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Федеральное агентство связи
Федеральное государственное образовательное
бюджетное учреждение высшего профессионального
образования «Поволжский государственный университет
телекоммуникаций и информатики»
Факультет заочного отделения
по дисциплине
Выполнил студент ДОТ
ФИО: Пономарев В.А.
номер зачетной книжки: 173118
направление: ИКТ и СС 3у
Самара – 2020
Grammar Task A. Определите, какие из существительных являются
исчисляемыми, а какие неисчисляемыми. Поставьте исчисляемые
существительные в форму множественного числа. Which of these nouns are
countable and which are uncountable? Put the countable nouns in the plural form.
Example: Apple-apples; electricity - неисчисляемое существительное
Electricity, dictionary, hydrogen, money, ink, English, baggage, mail, coffee,
honesty, furniture, toothbrush, orange, ice, information, telephone, vocabulary,
forest, letter, tea, car, rain, song, music, time, story, river, water, flower, friend,
photo, friendship, advice, meat, paper, egg, weather, wine, man, cheese.
Dictionary – dictionaries
Toothbrush – toothbrushes
Orange – oranges
Telephone – telephones
Vocabulary – vocabularies
Letter – letters
Car – cars
Song - songs
Story – stories
River – rivers
Flower - flowers
Friend – friends
Photo –photos
Egg – eggs
Man – men
Grammar Task B. Поставьте имена существительные, данные в скобках, в
правильной форме (единственного или множественного числа). Put the
nouns in brackets in correct form (singular or plural).
Example: There were two young (lady) walking in the garden - There were two
young ladies walking in the garden.
There were two young (lady) There were two young ladies walking
walking in the garden.
in the garden.
I see two (dish) on the table.
I see two dishes on the table.
These two (child) are watching TV.
These two child are watching TV.
Could you give me some Could you give me some information
(information) about your project?
about your project?
These (box) hurt me by falling These boxes hurt me by falling down.
My (trousers) are dirty.
My trousers are dirty.
I can see many dead (leaf) in the I can see many dead leaves in the
Your (luggage) is too heavy.
Your luggage is too heavy.
The (deer) are running in the forest.
The deer are running in the forest.
10 I lost my (key) this morning.
I lost my key this morning.
11 I quickly need some (furniture).
I quickly need some furniture.
Grammar Task С. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя
притяжательный падеж существительных. Translate into English. Use the
possessive case where possible.
Example: Это семья моего друга. – This is my friend’s family.
Это семья моего друга.
Она взяла книги своего брата.
английского языка.
Где мамин зонтик?
Это офис нашего управляющего.
Дайте мне письма клиентов,
У меня недельный отпуск.
Она положила на стол книгу
Крыша здания старая.
This is my friend’s family.
She took her brother’s books.
This is English teacher dictionary.
Where is mother’s umbrella?
This is our manager’s office.
Give me client letter, please.
-I have a week off.
She laid her sister’s books on the table.
The roof of the building is old.
Grammar Task D . Put the correct article where necessary. Вставьте артикль
где необходимо.
Example: This … chair is broken. Give me that … chair, please. – This chair
is broken. Give me that chair, please.
There are … tree boys on the field. …
boys are playing football.
I have … new bag. … bag is … white
and red.
Our … classroom is large and sunny.
We had … test yesterday. … test was
long and difficult.
We need eggs to bake … cake.
I have never been to … London.
In summer I am going to … Spain.
I have got … letter from my … friend
… roses are beautiful.
This is … difficult word. I have to
look up in … dictionary.
Let’s go skiing … next week.
She is… girl I told you about. She
speaks … English very well.
How much … money do you have?
There are three boys on the field. The
boys are playing football.
I have a new bag. The bag is white
and red.
Our classroom is large and sunny.
We had a test yesterday. The test was
long and difficult.
We need eggs to bake the cake.
I have never been to London.
In summer I am going to Spain.
