Загрузил Андрей Талов


Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2022), 35(3): 128–154
Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting
Center of Space Technologies, Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation, Warsaw 02-256, Poland
Received 1 November 2020; revised 7 December 2020; accepted 25 January 2021
Available online 21 October 2021
De-orbiting technology;
End-of-life disposal;
Satellite propulsion system
Solid propellant;
Solid rocket motor;
Space debris mitigation;
Space traffic management
Abstract This paper presents the topic of using solid rocket propulsion for de-orbiting spacecraft,
in order to fulfil space debris mitigation requirements. The benefits and disadvantages of using such
means are discussed. A dedicated system can be implemented in the satellite design phase and shall
be a key subsystem of platforms inserted into orbit. Uncontrolled, semi-controlled and controlled
de-orbit can be completed using solid rocket motors. Their impact on the space debris environment
is discussed. Specific requirements for dedicated propellants and systems are provided. While the
majority of presently developed rocket systems worldwide require high burn rates, several applications, including de-orbiting, benefit from solid propellants with decreased regression rates. This
allows limiting spacecraft accelerations and loads during de-orbit manoeuvres. Moreover, the
requirement of minimising solid particle generation is presented. Heritage technology from the Mercury and Gemini human spaceflight programmes, where de-orbit motors were used, is shown. Historical Soviet, American and Chinese film-return-capsule solid propellant retrorockets, enabling deorbit, are also presented. A detailed survey of current work worldwide on end-of-life disposal using
solid propulsion is included. Challenges of developing dedicated systems are discussed. Finally, an
outlook on solid rocket motor utilisation for space debris mitigation is provided.
Ó 2021 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is
an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
1. Introduction
While initial research on threats possible due to human-made
space debris began in the United States during the 19700 s, first
recommendations were stated by Kessler and Cour-Palais in
1978 and early standards (titled ‘‘System safety requirements
for ESA space systems”) were formulated in Europe by 1988.
However at that point they were not yet directly devoted to
Space Debris Mitigation.1 This was followed by dedicated
standards in the United States, Japan and France in the last
years of the 20th century.2 It became clear that the key method
to limit new space debris generation is to avoid allowing new
E-mail address: adam.okninski@ilot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.
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1000-9361 Ó 2021 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Ammonium Dinitramide
Ammonium Perchlorate
European Space Agency
Hydrazinium Nitroformate
Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Internal Policy
International Space Station
Low Earth Orbit
objects to remain in orbit after their end-of-life.3,4 Extensive
work during the last two decades enabled raising the awareness
of the space technology community. One of the forums allowing global discussion is the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC).5,6 Since 2009 the problem of space
debris became more evident due to the collision of Iridum-33
and Kosmos-2251 satellites and an earlier successful antisatellite weapon test by China in 2007. It became clear that
post-mission disposal is crucial for limiting the speed of growth
of the debris population.7 While Active Debris Removal is necessary to decrease the number of existing large debris8–10, it is a
very costly approach and the main solution is to make sure
that all new objects delivered to orbit will have a system
enabling decreasing their orbital lifetime after the end of their
operations. This is crucial in order to secure existing orbital
assets, such as the International Space Station.11 The problem
becomes even more serious due to the growing concentration
of satellites on relatively similar orbits, as shown in Fig. 1.12
The MASTER debris model is constantly updated and the significant change in debris spatial density can be analyzed.
Moreover, numerous smaller spacecraft, unlike few large ones,
are planned to be used in LEO mega constellations. Satellites
are expected to be launched more frequently with limited lifetime due to the present business approach and technology
becoming obsolete since the beginning of the given satellite’s
payload development. Within the Space 4.0 trend numerous
new players occur, some with limited experience and a multitude of small satellites with questionable reliability are close
Fig. 1 Debris spatial density distribution on LEO: data from
2009 and 201812.
Geostationary Orbit
Geostationary Transfer Orbit
Reduced Signature
Space Debris Mitigation
SPADES Solid Propellant Autonomous DE-orbit System
Sun Synchronous Orbit
Solid Rocket Motor
Technology Readiness Level
Thrust Vector Control
to getting to orbit. With over 1000 satellites being launched
per year in a few-year horizon, a significant market for endof-life disposal can be seen. The establishment of the Clean
Space initiative at ESA confirmed Europe being one of the
leaders in Space Debris Mitigation.13,14 As of 2020 ESA has
its dedicated Space Safety programme, including work on
SDM. Meanwhile efforts worldwide continue to unify international standards15 and space law. While a few years back spent
satellites were to be de-orbited or re-orbited to higher cemetery
orbits, recent guidelines propose not to use the concept of reorbiting for LEO, due to it not being forward-thinking in the
age of intensive orbital infrastructural expansion.1 More
details on the current status of SDM can be found in Refs.16,17.
Discussions lead to the conclusion that apart from EoL disposal, Just-in-time-Collision Avoidance capability18,19 and a
Space Traffic Management are needed in order to ensure sustainability of orbital operations.20,21 In case of Just-in-time
Collision Avoidance recent concepts include use of SRM
plume for debris deceleration.22 However this review shall
focus solely on EoL propulsive disposal.
The key current requirement concerning spacecraft de-orbit
is to conduct re-entry within 25 years from the satellite’s
EoL.23 This means that all satellites on orbits above approximately 600 km (value depending on the exact orbit, solar activity, the mass-to-area ratio of the object and aerodynamic
configuration) shall require a system enabling their deorbitation in order to fulfill the 25-year rule. The probability
of successful EoL disposal is to be at least 90%. The manoeuvre shall ensure that the risk of casualties on ground is less
than 104, what can be assessed analytically using dedicated
tools for re-entry breakup analysis.24 The amount of generated
debris while using propulsion, shall be limited. In particular
debris over 1 mm of size are unacceptable. ESA Internal Policy
(IPOL) on SDM excludes the release of particulate matter in
orbit. Most recent recommendations are provided in Ref.15.
However a lot is yet to be done, especially taking into account
numerous planned commercial mega constellations. The European Cooperation on Space Standardization (ECSS) adopted
ISO24113 in the space sustainability branch.23 Particular
SDM standards adopted by specific countries can be found
in Ref.25.
Methods for end-of-life de-orbiting of spacecraft include
chemical rocket propulsion, electric propulsion, sails, tethers
etc.10,26 Several de-orbiting strategies can be used: uncontrolled, semi-controlled and controlled de-orbit. In most cases
only chemical propulsion enables obtaining relatively large
itage, while most commonly used mono- and bipropellants
include toxic compounds and are to be replaced in the longer
term. The key benefit of solid propulsion is its high density performance, storability and autonomy. Several trade-offs show
good potential for use of solid rocket propulsion for EoL disposal29,33,34 and this technology shall be discussed in this
paper. Other analyses considering use of SRM can be found
in Refs.35,36, but no survey of existing technical solutions
and heritage is commonly available. From the technical point
of view, each of the four mentioned chemical propulsion methods is feasible for use for de-orbiting. In today’s market the
economic and operational factors shall be decisive.
Chemical propulsion allows de-orbitation for all spacecraft
sizes as well as for launch vehicle upper-stages and jettisoned
components (such as Sylda, Speltra).30 De-orbit manoeuvers
are done for SDM, but also for re-entry and recovery of payloads. This relates to human spaceflight, biological payloads
and recovery of reconnaissance film capsules. It can also be
due to safety measures, as in one of the first concepts
mentioned in 1966 - due to nuclear waste hazards of Systems
for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP) satellites.37 Typical deorbit manoeuvres for objects on LEO require delta-Vs of up
to a few hundred m/s, depending on the initial orbit, re-entry
flight path, satellite configuration and type of disposal (uncontrolled or controlled de-orbit). Example data is presented in
the following paragraphs.
2. Scenarios for modern application of SRM technology for
Fig. 2 Outcome of ESA Solid Propellant Autonomous DEOrbit System (SPADES) study comparison regarding use of
different chemical propulsion systems for de-orbit30.
thrust, which allows for controlled and semi-controlled deorbit.8,27 Chemical propulsion includes solid rocket motors,
hybrid rocket motors, monopropellant thrusters, bipropellant
engines and cold gas systems.28 While the last technology is
usually discarded due to very low performance, the other four
are commonly compared considering SDM.29 Monopropellants and bipropellants are often assumed as natural candidates due to their wide use on satellites and their significant
flight heritage. Fig. 230 presents results of a dedicated ESA
study comparing liquid and solid propulsion for deorbit─relative costs, mass budget differences due to required
spacecraft velocity increase (delta-V) and expected reliability
have been computed for different spacecraft sizes. Bipropellants were not considered for satellites below 200 kg of mass
due to system complexity. Reference missions considered
SSOs. Solid propulsion was identified as very promising. More
details on the study and its assumptions can be found in Ref.29.
