Загрузил Гульсина Акирова

Модельная карта

Модельная карта учебных заданий по английскому языку под планируемые результаты формирования и развития функциональной
грамотности обучающихся 7- 8 классов
Типовая задача
Планируемый образовательный результат
1.Назвать, где вы могли
бы увидеть такой плакат.
Read the poster. Where can
you find it?
- in the post office
- in a language centre
- in a bank
- in a bus stop
2. Выявить, какова цель
What is the main aim of this
- to show that learning of
foreign languages can bring
success in all aspects of life
- to show that learning of
the foreign language can
improve human health
- to show that learning of
foreign languages can help
to booster the relations with
Находит в тексте нужную
информацию по простому
Находит в тексте информацию по множественным
Распознает связи между отрывками информации, работая с известной, но противоречивой информацией.
Умеет устанавливать последовательность отрывков,
содержащих глубоко скрытую информацию.
Умеет делать вывод о том,
какая информация в тексте
необходима для выполнения задания.
Умеет формулировать вывод относительно содержания текста.
Учебное задание
- to persuade the readers to
attend regularly the course
of foreign languages.
3.Выбрать и описать в
общих чертах один из
критериев, имеющий значение лично для вас.
Choose and say which of
benefits of learning languages is the most important for you.
4. Соотнести информацию
на плакате с указанными
предложениями, соответствуют ли они данной информации.
Read the sentences and
write T(True), F (False), NS
(Not Stated):
a) Learning foreign languages increases the number
of tourists. T/F/NS.
b) The knowledge of a foreign language helps the explore a city without a map.
c) The learning of a foreign
language boosts the health.
d) The employers offer better work conditions to multilingual employees.
e) The learning of a foreign
language makes human life
longer. T/F/NS.
f) Only 50 % of people say
that a good knowledge of a
foreign language helps with
travelling. T/F/NS.
g) The learning of a foreign
language contributes to a
longer attention span.
h) The knowledge of a foreign language contributes to
a physical development.
5. Сформулировать свой
список преимуществ изучения иностранного языка.
Make your own list of benefits.
6.Доказать, что учащиеся,
изучающие иностранные
языки усердно в течение,
по крайней мере, 4 лет,
учатся лучше в школе чем
их одноклассники.
Prove that students who
study languages well for at
least four years do better at
school than their classmates
заго- Находит в тексте нужную
информацию по простому
Give the title to the text.
Находит в тексте информа2.Найти в тексте опреде- цию по множественным
ление данного способа критериям.
измерения красоты.
Распознает связи между отFind the definition of the рывками информации, раway of measuring beauty.
ботая с известной, но противоречивой информацией.
3.Соотнести тексты и заголовки.
Умеет устанавливать последовательность отрывков,
Read the text and choose the
содержащих глубоко скрыheadings for each paraтую информацию.
Умеет делать вывод о том,
какая информация в тексте
необходима для выполнеa. An adaptable tool
ния задания.
b. The latest solution
Умеет формулировать выc. An unsuccessful search
вод относительно содержания текста.
d. Forever beautiful
ловок к тексту.
e. An important discovery?
f. The face without lines
The green ocean sparkles in the sunshine and tall palm trees wave gently in the wind. Young
women roller-skate along the pavement, a young sun-tanned lifeguard walks along the beach.
This is Huntingdon Beach, just south of Los Angeles, where everyone seems to be young and
2. _________________________
It is also the home of successful surgeon, Dr Stephen Marquardt, who believes that he has
discovered a scientific formula for measuring beauty. And in a city like Los Angeles, where
being attractive means everything, this kind of knowledge could be worth a fortune.
g. Worrying thoughts
h. Land of youth and beauty
4. Найти в предложениях
ошибки и исправить их.
Correct the mistakes in the
3. _________________________
He is by no means the first person to try to discover exactly what makes people attractive.
The ancient Greeks were among the first to look into the question. Plato believed that it
should be possible to define a beautiful face in terms of mathematics. Over the centuries, others continued the hunt for the formula, but without any real success.
a. Dr Stephen Marquardt believes that
he has discovered a
b. Plato believed that it
should be possible to
define a beautiful
face in terms of biology.
c. Dr Stephen Marquardt has developed a practical way
of measuring beauty,
which he calls “the
d. But it is even more
alarming that people
may begin to think
they are stupid if
their face does not
have the proportions
of Dr Markquardt's
5.Соотнести информацию
в текстах с указанными
предложениями, соответствуют ли они данной информации.
