Праздники Великобритании. День Святого Валентина

О.Ф. Неизвестных,
учитель английского языка,
п. Новая Игирма, МОУ СОШ №3.
Тема по самообразованию: «Развитие социокультурной компетенции на
уроках английскогоязыка»
(Из опыта работы по УМК «HappyEnglish. ru» для 7-9 классов)
Урок по теме: «Праздники Великобритании. День Святого Валентина»
Цели урока:
 развивать навыки монологической речи;
 развивать навыки аудирования, чтения;
 развивать творческие способности учащихся.
Задачи урока:
 введение и закрепление лексических единиц по теме;
 развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;
 развития внимания, языковой догадки и воображения.
магнитофон и аудиоприложение, рисунки с изображением символов праздников, карточки
для работы с заданиями по тексту.
Начало урока
T:Good morning, boys and girls. You are welcome to our lesson.
- How do friends spend time together?
- How do you and yоur friend spend time together?
- Do you spend any holidays together? What are these holidays?
- What holidays are there in Russia?
- Do you know anything about the holiday St. Valentine's Day?
Today we,ll speak about this holiday.
T:Read the words after the teacher, then in turn.
In honour of
a bishop,
a martyr
a law
a priest
an emperor
a prison
to be burned
to spread
a ribbon
to cure
a jailer
a bow
to sign
an arrow
to be beheaded
(Учащиеся самостоятельно переводят слова с помощью словаря)
Развитие навыков аудирования
T:Listen to the text (учащиесяслушаютаудиозапись).
In England and in America the 14th of February is St. Valentine's Day. It is not a
national or a religious holiday. It is named in honour of two Сhristian martyrs. Their names were
Valentine. The first Valentine was Christian priest. He was put into prison, because he spread the
teachings of Christ. He cured the jailer's blind daughter and wrote her a letter which he signed
«From Your Valentine». He was beheaded. The second Valentine was anItalian bishop. He was put
into prison, because he secretly married people, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. The
legend says he was burned at the stake.
Boys and girls and grown-ups send valentines to their friends on this day. A Valentine is a little
picture with a little poem or some kind words on it. Pupils make Valentines for their teachers.
Valentines are made of coloured paper, lace, yarn, ribbons. The symbols of Valentines are red
hearts, birds, love letters, candies, chocolates, Kisses and Cupid with a bow and an arrow.
IV. Работа с текстом
T:Finish the sentences
1. St. Valentine's Day is on the...
5. Valentines are made of..,
2. It is named in honour of... 6. The symbols of Valentines are...
3. The first Valentine was...
7. On this day boys and girls and grownups...
4. The second Valentine was...
T:True or False:
Americans and Englishmen celebrate St. Valentine's Day in February.
It is a national holiday.
It is named in honour of two Christian officers.
The first Valentine was a Christian priest.
The second was an Italian bishop.
Boys and girls and grown ups send valentines to their friends on this day.
A Valentine is a long letter with instructions.
The symbols of Valentines are red hearts, birds, love letters, candies and
T: Put the sentences it the right order to make up a story(учительраздаетиндивидуальныезадания):
1. It is named in honour of two Christian martyrs.
2. In England and in America the 14th of February is St. Valentine's Day.
3. The first Valentine was Christian priest.
4. Their names were Valentines.
5. The second Valentine was an Italian bishop.
6. He was put into prison.
7. He was beheaded.
8. He was burned at the stake.
T:Makeupsentences (учитель раздает индивидуальные задания):
1. the 14th of February, is, St. Valentine's Day, and, in, England, America.
2. holiday, religious, not, a, national, it, is.
3. in, honour, oЈ two, is, it, named, martyrs, Christian.
4. names, their, were, Valentines.
5. the, first, Valentine, priest, Christian, was.
6. was, he, prison, put, into.
7. cured, blind, daughter, the, jailer's, ok
T: Fill in the blanks:
1. In England and America the 14th of February is ....
(Valentine's Day, Independence Day, Father's Day)
2. It is not a ... holiday.
(local, national, religious)
3. It is named in honour of two Christian ....
(kings, officers, martyrs)
4. Their names were...
(Bill, John, Valentine)
5. The first Valentine was ...
(a pilligrim, a priest, a king)
6. He was put into prison because he...(killed people, spread the teaching of Marxism, spread the
teaching of Christ}
7. The second was an Italian...
(writer, musician, bishop)
8. He was put into prison because he secretly...
(married people, beat people, divorced people)
9. Boys and girls and grown ups send ... to the friends.
(parcels, boxes, valentines)
10. A Valentine is a little ... with a little poem.
(box, picture, portrait)
T: Аnswer the questions:
1. When is St. Valentine's Day?
2. What was the first Valentine?
3. What was the second Valentine?
4. How do people celebrate this holiday?
5. What are the symbols of the holiday?
T: Listen to the story once more.
VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи. The pupils retell the story.
VII. Заключительная часть урокаи подведение итогов
Учитель раздает валентинки за успешную работу на уроке
VIII. Домашнеезадание. Write about the holiday.
IX. Анализ урока учащимися
T:I will be glad if you express your opinion about the lesson.Для объективного анализа урока
ученикам предлагается выразить свое мнение о проведенном уроке. Для того чтобы на
мнение ученика никто не повлиял, учащиеся записывают свое мнение на валентинках и
отдают учителю.
I Liked / didn't Like the lesson very much because it was interesting / funny / boring /
difficult/easy for me.
T:I would like to choose the face/faces which describe/s your feelings and emotions at
the end of the lesson.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю. Английский язык: «HappyEnglish. ru». – Обнинск:
Титул, 2009.
2. Учебно-методический журнал. Английский в школе. Издательство «Титул»,
3. Нестандартные уроки английского языка. – Волгоград: ИТД «Корифей», 2010.