Several modern concepts consider hybrid propulsion as one of
the best technical solutions for EoL disposal.31,32 Unlike for
typical SRM, reignition and adapting the delivered total
impulse is possible. However, hybrids lack in-orbit flight her-
Three typical approaches are discussed for EoL disposal using
chemical propulsion. These include: uncontrolled, semicontrolled and controlled de-orbitation, presented in Fig. 3.38
The primary driver affecting the decision on the necessary
re-entry scenario is the ground casualty risk. This decision
must be taken already during the spacecraft initial development phase, since it is the key aspect influencing propulsion
system sizing and autonomous SRM implementation in the
platform. Typical components and subsystems which are decisive regarding spacecraft demisability include: propellant and
pressurant tanks, reaction wheels, magneeters and solar array
drive mechanisms. The first solution, uncontrolled de-orbit,
requires transferring the given satellite to an orbit, which
ensures that the 25 year disposal rule is fulfilled.29 This leads
to a long de-orbit duration. One will not know exactly when
and where the debris will re-enter the dense layers of Earth’s
atmosphere. Therefore, large, not-fully-demisable objects
should not be subject to this scenario. Only satellite disposal
with ground casualty risk below 104 can be allowed for this
type of re-entry. The second approach – semi-controlled reentry – enables ensuring that the debris will fall within a few
or preferably one orbit.39,40 This way it is possible to limit
casualty risk, despite a large possible impact area, via targeting
re-entry to occur over ocean areas. It is the most expensive and
complex scenario and is inevitable for large satellites and
launch vehicle upper-stages.39 Objects are targeted to enter
the thicker layers of the atmosphere with an angle of approximately 1.5° and fall into the South Pacific Ocean Uninhabited Area (SPOUA), which is believed to be the safest place for
re-entry in order to mitigate casualties: both in lives and property. Since 1971 over 260 satellites have been directed into this
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Fig. 3
EoL spacecraft removal strategy decision tree by Airbus Defence & Space38.
area.40 Considering a single burn and a Hohmann-like
manoeuvre, the spacecraft will have its new perigee in the
dense layers of the atmosphere, re-entering half an orbit after
the burn delivery. Commonly a perigee altitude of 80 km or
lower is assumed to allow immediate EoL disposal. Direct controlled de-orbitation limits the overall disposal time to a minimum.41 While a single burn scenario is considered in most
cases, ESA data on the difference in delta-V for a two-SRMburn scenario for de-orbit is also available in Ref. 30. Delivering a few consecutive burns is possible using an SRM cluster.
Clusters are anyhow expected in many satellite applications
since long total burn durations are needed to limit maximum
thrust and acceleration for spacecraft with fragile appendages.
To ensure having the thrust vector aligned with the spacecraft’s centre of mass, firings of SRM pairs are typically proposed.27,30,41 In case of firing a single SRM, it is difficult to
precisely control the impact location when initial high LEO
is considered.42 Therefore a stepped scenario of controlled
de-orbitation has been proposed by European Large Satellite
Integrators. This way the first step would be performed by
the satellite’s main propulsion system (potentially electric)
and would lower the orbit from the nominal operational orbit
of the given satellite to a circular orbit of approximately
300 km of altitude. The second manoeuvre, completed using
the dedicated SRM system, would lower the orbital perigee
altitude from 300 km to below 80 km, thus allowing controlled
re-entry. For a conservative perigee altitude of 40 km, the theoretical delta-V is 77 m/s. This approach allows precise control
of the re-entry footprint and makes efficient use of the SRM’s
high thrust, while combining the SRM firing with an earlier
delta-V delivered by a potentially higher specific impulse system. Another propellant-efficient method for controlled deorbitation assumes an active propulsive phase, followed by a
passive phase when drag furtherly decreases the satellite’s orbit
and a final firing is concluded after the passive phase.33 However, while limiting the total necessary delta-V, it requires
lengthening the mission duration in comparison to direct controlled de-orbitation, thus increasing costs.
While as mentioned, for circular orbits below approximately 600 km no propulsion system firing is required to limit
the orbital lifetime to 25 years, higher orbits require delta-V
capabilities of spacecraft. For example for a typical 800 km cir-
Fig. 4 Effect of initial circular orbit altitude and re-entry flight
path angle on necessary delta-V to de-orbit34.
cular SSO, lowering the orbit perigee to 80 km via a Hohmann
transfer, thus allowing re-entry, is equivalent to a 200 m/s
delta-V.43 Initial circular orbits were found to be the most
demanding in terms of delta-V budget.43 There are cases when
propulsion system firing is needed for very low orbits. This
occurs in the case of controlled re-entry requirements. In general controlled re-entry leads to higher delta-V requirements
for de-orbit propulsion systems for a given initial orbit (unless
the de-orbit propulsion system is only used for the final burn
and the majority of the orbital altitude change is done utilising
the satellite’s main propulsion system). Different levels of
thrust can be used. 34 explains that a low-thrust continuous firing manoeuvre results in a spiral-type trajectory and leads to a
higher delta-V than in case of impulsive manoeuvres. Fig. 434
shows the necessary delta-V to enable a Hohmann transfer
manoeuvre for several initial circular orbits in order to have
reach a flight path angle in the range of 1.5° to 2.5° at
120 km of altitude.34
3. Up to date use of solid rocket propulsion for space
Solid propellant motors are the first historical developments
for both military and civil rocket propulsion applications.
World War 2 advancements in the field of efficient castable
composite solid propellants led to increased work on novel
compositions and brought the introduction of Ammonium
Perchlorate, which replaced Potassium Perchlorate as oxidizer
in the late 1940’s.44 Further developments included work on
new binder systems and in 1958 aluminium fuel was proposed
by Rumbel and Henderson for performance improvement.
Major relevant work in the Soviet Union took place in the
19600 s, however significant theory of combustion was introduced in the preceding decades.45
Space applications include use of solid propellants in i.e.
boosters, main-core propulsion, ullage motors, separation
motors, spin-control motors, launch abort systems, gas generators, landing, deceleration, descent and recovery systems.
Further in-space use of SRMs has been performed numerously
through utilisation of SRM kick stages.46 The first successful
use of an SRM in orbit, apart from ullage SRMs etc., was in
the third stage of the Vanguard vehicle in March 1958. The
Grand Central 33KS2800 SRM used a polysulfide and AP
composite propellant, designated GCR-201C.47 Other historical solid propellant upper stages were present in vehicles
including: Thor-Delta (since 1960), Delta (1962), Scout
(1964), Thor-Burner (1965), Lambda 4 (1970), Mu vehicle
family (1971), Long March 1 (1970) and Black Arrow
(1971). Up till today several active launchers use SRMs in their
upper-stages, although most new architectures under development utilise liquid upper-stages for enhanced mission flexibility
for a wide range of payloads. Historical in-orbit use of SRMs
also includes propulsion for reaching GEO from GTO and to
perform interplanetary trajectories. Example kick motors
include STAR systems from ATK and European MAGE
motors.48,49 One of the SRM which was the beginning of the
STAR motor family is the retrorocket of the Surveyor
unmanned lunar lander, the STAR-37.50 The B-4 Surveyor
retrorocket used over 600 kg of propellant, having a burn
duration of approximately 40 s and a thrust level of
44 500 N.51 While it was the main contributor to the spacecraft
deceleration, it was ejected before final touchdown.52 Similarly, the Europa lander mission currently planned by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, considers an SRM for final vehicle
deceleration.53 An off-loaded STAR-48B SRM is proposed
for the de-orbit burn.54 The topic of this paper, however,
focuses on applications of dedicated de-orbit motors, used in
Earth orbit, thus solid propulsion for exploration descent elements is only mentioned. Several other applications are shown,
in case of similar propellant or system requirements.
4. Aluminised propellant impact on space debris environment
Current state-of-the-art solid propellants usually include aluminium powder. For typical SRMs more than 30% of the initial propellant mass is expelled as Al2O3.55,56 However, most
particles rapidly re-enter the thicker layers of the atmosphere57
and less then 5% of aluminium oxide particles survive over
1 year in orbit.58 This is naturally highly dependent on the
orbit considered and SRM firing conditions.59,60 Particle size,
area and surface shape affect drag and particle orbital lifetime,
while J2 gravitational potential zonal harmonics, solar radiation pressure and luni-solar attraction also play a role.61 Dust
particles have exhaust velocities up to 3000 m/s. While metalized formulations generate small particles during nominal
operation, tail-off burning at lower combustion chamber pressures leads to significant oxide slag. This is presented in
Fig. 562, where nominal and tail-off SRM performance in
high-altitude conditions are shown for the first stage of the
Pegasus launch vehicle and in Fig. 662 with the STAR-37
SRM during vacuum ground testing. While most debris from
SRM firings are below 10 lm of diameter, research shows that
bits of Al2O3 exceeding 10 mm in diameter are common for
SRM burn tail-offs. Some sources mention particles up to
50 mm of size, with velocity emissions in the order of tens of
metres per second.62 The mass ejected during tail-off is approximated as in the range of 0.04%-0.65% of the initial propellant
mass. Since during this transient period low ejection velocities
occur, low relative velocities are present and lead to slag orbits
being close to the orbits of the SRM themselves.63 Ref. 60 discusses various non-numerical methods of studying the effect of
SRM solid ejecta. Examples from radar observations, particle
impacts on space vehicle surfaces and data from ground tests
of SRMs are available. The relation between expelled particle
size and SRM nozzle throat diameter is discussed in Ref. 64.
However, the dependance of Al2O3 size on SRM dimensions
was already suggested in Refs. 56,65.
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Fig. 5 Pegasus launch vehicle first stage SRM firing: caption before burn tail-off (left) and caption taken 15.5 s after burn tail-off
Fig. 6 STAR-37 SRM tests at a vacuum facility: steady-state burning with chamber pressure above 3.1 MPa (left) and burn tail-off with
chamber pressure below 7 kPa (right) 62.