Read the sentences and
4. _________________________
Dr Marquardt, however, says he has now found the answer. He has developed a practical way
of measuring beauty, which he calls “the mask”. This is the series of lines and shapes making
up a face. There are specific, set distances between all the features and the outside shape, and
it shows the exact proportions that the ideally beautiful face should have.
By laying the mask over a photograph of a face, it is possible to see how attractive someone
is – the more a face fits the mask, the more beautiful it is said to be. The fact that the mak can
measure the beauty of men, women and people, of different races makes it a particularly useful instrument
write T(true), F (false), NS
(Not stated):
a. You can see attractive
people on the beaches of
Los Angeles. T/F/NS.
b. To be attractive is a crucial point in the career in
movies. T/F/NS.
c. Roman people were first
to think about how beauty is
d. Dr Marquardt invented a
set of rules to measure the
beauty of face. T/F/NS.
e. The mask can measure
the beauty of all human faces. T/F/NS.
f. Dr Marquard's mask can
be harmful for human selfesteem. T/F/NS.
g. There are three sorts of
6. Обобщить информацию
и ответить на вопрос:
«Считаете ли вы данный
способ измерения красоты
актуальным для человека
любой национальности?»
Summarize the information
and answer the question:
«Do you consider this
method of measuring beauty
relevant for a person of any
6. Спрогнозировать и описать изменения, которые
могут произойти c человеком среднего возраста.
Predict the changes that
may occur with a middleaged person and write your
1.Описать одно негатив- Способен критически расное последствие описан- сматривать с различных точек зрения проблемы глоного действия.
бального характера и межDescribe one negative con- культурного
взаимодейsequence of the described ствия.
Формирует умения, обосно2. Найти в тексте инфор- вывает и аргументирует
мацию о том, как образу- практическое применение
ется ураган.
науки .
Find the information in the Вступает в открытое и эфtext about how a hurricane фективное взаимодействие
is formed
с другими людьми на основе разделяемого всеми ува3.Определить, может ли
жения к человеческому до-
данная информация побудить человека изменить
свои действия или планы,
если он узнает о предстоящем урагане.
Determine whether this information can make a person change his actions or
plans if he learns about the
upcoming hurricane
Определяет эффективные и
экологически безопасные
живой и неживой природы.
Осуществляет выбор поведенческих актов, определяет систему моральных норм
и ценностей и их иерархию.
4.Объяснить, почему ура- Определяет
общественганы называют женскими
Explain why hurricanes are
called by female names.
решения описанной проблемы.
Suggest ways to solve the
described problem.
риски возникновения ураганов на территории своего региона.
Assess the possible risks of
hurricanes on the territory
of your region.
The Hurricane Hunters
All along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, from August till November, meteorologists watch
the hurricanes, which are very dangerous storms. The wind in a hurricane blows round and
round in a spiral. In the centre of a hurricane there is a small area, known as the “eye”, where
there is good weather. Usually hurricanes are given girl’s names like Carla, Betsy and Camille. A hurricane is really a very strong tropical cyclone. The girl’s name is used for radio
communications. Easy to remember names help operators not to make mistakes during radio
talks about the movements of a hurricane.
The men who risk their lives each year by flying into the eye of a hurricane to get information
about it are known as “Hurricane Hunters”. They are a part of the Air Weather Service, a
world organization, made up of over 200 weather stations.
Flying their special planes, the Hurricane Hunters collect important information of a storm’s
intensity, its eye position, its movement, and the area it covers. This information then goes to
land, where it is quickly sent to weather bureaus to tell them that a dangerous hurricane is
coming and when it will reach a given place.
When a storm is found, it comes under the careful watch of the Hurricane Hunters to see if it
is growing stronger. When a wind reaches a force of more thansixty kilometers per hour, me-
1.Привести одну социальную и одну финансовую
причину, объясняющую,
почему необходимо информировать учащихся о
путях заражения ВИЧ.
Give one social and one financial reason explaining
why it is necessary to inform students about the
ways of HIV infection.
2.Предложить мероприятия, которые
проводить по сокращению
ВИЧинфицированных и больных среди молодёжи.
should be carried out to reduce the number of HIVinfected and sick people
among young people.
teorologists call it a tropical storm or cyclone and it receives its official name. When a tropical cyclone reaches a wind force of over one hundred kilometers, it becomes a hurricane. If a
great hurricane causes serious damage, its name is not used any more. In choosing the names,
all letters of the
alphabet are used but not Q,U,X,Y and Z. Some of the names given in the past years were
Alice, Brenda, Christine, Delia, Kate, Loretta and Wilda. Often hurricanes have caused much
damage in parts of the United States.
