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1-2 ЮНИТ
C = customer, P = pharmacist
P: Hello, how can I help you?
C: Hello. I’ve got a runny nose and a sore throat. I feel terrible.
P: Have you got a temperature as well?
C: No, it’s normal.
P: Well, you should take this medicine twice a day. It’s good for a sore throat.
C: Thanks.
P: And try drinking hot water with honey and lemon. That helps.
C: OK. I will.
P: Oh, and why don’t you buy some cough sweets? They should help. If you still feel ill in a
few days, see a doctor.
P = patient, D = doctor
D: Good morning. So what’s the problem?
P: I’ve got earache in this ear. It’s really painful.
D: Let me have a look. … ah … yes, it’s very red in there. What about the other one?
P: It feels fine.
D: Hmm. It’s a bit red as well. Do you feel sick at all?
P: No, not really.
D: Let me check your temperature. … Yes, it’s higher than normal. OK, I’ll give you something
for your earache. You need to take one of these pills twice a day for seven days. They might
make you sleepy so go to bed if you have to. And if you still feel ill, then come
back and see me again.
3-4 ЮНИТ
Conversation 1
Javier: Hello? Are you the next taxi?
Driver: Yes, that’s right.
J: I’d like to go to the station, please.
d: Bus or train?
J: Oh sorry. The train station.
d: OK. Get in then.
Conversation 2
Driver: There are road works up by the entrance.
Javier: You can stop here. It’s fine. How much is that?
d: Six pounds thirty.
J: Sorry, I only have a twenty-pound note. Do you have change?
d: Sure. So, that’s thirteen pounds seventy. Do you want a receipt?
J: No, it’s OK, thanks. Bye.
Conversation 3
Shelley: Hi. Do you stop at the airport?
Driver: Yeah, I do. Which terminal is it? North or south?
S: Er. I need to get to the … north terminal.
d: OK. A single or return ticket?
S: Single, please.
d: That’s two pounds.
Conversation 4
Javier: A return ticket to the airport, please.
Ticket office clerk: OK. The next train goes in five minutes.
J: Right. That one, please
t: First or second class?
J: Second.
t: OK. That’s fourteen pounds fifty.
J: Wow! I don’t think I have the cash.
t: Credit card is fine.
J: Oh no … maybe I have enough left.
t: OK. Here you are.
J: Which platform is it?
t: Er, platform six.
Conversation 5
Attendant: Hello. Can I see your passport?
Shelley: Here you are.
a: That’s OK. How many bags are you checking in?
S: None. I only have this carry-on.
a: OK. Window or aisle?
S: Er, I don’t mind, but can I have a seat next to my friend?
a: Has he already checked in?
S: No, I’m waiting for him.
a: Well, I can’t …
Javier: Shelley!
S: Where have you been?
J: It’s a long story
5 юнит
6 юнит
Conversation 1
Ian: Hi Abdullah. How’s it going?
Abdullah: Good. I finished all my courses today so I can relax.
Ian: Great. Maybe you’ll have time for some travelling and sightseeing now.
Abdullah: Maybe. But I think I’ll take it easy this weekend.
Ian: Oh! Well, why don’t you come to my house? My family is coming over.
We’re having a
barbecue in the back garden. It’ll be fun.
Abdullah: Thanks, but I have a few things to do at home and it’s with your family
so you probably
don’t want other people there …
Ian: No, really. Don’t worry because I’m inviting a few people from our class as
well. So you’ll
know people. I’d really like you to come.
Abdullah: OK. Thanks, that would be great. Is it a special occasion?
Ian: Well, my oldest sister has a new baby girl so it’s a bit of a celebration for that.
Abdullah: Oh! So I should bring something.
Ian: No, please don’t. It isn’t like that. There’s no need …
Conversation 2
Joanna: Hello Sally. How are you?
Sally: Fine, thanks. It’s been a busy week.
Joanna: Yes, I imagine. When do you finish?
Sally: Tomorrow.
Joanna: Oh, really. I didn’t realize it was so soon.
Sally: Well actually, my flight home is on Saturday.
Joanna: But you’re staying for another week?
Sally: No.
Joanna: Oh. Well, what are you doing tonight?
Sally: Nothing at the moment. I’ll be at my hotel.
Joanna: Well, would you like to come out for dinner? Let’s go somewhere this
Sally: Really? I’d love to.
Joanna: Of course. I’d like to take you to my favourite restaurant.
Sally: That would be wonderful. I’d like that very much.
Joanna: Great. Let’s go straight after work. I’ll meet you downstairs in reception.
Sally: OK. What time?
Joanna: I finish at six. Is that OK for you?
Sally: Sure. I’ll see you then. Bye.