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Muzzy-1 (1)

Video. Muzzy.
Episode 1.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the correct answer or write it down:
 “How do you do” is translated as ___________________
We say it when: a) we meet our friends; b) we meet people for the first time; c) the situation is
 The action takes place in ____________________.
 How many characters are there in the film? - ____________________.
 Who are they? - ___________________________________________________
 What are they? - __________________________________________________
 People say “Good morning” from _______________ to __________________.
 People say “Good afternoon” from _______________ to __________________.
 People say “Good evening" from ________________ to ___________________.
 What do we say when we go to bed? - ______________________________.
How do the main heroes characterize themselves?
 The King is _____________________.
 The Queen is ____________________.
 Sylvia is ________________________.
 Bob is _________________________.
 Corvax is ______________________.
 Muzzy is _____________________.
How does Sylvia characterize Bob? - He is ________________________.
 The antonym to «big» is _____________________.
 What can be big and small? (How is it shown in the movie?)
Can Muzzy be small? - ____________________________.
Silvia is going somewhere. What has she got? - ______________________________.
What has Bob got? - ________________________________.
What has Corvax got? - ___________________________.
 An error is translated as ________________________.
What has the King got in his garden? - _________________________________.
What is the Queen’s attitude to the things the King has got? - ___________________.
What does the King like? - ______________________________.
 If you want smb to give you smth, what do you say? - _________________________
 “Вот, пожалуйста” is translated as __________________________.
What adjectives can characterize the waiter in the restaurant Norman comes to? The waiter is _____________________________________________.
 What does Sylvia ask her parents to give her? - _____________________________
 What does Corvax ask Bob to do? - _____________________________________
 How many trees, bushes and flowers are there in the garden? - _________________
“триста” is translated as ________________________
 Sylvia comes when Bob has counted ____________________ flowers.
 What do Sylvia and Bob say when they get on the motorbike? - __________________
Understanding the story:
What is the Queen’s problem?
Is there a conflict in the story? What is it?
Is there anything that upsets (or worries) the King and the Queen? What is it?
Video. Muzzy in Gondoland.
Episode 2.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the
correct answer or write it down:
 What means of transport do the King and Corvax use to chase Bob and Sylvia? - a h………
 When the runaway couple are caught, and Bob is taken to prison, Sylvia is
a) upset;
b) indignant;
c) calm.
 What do we learn about Bob from the dialogue in the prison (complete the dialogue below
and write down both the full questions and the full answers to them):
- Name? _______________________________
- _____________________________________
- Age? __________________________________
- _______________________________________
- Job? ___________________________________
- _______________________________________
 What’s the number of the cell Bob is put into? - _______________________________
 In the cell when Bob is confronted by Muzzy, he is so frightened by the appearance of the
latter that he calls him - a m …………………
 What does Muzzy say when he introduces himself?
The Big Muzzy Story.
 Muzzy arrived in
a) s spaceship;
b) in a rocket;
c) in a UFO.
 What is Muzzy’s first problem? - ____________________________________
 What does Muzzy like to eat? - _________________________________
 How does he characterize the “food” that he likes to eat? What adjective does he use? __________________________
 “Что это?”is translated as - ____________________________________
 What is “a parking meter”? - _________________________________________
 What does the vendor offer Muzzy to taste? - _____________________________
 What does Muzzy say to characterize that food? (give his monologue) _________________________________________________________________
“этот” “тот” “эти” “те”  What can Muzzy eat besides his favorite food? (How is it shown in the episode?) __________________________________________________________________
 The policemen manage to catch Muzzy because
a) he is clumsy;
b) there are many of them;
c) they take him unawares.
 “Откуда ты?” - is translated as - __________________________________
 Enumerate the countries the cyclists come from. - _____________________________
Where does Muzzy come from? (How does he himself say it?) - __________________
Where is he now? - ___________________________________________________
Write down Corvax’s dialogue with Sylvia.
Understanding the story.
What is Corvax’s problem? -
Video. Muzzy in Gondoland.
Episode 3.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the
correct answer or write it down:
I Translate the following words into English:
 голова  глаз  ухо  нос  рот  нога (два слова)  рука (два слова) What’s the English for “ноги” (ступни)? - _________________________
II Write down the song Muzzy and Bob sing.
 What does Bob ask Muzzy to eat? How does he advertise “the food” in order to urge Muzzy
to eat it? (write down his monologue)
 After running away from the prison and crossing the river Muzzy is free, which is
positive, but he is also _____________________________________, which is
Which is more important for him: the positive aspect or the negative aspect? (underline)
 What do we say if somebody is
a) tired? - ____________________________
b) hot? - _______________________________
c) wet? - ______________________________
 Muzzy can’t see Bob at first because the latter is __________________________.