A good example was Hurricane Camille in 1969. One of the worst hurricanes in American
history, Camille caused over 250 deaths and did great damage. Its terrible force was first reported by the Hurricane Hunters. They flew into the eye of Camille and got important information, perhaps saving countless lives.
Способен критически расHuman immunodeficiency virus infection andacquired immunodeficiency synсматривать с различных тоdrome (HIV/AIDS)
чек зрения проблемы глобального характера и межкультурного
Формирует умения, обосновывает и аргументирует
практическое применение
науки .
Вступает в открытое и эффективное взаимодействие
с другими людьми на основе разделяемого всеми ува- Children become infected with HIV in several ways. One of them is the transmission of inжения к человеческому до- fection from a mother infected with the virus. Mothers, as a rule, become infected with intravenous drug injection or sexual contact. The human immunodeficiency virus can be transmitстоинству.
ted before, during or after childbirth. Early diagnosis of HIV in a child is very important. If
Определяет эффективные и the mother does not know that she is infected with HIV and breast-feeds the child who has
экологически безопасные given birth, then the risk of infection increases. Most often, the infection of the child occurs
взаимодействия during childbirth. For this reason, an infected woman is shown a caesarean section.
живой и неживой природы.
Many schools have programs that inform adolescents about the risks of HIV infection. HowОсуществляет выбор пове- ever, most teenagers aged 14-17 are still convinced that they are not susceptible to infection.
денческих актов, определя- But as soon as these teenagers become sexually active, the risk appears. The virus is transmit-
3.Объяснить, почему многие люди избегают общения
ет систему моральных норм ted with unprotected sexual contacts, with intravenous drug administration, with the use of
и ценностей и их иерархию. infected vaccines or serums, as well as from a nursing mother to a child. Pregnancy in adolescence suggests that these young women are at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted
сущностные infections.
характеристики общественEveryone should be aware of the possibility of HIV infection and take all precautions to
но-научного явления.
Explain why many people
avoid HIV infection. Such measures include: the refusal of casual sexual contact and the use
avoid communicating with
of condoms, the refusal of any offer to try drugs; if possible, you need to make sure that the
HIV-infected and sick peodrugs being administered are tested for HIV.
Understanding how HIV is transmitted will help to avoid rejection and alienation of sick
4.Пояснить, помогают ли
people. That is why the mass media should inform society about the ways of HIV infection
приведенные факты объand measures for its prevention.
яснить неприятие и отчуждение больных СПИДом.
Explain whether the above
facts help explain the rejection and alienation of AIDS
5.Разработь буклет, который поможет избежать
СПИДом людей.
Make a booklet that will
help to avoid alienation of
people with AIDS.
6. Доказать, что пропаганда здорового образа жизни
связана с глобальной проблемой
Prove that the promotion of
a healthy lifestyle is connected with the global problem of HIV prevention.
1.Вычислить затраты на
годовое обслуживание дебетовой карты, если ежемесячно с карты списывается 60 рублей.
Умеет давать реалистичную
оценку своих финансовых
возможностей и ограничений при принятии потребительских и финансовых решений;
Payment methods for purchases abroad
Calculate the cost of annual
debit card maintenance if 60 Понимает необходимость
rubles are debited from the выбора, невозможность
card every month.
удовлетворения всех
потребностей и желаний.
2.Обсудить, чем отличается дебетовая карта от креФормирует
навыки расдитной.
смотрения альтернативных
Discuss how a debit card вариантов решения и применяет их на практике.
differs from a credit card.
3. Вычислить, какой процент вы оплатите банку
при переводе 12000 рублей сверх установленного
банком лимита.
Умеет оценить при помощи математических расчетов
финансовые последствия принимаемых решений.
It is logical that most often the seller is interested in how we will pay. In fact, we have three
main options for paying for purchases abroad: cash, credit card, debit card. Of course, in
some countries it is possible to write a check or transfer money, for example, via Paypal. But
we'll talk about this another time.
Calculate what percentage
you will pay to the bank
when transferring 12,000
rubles over the limit set by
Понимает личную ответственность за последствия
(в том числе долгосрочные)
принятого решения.
Cash. These are the very despicable pieces of paper and coins that are in our wallet and
stuffed into our pockets. In Russia, as we know, it is usually customary to use cash. A lot of
people do the same abroad, although it concerns small purchases. Few people, for example,
will buy a car for paper money. It is much easier to make this payment through a card. If you
are interested in how money is called in the USA in slang, then read our article about bank-
the bank.
notes in America.
