Загрузил Zarina Fayzullaeva

Статья о нанотехнологии

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2388 (2022) 012136
IOP Publishing
New efficiencies of energy-saving facade paints based on a
combined film-forming agent
Olmahon Gadoeva, Sardorbek Fatiloev, Zarina Fayzullaeva and Yoqub
Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
E-mail: abrorov1975@mail.ru
Abstract. This article discusses new nano-technological building materials for facade
backgrounds and energy-saving efficiencies in the construction of new buildings. Recently, a lot
of new materials and their economic efficiency for modern construction have been developed in
construction. In nano technologies applying facade paints and semi-thermal energy-saving paints
for the utilization of the house and efficiency in new housing and this is very relevant in new
construction, and this has grown a lot of development is underway based on a combined filmforming agent from local materials Keywords: building materials, granular PVC, paint coatings
(LCP), facade paints, film-forming substances, vapor permeability, hydrophobic additive.
1. Introduction
The development of new building materials has recently become very relevant and use them in
nontechnology construction. Plasters of various compositions, decorative plasters, including crumbs of
natural stone, cement and ceramic tiles, facing bricks are traditionally used for facades of urban
buildings in Western Europe, Russia and the Republic of Belarus. Such surfaces are painted with various
paints, both inorganic and based on polymer binders of various nature. Water in the form of precipitation
(droplet moisture) and water vapor are the main factors leading to the destruction of paint coatings
(LCP). Construction of 1 million cubic meters of modern and energy-efficient building materials (an
increase of 2.9 times) of aerated concrete blocks, 25 thousand tons of basalt and glass-wool thermal
insulation boards, 2.5 thousand tons of basalt fiber composite reinforcement, 114 thousand tons of pipes
and fittings made of granular PVC material. In general, production facilities aimed at fully providing
the domestic market with basic construction materials will be created this year.
Drip moisture enters the structure mainly during precipitation, as well as through the basement and
roof of the building with insufficient waterproofing and violation of the current drainage system. Water
vapor in the premises has a biogenic origin, or is formed during the operation of household and industrial
equipment; it penetrates into the walls, where it can condense in the cold season. Increased humidity of
the walls increases heat loss in winter, promotes the growth of algae (on the facade of the building),
fungi and mold (inside the building). Cyclic freezing of water in the capillaries of artificial stone material
(freezing-thawing) leads to the appearance of internal stresses, a decrease in strength and the formation
of cracks [1]. The humidity level must be taken into account when determining the timing of the painting
of facades, both in new construction and during major repairs of buildings and structures, when replacing
the roof, plaster and restoring the loss of masonry. As a consequence, one of the main requirements for
the LCP is sufficient permeability for water vapor. At the same time, the facade paintwork should
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2388 (2022) 012136
IOP Publishing
prevent the ingress of droplet moisture inside during precipitation, that is, it should have hydrophobic
properties [2].
2. Materials and methods
Domestic and imported paints are also in demand. Thanks to modern equipment and foreign experience,
you can hear such trademarks as "Yaroslavl paints", "Ancient", "Aquatex", "Additionally". In each
company you can find compositions for exterior and interior work, as well as a rich palette of shades.
Acrylic paints for works of art appeared much later. It can be called an invention of modernity. The first
copies had a limited number of colors, while it was necessary to choose a special shade. But if everything
is properly selected and mixed, the paint will dry quickly. It was very difficult to find the right shades.
Photochemical aging of the LCP, manifested in a change in its color and chalking, causes solar
radiation. Heating of the facade of the building due to solar radiation intensifies the evaporation of water
from the structure, significantly increasing the load on the paintwork.Thus, the purpose of using facade
paints is to decorate the building and protect its exterior surface from atmospheric influences. The effect
of ultraviolet radiation on the paintwork affects the loss of mass (chalking), a decrease in gloss, an
increase in fragility, but the first signs of a decrease in weather resistance are a decrease in the initial
color characteristics, including a change in the appearance and color of the paintwork. [3].
"nanotechnology products" means industrial and consumer products created using
As a rule, there are three groups of nanotechnology products:
• primary nanotechnology products - products (nanoobjects, nanosystems, especially pure
substances) created directly with the use of nanotechnology, including basic raw materials and
semi-finished products for the nanoindustry (in particular, nanopowders and nanomaterials);
• nano–containing products - products (goods) containing nanotechnological components
(nanoobjects, nanosystems and especially pure substances), including those produced using
primary nanotechnological products;
• nanotechnological works and services – works and services, carrying out (rendering) which is
carried out using nanotechnologies or technologies of application of primary nanotechnological
and (or) containing nanoproducts.
