Российская академия образования Московский психологосоциальный институт М.А. Богатырёва Учебник английского языка для неязыковых гуманитарных вузов Начальный этап обучения 2-е издание, стереотипное Рекомендовано Редакционноиздательским Советом Российской академии образования к использованию в качестве учебного пособия Москва Издательство «Флинта» Московский психологосоциальный институт 2011 ÓÄÊ 811.111(075) ÁÁÊ 81.2Англ-923 Б73 Серия «Библиотека студента» Г л а в н ы й р е д а к т о р Д.И. Фельдштейн Заместитель главного редактора С.К. Бондырева Ч л е н ы р е д а к ц и о н н о й к о л л е г и и: А.Г. Асмолов, В.А. Болотов, В.П. Борисенков, А.А. Деркач, А.И. Донцов, И.В. Дубровина, М.И. Кондаков, В.Г. Костомаров, Н.Н. Малофеев, Н.Д. Никандров, В.А. Поляков, В.В. Рубцов, Э.В. Сайко Р е ц е н з е н т ы: д-р пед. наук, проф., Академик Международной Академии Информации Э.А. Штульман д-р пед. наук, проф. Н.Д. Гальскова канд. пед. наук, проф. Л.П. Смирнова Богатырёва М.А. Учебник английского языка для неязыковых гуманитарных вузов. НачальБ73 ный этап обучения [электронный ресурс] / М.А. Богатырёва. – 2-е изд., сте реотип. – М. : Флинта : МПСИ, 2011. — 640 с. ISBN 978-5893497113 (Флинта) ISBN 978-5895027585 (МПСИ) Настоящий учебник, адресованный студентам гуманитарных факультетов неязы ко вых вузов, состоит из Вводного и Базового курсов. Вводный курс направлен на освоение студентами звукографической системы английского языка, необходимой для развития у них начальных умений и навыков устной и письменной речи, чтения и аудирования. С этой же целью в учебник включены дополнительные аудитивные материалы, которые озвучиваются преподавателем в ходе урока. Одной из задач Базового курса является формирование у обучаемых социокультурной компетенции, умение преодолевать сбои в общении с носителями иных культур. Не случайно поэтому в основу Базового курса положены аутентичные англоязычные источники, отражающие современное языковое сознание носителей языка. Обеспечивая выход в наиболее типичные ситуации межкультурного общения, учебник может быть рекомендован не только студентам неязыковых гуманитарных вузов. Книга доступна старшим лицеистам, слушателям курсов иностранных языков, а так же всем тем, кто желает изучать английский язык самостоятельно. ÓÄÊ 811.111(075) ÁÁÊ 81.2Англ-923 ISBN 978-5893497113 (Флинта) ISBN 978-5895027585 (МПСИ) © Èçäàòåëüñòâî «Ôëèíòà», 2011 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Предлагаемый учебник предназначен студентам, начинающим изучение английского языка на гуманитарных и экономических факультетах неязыковых вузов. Вместе с тем книга адресуется самому широкому кругу взрослых обучаемых, желающих успешно решать производственные задачи в избранной ими сфере профессиональной иноязычной коммуникации. Учебное издание состоит из Вводного и Базового курсов, рассчитанных в общей сложности на 200 академических часов, и содержит более тысячи единиц общеупотребительной англоязычной лексики, включая географические названия и служебные слова. Основной целью учебника является формирование у обучающихся коммуникативной компетенции, предполагающей следующие умения: выделять тему и цель беседы в свободном потоке речи на английском языке; читать несложные тексты различной жанровостилевой направленности; составлять с опорой на образец письма личного, полу и официального характера; заполнять несложные документы анкетного типа; устанавливать и поддерживать контакты в сферах профессионального и неформального общения. Вводный курс состоит из двенадцати уроков, к которым прилагаются ключи к проверочным упражнениям, грамматический справочник и словарь активной лексики. Каждый урок имеет четырёхчастную структуру и делится на 1) фонетический, 2) грамматический, 3) текстовый и 4) тестовый разделы. В конце каждого урока помещен список активной лексики урока. Особое значение придаётся осмыслению фонетиколексикограмматической структуры языка. Реализация речевых намерений адресата осуществляется через микродиалоги, позволяющие увязать грамматические образцы с теми коммуникативными функциями, которым они приданы. Базовый курс состоит из шести уроков. В связи с расширением учебнометодических задач несколько видоизменяется структура урока. Урок включает: 1) грамматический, 2) текс3 товый, 3) функциональный и 4) тестовый разделы и завершается списком активной лексики урока. Поскольку печатные тексты содержат не весь лексический минимум, подлежащий изучению, то часть слов вводится и закрепляется в ситуациях речевого общения под рубрикой “Remember!”