340 lnvar alloys Masayuki Shiga Even though the study of the ‘invar problem’ has a long history, the origins of the thermal expansion anomaly and of some exotic behaviors understood. of invar have not yet been fully Over the past few years, however, theoretical understanding of the invar problem as a result of progress in computer first principle band calculations estimate quantitatively has been greatly improved methods. In particular, have made it possible to the thermal expansion coefficient of invar alloy. Address Department of Materiils Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, Japan; e-mail: shiga@magma.mtl.kyoto-u.ac.jp Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 1996, Figure l:340-340 0 Current Science Ltd ISSN coherent-potential high spin T, low spin Curie temperature TN Nobel temperature 1 1359-0266 Abbreviations CPA HS LS Now, many other alloys and compounds that show a similar thermal expansion anomaly have been found and are called invar-type alloys. Research on the invar problem is currently focused on the following areas: firstly, research for applications; secondly, discoveries of new invar-type alloys or compounds and of anti-invar (which possesses an enhanced thermal expansion coefficient); thirdly, new experiments to reveal the mechanism of invar anomalies; and fourthly, theoretical studies on the invar problem, and in particular, calculations of the electronic structure, total energy and effects of spin fluctuations on thermodynamic properties. This review highlights these research areas; comprehensive data and references on this problem can be found in other reviews [1,2]. approximation -AV V Introduction The invar alloy, FebsNi35, is well known as the material which has a very small thermal expansion coefficient around room temperature (<2x lOdK-1 compared to most metallic materials which have a thermal expansion coefficient of 10-20x lOAK-1) and is widely used in industrial applications (e.g. in precision instruments such as shadow masks of cathode ray tubes for color televisions). In addition to the thermal expansion anomaly, Fe-rich fee Fe-Ni alloys show many other anomalous properties, such as large negative pressure effects on the magnetization and on the Curie temperature (the transition temperature between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases), a large forced volume magnetostriction (the volume expansion induced by an applied magnetic field), and an anomalous temperature dependence of the elastic constants. Furthermore, deviation of the spontaneous magnetic moment from the Slater-Pauling curve, a large high field susceptibility, and a large residual resistivity are observed. These anomalous properties are known collectively as the ‘invar anomaly’ or ‘invar effect’. Since its discovery by Guillaume in 1898 (Guillaume named this alloy invar because its length is invariant with temperature), invar has attracted much attention not only from engineers but also from physicists. Interest is focused particularly in the field of magnetism, because the origin of the thermal expansion anomaly is intimately related to the magnetism of metals, which is not yet fully understood. T Schematic Dashed diagram of the invar-type thermal expansion anomaly. curved indicates thermal expansion for the hypothetical paramagnetic state. The difference between the two curves corresponds to the spontaneous volume magnetostriction. T, is the Curie (or Nobel) temperature. Applications Invar alloys have long been used as the material for precision instruments. Applications have recently tended to spread into electronic devices. In addition to use in these rather small devices, invar alloys are used as structural components, for instance, in LNG (liquefied natural gas) containers and core wires of long-distance power cables. In most cases, FebsNiss-based alloys are used, although a third or further elements are sometimes added to improve their physical, mechanical and chemical properties, depending upon the purpose and the environment of the application. Here, I review some recent articles on applications of invar alloys, comparing the effects of Mn, Cr, and Co on the thermal expansion Invar allloys Shiia behavior of Fe-Ni invar 131, the glass-metal characteristics [4], and the weldability [Sl. bonding Figure 2 341 substances do not show such a pronounced anomaly but exhibit only a tiny thermal expansion anomaly at the Curie (or Ntel) temperature, as seen typically in Fe and Ni. What is the factor that causes the giant volume magnetostriction, which gives rise to the invar-type thermal expansion anomaly? This question is essential for understanding the invar problem and will be discussed in the following sections. Furthermore, it has been pointed out that some alloys or compounds that have similar compositions to invar, show an enhanced thermal expansion coefficient in the paramagnetic state known as ‘anti-invar’ behavior. In this section, I review the materials that exhibit the invar-type thermal expansion anomaly and, in