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FAQ FIX Desktop

Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop
Frequently Asked Questions
Agosto 2005
What is iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop? .......................................................................... 2
Why did we introduce the product? ............................................................................ 2
Who would be interested in this product?................................................................... 2
Technically, how does it work? .................................................................................. 3
What features does it support – is anything missing?................................................. 3
How is the product licensed? ...................................................................................... 3
What does the product cost? ....................................................................................... 3
How do I upgrade to the product?”............................................................................. 4
What if I already have iFIX? ...................................................................................... 4
The customer has GlobalCare – what are their options? ............................................ 4
What are the upgrade Options without GlobalCare? .................................................. 4
Is there support for Electronic Signatures?................................................................. 4
What operating systems are supported?...................................................................... 4
What Security Key is used? ........................................................................................ 5
What are the hardware requirements?......................................................................... 5
What languages are supported? .................................................................................. 6
Plant TV – What happens with this FIX32 product?.................................................. 6
Is there functionality that is lost? ................................................................................ 6
Is there any other migrated functionality other than graphics?................................... 6
How is Proficy Historian supported?.......................................................................... 6
How do I navigate between iFIX Displays and FIX Desktop?................................... 7
Can I use this in a Multi-Monitor environment? ........................................................ 7
Does this work with Remote Desktop?....................................................................... 7
Does this work Microsoft Terminal Services?............................................................ 7
Will the Migration Tools still be available? ............................................................... 7
Are there any Performance issues? ............................................................................. 8
Do I need to update Demonstration Keys for this Option?......................................... 8
Can I run the FIX Desktop and not use the iFIX Workspace? ................................... 8
Is the product called FIX or FIX32? ........................................................................... 8
How can we upgrade older versions of FIX to iFIX with FIX Desktop? ................... 8
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
¿Qué es iFIX 3.5 con FIX Desktop?
FIX Desktop es la parte gráfica de FIX32 que se ha mejorado para trabajar con iFIX.
Todos los demás aspectos de FIX32 son compatibles con iFIX y se migran de forma
automática al actualizar. Sin embargo, el entorno gráfico de trabajo no es 100%
compatible debido a los nuevos estándares que iFIX ha aportado al mercado. Esto supuso
un paso tecnológico importante, que incluso hizo que otros fabricantes optarán por el uso
de esta tecnología. Debido a ello, se hacia necesaria una solución a nivel gráfico que
conservara la inversión en tiempo de la adecuación gráfica para otorgar toda la potencia
de iFIX en el sistema.
Why did we introduce the product?
FIX32 has largely been functionally stable since the iFIX 7.0 release of several years ago.
There was a minor improvement in 2003 to upgrade the License Key support for
consistency with our current products. This improvement enables both Parallel and USB
key support and the ability to license FIX32 with other products such as our Historian, on
the same computer.
Customers have been demanding an improved migration strategy to iFIX. The migration
tools we offer for graphics conversion, along with the automatic conversions included
inside the iFIX product were not sufficient.
As such, customers were not migrating forward and, even though they had a major
investment in developing their application, there was the risk that customers would
transition their applications to competitive products.
The FIX Desktop option to iFIX is the ideal migration path for all FIX32 applications.
The FIX Desktop option enables customers to migrate their applications forward to an
iFIX platform without the need to convert graphics. The FIX32 graphics will continue to
operate, via the FIX Desktop applications of FIX Draw, FIX View and HTD (Historic
Trend Display). These applications have been updated to work alongside iFIX and will
use iFIX subsystems.
Who would be interested in this product?
The FIX Desktop Option was created as the ideal upgrade solution for all FIX32
customers. End users will be interested in the FIX Desktop.
Many HMI/SCADA applications are installed by System Integrators. Once installed, it is
hard to justify significant investments to upgrade an installation if there is no significant
enhancement in functionality. The FIX Desktop is an ideal upgrade path for System
Integrators as it lets them upgrade existing FIX32 applications to iFIX and then offer
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
incremental enhancements through the use of iFIX technologies. The upgrade dollars
spent are used for enhanced functionality and not for the cost of migration.
Technically, how does it work?
The FIX Desktop is actually several programs included with FIX32 that have been
updated to work with iFIX. The applications are:
• FIX Draw – The graphics development application
• FIX View – The graphics rendering application
• HTD – The Historic Trend Display application
• Report Generator – Excel Add-in for Data Connectivity
These applications have been updated to support the full range of operating systems iFIX
supports (currently Windows NT through Windows Server 2003). They have also been
enhanced to work along side iFIX, especially the iFIX graphics environment (the
Workspace). Finally, where appropriate, the applications have been updated with new
functionality. HTD now supports historic trending from our Proficy Historian product.