Ref. 66 presents the key sources of large objects in orbits up
to 2000 km in altitude. One can see the large impact of SRM
slag, which is larger than of sodium–potassium alloy (NaK)
droplets released from orbital nuclear reactors before the end
of the 19800 s, and significantly larger than that of LMRO
(Launch and Mission Related Objects). The main source of
large debris are fragments of vehicles. Ref. 66 also shows the
spatial density of debris on LEO. It can be seen that a relatively constant spatial density is present in case of SRM slag,
decreasing for altitudes below 400 km, where orbital residence
time is low. In Ref. 63 , results of slag spatial density modelling
for LEO, GTO and GEO SRM firings are shown. Fig. 7 and
Fig. 8, taken from Ref. 67, provide insight into debris source
population fluxes as of 2014, based on the ESA MASTER2009 model (Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference). Data for the International Space Station
(ISS) orbit, a typical SSO (used by Defense Meteorological
Satellites), as well as GTO and GEO is presented. The highest
cumulative debris flux originating from SRMs among the four
orbits considered is visible for the SSO. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show
the distinction between SRM dust and slag. The range of debris between 1 and 10 mm is marked and referenced as the critical size range. This is due to its particular importance for
human and robotic space programmes since such debris are
usually not tracked, while being large enough to pose threat
to missions.67 Fig. 963 presents the expected growth of debris
spatial density in case of continuing the use of aluminised propellants in-orbit. It can be seen that, apart from orbits below
1000 km of altitude, peaks of SRM-related debris occur for
approximately 20 000 km and 36 000 km altitudes. These represent firings dedicated to the circularization of orbits of the
GPS constellation and transfer orbits into GEO.63 Ref. 59
shows that the slag population growth will continue, even taking into account presently limited in-space use of SRMs and a
recommendation to forbid orbital use of SRMs is given. The
same reference provides information that the largest amount
of particles are approximately 100 mm in diameter and the
most slag residue comes from apogee kick motors. Ref. 63 recommends limiting orbital SRM use, in particular for Medium
Earth Orbits and GEO regions, where particle residence times
are long.
More data can be found in ESA MASTER, which allows to
assess the distribution of SRM ejecta on Earth orbits. Over
1100 in-orbit SRM firings have been registered since 1958.
More information is provided in Refs. 59,60,68. The ESA Clean
Space initiative has been looking into the topic and non-
Fig. 7
MASTER-2009 debris source population fluxes for ISS orbit (left) and example SSO (right)
Fig. 8
MASTER-2009 debris source population fluxes for GTO (left) and GEO (right)
5. American de-orbit SRMs
Fig. 9 Prediction of debris spatial density growth assuming
current SRM rate of utilisation 63.
aluminised propellant research was initiated in 2013 to ensure
the possibility to use solid propulsion for EoL spacecraft disposal. Limiting solid combustion products is critical for modern SDM propellant compositions. This ensures compliance
with SDM requirements and safety of solar arrays and other
critical satellite components, as well as human spaceflight
Use of SRM for de-orbiting applications began at the very
beginning of the space age. However, re-entry was attempted
not for the need of SDM, but to recover valuable hardware
with data or to recover human spaceflight capsules. The Corona spacecraft family used capsules to recover photoreconnaissance films.69 Each satellite had one or two capsules, each with
a STAR-12 SRM attached.70 The first launch of a Corona
spacecraft took place in 1959. Fig. 1071 presents Corona J-1,
which had two recoverable capsules, which was the spacecraft’s version used most extensively (52 satellites with 94 film
recoveries during 1963–1969).72 The STAR-12 SRM had a
gross mass of 28 kg, propellant mass of 18.28 kg, vacuum
thrust of 4450 N and burn duration of 10.4 s, providing a vacuum specific impulse of 256 s. It had an external diameter of
305 mm and a compact envelope due to the use of an
end-burning grain configuration. Use of small film re-entry
capsules was continued through a few decades via operations
of the Corona spacecraft, as well as KH-5 Argon, KH-6 Lanyard, KH-7 Gambit, KH-8 Gambit 3 and the much larger KH9 HEXAGON, which included five return capsules using one
SRM each. It is shown in Fig. 11.71 More recent American
photoreconnaissance satellites used electro-optical and syn-
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Corona spacecraft draft with de-orbit SRMs
HEXAGON spacecraft draft with de-orbit SRMs71.
thetic aperture radar payloads, thus not requiring retromotors
for film re-entry.
As for human spaceflight, SRMs also developed by Thiokol
Chemical Corporation were used for de-orbiting the Mercury
spacecraft. A design very similar to TE-M-236 (STAR-12)
from the Corona programme was used. The Mercury capsule
was fitted with 3 retrograde motors also called retrorockets
(term not to be confused with retrorockets used for launch
vehicle stage separation). Each SRM had a burn duration of
10 s. The motors were fired with 5 s intervals between the
end of one firing and the initiation of the firing of the next
one. Successful de-orbitation was possible even if one of the
SRMs failed, due to the corrections of the automatic control
system. Each of the SRMs had a mass of 30.1 kg and
5100 N of thrust.73 Their position in the vehicle is shown in
Fig. 12.73 SRMs were protected from contamination and
micrometeor damage due to the use of a metal housing. The
SRM had a length of 368 mm and diameter of 305 mm. The
de-orbit subsystem was jettisoned after performing the
burn.73,74 The Mercury de-orbit motor is shown in Fig. 1375
(next to the Gemini SRM). Key SRM parameters are provided
in Table 1.
Similar SRMs of Thiokol Chemical Corporation were used
in the Gemini spaceflight programme. The TE-385 was a
Bottom view of Mercury capsule (left) and Mercury retrograde rocket system (right)73.
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Table 1
Mercury TE-316 (left)75 and Gemini TE-385 (right)77 used for de-orbiting manned capsules.
Key data of Mercury and Gemini SRMs for capsule de-orbiting.
Mass of
motor (kg)
mass (kg)
thrust (N)
impulse (s)
derivative of the STAR-13 TE-M-485 orbit insertion motor.76
Four TE-385 motors were used for de-orbiting the capsule and
fired in ripple fashion.77 Apart from this, the SRM could be
used during a high altitude launch abort, separating the capsule from the launch vehicle. This however never took place.
SRMs were used for mission de-orbit in ten manned Gemini
flights in 1965 and 1966. Details on the Gemini TE-385 design
can be found in Ref. 78. Key motor parameters and its comparison to the Mercury TE-316 can be seen in Table 1. The motor
had a star grain configuration and used a polysulfide-based
propellant. A spherical titanium alloy combustion chamber
was used. The SRM had a submerged nozzle configuration,
the expansion cone was made from molded vitreous silica phenolic resin and the throat insert was made from high density
Graph-I-Tite G-90 graphite.
While Mercury and Gemini capsules used SRMs for deorbiting manned spacecraft, future American designs did not
include SRMs for de-orbiting manned capsules. Neither has
this approach been utilised in Russian or Chinese vehicles
(Soyuz and Shenzhou). Use of SRM for de-orbiting manned
capsules is expected to remain only a historical solution.
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
As for newer designs, a wide range of SRMs is provided in
the ATK SRM catalogue.48 The document features the STAR3A motor being advertised as useful for de-orbitation missions.
This motor thrust peaks at 800 N but burns only for 0.5 s, providing an effective specific impulse of 241.2 s. Such a short
boost either generates too high accelerations for small satellites
or requires clustering for bigger ones since its total impulse is
equal to 284 Ns. The STAR-4A on the other hand has an
end-burning configuration,79 giving a burn duration of 10.3 s
and a total impulse close to 2650 Ns, while having a propellant mass fraction of 0.65 and delivered specific impulse of
269.4 s. The ATK catalogue also provides another SRM for
minimum acceleration and extended burn duration delta-V
impulse, which is the STAR-5A,48 which has a burn duration
of 24.7 s and a total impulse of 6000 Ns, providing an effective
specific impulse of 250.8 s. This SRM has 2.3 kg of propellant
and a propellant mass fraction close to 0.50.80
Another example of using an American SRM for de-orbit is
the Japanese concept of the Lunar-A penetrator, which was to
use ATK Thiokol’s STAR-30BP motor to provide 84% of the
required total deceleration delta-V.81 Fig. 14 presents the penetrator with the attached SRM for de-orbit.82 However, the
Lunar-A project was never finalised.
Fig. 15 Mass of released orbital dust and slag due to in-orbit
firings of Soviet and Russian SRMs84.
6. Soviet and Russian de-orbit SRMs
Numerous Soviet and Russian photoreconnaissance missions
utilised SRM for de-orbiting capsules, as well as satellites.
The primary objective was to return exposed film to Earth.83
Three different systems have been used extensively: Zenit,
Yantar, and Orlets. Their sketches are shown in Ref. 84.
Fig. 1584 presents the timeline of major technology utilisation.
The maximum of de-orbits was achieved in the mid-1980’s at
southern latitudes between 60° and 80°. The contribution of
the Zenit retro-firings is dominant. Almost all firings took
place between 150 and 400 km of altitude.59 Key SRM data
are presented in the following paragraphs.84–86 Fig. 1684 shows
parts of Zenit, Yantar, and Orlets, which were recovered, using
The de-orbit propulsion system of the Vostok used a liquid
propellant engine of OKB-1, but the NII-125 design bureau in
parallel developed an SRM alternative, the Vostok-Meteor
Fig. 14
Fig. 16 Zenit with the TTDU SRM (top), Yantar-2 K’s SpK
with the 11D864 SRM (bottom left), and Orlets-1 capsule with
TOR (17D712) (bottom right) (drawing of Orlets-1 film return
system is an artist view) 84.
kick stage. It was implemented in the Zenit satellite series
(and flew on Zenit-4 M, 4MT and 4MK).87 The SRM was used
to de-orbit the whole 6000 kg satellite. The SRM was named
TTDU and had a designation 11D82M. It is shown in
Fig. 1788. Ref. 84 states that 508 in-orbit firings were com-
Lunar-A penetrator with its SRM for deceleration82.