4. Используя данную информацию, выяснить,
насколько выгодно получать кэшбэк в магазинах.
Using this information, find
out how profitable it is to
receive cashback in stores.
5. Обобщить информацию
и сформулировать преимущества и недостатки
использования наличности за границей.
Credit card. Many people already know firsthand what a loan and a credit card are in our
Summarize the information
and formulate the advantages and disadvantages
of using cash abroad.
6.Используя все эти данные, сравнить способы
оплаты покупок в России
и за границей.
Using all these data, compare the payment methods
for purchases in Russia and
Debit card. Such cards differ from credit cards in that you use your money, which you previously deposited into a bank account. But here you should be careful. A debit card may have
a limit on the use of funds or a commission for transferring funds in excess of the amount set
by the bank. For example, Sberbank of Russia allows free transfers of up to 50,000 rubles. In
addition, you pay 2% of the transfer amount.
Credit or debit? - Sometimes the seller may ask you the question "Credit or debit?". Do not
be afraid, they are not going to rob you. It so happens that the store needs to know which specific bank card you will use to pay for your purchases abroad. Sometimes this question can be
seen on the scoreboard, where you have to "ride" the card. Be careful here and think about
the answer. After all, in Russian, the phrase "I will pay with a credit card" does not always
mean paying with a credit card. It can also be a debit card. But when paying with a card
abroad, it is necessary to clearly distinguish one card from another.
Pin (Pin number/ pin code). Everything is clear here. This is the code for your card. You
may be told "Please enter your pin". This will mean that it's time to enter your magic 3 or 4
Signature. Sellers may need your signature to pay with a credit card. Be ready to subscribe
when you hear the phrase "Please sign here" (Please sign here).
Cash back received on hand after payment for the goods by credit or debit card.
Imagine a situation, you are in a store and pay for your goods with a card. But you know that
you will need cash very soon. In some stores, you can ask the seller to make a "cash back”,
that is, he will write off a large amount from your card and give you the difference in cash.
For example, you bought $10 worth of goods and ask to make a $20 cash back. The cashier
will charge $30 from the card ($10 for the goods and $20 for you). And he will give you a
twenty in your hands. Usually, you do not need to pay extra for such procedures. So don't be
surprised if the seller asks you: «Do you want a cash back?”
This term is actively used both in the areas of online commerce and in banking operations as
bonuses to attract customers. But today we are only talking about returning money to your
hands as cash, and not about a bonus, for example, that a bank gives you if you use their
credit card.
ATM - Automatic teller Machine. Other synonyms for this word can be cash machine, cash
point and bank machine.
сформулировать три причины для путешествия по
России с кэшбэком.
Умеет давать реалистичную
оценку своих финансовых
возможностей и ограничений при принятии потребительских и финансовых реAfter studying the infor- шений.
mation, formulate three reasons for traveling to Russia Понимает необходимость
with cashback.
выбора, невозможность
удовлетворения всех
2.Подсчитать кэшбэк по
потребностей и желаний.
туру, если вы заплатили за
путевку 134 000 рублей.
Имеет навык рассмотрения
Calculate the cashback for альтернативных вариантов
the tour if you paid 134 000 решения и применяет их на
PAC GROUP, the official partner of the state program for subsidizing tours and accommodation facilities in Russia, has prepared for you a wide range of offers, buying which you can
get cashback for a vacation up to 20,000 rubles under the state subsidy program.
The state subsidy (cashback) can be received by any MIR card holder who has registered the
card in the Loyalty Program of the MIR payment system, in accordance with the rules of the
Умеет оценить при помо- Loyalty Program, and bought a tour during the program period.
щи математических расчеWithin the framework of the program we offer
финансовые последствия принимаемых реше- The logo of the promotion – ₽All tours for which cashback is possible are marked with a speний.
cial sign "Cashback for tours in Russia".
3.Вычислить, какую денежную выгоду получите
вы, если поедете на курорт всей семьей на две
недели. ( Расчет сделайте
согласно таблице средней
стоимости тура по России Понимает личную ответсм. скриншот страницы ственность за последствия
актуального сайта)
(в том числе долгосрочные)
принятого решения.
Calculate what monetary
benefit you will get if you
go to the resort with the
whole family for two weeks.
(Make the calculation ac-
The promotion includes tours and accommodation in classified hotels in all regions of the
Russian Federation, containing at least 2 nights of accommodation in hotels with the end date
of the stay up to and including 10.01.2021.