FIX Draw and FIX View have been updated with Commands to launch iFIX displays.
The iFIX Graphics environment has been updated to launch FIX Desktop displays. This
enables customers to create a seamless graphics environment between legacy operator
interfaces and new iFIX displays.
What features does it support – is anything missing?
The FIX Desktop supports almost all features of FIX32. All aspects of FIX32 will
migrate forward to iFIX and the FIX Desktop enables FIX32 graphics to work along side
the iFIX graphics environment. There is one minor user interface feature that is disabled
in the FIX Desktop. That is the “Quick Add” feature for database block additions. This
functionality must now be accomplished through the iFIX Workspace.
How is the product licensed?
The FIX Desktop is an Option in iFIX. It is protected by a license Key bit. The FIX
Desktop option must be ordered if it is to be enabled in a customer application.
What does the product cost?
The FIX Desktop option is 426 . There is no charge for the option when a customer is
purchasing an upgrade from FIX32 to iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop. The option price is
waived; however, the customer must specify the option at the time of order to have it
enabled on the Security Key.
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
How do I upgrade to the product?
Upgrades are purchased in the same way any HMI/SCADA upgrade is purchased. The
FIX Desktop option must be specified at the time of order so the Option Key Bit may be
sent. Standard upgrade prices and policies apply.
What if I already have iFIX?
The FIX Desktop will not be a major value to you. However, there is some functionality
offered in the FIX Desktop that is not available in iFIX – SPC Charting. The SPC Charts
in FIX32 were not brought forward to iFIX when it was first developed. However, the
iFIX database fully supports FIX32 SPC block capability. The FIX Desktop feature
enables iFIX customers to leverage the iFIX SPC Database blocks and visualize block
data through the creation of FIX Desktop pictures.
The customer has GlobalCare – what are their options?
FIX32 customers with GlobalCare will have access to iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop at no
cost. They must simply specify the FIX Desktop option at the time up upgrade. iFIX
customers that want to use the FIX Desktop option will need to upgrade to iFIX 3.5 and
purchase the FIX Desktop option. This option is considered a functional upgrade.
What are the upgrade Options without GlobalCare?
Customers without GlobalCare will have to purchase the upgrade to iFIX 3.5 with FIX
Desktop. The standard upgrade policy applies (typically 75% of the new product price –
check with sales).
Check with sales on special upgrade promotions.
Is there support for Electronic Signatures?
The FIX Desktop has not been enhanced with e-Signature support. Customers will need
to leverage iFIX graphics technology to capture e-Signatures.
What operating systems are supported?
iFIX 3.5 with Fix Desktop supports Windows NT Workstation and Server, Windows
2000 Workstation and Server, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server. Please keep in
mind that the HMI/SCADA product is developed independent of Drivers. Drivers have
their own list of operating systems that they support. Customers will need to consider
both the HMI/SCADA operating system and the driver operating system when planning
an upgrade.
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
What Security Key is used?
Early FIX32 systems used a Rainbow Parallel Port Key. This Key was specific to FIX32.
In early 2003, FIX32 version 7.0 was enhanced to use the Aladdin HASP key technology
to be consistent with most other GE Fanuc Keyed products. The HASP key is available
in both Parallel and USB formats. Key format must be specified at the time of order or
upgrade. The HASP key enables users to license any Keyed products for use on the same
What are the hardware requirements?
iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop does not have any special hardware requirements. Please see
our standard hardware requirements for HMI/SCADA software.
The minimum iFIX hardware requirements are:
A Pentium II-based 266 MHz computer. For optimum performance, Intellution
recommends a Pentium 4-based 1 GHz computer.
A minimum of 96MB RAM for SCADA servers and iClients.
120MB of free hard drive space to install a typical iFIX system, including
pictures, databases, alarm files, and other data files.
iFIX alarm and historical data files grow dynamically. If you plan to perform
extensive alarm or data collection on a node, you may need more disk space on
that particular node.
A CD-ROM drive.
NETBIOS-compatible or TCP/IP-compatible network interface adapter for
network communication and certain I/O drivers.
NOTE: Because Microsoft does not support NetBIOS on Windows XP or Windows
Server 2003, iFIX installed on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 also does not
support NetBIOS.
One parallel or free direct-connect USB port. Some touch screens, pointing
devices, and I/O drivers require a serial port. Additional ports for I/O hardware
should be ordered with the computer.
SVGA or better color graphics monitor and a 100% IBM-compatible, 24-bit
graphics card capable of 800x600 resolution and at least 65,535 colors.
Two-button mouse or compatible pointing device (such as a touch screen).