Fig. 19
Fig. 17
TOR (17D712) propulsion module85.
Zenit spacecraft’s TTDU SRM assembly88.
pleted. 11D82M had a thrust level of 30.7 kN, a propellant
mass of 246 kg and a burn duration of 23 s.
The fourth generation reconnaissance satellite Yantar-2K
used 11D864 MKB Iskra SRMs for de-orbiting its two small
capsules named SpK (Spuskayemaya Kapsula). Initial inspace testing of the capsules with the dedicated SRM took
place on the Gektor spacecraft.89 The SRM is can be seen in
Fig. 1889 and its location on-board the Yantar spacecraft is visible in the left photograph. A toroidal gas reaction engine
(8005D-0) was present around the SRM. It was used for stabilizing the capsule after braking and for angular velocity control.83 In total 250 in-orbit firings are known to have taken
place.84 The SRM had a mass of 52 kg and a burn duration
of 13 s at a nominal chamber pressure of 8 MPa. Being
450 mm long, it had a diameter of 380 mm. The de-orbited
mass was 274 kg, including 29 kg of payload. The 11D864
had a thrust of 5.9 kN.83
The third major SRM for de-orbit in Soviet programmes
was used in Orlets capsules. 122 SRM retro-burns took place
in the Orlets programme till 2009.84 Sixth generation photore-
Fig. 20 Impact of Soviet and Russian SRM firings on space
connaissance satellites with return film capsules (Orlets-1) had
8 capsules, while the seventh generation of the spacecraft
(Orlets-2) has 22 capsules.59 Each of the capsules uses a dedicated TOR (17D712) SRM for de-orbit, which has a toroidal
shaped combustion chamber and utilises four nozzles.85 It is
shown in Fig. 1985. The SRM length is 190 mm, outer diameter
350 mm and inner diameter 205 mm.84 Its mass is 17 kg, out of
which 8 kg is the mass of the propellant. Ref. 90 mentions that
the 17D712, developed at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise
Fig. 18 Yantar-2 K spacecraft (left) and its descent capsule with the 11D864 SRM (right) (photos obtained with permission from Mr.
Jakob Terweij)89.
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Design Bureau ‘‘Arsenal”, could be regulated and deliver a
precise impulse.
Another example of SRM de-orbit technology application
is the Mars 96 de-orbit retrorocket, which was to provide a
de-orbit burn with a delta-V of 30 m/s to land the Mars soil
penetrator.82 However, this has not been demonstrated due
to a failure of the launch vehicle.
In summary, a large amount of the known in-space SRM
firings are due to Soviet and Russian activity. Fig. 2084, however, shows that these firings are not the major contributor to
the orbital SRM dust. Russian retro-burns pose no ongoing
long-term impact on the debris environment. This is mainly
due to the fact that very low altitude firings were done, mainly
in order to recover photoreconnaissance capsules. As for slag,
the exhaust velocity was very low and the objects were expelled
during the end of the burn only, when the orbit of the capsule
was already significantly lowered. This occurred in near-tocircular orbits for slag released from the TTDU and 11D864
motors and resulted in immediate re-entry. Generated particle
clouds are considered to have had orbital lifetimes of up to half
a year.59
the re-entry system was fired very steeply downward from
orbit. Ref. 101 mentions that the SRM injected the capsule into
a 179 km 3031 km orbit with an inclination of 56°. This
required a very large delta-V, significantly exceeding delta-Vs
of similar Soviet and American missions, which are estimated
as about 175 m/s. Ref. 100 mentions a delta-V of 650 m/s – such
a manoeuvre was used and ensured that the re-entry command
could be given to the spacecraft while it was over China and
the direct descent trajectory provided near certainty that the
capsule would be recovered on Chinese territory. Since the
FSW-2 vehicle configuration, the SRM was jettisoned after
its firing in order to limit the mass necessary to be recovered
later by parachute.102 Several FSW missions and the later evolution of the FSW spacecraft allowed its use as a microgravity
platform. The version without film capsules (after the FSW
programme) was called the SJ (Shi Jian). Experimental payload re-entry capability was maintained.
7. Chinese de-orbit SRMs
China became the third nation to successfully recover its payload from space.91 This was achieved by the Fanhui Shi Weixing (FSW) photoreconnaissance spacecraft. Film capsules were
de-orbited in a blunt re-entry vehicle of 1.5 m length, propelled
by one SRM. Several versions of the FSW satellite were used
in orbit between 1975 and 2005, while the first launch in
1974 was not successful due to the launch vehicle’s failure.92
Five series of FSW spacecraft were developed: FSW-0, FSW1, FSW-2, FSW-3 and FSW-4.93–95 They used SRMs produced
by China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company. This
included: FG-14, FG-23 (also designated as SpaB/68 shown
in Fig. 2196) and FG-23 SRM variants.96 Several differences
in the SRM designs included using different combustion chamber technology (steel or titanium) and different propellants
(ranging from Carboxyl-Terminated-Polybutadiene (CTPB)based to HTPB-based) and propellant mass. All motors utilise
internal burning grain with a total impulse exceeding 520 kNs
and later versions had increased performance. More on the
FSW and its SRMs can be found in Refs. 96–99. In particular,
details on FSW missions and their outcomes are discussed in
Ref. 100. Typical perigee altitude was between 170 and
200 km and the apogee altitude between 350 and 400 km.
The orbit inclination was equal to 63°-65°.93 Importantly,
Fig. 21
FG-23 (SpaB/68) SRM96.
8. Revisiting idea of using SRMs for de-orbiting spacecraft
While multiple sources discuss the use of SRMs for SDM, the
goal of this review is to collect current and historical
developments worldwide in the field of SRMs for de-orbit
and associated technologies in one paper. Solid propulsion
for end-of-life disposal is considered, assuming use of a dedicated SRM system or an SRM cluster, implemented in a given
spacecraft during its design and integration. While Active Debris Removal is also possible to be carried out by using solid
propellant space-tugs,8,103,104 it is not considered widely for
such applications due to the need of precise attitude and orbital control, while SRM provide a given total impulse. The
topic of rendezvous with a non-cooperative, un-prepared, tumbling debris is a difficult field itself and is not discussed herein.8
Table 230,105–108 presents a summary of advantages and disadvantages of using solid propulsion for EoL disposal of spacecraft. This analysis shows that dedicated SRMs for EoL
disposal may be a good solution for SDM.
9. Requirements for SRMs for modern end-of-life de-orbitation
Key modern requirements for effective and safe use of SRM
technology for de-orbitation include:
(1) Limiting the inert mass of the system and minimising the
necessary SRM size.27
Effect: use of high performance propellant and a high propellant mass fraction SRMs (efficient material selection - in
particular low-regression-rate ablative insulation).
(2) Limiting the thrust level to limit spacecraft accelerations
during SRM firing – maximum accelerations depend on the
design of the spacecraft, however, for typical large platforms
of European Large Satellite Integrators the limit is 0.04 g if
large appendages are used109 – this leads to relatively low
thrust of solid rocket motors and very demanding long firing
durations. However, if the SRM is used just for the final burn
during direct controlled de-orbitation, some break-up is possible at altitudes below 600 km, where debris residence time is
below 25 years. As for smaller spacecraft, without delicate
appendages, relatively large thrust may be possible – accelerations above 1 g are acceptable for typical CubeSats and for
many other small satellites without foldable solar panels and
Table 2
Advantages and disadvantages of SRMs for EoL disposal.30,105–108
Advantages of SRMs for EoL disposal
Disadvantages of SRMs for EoL disposal
1. Low propulsion system complexity
2. Good propellant storability (limited effect of space radiation,105
wide temperature range survival, resilience to thermal cycling)
3. Minimisation of the duration of the de-orbit manoeuvre, what limits
the chance of collision with other satellites and debris, reduces the
number of avoidance manoeuvres needed to be done by other satellites
and limits the need of long-duration tracking etc.;106 moreover
manoeuvre duration minimisation reduces the chance that batteries,
tanks etc. may explode
4. Very high reliability107
1. Satellite platform system-level modifications may be required
2. May lead to extra mass if another propulsion system is also onboard the spacecraft
3. In case very long burn durations are needed, an end-burning SRM
configuration must be used, what leads to lower propellant mass
fractions and large shifts of the system’s centre of gravity
5. Very low power demand
6. No propellant preheating is required
7. All propellant on-board is used (no dribble volumes etc. exist)
8. Relatively low cost of SRMs
9. Ease of chopping and clustering of several SRMs, ability to slightly
under- or overload propellant30
10. Full autonomy of the propulsion system during its firing
11. Relatively high performance, the highest density specific impulse
among chemical propellants
12. No temptation to use propellant for mission duration extension
(unlike if using liquid/hybrid propellant systems)
13. Near-to-constant thrust delivery capability (unlike in liquid
propellant blowdown systems)
14. Does not require propellant management, no issues with sloshing
etc. occur108
15. High propulsion system propellant mass fraction for SRMs with
low-burn durations
16. Significant heritage considering relevant technologies
17. Existing industrial setups for producing large quantities of such
18. Does not require lengthy propellant loading procedures during
spacecraft pre-flight-preparations
19. High thrust enables conducting controlled and semi-controlled deorbit manoeuvres
20. Lower quantity of large non-demisable components such as
titanium-alloy propellant tanks in case of spacecraft architectures that
do not have any propulsion system apart of the one used for deorbiting
21. Ease of passivation (no pressurized components are present after
SRM firing, no need for further power supply)
22. Relatively little system level modification of spacecraft with no
propulsion systems is needed to include a small SRM
23. Lower heat flux reaching system structure than in case of liquid
propellant thrusters
24. Practically no lead time, easy initiation108
Effect: very low-burn-rate propellant and an end-burning
configuration of the SRM (especially for spacecraft with
appendages), use of clusters of SRMs in case of high total
impulse requirements.