I have got the letter from my friend
The roses are beautiful.
This is the difficult word. I have to
look up in the dictionary.
Let’s go skiing next week.
She is the girl I told you about. She
speaks English very well.
How much money do you have?
It is so cloudy. I have not seen … sun It is so cloudy. I have not seen the sun
in …sky for … month.
in the sky for the month.
Grammar Task E. Complete these questions with have. Some are present
some are past. Заполните пропуски в вопросительных предложениях
глаголом have . Некоторые предложения построены в настоящем
времени, некоторые - в прошедшем.
Example: Excuse me,… a pen I could borrow? - Excuse me, have you got a pen
I could borrow?
Why are you holding your face like that?
………….. a toothache?
Why are you holding your face like
that? Do you have a toothache?
………. a bicycle when you were a child?
Did you have a bicycle when you
were a child?
1. ……….. the time, please? ‘Yes, it’s ten Do you have the time, please?
past seven. ’
‘Yes, it’s ten past seven. ’
When you did the exam, ……. time to When you did the exam, did you
answer all the questions ?
have time to answer all the
questions ?
I need a stamp for this letter. ………….
I need a stamp for this letter. Do
you have one?
‘It started to rain while I was walking ‘It started to rain while I was
home.’ ‘Did it? …….. an umbrella?’
walking home.’ ‘Did it? Did you
have an umbrella?’
Grammar Task F. Complete these sentences. Use expressions from the list and
put the verbs into the correct form where necessary. Дополните предложения,
используя выражения из списка, употребите глагол в соответствующей
have lunch
have a swim
have a cigarette have a rest
have a shower have a party
have a nice time
have a chat
have a good flight have a baby
have a look
Example: I don’t eat much during the day. I never ……….. - I don’t eat much
during the day. I never have lunch.
1. David likes to keep fit, so he has a swim every day.
2. We had a party last Saturday. It was great – we invited lots of people.
3. Excuse me, can I have a look At your newspaper, please.
4. ‘Where’s Jim?’ ‘He has a rest in his room. He’s very tired.’
5. I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and had a chat.
6. I haven’t seen you since you came back from holiday. Did you have a good
7. Suzzane had a babby A few weeks ago. It’s her second child.
8. I don’t usually smoke but I was feeling very nervous, so I had a cigarette.
9. The phone rang but I couldn’t answer it because I had a shower.
Grammar Task G. Put the verb into the correct form.
Употребите глагол в соответствующей форме.
Example: There (is, are) two chairs in my room. - There are two chairs in my
1. There is a large table in my room.
2. There are three windows in my classroom.
3. There is a table and four chairs in my living-room.
4. There is a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in our class-room.
5. There is a text-book and two exercise-books on the table.
6. There are two shops and a cinema in my street.
Grammar Task H. Put the verb to be into the Present Simple, Past Simple or
Future Simple. Bставьте глагол to be в форме Present, Past или Future Simple.
Example: Where ... your brother now? – He ... in his room. - Where is your
brother now? – He is in his room.
1. Where is your brother now? – He is in his room.
2 Will she be at work tomorrow? – Yes, she will be.
3. Were you at school yesterday? – Yes, I was .
4. My sister is at school now. She is not at
home. Will you be a teacher in some years?
5. My pens are not on the table. Where are they?
6. His brother is a child. He is 7.
7. We were pupils last year, but now we are students.
8. My aunt is in Paris now.
9. When were you at work yesterday? – I was there at 8 o'clock.
10. My brother is not ill now.
11. I am not in Kyiv now. I am in London.
12. All my family is at home tomorrow.
13. When he was young, he was a pilot.
14. She is a good student.
15. Where were you last Friday? – I was at the cinema.
16. Nick was ill last month.
17. Where is your father now?
18. I think he is not a doctor.
Grammar Task I. Put personal pronouns instead of nouns. Замените
существительные личными местоимениями.
Example: At Christmas ... (friends) often give Mary presents. - At
Christmas they often give Mary presents.