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
What languages are supported?
iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop will support the existing product languages common to both
products, FIX32 and iFIX, today. That includes German, French, and Japanese. Chinese
will also be offered in a following release (release date to be determined).
Plant TV – What happens with this FIX32 product?
Plant TV is a read only client application. This functionality will be delivered through
the use of iFIX Read-Only iClient product with the FIX Desktop option enabled.
Is there functionality that is lost?
The FIX Desktop makes iFIX extremely compatible with FIX applications. There is
minor functionality that has been omitted from the FIX user interface.
The Process Database “Quick Add” function has been removed. This feature can be
accomplished through different techniques if it is needed.
DXF file import has been removed. The product required third party technology that is
no longer available.
SCADA Node Redundancy operates differently from FIX32 to iFIX. While the
functionality is complete in iFIX, an application will need to be reconfigured to take
advantage of the SCADA Node Redundancy iFIX offers. See the FIX Desktop Migration
Guide for details.
The resulting iFIX application will support FIX32 alarm areas A – P. FIX Desktop
applications till not support the Named alarm areas of iFIX.
Is there any other migrated functionality other than graphics?
Yes. The FIX Desktop feature also includes the FIX32 Report Generator option. This is
an add-in for Microsoft Excel.
How is Proficy Historian supported?
The HTD (Historic Trend Display) application of FIX Desktop has been upgraded to
support the Proficy Historian. The Historian product offers a Native Collector enabling it
to log data from iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop nodes. The HTD application has been
enhanced to retrieve data from the Proficy Historian.
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
How do I navigate between iFIX Displays and FIX Desktop?
Both the FIX Desktop and the iFIX Workspace have been enhanced to enable display
launching from one to the other. The Display commands of OpenPic – Open Picture,
ClosePic – Close Picture, and ReplacePic – Replace Picture are supported. The FIX32
and iFIX graphics environments are independent of each other. Each offers Key Macro
capability while active. In other words, when either environment is active (has operating
system focus) then the corresponding key macros are also active. This should be
considered when creating an application using both FIX Desktop and the iFIX
Can I use this in a Multi-Monitor environment?
Yes. The multi-monitor technology support in Windows XP and above lends itself nicely
for use with iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop. Users can configure one monitor to display FIX
Desktop displays while the other monitor displays iFIX Workspace Graphics. Displays
will minimize or maximize to their respective displays.
Does this work with Remote Desktop?
Yes. Remote Desktop is the ability to take remote control of a Windows XP Professional
or later system. This feature leverages the internal Terminal Services technology for a
single user. The user can either be local on the main workstation or can have remote
access via the Remote Desktop Client (locking out the local display). The Client is part
of Windows XP and later operating systems. It is available for download, from
Microsoft, for Windows 2000 operating systems.
Does this work Microsoft Terminal Services?
No. The FIX Desktop functionality has not been qualified for use with Microsoft
Terminal services. iFIX does support Microsoft Terminal Services. The user will need
to migrate the displays they need for Terminal Services access to from FIX32 to iFIX
using our migration tools.
Will the Migration Tools still be available?
Yes. The migration tools for converting FIX 32 displays to iFIX displays will continue to
be available on our support site and will continue to be improved.
June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions – FIX Desktop
Are there any Performance issues?
There are no known performance issues while running iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop. Both
graphics environments are quite efficient and designed for high performance. Running
them in tandem has not highlighted any significant performance degradation in either
Do I need to update System Integrator Keys for this Option?
System Integrator Keys do not need to be updated to use the FIX Desktop. System
Integrator Keys already have all bits enabled.
Can I run the FIX Desktop and not use the iFIX Workspace?
Yes. Customers may wish to upgrade FIX32 systems to iFIX for the sole purpose of
upgrading hardware and the operating system. The iFIX Graphics environment
(Workspace) is not required to make iFIX function. However, no credit will be issued for
applications that do not run the iFIX Workspace.
Is the product called FIX or FIX32?
This is a common area of confusion. The name FIX has been used for a very long time
and it describes a product that has been through a long history of migration through
operating systems from DOS to Windows and finally to 32 Bit Platforms. In the
Transition to 32 Bit Platforms, starting with Windows NT, FIX became known as FIX32.
It was the first 32 Bit technology on the market. Today, FIX and FIX32 is used
interchangeably. The current version of FIX32 is version 7.0.
How can we upgrade older versions of FIX to iFIX with FIX Desktop?
Customers with older versions of FIX must first upgrade to FIX32 version 7.0. From that
point they can upgrade to iFIX 3.5 with FIX Desktop. There is no additional charge for
the additional upgrade steps.
June 2005