(3) Limiting generation of debris occurring due to the presence of solid particles in the SRM exhaust (both combustion
products, as well as bits of eroded insulation and other parts
of the system).14
4. In case very long burn durations are needed, high slenderness of the
SRM may be an issue for satellite mechanical configuration
5. At least two SRMs are needed for disposal manoeuvres requiring
the delivery of two separate burns
6. There is no option to change the burn profile during mission
7. There may be need to develop a few sizes of SRMs30
8. More complex assembly integration and testing of satellites,
minimal possibility for testing during integration and before launch108
9. Potential difficulty of on-ground performance validation and flight
10. Lower Technology Readiness Level (due to the requirement to
develop dedicated propellants and ignition systems, which limit
generation of solid particles)
11. Potentially difficult spacecraft Attitude Control
12. Challenging development of Thrust Vector Control for small SRM
13. May include some small non-demisable components, depending on
the technical approach used: nozzle throat, TVC flaps/vanes etc.
14. Requires management of pyrotechnical devices during mission
Effect: use of non-metalised propellants, SRM design shall
utilise a conditioning and ignition system that does not generate debris during firing initiation, while internal thermal insulation technology shall prevent injection of particles into the
exhaust, especially during burn tail-off.
(4) Ensuring storability and reliability of the motor.30
Effect: well-known propellant type with good aging properties, immune to radiation and with a wide operating temperature range shall be used.
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
(5) Ensuring passivation of the spacecraft by limiting
energy reservoirs and ensuring their depletion at end-of-life.27
Effect: limited impact on the SRM due to its single-burn
capability (however at system-level battery discharge and
de-pressurization of the Thrust Vector Control is required if
a pressurized medium is utilised).
(6) Design for demise.27
Effect: Limiting use of refractory materials and titanium
alloys in overall system design.
More on this topic can be found in publications showing
results from recent ESA projects.27,30,43
cepts.127 AP remains the baseline oxidizer due to its prevalence
and novel oxidizers lack industrial-size facilities, what is linked
to the evaluation of the economic impact regarding the potential necessary initial investment required for use of several
novel compositions.128
In order to obtain high performance in terms of specific
impulse, despite using no energetic additives and no metal
powder or hydrates, very high AP loadings must be used.
The size of AP particles are one of the key parameters effecting
overall propellant burn rate.129–135 Compositions with bimodal136–138 and trimodal139 AP are advantageous for propellant
packing and obtaining better combustion stability. However,
very fine AP fractions must be limited not to increase burn
rate. It is notable that well-tuned bimodal compositions can
give lower burn rates than unimodal ones.136 There is, however, an upper limit on AP content - due to increasing the viscosity of the propellant slurry during casting, bubble
contamination of grains occurs and the burn rate cannot be
controlled. In practice the maximum AP mass fraction for
bimodal AP is about 86%.140 For relatively coarse AP, which
allows limiting the burn rate, the maximum AP mass fraction
is even lower and it furtherly decreases in case of the necessity
to include burn rate augmentation compounds.
10. Propellant selection
One of the keys issues is to define the most promising propellant for SRMs for SDM. It is commonly assumed that it
should be a composite propellant due to in-space heritage of
such systems.28 Double base propellants are less attractive
due to their lower specific impulse and larger challenges
considering including them on-board spacecraft platforms,
due to their higher sensitivity (Class 1.1. transportation hazard, which means that they can transfer from deflagration to
detonation, unlike typical Class 1.3. composite propellants).
Despite their shortcomings, use of double base propellants
for EoL disposal is discussed in Ref. 110. However, composite
propellants allow obtaining significantly higher specific
impulse (and density specific impulse) and a very wide range
of burn rates (from over 50 mm/s to single mm/s). Therefore
composite propellants shall be discussed within this paper.
10.1. Oxidizer and energetic material selection
The preferred oxidizer for dedicated composite propellants is
ammonium perchlorate, due to its heritage, good performance
and storability.111,112 ADN propellants deliver high specific
impulse,113–115 but have very high burn rates,116 what eliminates their use in most SDM applications, despite of utilisation
of ADN-based propellants in some upper stage SRMs of
Soviet and Russian vehicles. Alternative oxidizers, such as
HNF are not characterised well and they have little heritage,
even regarding on-ground applications.112,117 HNF is considered hazardous and most research involving its use has been
stopped. Several other propellants using novel oxidizers are
at the laboratory stage of development.118 Some propellants
are based on CL-20 (Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane, HNIW),
which is a missile-proven technology,119 but its costs are high
since most commercially manufactured batches are small.
Other explosives as 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooc
tane (High Melting Explosive, HMX) and 1,3,5-trinitrohexahy
dro-sym-triazine (Research Department Explosive, RDX) may
also be used.120,121 Although, while contributing up to 10% of
the propellant mass they do not change the propellant safety
classification, use of explosives is avoided for in-space propulsion. Other well-known oxidizers have limited use due to lack
of performance. For example ammonium nitrate could be an
interesting oxidizer allowing to limit burn rates, 122,123 but its
performance and issues with storability make it less attractive,124 although its thermal stabilisation is possible.125,126
No information in open literature was found regarding use
of non-AP propellants for SDM apart from preliminary con-
10.2. Fuel and binder system
Most importantly, to limit condensable combustion products, metal powders shall not be used in modern SRM for
SDM. This is discussed in the following paragraphs of this
paper. Similarly, several other compounds commonly used
for instability suppression and damping, due to their solid
phase, should be limited. As for binder systems, they have
impact on propellant storability and mechanical properties.
Expected mechanical properties should be optimized for
end-burning grains, since this geometry shall be dominant
for most spacecraft. Typical propellants based on HTPB
binders are promising141 and storability data is available
regarding AP/HTPB propellant shelf life.142 However new
developments do not have to be limited to this binder system. Several alternative ones may actually enable a decrease
of the propellant burn rate.143–145 Typically hydrocarbon
burn rates decrease for compounds with higher numbers of
as in a molecule.146 Higher performance binders, such as
Glycidyl Azide Polymer (GAP), may also be of interest for
future developments,111,147 as well as lower burn rate ones,
including 3,3-bis(azidomethyl)oxetane (BAMO).130,148 This
also considers use of advanced binders with explosives.130,149
More on modern energetic binders can be found in Refs.
. However, in-space use of explosive materials is
expected not to be widely considered by satellite integrators,
even in case of specific impulse gains.
10.3. Burn rate suppressants
While most rocket application require high propellant burn
rates, several sources describe various additives for standard
AP-based composite propellants, enabling obtaining lowburn-rates, which are required for efficient deorbiting.141,145,151–154 Compounds enabling decreasing propellant burn rates are called suppressants, moderators or inhibitors. A detailed review of such compounds for SDM has
been conducted in the recent project ‘‘Pre-Qualification of
Aluminium-Free Solid Propellant” of ESA, where over 60
burn rate suppressants have been listed.43,155 Among the most
promising burn rate suppressant is oxamide (C2H4N2O2),
which is one of the most commonly used burn rate suppressants in missiles. Oxamide is also used as an additive to
low-regression liners and thermal insulation materials.158
Other effective propellant additives for burn rate moderation
include lithium fluoride,159 titanium oxide,160 melamine161
and several ammonium salts.162,163 Particular impact of the
selected compound depends on the moderator concentration,
surface area and aggregation, as in case of catalysts.146 Different mechanism of decreasing burn rates are described in Refs.
. These include cooling the combustion process and propellant heating, as well as directly affecting chemical kinetics of
AP decomposition. More on AP decomposition can be found
in Refs. 161,165–168. However, some suppressants influence not
only AP thermal decomposition, but also binder system
decomposition.169–171 More burn rate suppressants can be
found in Ref. 145, where 117 compounds, with reported
research concerning achieving low burn rates, are listed. Other
references include Refs. 172–177.
