будущее простое время употребляется для выражения
1) повторного, обычного действия в будущем или постоянного признака в будущем:
John will go clubbing every day in summer.
Jane will be good at sport.
2) нескольких последовательных действий в будущем:
On Sunday Millie will get up later than usual, take a shower and have
breakfast with her family.
3) однократного действия в будущем:
Don’t worry, I shall do it tomorrow.
В предложениях с будущим простым временем употребляются следующие слова:
tomorrow (завтра), next week / month / year (на следующей неделе / в
следующем месяце / году), in a day / week / month / year (через день /
неделю / месяц / год), и т.д.
Употребление времен в сложноподчиненных предложениях
с придаточными условия и времени
В сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточными условия и времени, относящихся к будущему, употребляется не форма будущего простого времени, а форма настоящего времени. Так, будущее время не употребляется после:
If it rains we shan’t go for a walk tomorrow.
When I come home I’ll go to bed at once.
As soon as Mary does all the housework she will ring you up.
Before the boys go cycling he will help his mother.
After they are back to town they will tell us everything about
their trip.
Ann won’t get another video film until she returns the film she
has taken earlier.
The Smiths will join us on Sunday unless they leave the town.
BY THE TIME By the time you come here everything will be ready.
(Будущее Длительное время)
I. Образование
Будущее длительное время образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов shall и will, be и –ing формы глагола (причастие I). Глагол shall
употребляется только с местоимениями I и we.
I shall /
will be working
We shall/
will be working
He will be working
She will be working
It will be working
You will be working
They will be working
I shall not (=shan't)/
will not (=won't) be working
We shall not =shan't)/ will not
(=won't) be working
He will not (=won't) be working
She will not (=won't) be working
It will not (=won't) be working
You will not (=won't) be working
They will not (=won't) be working
Shall I be working?
Shall we be working?
Will he be working?
Will she be working?
Will it be working?
Will you be working?
Will they be working?
II. Употребление
Будущее длительное время употребляется для выражения действия,
которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем. Этот момент может быть обозначен как точным указанием времени (в два часа 1го декабря), так и другим действием в будущем (когда ты мне позвонишь,
когда придет мама и т.д.):
We shall be writing a dictation at twelve next Wednesday.
Tom will be looking through a newspaper when you come tomorrow.
(Будущее Совершенное время)
I. Образование
Будущее совершенное время образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов shall и will, have и третьей формы глагола (причастие II). Глагол shall употребляется только с местоимениями I и we.
(Будущее Совершенное время)
I. Образование
Будущее совершенное время образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов shall и will, have и третьей формы глагола (причастие II). Глагол shall употребляется только с местоимениями I и we.
I shall /
will have worked
We shall/
will have worked
He will have worked
She will have worked
It will have worked
You will have worked
They will have
I shall not (=shan't)/
will not (=won't) have worked
We shall not =shan't)/
will not (=won't) have worked
He will not (=won't) have worked
She will not (=won't) have worked
It will not (=won't) have worked
You will not (=won't) have
They will not (=won't) have
Shall I have worked?
Shall we have worked?
Will he have worked?
Will she have worked?
Will it have worked?
Will you have
Will they have
II. Употребление
Будущее совершенное время употребляется для выражения действия,
которое завершится к определенному моменту в будущем, который может
быть обозначен как точным указанием времени (к двум часам 1-го декабря), так и другим действием в будущем (к тому времени, когда ты мне
позвонишь, когда придет мама и т.д.):
They will have written the dictation by twelve next Wednesday.
Tom will have looked through the newspaper by the time you come tomorrow.
(Будущее Совершенное Длительное время)
I. Образование
Будущее простое время образуется с помощью вспомогательных
глаголов shall или will, have, been и –ing формы смыслового глагола (причастие I). Глагол shall употребляется только с местоимениями I и we.
I shall / will have
been working
We shall/ will have
been working
He will have been
She will have been
It will have been
You will have been
They will have been
I shall not (=shan't)/will not
(=won't) have been working
We shall not =shan't)/will
not(=won't) have been working
He will not (=won't) have
been working
She will not (=won't) have
been working
It will not (=won't) have
been working
You will not (=won't) have
been working
They will not (=won't) have
been working
Shall I have been
Shall we have been
Will he have been
Will she have been
Will it have been
Will you have been
Will they have been
We shall have been doing the exercise four two hours by the end of
the lesson.
They will have been doing the exercise four two hours by the end of
the lesson.
II. Употребление
Употребляется для выражения действия, которое начнется в определенный момент и будет продолжаться в момент наступления другого действия или в точно указанное время:
I shall have been working here for two years by the end of June.
John will have been doing the exercise for half an hour when his mother
comes home from work.
Форма Будущего совершенного длительного времени употребляется
достаточно редко, кроме того, данная форма обычно не употребляется в
отрицательных предложениях. В таких случаях чаще используется форма
будущего совершенного времени.
By this time next year Fred won’t have studied here for three years.
Способы выражения будущего действия
Будущее действие может выражаться
1) формами будущего времени различных групп (Future Simple, Future
Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive – см. выше);
2) формой Present Progressive и оборотом to be going to do smth
(собираться что-либо сделать), когда речь идет о запланированном заранее действие:
I’m leaving Moscow tomorrow morning.
She is going to enter the University this summer.
3) формой Present Simple, в том случае, если мы говорим о расписании, начале работы и т.д. (например, движение транспорта, начало спектакля или киносеанса):
The train leaves at five p.m. tomorrow.
The performance starts at seven sharp, don’t be late.
Упражнение 11. Определите, в каком из будущих времен переводится каждое из предложений группы:
a) Future Simple
c) Future Perfect
b) Future Progressive
d) Future Perfect Progressive
 К июню я прочитаю все любовные романы этой писательницы.
 Когда ты придешь завтра, я буду читать книгу.
 Когда ты придешь завтра, я буду читать книгу уже два часа.
 Я буду читать по одной книге в день на каникулах.
Упражнение 12. Дополните предложения вспомогательными глаголами shall или will:
1. We … often meet next summer.
2. … you be glad to see Jim here again?
3. I think your son … be good at sport, he is quite strong.
4. I … go to the theatre or cinema every day during the holidays.
5. Don’t worry, I … walk your dog tomorrow evening, you can stay in the
6. He … go to the bar with his girlfriend.
7. … they go out for a meal or stay at home?
8. … we surf the Internet? I need some information for my paper.
9. He … never go to the opera, he doesn’t like classical music.
10. Let’s go out, … we?
Упражнение 13. a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) They will write a letter to their relatives next week.
(-) They will not / won’t write a letter to their relatives next week.
(?) Will they write a letter to their relatives next week?
1. I’ll read some adventure stories, I promise you.
2. She’ll go to the concert next Saturday.
3. This song will be very popular with young people.
4. We’ll have friends over for dinner.
5. My sister will take keep-fit classes soon.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: My brother will be a graduate next year.
– Yes / No: Will my brother be a graduate next year?
– When:
When will my brother be a graduate?
– Who:
Who will be a graduate next year?
– Tag:
My brother will be a graduate next year, won’t he?
– Or:
Will my brother be a graduate next year or in two years?
6. Our father will go jogging to lose some weight.
– Yes / No
– Why
– Who
– Tag
– Or
7. Tim will never play cards with us.
– Yes / No
– Who … with
– Who
– Tag
– Or
8. We’ll play ball and swim in the river in summer.
– Yes / No
– When
– Who
– Tag
– Or
9. I shan’t return home late.
– Yes / No
– Where
Я буду гулять каждый день на каникулах.
К двум часам я уже уйду гулять.
К пяти часам я уже буду гулять достаточно долго.
В три часа я буду гулять.
Тина будет танцевать в клубе каждое воскресенье.
В восемь часов она будет танцевать в клубе.
К двенадцати ночи она станцует уже все танцы и уйдет домой.
Когда ты придешь в клуб, она будет танцевать уже час.
Мы будем ходить на концерты каждую субботу.
Не опаздывай, к двум мы уже уйдем на концерт.
Где ты будешь в два часа? – Я буду ехать на метро.
Мы будем ехать уже полчаса, когда выедем за пределы Московской
Бабушка будет смотреть сериал на следующей неделе.
Бабушка будет смотреть сериал в три часа.
Бабушка будет смотреть сериал уже час, когда внуки придут из школы.
Бабушка посмотрит сериал к тому моменту, как внуки придут из школы.
2.2. Будущее Простое время (The Future Simple Tense)
– Who
– Tag
– Or
10. They will spend their spare time playing bowls.
– Yes / No
– How
– Who
– Tag
– Or
Упражнение 14. Выберите правильный вариант:
1. If you … tonight, we can go out.
a) are not working
b) don’t work
c) won’t work
2. You look tired. I … you with the housework.
a) am going to help
b) help
c) will help
3. Jenny missed some lessons, her friends … her tomorrow.
a) will visit
b) are going to visit
c) visit
4. … you … anything special on Sunday evening, Ann?
a) are … doing
b) do … do
c) will … do
5. The book is very interesting, I’m sure you … it.
a) are going to enjoy
b) enjoy
c) will enjoy
6. It’s raining, I think I … out today.
a) am not going
b) won’t go
c) don’t go
7. We … a party next week-end.
a) are having
b) shall have
c) have
8. I’m getting dressed, I … you when I am ready.
a) am going to tell
b) tell
c) will tell
9.The sky is black, it … .
a) is going to rain
b) rains
c) will rain
10.You look smart. … you … somewhere?
a) are … going
b) do … go
c) will … go
Упражнение 15. Поставьте данный в скобках глагол в нужной форме, обращая внимание на употребление времен в сложноподчиненных предложениях:
1. If it …(to rain) (1) we … (to stay)(2) indoors.
2. My brother … (to play)(3) computer games when we … (to buy)(4) a
3. John … (to go) (5) for a drive if he … (to buy) (6) a new car.
4. If you … (to be) (7) free on Sunday we …(to have) (8) a party.
5. If the weather … (to be) (9) not fine Kate and her friends … (to play)
(10) board games at somebody’s place.
6. If you … (to help) (11) me to finish my work I … (to go) (12) rollerskating.
7. We … (to cook) (13) barbecue if we …(to have) (14) a party outdoors.
8. If you …(to travel) (15) much you …(to take) (16) many pictures of
the sights.
9. When it … (to be) (17) summer boys … (to go) (18) cycling every day.
10.If you …(to gamble) (19) you … (to lose) (20) a lot of money sooner
or later.
