SILABUS educational component EC 08 Automated databases of automated process control systems Name of the discipline: Level of higher education: Field of knowledge: Specialization: Educational and professional (Educational and scientific) program: Course page in Moodle: Year of study: Semester: Scope of the educational component Form of final control Consultations: Name of the department: Language of instruction: Course leader: Contact phone number: E-mail: Automated databases of automated process control systems second (educational and scientific) 17 Electronics, automation and electronic communications 174 Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics Automated control of technological processes 2 2 (spring) 5 credits (150 hours) Examination on schedule ACIT Department Ukrainian, English (if available) Fil Nataliia Yuriivna, PhD, Associate Professor +38(057)707-37-82 Summary of the educational component: The goal is to provide future specialists with knowledge about information models and management systems for banks (DBs) and databases (DBs) in instrumentation, road and transport industries, relational and distributed ACS databases, ACS database administration processes, ACS database query languages, ACS database software application architecture. Subject: theoretical and methodological foundations of bank and database design. The main objectives of the discipline are: justification and presentation of the features of database design in the road industry and instrumentation; studying the principles of building banks and databases, data presentation models; the main stages of database design; developing skills in using modern software for database design in the road industry and instrumentation; development of skills in organizing independent research work. Prerequisites for the study of the educational component: mastering the disciplines of the educational program of the first (bachelor's) level and studying the discipline "Computeraided design systems in automated control systems". Competencies acquired by the applicant: General competencies: GC 1. Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level. GC 3. Ability to think abstractly, analyze and synthesize. Special (professional) competencies: PC 1. Ability to automate complex technological objects and complexes, create cyberphysical systems based on intelligent control methods and digital technologies using databases, knowledge bases, artificial intelligence methods, robotic and intelligent mechatronic devices; PC 7. Ability to apply specialized software and digital technologies to solve complex problems and problems of automation and computer-integrated technologies. PC 8. Ability to develop the functional, technical and information structure of computerintegrated control systems for organizational and technological complexes using network and information technologies, software and hardware control systems, industrial controllers, mechatronic components, robotic devices and human-machine interface tools. PC 11. Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to work in the instrumentation, road and transport industries, to be ready to implement in practice in specific conditions measures to protect the public in emergency situations and workers from occupational hazards Learning outcomes in accordance with the educational program: PLO 01. Create automation systems, cyber-physical production based on the use of intelligent control methods, databases and knowledge bases, digital and network technologies, robotic and intelligent mechatronic devices. PLO 09 Develop functional, organizational, technical and information structures of automation systems for complex technological and organizational and technical objects, develop software and hardware control systems using network and information technologies, industrial controllers, mechatronic components, robotic devices, humanmachine interface tools, taking into account technological conditions and requirements for production management in instrumentation, road and transport industries. PLO 10. To develop and use specialized software and digital technologies to create automation systems for complex organizational and technical objects, to have professional knowledge of special software tools. PLO 11. To adhere to the norms of academic integrity, to know the basic legal norms for the protection of intellectual property, commercialization of the results of research, inventive and design activities. PLO12. Collect the necessary information using scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources, analyze and evaluate it. Thematic plan No. of the topic 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of hours Literature Name of the topic (LC, LC, PR, NW, NW) faceto- correspondence face 2 3 4 Semester 2 (2 semesters of part-time study). LC The concept of DBMS. Data models. The relational model. Features of database design in 2 the road industry and instrumentation. PR Designing databases. ER-model. 2 SR Stages of database design. Data models. 10 14 LC Normal forms. The relationship. Key. 2 PR Development of EER diagrams in MySQL 2 Workbench SR Installing a package of programs for Windows that contains MySQL server, the MySQL 11 15 Workbench development and administration environment. The MySQL Workbench interface. LC SQL statements for creating a database. 2 2 PR Creating a database from the EER chart in 2 MySQL Workbench SR Relational algebra. MySQL data types 11 13 LC Relational operations in SQL 2 PR Filling a database, modifying data in MySQL 2 Workbench CP SQL commands INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 10 14 LC Stored SQL procedures and functions 2 PR Database queries in MySQL Workbench 2 SR The SELECT FROM statement. Using SQL 10 14 functions. LC Transactions. The level of isolation. Blocking 2 2 PR Views (VIEWs) as database objects in 2 MySQL Workbench CP SQL command CREATE VIEW 10 12 Link integrity. Foreign keys. Indexing 2 PR Stored SQL procedures in MySQL 2 Workbench SR Using stored SQL procedures 11 15 LC Database Administration. Protection of database data in the road industry and 2 instrumentation. PR Triggers 2 CP Triggers in MS SQL Server. Overview of 7 14 Microsoft SQL triggers. Creating triggers RGR 5 5 5 1,2,6 3,6 4, 6 2,4, 6 2,4, 6 4,5,6 1,4,6 4,5,6 6,7 Preparing for the exam In total, 2 semesters (2 semesters part-time). ALL by discipline 30 150 150 30 150 150 Individual educational and research task (if any): an individual task in the form of a calculation and graphic work is performed by each student independently. Approximate topics of calculation and graphic works: 1. Automated information system of fixed assets accounting at the enterprise 2. Automated information system for accounting for the production of finished products 3. Automated information system for accounting for sales of finished products 4. Automated information system for production planning at the enterprise 5. Automated information system for warehouse accounting of material assets. 