Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ТОМСКИЙ ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Юргинский технологический институт Направление подготовки: 15.03.01 «Машиностроение» Дисциплина: Английский Контрольная работа №4 Английский язык Вариант №1 __ ___________ Выполнил: (Подпись) Студент гр. З-10А11 __ ___________ А.В. Воронкин (Дата) __ ___________ Проверил: (Подпись) Доцент ЮТИ ТПУ, __ ___________ канд. пед. наук (Дата) Юрга – 2023 г М.В. Морозова Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно выделенный отрывок НЕRО OF ALEXANDRIA About sixty years after the death of Archimedes, Hero of Alexandria was born. Nobody knows the exact date of his birth, but according to the best authorities, he lived about 150 В. С. In addition to being a great mathematician, he invented the siphon, the gear-wheel, the pump, the water clock and the steam engine. His book on mechanics translated into Arabic, was carefully studied by mechanics and engineers of the sixteenth century. In this remarkable book Hero lists and describes five simple ways by which an unusually heavy weight may be lifted and moved with minimum effort. These five principles form the basis of all the machinery in the world today. But though described in detail by Hero, their practical application to machinery did not come about for more than a thousand years. They are: the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the wedge, the screw. While it is true that the invention of the screw is attributed to Archimedes and the wedge and the lever were known long before Hero's time, he was the man, who showed for the first time that all machinery is based on these five important principles, and how to apply these principles to machinery — such as it was in these early times. Neither he nor anyone else of his time realized the importance of these inventions. Hero's book on pneumatics, which was translated into Italian in 1549 and later into English, described more than seventy totally useless inventions, most of which embody important basic principles. Their main function was to entertain. The siphon, that is essential to modern plumbing and sanitation, Hero saw as a sort of toy. Nineteen centuries later Robert Fulton would employ the power of steam for locomotion, but Hero used it to make a hissing sound of a rattlesnake. He discovered the pump, so vital to our civilization, but he used it only as a toy. Hero applied it for the automatic pumping of an organ where the air was supplied by wheel turning in the wind. The 2 importance of pumps in industry was not realized until the middle of the sixteenth century, sixteen hundred years after the deathof the inventor. Among his other inventions we find a slot machine placed in the temple for different purposes and some other inventions of this kind. It is doubtful whether any other inventors in history applied so many world-shaking ideas to what would appear to us as entertainments. But all this was in keeping with Greek reverence for philosophy and scientific theory and indifference to practical application. Перевод: Его книга по механике в переводе на арабский язык, была тщательно изучена механиками и инженерами XVI века. В этой замечательной книге «Герой» перечисляет и описывает пять простых способов, с помощью которых необычайно тяжелый вес может подниматься и перемещаться с минимальными усилиями. Эти пять принципов составляют основу всего современного оборудования в мире. Но хотя они подробно описаны Героем, их практическое применение к технике не происходило более тысячи лет. Они: рычаг, колесо и ось, шкив, клин, винт. Хотя верно, что изобретение винта приписывается Архимеду и клин и рычаг были известны задолго до времени Героя, он был человеком, который впервые показал, что вся техника основана на этих пяти важных принципах, и как применять эти принципы к технике – как это было в эти ранние времена. 3 Задание 2.Запишите номера предложений в порядке, соответствующем содержанию текста. 6 In his book on mechanics, Hero listed and described the five basic principles of mechanics. 2. Practical application of these five principles to machinery came about more than a thousand years later. 5. The five principles, described by Hero, are the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the wedge, the screw. 3. Hero also showed for the first time that all machinery is based on these principles. 7. Neither Hero nor his contemporaries realized the importance of his inventions. 4. Hero's book on pneumatics described more than seventy of his totally useless inventions. 1. Ancient Greeks loved scientific theory but were not interested in scientific application. That's why the inventions of this Hero turned out to be useless. 4 Задание 3 Переведите названия приспособлений и определите их функции The pulley (шкив) - to measure and weigh thing – измерять и взвешивать предметы The wedge (клин) - to cut hard materials – для резки твердых материалов The screw (винт) - to join different parts together – для соединения разных частей вместе The lever (рычаг) - to lift and move heavy weights – поднимать и перемещать тяжелые грузы Wheel (колесо) - to lift and move heavy weights – поднимать и перемещать тяжелые грузы Axle (ось) - tojoindifferentpartstogether – для соединения разных частей вместе . 5 Задание 4 Распределите слова по отраслям согласно таблице. Некоторые слова могут относиться к нескольким отраслям. chemicals plant liquid addition leaf solution program root earth equation input subtraction drive acid network division experiment mouse test tube habitat virus memory Mathematics Biology Computer Science Chemistry solution division experiment program solution drive chemicals memory acid network tube input division experiment subtraction test equation habitat liquid leaf mouse addition plant virus virus liquid root equation earth habitat 6 Задание 5 Термины из задания 4 используются в повседневном общении. Заполните пробелы и переведите предложения. 1. What is your favourite program on radio? Какая ваша любимая программа на радио? 2. According to the decision, the conference begins on Monday. Согласно решению, конференция начинается в понедельник. 3. They went for a test along the coast. Они отправились на испытание вдоль берега. 4. Doctors all over the world are working to prevent the spread of virus infections. Врачи во всем мире работают над предотвращением распространения вирусных инфекций. 5. As the drive of energy increases, the volume gets louder. По мере увеличения привода энергии громче становится объем. 6. The boy was as quiet as a mouse. Мальчикбылтих, какмышь. 7. We use a mouse for moving cursor. Мыиспользуеммышьдляперемещениякурсора. 8. What is the capacity of your hard memory? Каковаемкостьвашейжесткойпамяти? 