Упражнение 16. Выберите нужную форму глагола из предложенных вариантов:
1. I … to the party tonight.
a) go
b) am going
c) will go
d) shall go
2. – We have no bread. – OK, I … some on the way home.
a) am going to buy b) buy
c) buys
d) will buy
3. If it … I … out.
a) won’t rain,
b) doesn’t rain,
c) doesn’t rain,
d) won’t rain,
shall go
go out
will go
4. Ron … spend his holidays in the country.
a) will
b) shall
c) goes to
d) is going to
5. I am sorry, I can’t join you, I … tomorrow.
a) shall work
b) am working
c) work
d) will work
6. Tom had a late night yesterday. I am afraid he … his classes!
a) will oversleep
b) is going to oversleep c) oversleeps d) is oversleep
7. Betty is happy, she … to Italy in two days.
a) will go
b) shall go
c) is going
d) goes
8. Tell us when you … ready.
a) will be
b) shall be
c) is
d) are
9. If you … to bed so late every day, you … awful.
a) will go, will feel b) go, will feel
c) go, feel
d) will go, feel
10. I think you … a good time during your vacation.
a) will have
b) are going to have c) have
d) shall have
Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Завтра мы пойдем на шашлыки, если не будет дождя.
2. Если хочешь, останемся дома.
3. Я не пойду в гости завтра, я буду смотреть спортивные программы.
4. Так тепло! Пойдем в парк?
5. Если готовка – любимое занятие вашей невесты, вы будете счастливым мужем.
6. Моя подруга собирается заняться аэробикой на следующей неделе.
7. Думаю, твой сын будет собирать монеты, марки или значки, когда
будет постарше.
8. Летом мы пойдем в поход.
9. Мы пойдем потанцевать в ночной клуб?
10. Моя работа не будет готова завтра, я ее не сдам преподавателю.
2.3. Будущее Длительное время (The Future Progressive Tense)
Упражнение 18. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. What will you be doing at seven in the evening? Shall we go out?
2. I think I’ll be doing nothing, just lying on the sofa.
3. The boy will be watching cartoons all day long if you don’t tell him to do
his homework.
4. Will you be at home at ten a.m. on Saturday? - No, I’ll be playing tennis.
5. What time will you be having your lesson tomorrow? I don’t want to
disturb you.
6. If you buy a computer your children will be surfing the Internet all days
and nights long.
7. The students will be taking their Economics exam at this time tomorrow.
8. I’ll be waiting for your here at twelve.
9. Do you think it will still be raining in two hours?
10. She won’t be writing her paper so late.
Упражнение 19.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) John will be writing an essay at twelve tomorrow.
(-) John will not / won’t be writing an essay at twelve tomorrow.
(?) Will John be writing an essay at twelve tomorrow.
1. Mary’s son will be reading comics when she comes home after work.
2. We shall be working in our garden at ten in the morning.
3. In an hour they will be watching a new science fiction film on TV.
4. Nancy will be looking through glamour magazines all day long.
5. I shall be having my English lesson at four p.m. on Monday.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: Hilary will be travelling abroad in June.
– Yes / No: Will Hilary be travelling abroad in June?
– When:
When will Hilary be travelling abroad?
– Who:
Who will be travelling abroad in June?
– Tag:
Hilary will be travelling abroad in June, won’t she?
– Or:
Will Hilary be travelling abroad in June or in August?
6. Kitty will be doing aerobics tomorrow morning.
– Yes / No
– When
– Who
– Tag
– Or
7. Bob will be playing billiards every Sunday at nine in the evening.
– Yes / No
– What
– Who
– Tag
– Or
8. I shall be playing computer games when you come to my place.
– Yes / No
– What
– Who
– Tag
– Or
9. They will be staying indoors till four.
– Yes / No
– Where
– Who
– Tag
– Or
10. Grandmother will be knitting all day long, because she wants to finish
the pullover as soon as possible.
– Yes / No
– Why
– Who
– Tag
– Or
Упражнение 20. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в форму Future
1. Jack … (to go) home at eleven p.m.
2. What … you …(to do) tomorrow at six?
3. I … (to stay) with my friends all week long.
4. Kate … (not to take) the test with her group at ten, she’ll be at home,
she is ill.
5. I’ll be busy in the evening, I … still (to write) my composition.
6. Let’s leave home at eight, shall we? – No, we … still (have) breakfast,
let’s start at nine.
7. The girl … (to learn) the poem by heart, don’t ring her up before six in
the evening.
8. We … (not to read) the newspaper in the evening.
9. Father … (to watch) the football match at eight.
10. My sister … (to sew) a new dress, I don’t think she will go out tomorrow.
Упражнение 21.
a) Выберите нужную форму из предложенных вариантов:
1. She … at this time all the weekdays.
A will work
B will be working
2. We … ready to go camping in two days.
A shall be
B shall be being
b) Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в форму Present Simple, Future
Simple или Future Progressive:
1. I … (to do) it for you if you …(to ask) me.
2. Lilly … (to cook) dinner at the time when you …(to come).
3. They …(not to travel) in June, they … (to take) exams at that time.
4. As soon as Jane …(to graduate) from the University, she …(to go) to
5. Tommy …(to do) his homework when his mother …(to return) home
from work.
Упражнение 22. Переведите на английский язык предложения:
1. Если я не сдам экзамен во вторник, я буду готовиться (заниматься) весь январь.
2. Не звони мне завтра до двенадцати, я буду спать, потому что сегодня буду долго работать и поздно лягу.
3. Я думаю, что когда моей сестре будет лет десять или одиннадцать, она займется вышиванием или вязанием.
4. Мы собираемся в поход в понедельник, пойдешь с нами?
5. Мы будем отдыхать всю неделю.
6. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером? – Я буду решать кроссворды
весь вечер.
7. Лиззи будет заниматься покупками, поэтому если ты придешь в
пять, ее не будет дома.
8. Как только мужчины разожгут костер, мы займемся приготовлением еды, думаю, мы будем готовить довольно долго.
9. В два часа Рон будет все еще кататься на велосипеде, он не вернется до трех.
10. Как только ты подаришь маленькой Китти цветные карандаши,
она будет рисовать все время.
3. Many students … enter the University next year.
A will enter
B will be entering
4. They … entrance exams all month.
A will take
B will be taking
5. I … the book as soon as you bring it to me.
A shall read
B shall be reading
2.4. Будущее Совершенное время (The Future Perfect Tense)
Упражнение 23. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. We hope we’ll have passed all the exams by the first of July.
2. Fred will have read the book by the time you come to take it from him
next Friday.
3. It’ll have stopped snowing in the mountains by the time we leave the town.
4. Greg will have finished this picture by the opening of the exhibition.
5. Tom will have got some good marks by the end of the term, we hope.
6. They’ll have returned to town from their hiking holiday by next Monday.
7. I’ll have done this exercise by the end of the lesson.
8. Susan will have washed all the dishes by her mother’s coming back.
9. My friends will have got married by next autumn.
10. They’ll have drunk all the beer you have here by morning.
Упражнение 24.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) Tim will have read the magazine by tomorrow.
(-) Tim will not / won’t have read the magazine by tomorrow.
(?) Will Tim have read the magazine by tomorrow?
1. I’ll have done all the housework by Saturday evening.
2. If you come at seven they’ll have already gone out.
3. Pam’s mother will have walked the dog by ten o’clock.
4. We’ll have got a video before our friends come to our place.
5. Pete will have taken pictures of all his relatives before he leaves for
the USA.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: Sarah will have gone away by June.
– Yes / No:Will Sarah have gone away by June?
– What: What will Sarah have done by June?
– Who:
Who will have gone away by June?
– Tag:
Sarah will have gone away by June, won’t she?
– Or:
Will Sarah have gone away by June or by August?
6. Ann will have traveled all over Europe by the end of the summer.
– Yes / No:
– Where:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
7. He will have painted five more pictures by the beginning of the show.
– Yes / No:
– How many:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
8. By ten I’ll have watched my favourite film and gone to bed.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
9. I’ll have read all short stories of O’Henry by the end of the next term.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag
– Or:
10. D.Dontsova will have written some more new books by the end of
the year.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag
– Or:
Упражнение 25. Измените предложения по образцу:
I’ll be cooking at the time you come. – I won’t have cooked by the time
you come.
They won’t be doing the exercise at the end of the lesson. – They’ll have
done it by the end of the lesson.
1. John will still be writing a letter at two.
2. The Smiths will be having dinner at this time tomorrow.
3. She won’t be preparing for a trip.
4. James will be jogging at seven in the morning.
5. Mother will be baking a cake in the morning.
6. Mary won’t be doing the shopping all day tomorrow.
7. I’ll be buying the presents on Tuesday.
8. He’ll be driving to Moscow at three.
9. We won’t be studying this material in class.
10. Tina won’t be tidying her room in the evening.
Упражнение 26. Выберите нужную форму из предложенных вариантов:
1. Tomorrow I …(to read) the article you’ve given to me.
a) will read
b) will be reading
c) will have read
2. Tomorrow at two o’clock I …(to read) the article you’ve given to me.
a) will read
b) will be reading
c) will have read
3. Tomorrow by three I …(to read) the article you’ve given to me.
a) will read
b) will be reading
c) will have read
4. Jane …(to begin) doing her homework as soon as she gets home.
a) will begin
b) will be beginning
c) will have begun
5. Jane …(to begin) doing her homework by the time you drop in.
a) will begin
b) will be beginning
c) will have begun
6. Her brother …(to play) volleyball with his friends at half past two.
a) will play
b) will be playing
c) will have played
7. His team …(to win) the game by six o’clock.
a) will win
b) will be winning
c) will have won
8. How many exercises … the students … by the end of the lesson?
a) will … do
b) will …be doing
c) will … have done
9. They … (to do) the last exercise at the time the teacher enters the
a) will do
b) will be doing
c) will have done
10. What … you … if you don’t finish the work in time?
a) will …do
b) will … be doing
c) will … have done
Упражнение 27. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Ты приготовишь завтрак к восьми часам?
2. До конца семестра я сделаю еще два доклада по этой теме.
3. Ты все еще будешь шить свое платье в субботу? – Нет, я закончу
его к пятнице.
4. Тысячи абитуриентов поступят в университет к началу учебного года.
5. Я думаю, Мег закончит картину к твоему дню рождения.
6. Мы вернемся из похода к концу августа.
7. Он уже переплывет реку через десять минут.
8. Ваши гости сыграют еще две партии в бильярд до того, как уйдут домой.
9. Думаешь, ты решишь призовой кроссворд к концу месяца?
10. Я посмотрю этот фильм к нашей следующей встрече, и мы его
2.5. Будущее Совершенное Длительное время
(The Future Perfect Progressive Tense)
Упражнение 28. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. We shall have been learning English for five years by the end of next
2. How long will you have been going in for sport before you win your first
3. The boy will have been riding his bicycle for three hours before his
mother asks him to go home.
4. Jenny will have been playing the piano for a long time by the time her
neighbours lose their temper.
5. When the teacher comes into the classroom the students will have been
getting ready for their examination for twenty minutes, and he will begin asking
6. She will have been looking for her wedding ring for a month before she
tells her husband about her loss.
7. It will have been snowing for a week by tomorrow.
8. In an hour Tom will have been driving his car for eight hours, I think he
is very tired.
9. How long shall I have been studying German before I can speak fluently?
10. Ann’s mother will have been cooking dinner for an hour before it is ready.
Лексико-грамматические упражнения
Упражнение 29. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на способы выражения будущего действия:
1) Сегодня вечером я собираюсь смотреть новый мексиканский сериал. Я люблю смотреть художественные фильмы о любви.