. Другая часть, направленная на формирование пассивного словаря студентов, помещена под рубрикой “Note!”. В качестве методической доминанты в технологии построения учебника выступают задания, направленные на сопоставление исходной и изучаемой культур. Тематикоситуативное разнообразие курса и социокультурный принцип организации учебного материала призваны обеспечить профессиональную мотивацию и развитие эмпатических способностей обучаемых даже при достижении относительно невысокого уровня владения языком. Автор приносит благодарность кандидату филологических наук, профессору И.К. Кочетковой за ценные замечания, высказанные в ходе разработки пробного варианта учебника в Дипломатической академии МИД РФ. Особую признательность автор выражает ректорату АТиСО, кандидату экономических наук, профессору Т.В. Гришиной за содействие в подготовке учебника к печати, желает всем обучаемым успехов в работе с новой книгой и обретения прочных знаний. Автор СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ __________________________________ 3 ВВОДНЫЙ КУРС ВВЕДЕНИЕ _______________________________________ 11 UNIT 1. GREETINGS (Приветствие) ______________________ 17 Фонетика. Дифтонги и долгие гласные в I (открытом) типе ударного слога. Kраткие гласные во II (закрытом) типе ударного слога. Чтение буквосочетаний ck, ch, tch, sh, ph, th и буквы с. Гласная “у” в начале слов. Грамматика. Личные, указательные и притяжательные местоимения. Глагол to be. Простое предложение. Общий вопрос. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Понятие об артикле. Место прилагательного в предложении. Предлоги from, in для выражения падежных отношений. Текст. My Office. Ролевая игра. Неофициальное знакомство. UNIT 2. PERSONAL INFORMATION (Анкетные данные)__________________ 30 Фонетика. Долгие гласные в III типе ударного слога. Гласные в безударном положении перед r. Сочетание kn в начале слов и чтение s в конце слов. Чтение x в зависимости от положения в слове. Грамматика. Вопросы к именной части сказуемого типа: What are these?/those? What’s your job?/address? Множественное число существительных. Предлоги места on, near, at, under, below, above и предлоги of, for для выражения падежных отношений. Текст. At the Conference. Ролевая игра. Регистрация в гостинице. UNIT 3. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS (Пригласите друзей) _________________ 44 Фонетика. Чтение “о” в различных сочетаниях. Cогласные “g” и “j”. Буквосочетания ng, nk. 5 Грамматика. Разделительный вопрос. Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения. Предлоги about, with для выражения падежных отношений. Текст. A Letter from London. Ролевая игра. Приглашение. UNIT 4. FAMILY CIRCLE (Семейный круг) ____________________ 59 Фонетика. Чтение согласной “r” на стыке слов перед гласной. Гласная “о” перед m, n, v, th. Чтение гласной “a” перед th / f / n / s + согласная. Грамматика. Глагол have (got). Неопределённые местоимения all, some, any, no. Альтернативный вопрос. Притяжательный падеж имён существительных. Текст. A Big Problem. Ролевая игра. Семейный альбом. UNIT 5. WHY I LOVE THIS CITY (За что я люблю этот город) ____________73 Фонетика. Дифтонги в IV типе ударного слога. Чтение буквосочетания ch [k]. Грамматика. Конструкция there is/are. Наречия a lot of, many, few, a few. Количественные числительные от 20. Предлоги места next to, between, opposite, behind, in front of. Специальные вопросы типа: How many…? Тексты. Text A: English Homes. Text B: Four Blocks from the White House. Ролевая игра. Аренда квартиры. UNIT 6. A LETTER FROM GOLDEN BEACH (Письмо с Золотого пляжа) ____________ 92 Фонетика. Чтение “w” в различных условиях. Сочетания au / aw / al + согласная. Грамматика. The Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее продолженное время). Специальные вопросы типа: What is / are… like? Порядковые числительные. Предлоги времени at, on, in. Тексты. Text A: A Letter Home. Text B: Scotland. Ролевая игра. Накануне отъезда. 6 UNIT 7. A TYPICAL DAY (Обычный день) ____________________ 113 Фонетика. Гласный [e]. Повторение и обобщение. Чтение qu в сочетании с а, ar. Грамматика. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений. The Present Simple Tense (Настоящее простое время). Специальные вопросы типа: How often…? What colour / make / size…? Именные придаточные предложения. Тексты. Text A: My Working Day. Text B: A Day in the Life of the Queen. Ролевая игра. Устройство на работу. UNIT 8. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT? (Где можно поесть?) _________________137 Фонетика. Дифтонг [qV]. Повторение и обобщение. Грамматика. Оборот “would like (to do)” для выражения предпочтений. Наречия much, little, a little. Специальные вопросы типа: How much…? Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения Тексты. Text A: Have a Break! Text B: Harrods. Ролевая игра. В ресторане. UNIT 9. WORK AND LEISURE (Работа и досуг) ____________________ 158 Фонетика. Редукция гласных в предударном и послеударном слогах. Дифтонг [eI]. Повторение и обобщение. Грамматика. Специальные вопросы к подлежащему и дополнению. Модальные глаголы can, may. Отнoсительные местоимения who, that, which. Тексты. Text A: What Are They Interested In? Text B: Time off. Ролевая игра. Выходные дни. UNIT 10. A BUSINESS TRIP (Деловая поездка) __________________ 180 Фонетика. Согласные [C], [S], [Z]. Грамматика. Модальное выражение “have to”. Cпециальные вопросы типа: How long does it take…? 7 Тексты. Text A: The Age of the Train. Text B: London’s Heathrow. Ролевая игра. Поездка в аэропорт. UNIT 11. LET ME REMEMBER (Дайте мне вспомнить) ______________ 199 Фонетика. Смещение ударного слога. Дифтонг [aI]. Повторение и обобщение. Грамматика. Глагол “to be” в простом прошедшем времени. Cокращённые утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа: So was I. / Neither was I. Тексты. Text A: Hill Street Blues. Text B: The Global Newspaper. Ролевая игра. Как это было раньше. UNIT 12. INTERVIEWS, INTERVIEWS (Интервью, интервью) ______________ 217 Фонетика. Ударение в многосложных словах. Грамматика. The Present Continuous Tense для обозначения будущего времени. Конструкция going tо. Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения. Тексты. Text A: Tawley Arts Festival – Another Canne? Text B: Classical Music Still Rocks Our World. Ролевая игра. Фестиваль популярной музыки (повторение). GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENT ________________________ 237 SELF$STUDY ___________________________________ 274 ACTIVE VOCABULARY ____________________________ 295 БАЗОВЫЙ КУРС UNIT 13. ENTER THE WORLD OF ARTS (Окунитесь в мир искусства) _________ 326 Грамматика. Past Simple, past modals. Reflexive pronouns. Infinitive of purpose. Repoted speech. Тексты. Word building: Suffixes er, ist, ian, ant. Text A: Success Story. Text B: Exhibitions. Функции. Share your impressions. A letter of thanks. Ролевая игра. Посещение выставки. 8 UNIT 14. TOO MUCH TRAFFIC (Слишком интенсивное движение) ____ 362 Грамматика. Past Continuous. Present participle after verbs of sensation. Modal verbs “must”, “need”. Sequence of tenses. Тексты. Word building: Suffixes (i)ty, ness, ment and tion. Text A: Road Traffic Reduction. Text B: Safety to Pedestrians. Функции. Make sure you don’t get lost. A letter of inquiry. Ролевая игра. Дорожнотранспортное происшествие. UNIT 15. FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Первые впечатления) _______________ 396 Грамматика. Modal verb “should”. Degrees of comparison of adjectives / adverbs. The use of articles with place nouns. Тексты. Word building: Prefixes in , un , im , ir , il. Text A: Charlie Chaplin, Movie Star. Text B: Ahead of Its Time. Функции. Don’t turn me down. A letter of invitation. Ролевая игра. Различие и сходство двух культур. UNIT 16. BRUSH UP YOUR ENGLISH (Восполни знание языка) ____________ 436 Грамматика. Articles: general rules and exceptions. Contact Clauses. Past Participle. Present Perfect. Present Perfect Continuous. Тексты. Word building: Suffixes en, fy and ize. Text A: The Other Side of the Moon. Text B: Trinity. Функции. Let’s arrange a meeting. A business letter: Making an appointment. Ролевая игра. Программа рабочего визита. UNIT 17. ALL WE NEED IS REASON AND TOLERANCE (Все, что нам нужно — это разум и терпимость) ___________________________482 Грамматика. Future Simple. Future modals. “If and whenclauses”. Future in the Past. Articles with countable/uncountable nouns. Тексты. Word building: Suffixes ful and less, prefix re Text A: The World Conservation Movement. Text B: Walking in the Wood. Функции. Do you think it’ll get warmer? A business letter: a followup. Ролевая игра. На конференции. 