At Christmas ... (friends) often give At Christmas they often give Mary
Mary presents.
... (Mary) likes her friends.
She likes her friends.
I've got a tortoise, I
I've got a tortoise, I feed with
feed... with vegetables.
... (the bird) is singing lovely.
It is singing lovely.
We feel so lonely, stay with ....
We feel so lonely, stay with us.
... (my sister and I) don't like to walk our We don't like to walk our dog.
... (the boy) overslept this morning.
He overslept this morning.
"Who is speaking?" "It's..., Ann."
"Who is speaking?" "It's me,Ann."
May I give... a good piece of advice? May I give a good piece of advice?
Spend more time with your son. You Spend more time with your son. You
can help... much.
can help him much.
... (Dad and Mom) went to see their They went to see their friends.
Where are my glasses? Has anybody Where are my glasses? Has anybody
seen... ?
seen them?
... (your brother and you ) spend too You spend too much time playing
much time playing football.
Grammar Task J. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (my, your,
his, her, our, their).
Дополните предложение соответствующей формой притяжательных
Example: I left … car in the garage. - I left my car in the garage.
I left … car in the garage.
I left my car in the garage
Mary hung … coat on the peg.
Mary hung her coat on the peg.
Jack had … hair cut.
Jack had his hair cut.
Neil and David ate … supper.
Neil and David ate their supper.
I hope you enjoy … holiday.
I hope you enjoy your holiday.
We’ll invite you round to … house We’ll invite you round to our house
sometime and complete these by adding sometime and complete these by adding
a possessive with own.
a possessive with own.
You must make up … own mind.
You must make up your own mind.
The children had to cook … own The children had to cook their own
Bill borrowed Jenny’s car … own can Bill borrowed Jenny’s car his own can
was being repaired.
was being repaired.
I’ll bring … own sheets and towels.
I’ll bring my own sheets and towels.
Every dog had … own special basket to Every dog had its own special basket to
sleep in.
sleep in.
You should do … own washing up.
You should do your own washing up.
Grammar Task K. Fill in the gaps with one of the following pronouns: who,
whom, whose, what, which.
Заполните пропуски одним из следующих местоимений: who, whom, whose,
what, which.
Example: … will help me? – Who will help me?
… will help me?
Who will help me?
.... of you will help me?
Who of you will help me?
.... of these girls is the youngest?
Which of these girls is the youngest?
.... is your hat?
What is your hat?
. ... is your telephone number?
What is your telephone number?
... pencil is this, Peter's or Helen's?
Whose pencil is this, Peter's or Helen's?
... are you drinking?
What are you drinking?
... are you expecting?
What are you expecting?
... understands this rule?
Who understands this rule?
... of you understands this rule?
Whom of you understands this rule?
... teaches you English?
Who teaches you English?
... is he? He is an engineer.
Who is he? He is an engineer.
... trees grow in your garden?
Which trees grow in your garden?
... of you am I to thank for this?
Whom of you am I to thank for this?
Which English books have you read this
What do you know about him?
Whose gloves are these? They are mine.
Which piece of cake will you have?
Which pencil is yours?
What is the way to the theatre?
Who knows his address?
What would you like to drink?
Which would you like to drink: mineral
water or lemonade?
Which of these cakes can I take?
What is the coldest season of the year?
...English books have you read this
... do you know about him?
... gloves are these? They are mine.
... piece of cake will you have?
...pencil is yours?
... is the way to the theatre?
... knows his address?
... would you like to drink?
... would you like to drink: mineral
water or lemonade?
.... of these cakes can I take?
.... is the coldest season of the year?
Grammar Task L. Complete the sentences using a comparative form.
Дополните предложение прилагательным в сравнительной степени.