11. Modern developments of SRMs for end-of-life spacecraft
In Europe several studies and developments concerning the use
of SRM for de-orbitation have been on-going for a number of
years. The SPADES (Solid Propellant Autonomous DE-orbit
System) concept developed at ESA is the workhorse of development in this area in Europe. Previous research was published since the beginning of the 19900 s by representatives of
Schonenborg Space Engineering B.V. and Schöyer Consultancy B.V. Their concept is based on the idea of including
SRMs on board of S/C at their design and integration phase,
ensuring an autonomous, highly reliable, storable propulsion
system providing the source for the delta-V needed at S/C
end of life.11,109
In 2013 Dutch entities: Innovative Solutions in Space B.V,
Aerospace Propulsion Products B.V. and Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) proposed an
SRM for NanoSat de-orbitation. A Nanosatellite Kick Stage
(NKS) was planned to de-orbit 3-unit CubeSat class satellites
in a predictable manner from a 1000 km orbit.178 With a total
impulse of 600 Ns and approximately 180 N of thrust, a 3.9 kg
CubeSat would find itself under 5g acceleration. Ref. 178 presents pictures from the prototype ground firing. The project
never advanced to higher Technology Readiness Levels
Outside Europe, also in 2013, the American Ad Astra
Rocket Company proposed a Low Earth Orbit Large Debris
Removal system, which would enable de-orbitation of inter
alia spent Zenit rocket upper stages. An active space tug propelled by advanced VASIMR and solar electric propulsion systems would enable the attachment of SRMs to large objects
being already in orbit. Ad Astra’s idea assumes igniting an
SRM at an altitude of 400 km, enabling controlled re-entry.179
In 2016 the Los Alamos National Laboratory published
research on an innovative propulsion system that could serve
as a kick-stage for small satellites, as well as it could be used
for de-orbiting application.180 The original SRM configuration
Fig. 22 Pacific Scientific’s SRM and an example SRM cluster for
in-space applications181.
assumed using a separate fuel grain and a separate oxidizer
A newer concept, presented in 2017 by the Pacific Scientific
Energetic Materials Company,181 is a configuration dedicated
Fig. 23 Pacific Scientific’s PACSCISAT and its MAPS module
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
to small satellites utilising dozens of small SRM in a cluster,
which would be implemented as part of the S/C. It is shown
in Fig. 22181. The system allows numerous in-orbit manoeuvres
including final de-orbitation. While the presented version of
the system consists of over 170 SRMs, the manufacturer
underlines ability to maintain very high overall reliability
and as described in Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company’s patent, up to 1000 SRMs can be effectively integrated in
one system.182 MAPS heritage includes technology development for the Exo Kill Vehicle where extremely precise sequencing of SRMs was achieved.183 The company declares the use of
a clean-burning propellant with a specific impulse of 210 s in
vacuum, what is slightly below state-of-the-art hydrazine
monopropellant thrusters. The use of MAPS has been demonstrated via orbit raising of the 3-unit PACSCISAT satellite in
2017, which included four small SRMs - two firings of two
different motor pairs was carried out.183 The satellite’s
mechanical configuration and the SRM assembly are shown
in Fig. 23183. The company declares that the system is compatible with many other small satellites and has a lifetime of over
10 years with three independent inhibits against unwanted
motor firing. MAPS is capable of delivering a delta-V of over
50 m/s for a 1-unit satellite.184 Further information on the
propulsion system can be found in Refs. 183,185.
Another example of use of SRMs for SDM is provided by
D-Orbit from Italy. The company declares the will to sell
autonomous de-orbit systems. However, it is not directly
involved in developing the SRMs themselves.186 The company
cooperates with Bayern Chemie, from Germany, regarding the
propellant and SRM to be used. Initial work of D-Orbit and
Bayern Chemie on the SRM assumed a propellant with SiO2
inclusions for burn stability. The cooperation led to the DSAT 3 Unit CubeSat.186,187 The solid rocket motor had a burn
time of 3.2 s and was to deliver 375 N of thrust and 836 Ns of
total impulse. The SRM total mass was 0.9 kg with a 0.33 propellant mass fraction and its envelope slightly exceeded the 1unit standard. It is shown in Fig. 24108. While a case-bonded
propellant grain would allow obtaining a better propellant
mass fraction, a cartridge grain enabled assembling the SRM
at the launch complex. The maximum expected operating pres-
sure was 7 MPa, while the nominal value was 5 MPa and a
specific impulse of 266 s was to be achieved. A nozzle area
ratio of 20 is quoted. The 2018 in-orbit demonstration was carried out, however D-Orbit elevated the orbit instead of
decreasing it.187,188 Early SRM system versions shown to the
public did not meet ESA maximum acceleration requirements,
however the final product is to be also useful for satellites with
appendages. The Bayern Chemie propellant utilised is from the
RESI (REduced SIgnature composite propellant) family. The
company states that one of the RESI propellants was aged
for 10.5 years at 62 °C, what is equivalent to over 100 years
of storage in room temperature. The only property degradation issue concerned strain-capability at low temperatures.
However, an official shelf life between 12.5 and 16 years was
stated. As for the specific RESI propellant used in D-SAT, it
has a burn rate of 12.5 mm/s at 10 MPa and a pressure exponent of 0.43. Its operational temperature range was 30 °C to
+71 °C (while qualification took place at 34 °C). Irradiation
tests were done on a propellant simulant with no oxidiser.
More data on RESI propellants is provided in Ref. 108.
In early 2016 the European Commission began the TeSeR
(Technology for Self-Removal of Spacecraft) project with Airbus Defence and Space being the leader. The goal of the project was to develop on-ground prototypes of spacecraft EoL
disposal systems. Among three different removal subsystems
one was based on solid propulsion.189 However only an inert
(excluding real propellant) configuration was built 190 and
the project finished in 2019. Work allowed designing the system including: the SRM with a safe-and-arm device and ignition control electronics. Basing on the outcome D-Orbit
included various versions of the D3 (De-orbit Decommissioning Device) subsystem in its products line.191 A newer product
of D-Orbit under development is the Fenix small propulsion
module for CubeSats (20 mm of diameter and under 100 mm
of one SRM). The baseline configuration uses four motors of
this type, situated along the vertical edges of a 1-unit CubeSat
Other developments in Europe, following the increasing
impact of the ESA Clean Space,193 were stimulated by small
contracts awarded by ESA in 2016 within the ‘‘CleanSat: Technology assessment and Concurrent engineering in support of
LEO platform evolutions” project.194 The multidisciplinary
study was supported by European Large Satellite Integrators.
Numerous SDM technology building blocks were assessed
using the ESA concurrent engineering environment,27,195
including use of solid propulsion for de-orbit. Two concepts
were dedicated to SRMs (by Institute of Aviation from Poland
and Nammo from Norway) and two were dedicated to Autonomous De-orbit Systems, which may use SRMs (by D-Orbit
from Italy and GMV from Spain).27 Fig. 25,196 presents the
concept of Nammo. Meanwhile the initial phase of ESAsupervised TVC development for SRM for SDM was ongoing
and was done by a Swiss-Italian consortium combining Almatech, D-Orbit and Alta Space. A small study regarding use of
SRMs for nanosats was also carried out in Norway, funded
by the Norwegian Space Agency.
After the ‘‘CleanSat: Technology assessment and Concurrent engineering in support of LEO platform evolutions”
ESA initiated a more detailed engineering project ‘‘PreQualification of Aluminium-Free Solid Propellant”, which
was completed in Poland and allowed obtaining unprecedented results including confirming radiation-resistance and
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Nammo’s SRM for small-sat de-orbiting (left) and example small-sat visualization (right)196.
Fig. 26
Polish SRM for de-orbit (left) and subscale SRM atmospheric firing (right)105.
12. Thrust vector control of SRMs for EoL de-orbit
Fig. 27
ESA-supported SRM design as of 2020197.
storability of high performance low-burn-rate solid propellants.105 The propellant based on AP, HTPB and oxamide
completed pre-qualification and obtained an ESA TRL of 6.
The continuation is ongoing with further development, via a
consecutive contract in ESA General Support Technology Programme (GSTP), titled ”Solid Propellant Engineering Model
Development”, where the SRM technology is going to be
increased to TRL = 5. Further SRM qualification and flight
model development is planned. An in-orbit-demonstration
would allow increasing the community’s awareness of the technology’s capabilities and prove technology readiness.
Fig. 26,105 presents the Polish SRM design and successful
ground firing of prototype using the newly developed dedicated propellant and Fig. 27,197 presents the design optimised
as of 2020 for 1.5 t satellites, All efforts are done in-line with
ESA and European Large Satellite Intergrators’ requirements
in mind.
D-Orbit’s issue during its in-orbit demonstration of its SRM
prototype was due to an attitude control problem and lack
of TVC.187 Thrust vector control has been identified by European primes as the key system-level challenge to be solved
before introducing dedicated SRMs for EoL disposal to a
wider range of spacecraft.27 While an alternative is to use spin
stabilisation of the satellite during the final burn, this may
require spin-up thrusters and is not possible for each spacecraft due to i.e. appendages. In case of Iridium satellites, 109
mentions that a maximum allowable angular acceleration of
0.42 rad/s2 and an angular velocity of 0.7 rad/s is expected
to ensure spin-stabilisation of the satellite. Requisite spin-up
may be achieved by using small SRMs if no thrusters are onboard or if early passivation of the main liquid propulsion system is needed. Spin-stabilisation can be also achieved by adequate geometry of the exhaust nozzle. This approach may be
attractive for nanosatellites, where minimal system complexity
is needed. However, caution is needed regarding nutation
instability, also called the PAM-D coning anomaly (named
due to its discovery during flights of the American Payload
Assist Module using a STAR-48 SRM).198 This instability
may occur after motor ignition and is visible via a lateral angular wobble, occurring despite gyroscopic effects, as shown in
Fig. 28198. This wobble may remain post the SRM firing in
case of spin stabilisation. Naturally its occurrence is dependent
on the mass distribution and mass change during propellant
burn out. A recent study 198 provides a major outcome showing that use of end-burning solid rocket motors allows gradual
vehicle stabilization, unlike in case of radial-burning propel-
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Fig. 28 Nutation instability of spin-stabilised vehicles using
SRM systems198.
lant grains. Therefore, in case of typically envisaged SRMs for
de-orbit, spin stabilisation shall be considered and may not
require additional nutation control subsystems.199 In case
spin-stabilisation is not possible and the existing attitude control system is not able to provide adequate torques to counteract aerodynamic effects,33 which grow with decreasing
altitudes, TVC shall be necessary. The ESA SPADES study
mentions two technical solutions, shown in Fig. 2930. In case
of Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company’s MAPS,
the array of small SRMs allows for firings of adequate charges
in order to conduct planned manoeuvres. A combination of
using reaction wheels and SRM firings is utilised. Ref. 185
states that this way all necessary orbital adjustments can be
achieved, including effective attitude control and higher
delta-V manoeuvres.