In order to receive cashback, a tourist must fulfill all the conditions of the program:
- To issue a MIR card in one of the participating banks of the Mir payment system Loyalty
Program. At the moment, more than 112 banks are participating in the Program, the full list
can be found here.
cording to the table of the
average cost of a tour in
Russia, see the screenshot of
the page of the current site)
4. Стоимость недельного
тура на Алтай совпадает
со стоимостью 5-дневного
тура в Турцию.
Сравнить выгоду от поездки за границу и по
России с учетом кэшбэка.
5.Разработать план экономии семейного бюджета с
целью поездки на Алтай
на неделю.
Стоимость тура на Алтай
для одного человека на
неделю – 55 тысяч рублей
Make a plan to save the
family budget for going on
a trip to Altai for a week.
The cost of a tour to Altai
for one person for a week is
55 thousand rubles
- Register the MIR card on the website privetmir.ru
- To make a 100% payment for the tour/accommodation facilities with the "Cashback for a
tour of Russia" token at the same time using the MIR card during the promotion period from
10/15/2020 to 12/05/2020.
The amount of compensation for the rest
The amount of the refund to the card (cashback) will be 20% of the cost of the tour, but not
more than 20,000 rubles per card.
The minimum cost of a tourist service is not limited.
The tourist service must be paid in full in one payment.
The number of purchases on one MIR card is unlimited.
Cashback is credited within up to 5 working days.
* If all the conditions of the program are met, but the cashback is not received after 5 days,
please contact by e-mail cashbackRF@pac.ru .
Agency policy
The agency policy of PAC GROUP when booking cashback tours is available at the link
Options for tours/hotels in Russia from PAC GROUP
Sightseeing and city tours
Sightseeing tours to Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk regions, Buryatia, Republic of Karelia, Crimea, Altai, Kaliningrad and Stavropol Territory.
6.Доказать необходимость
и выгоду от использования тура с кэшбэком.
City tours to the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad Region, the Republic of Karelia, Irkutsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Buryatia, Stavropol
Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar, Leningrad Region, Khakassia, Tyva.
Prove the necessity and
benefit of using a cashback
Ski tours
To Krasnaya Polyana.
Sea tours
To Adler, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yeysk, Novorossiysk, Sochi.
Hotels with a Cashback token in any regions of Russia. Accommodation from two nights in
the period from 15.10.2020 to 10.01.2021.
Search for hotels
Choose a trip to Russia with a benefit of up to 20,000 rubles!
An early termination of the campaign is possible by the decision of the Federal Agency for
One tour must be paid in a single payment from one MIR card.
The payment system of the card, as well as the registration of the MIR card in the loyalty
program at the time of payment of the tour is not checked. Thus, when paying with a Visa or
Mastercard card, as well as a MIR card that is not registered in the loyalty program, the payment will be accepted, but cashback will not be credited.
Cashback is not credited when paying with cobaging cards (a card that can work in several
payment systems).
PAC GROUP - founded in 1990!
PAC GROUP is an international travel holding company founded in 1990, a recognized leader in European destinations and cruises.
The structure of the holding includes the tour operator company PAC GROUP with a central
office in Moscow and branches in Russian cities, business structures in Belarus, Kazakhstan
and Ukraine.
PAC GROUP is the general representative of the MSC Cruises cruise company in Russia and
a number of CIS countries.
The company provides a full range of travel services, ensuring compliance with high quality
1. Выписать те виды му- Распознает проблемы, косора, которые разлагаются торые возникают в окружающей действительности
дольше всех.
и могут быть решены поWrite out those types of средством математики.
garbage that decompose the
Формулирует проблемы на
языке математики. Умеет
2. Определить высоту анализировать, обобщать и
Статуи Свободы.
грамотно интерпретировать
полученные результаты.
Determine the height of the
Решает эти проблемы, ис-
Homework associated with the protection of the environment, the student has collected information concerning the decomposition of certain types of garbage that people throw:
The iron Bank - 10 years
synthetic clothing is 30-40 years
tin - up to 90 years
stub (of a cigarette filter) - up to 3
Statue of Liberty.
факты и методы.
metal containers
3. Подсчитать количество
мусора, которое образует- Анализирует использованся за год в городе населе- ные методы решения.
нием 10 млн. человек.
Интерпретирует полученCalculate the amount of ные результаты с учетом
garbage that is generated поставленной проблемы.
per year in a city with a
population of 10 million Формулирует и записывает
результаты решения, споpeople.
