Загрузил Yana Bananna

контрольная иняз

Вариант I
A. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Active Voice).
1. When I was a young boy, I
Santa Claus. (to meet)
2. I
in class very early this morning to study for my math exam. (to be)
3. I never
lobster in my life. (to try)
4. After I found the wallet full of money, I immediately
to the police and
it in. (to go,
to turn)
5. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants busily
to sell their goods to
naïve tourists who
for souvenirs. Some young boys
their donkeys through the narrow
streets on their way home. A couple of men
over the price of a leather belt. I
over to a
man who
fruit and
a banana. (to bargain, to try, to hunt, to lead, to argue, to walk, to
sell, to buy)
6. I
him to stay on the path while he
, but he
off into the forest and was bitten
by a snake. (to tell, to hike, to wander)
7. I
the same car for more than ten years. I
about buying a new one. (to have, to think)
8. Tim: What is that sound?
Nancy: A car alarm
somewhere down the street. It
me crazy – I wish it would stop! It
for more than twenty minutes. (to ring, to drive, to ring)
9. I
so many beautiful places since I
to Utah. Before moving here, I never
Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands. (to visit, to come, to hear)
10. Tony
for his math test as we speak. (to study)
you mad at me last night? I didn't hurt you on purpose you know! (to be)
12. Every Monday, Sally
her kids to football practice. (to drive)
13. The doctor said that Tom
too sick to go to work and that he
to stay at home for a
couple of days. (to be, to need)
14. The firemen
_ the old woman who was trapped on the third floor of the burning building. (to
15. Listen Donna, I
if you
the bus this morning. You
to work too many times.
You are fired! (not to care, to miss, to be late)
When I was a young boy, I met Santa Claus. (to meet)
I was in class very early this morning to study for my math exam. (to be)
I never tried lobster in my life. (to try)
After I found the wallet full of money, I immediately went to the police and turned it in. (to go, to
5. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants busily bargained and tried to sell their goods to
naïve tourists who hunted for souvenirs. Some young boys led their donkeys through the narrow
streets on their way home. A couple of men argued over the price of a leather belt. I walked over
to a man who was selling fruit and bought a banana. (to bargain, to try, to hunt, to lead, to argue, to
walk, to sell, to buy)
6. I told him to stay on the path while he hiked, but he wandered off into the forest and was bitten by
a snake. (to tell, to hike, to wander)
7. I have had the same car for more than ten years. I am thinking about buying a new one. (to have,
to think)
8. Tim: What is that sound?
Nancy: A car alarm is ringing somewhere down the street. It is driving me crazy – I wish it would
stop! It has been ringing for more than twenty minutes. (to ring, to drive, to ring)
9. I have visited so many beautiful places since I came to Utah. Before moving here, I never heard of
Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands. (to visit, to come, to hear)
10. Tony is studying for his math test as we speak. (to study)
11. Were you mad at me last night? I didn't hurt you on purpose, you know! (to be)
12. Every Monday, Sally drives her kids to football practice. (to drive)
13. The doctor said that Tom was too sick to go to work and that he needed to stay at home for a
couple of days. (to be, to need)
14. The firemen rescued the old woman who was trapped on the third floor of the burning building. (to
15. Listen Donna, I do not care if you missed the bus this morning. You have been late to work too
many times. You are fired! (not to care, to miss, to be late)
B. Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
1. I love London. I probably
there next year. (to go)
2. Our train
at 4:47. (to leave)
3. They _
to New York tomorrow morning. (to drive)
4. What
you at the party tonight? (to wear)
5. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I
something nice in my mum's wardrobe. (to find)
6. I hope the weather
nice. (to be)
7. This is my last day here. I
back to England tomorrow. (to go)
8. Hurry up! The conference
in 20 minutes. (to begin)
9. Take your umbrella with you. It
. (to rain)
10. I offered him this job. I think he
it. (to take)
I love London. I probably will go there next year. (to go)
Our train leaves at 4:47. (to leave)
They are going to drive to New York tomorrow morning. (to drive)
What are you wearing at the party tonight? (to wear)
I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I will find something nice in my mum's wardrobe. (to
6. I hope the weather will be nice. (to be)
7. This is my last day here. I am going back to England tomorrow. (to go)
8. Hurry up! The conference begins in 20 minutes. (to begin)
9. Take your umbrella with you. It is going to rain. (to rain)
10. I offered him this job. I think he will take it. (to take)
C. Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice.
1. I bought potatoes yesterday.
2. We’ll bring the books tomorrow.
3. They are repairing the clock now.
4. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium.
5. Why have you put my books on this table?
6. We will finish this work in time.
Potatoes were bought by me yesterday.
The books will be brought by us tomorrow.
The clock is being repaired by them now.
The boy was angry because he was not allowed to go to the stadium by his mother.
Why have my books been put on this table by you?
This work will be finished by us in time.
D. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Мой брат не умеет говорить по-английски.
2. Вы можете взять эту книгу, если хотите.
3. Не может быть, что он уже уехал.
4. Она, должно быть, дома сейчас.
5. Торопись, ты можешь опоздать на поезд.
1. My brother cannot speak English.
2. You can take this book if you want.
3. It cannot be that he has already left.
4. She must be at home now.
5. Hurry up, you may miss the train.
E. Complete the text below with the correct prepositions.
George Washington was born in Virginia in 1732.
In the American Revolutionary War ( between 1775 and 1783) he was the Commander-inChief of the American forces.
Washington played an important role in the founding of the United States.
He became the first President of the United States.
He was President from 1789 to 1797.
George Washington died at the age of 67, on the 14th of December 1799.
