Загрузил beryukovai

9 класс. Module 6.

Test 6
1. Fill in: foster, victims, burst into tears, made a full recovery, senior, staff, get around, bank,
rescue, get involved.
1. When the doctor told her that her puppy was going to be fine, she … .
2. Love to read? Read books for … citizens with poor eyesight in your community.
3. It took the fire fighter a lot of time to … the koala from the burning tree.
4. The most convenient way to … London is by tube.
5. We should all … with projects that will help improve our community.
6. After the animals recover, they are placed in … homes where they’re loved and looked after.
7. The … members at the animal clinic are very helpful and willing to teach you how to look
after your pet.
8. If you want to pay in or withdraw some money you should go to a … .
9. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it … .
10. This charity aims at helping … of the recent earthquake disaster.
2. Choose the correct word.
1. We found the puppy abandoned/neglected on the side of a motorway.
2. Excuse me, could you give me directions to the train stop/station, please?
3. If a person can’t look after a pet extremely/properly, they shouldn’t be allowed to own one.
4. Helen has attached a seat/basket to her bike, where she puts her things when she goes
5. You can support/encourage charities like the Red Cross by volunteering or donating money.
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive tense.
1. The Kremlin (use) as the centre of Russian government until 1712
2. The money from the sales (give) to a local charity as soon as possible.
3. I’m sorry, but magazines cannot (take) out of the library.
4. Romeo and Juliet (write) by Shakespeare.
5. This word (use) to describe the unusual event.
6. The award (give) to him for the third time.
4. Fill in: whoever, however, whenever, wherever, whatever.
1. Come and visit us … you have some free time.
2. … Helen goes, she takes her laptop with her.
3. Jason will not change his mind, … you say to him.
4. … wants to come to the library must be here at 10.
5. You can cook the chicken … you want.
5. Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. Kate told her friends to make … at home.
2. He doesn’t look … today. Is he alright?
3. Alex, did you choose my present …?
4. Boys, if you want some more food, help … .
5. She did it all by … .