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урок 3. Крупнейшие университеты

The Biggest Universities in English-Speaking Countries
Посмотрите видео на иностранном языке о самых крупных
университетах в мире. Напишите краткий пересказ на английском
языке, объем 10-15 предложений.
Прочитайте текст. Выполните упражнения после текста.
Universities play a crucial role in higher education, research, and innovation. In
English-speaking countries, some universities stand out due to their size,
reputation, and the number of students they serve. Let's take a look at some of the
biggest universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and
United States
One of the largest universities in the United States is **Arizona State University
(ASU)**. With over 100,000 students enrolled across its multiple campuses and
online programs, ASU is known for its diverse academic offerings and innovative
Another notable mention is **The University of Central Florida (UCF)**, which
has a student population of around 70,000. UCF is renowned for its engineering,
computer science, and business programs.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, **The Open University** is one of the largest, with over
170,000 students. It offers distance learning courses, making higher education
accessible to a wide range of people.
**University College London (UCL)** is another significant institution, with
around 42,000 students. UCL is known for its research excellence and diverse
academic programs.
**The University of Toronto** is one of the largest universities in Canada, with a
student population of over 90,000. It is renowned for its research contributions and
diverse academic disciplines.
**The University of British Columbia (UBC)** also stands out, with around
65,000 students. UBC is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation.
In Australia, **Monash University** is one of the largest, with over 80,000
students. It is known for its research output and international collaborations.
**The University of Sydney** is another major institution, with around 70,000
students. It is renowned for its comprehensive range of programs and research
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text:
1. Arizona State University has over _______ students enrolled.
2. The Open University in the UK offers _______ learning courses.
3. The University of Toronto has a student population of over _______.
4. Monash University in Australia has over _______ students.
5. University College London is known for its research _______.
Exercise 2: True or False
Determine if the following statements are true or false:
1. The University of Central Florida has around 70,000 students.
2. The Open University is located in Canada.
3. The University of British Columbia has a student population of around 65,000.
4. Monash University is known for its strong emphasis on sports.
5. The University of Sydney has around 70,000 students.
Exercise 3: Matching
Match the university with its notable feature:
1. Arizona State University - a. Distance learning courses
2. The Open University - b. Research excellence
3. University College London - c. Over 100,000 students
4. The University of Toronto - d. International collaborations
5. Monash University - e. Over 90,000 students
Exercise 4: Short Answer
Answer the following questions based on the text:
1. Which university in the United States has a student population of around
2. What type of courses does The Open University offer?
3. Name one university in Canada known for its research contributions.
4. How many students are enrolled at Monash University?
5. What is University College London known for?
Exercise 5: Writing
Write a short paragraph about one of the universities mentioned in the text. Include
information about its size, notable features, and any other interesting facts.
Наречия. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Прочитайте теорию. Ознакомьтесь с примерами.
Выполните упражнения.
Exercise 1: Identifying Adverbs
Underline the adverbs in the following sentences:
1. She sings beautifully.
2. The dog barked loudly.
3. He quickly finished his homework.
4. They will arrive soon.
5. The children played outside.
Exercise 2: Adverb Placement
Rewrite the sentences by placing the adverb in the correct position:
1. (often) She goes to the gym.
2. (carefully) He read the instructions.
3. (yesterday) They visited the museum.
4. (always) I drink coffee in the morning.
5. (happily) The kids are playing.
Exercise 3: Forming Adverbs
Change the adjectives into adverbs:
1. Quick
2. Happy
3. Careful
4. Loud
5. Easy
Exercise 4: Choosing the Correct Adverb
Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence:
1. She speaks (softly/soft) to the baby.
2. He ran (quick/quickly) to catch the bus.
3. The teacher explained the lesson (clear/clearly).
4. They danced (graceful/gracefully) at the party.
5. The sun shines (bright/brightly) in the morning.
Exercise 5: Adverb Types
Identify the type of adverb (manner, time, place, frequency, or degree) in the
following sentences:
1. She will visit us tomorrow.
2. He drives very fast.
3. They often go to the beach.
4. The cat is sleeping upstairs.
5. She sings beautifully.
Exercise 6: Creating Sentences
Create sentences using the following adverbs:
1. Slowly
2. Never
3. Here
4. Extremely
5. Yesterday
Exercise 7: Correcting Errors
Find and correct the errors in the use of adverbs in the following sentences:
1. She runs very quick.
2. He speaks English good.
3. They arrived lately to the party.
4. The baby is sleeping quiet.
5. She did her homework careful.
Exercise 8: Adverb Clauses
Combine the sentences using adverb clauses:
1. She was tired. She went to bed early. (because)
2. He studied hard. He wanted to pass the exam. (so that)
3. They left the house. It started raining. (before)
4. I will call you. I arrive home. (when)
5. She practices daily. She wants to improve her skills. (because)
Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Exercise 1: Forming Comparatives and Superlatives
Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives:
1. Tall
2. Happy
3. Big
4. Interesting
5. Good
Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective (comparative or
1. John is _______ (tall) than Mike.
2. This is the _______ (beautiful) painting in the gallery.
3. My car is _______ (fast) than yours.
4. She is the _______ (intelligent) student in the class.
5. This puzzle is _______ (easy) than the last one.
Exercise 3: Choosing the Correct Form
Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete the sentence:
1. This book is (more interesting/most interesting) than the one I read last week.
2. She is the (older/oldest) of the three sisters.
3. This test is (harder/hardest) than the previous one.
4. He is the (better/best) player on the team.
5. This is the (more expensive/most expensive) restaurant in town.
Exercise 4: Correcting Errors
Find and correct the errors in the use of comparative and superlative adjectives in
the following sentences:
1. She is the more talented singer in the choir.
2. This movie is gooder than the last one we watched.
3. He is the most tall student in the class.
4. My house is biger than yours.
5. This is the more difficult exam I have ever taken.
Exercise 5: Sentence Transformation
Rewrite the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective:
1. This cake is delicious. (more)
2. She is a careful driver. (most)
3. This problem is complicated. (more)
4. He is a friendly person. (most)
5. This road is narrow. (more)
Exercise 6: Creating Sentences
Create sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the following
1. Small
2. Bright
3. Expensive
4. Funny
5. Dangerous
Exercise 7: Multiple Choice
Choose the correct comparative or superlative form to complete the sentence:
1. This is the _______ (more exciting/most exciting) game I have ever played.
2. She is _______ (more talented/talented) than her brother.
3. This mountain is _______ (higher/highest) than the one we climbed last year.
4. He is the _______ (more hardworking/most hardworking) employee in the
5. This is the _______ (more delicious/most delicious) meal I have ever tasted.