2) Тебе нравится читать модные журналы? – Нет, я люблю читать
научные журналы и газеты.
3) Когда придет весна, мы будем кататься на велосипеде и на роликах в парке в свое свободное время.
4) Зимой мы часто играем в разные настольные игры, и мой папа
хорошо играет в шахматы, а сестра прекрасно решает кроссворды. Но когда будет тепло, мы будем ходить в походы и бегать по утрам.
5) Хобби моей подруги – складывание «паззлов». За этим занятием
она проводит много времени.
6) Если вечером мы пойдем в клуб, я научу тебя играть в бильярд.
7) Важно заниматься спортом регулярно. Ты предпочитаешь бегать
по утрам или заниматься аэробикой?
8) Когда ко мне приедут мои племянники, мы поедем в театр и будем
смотреть замечательное представление.
9) Хобби моей бабушки – садоводство. Каждое лето, когда становится тепло, она проводит много времени на улице.
10) Мой брат гордится своей коллекцией видеокассет. Он любит смотреть боевики и фильмы ужасов.
Упражнение 30. Выберите нужную форму глагола (повторите все
12 форм):
1) John’s hobby … philately, he … thousands of stamps.
a) is, has collected b) is be, collects c) has been, is collecting d) is, collects
2) – What … you … at this time next Monday? – We … a grammar test.
a) will …be doing, will write
c) will … do, will write
b) will … do, will be writing
d) will … be doing, will be writing
3) I hope I … my course work by next week.
a) shall have written
c) shall be writing
b) shall write
d) shall have been writing
4) The students … already for half a year.
a) have been studying
b) are studying c) study
d) do study
5) Drawing …Sally’s hobby since childhood.
a) is
b) has been
c) is been d) has be
6) When we came to Tom’s place we … that he … .
a) see, leaves
c) saw, had left
b) saw, left
d) had seen, left
7) We … that he … clubbing.
a) think, go
c) thought, went
b) thought, has gone
d) think, has gone
8) – … you ever … to Rome? – Yes, I, … .
a) Are …been; am
c) Do …be; do
b) Have … been; have
d) Did …be; did
9) I … abroad next week.
a) am go
b) do going
c) am going
d) be going
10) If it … cold, we … out tomorrow.
a) is, shan’t
b) will be, don’t go
c) is, don’t
d) will be, shan’t
Упражнение 31. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном
The town where my friend Sam (to live) (1) is not far from the capital. It
(to be) (2) quiet and green with large parks and gardens. Last summer Sam (to
invite) (3) us to his place and we (to decide) (4) to spend part of our holidays
there. As soon as we (to pass) (5) all our exams, we (to leave) (6) the city.
I should say that Sam (to prepare) (7) everything before we (to arrive) (8).
He (to make) (9) the fireplace where we (to have) (10) barbecue. While we (to
cook) (11) meat we (to play) (12) the guitar and (to sing) (13) our favourite songs.
In the evening we (to go) (14) to a night club and (to dance) (15) almost all night.
Next morning Sam (to wake) (16) us early as we (to think) (17). He already
(to cook) (18) breakfast and (to prepare) (19) fishing rods. We (to spend) (20)
the day fishing, swimming and just lying in the sun. Our girls (to fry) (21) the fish
that we (to catch) (22). It (to be) (23) great!
A week (to pass) (24) very quickly, we all were happy. I think we (to visit)
(25) Sam many times in future, if he doesn’t mind, of course!
Упражнение 32. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Завтра вечером мы собираемся пойти на концерт классической музыки.
2) Когда Джейн пришла домой, ее сын “путешествовал” по Интернету.
3) Боб, ты читаешь комиксы уже два часа. Ты уже сделал домашнюю работу?
4) Бабушка всегда смотрит «мыльные оперы» днем, а дедушка любит кино на СТС в 21.00.
5) Вчера мы ходили в гости к Смитам, но перед этим мы купили подарок для их маленького сына.
6) – Ты играешь на каких-нибудь музыкальных инструментах? – Да,
я играю на гитаре.
7) Джон – хороший спортсмен, он уже выиграл несколько соревнований.
8) В прошлое воскресенье мы ходили в аквапарк. Это было так здорово, что мы снова пойдем туда в следующие выходные.
9) Если завтра будет дождь, Кейт останется дома и возьмет видеокассету напрокат. Обычно она смотрит комедии или мюзиклы.
10) В этом городе есть драматический театр, несколько кинотеатров
и даже казино.
1. to go on holiday (vacation) – поехать в отпуск
to be on holiday (vacation) – быть в отпуске
to have a holiday – быть в отпуске
to take a holiday – взять отпуск
2. a break – короткий отпуск (каникулы)
3. a holidaymaker – отдыхающий
4. a journey – путешествие
to make a journey – совершить путешествие
5. a trip – поездка (обычно короткая)
to take a trip – сделать поездку
to be on a trip – совершать поездку
6. a voyage – поездка по морю
7. to tour – совершать поездку по какой-то стране
8. to have a good time – хорошо проводить время
9. to have (take) a rest – отдыхать
10. to relax (laze around) – расслабляться, отдыхать
11. to go to the seaside – ехать на море
12. a beach – пляж
13. to lie in the sun – загорать
Syn. to sunbathe
14. to swim (to go for a swim) – плавать
to bathe – купаться
15. in the shade – в тени
16. to sip a cocktail – потягивать коктейль
17. an ocean – океан
18. holiday cruise – круиз
to go on a cruise – поехать в круиз
19. a stop-off – короткая остановка
20. watersports – водные виды спорта
summer sports – летние виды спорта
winter sports – зимние виды спорта
21. to go sailing – кататься на яхте
22. to go boating – кататься на лодке
23. to go mountaineering / climbing – заниматься альпинизмом
24. to go skiing/skating – кататься на лыжах / коньках
25. scuba diving – подводное плавание
26. water skiing – водные лыжи
27. windsurfing – виндсерфинг
28. snorkeling – ныряние с аквалангом
29. a holiday camp (home) – дом отдыха
30. countryside – пригород
31. to go to the country (to one’s dacha, to one’s country house) – ехать
за город (на дачу)
a village – деревня
32. to have a picnic – устроить пикник
33. to go fishing – ловить рыбу
34. to pick mushrooms and berries – собирать грибы и ягоды
35. to go camping – идти в поход
36. a tent – палатка
37. a campsite – место для разбивки лагеря
38. landscape – пейзаж
39. a pond – пруд
40. a lake – озеро
41. a river –река
42. a forest – лес
43. a field – поле
44. a valley – долина
45. to go abroad – ехать за границу
46. a package holiday (tour) – тур системы «все включено»
47. a time-share apartment – «тайм-шер»
48. to rent a cottage – снимать домик
49. a mountain (ski, seaside) resort – горный (лыжный, морской) курорт
50. a spa – минеральный источник
51. a guidebook – путеводитель
52. a map – карта
53. to windowshop – рассматривать витрины
54. to look around the shops / to browse – ходить по магазинам, присматриваться
55. to buy souvenirs – покупать сувениры
56. to spend money – тратить деньги
57. a relaxing holiday – пассивный отдых
58. an active holiday – активный отдых
59. to discover – открывать
to explore – исследовать, осматривать
a multi-activity holiday – активный отдых
archery – стрельба из лука
hang gliding – дельтапланеризм
horse-riding – верховая езда
safari – сафари
natural surroundings – естественная обстановка
a game park – заповедник
exotic – экзотичный
a gastronomic tour – гастрономический тур
national cuisine – национальная кухня
extensive eating and wine-tasting – дегустация блюд и вин
to see the sights / go sightseeing – посещать достопримечательности
a work of art – произведение искусства
a sculpture – скульптура
architecture – архитектура
a masterpiece – шедевр
to go on an excursion – ехать на экскурсию
historical sites – исторические места
ruins – руины
ancient – древний
recreation – отдых
nightlife – ночная жизнь
amusement park – парк развлечений
unique – уникальный
striking – поразительный
enjoyable – приятный, доставляющий удовольствие
tiring – утомительный
excellent – отличный
fantastic – фантастический
splendid – прелестный
amusing – развлекающий
exсiting – увлекательный
boring – скучный
Упражнение 33. Переведите на русский язык:
1) Do you feel like going for a swim?
2) Can I speak to Mr. Alsop? – I’m afraid he is away on holiday now.
3) There are thousands of holidaymakers in Egypt in this season.
4) Last year my friend and I made a tour of Europe.
5) At the weekend we went to my uncle’s country house. We explored the
countryside, went for a walk to the forest and had a great time!
6) The journey was quite tiring, I think I’ll have a rest now.
7) Would you like to sunbathe or to lie in the shade?
8) The holiday cruise had a few stop-offs in several Brazilian cities.
9) On Tuesday we went on a long excursion to the ruins of an ancient
10) Let’s browse in this souvenir shop for a while. We don’t have to buy
anything, we can just look around.
Упражнение 34. Какие слова соответствуют данным определениям?
1. to look at the goods shown in the window of a store not necessarily
wishing to buy them;
2. a piece of work, especially art, done with great skill, the best of its type;
3. to become less active and worried, to have a rest;
4. amusement and enjoyment, a way of spending free time (doing hobbies,
playing sports, etc.);
5. a style of cooking / food prepared for the customers;
6. a special book about an area, city that gives details about the place and
its history;
7. to find something, to find out a fact, the answer to a question;
8. a wide view of the countryside, scenery;
9. to go to another country;
10. an object kept as a reminder of a trip, event, place.
Упражнение 35. Дополните предложения словами из рамки:
to the country
holiday camp
hang gliding
in the shade
was sipping
go on an excursion
1. During the gastronomic tour of Turkey we did a lot of …
2. I’d like to take a short … for Easter. I’m exhausted.
3. Have you got the …? I think we are lost.
4. While Jill … a cocktail by the pool her daughter was playing …
5. Last weekend they picked so many … they didn’t know what to do
with them.
6. Tomorrow the tourists will … to the royal palace.
7. I’m sure we’ll … a lot of splendid places when we go …
8. Nan and Graham went on a … holiday and tried a lot of things from
water skiing to …
9. We spent a week in a … doing nothing.
10. Do you prefer … rest to a … holiday?
Упражнение 36. Выберите соответствующий перевод из предложенных вариантов:
1) быть в отпуске
a. to take a holiday
b. to go on holiday
c. to be on holiday
2) хорошо проводить время
a. to have a good time
b. to have good time
c. to rest
3) ехать на экскурсию
a. to go at an excursion b. to go on excursion
c. to go on an excursion
4) совершать путешествие
a. to do a trip
b. to make a trip
5) идти поплавать
a. to go for swimming
b. to go for a swim
6) дегустация вин
a. wine-tasting
b. wine-degustation
7) любить делать что-либо
a. to enjoy to do smth
b. to fond of doing smth
8) отдыхать
c. to create a trip
a. to have a rest
b. to have a pleasure
9) собирать что-либо (в качестве хобби)
a. to gather
b. to collect
10) бродить по магазинам
a. to look for
b. to look around
c. to have a hobby
c. to go swim
c. wine-trying
c. to enjoy doing smth
c. to pick up
c. to look after
Упражнение 37. Перефразируйте предложения, используя предложенные слова:
1) She likes to swim.