Example: This cat is ...., but that cat is .... (fat) - This cat is fat, but that cat is
1. This monkey is funny, but that monkey is funnier.
2. This shirt is nice, but that shirt is nicer.
3. This house is big, but that house is biger.
4. This milk is hot, but that milk is hotter.
5. This boy is lazy, but that boy is lazier.
6. This puppy is small, but that puppy is smaller.
7. This book is good, but that book is better.
Grammar Task M. Complete the sentences using a superlative form.
Дополните предложение прилагательным в превосходной степени.
Example: Jane is … girl in our class. (tall) - Jane is the tallest girl in our class.
1. This book is the worst book in this library.
2. Peter is the shortest boy in her class.
3. Ann is the laziest girl in their class.
4. This film is the best.
5. February is the shortest month of the year.
6. Russia is the largest country in the world.
7. This is the most beautiful picture in my collection.
8. He is the best drive I have ever seen.
9. This is most difficult test.
10. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
Grammar Task N. Use the verbs in Present Simple. Употребите глаголы в
Present Simple.
Example: I (to go) to bed at eleven o’clock. – I go to bed at eleven o’clock.
My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. My sister gets up at eight o'clock.
She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to She is a school-girl. She goes to school
school in the afternoon.
in the afternoon.
Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) Jane is fond of sports. She does her
her morning exercises every day.
morning exercises every day.
For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a For breakfast she has two eggs, a
sandwich and a cup of tea.
sandwich and a cup of tea.
After breakfast she (to go) to school. After breakfast she goes to school.
It (to take) him two hours to do his It takes him two hours to do his
She (to speak) French well.
She speaks French well.
My working day (to begin) at seven My working day begins at seven
o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the o'clock. I get up, switch on the radio
radio and (to do) my morning and do my morning exercises. It take
exercises. It (to take) me fifteen me fifteen minutes, at half past seven
minutes, at half past seven we (to we have breakfast. My father and I
have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave home at eight o'clock. He takes
leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to a bus to his office. My mother is a
take) a bus to his office. My mother (to doctor, she leaves home at nine
be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at o'clock. In the evening we
nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather in the living-room. We watch
gather) in the living-room. We (to TV and talk.
watch) TV and (to talk).
Grammar Task O. Make negative sentences using Present Simple.
Постройте отрицательные предложения во времени Present Simple.
Example: He travels a lot. – He doesn’t travel a lot.
He lives in Sussex with his family.
He doesn’t live in Sussex with his family.
Boris is my elder brother.
Boris isn’t my elder brother.
I work as a director for this company.
I don’t work as a director for this company.
We have many tools.
We don’t have many tools.
I think so
I don’t think so
She knows his friends.
She doesn’t know his friends.
She speaks German.
She doesn’t speak German.
I know him well.
I don’t know him well.
He goes to the gym every day.
He doesn’t go to the gym every day.
My flight doesn’t leave at 6 a.m.
My flight leaves at 6 a.m.
Grammar Task P. Make question using the following sentences (question words are given in
Поставьте вопросы, используя следующие предложения (вопросительное слово дано в
Example: Sally feels tired (Why?) – Why does Sally feel tired.
They want to buy some presents for their
friends (Where?)
My Daddy wants to catch the 6 o’clock train
Edward prefers to have lunch in the canteen
Every evening Peter walks his dog (Where?)
As a rule I get up early every morning (Why?)
Snow melts in spring (Why?)
We want to have a bite (Where?)
He studies English in London (Where?)
I hate loud and noisy music (Why?)
Usually Ann helps her little brother with
mathematics (How?)
Where do they want to buy some presents for
their friends?
Why does my Daddy want to catch the 6
o’clock train?
Why does Edward prefer to have lunch in the
Where does every evening Peter walk his dog?
Why do I get up early every morning?
Why does snow melt in spring?
Where do we want to have a bite?
Where does he study English?
Why do I hate loud and noisy music?
How does Ann help her little brother with
Grammar Task Q. Read about Sharron’s working day. Прочтите, что говорит
Шэрон о своем рабочем дне:
Rewrite this text in Past Simple. Перепишите текст в Past Simple.
