Загрузил Никифор Пузин


Пузин Никифор, 7.03.24
Английский, реферирование
1) "Karaoke Taxi"
The article I'm going to review is called "Karaoke Taxi". The main idea of this article
is what this article is called. The author of the article, in his work, talks about the
phenomenon of “Karaoke taxi”, which is located in Taiwan and transports passengers.
The author of the article begins his story for the reader by talking about what distinctive
features the car has, in which passengers can use the karaoke service. In addition, the
article describes some details of how a passenger can call this particular type of taxi to
use the service for free by singing a song.
The author emphasizes that this type of transport is free for passengers when
performing a song. And the taxi driver explains that his love for music and songs is
much higher than the desire to earn more money during the working day. Therefore, as
the author explains, the driver often works completely free of charge.
In the conclusion of the article, the author says that the most liberated passengers and
passengers who want to perform a song come across it at night. However, if they refuse
to sing or generally do not have such a desire, then a taxi ride costs the usual price. The
driver talks about how his taxis are in demand and that he hopes to one day see Ed
Sheeran as a passenger.
I found this article quite interesting for me. I think that if I were in Taiwan, I would
like to use this taxi service. Especially at night.
2) "Jet ski love"
The article I'm going to discuss is called "Jet ski love". The story begins with the hero
being very much in love with a girl, but cannot see her for serious reasons, despite the
fact that they live not far from each other.
Therefore, the hero of the article makes a serious decision: he buys a jet ski and decides
to cross the sea on it to meet his beloved. As the author notes, his road was not easy.
There were many difficulties along the way, including the fact that his journey took
much longer than originally expected. It can be noted that these circumstances led to
the hero being detained by the police when he arrived at the place where his girlfriend
lives. He received an arrest, but he said that he believed that he did everything right.
He explains this from the perspective of love: he loves his girlfriend so much that he is
ready to do any act for her sake.
In conclusion, the author says that his girlfriend is currently waiting for a marriage
proposal from him because she wants to marry him. In my opinion, Dale's action was
very brave, but, at the same time, very stupid and reckless. He didn't think about how
sadly this story could end. I don't think I would have done what Dale did. I would come
up with some safer option.