собен применять и интер4. Ученик решил изобра- претировать математику в
зить полученные данные различных контекстах.
на столбчатой диаграмме.
Привести одну причину,
по которой столбчатая
диаграмма является неудачной
представления этих данных.
The student decided to depict the data obtained on a
bar chart. Give one reason
why a bar chart is an unsuccessful form for presenting
this data.
destroyed in the marine environment 10
5. Сравнить сроки разложения газет и полиэтилена. Какая упаковка наносит меньший вред окружающий среде?
Compare the terms of decomposition of newspapers
and polyethylene. Which
tires - 120-140 years
years, and
concreted - 30 years
old artificial leather shoes - 40-50
chewing gum (in warm
climates) - 30 years, in the
cold - hundreds of years
sponge for washing dishes - 200 years
disposable diaper - about 500 years
fragments of brick and concrete - 100 years
batteries, batteries - 100 years
foil - 100 years
rubber - 100 years
plastic - 100 years
polyethylene - 100-200 years
aluminum containers - 500 years
glass - more than 1000 years old
orange peel - 6 months
packaging does less harm to
the environment?
6. Предложить другой
изображения данных о
сроках разложения отходов.
To propose another way of
graphical representation of
data on the terms of decomposition of waste.
1.Посчитать и записать,
Сколько земли согласно
генеральному плану города от 1853 года отводили
под Соборную площадь?
Calculate and write down
How much land according
to the general plan of the
city from 1853 was allocated for Cathedral Square?
2. Решить, какую часть в
процентах занимает здание театра на современной площади Куйбышева?
Ответ запишите целым
числом (после округления) без знака %._______
newspapers - several days
He also found the following information: statistics estimate that almost one ton of garbage
per inhabitant of a large city in one year. In one of the European countries, scientists have
calculated that if all the garbage that is collected daily in the country is poured into one
mountain, it will take almost three million cars to remove this mountain. In America, the
landfill of household waste is 25 meters higher than the Statue of Liberty and it is 118 meters.
Формулируют и записывают результаты решения.
Решают эти проблемы, используя
факты и методы.
Распознает проблемы, которые возникают в окружающей действительности
и могут быть решены по- Kuibyshev Square is a square in Samara formed by Chapaevskaya, Vilonovskaya, Gaсредством математики.
laktionovskaya and Krasnoarmeyskaya streets. It is the largest area in Europe (17.4 hectares)
Формулирует и записывает
результаты решения, способен применять и интерпретировать математику в
Анализирует полученные
Solve what percentage of
the theater building occu- Интерпретирует полученpies on the modern Kuiby- ные результаты с учетом
shev Square? Write the an- поставленной проблемы.
swer as an integer (after
By the way, Freedom Square (Medan Modeca) in Jakarta (Indonesia) is the the largest area in
the world. The total area of Medan Modeca is 1 square kilometer or 100 hectares.
At the corners of Kuibyshev Square there are four squares, so 8 hectares of its territory is
covered with asphalt, 7 - flower beds and green spaces. Samara Academic Opera and Ballet
Theater is located on the square and occupies 2.4 hectares of its territory.
rounding) without the %
3. Используя данные, рассчитать, чему равна длина
одной полосы гирлянды
от макушки ёлки до основания? Ответ округлите до
десятых. Запишите ответ
без единиц измерения.
What is the length of one
strip of garland from the top
of the Christmas tree to the
base? Round the answer to
tenths. Write down the answer without units of measurement.
4. Вычислить объем привезенного льда. В ответ
запишите решение, выразите результат в куб м ,
округлив до целого числа,
не указывая наименования
единиц измерения.
Calculate the volume of ice
brought. In response, write
down the solution, express
the result in , rounded to an
integer, without specifying
the names of the units of
5. Вычислить, насколько
отличаются по размерам
площадь Куйбышева в
The first mention of the square is visible on the general plan of the city from 1853. The area
was envisaged to be huge with dimensions of 525 by 325 m . The size of it was connected
with the prestige of the city, and the square itself was intended for the installation of the Fully
Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior was completed on August 30, 1894. There are four
squares around the temple, named Nikolaevsky in honor of the heir to the throne.the church
of the cathedral church was called Cathedral.
After the revolution, Cathedral Square was renamed Communal. In 1930, the Cathedral was
blown up, its destruction lasted until the summer of 1932. On the site of the destroyed temple,
the Palace of Culture (now the Opera and Ballet Theater) was erected according to the project
of the Leningrad architect Noah Trotsky.