She …. swimming.
2) Tracy likes to do watersports.
Tracy … fond ...
3) I like to go on excursions, but I do not like to lie on the beach.
I prefer … to …
4) He takes pride in his collection of badges.
He … proud …
5) I like to hang glide.
I enjoy …
6) He wants to go on an excursion.
He feels like …
7) I went running yesterday.
Yesterday I … run.
8) We toured around Spain last year.
We … a tour of Spain last year.
9) We went sightseeing in Madrid.
We … the sights of Madrid.
10) I think architecture is one of the most interesting forms of art.
I … interested …architecture.
Упражнение 38. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Where did you go for your last holidays?
2) Do you prefer active or passive rest?
3) Do you enjoy sightseeing? Why or why not?
4) What are your favourite kinds of winter, summer and watersports?
5) What do people do on a multi-activity holiday?
6) Would you like to go on a gastronomic tour?
7) What do you usually do when you spend a weekend in the country?
8) What kind of nightlife do you enjoy?
9) How do you spend your holidays at the seaside?
10) What souvenirs do you buy when you travel abroad?
Упражнение 39.
a) прочитайте текст:
Hello! My name is Ann. I am from Moscow. I am a second-year student at
Russian New University. I think there’s nothing like summer in the life of a student.
Every spring one starts looking forward to the longest holidays of the year. I try to
spend each summer in the best way possible so that I can remember the good
days when cold winter comes.
Last year my Dad gave me a good sum of money as a birthday present so
I was able to travel abroad. My friend Mary and I took a two-week package
holiday to Turkey. We stayed at a 3-star hotel in the centre of Marmaris. As I
prefer active rest nearly every day we went on excursions to different historical
sites of the country, visited the ruins of ancient castles and did a lot of sightseeing.
Most of all we liked Pamu Kale, a place famous for its naturally made cascade of
calcium sediments and spas.
The weather was balmy and at daytime we also spent hours sunbathing
on the beach and swimming in a warm salty sea. We returned home with a
marvelous suntan! We tried ourselves at different watersports and Mary learnt
to windsurf and I was good at scuba diving and took dozens of pictures of the
underwater world. In the evenings we enjoyed the amazing nightlife of the
town, we went to bars, discos and nightclubs. We were really sorry to leave
Turkey when it was time to.
The food was splendid. We tasted the dishes of the Turkish cuisine and
enjoyed extensive eating and drinking on small hospitable farms in the country.
When we came back to Moscow I had to keep to a diet to drop weight! At the
end of our holiday we looked around souvenir shops and bought some small gifts
for our relatives and friends. I got a fantastic set of small hand-made glasses for
my father. My Dad liked it very much.
We spent the end of the summer at Mary’s country house not far from
Moscow. We had great fun there. Sometimes we went to the forest and picked
mushrooms and berries. We made a lot of jars of jam and other conserves for the
winter. Once we went hiking and we lived in tents for a few days, made fires and
cooked our meals on fire.
But mostly we just lazed around doing nothing. We spent afternoons on the
river, had picnics, did a little gardening. In the mornings we went boating and
fishing on a small pond.
I don’t have any definite plans for the next summer yet, but I hope I will be
able to go to London on a special interest tour because I would like to take an
English course there. I’m studying English real hard at university. I just must
know the language well to get a good interesting job.
b) Поставьте вопросы к предложенным ответам:
1) … ?
Because her Dad gave her some money as a present.
2) …?
They stayed there for two weeks.
3) ….?
Yes, it was. It was very good.
4) …?
They went to bars, discos and nightclubs.
5) …?
She was good at scuba diving.
6) …?
She bought him a small hand-made set of glasses.
7) …?
Because she had gained a lot of weight on holiday.
8) …?
She spent the end of the summer in the country.
9) …?
They went fishing in the mornings.
10) …?
They cooked food on fire when they went hiking.
с) Докажите, что:
1) Ann and Mary were beautifully suntanned when they returned to
2) The girls enjoyed Turkish food;
3) Ann prefers active rest;
4) They enjoyed doing water sports;
5) Ann loves her father;
6) They were not bored in the evenings in Marmaris;
7) They had a good rest in the country;
8) They did some shopping in Turkey;
9) Ann would like to know English well;
10) They made some preserves for the winter.
d) Составьте ключевые предложения к каждому абзацу и используйте их в качестве плана для пересказа текста.
Упражнение 40. Расскажите о своих прошлых каникулах и ваших
планах на следующее лето.
Продолжение таблицы
? – Yes / No
4.1. Основные модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
Present Past
Возможность выполнения
действия, умение
to be allowed to do smth
выполнения действия
to have to do smth
* Прошедшая форма глагола might употребляется в этом значении
только при согласовании времен.
** Эквиваленты модальных глаголов употребляются в прошедшем и
будущем времени, где нет соответствующих форм.
Сравните: Don can play football well, but he is not able to play now, his
leg hurts. – Дон может хорошо играть в футбол, но он не может играть
сейчас, у него болит нога.
Jane has to open the door, there is nobody else at home. – Джейн приходится открыть дверь, больше никого нет дома.
Образование вопросительных и отрицательных форм
модальных глаголов
? – Yes / No
I can swim.
He cannot/can’t swim.
Can he swim?
Yes / No
Yes, he can.
No, he can’t.
I could swim.
He couldn’t swim.
Could he swim? Yes, he could.
No, he couldn’t.
I’ll be able to swim. He won’t be able to swim. Will he be able Yes, he will.
to swim?
No, he won’t
We may go out.
We may not go
We were allowed
to go out.
We’ll be allowed
to go out.
Mary must answer
the question.
We were not
allowed to go out.
We won’t be
allowed to go out.
Mary must not/
mustn’t answer
the question.
Yes / No
May we go out?
Yes, you may.
Please, do.
I don’t mind.
No, you сan not.
Please don’t.
Were we allowed Yes, we were.
to go out?
No, we were not.
Will we be allowed Yes, you will.
to go out?
No, you will not.
Must Mary
Yes, she must.
answer the
No, she mustn’t.
No, she needn’t.
(нет необходимости)
Did Mary have to Yes, she did.
answer the
No, she didn’t.
Will Mary have to Yes, she will.
answer the
No, she will
Should Ken know Yes, he should.
No, he shouldn’t.
to be able to do smth
Разрешение, возможность
выполнения действия
Mary had to answer Mary didn’t have
the question.
to answer the
Mary will have to
Mary won’t have
answer the question. to answer the
Ken should know it. Ken shouldn’t
know it.
Ken ought to know Ken oughtn’t to
know it.
You need to go
You needn’t go
You don’t need to
go there.
Need you go
Do you need to go
Yes, you must.
No, you needn’t.
Yes, you do.
No, you don’t.
Упражнение 41.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) Teddy can speak three foreign languages.
(-) Teddy can not / can’t speak three foreign languages.
(?) Can Teddy speak three foreign languages?
1) Dan can go to the theatre every week.
2) He will be able to play basketball very well in two years.
3) Sally could take pictures of the underwater world last summer.
4) The holiday can be tiring.
5) They could go on a cruise round Europe a year ago.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: Sam can go away any moment.
– Yes / No: Can Sam go away any moment?
– What: What can Sam do any moment?
– Who: Who can go away any moment?
– Tag: Sam can go away any moment, can’t he?
– Or:
Can Sam go away or run any moment?
6) I could learn a large poem by heart when I was a schoolboy.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
7) If you go abroad you can see a lot of places of interest.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
8) Mary couldn’t knit when she was ten.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
9) They will be able to help you with Maths if you ask them.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
10) Tom’s little daughter can walk but she can’t run.
– Yes / No:
Упражнение 42.
a) заполните пропуски, используя can, could, will be able:
1) I … not windsurf three years ago.
2) Ted … to go the country next week.
3) You … do it right now.
4) … you dance when you were five?
5) My friends … speak English very well.
b) переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Боб надеется, что сможет кататься на роликах следующим летом.
2) Мы сможем снять домик у моря летом.
3) Я не смог поехать за границу прошлым летом, так как заканчивал
школу и поступал в университет.
4) Думаю, мы можем пойти в поход или устроить пикник, уже
очень тепло.
5) Наконец Брауны смогли поехать на экскурсию и увидеть исторические места.
Упражнение 43.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) We may go out any time if necessary.
(-) We may not go out.
(?) May we go out?
1) We may use calculators at maths lessons.
2) The children will be allowed to go cycling after breakfast.
3) Doris was allowed to watch TV late in the evening when she was a child.
4) I may go home.
5) Jack is allowed to bring his friends home in the evenings.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: I may go to bed late tonight, because tomorrow is my day off.
– Yes / No: May I go to bed late tonight?
– Why: Why may I go to bed late tonight?
– Who: Who may go to bed late tonight?
– Tag: I may go to bed late tonight, may I not?
– Or:
May I go to bed late tonight or tomorrow?
6) I may swim in that swimming-pool.
– Yes / No:
– Where:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
7) Kate will be allowed to go to the forest alone when she gets older.
– Yes / No:
– When:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
8) We may go dancing on Saturdays and Sundays.
– Yes / No:
– When:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
9) We were allowed to smoke in the room.
– Yes / No:
– Where:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
10) Children are allowed to spend their pocket money the way they want to.
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
Упражнение 44.
a) заполните пропуски, используя may, might, will be allowed:
1) Jimmy, you … go home, if you don’t feel well.
2) We are very good friends, any of us … ask for anything and nobody
refuses to help.
3) The entrants … to leave the classroom as soon as they hand in their test
4) It is a secret, you … not open the box before the clock strikes twelve.
5) … I have another piece of cake? It’s so tasty!
b) переведите предложения на английский язык:
6) Извините, могу я Вас спросить?
7) Детям разрешат играть в компьютерные игры только полчаса.
8) Вы можете войти, декан не занят.
9) Мне разрешали ходить в кино каждый день.
10) Можно взять этот журнал мод?
Упражнение 45.
a) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
Пример: (+) You must do this work at once.
(-) You mustn’t do this work at once.
(?) Must you do this work at once?
1) The students must use the computer to solve this problem.
2) I had to leave home very early yesterday.
3) You’ll have to stay in bed for some days.
4) Sally had to take keep-fit classes to lose weight.
5) You must look through the newspaper just now.
b) Задайте вопросы указанных типов к данным предложениям:
Пример: They must work hard before the exams.
– Yes / No: Must they work hard before the exams?
– What:
What must they do before the exams?
– Who:
Who must work hard before the exams?
– Tag:
They must work hard before the exams, mustn’t they?
– Or:
Must they work hard before the exams or during the term?
6) We must be at the university at nine.
– Yes / No:
– Where:
– When:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
7) She had to learn one hundred words for the exam.
– Yes / No:
– How many:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
8) Molly and her friends will have to go out for a meal as the refrigerator is
– Yes / No:
– What:
– Why:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
9) You must go to sleep earlier tonight, because we’re leaving at six
– Yes / No:
– When:
– Why:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
10) My friend will have to take my dog for a walk next week.