The capital of the United States and one federal state are named after George Washington.
F. Translate the text from English into Russian.
History of the Telephone – from Bell to VoIP and Beyond
Everyone knows the story of Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone. There’s the story
of Bell’s first words, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you,” that’s indelibly printed on
our brains from childhood. However, what some don’t know is that the telephone was
developed in a similar form simultaneously by Elisha Gray, who lost the patent battle by only
a few hours in 1876.
Bell was successful primarily because he understood not only electricity and the workings of
the telegraph, but had a thorough understanding of acoustics, which most inventors weren’t all
that familiar with. While focusing on the mechanics, they weren’t taking into account the unique
qualities of sound that made transmitting speech so much more complex than simple clicks of
the telegraph. With abackground in music and acoustics, Bell could address these issues more
Chance happening plays role in acceptance
The telephone may not have gained such wide acceptance if, as if by serendipity, the Centennial
Exhibition hadn’t been scheduled in Philadelphia for only a few months later. Tucked away at
a small table in an obscure corner, Bell did not hope to garner much attention until he drew the
attention of the Emperor Dom Pedro de Alcantara of Brazil, who was amazed by the invention.
Immediately, all the scientists in attendance were clamoring to study the new invention.
At first telephones were seen as a fad that were more for entertainment purposes than
commerce, until newspapers and banks began grudgingly using them to convey information
quickly by virtue of free phone installations. The publicity from this made them immediately
more popular and soon phone exchanges were set up in most major cities.
In the 1880’s metallic circuits were developed that allowed for long distance calls, which grew
in popularity slowly because of the cost. Later, in the 1890’s, this was overcome by the
development of the party line so that families, especially in rural areas, could split the cost of a
Fiber optics move sound at the speed of light
Fiber Optic Cables were first used for telephone transmission in 1977, when both GTE and
AT&T laid Fiber Optic lines in Chicago and Boston. By the mid-1980’s, fiber optic cable was
the preferred methodof telephone transmission, since it could carry a much higher volume of
calls with much less interference.Since it also carries information faster and farther and resists
lightning strikes, the advantages soon became obvious to the computer and other industries as
When the United States government deregulated telephone service, AT&T, the telephone
communications giant, was immediately inundated with competition from MCI, Sprint and
hundreds of smaller local companies and soon fiber optic lines were snaking around the country,
being dropped along side natural rights of way such as gas lines and railroads. Telephone costs
dropped and a new telephone service revolution had begun.
История телефона – от Bell до VoIP и не только
Всем известна история изобретения телефона Александром Грэхемом Беллом. Существует
легенда о первых словах Белла: “Мистер Белл". Ватсон, иди сюда, я хочу тебя видеть”, - это
неизгладимо отпечаталось в нашем мозгу с детства. Однако некоторые не знают, что телефон был
разработан в аналогичной форме одновременно с Элишей Греем, который проиграл патентную
битву всего за несколько часов в 1876 году.
Белл добился успеха прежде всего потому, что разбирался не только в электричестве и работе
телеграфа, но и в акустике, с которой большинство изобретателей были не так уж хорошо
знакомы. Сосредоточившись на механике, они не учли уникальные свойства звука, которые
делают передачу речи намного более сложной, чем простые щелчки телеграфа. Имея опыт работы
в области музыки и акустики, Bell мог бы с большей готовностью решать эти проблемы.
Случайность играет важную роль в принятии
Телефон, возможно, не получил бы такого широкого распространения, если бы, словно по
счастливой случайности, выставка, посвященная столетию компании, не была запланирована в
Филадельфии всего на несколько месяцев позже. Спрятавшись за маленьким столиком в темном
углу, Белл не надеялся привлечь к себе много внимания, пока не привлек внимание императора
Бразилии дона Педру де Алкантары, который был поражен изобретением. Все присутствующие
ученые сразу же стали требовать изучения нового изобретения.
Поначалу телефоны воспринимались как дань моде, предназначенная скорее для развлечения, чем
для торговли, пока газеты и банки не начали неохотно использовать их для быстрой передачи
информации благодаря бесплатной установке телефонов. Реклама, полученная благодаря этому,
сразу же сделала их более популярными, и вскоре телефонные станции были установлены в
большинстве крупных городов.
В 1880-х годах были разработаны металлические схемы, позволяющие осуществлять
междугородние звонки, популярность которых медленно росла из-за дороговизны. Позже, в 1890х годах, это было преодолено благодаря развитию сети интернет, так что семьи, особенно в
сельской местности, могли разделить расходы на подключение.
Волоконная оптика распространяет звук со скоростью света
Волоконно-оптические кабели впервые были использованы для телефонной связи в 1977 году,
когда GTE и AT&T проложили волоконно-оптические линии в Чикаго и Бостоне. К середине
1980-х годов предпочтительным методом телефонной связи стал волоконно-оптический кабель,
поскольку он позволял передавать гораздо больший объем звонков с гораздо меньшими помехами.
Поскольку он также быстрее и дальше передает информацию и устойчив к ударам молнии,
преимущества вскоре стали очевидны и для компьютерной промышленности, и для других
отраслей промышленности.
Когда правительство Соединенных Штатов отменило регулирование телефонной связи, гигант
телефонной связи AT&T немедленно столкнулся с конкуренцией со стороны MCI, Sprint и сотен
более мелких местных компаний, и вскоре оптоволоконные линии протянулись по всей стране,
прокладываясь вдоль естественных путей сообщения, таких как газопроводы и железные дороги.
Стоимость телефонной связи снизилась, и началась новая революция в сфере телефонных услуг.