addition, those that exhibit anti-invar behavior. Fe-rich fee iron alloys: classical invar 0.508 1 0 I 1 I 200 400 Temperature 600 (Kl 800 Temperature dependence of the unit cell volume (V) for YzFel~ (01, YlFe, ,Co,s (0) and Y2FeI 7C1 ,s (n). The Curie temperatures are marked by arrows. (Published with permission from I81.I Figure 3 Al 2.5 1 o-2, t Fe rich fee iron alloys such as FebsNi35 and Fe3Pt are sometimes known as classical invar alloys and have been intensively studied from various viewpoints. Countless ternary or multicomponent alloys, such as Fe-Ni-Co (super invar) and Fe-Co-Cr (stainless invar), have been developed for practical uses. As the local atomic arrangements of amorphous alloys are near to a close-packed structure, such as fee, it is likely that the origin of the electronic and magnetic states of Fe atoms play a crucial role in invar behavior. Several ternary Fe alloys, such as Fe-Ni-Mn and Fe-Ni-Cr, have been investigated in order to reveal the role of Fe atoms and the associated complicated magnetic characteristics from a basic viewpoint. Most of the papers on these alloys were published a long time ago and will be found in the review papers cited in 111. Ferromagnetic intermetallic compounds Temperature (K) Thermal expansion of Nd2FeI 7Nx with decreasing temperature, just after nitriding; Al/lo denotes the fractional change in length. (Published with permission from [Q].) New invar-type alloys and anti-invar So far, many alloys and intermetallic compounds, exhibiting a thermal expansion anomaly similar to that of FebsNiJs invar, have been found. This anomaly is caused by a large volume expansion accompanying the onset of spontaneous magnetization or the onset of sublattice magnetization of antiferromagnets. which is known as the spontaneous volume magnetostriction. When spontaneous volume magnetostriction is large enough to cancel the normal thermal expansion caused by lattice vibrations, we have a very small or even a negative expansion coefficient as shown schematically in Figure 1. One should note, however, that most ferromagnetic (or antiferromagnetic) Many ferromagnetic intermetallic compounds show the invar-type thermal expansion anomaly. &Fez has a large spontaneous volume magnetostriction, although the thermal expansion coefficient at room temperature is not very small, owing to the rather high Curie temperature. By substituting Zr with Nb, the Curie temperature decreases and the thermal expansion coefficient becomes small or negative depending upon the Nb content [6]. Recently, the magnetic properties of rare-earth-iron compounds were intensively studied after the discovery of the magnificent permanent magnet NdzFel4B. Some of them were found to exhibit invar-type thermal expansion. It is well known that NdzFel4B itself has the invar characteristics (71. It was found that the Curie temperature of RzFel7 (R = rare earth) compounds can be increased by introducing C or N atoms interstitially, leading to great interest in their carbides and nitrides as new materials for rare-earth permanent magnets with low R and high Fe contents. It is interesting that these compounds have a large spontaneous volume magnetostriction and exhibit a remarkable thermal expansion anomaly, as shown in Figures 2 and 3 [8,9]. Some ferromagnetic Mn compounds, such as MnB, exhibit a remarkable thermal expansion anomaly. Wada and I [lo] showed that the Mnl,Co,B 342 Metals and alloys system exhibits typical invar-type x=0.5, as seen in Figure 4. thermal expansion at Figure 4 Al/l (1 O-3) Mn ,&o XB of color cathode-ray tubes, this leads to difficulties or inconvenience. Therefore. non-magnetic invar-type alloys are desired. Antiferromagnetic Cr-based alloys have been studied most intensively for this purpose. It was found that Cr-Fe-Mn alloys have almost no thermal expansion coefficient at room temperature [13], however, they have not yet been corrmercially used because of their poor workability (i.e. if is difficult to process them by rolling or machining). Some Mn alloys or compounds exhibit a remarkable thermal expansion anomaly accompanied by antiferromagnetic spin ordering. The Mn-Ge alloy is antiferromagnetic and shows an invar-type thermal expansion anomaly. It was found that the 23at% Ge alloy has a thermal expansion coefficient of nearly zero at room temperature [ 141, that is, it is a non-ferromagnetic invar alloy. This alloy is, however, also too brittle to use in practical applications. Instead of the effort to seek non-ferromagnetic invar alloys, which are free from the effect of a magnetic field, no commercially valuable alloys have yet been found. I 0 I 200 400 600 800 1 ooc T W) Thermal expansion curve of Mn,_xCo,B; Al/l denotes the fractional change in length. Arrows indicate the Curie temperatures [lo]. Ferromagnetic amorphous alloys During the past decade, a lot of data on metallic amorphous materials have been accumulated. Among them, alloys Fe-rich amorphous ferromagnetic most exhibit the invar-type thermal expansion anomaly. It is believed