Later ESA projects led to a larger number of concepts from
industry including Almatech, Nammo and Warsaw Institute of
Aviation. Fig. 3027 presents two SRM TVC configurations presented during the ESA ‘‘CleanSat: Technology assessment and
Concurrent engineering in support of LEO platform evolutions” project. Gimballing of the nozzle downstream of the
throat (supersonic split-line technology), gimballing of the
whole nozzle, as well as gimballing of the whole SRM were
Moreover, a trade-off of a number of further solutions was
conducted at Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of
Fig. 29
Aviation (Fig. 3141). Some concepts included components
which could also be used for closing the SRM nozzle outlet,
thus enabling SRM conditioning with a neutral gas without
the need of introducing a nozzle bladder (which is problematic
in terms of opening without releasing additional debris). In the
trade-off mentioned two TVC solutions were selected for further analyses – the gimballed one from Fig. 30 (left) and one
using external nozzle flaps from Fig. 31 (bottom right). This
topic has been also covered in the ESA ‘‘Pre-Qualification of
Aluminium-Free Solid Propellant”, where initial system-level
aspects have been analysed. The problem of TVC and spacecraft dynamic behavior has been studied in Ref. 200. This also
includes analysis of TVC use in case of firing two SRMs at one
time, while due to uneven satellite heating one motor may have
a higher propellant burn rate.
An ESA activity concerning dedicated TVC has been completed by a consortium led by Almatech.201 A wide range of
technical solutions for TVC has been considered. Design activities led to a new patent application considering a frictionless
flex-gimbal solution.202 As in one of the Polish concepts, the
whole SRM is to be gimballed, what is an unprecedented
approach for SRMs. Almatech’s solution allows for a nonlubricated design and has been shortlisted by its consortium.
The design is shown in Fig. 32202. Importantly, earlier work
assumed developing TVC with nozzle exit vanes, as successfully used in several missiles worldwide. However, issues with
testing were acknowledged and no sufficiently representative
cold-flow test method was identified.201 This is due to a very
high envisaged expansion ratio of the SRM nozzle. Use of
gas cold-flows would lead to having condensation at the nozzle
exit and high-mass flow tests lead to very demanding vacuum
facility requirements. With vanes located at the SRM nozzle
exit, it is very difficult to provide representative testing conditions. Hot firings of SRMs with vanes could be carried out in a
high-performance vacuum facility, however vacuum testing of
SRM is very rare and only several adequate facilities exist
Recent ESA advancements with other building blocks of
the ultimate de-orbit system, such as the dedicated propellant
and long-burn-duration SRM technology, show that there is
need for rapid TRL increase of TVC technology for SRMs.
Naturally, the main driver is commercial interest of satellite
integrators due to legal requirements concerning SDM. In late
2020, a new ESA activity titled ‘‘Solid Propellant Rocket
Motor Thrust Deflection System” has been initiated in Poland.
This contract, being the forth ESA activity in Poland within
ESA SPADES concepts for thrust vector control systems: with deflecting nozzles (left) and vanes in nozzle exhaust (right)30.
(a) Whole SRM gimballing proposed by Warsaw Institute of
Fig. 30
Fig. 31
(b) SRM nozzle gimballing proposed by Nammo
ESA CleanSat study TVC concepts using gimballing27.
TVC concepts for preliminary trade-off at Warsaw Institute of Aviation41.
Fig. 32
Frictionless Flex-Gimbal design202.
this topic is to deliver TVC technology to TRL = 5+. Latest
Polish, Norwegian, Italian and Swiss experience and feedback
from European primes show that a robust, low-cost TVC solution is needed, which would allow minimisation of spacecraft
architecture modifications. While gimballing the whole SRM
may lead to increased system envelopes, use of components
in the SRM outflow, such as flaps or vanes, is also difficult
due to challenges with representative vacuum testing conditions. Different providers may decide to settle upon different
TVC technologies. Regardless of final technical trade-off
results, in-orbit demonstrations shall be beneficial for the
development, including development costs, and may be
required for some of the solutions due to the mentioned issues
with full on-ground validation.
13. Challenges in development of modern SRM systems for
spacecraft de-orbit
Typical design procedures for SRMs can be found in
Refs.28,146,203,204. However, some SDM requirements lead to
specific technical difficulties. One of the first trade-offs is the
propellant type. Combining performance without using metal
additives and low-burn rate is a major challenge itself. On
the other hand, propellants with no aluminum do not exhibit
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
Table 3
Technical maturity of key technologies.
Present status
Further work needed
Solid propellant meeting
SDM requirements
Existing heritage regarding nonmetalised solid
Existing heritage regarding low burn rate
Moderate-performance propellant qualified by
Pacific Scientific and used in orbit (vacuum specific
impulse of 210 s)
ESA prequalified (TRL = 6) dedicated low burn
rate AP/HTPB propellant (expected vacuum specific impulse exceeding 270 s)
Heritage from missile systems, especially from
sustainer SRMs
High performance storable nonmetalised low burn rate
propellant qualification and in-orbit demonstration
Thermal insulation, long
burn duration endburning SRMs
Ignition chain and flame
transfer between motors
Thrust vector control
System: Attitude and
Orbit Control System
(AOCS), power etc.
Existing heritage from military systems, including safe
and arm devices, through bulkhead initiators and
shielded mild detonating cords
Existing heritage from missile systems, multiple flightproven TVC technical solutions
Existing satellite subsystems of various size and
loss of performance due to aging (no Al2O3 generation occurs
during aging). Lack of Al2O3 in the combustion products
decreases mechanical erosion of system components such as:
the nozzle, including the throat region, and the TVC subsystem. However, high-AP-loading leads to intense oxidation
and chemical erosion within the SRM. A non-eroding nozzle
insert is needed for high performance, while refractory and
other non-demisable materials should have limited use in
motors used for spacecraft EoL disposal. Long burn durations
cause increased heat losses, which decrease overall system
performance. Long burn durations also require using endburning configurations with significant mass of thermal insulation, what decreases overall system delta-V capabilities. Very
favourable (in comparison to liquid propulsion) system dry
mass estimations from Ref. 30 may be slightly optimistic if long
burn durations are required. High system-level performance
requires maximising the propellant mass fraction and
advanced ablative insulations must be used, possibly with variable thickness along the SRM axis. Historical developments
show the possibility of grain coning throughout the burn and
that difficulties in reaching the desired thrust characteristic
may occur. Low chamber pressure is expected to be beneficial,
as in most in-orbit propulsion systems, in terms of maintaining
low structural mass of the SRM and in order to limit insulation regression and the propellant burn rate. Very thin combustion chamber wall thickness may not be possible due to
manufacturing challenges for high elongation motors and
structural oversizing may need to be done, also in order to deal
with machining, integration and handling loads. Low chamber
pressure may also be a disadvantage since each propellant
combination has its own low pressure limit of combustion.
For some formulations low pressure ignition and steady combustion may be a challenge.205 Lack of solid particles in the
combustion products may lead to issues with SRM burn stabil-
Further development of thermal insulation and nozzle
assembly generating minimum solid particles,
qualification of components for orbital use
Further development of ignition chain generating
minimum solid particles, qualification of components for
orbital use, definition of reliable SRM clustering solutions
Optimisation for spacecraft application, development
from its present status (TRL = 2 regarding de-orbit) up
to in orbit demonstration
Integration of existing building blocks, optimisation of
control between AOCS and the TVC subsystem. Amount
of work will significantly depend on the required degree of
autonomy of SRM de-orbit systems
ity.206 It is however possible to have stable combustion using
nonmetalised propellants.105,108 While negligible amounts of
solid and condensable combustion products lead to acceptable
ultra-fine particles in the exhaust, attention must also be given
to other motor components. A dedicated, fully combustible,
thermal insulation shall be used and the nozzle burst-disc must
not generate additional debris. Similar work must be also performed on optimisation of igniter subsystems in order to minimise solid particle generation. The ESA IPOL requirement of
debris below 1 mm of size is valid (however combustion products are to be two-orders of magnitude smaller). Another challenge is connected to SRM in-orbit storability. Long-duration
radiation exposure must not pose a threat not only to the propellant itself,207 but also to SRM components such as sealings
and pyrotechnics.208,209 Recent data on the impact of space
radiation on solid propellants has been presented by Nowakowski in Ref. 105 and Caffrey et al. in Ref. 210. While, the
results show that radiation shall not be an issue for most cases,
the combustion chamber wall may be treated as potential
shielding if needed. Thermal cycling, especially significant in
terms of LEO applications, must also be considered. A challenge itself is SRM testing and qualification. A limited number
of facilities worldwide enable vacuum testing of SRMs. While
qualification does not have to require vacuum testing, some
TVC systems may need to be tested in vacuum chambers,
depending on the physical phenomena utilised. Attitude control of spacecraft is a complex task and in case of introducing
a solid propulsion system, which has relatively high thrust in
comparison to other technical solutions, applicable Attitude
Control System (ACS) margins or dedicated TVC are needed.