– Yes / No:
– When:
– Who:
– Tag:
– Or:
Упражнение 46.
a) заполните пропуски, используя must, had to, will have to :
1) If you don’t want to miss the bus, you …hurry up.
2) Ken started working at eight so he …get up very early.
3) We … buy a lot of food, because we are having a party tomorrow.
4) Children … help their parents as soon as they are able to do some
5) They … get tickets for the concert beforehand last Sunday because this
group is extremely popular with young people.
b) переведите предложения на английский язык:
6) Вы должны прекратить читать детективы, у вас скоро экзамены.
7) Нам пришлось смотреть фильм ужасов, так как больше ничего не
было по телевизору.
8) Люди должны заниматься спортом.
9) Вы должны будете принять участие в концерте, никто больше не
умеет играть на флейте.
10) Моим друзьям придется покупать много подарков.
Упражнение 47. Выберите правильный вариант:
1) You can buy / to buy souvenirs at any stop-off.
2) They had learn / to learn a lot of words for the dictation.
3) Must I do / to do it right now?
4) Jim couldn’t wait / to wait any longer, he left an hour ago.
5) The children are not allowed play / to play with matches.
6) You may go / to go anywhere you want, you are absolutely free.
7) You mustn’t spend / to spend so much time sunbathing, you can get / to
get sunburnt.
8) If you go to that famous sea resort you’ll be able try / to try yourself at
all the watersports imaginable.
9) Your baby won’t be able walk / to walk in two months.
10) On holiday I had get / to get up rather early because the excursions
started at nine o’clock in the morning.
4.2. Выражение долженствования
Должен (обязательство, долг)
have to
Вынужден (обстоятельствами)
be to
Должен (в силу расписания,
договоренности и т.д.)
should /
ought to
Следует (совет)
You must study English. Чтобы быть хорошим
специалистом, налаживать
контакты с коллегами и т.д.
You have to study English. Иначе не поедете на
стажировку в США.
You are to study English. Иностранный язык входит в
учебный план университета.
You should study English. Чтобы получить хорошую
Упражнение 48. Переведите на русский язык:
1) The students don’t like the exams, but they have to take them twice a year.
2) You should go for a walk, you look pale.
3) If you keep pets, you must take care of them.
4) The train is to arrive at twelve sharp.
5) If a person wants to be healthy he should do sports.
6) Diana didn’t like Ted’s friends but she had to go over to their house.
7) They were to meet at ten.
8) You must see the doctor before you take keep-fit classes.
9) Sam lost a lot of money, he had to give up gambling.
10) Kate shouldn’t do aerobics, she has problems with her heart.
Упражнение 49.
a) выберите наиболее подходящий глагол:
1) If you like classical music you … go to the opera or ballet.
a) must
b) have to c) are to
d) should
2) We have nothing to eat, we … go out for a meal or get a takeaway.
a) must
b) have to c) are to
d) should
3) Nancy did not feel well, so she … stay in.
a) must
b) had to
c) was to d) should
4) The girl is only fourteen, she … go to a night club.
a) mustn’t b) doesn’t have to
c) isn’t to d) wasn’t to
5) The students … take exams in June, they can see the timetable in the
dean’s office.
a) must
b) have to c) are to
d) should
b) переведите на английский язык:
6) Вам не следует пить алкогольные напитки, если вы собираетесь
кататься на машине.
7) Была плохая погода, но нам пришлось провести много времени
на улице.
8) Я должен встретить свою девушку (подругу) в три часа дня около
станции метро.
9) Мы должны помочь Биллу.
10) Иногда (вам) приходится гулять с собакой среди ночи / поздно ночью.
4.3. Выражение предположения
Jane must be at home.
Jane may be at home.
Jane could be at home.
Jane might be at home.
Jane should be at home.
Jane can’t be at home.
- выражает предположение, относящееся к прошлому
ought to
have left
the book
at home
не может быть, чтобы он оставил книгу
должно быть, он оставил книгу дома.
он мог оставить, он возможно оставил
книгу дома.
ему следовало бы оставить (но он не
оставил) книгу дома.
Упражнение 50. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1) He must have collected stamps, he knows a lot about philately.
2) Donna may have fallen ill.
3) They can’t have failed at the exam, they were working hard all the term.
4) You should have walked your dog before you went to the party.
5) Ted can’t have missed Mary, it’s impossible not to notice her, she is very
6) You could have rung me up, I worried so much.
7) Don must have spent all his money gambling.
8) Where are my keys? – You may have left them at home.
9) I should have told them everything, now we can do nothing.
10) They can’t have gone clubbing, he promised to wait for us.
Упражнение 51. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) В следующие выходные мы поедем за город, будем жить в палатке в лесу и собирать грибы и ягоды.
2) Мне часто приходится ездить в поездки за границу. Я с удовольствием посещаю достопримечательности в разных городах Европы.
3) Прошлым летом семья Браунов сняла домик в деревне. Каждый
день они могли кататься на лодке, загорать на пляже и купаться в реке.
4) Родители разрешают тебе заниматься водными видами спорта? –
Да, я умею кататься на водных лыжах и нырять с аквалангом.
5) Я просто должен увидеть шедевры французских художников на
выставке в музее изобразительных искусств!
6) Моя сестра интересуется верховой ездой. Каждые выходные она
посещает занятия верховой ездой.
7) Лесли пришлось купить карту города, так как она много ходила
пешком по старым улицам Парижа.
8) В национальных парках Африки можно увидеть диких животных в
естественных условиях.
9) Тебе не следует тратить столько денег на сувениры, или завтра
мы не сможем съездить на экскурсию на остров Кос.
10) Тебе следует взять отпуск и хорошо отдохнуть. Ты выглядишь
бледным и усталым.
Упражнение 1
1) В воскресенье мои друзья приходили ко мне на поздний ужин.
2) «Путешествовать» по Интернету очень популярное занятие среди
молодых людей сегодня.
3) Давай поедем в клуб сегодня вечером.
4) Я очень интересуюсь готовкой, это мое любимое времяпровождение.
5) Недавно я начала заниматься шитьем, но я думаю бросить
это (занятие).
6) Ты хорошо плаваешь? – Я думаю, да.
7) В настоящее время она занимается йогой и это ей очень нравится!
8) Ты предпочитаешь коллекционирование занятиям спортом?
9) Вчера мы заказали на дом китайскую еду и провели вечер дома,
мы смотрели новый триллер с де Ниро.
10) Когда у меня только есть свободное время, я еду кататься на
машине с моей собакой.
Упражнение 2
1) science fiction
2) leisure centre
3) jogging
4) game show
5) to have friends over / round
6) to collect
7) board games
8) hobby
9) to go camping / hiking
10) documentary
Упражнение 3.
1) enjoys / is fond of
2) comedy, amusing
3) take up
4) piano
5) are going over
6) spare, keep-fit
7) enjoys / is fond of, novels
8) proud, unique
9) ballet, art
10) get a video
Упражнение 4
jigsaw puzzles
Упражнение 5
1. b
3. b
2. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. b
Упражнение 8
don’t know
2, 3, 6, 9
1, 5, 8, 10
4, 7
1) keep-fit classes.
2) meat and vegetable dishes.
3) V. Nabokov.
4) he has (takes) his summer vacation.
5) subway.
6) in the Internet.
7) expensive and difficult (not easy) to get.
8) medical research, new discoveries and new medicines.
9) takeaway food.
10) science fiction and classical literature.
1) (V. Nabokov is Dan’s favourite writer) because Dan thinks that his style
of writing is exceptionally refined and the plots are intriguing.
2) Yes, they do. They go out for a meal in a restaurant and they go to
the cinema.
3) Dan goes skiing.
4) Dan likes to watch horror films and thrillers.
5) (Dan likes the Lenkom) because the stage design and acting are
good there.
6) No, he is not.
7) He likes to visit national food restaurants.
8) Yes, he does.
9) Dan would like to take up rollerskating and billiards.
10) He studies the information on medical research, new discoveries and
new medicines.
Упражнение 11
1. c, b, d, a
2. a, c, d, b
3. a, b, c, d
4. a, c, b, d
5. a, b, d, c
Упражнение 12
1. shall/will
2. will
5. shall/will
6. will
7. will
8. shall
9. will
10. shall
3. will
4. shall/will
Упражнение 13
1. (-) I won’t read any adventure stories, I promise you.
(?) Shall I read any adventure stories?
2. (-) She won’t go to the concert next Saturday.
(?) Will she go to the concert next Saturday?
3. (-) This song won’t be very popular with young people.
(?) Will this song be very popular with young people?
4. (-)We won’t have friends over for dinner.
(?) Shall we have friends over for dinner?
5. (-) My sister won’t take keep-fit classes soon.
(?) Will my sister take keep-fit classes soon?
6. Our father will go jogging to lose some weight.
– Yes / No: Will our father go jogging to lose weight?
– Why will our father go jogging?
– Who will go jogging to lose weight?
– Tag: Our father will go jogging to lose weight, won’t he?
– Or: Will our father or our mother go jogging to lose weight?
7. Tim will never play cards with us.
– Yes / No: Will Tim play cards with us?
– Who will Tim never play cards with?
– Who will never play cards with us?
– Tag: Tim will never play cards with us, will he?
– Or: Will Tim never play cards or chess with us?
8. We’ll play ball and swim in the river in summer.
– Yes / No: Shall/will we play ball and swim in the river in summer?
– When shall/will we play ball and swim in the river?
– Who will play ball and swim in the river in summer?
– Tag: We’ll play ball and swim in the river in summer, shan’t/won’t we?
– Shall/will we play ball and swim in the river or in the lake in summer?
9. I shan’t return home late.
– Yes / No: Shall I return home late?
– Where shan’t I return late?
– Who won’t return home late?
–Tag: I shan’t return home late, shall I?
– Shall I return home late or early?
10. They will spend their spare time playing bowls.
– Yes / No: Will they spend their spare time playing bowls?
– How will they spend their spare time?
– Who will spend (their) spare time playing bowls?
– Tag: They will spend their spare time playing bowls, won’t they?
– Will they spend their spare time playing bowls or watching TV?
Упражнение 14
1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a
Упражнение 15
1) rains, shall/will stay
2) will play, buy
3) will go, buys
4) are, shall/will have
5) is, will play
6) help, shall/will go
7) shall/will cook, have
8) travel, will take
9) is, will go
10) gamble, will lose
Упражнение 16
1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-d, 5-b, 6-a, 7-c, 8-d, 9-b, 10-a
Упражнение 17
1. Tomorrow we will have a barbecue, if it doesn’t rain.
2. If you want to we’ll stay in / at home.
3. I’m not going to visit anybody tomorrow, I’ll watch sport programs.
4. It’s so warm! Shall we go to the park?
5. If cooking is your fiancée’s hobby you’ll be a happy husband.
6. My friend is going to do (take up) aerobics next week.
7. I think, your son will collect coins, stamps or badges when he gets/is/
becomes older.
8. (In summer)We are going / will go hiking in summer.