that the local atomic arrangements of amorphous alloys are near to a close-packed structure, such as fee. Therefore, it is likely that the origin of the invar anomalies in these materials is the same as that of Fe-rich fee alloys. In fact, the concentration dependence of spontaneous magnetization and the Curie temperature of amorphous alloys show a close similarity to those for the Fe-N; system. Recently, the invar behavior of amorphous Yl_,Fe, [l l] and La(Fe,All_x)lA [12*] alloys has been reported. Antiferromagnetic invar Invar alloys keep their volume constant as the temperature changes. As Fe-Ni invar is ferromagnetic, however. the dimension (i.e. length) is sensitive to magnetic fields caused by ordinary anisotropic magnetostriction. In some practical applications, such as shadow masks Laves phases, RMn2, have interesting magnetic properties in many respects, including magnetovolume effects [15]. Among them, YMnZ exhibits a drastic volume change of about 5% at the Ntel temperature, TN, as shown in Figure 5, which is the largest volume magnetostriction so far reported. However, the magnetic transition of Yhlnz from the antiferromagnetic state to the paramagnetic one is of the first order and we cannot expect a small thermal expansion coefficient. Rather, one should note that the thermal expansion coefficient above TN is remarkably large. This enhancement of the thermal expansion coefficient may be regarded as an ‘anti-invar’ effect, as described below. Other RMn2 compounds carrying Mn moments exhibit a similar thermal expansion anomaly at the magnetic transition temperature, although the magnitude of the spontaneous volume magnetostriction is smaller than that of YMnZ. The large volume shrinkage in Rhlnz compounds above TN is ascribed to the collapse of Mn moments at TN. Anti-invar It is now believed that temperature variation of the magnitude of local magnetic moments or the amplitude of spin fluctuations plays a crucial role for determining the thermal expansion coefficient in metallic magnetic systems (see below). According to the theory of spin Huctuations (which predicts the existence of local magnetic moments, whose magnitude increases with increasing temperature). we can expect an increase of magnetic moments with increasing temperature in the paramagnetic phase, giving rise to an enhancement of the thermal expansion coefficient. Some scientists call this ‘anti-invar’ behavior (although it is not a popular technical term). The anti-invar effect is most clearly found in YMnz compounds [16]. Figure 6 shows the thermal expansion coefficient of Y(hlnl_,AI,)Z compounds at room temperature as a Invar alloys Shiga 343 Figure 6 Figure 5 a(i) 7.90 YMn, 7.80- 0 200 400 600 800 1 oat T(K Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter (a, in A) of YMnp A huge volume change of about 5% is observed at the magnetic transition temperature from the antiferromagnetic to the paramagnetic state. Above the transition temperature, the thermal expansion coefficient is very large, about 50 x 10-B K-1. (Published with permission from [161.) function of Al composition, x. The thermal expansion coefficient of YMnZ is enormously large, being 50 x 104 K-l but rapidly decreases when Mn is replaced by small amounts of Al, approaching a normal value for the thermal expansion coefficient. This enhancement of the thermal expansion coefficient was explained as a result of thermal evolution of the amplitude of spin fluctuations after the collapse of local magnetic moments of Mn just above TN [16]. On the other hand, by substituting Al with Mn, Mn moments are stabilized and the amplitude of spin fluctuations remains constant against temperature, giving rise to the normal thermal expansion for x > 0.1. By plotting the temperature dependence of thermal expansion coefficients of antiferromagnetic fee Fel_,Mn, [ 17.1 and FesoNi,Mns+x [ 181 along a scale normalized by the melting temperature, together with other normal metals, it has been shown that the thermal expansion of these antiferromagnetic alloys is strongly enhanced above TN due to the anti-invar effect (Fig. 7) Moroni et a/. [ 19.1 have shown that anti-invar behavior is widely observed in strongly paramagnetic systems such as ZrVz, ZrZn~ and TiBez, for which they performed self-consistent band calculations and estimated the magnetic contribution to thermal expansion. Models for invar effects and experimental evidence The origin of invar effects has been intensively debated for a couple of decades. I should say that we have not yet reached the final solution. One reason for confusion is that the definition of invar effects or invar anomalies is not clear. I believe that the essential character of 0 1.0 YMn2 YA12 Concentration (x) dependence of the the-1 expansion coefficient of Y (MNI_,,Alx)~ at room temperature. The broken line is extrapolated from x (a) > 0.2. This figure clearly shows that the thermal expansion coefficient is enhanced more than twice by spin fluctuations. (Published with permission from [161.). invar