Example: I usually get up at 7 o'clock … - I got up at 7 o’clock …
I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big
breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me
about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I
never have lunch. I finish work at 17 o'clock.
I'm always tired when I get home. I usually
cook a meal in the evening. I don't usually go
out. I go to bed at about 23 o'clock. I always
sleep well. Yesterday was a typical working
day for Sharon.
I usually got up at 7 o'clock and had a big
breakfast. I walked to work, which took me
about half an hour. I started work at 8.45. I
never had lunch. I finished work at 17 o'clock.
I was always tired when I got home. I usually
cooked a meal in the evening. I didn't usually
go out. I went to bed at about 23 o'clock. I
always slept well. Yesterday was a typical
working day for Sharon.
Grammar Task R. Use the verbs in Future Simple. Употребите глаголы в Future Simple.
Example: I want to get a medical check-up. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow. - I want
to get a medical check-up. I’ll go to my doctor tomorrow.
I and my friends (to go skiing) next Sunday.
I and my friends will go skiing next Sunday.
Oh, I’ve left the door open. I (go) and shut it.
Oh, I’ve left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
Thanks for letting me borrow your camera. I Thanks for letting me borrow your camera. I
(give) it back to you on Monday, OK?
will give it back to you on Monday, OK?
Okay, I (help) you.
I (be) free tonight.
Okay, I’ll help you.
She (take) English lessons twice a week.
She will take English lessons twice a week.
He (be) tired after his work.
He will be tired after his work.
They (to come) home at ten pm tomorrow.
They will come home at ten pm tomorrow.
His sister (to draw) a picture next week.
His sister will draw a picture next week.
I (to send) email to my friend tomorrow.
I’ll send email to my friend tomorrow.
I will be free tonight.
Tomorrow I (to meet) my partner at the airport. Tomorrow I will meet my partner at the airport
He (not to go) to Paris next Monday.
He will not go to Paris next Monday.
My friends (to go) to the club next week.
My friends will go to the club next week.
He (to run) in the morning in the park every He will run in the morning in the park every
day next week.
day next week.
Tomorrow we (to read) an interesting book in Tomorrow we will read an interesting book in
the class-room.
the class-room.
Listen! I (to make) this work next week.
Listen! I will make this work next week.
Grammar Task S. Change the sentences below to negative. Замените
повествовательные предложения отрицательными.
Example: I’ll see you tomorrow. – I won’t see you tomorrow.
Jenny and Chris will show you the way home. Jenny and Chris won’t show you the way
They'll be in London next week.
They won’t be in London next week.
I'll drive to Sydney.
I won’t drive to Sydney.
We'll see Brent tomorrow.
We won’t see Brent tomorrow.
She said she'll phone me later.
She said she won’t phone me later.
Please say you'll drive his car.
Please say you won’t drive his car.
They'll take photos at the party.
They won’t take photos at the party.
It'll be hot tomorrow.
It won’t be hot tomorrow.
Gerard will take the dog for a walk.
Gerard won’t take the dog for a walk.
Grammar Task T. Make up questions. Use Future Simple. Постройте вопросительное
предложение во времени Future Simple.
Example: Diana / come / to the party tomorrow? – Will Diana come to the party tomorrow?
What / we / do?
They / buy / a new house this year?
You / take / a taxi?
They / wait / for us?
What / she / sell?
He / drive / a car?
She / a poem / write?
Gareth / the bin / empty?
When /you /come home?
Why/ he/ go to Paris next Monday?
Their friends/ invite/ us to spend Christmas
You/ go/ to the cinema next weekend?
How/ you/ create a sketch for this project next
What will we do?
Will they buy a new house this year?
Will you take a taxi?
Will they wait for us?
What will she sell?
Will he drive a car?
Will she write a poem?
Will Gareth empty the bin?
When will you come home?
