Загрузил Алиса Сычева


The journey of my dreams
Студентка группы ХТб-23-2
Сычева Алиса
The trip of my dream is a
trip to Italy. In my opinion,
Italy is the most beautiful
country in the world. It has a
rich history – from the
Roman Empire to one of the
most influential and
developed modern states.
Italy has an amazing nature: the climate
is soft, it is always warm there, and the
whole country is surrounded by the sea,
so there is a great variety of plants and
Milan is an industrial city full of energy and
youth, the heart of the world’s fashion.
Naples is a hot southern city having an
atmosphere of happiness and relax, with
the famous Vesuvius near the gulf.
Venice was a capital of the powerful
republic, but now it is just an
incredibly beautiful city attracting
millions of tourists. I would like to see
the majestic Piazza San Marco: the
Cathedral of San Marco with its blue
domes, the exquisite Doge’s Palace,
the sea in the rays of sunset.