Загрузил Anastasia Shihaleva

Media literacy program

Lesson 1: Introduction to Media Literacy
What is media literacy?
Why is media literacy important?
How does media influence our lives?
Basic concepts of media literacy
Lesson 2: Types of media
Traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers)
New media (social media, blogs, podcasts, etc.)
Differences between traditional and new media
Strengths and limitations of each format
The role of audience in different formats
Lesson 3: Understanding Media Language and Codes
The language of media
Understanding symbols, signs and images
The use of color, music and sound in media
TASK: to analyse and present 1 media with its codes, language, music, colors and etc.
Lesson 4: The impact of media on identity
How media shapes our perceptions of self and others
Stereotypes and representation in media
Positive and negative effects of media on identity
Lesson 5: Understanding Media Ownership and Control
Who owns the media?
The role of media conglomerates
The impact of media ownership on media content
TASK: to choose 1 media and make a short report about ownership and control.
Lesson 6: Understanding Media Bias and Stereotypes
Recognizing bias and stereotypes in media
How media reinforces stereotypes
Strategies for countering media bias and stereotypes
Lesson 7: Understanding Media Regulation
The role of government in regulating media
The role of self-regulation in media
The impact of media regulation on media content
Lesson 8: Understanding Media Ethics
The importance of media ethics
Ethical considerations in media production
The impact of unethical media practices on society
Lesson 9: Understanding Media Consumption Habits
How do people consume media?
How much media do people consume?
The impact of media consumption on our lives
TASK: experiment for the following days or week-try to be aware what you are
reading/consuming and why. Are you interested or just bored.
Lesson 10: Understanding Digital Citizenship
The importance of digital citizenship
Responsible use of digital media
The impact of digital media on our lives
Lesson 11: Developing Critical Thinking Skills
The importance of critical thinking in media literacy
Techniques for critical thinking
Strategies for developing critical thinking skills
Lesson 12: Media literacy and social justice
The role of media in perpetuating stereotypes and inequality
How media can be a tool for promoting social justice
Examples of media activism and advocacy
TASK: to analyse and present 1 media of choice with their values, what they are
advocating+ examples
Lesson 13: News literacy
The basics of news reporting and journalism
Objectivity vs. bias in news reporting
How to evaluate news sources
Lesson 14: Understanding News and Current Affairs
The role of news in society
The impact of news on public opinion
The challenges of reporting news accurately and fairly
Lesson 15: Understanding Advertising
The role of advertising in media
How advertising works
The impact of advertising on consumer behaviour
TASK: to share 1 advertisement of any type which influenced you to behave a new
way. To analyse and tell us why, which tools worked on you.
Lesson 16: Understanding Public Relations
The role of public relations in media
The techniques of public relations
The impact of public relations on public opinion
Lesson 17: Understanding Entertainment Media
The role of entertainment media in society
The impact of entertainment media on culture
The challenges of creating responsible entertainment media
Lesson 18: Understanding Social Media
The role of social media in society
The impact of social media on communication
The challenges of regulating social media
Lesson 19: Understanding Media Literacy and Education
The importance of media literacy education
Media literacy education in schools
The impact of media literacy education on society
Lesson 20: Understanding Propaganda
The definition of propaganda
The techniques of propaganda
The impact of propaganda on public opinion
Lesson 21: Understanding Conspiracy Theories
The definition of conspiracy theories
The psychology of conspiracy theories
The impact of conspiracy theories on public opinion
Lesson 22: Understanding Misinformation and Disinformation
The definition of misinformation and disinformation
The sources of misinformation and disinformation
The impact of misinformation and disinformation on public opinion
Lesson 23: Understanding Cybersecurity and Privacy
The importance of cybersecurity and privacy
The challenges of protecting privacy in the digital age
The impact of cybercrime on individuals and society