Загрузил философия фараона

Akad P Zadanie 1 (1)

Аспирантам, которые ходят на занятия, это задание нужно только распечатать и
принести с собой.
выполняют задания самостоятельно.
Аспиранты с немецким/французским языком эти задания не выполняют.
I. Предтекстовые упражнения
1. Запомните следующие значения существительного trick:
> хитрость, обман
> шутка, шалость, выходка
> фокус, трюк
> умение, сноровка
> способ, прием
> характерная особенность, привычка, манера
2. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания,
учитывая все перечисленные выше значения слова trick:
card tricks, nicks of the trade, tricks of the memory, tricks of fortune, tricks of gesture and pronunciation,
a trick to making a good pie, a confidence trick.
3. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и дайте их значения:
trickery, trickiness, trickish, trickster, tricksy, tricky.
4. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания, в которых
слово trick является определением:
trick riding, trick cyclist, trick dog, trick camera, trick lock, trick work, trick flying.
5. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания, в которых
определением является слово tricky:
tricky politician, tricky acrobat, tricky opponent, tricky question, tricky situation, tricky problem, tricky
6. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
I am sure that he has been tricked.
The trick is to make it look natural.
He played a dirty trick upon us.
We'll show you the trick of it.
That will do the trick.
He got the money from me by a trick. >
The trick didn't come off.
It's easy if you know the trick.
It's only a trick of the eyesight.
He tricked her into marrying him.
7. Найдите в тексте средства выражения эмфазы и правильно передайте ту же степень
выразительности в переводе.
II. Текст
By Steven Pinker
What do Henry Kissinger, Joseph Conrad and Vladimir Nabokov have in common? They all learnt a
second language and used it brilliantly, but traces of their native tongue never left them.
Conrad had an accent so thick his friends could barely understand him. Kissinger's grinding logic is
purveyed in a guttural German accent, while Nabokov refused ever to be interviewed in English. As he said: "I
think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author, I speak like a child".
Yet here is the point. Kissinger's brother, a few years younger, travelled to the United States at the same
time as Henry, and speaks without a trace of an accent. In him, it seems, the sound pattern of German had
not had time to take over the language centres of his brain and set like concrete.
The evidence presented in The Language Instinct, Steven Pinker's brilliant study of language, is that those
who arrive in a new land between the ages of three and seven gain a command of grammar and accent that is
indistinguishable from natives. Those who move between the ages of eight and 15 do worse the later they
arrive, and those who arrive after the age of 17 do worse still.
III. Лексические упражнения
Посмотрите в словаре все имеющиеся значения для следующих трех глаголов и переведите
на русский язык предложения с этими глаголами:
to burn
My face is burning.
I don't like to cook fish. It often burns.
He is burning with envy.
She is burning with anger.
The boy is burning with passion.
Ann is burning to go there,
The building (was) burnt to the ground.
She has a skin that burns easily.
Be careful not to burn your fingers.
She burnt her hand on a hot iron.
All lights were burning.
He has money to burn.
to burst
The buds are all bursting.
The sack is bursting with grain.
The children are bursting with health.
She is bursting with joy.
He is bursting with envy.
The senator is bursting with indignation.
The girl is bursting with pride.
My friend is bursting with laughter.
The child is bursting with tears.
His sister is bursting with curiosity.
She burst into a song.
He burst into a room.
She burst out of the room.
He burst into angry words.
to break
Glass breaks easily.
The chair broke two days ago.
They broke into the shop at night.
They want to break jail.
The sun broke through a cloud.
I'll never break my word.
He broke an Olympic record.
A cry broke from his lips.
Break the text into passages.
He broke into laughter.
She broke into tears (sobs).
They broke into a dance.
We broke into a song.
The boys broke into a run.