The project of the building with a volume of more than 100,000 m3 with a library, a museum
and a hall for 1250 seats is solved in the forms of the Soviet Empire. The opening took place
on June 1, 1931 with Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov.
Самаре и площадь Свободы в Джакарте?
In 1935, the Communal Square was renamed Kuibyshev Square, and three years later a monument to V. V. Kuibyshev was installed on it.
Calculate how much Kuibyshev Square in Samara and
Freedom Square in Jakarta
differ in size?
On November 7, 1941, simultaneously with the parade in Moscow, a ground and air parade
took place in Kuibyshev on the square of the same name. The parade was attended by employees of a large number of Allied ministries and foreign embassies evacuated in the autumn
of 1941 to Kuibyshev from Moscow.
6. Оцените значимость
площади Куйбышева для
Самары, требуется ли ее
увеличение в будущем в
связи с расширением территории города.
Currently, large-scale events are taking place on Kuibyshev Square, for example, New Year
celebrations. To do this, a 26-meter Christmas tree with a diameter of 10 m is installed on the
Evaluate the importance of
Kuibyshev Square for Samara, whether its increase is
required in the future due to
the expansion of the city's
Next to the main culprit of the celebration, 6 smaller Christmas trees were placed on the
square this year. There is an ice fence around each one. Ice was brought from Tyumen — 190
blocks. They were cut out of an ordinary fresh lake. The size of one such ice bar is 100 by 50
centimeters, and the thickness is 25. They are fastened together with water. Also, each fence
is illuminated from below with a special garland.
1.Сформулировать заго- Используют
ловок к тексту.
текста для ответа на вопрос.
Give the title to the text.
Используют информацию
2. Объяснить, что вклю- из текста, чтобы сделать
чает в себя гигиена ребен- вывод из простого набора
Explain what does the hyОбъясняют явление, исgiene of the baby include?
пользуя подсказки.
Получают выводы, исходя
Demonstrate the use of hy- из анализа данных, приводя
giene products on a toy ba- обоснование своих вывоby.
4. Выявить различия и
объяснить, почему использование ножниц может быть опасным.
Identify the differences and
explain why using scissors
can be dangerous.
5. Обобщить информацию и предложить советы
по уходу за младенцем.
Summarize information and
offer advice on baby care .
6. Оцените значимость
данной информации для
молодых мам и создайте
буклет для размещения в
детских клиниках.
Evaluate the importance of
this information for young
mothers and create a book-
Объясняют сложные процессы, включающие в себя
причинноследственных связей. Используют знания для интер- Hygiene plays a vital role in the overall development of a baby. When it comes to your baby’s hygiene, we know you won’t take shortcuts. So refer to this checklist – you will have
претации информации.
everything you need for your baby!
Формулируют гипотезы или
прогнозы, опираясь на зна- For Your Baby – Grooming and Hygiene Essentials
ния из разных областей 1. Wet Wipes
науки, а также полученные Wet wipes
вне школьной программы,
научно их доказывают и The life of a new parent without wet wipes would be a lot more difficult! Baby wipes come
обосновывают свои выво- in handy to clean up diaper spills, spit-up, soiled surfaces and really, just everything! You
will need wipes to clean your baby during each diaper change. While changing your baby’s
diaper, clean your baby’s bottom using gentle baby wipes and give him some diaper-free time
to air out the area. Always opt for wipes that are alcohol-free and are soft and gentle on baby’s skin. Mee Mee’s Caring Baby Wet Wipes contain aloe vera extract that will keep your
baby’s skin moisturised and soothe any irritation.
2. A Finger Brush and Tongue Cleaner
Maintaining oral hygiene from early on is important for healthy gums and strong teeth. You
let for placement in children's clinics
can start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as his first tooth appears. Use a soft brush with a
small head. Ideally, you should buy a finger brush which is made from non-toxic materials
and has soft bristles. Along with a brush, you should also consider buying a tongue cleaner to
clean your baby’s tongue of thrush and milk deposits. Remember, it is never too early to start
taking care of your baby’s dental health.
3. Nail Clippers and Scissors
Cutting baby nails
Using a nail clipper or a pair of scissors to cut your baby’s delicate fingernails can be a daunting task, but you have to do it. Babies’ fingernails grow fast and have sharp edges; they often
can accidentally scratch and hurt themselves. To prevent your little one from hurting himself,
invest in a nail clipper that is specially designed for babies. Buy a clipper that is slightly
sharp and has a magnifier – it will make your job easy. Mee Mee’s Gentle Nail Clipper with
Magnifier has stainless steel blades and is easy to hold. It has a magnifying glass that will
enable you to see your baby’s nails without straining your eyes so that you don’t accidentally
hurt him.
