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vvodnaya kontrolnaya rabota po angliyskomu yazyku v 4 klasse

Вводная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 4 классе.
1. Look and write
13 – thirteen
14 —
11 —
15 —
12 —
20 —
2. Read and choose
1) А) What your name?
В) What’s your name?
2) А) What’s this?
В) What this?
3) А) This my cat.
В) This is my cat.
3. Read and answer about yourself.
1) What’s your name?
2) How old аге you?
3) What’s your favourite subject?
4) What’s your favourite food?
4. Read and choose.
1) This is my fish. Its / Your name is Bubbly.
2) She / Her name is Jane.
3) This is my sister. Нег / His name is Lucy.
4) Look at its / our friends, Den and Mary!
5) This is my father. Нег / His name is John.
5. Read and complete: am, is, are.
1) It …………….. a dolphin.
2) I ……… not a pupil.
3) ………… they friends?
4) This …………… not my phone.
5) Who ………. he?
6, Read and choose.
1) There is / are a table next to the window.
2) There is / are four balls at the table.
3) There is / are some pencils on the shelf.
4) There is / are a book on the table.
7. Read and match.
1) What’s this?
A) Му big sister.
2) Who’s she?
B) They’ге toy soldiers.
3) What аге they?
C) No, it’s а pencil.
4) Who’s he?
D) Му little brother.
5) Is it а pen?
E) lt’s а pencil.
8. Read and choose.
1) We doesn`t / don`t like milk.
2) Does Henry likes / like potatoes?
3) Does / Do you like cheese?
4) She like / likes berries.
5) Does / Do dogs like meat?
9. Read and choose.
1) You haven`t got some / any eggs.
2) Have we got some / any cheese?
3) Can I have some / any carrots?
4) He has got some / any ice cream.
5) She hasn`t got some / any orange juice.
6) They ‘ve got some / any potatoes.
10. Read and choose.
1) What’s this?
3) Whose is this book?
а) lt’s а pencil.
а) lt’s Mary’s.
b) These are pencils.
b) lt’s Mary.
2) What are those?
4) Whose is this?
а) А реn.
а) Bob.
b) Pens.
b) Bob’s.
11. Read and choose.
1) I go to bed … 10 o’clock.
6) He loves … . They are cute!
a) in b) at c) on
a) dog b) dogs
2) I visit my friends … Fridays.
7) Look at the dog. It … a long tail!
a) in b) on c) at
a) have got b) has got
3) … is this doll? It is Kate’s.
8) … is Mary? She is Nick’s sister.
a) Who b) What c) Whose
a) What b) Where c) Who
4) … is John? In the bathroom.
9) There are … oranges in the fridge.
a) What b) Where c) Whose
a) any b) a c) some
5) Can a frog climb?
10) Look! Kate … a kite!
a) Yes, it can. b) No, it can’t.
a) is fly b) is flying