6. Automated information system for accounting for product supply contracts. 7. Automated information system for operational accounting of materials and finished goods. 8. Automated information system for transportation management. 9. Automated information system for personnel accounting at the enterprise 10. Automated information system for monitoring tuition fees. Teaching methods: MH1 - verbal method (lecture, educational discussion, explanation, story); MH2 - practical method (practical classes) MH3 - visual method (method of illustrations, method of demonstrations); МН4 - work with literature (scientific literature; normative literature; search for information on the task); MH6 - independent work; Forms and methods of evaluation FMO2 - summative assessment (credit test); FMO3 - oral control (conversation); FMO5 - test control; FMO7 - practical examination (protection of practical works); FMO8 - methods of self-control and self-assessment. Current academic performance 1 The current performance of applicants for the performance of educational types of work in class and for the performance of independent work tasks is assessed using a four-point grading scale with the subsequent conversion to a 100-point scale. When assessing current progress, all types of work provided by the curriculum are taken into account. 1.1 Lecture classes are evaluated by determining the quality of specific tasks. 1.2 Practical classes are evaluated by the quality of the control or individual task, performance and design of practical work. 2 Evaluation of the current progress of higher education students is carried out at each practical lesson on a four-point scale ("5", "4", "3", "2") and recorded in the academic record book. - "excellent": the applicant has flawlessly mastered the theoretical material, demonstrates deep knowledge of the relevant topic or discipline, the main provisions; - "good": the applicant has mastered the theoretical material well, knows the main aspects of the primary sources and recommended literature, reasonably presents it; has practical skills, expresses his thoughts on certain problems, but makes certain inaccuracies and errors in the logic of the presentation of theoretical content or in the analysis of practical content; - "satisfactory": the applicant has basically mastered the theoretical knowledge of the subject or discipline, is oriented in the primary sources and recommended literature, but unconvincingly answers, confuses concepts, hesitates to answer additional questions, does not have stable knowledge; answering questions of a practical nature, shows inaccuracy in knowledge, is unable to evaluate facts and phenomena, to relate them to the future profession; - "unsatisfactory": the applicant has not mastered the educational material of the topic (discipline), does not know scientific facts, definitions, is almost not oriented in primary sources and recommended literature, there is no scientific thinking, practical skills are not formed. 3 The final score for the current activity is recognized as the arithmetic mean of points for each class, for individual work, current control works according to the formula: 𝐾 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = where 𝐾 control; 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐾1+𝐾2+⋯𝐾𝑛 𝑛 is the final assessment of success based on the results of the current К1,К 2,...,Кn − is the score for the nth formative assessment assignment; n - is the number of formative assessment assignments. Grades are converted into scores according to the conversion scale (Table 1). Table 1 - Conversion of the average grade for a formative assessment assignment into a multi-point scale 4-point scale 100-point scale 4-point scale 100-point scale 4-point scale 5 4,95 4,9 4,85 4,8 4,75 4,7 4,65 4,6 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 4,45 4,4 4,35 4,3 4,25 4,20 4,15 4,10 4,05 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 3,90 3,85 3,80 3,75 3,7 3,65 3,60 3,55 3,5 4,55 4,5 91 90 4,00 3,95 80 79 3,45 3,4 1004-point 100-point point scale scale scale 78 3,35 67 77 3,3 66 76 3,25 65 75 3,2 64 74 3,15 63 73 3,1 62 72 3,05 61 71 3 60 70 from 1.78 to 2.99 from 35 to 59 retaking 69 from 0 to 1.77 from 0 to 34 68 retaking summative assessment 1 The final test is conducted after studying all the topics of the discipline and is passed by higher education applicants during the test period after the completion of all classroom studies. 2 The permission for taking the test is granted to higher education applicants who have completed all types of course assignments: - attended all classes (lecture, seminar, and practical ones); - timely fulfilled the tasks that were assigned at all classes they missed; 3 Assessment of the applicants’ knowledge at passing the test is carried out on a 100-point scale. Performance and requirements: – “Excellent”: no less than 90 % of correct answers; – “Very good”: from 82 % to 89 % of correct answers; – “Good”: from 74 % to 81 % of correct answers; – “Average”: from 67 % to 73 % of correct answers; – “Mostly average”: from 60 % to 66 % of correct answers; – “Failing”: less than 60 % of correct answers. 