9 UNIT 18. THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL (Мысли широко, действуй конкретно) ________________________ 524 Грамматика. Compounds of “some”, “any”, “no”, “every”. Complex object with the infinitive. Have something done. Тексты. Word building: Suffixes al, able, ability. Text A: Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Text B: Britain’s National Figures. Функции. A dialogue of cultures. A business letter: сonsolidation. Ролевая игра. Организация круглого стола на тему “Человечество в XXI веке”. GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENT __________________________ 564 SELF$ STUDY _____________________________________ 600 ACTIVE VOCABULARY ____________________________ 616 ВВОДНЫЙ КУРС ВВЕДЕНИЕ В этом разделе вы ознакомитесь с краткими сведениями о фонетической системе английского языка. Английский алфавит 1. Разучите английский алфавит. Обратите внимание на основные знаки фонетической транскрипции. а) Прослушайте, как произносятся буквы английского алфавита и повторяйте их за диктором. THE ABC Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg [eI] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [ef] [dZi:] Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll MmNnOo Pp [eIC] [aI] [dZeI] [keI] [el] [em] [en] [qV] [pi:] Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww [kju:] [R] [es] [ti:] [ju:] [vi:] [dAblju:] Xx Yy Zz [eks] [waI] [zed] b) В некоторых буквах встречаются одинаковые звуки. В каких? Прослушайте запись еще раз и разделите все буквы алфавита на несколько групп. a b f i q 11 Чтение согласных 2. Проследите, какой звук передает каждая из согласных букв английского алфавита. Согласные буквы и звуки B [b] H [h] N [n] T [t] C [s], [k] J [dZ] P [p] V [v] D [d] K [k] Q [kw ] W [w ] F [f] L [l] R [r] X [k s], [g z] G [dZ], [g] M [m ] S [s] Z [z] Классификация гласных 3. В следующей таблице обратите внимание на несоответствие английских гласных букв тому количеству звуков, которое они передают. Гласные буквы А Краткие Е Долгие I О U Y Дифтонги* Гласные звуки [I] [e] [P] [x ] [V] [A] [q] [i:] [R] [L] [u:] [E:] [eI] [aI] [qV] [aV] [OI][Iq] [eq] [Vq] * Дифтонги – это сочетание двух гласных в пределах одного слога: [eI], [aV], [Vq], в котором первый элемент произносится более отчетливо и называется ядром дифтонга, а второй, менее напряженный, называется скольжением. Примечание. В английском языке долгота или краткость гласных является смыслоразличительной. Замена краткого звука долгим или наоборот может привести к смешению значений слов и в целом – к потере смысла высказывания. Сравните: [SIp] – корабль, [Si:p] – овца 12 Чтение гласной буквы в английском языке зависит от ее ударной или неударной позиции в слове и от типа слогов, которые бывают открытыми и закрытыми. Открытым называется слог, оканчивающийся на гласную букву. Закрытым называется слог, оканчивающийся на согласную букву. Выделяют 4 основных типа ударного слога. Типы ударного слога 4. Прочтите данные характеристики и попытайтесь объяснить, чем эти типы слога отличаются друг от друга. Первый (открытый) тип слога Гласная в открытом типе слога сохраняет свое алфавитное звучание, т.е. передается долгим звуком или дифтонгом: – в конце слова, если она является единственной гласной буквой в слове: so [sqV]; – в односложных словах, оканчивающихся на немое е, которое обычно не читается: mine [main], tone [tqVn], game [geIm]; – в словах типа table [teIbl], в которых ударная гласная отделена от немого е двумя согласными, одна из которых – l. Примечание. Гласные произносятся: а) длительнее всего в односложных словах, если за ними не следуют согласные: my [m ai], mе [m i:]; б) более длительно перед сонантами (1, m, n) и звонкими согласными, чем перед глухими согласными. Сравните: say [seI] – same [seIm] – sake [seik]. Второй (закрытый) тип слога Гласная буква в закрытом слоге читается кратко в следующих положениях: – в односложных словах, оканчивающихся на одну или несколько согласных: ten [ten], tent [tent]; – если ударная гласная отделена от последующей гласной двумя или тремя согласными: middle [mIdl], kettle [ketl]. 