Thus, the primary nanoproduct is actually nanomaterials, which form the core of the nanomarket.
They are used in the production of end-use goods, which, in turn, are secondary nanoproducts.
Figure 1. Combined film-forming paint for facades.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2388 (2022) 012136
IOP Publishing
3. Results and discussion
The use of nanotechnology in construction is increasing, the water resistance of the facade of the house
and the need to use paints, as well as the convenience of nano-coatings in that they are an energy-saving
tool. For example, one of the properties of translucent nanocoats is that they collect solar energy. These
films are placed on the windows and sides of the building: nanocoats can work as solar cells, adding
modernity to the appearance of the building and are important for saving electricity., The convenience
of nanocoats is that they are energy efficient. For example, one of the properties of translucent nanocoats
is that they collect solar energy. These films are placed on the windows and on the sides of the building:
nanocoats can work as solar panels, giving the building a modern look, and play an important role in
saving electricity. Currently, the most light-resistant, mainly natural and synthetic inorganic pigments
are used in the development of formulations of high-quality facade paints. Dust, dirt, fatty
contamination, acid rain destroy the mineral substrate and create conditions for the development of
microorganisms in cracks and on the surface of facades, which leads to bio-damage to the structure.
High-quality facade paint should contain a balanced complex of biooccides, providing long-term
durability of the paintwork. The use of modern film-forming substances prevents the softening of the
coating with an increase in temperature, thus reducing the retention of impurities on the surface of
facades. It is important that the facade paint forms a paintwork with sufficient hardness and abrasion
resistance, since these indicators indicate the ability of the coating to resist wind erosion. Traditional
water-dispersion paints for outdoor work differ from each other in the content of the film-forming agent
and the volume concentration of the pigment (OKP). Compositions with a low OKP and a high content
of film-forming agent have good water resistance, but low vapor permeability, since the formed coating
is insufficiently porous. Compositions with high OKP and low film-forming agent content have
sufficient vapor permeability, but the water absorption of LCP based on them is too high [4]. The authors
developed and optimized the formulation of water-dispersion facade paint based on a combined filmforming agent: 50% styrene acrylic dispersion of anionic type obtained by emulsion co polymerization
of styrene and methyl methacrylate, and silicone emulsion [5, 6, 7]. Natural calcium carbonate (marble
powder) of various fractional composition and micro talc were chosen as fillers to increase the hiding
power of the paintwork, titanium dioxide of rutile form obtained by the chloride method was used as a
Table 1. Average chemical composition of basalt raw materials (in % by weight).
name and
Basalt of 48,2
Components (minerals)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2388 (2022) 012136
IOP Publishing
Composition of basalt fiber sample 1
Figure 2. Basalt fiber.
The fiber used is basalt fiber. Basalt fiber differs from metal reinforcement in the following
• environmentally friendly material, has a natural formula of basalt stone;
• without carcinogenic and toxic-toxicological substances;
• resistant to mold and microorganisms;
• thermal conductivity is zero;
• bending strength 1200 MPa;
• does not lose strength from -70°С to +100°С;
• fiber diameter 10-21 microns;
• fiber length 15-20 mm.
• absolute incombustibility at high temperature, continuous use temperature is high – 700 °С,
with short-term use - up to 900 °С; durable up to;
• due to the natural formula, the service life is more than 50 years;
• basalt composites replace steel and fiberglass reinforced plastics possible [3] durable up to;
• due to the natural formula, the service life is more than 50 years;
• basalt composites replace steel and fiberglass reinforced plastics possible [3].
Titanium dioxide of this brand is characterized by increased whiteness due to surface treatment with
aluminum oxides, silicon and zirconium compounds, as well as high resistance to photo-oxidative
degradation. The formulation contains a complex of functional additives: a dispersant, a rheology agent,
a coalescent, a container preservative, an algicide that provides bio-protection of the paintwork, a foam
extinguisher and a deaerator (for removing foam in 67% of the paint). The pH of the composition was
regulated with an aqueous ammonia of 25% concentration [7].