9. Today there are more computer program than there are words in the English language. Сегодня компьютерных программ больше, чем слов в английском языке. 10.Se’sgota good program forfaces. Se’sgota хорошая программа для лица. 7 Задание 6 Соедините начало предложений с их окончанием, запишите и переведите предложения. 1. The progress of motor cars D. met the great opposition in Great Britain. Прогресс моторов встретил сильное противодействие в Великобритании. 2. Many of the cars broke for the H. ran at maximum speed of four miles transmissions У многих машин сломались коробки передач, они мчались с максимальной скоростью в четыре мили 3. Multi-cylinder engines. А. came into use В обиход вошли многоцилиндровые двигатели 4. The most famous of these acts F. was the Red Flag Act of 1865. Самым известным из этих актов был Закон о Красном флаге 1865 года. 5. Cugnot built a steam-driven engine H. ran at maximum speed of four which miles. Кугно построил паровой двигатель, который развивал максимальную скорость в четыре мили. 6. There was a great need for the B. could quickly be started and engine that stopped. Существовала большая потребность в двигателе, который можно было бы быстро запускать и останавливать 7. The problem of a more efficient E. was solved by the invention of the engine internal combustion engine. Проблема более эффективного двигателя была решена изобретением двигателя внутреннего сгорания. 8. The cars of that time C. were very small, two-seated cars with no roof. Автомобили того времени были очень маленькими, двухместными автомобилями без крыши 8 Задание 7 Прочтите текст, вставьте слова из таблицы в пробелы по смыслу, изменив их при необходимости. attachments e-mail messages sound file text file modem open attachments e-mail address e-mail program access (the Internet) computer image file Internet Internet Service Provider download (e-mail message) Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (1)computer. Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. Cindy has two young children so she doesn't work in the magazine office every day, she works at home using her (2)Internet Service Provider. Every morning she checks her (3)e-mail messages. She switches on her computer and her (4)Internet. She starts Outlook Express. This is the (5) e-mail program which Cindy uses. She (6)open attachmentsher e-mail messages. She usually receives about 35 messages every day. Most of the messages come from the Gender office, but she also gets messages from friends and colleagues around the world. They send messages to her (7)e-mail address Sometimes they just send messages with (8)attachmentsSome friends send longer pieces of writing in a (9)text file, or photographs in an (10)image file, or even music in a (11)sound file. Cindy can (12)download (e-mail message) these and see the texts, pictures or listen to the recordings. Cindy's e-mail address is cindylewis@demon.co.uk. Demon is a company which Cindy uses to (13)access (the Internet)her e-mail and the Internet. DemonisanISP, an (14)modem 9 Задание 8Выпишите и переведите выделенные слова и словосочетания. Engineering is a science which deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and everyday life." That there is no single meaning of this word makes it sometimes difficult to find the proper Russian equivalents at once. Themostwidelyusedonesare: техника, строительство, машиностроение, инженерноедело. Mechanical engineering It is well known that with the invention of the steam engine and the growth of factories a number of civil engineers became interested in the practical application of the science of mechanics and thermodynamics to the design of machines. The result was that they separated themselves from civil engineering and called themselves "mechanical engineers”. It was that trend that laid the foundation for a new branch of one that was called mechanical engineering. At present mechanical engineering occupies a prominent position among modern production processes. It is-mechanical engineering that deals with the design and construction of steam engines, turbines, air-conditioning and refrigeration devices. Conveyors, escalators and elevators are also designed by mechanical engineers. And again, it is the mechanical engineer that designs machine-tools for various operations and it is he who applies these machine-tools in various production processes. One must know, too, that aeronautics is also one of the many branches of mechanical engineering, the one that deals with the mechanics of moving bodies in fluid or air. Слово dealswith engines devices meaning proper widelyused Mechanicalengineering Перевод занимается двигателей устройств значения подходящие широко используются Машиностроение 10 Invention steamengine application laidthefoundation occupies prominent machine-tools fluid изобретением паровой машины применением положила начало занимает видное станки жидкости 11 Задание 9. Напишите сочинение-эссе (800 -1000 знаков), в котором вы высказываете свои мысли на тему. Scientific and technological breakthroughs have brought great benefits. You only have to look around own home to see according to many experts, our ideas about the unstoppability of human progress are just a decoration, elegantly constructed by the media. In fact, everything that we are so proud of today is just a modified and brought to mind legacy of half a century ago. New products have also made a major difference to our working lives. Nowadays, Over the past 20 years, technologies and product categories have appeared in the world that have significantly changed our way of life. These are the revolutionary technologies — from cloud computing and lithium-ion batteries to 3D printing and container virtualization. Artificial intelligence has been slowly developing over the years, but deep learning has been a huge leap forward in attempts to teach machines to learn. Deep learning systems try to imitate the work of the human brain with the help of layers of artificial neurons forming a neural network. We may no longer have to compile statistics reports and search for information by yourself We will be able to use a neural network for scientific research. 12 Задание 10. Напишите аннотацию (не более 500 знаков) к тексту A tractor is a powerful low-speed traction vehicle and power unit, mechanically similar to a passenger car or truck, but designed for off-road use. There are two main types: wheeled (which are the earliest form) and tracked tractors. Tractors are used in agriculture, construction, road construction and other works in the form of bulldozers, scrapers and excavators. A notable feature of tractors is a device for attaching trailers to them. Unlike cars, tractors do not have driver and passenger seats, as well as side windows, instead of which the cabin glazing is used. 13