9. Shall we go dancing to a night club?
10. My paper / work won’t be ready tomorrow, and I shan’t / won’t hand
it in to my teacher.
Упражнение 18
1. Что ты будешь делать / Чем ты будешь заниматься в семь (часов) вечера? Пойдем куда-нибудь?
2. Думаю, я ничего не буду делать, просто лежать на диване.
3. Мальчик будет смотреть мультфильмы весь день, если вы не скажете ему делать уроки / домашнее задание.
4. Вы будете дома в десять утра в воскресенье? – Нет, я буду играть
в теннис.
5. В какое время / когда у тебя завтра урок? Я не хочу тебя прерывать / тебе мешать.
6. Если вы купите компьютер, дети будут «путешествовать» по Интернету днями и ночами.
7. Студенты будут сдавать экзамен по экономике в это время завтра.
8. Я буду ждать тебя / вас здесь завтра в двенадцать.
9. Ты думаешь дождь все еще будет идти через два часа?
10. Она не будет писать свою работу так поздно.
Упражнение 19
1. Mary’s son will be reading comics when she comes home after work.
Mary’s son won’t be reading comics when she comes home after work.
Will Mary’s son be reading comics when she comes home after work?
2. We shall be working in our garden at ten in the morning.
We shan’t be working in our garden at ten in the morning.
Shall we be working in our garden at ten in the morning?
3. In an hour they will be watching a new science fiction film on TV.
In an hour they won’t be watching a new science fiction film on TV.
Will they be watching a new science fiction film on TV in an hour?
4. Nancy will be looking through glamour magazines all day long.
Nancy won’t be looking through glamour magazines all day long.
Will Nancy be looking through glamour magazines all day long?
5. I shall be having my English lesson at four p.m. on Monday.
I shan’t be having my English lesson at four p.m. on Monday.
Shall I be having my English lesson at four p.m. on Monday?
6. Kitty will be doing aerobics tomorrow morning.
Will Kitty be doing aerobics tomorrow morning?
When will Kitty be doing aerobics?
Who will be doing aerobics tomorrow morning?
Kitty will be doing aerobics tomorrow morning, won’t she?
Will Kitty be doing aerobics tomorrow morning or the day after tomorrow?
7. Bob will be playing billiards every Sunday at nine in the evening.
Will Bob be playing billiards every Sunday at nine in the evening?
What will Bob be doing every Sunday at nine in the evening?
Who will be playing billiards every Sunday at nine in the evening?
Bob will be playing billiards every Sunday at nine in the evening, won’t he?
Will Bob be playing billiards every Sunday or Saturday?
8. I shall be playing computer games when you come to my place.
Shall I be playing computer games when you come to my place?
What shall I be doing when you come to my place?
Who will be playing computer games when you come to my place?
I shall be playing computer games when you come to my place, shan’t I?
Shall I be playing computer games or watching TV when you come to
my place?
9. They will be staying indoors till four.
Will they be staying indoors till four?
Where will they be staying till four?
Who will be staying indoors till four?
They will be staying indoors till four, won’t they?
Will they be staying indoors till four or will they go out?
10. Grandmother will be knitting all day long, because she wants to finish
the pullover as soon as possible.
Will grandmother be knitting all day long?
Why will grandmother be knitting all day long?
Who will be knitting all day long?
Grandmother will be knitting all day long, won’t she?
Will grandmother or mother be knitting all day long?
Упражнение 20
1. will be going
2. will … be doing
3. shall/will be staying
4. won’t be taking
5. shall/will still be writing
6. shall/will still be having
7. will be learning
8. shan’t / won’t be reading
9. will be watching
10. will be sewing
Упражнение 21
a) 1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a
1. shall/will do, ask
2. will be cooking, come
3. won’t be travelling, will be taking
4. graduates, will go
5. will be doing, returns
Упражнение 22
1. If I don’t pass the exam on Tuesday, I’ll be studying / reading up
all January.
2. Don’t ring me up earlier than at twelve tomorrow, I’ll be sleeping, because
I’ll be working much and I’ll go to bed late tonight.
3. I think (that) when my sister will be ten or eleven she will take up
embroidery or knitting.
4. We are going camping on Monday. Will you go with us? / Will you join us?
5. We’ll be having a rest for the whole week.
6. What are you doing tonight? – I’ll be doing crosswords all the evening.
7. Lizzy will be doing the shopping, so if you come at five, she won’t be
at home.
8. As soon as the men make the fire, we’ll begin cooking, I think we’ll be
cooking quite long.
9. At two Ron will still be cycling, he won’t come back till three.
10. As soon as you give colour pencils to little Kitty she will be drawing all
the time.
Упражнение 24
1. (-) I shan’t/won’t have done all the housework by Saturday evening.
(?) Shall I have done all the housework by Saturday evening?
2. (-) If you come at seven they won’t have gone out yet.
(?) Will they have already gone out if you come at seven?
3. (-) Pam’s mother won’t have walked the dog by ten o’clock.
(?) Will Pam’s mother have walked the dog by ten o’clock?
4. (-) We won’t have got a video before our friends come to our place.
(?) Shall we have got a video before our friends come to our place?
5. (-) Pete won’t have taken pictures of all his relatives before he leaves
for the USA.
(?) Will Pete have taken pictures of all his relatives before he leaves for
the USA?
6. Ann will have traveled all over Europe by the end of the summer.
– Yes / No: Will Ann have traveled all over Europe by the end of the
– Where will Ann have traveled by the end of the summer?
– Who will have traveled all over Europe by the end of the summer?
– Tag: Ann will have traveled all over Europe by the end of the summer,
won’t she?
– Will Ann have traveled all over Europe or the USA by the end of the
7. He will have painted five more pictures by the beginning of the show.
– Yes / No: Will he have painted five more pictures by the beginning of
the show?
– How many pictures will he have painted by the beginning of the show?
– Who will have painted five more pictures by the beginning of the show?
– Tag: He will have painted five more pictures by the beginning of the
show, won’t he?
– Or: Will he have painted five or ten more pictures by the beginning of
the show?
8. By ten I’ll have watched my favourite film and gone to bed.
– Yes / No: Shall/will I have watched my favourite film and gone to
bed by ten?
– What shall/will I have watched by ten?
– Who will have watched the favourite film and gone to bed by ten?
– Tag: I’ll have watched my favourite film and gone to bed by ten, won’t I?
– Shall/will I have watched my favourite film and gone to bed by ten or
by twelve?
9. I’ll have read all short stories of O’Henry by the end of the next term.
– Yes / No: Shall I have read all short stories of O’Henry by the end of
the next term?
– What shall/will I have read by the end of the next term?
– Who will have read all short stories of O’Henry by the end of the
next term?
– Tag: I’ll have read all short stories of O’Henry by the end of the next
term, won’t I?
– Or: Shall I have read all short stories of O’Henry or of S. Maugham by
the end of the next term?
10. D. Dontsova will have written some more new books by the end of
the year.
– Yes / No: Will D. Dontsova have written any more new books by the end
of the year?
– What will D. Dontsova have written by the end of the year?
Упражнение 23
1. (Мы) надеемся, что сдадим все экзамены к первому июля.
2. Фрэд прочитает книгу к тому времени, как ты придешь забрать ее
у него в следующую пятницу.
3. Снег в горах прекратится к тому времени, как мы уедем из города.
4. Грэг закончит свою картину к открытию выставки.
5. Том получит несколько хороших оценок к концу семестра, (четверти) мы надеемся.
6. Они вернутся из похода к следующему понедельнику.
7. Я сделаю это упражнение к концу урока.
8. Сьюзан вымоет всю посуду к возвращению мамы.
9. Мои друзья поженятся к следующей осени.
10. К утру они выпьют все пиво, которое у тебя здесь есть.
– Who will have written more new books by the end of the year?
– Tag: D. Dontsova will have written some more new books by the end of
the year, won’t she?
– Will D. Dontsova or A. Christie have written more new books by the
end of the year?
Упражнение 25
1. John / He won’t have written the letter by two.
2. The Smiths won’t have had dinner by this time tomorrow.
3. She will have prepared for the trip.
4. James won’t have jogged by seven.
5. Mother won’t have baked the cake by the morning.
6. Mary will have done all the shopping by tomorrow.
7. I won’t have bought all the presents by Tuesday.
8. He won’t have driven to Moscow by three.
9. We will have studied the material.
10. She / Tina will have tidied her room by the evening.
Упражнение 26
1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-c, 6-b, 7-c, 8-c, 9-b, 10-a
Упражнение 27.
1. Will you have cooked breakfast by eight (o’clock)?
2. I’ll have made two more reports on this topic by the end of the term.
3. Will you still be sewing your dress on Saturday? – No, I’ll have finished
it by Friday.
4. Thousands of entrants will have entered the university by the beginning
of the academic year.
5. I think, Meg will have finished the picture by your birthday.
6. We’ll have returned from the hiking holiday by the end of August.
7. He will already have crossed the river in ten minutes.
8. Your friends will have played two more games of billiards before they
leave for home.
9. Do you think you will have done the prize crossword by the end of the
10. I’ll have seen the film by our next meeting and we’ll discuss it.
2. Сколько (времени) ты будешь заниматься спортом, прежде чем
ты одержишь свою первую победу?
3. Мальчик будет кататься на велосипеде три часа, прежде чем мама
позовет его домой.
4. Дженни будет играть на пианино уже долго, прежде чем ее соседи
выйдут из себя / потеряют терпение.
5. Когда преподаватель войдет в аудиторию, студенты будут готовиться к экзамену уже двадцать минут, и он начнет их спрашивать.
6. Она будет искать свое обручальное кольцо месяц, прежде чем скажет мужу о потере.
7. К завтрашнему дню снег будет идти уже неделю / будет уже неделя, как идет снег.
8. Через час будет восемь часов, как Том ведет машину, я думаю, он
очень устал.
9. Сколько (времени) я буду учить немецкий, прежде чем смогу говорить свободно?
10. Мама Анны будет готовить обед час, прежде чем он будет готов.
Упражнение 28
1. К концу следующего августа мы будем учить английский (язык)
пять лет.
Упражнение 29
1) I’m going to watch a new Mexican soap opera tonight. I like (enjoy, am
fond of) watching feature films about love.
2) Do you like (enjoy, Are you fond of) reading fashion (glamour)
magazines? – No, I don’t. I like (enjoy, am fond of) reading (scientific) journals
and newspapers.
3) When spring comes, we will go cycling and rollerskating in the park in
our free (spare) time.
4) In winter we often play different board games, and my father is good at
chess, and my sister does crosswords very well. But when it is warm we will go
hiking and jogging in the morning.
5) My friend’s hobby is doing jigsaw puzzles. She spends a lot of time
doing it.
6) If we go to the club in the evening I will teach you to play billiards (pool).
7) It’s important to go in for sports regularly. Do you prefer running (jogging)
or / to doing aerobics?
8) When my nephews come to me we will go to the theatre and watch a
splendid (remarkable, amusing) performance.
9) My grandmother’s hobby is gardening. Every summer when it becomes
warm she spends a lot of time outdoors (outside).