To obtain a coating with the effect of rolling drops (the "lotus" effect), a hydrophobic additive is
included in the composition. The OKP of the developed composition is 75%. The optimized formulation
of water-dispersion eco-friendly facade paint is shown in Table 1. Tests of water-dispersion eco-friendly
facade paint and cured paintwork were carried out according to known methods [8]. Table 1 – Optimized
formulation of water-dispersion eco-friendly facade paint Component name Component content,
mass.% Styrene acrylic dispersion 12.0 Silicone emulsion 7.0 Sodium polyphosphate (water softener)
0.2 Hydroxymethylcellulose (rheology agent) 0.3 pH regulator (technical water ammonia) 0.05
Coalescent (butyldiglycolacetate) 0.7 Hydrophobizer 1.30 Dispersant 0.4 Silicone-based defoamer 0.2
Deaerator 0.3 Container preservative 0.2 Algicide (film biosecurity) 0.2 Polyurethane thickener 0.15
Titanium dioxide 12.0 Microtalk (Ø cf.= 2 microns) 6.0 Micromramor powder (Ø cf.=5 microns) 20.0
Micromramor powder (Ø cf.=1.8-1.5 microns) 16.0 Water 23.0 The degree of grinding of the facade
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2388 (2022) 012136
IOP Publishing
paint was determined according to the grindometer (the "Wedge" device). The hardness of the LCP film
was tested with the U-1 device, adhesion to the concrete base was tested by the separation method [8].
Additionally, the water absorption of LCP on inert glass substrates was investigated. Water
absorption (W) as a percentage was calculated by the formula:
W = (m2 – m1) * 100 / (m1 –m0),
where m0 is the mass of the clean plate, g; m is the mass of the plate with the LCP before the test, g;
m2 is the mass of the plate with the LCP after the test, g. The vapor permeability of the LCP was
evaluated by a method based on determining the amount of water vapor that passed through 1 cm 2 of
the surface of the free film during the day at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C.
The results of laboratory tests of the LCP are shown in Table 2. Accelerated climatic tests were
carried out in RUE BelNIIS (Minsk) according to the standard method [8], simulating the effect on the
LCP of a combination of climatic factors of a moderate climate (variable cyclic effect of UV radiation,
irrigation with water, freezing-thawing). The studied coatings were applied to cement-sand substrates
in two layers, having previously primed the surface with acrylic dispersion diluted with drinking water
in a ratio of 1:7. The thickness of the dried paintwork was 70-80 microns. Before conducting the studies,
the samples with LCP were kept for 72 hours under standard conditions [6, 7].
Laboratory studies have shown that the developed water-dispersion eco-friendly facade paint based
on a combined film-forming agent has high vapor permeability and low water absorption, which
indicates the formation of a "breathable" paintwork with high hydrophobicity. The combination of such
characteristics determines the high weather resistance of the coating – more than 100 cycles, which is
10 conditional years of operation in a temperate climate, and the adhesion of the LCP to the substrate
after testing is about 90% of the initial (A100 = 0.9 * A0). The high hiding power of the facade paint is
provided by a combination of fillers (ground micro marble and microtalk) and pigment with different
particle shapes.
Thanks to the combined film-forming agent included in the composition of the facade paint
formulation, a high light resistance of the paintwork is achieved, which is the most important indicator
characterizing the resistance of the paintwork to atmospheric influences (exposure to ultraviolet
radiation, atmospheric oxygen, humidity, acid rain, temperature fluctuations) [7].
Results of laboratory tests of the LCP indicator (actual value of the indicator): 1. Appearance of the
film Smooth and homogeneous matte surface; 2. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, % 62.1; 3.
Coverage of the dried film, g/m2 170; 4. pH 9.0; 5. Drying time to degree 3 at a temperature (20±2)° C,
min no more than 40; 6. Degree of grinding, microns 40; 7. Resistance of the coating to static effects of
water, h more than 72; 8. Conditional light resistance (change in diffuse reflection coefficient) after 168
hours of irradiation, % 1.1 (norm – no more than 5); 9. Film washability (resistance to wet abrasion),
g/m2 0.96; 10. Frost resistance of the coating, cycles more than 50; 11. Adhesion of the coating to the
base (concrete), MPa 2.4; 12. Resistance of the coating to climatic factors (weather resistance), cycles
more than 100; 13. Film hardness of the film according to the device U-1, usl.ed 0.21; 14. Vapor
permeability coefficient, mg/m·h·Pa 0.01 (norm - not less than 0.005); 15. Water absorption after 24
hours, % 0.25.
4. Conclusions
Thus, as a result of the development of formulations and laboratory studies, an energy-saving (providing
optimal operating conditions), environmentally complete formulation of paint coatings without organic
solvents, siccatives, toxic components have been developed.
We can say that basalt materials are distinguished by their modernity, economy, strength, resistance
to climatic conditions, ease of processing.
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