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КРЗ 1 (1)

Контрольная работа № 1 по Иностранному языку
(продвинутый уровень)
1. Find and correct mistakes in the usage of tense forms.
Ann: Do you like travelling?
Tom: Yes, I am liking travelling very much. It had been my hobby. I always have
my camera with me and took pictures of everything that will interest me: the ruins of
ancient buildings, the sights of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and
even animals and birds.
Ann: What countries had you been visiting?
Tom: Well, I was to Italy, Greece, Russia and India. Some day I will go to
Australia. My cousin live there. She invited me several times already. When I will have
enough money, I will go to Australia.
Ann: I was never to any of these countries. When have you been in Russia?
Tom: Two years ago.
Ann: Did you go there alone?
Tom: No, I go there with my father. We were visiting Moscow and
St. Petersburg, the most beautiful cities of Russia.
Ann: I always wanted, to travel to other countries, but I was not having the
opportunity. I had gone to Germany in my childhood, but I was not anywhere since
2. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct,
and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct, put a tick () by the number on the separate answer sheet. If a line
has a word which should not be there, write the word on the separate answer sheet.
There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
.......... My name is Louise Bartley and I am twenty-six years old. For
.......... the past of three years I have been employed by a travel company.
.......... What had helped me get the job was my experience of travel.
.......... When I was twenty, I dropped out of university to go backpacking
.......... around Australia. This gave me such an idea of the kind of problems
.......... travellers face and I decided then that I have wanted to work
.......... as a travel agent. I joined to the company as a junior secretary
.......... and now I am in charge of the organisation of package holidays.
.......... I stay in the office most days and I don't travel unless that I
.......... have to. But my work is so much interesting that I don't mind
.......... that at all. It is great to be working with them a group of people
.......... who have travelled widely and are as well enthusiastic as I am.
.......... This travel company is one of the best in the world and we can
.......... book you a flight to almost anywhere in no any more than a
.......... few minutes. We can do this because today, the company has 833
.......... staff through world-wide and travel centres in most capital
.......... cities. We do our best to make life more easier for customers.
3. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: 0
At this time of year thousands of (0) .......... who want summer
jobs start filling in (1) .......... forms and worrying about how
to write a good CV. To make a positive (2) .......... on
prospective (3)........... you should follow a few basic rules.
The first one is that it should be no longer than two pages and
written in simple (4) .......... Divide the content into several
parts, with each part under a (5)......... and do not forget to
include relevant (6)........... work experience, and a description
of any positions of (7) .......... you have had. Remember to
emphasise your (8) .......... by drawing attention to your skills.
But when it comes to your weaknesses, (9) .......... is the best
policy. And if you are (10).......... with your first draft, start
4. Read this telephone conversation and put the sentences where they belong.
A. Could you ask her to call me back later today?
B. I’d like to speak to
C. I’m afraid she isn’t in her office
D. One moment, please
E. Not at all
Secretary: Good morning. ABC Ltd. How can I help you?
Caller: Hello 1) _____ Paula Jones, please.
Secretary: Who shall I say is calling?
Caller: Hornby, John Hornby of XYZ Ltd.
Secretary: 2) _____ Mr Hornby, I’ll just find out if she’s back yet…
3) _____ . Is there anything I can do for you?
Caller: The reason I’m calling is to fix a meeting at the Trade Fair next week. 4)______
I shall be in the office all afternoon till 5.30.
Secretary: Let me take your phone number just in case…
Caller: Sure. That’s 020 8543 3553. Thank you for your help.
Secretary: 5) _____ , Mr Hornby. I’ll make sure she gets your message as soon as she’s
back. Goodbye!
Caller: Goodbye.
5. Translate the following text into Russian in written form.
What is tourism?
Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside
the places where they normally live and work, and their activities during the stay at
these destinations.
What is tourism industry?
Tourism industry, also known as the travel industry, is linked to the idea of people
travelling to other locations, either domestically or internationally, for leisure, social or
business purposes. Essentially, it refers to all activity related to the short-term
movement of people to locations away from where they usually reside. It is closely
connected to the hotel industry, the hospitality industry and the transport industry, and
much of it is based around keeping tourists happy, occupied and equipped with the
things they need during their time away from home. The tourism industry is one of the
world’s largest industries and the economies of many nations are driven, to a large
extent, by their tourist trade.