10) My brother is proud of his collection of video tapes. He likes (enjoys, is
fond of) action films and horror films.
Упражнение 30
1-a, 2-d, 3-a, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-d, 8-b, 9-c, 10-a
Упражнение 31
1-lives, 2-is, 3-invited, 4-decided, 5-passed/had passed, 6-left, 7-had
8-arrived, 9-had made, 10-had, 11-were cooking, 12-were playing, 13-(were)
singing, 14-went, 15-danced/were dancing, 16-woke, 17-thought, 18-had cooked,
19-(had) prepared, 20- spent, 21-fried, 22-had caught, 23-was, 24-passed, 25shall/will visit.
Упражнение 32
1. Tomorrow evening we are going to a concert of classical music.
2. When Jane came home her son was surfing the Internet.
3. Bob, you’ve been reading comics for two hours already. Have you done
your homework?
4. Grandmother always watches soap operas / soaps, but / and Grandfather
likes films on STS at nine p.m.
5. Yesterday we visited the Smiths, but before that we had bought a present
for their little son.
6. – Do you play any musical instruments? – Yes, I play the guitar.
7. John is good at sports / a good sportsman, he has already won some
8. Last Sunday we went to the aquapark / waterpark. It was so great that
we decided to go there again next weekend.
9. If it rains tomorrow Kate will stay at home and get a video. She usually
watches comedies and musicals.
10. There is a drama theatre, some cinemas and even a casino in this town.
Упражнение 33
1) Хочешь пойти купаться?
2) Могу я поговорить с мистером Элсопом? – К сожалению, сейчас
он в отпуске.
3) В это время года в Египет (приезжают) тысячи отдыхающих.
4) В прошлом году я со своим другом объехал (совершил тур)
по Европе.
5) В выходные мы ездили на дачу к моему дяде. Мы гуляли по окрестностям, ходили в лес и прекрасно провели время!
6) Поездка была довольно утомительной, думаю, я сейчас передохну.
7) Ты хотел бы загорать или лежать в тени?
8) Круиз имел несколько остановок в разных городах Бразилии.
9) Во вторник мы ездили на долгую экскурсию к руинам древнего замка.
10) Давай посмотрим, что есть в этом магазине сувениров. Нам не
обязательно покупать что-либо, мы можем просто посмотреть.
Упражнение 34
1) windowshop
2) masterpiece
3) relax
4) recreasion
5) cuisine
6) guidebook
7) discover
8) landscape
9) go abroad
10) souvenir
Упражнение 35
1) wine-tasting
2) break
3) map
4) was sipping, in the shade
5) mushrooms
6) go on an excursion
7) discover, to the country
8) multi-activity, hang gliding
9) holiday camp
10) active, relaxing
Упражнение 36
1) c
2) a
3) c
4) b
5) b
6) a
7) c
8) a
9) b
10) b
Упражнение 37
1) likes / enjoys / is fond of
2) is (fond) of doing
3) going on excursions (to) lying on the beach
4) is (proud) of his collection of badges
5) hang gliding
6) going on an excursion
7) went for a
8) made
9) saw
10) am (interested) in architecture.
Упражнение 39
1) Why was Ann able to go abroad (to Turkey) last summer?
2) How long did they stay in Turkey?
3) Was the weather good (fine)?
4) What did they do in the evenings?
5) What watersport was Ann good at?
6) What present (gift) did Ann buy for her father?
7) Why did Ann have to keep to a diet?
8) Where did she spend the end of the summer?
9) When did they go fishing?
10) How did they cook food when they went hiking?
1) The weather was balmy and at daytime they spent hours sunbathing on
the beach and swimming in a warm salty sea. They returned home with a
marvelous suntan!
2) The food was splendid. They tasted the dishes of the Turkish cuisine
and enjoyed extensive eating and drinking on small hospitable farms in the country.
When they came back to Moscow Ann had to keep to a diet to drop weight!
3) Every day they went on excursions to different historical sites of the
country, visited the ruins of ancient castles and did a lot of sightseeing. They tried
themselves at different watersports and Ann was good at scuba diving and took
dozens of pictures of the underwater world. In the evenings they enjoyed the
amazing nightlife of the town, they went to bars, discos and nightclubs.
4) They tried themselves at different watersports and Mary learnt to
windsurf and Ann was good at scuba diving and took dozens of pictures of the
underwater world.
5) Ann got a fantastic set of small hand-made glasses for her father.
6) In the evenings they enjoyed the amazing nightlife of the town, they
went to bars, discos and nightclubs.
7) Sometimes they went to the forest and picked mushrooms and berries.
They made a lot of jars of jam and other conserves for the winter. Once they
went hiking and they lived in tents for a few days, made fires and cooked their
meals on fire. They spent afternoons on the river, had picnics, did a little gardening.
In the mornings they went boating and fishing on a small pond.
8)At the end of their holiday they looked around souvenir shops and bought
some small gifts for their relatives and friends. Ann got a fantastic set of small
hand-made glasses for her father.
9)Ann would like to go to London on a special interest tour to take an
English course there. She is studying the language real hard at university.
10) Sometimes they went to the forest and picked mushrooms and berries.
They made a lot of jars of jam and other conserves for the winter.
Упражнение 41
1) (-) Dan can’t go to the theatre every week.
(?) Can Dan go to the theatre every week?
2) (-) He won’t be able to play basketball very well in two years.
(?) Will he be able to play basketball very well in two years?
3) (-) Sally couldn’t take pictures of the underwater world last summer.
(?) Could Sally take pictures of the underwater world last summer?
4) (-) The holiday can’t be tiring.
(?) Can the holiday be tiring?
5) (-) They could not go on a cruise round Europe a year ago.
(?) Could they go on a cruise round Europe a year ago?
6) I could learn a large poem by heart when I was a schoolboy.
– Yes / No: Could I learn a large poem by heart when I was a schoolboy?
– What could I do when I was a schoolboy?
– Who could learn a large poem by heart?
– Tag: I could learn a large poem by heart when I was a schoolboy, couldn’t I?
– Could I learn a large poem by heart when I was a schoolboy or a student?
7) If you go abroad you can see a lot of places of interest.
– Yes / No: Can you see a lot of places of interest if you go abroad?
– What can you see if you go abroad?
– Who can see a lot of places of interest?
– Tag: You can see a lot of places of interest, if you go abroad, can’t you?
– Can you see a lot of places of interest if you go abroad or stay at
your place?
8) Mary couldn’t knit when she was ten.
– Yes / No: Could Mary knit when she was ten?
– What couldn’t Mary do when she was ten?
– Who couldn’t knit?
– Tag: Mary couldn’t knit when she was ten, could she?
– Or: Could Mary knit when she was ten or twelve?
9) They will be able to help you with Maths if you ask them.
– Yes / No: Will they be able to help you with Maths if you ask them?
Упражнение 43
1) (-) We may not use calculators at maths lessons.
(?) May we use calculators at maths lessons.
2) (-) The children won’t be allowed to go cycling after breakfast.
(?) Will the children be allowed to go cycling after breakfast?
3) (-) Doris was not allowed to watch TV late in the evening when she
was a child.
(?) Was Doris allowed to watch TV late in the evening when she was
a child?
4) (-) I may not go home.
(?) May I go home?
5) (-) Jack is not allowed to bring his friends home in the evenings.
(?) Is Jack allowed to bring his friends home in the evenings?
6) I may swim in that swimming-pool.
– Yes / No: May I swim in that swimming-pool?
– Where may I swim?
– Who may swim in that swimming-pool?
– Tag: I may swim in that swimming-pool, may I not?
– May I swim in that swimming-pool or in the river?
7) Kate will be allowed to go to the forest alone when she gets older.
– Yes / No: Will Kate be allowed to go to the forest alone when she
gets older?
– When will Kate be allowed to go to the forest alone?
– Who will be allowed to go to the forest alone?
– Tag: Kate will be allowed to go to the forest alone when she gets older,
won’t she?
– Will Kate be allowed to go to the forest or to the field alone when she
gets older?
8) We may go dancing on Saturdays and Sundays.
– Yes / No: May we go dancing on Saturdays and Sundays?
– When may we go dancing?
– Who may go dancing on Saturdays and Sundays?
– Tag: We may go dancing on Saturdays and Sundays, may we not?
– May we go dancing on Saturdays or on Sundays?
9) We were allowed to smoke in the room.
– Yes / No: Were we allowed to smoke in the room?
– What were we allowed to do?
– Who was allowed to smoke in the room?
– Tag: We were allowed to smoke in the room, weren’t we?
– Were we allowed to smoke in the room or in the hall?
10) Children are allowed to spend their pocket money the way they want to.
– Yes / No: Are children allowed to spend their pocket money the way
they want to?
– What are children allowed to do?
– Who is allowed to spend their pocket money the way they want to?
– Tag: Children are allowed to spend their pocket money the way they
want to, aren’t they?
– Are children allowed to spend their pocket money or their parents’
– What will they be able to do?
– Who will be able to help you?
– Tag: They will be able to help you with Maths if you ask them,
won’t they?
– Or: Will they be able to help you with Maths or with physics?
10) Tom’s little daughter can walk but she can’t run.
– Yes / No: Can Tom’s little daughter walk?
– Whose little daughter can walk but can’t run?
– Who can walk but can’t run?
– Tag: Tom’s little daughter can walk, can’t she?
– Or: Can Tom’s little daughter walk or run?
Упражнение 42
a) can, could, will be able:
1) could
2) will be able
3) can
4) could
5) can
1) Bob hopes he will be able to go rollerskating next summer.
2) We’ll be able to rent a house at the seaside.
3) I couldn’t go abroad last summer as I was finishing school and entering
the university.
4) I think we can go hiking or have a picnic, it is warm already
5) At last the Browns could go on an excursion and see (some) historical sites.
Упражнение 44
1) may
2) might/may
3) will be allowed
4) may
5) may
6) Excuse me, may I ask you a question?
7) Children will be allowed to play computer games
only for half an hour.
8) You may come in, the dean is not busy.
9) I was allowed to go to the cinema every day.
10) May I take this glamour magazine?
Упражнение 45
1) (-) The students mustn’t use the computer to solve this problem.
(?) Must the students use the computer to solve this problem?
2) (-) I didn’t have to leave home very early yesterday.
(?) Did I have to leave home very early yesterday?
3) (-) You won’t have to stay in bed for some days.
(?) Will you have to stay in bed for some days?
4) (-) Sally didn’t have to take keep-fit classes to lose weight.
(?) Did Sally have to take keep-fit classes to lose weight?
5) (-) You mustn’t look through the newspaper just now.
(?) Must you look through the newspaper just now?
6) We must be at the university at nine.
– Yes / No: Must we be at the university at nine?
– Where must we be at nine?
– When must we be at the university?
– Who must be at the university at nine?
– Tag: We must be at the university at nine, mustn’t we?
– Or: Must we be at the university or at home at nine?
7) She had to learn one hundred words for the exam.
– Yes / No: Did she have to learn one hundred words for the exam?
– How many words did she have to learn for the exam?