III Draw a picture to illustrate the usage of the prepositions: in, on, under, in front of, behind,
 What can Corvax’s “Sylvia” do? - ___________________________________
 The yellow colour stands for _________________________ (according to one of the six
 “Увидимся” is translated as - ______________________________
IV Understanding the story:
Corvax has created a “Sylvia” for himself. Is “she” his now? Does “she” love him? Has he
solved his problem or has he created even more problems?
Anticipating the events:
Choose the variant(s) that describe what may happen next (in your opinion). Tick the variant(s):
There’s going to be a plot (заговор) against the King.
The new “Sylvias” are going to cause some trouble.
Corvax is going to improve the “Sylvia”.
Bob and Muzzy are going to look for Sylvia.
Corvax is going to lose his position in the Kingdom.
Video. Muzzy in Gondoland.
Episode 4.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the
correct answer or write it down:
 When doing her exercises Sylvia is touching different parts of her body. What parts of the
body does she touch? Enumerate them.
 Answering Sylvia’s question Muzzy says, “We are not all right.” Why aren’t
they? - ________________________________________________________
 Bob is to have a date with Sylvia at ______________________.
 When does Norman
a) have breakfast? - _____________________________
b) have lunch? - ______________________________
c) have dinner? - ____________________________
d) have a bath? - _______________________________
e) goes to bed? - ________________________________
 Sylvia refuses to have lunch with her parents saying, “ ___________________________”.
 What kind of ache can people have? - _______________________________________
 What is the Queen’s reaction to Sylvia’s sudden illness? What does she say to her? ______________________________________________________________________
 What do the King and the Queen eat with? - ___________________________________
 What do the King and the Queen eat and drink from? - __________________________
 Can you complete the question? - “Feeling better?” - _________________________
 The Queen is sure that Syliva is going to ______________________________, and she says
to her, “ __________________________________________”.
 The King thinks that his daughter is going to___________________________, and he says
to her, “_________________________________________”.
 Where is Sylvia going? - ________________________________________
 Why does Muzzy eat clocks? - _______________________________________
Video. Muzzy in Gondoland.
Episode 5.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the
correct answer or write it down:
When does it get dark in different seasons? Complete the sentences below:
a) In autumn ___________________________________
b) In winter ____________________________________
c) In spring _____________________________________
d) In summer ________________________________________
 What floor in Sylvia’s room on? - _______________________________________
 Where is Corvax’s room? - ____________________________________________
 When the Queen sees a lot of Sylvias she is a bit shocked, but the King is almost calm.
Complete the song the King and the Queen are singing:
There are three in the kitchen, ________________________.
There’s one by the ___________________
There are two ______________________________
There are seven in the sitting-room _________________________________________
And four having lots of fun _______________________________________________
There are hundreds in the garden _________________________________________
And lots in the bathroom ______________________________________________
Lots in the _______________________, more ______________________________
More of them and more of them _________________________________________
 When Sylvia comes back to Bob and Muzzy, she says that she is frightened. Why is she? _______________________________________________________________
 What’s the English for “достать до чего-либо”? - _________________________
 Where are all “the Sylvias” coming from? - __________________________________
Anticipating the events:
Choose the variant(s) that describe what may happen next (in your opinion). Tick the variant(s):
a) The King will be able to stop Corvax’s computer.
b) “The Sylvias” will do a lot of harm.
c) Bob and Muzzy will stop Corvax’s doings.
d) Bob will marry princess Sylvia.
e) Corvax will escape and hide himself somewhere.
Video. Muzzy in Gondoland.
Episode 6.
Complete the following quiz. You are either to choose the
correct answer or write it down:
 What does Corvax say to the King when the latter is trying to stop the computer? ________________________________________________
 As Corvax can’t help the King get out of the computer, the only way out for him is
 What are the ways of saying “извините” in English? ________________________________
 How does Sylvia introduce Muzzy to the Queen and the Queen to Muzzy? What does she
say? - ________________________________________________________________
 The King doesn’t like it in the computer because _______________________________
 Write down the monologue Corvax pronounces when he is caught:
Understanding the story.
What were you able to anticipate. Tick the variants.
a) Sylvia and Bob will get married.
b) Corvax will lose his position in the Kingdom.
c) Muzzy will become a friend of the royal family.
d) Muzzy will go back to his planet.
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Write “I agree”, I “disagree”, “I
(don’t) think”, “I am (not) sure” before each statement:
a) __________________________ that Corvax is clever.
b) __________________________ that Bob is a bit too proud of himself.
c) __________________________ that Muzzy can stop eating clocks.
d) __________________________ that (Muzzy, Sylvia, Bob) is rather resourceful.
e) __________________________ that the Queen will ever/ sometime become slim.
f) __________________________ that Corvax is the only negative character in the film.