4 The learning outcome is evaluated (select the appropriate one): - on a two-point scale (passed/not passed) according to Table 2; - on a 100-point scale (for differentiated scoring) according to Table 3. The final score together with additional points cannot exceed 100 points. Table 2 - Scale of points conversion to the national evaluation system On a 100-point scale On the national scale from 60 points to 100 points enrolled less than 60 points unaccounted for Table 3 - Scale for assessing the knowledge of students based on the results of the final control of the discipline Score in points Assessment on the national scale Evaluation on the ECTS scale Evaluation Criteria. A The theoretical content of the course is mastered completely, without gaps, the necessary practical skills of working with the mastered material are formed, all the training tasks provided by the training program are completed, the quality of their implementation is estimated by the number of points close to the maximum The theoretical content of the course is mastered completely, without gaps, the necessary practical skills of working with the mastered material are basically formed, all the training tasks provided by the training program are completed, the quality of most of them is estimated by the number of points close to the maximum Enrolled 90100 That's great. examination offset Enrolled B Okay. 80-89 Score in points Assessment on the national scale Evaluation on the ECTS scale Evaluation Criteria. 75-79 С 67-74 D The theoretical content of the course is fully mastered, without gaps, some practical skills of working with the mastered material are insufficiently formed, all the training tasks provided by the curriculum are completed, the quality of any of them is not assessed by the minimum number of points, some types of tasks are performed with errors The theoretical content of the course is partially mastered, but the gaps are not significant, the necessary practical skills of working with the mastered material are basically formed, most of the training tasks provided by the curriculum are completed, some of the completed tasks may contain errors The theoretical content of the course is partially mastered, some practical skills have not been formed, many of the training tasks provided by the curriculum have not been completed, or the quality of some of them is estimated by the number of points close to the minimum. The theoretical content of the course is partially mastered, the necessary practical skills have not been formed, most of the learning tasks provided by the curriculum have not been completed, or the quality of their implementation is estimated by the number of points close to the minimum; with additional independent work on the course material, it is possible to improve the quality of learning tasks (with the possibility of repeating) The theoretical content of the course has not been mastered, the necessary practical skills have not been formed, all completed training tasks contain gross errors, additional independent work on the course material will not lead to any significant improvement in the quality of training tasks (with a mandatory repeated course) 60-66 Satisfactory examination offset E Unacceptable. 0-34 Not enrolled FX Unsatisfactory 35-59 F Policy of the course: - the course involves teamwork, the environment in the classroom is friendly, creative, open to constructive criticism; - mastering the discipline involves mandatory attendance of lectures and practical classes, as well as independent work; - independent work involves the study of individual topics of the discipline, which are submitted in accordance with the program for independent study, or were considered briefly; - all tasks provided by the program must be completed in due time; - if the applicant for higher education is absent from classes for a valid reason, he/she presents the completed tasks during independent preparation and consultation of the teacher; - the term paper must be defended no later than one week before the start of the examination session (indicated if available); - while studying the course, higher education students must adhere to the rules of academic integrity set out in the following documents: "Rules of academic integrity of participants of the educational process of KNADU" ( df), "Academic integrity. Checking the text of academic, scientific and qualification papers for plagiarism" (, "Moral and ethical code of participants of the educational process of KNADU ( - in case of detection of the fact of plagiarism, the applicant receives 0 points for the task and must repeat the tasks provided in the silabus; - cheating during tests and exams is prohibited (including using mobile devices). Mobile devices are allowed to be used only during online testing. Recommended literature: 1 Yartsev V.P. Organization of databases and knowledge: a textbook. 2 Mulesa O.Y. Information systems and relational databases. Electronic edition, Uzhhorod, 2018. - 118 p. 3 Gaidarzhy V.I., Izvarin I.V. Databases in Information Systems - K.; University "Ukraine", 2018. - 418 p. 4 Bulatetska LV. Bulatetska V.V. SQL query language: text of lectures of the normative academic discipline "Databases and distributed information and analytical systems" - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka National University of Lutsk, 2018. - 92 p. 5 Lecture notes on the discipline "Organization of databases" / Compiled by: V.O. Velychko - Kharkiv: KhDPK, 2020, 116 p. 6 Fil N.Y. Methodical instructions for conducting practical work in the discipline "Automated banks ACS" for students in the field of study 151 Automation and computerintegrated technologies: KhNADU, 2022. 36 p. Access mode: 7 Fil N.Y. Methodical instructions for the implementation of calculation and graphic work in the discipline "Automated data banks of automated process control systems" for students majoring in 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" - Kharkiv: KhNADU, 2022. 20 p. Access mode: Additional sources: 1 Distance course "Automated data banks of automated control systems" [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 2 Scientific and Technical Library of KhNADU (Kharkiv, 25 Yaroslav Mudryi St.). [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 3 KhNADU Media Library (25 Yaroslav Mudryi St., Kharkiv) [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 3.4 A package of programs for Windows that includes MySQL server, the MySQL Workbench development and administration environment, and many other useful components. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 3.5 dbForge Studio for MySQL. A set of tools for professional development and management of MySQL database. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Developer(s) silabus of the discipline PhD. associate professor____________ Natalia FIL___ Guarantor of educational and professional of the ACIT program, Dr. prof. ____________ Leonid Nefyodov Head of the Department of ACIT, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor ____________ Alexander GURKO