alloys is an extraordinarily large spontaneous volume magnetostriction, which is commonly observed in invar type alloys and compounds. There are many other anomalies in the classical Fe-Ni invar alloys, such as their deviation from the Slater-Pauling curve. However, most of them are specific to the Fe-Ni system and are not observed even in Fe-Pt invar. The origin of the deviation from the Slater-Pauling curve for Fe-Ni invar is still a controversial problem. Here, I discuss the origin of large spontaneous volume magnetostriction. At the first stage of this long debate, the invar problem was discussed on the basis of the local-moment model. Assuming a strong volume dependence of the exchange integral between neighboring local magnetic moments, it is possible to explain the large spontaneous volume magnetostriction. However, it became evident that 3d electrons in transition metals are of itinerant character; therefore, the magnetovolume coupling should also be discussed on the basis of an itinerant electron model. The origin of spontaneous volume magnetostriction is explained as follows: the exchange interaction causes a ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic spin polarization of 3d bands, which leads to an increase in the kinetic energy of the 3d electrons. This energy loss can be reduced by 344 Metals and alloys splitting should be proportional to <Sl>G=, no distinct volume change is observed for nearly local moment systems such as bee Fe, whose temperature dependence of <SLY> is described by curve b (Fig. 8). When <S1,?> decreases considerably with increasing temperature but below T,, as shown by curve c, we can expect the invar-like thermal expansion anomaly to occur. <$,z> increases with increasing temperature in the paramagnetic region by thermal excitations of spin fluctuations; an anti-invar-like enhanced thermal expansion coefficient is expected. Some authors claim that the change of <S1,%- in Fe-Ni and FeJPt invar can be described by excitation of low-spin (LS) from the high spin (HS) states, which are characteristic electronic states of fee Fe [Zl). However, it is not easy to detect the decrease of the amplitude of spin fluctuations or excitation of the LS state directly. Figure 7 0.08 t Icc-Mn A 0.06 Fiaure 8 0.02 :s,*> Tc 15 ;: 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 T/T, 0.8 1 MC --q- d Product of the melting temperature (T,) and the thermal expansion coefficients (a) versus the reduced temperature (T/T,) for different fee metals and alloys. The dashed curve represents the average of e J these metals. One can see that the thermal expansion of fee Fe-Mn alloys and fee Fe is highly enhanced. (Published with permission from T f17’1.1 Schematic representations spin fluctuation amplitude, volume expansion because the 3d bandwidth is reduced or the density of states is increased by the volume expansion. In fact, a precise band calculation, for instance of bee Fe, has shown that the volume expansion due to band polarization should be as large as several per cent [ZO]. However, such a large volume change is not always observed in metallic ferromagnets at the Curie temperature (T,) except for invar-type alloys, implying that a simple band theory for magnetism (the Stoner model) does not properly describe the electronic state of itinerant electron ferromagnets at high temperatures. The apparent lack of the large volume change at T, can be explained by assuming that the effective 3d band splitting does not change at T, but persists as local magnetic moments above T,. The concept of spin fluctuations gives a unified picture for localized moment and itinerant electron models, where the magnitude of local moments can be defined as the amplitude of the longitudinal spin fluctuations at each atomic site, <St,z> (where S is the spin quantum number and L denotes ‘local’ at atomic sites). For most metallic magnets, <Sr,z> remains almost constant below and above the Curie temperature, as shown schematically by curve b in Figure 8. On the other hand, as the volume expansion due to effective 3d band of temperature dependencies &L%. (a) Localized moment of the local system: (b) nearly localrzed moment systems like bee Fe; (e) invar-type; (d) weakly itinerant ferromagnets; and (e) nearly ferromagnetic metals. For (c-e). <SL% increases with increasing temperature grving rise to an enhancement of the thermal expansion ‘anti-lnvar effect’. above T,, known as the Several experiments have been performed to detect the change of spin polarization of 3d bands or the excitation of LS states. Kisker et nl. [ZZ] carried out spin-resolved and angle-resolved photoemission on ordered FeJPt with synchrotron radiation at below and above the Curie temperature and detected a difference between the two temperatures. They ascribed this difference to the change of the density of states between the spin-polarized (ferromagnetic) state and the non-polarized (paramagnetic) state. A similar experiment was carried out for Fe#iJj invar alloy [23] and nearly the same