Why will he go to Paris next Monday?
Will their friends invite us to spend Christmas
Will you go to the cinema next weekend?
How will you create a sketch for this project
next week?
Exercise 1. Прочтите текст и переведите текст. Read and translate the text.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands,
Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 314 000 sq.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English
Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It borders on the Irish Republic in the
The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England (the southern and middle
part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the West) and Scotland (the northern part
of the island).
There are no high mountains in Great Britain. In the north the Cheviots separate England
from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its middle, the Cambrian
Mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the
British mountains. There is very little flat country except in the region known as East Anglia
Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the
British rivers. Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey,
Trent, Tyne and Bristol Avon.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources. It has some deposits of coal and iron ore
and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.The warm currents of the
Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. Winters are not severely cold and summers
are rarely hot.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are:
English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former
British Asian and African colonies.
Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. New industries have been developed in the
last three decades. The main industrial centers are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds,
Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.
The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.
Полное название страны - Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной
Ирландии. Соединенное Королевство расположено на Британских островах. Британские
острова состоят из двух крупных островов, Великобритании и Ирландии и большого
количества небольших островов. Их общая площадь составляет более 314 000 кв. Км.
Британские острова отделены от Европейского континента Северным морем и
Английским каналом. Западное побережье Великобритании омывается Атлантическим
океаном и Ирландским морем. Северная Ирландия занимает треть острова Ирландии. Он
граничит с Ирландской Республикой на юге.
Остров Великобритании состоит из трех основных частей: Англия (южная и средняя
часть острова), Уэльс (горный полуостров на западе) и Шотландия (северная часть острова).
В Великобритании нет высоких гор. На севере Чевиоты разделяют Англию от Шотландии,
Пеннины простираются вниз по Северной Англии вдоль ее середины, Кембрийские горы
занимают большую часть Уэльса, а Нагорье Шотландии - самая высокая из британских гор.
В стране очень мало плоскогорья, за исключением региона, известного как Восточная
Большинство рек впадает в Северное море. Темза - самая глубокая и самая длинная из
британских рек. Некоторые из крупнейших британских портов расположены в устьях
Темзы, Мерси, Трент, Тайн и Бристоль Эйвон.
Великобритания не очень богата минеральными ресурсами. В ней есть некоторые
залежи угля и железной руды и огромные залежи нефти и газа, которые были обнаружены
в Северном море.
Теплые течения Атлантического океана влияют на климат Великобритании. Зимы не
слишком холодные, а летом редко бывает жарко.
Население Соединенного Королевства составляет более 58 миллионов человек.
Основные национальности: англичане, валлийцы, шотландцы и ирландцы. В
Великобритании много иммигрантов из бывших британских, азиатских и африканских
Великобритания - высокоразвитая страна. За последние три десятилетия были
разработаны новые отрасли. Основными промышленными центрами являются Лондон,
Бирмингем, Манчестер, Лидс, Ливерпуль,
Глазго и Бристоль.
Столица страны - Лондон. Соединенное Королевство является парламентской монархией.
Exercise 2. Find the answers to the following questions. Найдите ответы на следующие
Where is the United Kingdom situated?
The United Kingdom is situated on the British
What islands do the British Isles consist of?
The British Isles consist of two large islands,
Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number
of small islands
What ocean and seas are the British Isles The British Isles washed by the Atlantic
washed by?
Ocean, the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the
English Channel
How many parts does the Island of Great The island of Great Britain consists of three
main parts: England (the southern and middle
Britain consist of and what are they called?
part of the island), Wales (a mountainous
peninsula in the West) and Scotland (the
northern part of the island).
What mineral resources is Great Britain rich Great Britain has some deposits of coal and
iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that
were discovered in the North Sea.
What is the climate like in Great Britain?
Winters are not severely cold and summers are
rarely hot.
What city is the capital of the U. K.?
The capital of the country is London.
What kind of state is Great Britain?
The United Kingdom is a parliamentary