– Who had to learn one hundred words for the exam?
– Tag: She had to learn one hundred words for the exam, didn’t she?
– Or: Did she have to learn one hundred or one thousand words for
the exam?
8) Molly and her friends will have to go out for a meal as the refrigerator
is empty.
– Yes / No: Will Molly and her friends have to go out for a meal?
– What will Molly and her friends have to do as the refrigerator is empty?
– Why will Molly and her friends have to go out for a meal?
– Who will have to go out for a meal?
– Tag: Molly and her friends will have to go out for a meal, won’t they?
– Or: Will Molly and her friends have to go out for a meal or stay at home?
9) You must go to sleep earlier tonight, because we’re leaving at six
– Yes / No: Must you go to sleep earlier tonight?
– When must you go to sleep?
– Why must you go to sleep earlier tonight?
– Who must go to sleep earlier tonight?
– Tag: You must go to sleep earlier tonight, mustn’t you?
– Must you go to sleep earlier or late tonight?
10) My friend will have to take my dog for a walk next week.
– Yes / No: Will my friend have to take my dog for a walk next week?
– When will my friend have to take my dog for a walk?
– Who will have to take my dog for a walk next week?
– Tag: My friend will have to take my dog for a walk next week, won’t he?
– Or: Will my friend have to take my dog for a walk next week or
next month?
Упражнение 46
1) must
2) had to
3) will have to/had to
4) must
5) had to
6) You must stop reading detective stories, you are going to take exams soon.
7) We had to watch the horror film, because there was nothing else on TV.
8) People must go in for sports.
9) You will have to take part in the concert, nobody else can play the flute.
10) My friends will have to buy many presents.
Упражнение 47
1) buy
3) do
2) to learn
4) wait
5) to play
6) go
7) spend
8) to try
9) to walk
10) to get
Упражнение 48
1) Студенты не любят экзамены, но им приходится сдавать их два
раза в год.
2) Вам следует пойти погулять, вы выглядите бледным.
3) Если вы держите домашних животных, вы должны о них заботиться.
4) Поезд должен прибыть ровно в двенадцать.
5) Если человек хочет быть здоровым, ему следует заниматься
6) Диане не нравились друзья Теда, но ей пришлось пойти к ним
в гости.
7) Они должны были встретиться в десять.
8) Вы должны сходить к врачу / посоветоваться с врачом, перед тем
как заняться фитнесом.
9) Сэм потерял / проиграл много денег, поэтому ему пришлось бросить играть в азартные игры.
10) Кейт не следует заниматься аэробикой, у нее проблемы с сердцем.
Упражнение 49
1-d, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c,
6) You shouldn’t drink alcohol if you are going for a drive.
7) The weather was bad but we had to spend a lot of time outside / outdoors.
8) I am to meet my girlfriend at the metro station at three.
9) We must help Bill.
10) Sometimes you have to take the dog for a walk / to walk the dog late
at night.
Упражнение 51
1) Next weekend we will go (are going) to the country, we will live in a tent
and gather mushrooms and berries.
2) I often have to make trips abroad. I enjoy doing sightseeing in different
cities of Europe.
3) Last summer the Browns rented a cottage in the village. Every day they
could go boating, sunbathe (lie in the sun) on the beach and bathe in the river.
4) Do your parents allow you to do watersports? – Yes, they do. And I can
waterski and snorkel (dive).
5) I really must see the masterpieces of French painters on the exhibition in
the Museum of Fine Arts.
6) My sister is interested in horse riding. Every weekend she takes horse
riding classes.
7) Leslie had to buy a map of the city because she went walking along the
old streets of Paris a lot.
8) In the national parks of Africa you can see wild animals in their natural
9) You shouldn’t spend so much money on souvenirs, or we will not be able
to go on an excursion to the island of Kos.
10) You should take a holiday and have a good rest. You look pale and tired.
Упражнение 50
1. Должно быть, он коллекционировал марки, он много знает о
2. Возможно, Донна заболела.
3. Не может быть, чтобы они провалились на экзамене, они много
занимались в течение семестра.
4. Тебе следовало погулять с собакой до того, как ты пошел на
5. Не может быть, чтобы Тэд пропустил Мэри, ее невозможно не заметить, она очень привлекательная.
6. Ты мог бы мне позвонить, я так волновалась.
7. Должно быть, Дон потратил все свои деньги, играя в азартные игры.
8. – Где мои ключи? – Возможно, вы оставили их дома.
9. Мне следовало бы им все рассказать, теперь мы не можем ничего
10. Не может быть, чтобы они ушли в клуб, он обещал нас подождать.
h. a place that many people go to for a holiday;
Задание 1. Словам из левого столбика подберите соответствующий
перевод из слов правого столбика.
1) science fiction
a) кататься на лодке
2) to walk the dog
b) взять отпуск
3) pool
c) пейзаж
4) issue
d) научная фантастика
5) leisure centre
e) стрельба из лука
6) splendid
f) гулять с собакой
7) to take a holiday
g) развлекательный центр
8) archery
h) номер
9) to go boating
i) бильярд
10) landscape
j) прелестный
i. a journey, especially to Africa, in order to
watch, take pictures of wild animals;
j. to start doing smth regularly as a habit, work, or
8. sewing
9. be proud of
10. voyage
Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенного глагола в следующих предложениях:
1) Я буду читать приключенческий роман, когда ты придешь завтра.
a) shall read
b) shall be reading
c) shall have read d) am reading
2) Я буду читать приключенческий роман, когда ты придешь завтра.
a) come
b) will come
c) will be coming d) are coming
3) К твоему приходу я прочитаю уже половину книги.
a) shall read
b) shall be reading
c) shall have read d) am reading
4) На следующей неделе мы идем в поход.
a) shall go
b) shall be going
c) shall have gone d) are going
Задание 2. Подберите слово, соответствующее определению.
5) Мы вернемся, как только похолодает.
a) shall come back b) shall be coming back c) come
a. books and stories about imaginary events and
b. a film or TV programme, especially for
children, made by photographing a series of
с. work you do with cloth to make or repair a
piece of clothes;
d. feeling happy about your achievements, your
possessions, or people you are connected with;
e. a long journey, especially by boat or into space;
1. resort
f.a place with a natural supply of mineral water
where people go because this water improves
g. one of the large areas of salt water that cover
most of the Earth;
6. cartoon
9) Если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на самолет.
a) won’t be late b) won’t late
c) aren’t late
d) aren’t lating
7. take up
10) Завтра я иду с друзьями в клуб.
a) shall go
b) will be going
c) am going
2. safari
3. fiction
d) are coming back
6) Мы вернемся, как только похолодает.
a) will be cold
b) will cold
c) is cold
d) is colding
7) Поезд до Манчестера отправится в два часа.
a) will leave
b) will be leaving
c) leaves
d) is leaving
4. spa
5. ocean
8) Если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на самолет.
a) will hurry up
b) will be hurrying up
c) hurry up
d) are hurrying
d) go
Задание 4. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола (на все
12 форм действительного залога и модальные глаголы):
1) We … when George came to the party.
a) were dancing b) danced
c) have dancing d) dance
2) If you enjoy cycling you should … to the park.
a) to go
b) go
c) going
d) gone
3) Hilary … all her money on souvenirs, now she can’t buy anything else.
a) spends
b) is spending
c) has spent
d) spent
5) Я никогда раньше не видела такого шедевра!
6) Если завтра будет тепло, мы пойдем кататься на лодке, а если
холодно – на машине.
7) К нашем приезду Томпсоны снимут домик в деревне.
8) Катание на коньках может быть очень трудным, если вы никогда
не пробовали.
9) Детям не следует ходить купаться без взрослых, озеро должно
быть очень глубокое, потому что вода в нем всегда холодная.
10) Мы в этом году еще не отдыхали.
4) John failed at the exam again! You … him, aren’t you his friend?
a) helped
b) should have helped
c) should help
d) are helping
a) lies
5) The little girl … in the sun for an hour, it’s too long for her!
b) lays
c) has been lying d) is lying
6) They … go on a cruise if they have enough money.
a) must
b) may
c) need
d) can
7) We … fishing next Saturday.
a) shall go
b) are going
d) gone
c) went
8) Tony …a lot of mushrooms, I’ve got no idea what to do with them.
a) has gathered b) gathers
c) is gathering
d) gathered
9) I’m very thirsty, … I have a drink?
a) must
b) should
c) need
a) got
d) may
10) If you enter his study just now he … very angry, he is busy.
b) has got
c) will get
d) gets
Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1) Здравствуйте, можно мне принять участие в вашем ток-шоу?
2) Должно быть, он пишет новый детектив.
3) Моя сестра занимается аэробикой уже год и «сбросила» пять килограммов.
4) У тебя есть планы на лето? – Мы собираемся осмотреть достопримечательности Лондона.
1. Лексика
Hobbies. Free time.
S. Redman. “English Vocabulary in Use”. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate. –
Cambridge University Press, 2001. Unit 69.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр.30.
2. Грамматика
Будущие времена в действительном залоге
I. Система времен глагола в действительном залоге будущего
времени (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
Клементьева Т.Б. Повторяем времена английского глагола. – М.:
РА «СОРЕК», 1993. Раздел 4, стр. 102 – 116.
II. Будущее простое время
R.Murphy. “Essential Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 28, 29.
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 21 – 23.
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка, М.:ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 15 – 16, стр. 123 – 125.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 182
Употребление времен в сложноподчиненных предложениях с
придаточными условия и времени
R.Murphy. “Essential Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press,
2002.Units 110 (B), 111
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Unit 25
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 186–191.
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – М.:ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 117 стр. 439, 104 стр. 432.
III. Будущее длительное время
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Unit 24 (A,B,C).
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка, М.:ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 27 – 29, стр. 134 – 137.
IV. Будущее совершенное время
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Unit 24 (A,D).
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка, М.:ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 46 – 48, стр. 150 – 152.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 251.
V. Будущее совершенное длительное время
(5) §§ 59 – 60, стр. 159 – 160.
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Appendix 3.
Система времен глагола в действительном залоге (обобщение)
Клементьева Т.Б. Повторяем времена английского глагола. – М.:
РА «СОРЕК», 1993. Раздел 5, Обзорные упражнения, стр. 117 – 147.
3. Лексика:
S. Redman. “English Vocabulary in Use”. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate. –
Cambridge University Press, 2001.Units 88, 89.
McCarthy & O’Dell “English Vocabulary in Use”. Upper-intermediate
Cambridge University Press, 2002.Units 54, 55.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 38.
4. Грамматика:
Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
I. Основные модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
II. Выражение долженствования
III. Выражение предположения
R.Murphy. “Essential Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 30 – 33.
R. Murphy. “English Grammar in Use”. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Units 26 – 34.
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка, М.:ЮНВЕС, 1995. §§ 142 – 164 стр. 220 – 236.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО,
2002. Упр. 487 – 504.
Ирина Николаевна Мороз
Ольга Александровна Горбачева
Модуль 4
“Leisure and Pleasure”
Рабочий учебник. М.: РосНОУ, 2005. 80 с.
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