result as found for FejPt was obtained. StPhler et (I/. [24] have dependence carried out measurements of the temperature of the circular magnetic X-ray dichroism for ordered FeTzPt28 invar at a low temperature (11OK) and just below the Curie temperature (41OK:). ‘They found a temperature-dependent change of the magnetic Invar alloys Shiga absorption profile that differed from the pure amplitude reduction due to the reduced magnetization, implying a change of the spin splitting in the low-lying unoccupied p states. Buchholz ef of. [25*]have carried out infrared (IR) emission spectroscopy at energies 9-33mRy in the temperature range 430-8OOK on single crystals of FeNi and FePt invar. They found a drastic decrease of the IR absorption in the energy range 23-33 mRy, whereas at low energies, around 9 mRy, the absorption is temperature independent. These two results are not direct evidence of the change in 3d band splitting, but are discussed within the framework of the model of HS-LS transitions by comparing them with spin-polarized band-structure calculations [25*]. In principle, paramagnetic neutron scattering experiments can give an estimation of <S$>. However, scanning a wide range of the momentum and energy space is necessary for a reliable estimation. Because of this difficulty, no new measurement to estimate <SL%= has been reported since the pioneering work on Fe65Ni35 by Collins [26] and on Fe3Pt by Ziebeck ef a/.[27]. In contrast, inelastic neutron scattering experiments have been carried out intending to find the ‘hidden excitations’, which were proposed by Ishikawa et a/.[28]to explain the fact that the magnetization of the invar alloys decreases more rapidly with temperature than can be explained on the basis of the measured spin wave dispersion relations. Lynn and Rosov [29] have carried out polarized inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the amorphous ferromagnetic Feg,jBrd invar alloy and found longitudinal spin fluctuations separated from the transverse (spin wave) excitations. However, a similar excitation was observed in the non-invar ferromagnetic amorphous alloy Fe~Ni~P&. Therefore, the unusual longitudinal magnetic excitation might be characteristic of ferromagnet amorphous alloys but not of the invar alloy. In fact, by means of precise inelastic neutron scattering experiments on ordered and disordered Fe72Ptza single crystals below Tc, they did not find any excitations other than the ordinary transverse spin wave excitations, although they confirmed that the zero-temperature spin wave stiffness constants (98 meVA2 and 107meVA2 for the disordered and ordered alloys, respectively) are significantly higher than those determined by magnetization measurements [30]. Dumpich et a/.[31] have measured the temperature dependence of magnetization of evaporated Fe-Ni invar alloy films and determined the stiffness constant. They have shown that the stiffness constant for the as-prepared Fe6sNi35 film (130 meV &‘) lies close to that determined from spin-wave dispersion curves (140meVA2) and that a value for the annealed film (77 meV AZ) is comparable with that for bulk Fe6sNi35 invar alloy. They claimed that the difference in the stiffness constants between neutron and magnetization measurements is not an intrinsic invar characteristic but may be caused by a partial or premartensitic transformation (a martensitic transformation is a phase transition without long distance atomic movements: premartensitic refers 345 to the phenomena observed just before a martensite transition begins) caused by inhomogeneity. A theoretical approach to this problem was attempted [32], which was successful in qualitative but not quantitative terms. Band calculations and theoretical aspects Developments in the technique for calculating the electronic structure of metals and compounds give us reliable information on the electronic structure without introducing any adjustable parameter. For disordered alloys such as Fe-Ni invar, however, the lack of periodicity makes it difficult to execute the first-principle calculations. In order to have information on Fe6sNi35 invar, the electronic structure of ordered Fe3Ni alloy has been calculated. The first attempt was made by Williams ef a/. [33]. They calculated the total energy of Fe3Ni as a function of the unit cell volume and showed that the spin-polarized (ferromagnetic) state has a larger unit cell volume than the non-magnetic state and that the energy difference between them is very small. They pointed out that the thermal expansion anomaly of the invar alloy can be ascribed to thermal excitations of the small-volume non-magnetic state. Moruzzi [34] calculated the total energy (E) of Fe3Ni as a function of volume (V) and magnetization (Ml, that is, E(M,V), and showed that energy versus volume curves display a low-spin state centered at low volume and a high-spin state at high volume. On the basis of this calculation, he described a qualitative understanding of the thermal properties of invar alloys. For a quantitative description of their thermal properties, the effect of spin fluctuations should be taken into account. Mohn et al.