Загрузил Madina Qosimova

Dream-WPS Office

A dream
A dream is an important
quality of the human soul. It
is no coincidence that it is
believed that if one could see
the inner world of one's
neighbor, then, rather, one
could learn a lot about a
person from his dreams.
The dream is always aimed at the good, the good. When a
person dreams, he always sees himself as a hero, draws
himself exclusively from the beautiful side. In dreams, a person,
as it were, merges with his “ideal self”, the way he would like to
see himself.
We know about the existence of a dream,
first of all, from our own experience each of us has ever dreamed about
something. If you carefully observe
yourself, it is easy to find that "dreamy"
fantasies permeate our entire day:
dreams can catch us at important work,
talking with friends, on the subway,
before going to bed. It can be our old
dreams that we have already imagined
more than once, or fleeting fantasies
about something good that may never
happen again.
A dream is one of the brightest events in
our inner life. Images, dreams create in
our imagination a whole world of what
we want. They can be very realistic or
bizarre and fantastic, they can take us
far into the past and future, or instantly
change what is happening here and
now. These images are always
attractive, they bring pleasure and joy,
sometimes sadness and melancholy, if
the reality in which we live is very
different from what we dream about.
Of course, the dream is not
necessarily a distant sight. It happens
suddenly to daydream for some
specific reason. Then a real event
serves as an occasion for dreams:
either a failure that you want to
endure as soon as possible, or an
unresolved issue, or a life obstacle
that cannot be stormed yet, which
should be overcome.
If a person were deprived of the
ability to dream, he would not be able
to run ahead in his affairs, he would
not be able to imagine, imagine his
desires, intentions, goals.
“Let your actions be louder than your
words and your dreams bigger than your
fears.” ~ Invajy
“Dream big, it’s the first step to success, making goals come
second.” ~ Invajy
“Always dare to dream. For as long as there’s a dream, there is
hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.” ~
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue
them.” ~ Walt Disney
“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is
you.” ~ Tom Bradley
“It may be that those who do most, dream most.” ~ Stephen
Butler Leacock
You are never too old to set
another goal or to dream a new
dream . -C.S Lewis
Aim for the moon.If you miss you
may hit a star. - Clement Stone
When you cease to dream,you
cease to live.- M.Forbes
Be brave,fight for what you
believe in and make your dreams
a reality. -Invajy
T h a n k s
Life is a journey to experience to
learn and to enjoy.