Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church A parish of the New England Diocese ✣ Orthodox Church in America 285 ALDEN AVENUE NEW HAVEN, CT 06515 (203) 397-9682 www.holytransfigurationnh.org The Very Reverend Michael Westerberg, Rector phone (203) 387-3882 fax (203) 387-3043 email frwesterberg@sbcglobal.net Rectory and Parish Mailing address: 25 Kohary Drive New Haven, CT 06515-2418 Sunday, April 17, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Great Lent / Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt Today’s readings are: Hebrews 9:11-14 and Saint Mark 10:32-45 WEEKLY CALENDAR: THE CHURCH CALLS THIS WEEK “PALM WEEK” Today church school and coffee hour 4:00pm Sacrament of Holy Unction at Three Saints Church, Ansonia April 18 Mon 5:30pm Daily Vespers April 19 5:30pm Daily Vespers Tue April 20 Wed 4:45pm Confessions (until 5:50pm) 6:00pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy — followed by a pot-luck lenten supper April 21 Thu 5:30pm Daily Vespers April 22 Fri 6:00pm Matins of the Raising of Lazarus April 23 Sat 8:15am Chrismation of Neely Bruce 9:00am Divine Liturgy- The Raising of Lazarus [Hebrews 12:28-13:8 and Saint John 11:1-45] 4:30pm choir rehearsal 5:00pm Vigil of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem with the blessing and distribution of palms and branches followed by Confessions (*) April 24 Sun Palm Sunday 9:00am Divine Liturgy- The Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem [Philippians 4:4-9 and Saint John 12:1-18] church school and coffee hour 4:00pm Bridegroom Matins at All Saints Church, Hartford (*) This is the last scheduled opportunity for confessions before Pascha. We have had the entire time of Great Lent. By Holy Week our hearts and minds need to turn away from ourselves and to focus on Christ and his passion on the cross. Information about the Paschal Breakfast was in the bulletin and is posted on the bulletin boards. Please look over the list of needed items and speak to Susan Papademetris about how you will help with the food; and speak to Judy Ross about how you will help out with the Pascha and/or Bright Monday breakfasts. If you are willing to bring hard-boiled, dyed eggs for blessing and distribution on Pascha, stop at the candle desk and sign up so that we know how many eggs we can expect. It is traditional that people keep vigil by reading at the tomb of the Lord beginning on Great and Holy Friday. Many people speak of this vigil as a wonderful experience and a precious gift. And so it is. A sign-up sheet for reading at the tomb of our Lord is posted on the downstairs bulletin board. Families/friends may share a ‘time slot’ and persons may sign up for more than one time. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ As we enter the sixth week of Great Lent we need to be looking ahead. If we haven’t already done so, we need to reserve the days of Holy Week so that we can participate in the special services as much as humanly possible. From this Friday- the Eve of the Raising of Lazarus, we need to be making an extra effort to attend services. And, in the same spirit, we need to make plans, and if necessary arrangements, so that we can be at the Divine Liturgy of Bright Monday. Some people fine it difficult to grasp that the Divine Services are an entry into and participation in the very Kingdom of God, the same kingdom that is yet to come, but into which we enter through the Church. If we are determined to make our life in the Church a ninety-minute experience to be endured on Sunday mornings, probably no words will help us to see or understand. But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the very gates of the Kingdom are opening to us and we have but to enter and to receive eternal joy! ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Brethren, let us assemble before the end of the fast! With pure hearts let us draw near to the compassionate God, forgetting all the cares of this life. Caring, instead, for our souls by abstinence, let us renounce our love of pleasure and concern ourselves instead with charity! For by it, as it is written, we shall find delight as once did those who hosted angels! Let us nourish the poor of him who nourishes us with his flesh! Let us be clothed with the one who covers himself with light as with a garment! So that, by the intercessions of the most pure Mother and Virgin Theotokos, we may receive remission of our sins and cry to him with compunction: “Save us, O Lord, from the left hand of your judgment! Make us worthy to stand at your right hand, for you are the merciful Lover of man!” [Thursday Matins, 6th week of Great Lent] ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Сегодня- Неделя 5-я В. Поста - Памят Преподобной Марии Египетской [Послание к Евреям 9:11-14 и от Марка 10:32-45] 4:00чд Елеосвящение в Ансоние Сред. 4:45чд Исповедь (до 5:50чд) 6:00чв Литургия Преждеосвящнных Даров - и постный ужин Пятн. 6:00вч Утреня Лазарева Субб. 9:00чу Литургия- Суббота Лазарева [Послание к Евреям 12:28-13:8 и от Иоанна 11:1-45] 5:00чд Великая Вечерня и Утреня с молитвом на освящение ваий – и Исповедь Воск. 9:00чу Литургия- Вход Господен во Иеруслим [Послание к Филиппийцам 4:4-9 и от Иоанна 12:1-18] 4:00чд Утреня в Хардфорде Исповед и Святае Таинство не толко во время Великого Поста, но во время Великого Поста каждой Православне Христянин обязин исповедоватса и принесть Сватяе Таинство. Те которие не исповедуютса отказиваю голос голосование в Церковном распяложение, и не можим быть похоронон с церкви во время смерти.