[35] calculated other properties and the magnetic contribution to the thermal expansion coefficient on the basis of phenomenological spin fluctuation theory using the E(M,V) surface obtained by the fixed-spin-moment method. The calculation was extended to a tetragonal distorted lattice and the connection between martensitic transformation and the invar effects was discussed [36]. The real Fe-Ni invar alloy is, of course, a disordered alloy. The coherent-potential approximation (CPA) can describe an electronic state of disordered alloys. Hasegawa and Kanamori [37] first applied CPA calculations to Fe-Ni alloys using a model density of states. Recently, Schriiter eta/.[38*‘1 calculated the electronic structure and thermal evolutions of the magnetic and structural binding surfaces of fee Fe-Ni alloys using CPA combined with the Korringa-Kohn-Restocker band calculation scheme. The results of their calculations are shown in Figure 9. On the basis of these binding surfaces, they successfully explained many aspects of invar effects, including the connection to martensitic transformation. Calculations of the electronic structure and the total energy have been performed for Fe3Pt invar. Podgorny [39] obtained the E(M,V) curve for ordered FeJPt, showing double minima in the energy surface as observed in FelNi. He explained the essential features of the ground 346 Metals and alloys Figure 9 5.5 0.0 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 0.0 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 a (IMJ.) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ‘.:\ i A 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 4(&U.) 6.7 6.8 6.9 0.0 -6.3 a (a.&) 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 nn _.- 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.6 l@&) 6.7 6.6 6.9 0.0 6.3 2.5 2.5 2.0 20 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 _.- 6.4 L5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.4 S.5 65 a (ML) 6.7 6.8 6.9 00 6.3 &ding surfaces (energy contour maps in the momen~voiume space) for the disordered Fe,Nit, system in the fee structure obtained by (a-g) KKR-CPA calculations and (h) augmented spherical wave (ASW) calculatrons. Contour lines are at 0.5 mRy intervals; a IS the lattice parameter in atomic units. it is clearly shown that upon changing x, the system gradually transforms from (a) Fe so Ni 40, which is magnetic with an energy minimum located at a=6625atomic units, M=l.6 &atom to (g) Fe 7s Ni ss, which is non-magnetic with an energy minimum at a=6.457atomrc units, M=Ou6/atom (where M is the magnetrc moment per atom). (h) shows the binding surface of ordered FesNi. (Published wrth permrssron from [38**1.) imar alloys Shiga state properties of FeJPt invar. Uhl et al. [40**] calculated the total energy of Fe3Pt as a function of the volume and the magnetic moment arranged in both collinear and non-collinear spiral structure and explained the thermal expansion coefficient by taking spin fluctuations into account. Conclusions Applications of invar alloys are extending to the field of high technology, and in particular, to electronic devices, because their thermal expansion coefficient is controllable (i.e. alloys with any thermal expansion coefficient may be prepared by changing the composition). However, research in this field is rather specific. Many invar-type alloys and compounds have been discovered. Although most of them present difficulties for applications in many respects, they provide fruitful information for understanding the invar problem. With regard to the origin of the large spontaneous volume magnetostriction of invar, the long debate is focusing on the model based on the theory of spin fluctuations. This model states that an appreciable decrease of the amplitude of longitudinal spin fluctuations with decreasing spontaneous magnetization causes a shrinkage of volume. Results of precise band calculations support this view, even in the quantitative respect. Experimental evidence to probe this model without ambiguity is needed. The theory of spin fluctuations predicts an enhancement of the thermal expansion coefficient in the paramagnetic state of invar-type alloys. Careful analysis of thermal expansion has indeed revealed this enhancement effect. Despite progress, there are still unsolved problems. The existence and the mechanism of ‘hidden excitations’ are still controversial. The origin of low temperature anomalies found in FebsNi35 invar (such as a sudden increase of the bulk modulus [41]) has not yet been understood. The reason why softening of longitudinal phonon modes is not observed by neutron scattering experiments, contrary to a remarkable softening in the bulk modulus, is also a puzzling problem [42]. It seems that there are relaxation processes in magnetovolume or magnetoelastic coupling within a wide range of the energy spectrum. 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