4. Cotton Balls
Keep cotton balls well in stock for your tiny bundle of joy. For the first few weeks of your
baby’s birth, it’s best that you use sterile cotton balls to clean his bottom. As baby’s immune
system is weak, he can catch infections from all things around, so as parents, you should do
everything in your power to protect your child. To clean your little one’s bottom, dip a cotton
ball in water and gently wipe his bottom. Refrain from using soap or any other product containing chemicals on his soft bottom. You can even use cotton balls to wipe his beautiful
eyes. Keep a pack of cotton balls around in your home always. Cotton balls will also come in
handy when you travel with your sweet bundle of poop!
For Your Baby’s Clothes and Feeding Accessories
5. Laundry Detergent
Stacked baby clothes
As your baby’s immune system is still developing, he can catch infections from almost anywhere – even from his clothes. While you must be washing his clothes correctly and with a
good quality detergent, that won’t be enough, not always. Using regular detergent on baby’s
clothes can irritate your baby’s skin, and the chemicals present in the detergent can lead to
allergic reactions in your baby. So use a detergent that is chemical-free and eco-friendly. Mee
Mee’s Baby Laundry Detergent which is mild and devoid of any harsh chemicals can be added to warm water, before soaking baby clothes in it. This laundry detergent is free of artificial
colouring and prevents dirt from settling on fabric. Soak your baby’s clothes in warm water
containing this detergent for about 30 minutes before washing them. Later, allow his clothes
to dry in the sunlight!
6. A Bottle Cleaning Brush
You must be breastfeeding your baby, but there will be times when you bottle feed him too.
Whether you bottle feed him regularly or infrequently, you must clean his bottles thoroughly
after every feed. A clean feeding bottle and nipple can prevent your baby from catching various infections. To clean your baby’s bottles, get a bottle cleaning brush that is non-toxic and
durable. Choose a brush that has soft and flexible bristles and can be used to clean other feeding accessories too like bowls, sippy cups, or dishes.
7. A Sterilizer
If your baby uses a feeding bottle daily, a better option to clean his bottles would be using a
sterilizer. Sterilize your baby’s bottles after each feed to remove unwanted germs, and let the
bottles dry before you use them again. Sterilizing the bottles and other feeding utensils would
be the best way to protect your baby from health risks and infections. However, be careful
while buying a sterilizer or you’ll end up with one that is toxic. A sterilizer that is BPA-free
and non-toxic like Mee Mee’s Compact 3 in 1 Steam Sterilizer & Bottle Warmer is a great
investment. You can sterilize bottles, warm milk in it, and heat baby food in it. It is easy to
clean and is lightweight too, which makes it easy-to-carry along while travelling!
1.Записать, какие фазы
вакцинации описаны в постере.
Write down which phases of
vaccination are described in
the poster.
2. Обосновать необходимость вакцинации населения.
To justify the need for vaccination of the population.
текста для ответа на вопрос.
Используют информацию
из текста, чтобы сделать
вывод из простого набора
Объясняют явление,
пользуя подсказки.
Могут предложить план исследования для доказательства предложенной гипоте3. Объяснить преимуще- зы.
вакцинации Используют знания для интерпретации информации.
Explain the advantages of
early annual vaccination of Формулируют гипотезы или
прогнозы, опираясь на знаthe population.
ния из разных областей
4. Предложить план ис- науки, а также полученные
следования, при помощи вне школьной программы,
которого можно доказать научно их доказывают и
пользу вакцинации против обосновывают свои выводы.
COVID -19.
Propose a research plan
with which you can prove
the benefits of vaccination
against COVID -19.
5. Предложить свой вариант повышения мотивации
населения для прохождения вакцинации против
вируса COVID -19 .
Offer your own option to
increase the motivation of
the population to be vaccinated against the COVID 19 virus
6. Противники вакцинации утверждают, что вирус очень изменчив, поэтому, сделав прививку от
вируса, можно заболеть
другим видом гриппа.
Значит, прививки бесполезны. Представить аргументы,
эту точку зрения.
Opponents of vaccination
claim that the virus is very
changeable, therefore, having been vaccinated, you
can get sick with another
type of flu. So vaccinations
are useless. To present arguments refuting this point
of view.
ФИО педагога ___________________________/Акирова Гульсина Самигулловна/