Naturally, for many spacecraft spin stabilization is also possible, as has been historically done.69
While several challenges occurring during the development
of dedicated SRM systems for de-orbit were shown herein,
autonomy, by including power supply, control, a simple onboard computer etc. in de-orbit kits, regardless of the systems
already present on the satellite platform. This would allow
nearly full spacecraft passivation, with only the de-orbit kit
remaining active during the de-orbit manoeuvre.
15. Conclusions
Fig. 33
The 15D161 SRM213.
available modern SRM technologies allow meeting requirements. Example solutions were discussed by Schonenborg
and Schoyer11,109 and Nowakowski et al.43,155 and several
on-going research and development activities worldwide
address key issues regarding effective use of SRMs for EoL
14. Technical maturity
In order to summarize the status of SRM development for
propulsive EoL spacecraft disposal, a brief review on the technical status of key technologies has been done. It is briefly
encapsulated in Table 3. While SRM technology is well established, new requirements concerning system performance and
SDM issues lead to necessary further development work in this
field. SRMs of relatively similar design (end burning grain,
very long firing duration) are present in several sustainer
rocket motors used in i.e. air-to-air missiles. Larger SRMs of
this type were utilised in ICBMs for propelling nuclear warhead reentry vehicles. Systems of Yuzhnoye used nonmetalised
propellants in case-bonded grain configurations with SRM
burn durations up to 500 s.211,212 Fig. 33,213 presents Yuzhnoye’s 15D161 rocket motor used in the 15A14 (S-18) ICBM.
Another historical example is the American Propelled Decoy
motor called the Five-minute Rocket Motor, which had a burn
duration exceeding 300 s (although the low burn rate baseline
propellant used aluminum powder).214 More recent developments include end burning SRMs with low burn rate AP/
HTPB propellants for drone application.215
Numerous development activities could be proposed
regarding even further technology development than listed in
Table 3. Next generation systems could include use of nonAP/HTPB solid propellants. Moreover, some of the largest
drawbacks of conventional SRMs, thus no restart-ability and
no thrust termination capability, could be tackled. Appropriate technologies for small and medium size SRMs exist216
and are implemented into military designs. In case of dedicated
SRMs for de-orbit, at this stage of development the goal is to
have them demise during spacecraft re-entry. If payload
ground recovery would be the goal, SRM recovery and
reusability after refurbishing the thermal insulation and
repeated propellant casting could be the long term goal. This
however, is not considered within this review due to multiple
challenges to be faced before this future phase. Other examples
of further work include developing de-orbit kits with full
Use of solid rocket motors for SDM is considered one of the
most propitious solutions among high-thrust propulsive
SDM methods. While the first use of solid propellants in space
and for de-orbit applications goes back to the very beginning
of the space-age, their utilisation was continued throughout
the decades till the 21st century, mainly on-board American,
Soviet and Russian spacecraft. Most applications since the late
19500 s were dedicated to recover payloads (manned and
unmanned capsules) and the peak use of SRM for de-orbit
occurred in the mid-1980’s. In the 1990’s Schonenborg and
Schöyer identified the potential of SRMs for Space Debris
Mitigation and this was one of the catalysts for the development of the concept - after 2012 global interest in commercial
applications in this field has been identified. The following conclusions regarding use of SRM technology for EoL propulsive
disposal of spacecraft can be drawn:
(1) Initial applications of SRMs for EoL disposal occurred
due to re-entry needs, not due to SDM awareness.
(2) Despite the fact that Soviet and Russian applications
were a major part of registered in-space uses of SRMs,
their impact on the current space debris environment
is minimal due to their use on very low orbits. More significant impact on the number of orbital debris is due to
use of SRMs as kick-stages and upper-stage propulsion
for launch vehicles.
(3) Despite significant heritage in SRM retro-firings, SRMs
for de-orbit have been in their nascent stages until the
early years of the 21st century, if modern SDM requirements are considered. This is due to the extensive, up-todate, use of solid propellants with aluminium powder,
generating significant amounts of Al2O3 and other
SRM-related debris. Typical small SRMs do not ensure
long burn durations and limiting acceleration levels for
spacecraft with appendages. The use of small SRMs
with burn durations in the order of minutes has been historically very limited. The only relevant applications
known are Soviet SRMs used for propelling nuclear
warheads and several experimental designs, hardly used
operationally. Naturally, relevant technologies are also
present in sustainer SRMs used in missiles. However,
burn durations above 60 s are rare and combining clusters of such motors is unprecedented. As for propellants,
dedicated solid propellants for de-orbit have not been
available until recently. Modern advances led to the
development of low burn rate propellants with high performance. Most technically relevant solutions are unmetalised composite propellants used for missile sustainer
propulsion. Both case-bonded and free-standing grain
technologies can be utilised and technically justified.
Supporting cases, proving that the technical maturity
is either present or can be achieved in the next few years
has been shown.
Solid rocket propulsion technology for de-orbiting spacecraft
(4) While up-to-date progress on TVC for SRMs for deorbiting spacecraft is not mature yet, major advances
are expected in the 20200 s, leading to operational systems.
Heritage is also largely-based on missile technologies.
(5) Since heritage of SRMs for de-orbit is relevant for very
short-duration reconnaissance and human spaceflight
missions, thus little data on long-term in-space storability is available in open literature. However, recent
advances show good resistance to radiation and no show
stoppers regarding use of AP/HTPB propellants in deorbit SRMs have been identified. In fact, dedicated nonmetalised AP/HTPB propellants are considered also safe
regarding potential compliance with possible future
international regulations (both in terms of SDM and
limiting use of toxic propellants).
(6) In the past few years several European companies initiated developments of solid rocket motors for de-orbit
with the goal of introducing them to satellite platforms.
However up to date no existing solutions meet requirements concerning acceleration limits (0.04g for spacecraft with deployable appendages) given by ESA and
European Large Satellite Integrators. It can be seen that
a reliable, high performance and low-acceleration deorbitation motor has yet to be developed. The creation
of the ESA Clean Space initiative led to work of several
entities in this field.
(7) While numerous advantages of SRM systems have been
identified, challenges connected with the development
and use of solid propulsion for SDM have been listed.
Key challenges include attitude control during the deorbit manoeuvre and reaching high propellant mass
fractions for very long SRM burn durations.
(8) While low-acceleration SRM systems, and in some cases
SRM clusters, are needed for spacecraft with large
appendages, small satellites, especially nanosatellites,
may enable conducting de-orbit manoeuvres with accelerations even exceeding 1g, thus significantly reducing
SRM development challenges. Such systems will have
considerable higher propellant mass fractions than systems of the same size, which have long burn durations.
Therefore, it may be expected that small satellite applications of SRM de-orbit technology will serve as an
important direction of de-orbit technology growth, next
to developments for larger platforms within ESA and
other international programmes.
(9) Currently three countries worldwide are leading major
SRM developments for SDM. This includes commercial
initiatives (system-level work in Italy and in the United
States) and ESA projects (SRM development projects
in Poland). Consecutive in-orbit demonstrations of relevant technologies are expected between 2022 and 2027.
The outlook on further SRM developments and utilisation for SDM looks promising. No showstoppers have
been identified.
(10) The key step regarding wide SRM technology application for de-orbitt is matching satellite integrators needs
and industry flexibility is essential to adapt current
spacecraft platforms’ mechanical configurations to integrate SRM within them. Use of SRM for uncontrolled,
semi-controlled and controlled de-orbit is possible. They
can be used as fully autonomous modules or in combination with other on-board propulsion systems. The
NewSpace market is still shaping, thus the future of
SRM for de-orbit will depend on the final commercial
appeal of the technology.
(11) Follow-up work should explore the impact of recent and
expected advances in liquid and hybrid propulsion on
the de-orbit propulsion system trade-off. This should
also include an updated cost vs. reward analysis. The
range of missions where high thrust manoeuvres are
essential and will not be replaced by electric propulsion
firings should be defined to allow market size estimation.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
This work is based on results of activities led by the Lukasiewicz
Research Network - Institute of Aviation. It was prepared within
the ‘‘Space Research Development” project. The project is
financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
(No. PPI/APM/2018/1/00032/U/001). Work presented from
projects of ESA includes work done during preliminary phases
of ASPro (Pre-Qualification of Aluminium-Free Solid Propellant) and SPRODEM (Solid Propellant De-orbit Motor Engineering Model Development) projects funded within the
General Support Technology Programme (GSTP). The author
would like to thank all of the members of the Team who committed to the development of SDM technology and would also like
to show his deepest gratitude to ESA Clean Space and all ESA
technical and contractual Officers involved. Moreover, cooperation with various entities working in the field of Space Debris
Mitigation, as well as individuals collecting space-related data
is highly appreciated. Fruitful cooperation allowed sharing
unique figures and data for the purpose of this review.
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