13 Заметьте, что двойные согласные читаются как один звук. Примечание. Глухие согласные [р,t,k] произносятся с придыханием в начале слов, если им не предшествует согласный s. Сравните: till [tIl] – still [stIl]. Третий тип слога Правила чтения гласных перед конечной буквой r или перед r + согласная объединяются в так называемый третий тип (ударного) слога. Буква r после гласной не читается, но она придает этой гласной иное звучание, чем то, которое эта гласная имеет в ударных слогах, читающихся по первому или второму типу слога. Так, гласная a перед конечной согласной r (или r + согласная) передается долгим [R], например: bar [bR], bark [bRk]. Четвертый тип слога Сочетания типа гласная + r + гласная объединяются в четвертый тип слога. Например: bare [beq], care [keq]. Таблица произношения английских гласных в четырех типах слога I type II type III type IV type а е name [eI] he [i:] man [x] pen [e] part [pRt] her [E:] care [k eq] here [Iq] i/y time [aI] by pin [I] gym firm [E:] myrtle fire [a iq] tyre о u home [qV] tube [ju:] June [u:] box [P] bus [A] sport [L] turn [E:] more [L] pure [jVq] 14 Интонация и ритм английской речи Для ритма английской речи характерно то, что ударные слоги в предложении произносятся через более или менее равные промежутки времени. Чем больше безударных слогов, тем быстрее они будут произноситься. Интонация в сочетании с грамматической структурой предложения и его лексическим составом является важным средством выражения высказывания. Важным элементом правильного звукового оформления предложения является также интонация. В понятие интонации входят следующие компоненты: речевая мелодия, фразовое ударение, темп и тембр голоса. Are you A/merican or PBritish? Вы американец или британец? Основную трудность для начинающих изучать английский язык представляет членение предложений на ритмикоинтонационные группы, совпадающие с синтагмами. Предложения обычно делятся на минимальные, неделимые далее части, в которых невозможно отделить одно слово от другого, не нарушая смысла. Подобные словосо четания выражают связь между двумя или несколькими понятиями или группами понятий, но не передают закон ченной мысли. Такие смысловые группы называются синтагмами. При интонационной разметке текста границы синтагмы обозначаются вертикальной чертой: No /pains, | no Pgains. Без труда нет добра. Синтагмы могут быть начальными, серединными и конечными. В первых двух видах синтагм обычно употреб ляется восходящий тон, а в конечной синтагме тон обусловлен коммуникативным типом предложения, т. е. повествование ли это, вопрос, распоряжение и т. д. Как видим, предложение может делиться на три смысловые группы Those two / businessmen | are Nhere | for the Pconference. Тe два бизнесмена находятся здесь для участия в конференции. 15 Таким образом, при чтении данного предложения после слов businessmen и here можно сделать паузу. Ритмикоинтонационное оформление предложения долж но объединять входящие в него синтагмы в единый интонационный рисунок. UNIT 1 GREETINGS Приветствие Как спросить? Вы американка? Как вас зовут? ФОНЕТИКА Дифтонги и долгие гласные в I (открытом) типе ударного слога. Краткие гласные во II (закрытом) типе ударного слога. Чтение буквосочетаний ck, ch, tch, sh, ph, th и буквы “с”. Гласная “y” в начале слов. ГРАММАТИКА Личные, притяжательные и указательные местоимения. Глагол to be. Простое предложение. Общий вопрос. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Понятие об артикле. Место прилагательного в предложении. Предлоги from, in для выражения падежных отношений. См. Приложение, с. 237. Study unit 1 and roleplay. Изучив урок 1, исполните данные роли. В университете вы знакомитесь со студентами, приехавшими изза рубежа. Ваша встреча проходит в неофициальной обстановке. Вы Поздоровайтесь. Зарубежный студент Ответьте на приветствие. Представьте себя и своего спутника. Скажите, откуда вы родом. Назовите свое имя. Добавьте, что рады знакомству. Уточните, кто по национальности ваш новый друг. 17 Выразите восхищение тем, что собеседник хорошо говорит поанглийски. Ответьте. Пожелайте гостю удачного дня. Попрощайтесь. Section I Выскажите ответное пожелание. LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE УЧИТЕСЬ ПРОЗНОСИТЬ, КАК АНГЛИЧАНЕ 1. Прочтите за диктором слова в правой колонке таблицы. Проследите, какими буквами и буквосочетаниями передаются произносимые гласные под ударением. а ai аy Таблица чтения гласных по первому (открытому) типу ударного слога сase, late, name, date, plane, [eI] mail, main, tail, pain, saint, may, pay, gay, day, today* i/y i+ld [aI] i+nd hi, my, nine, fine, like, side, kind, mind, mild, find, bind о o+ld [qV] oa no, note, home, bone, dome, old, cold, fold, hold, sold oat, boat, coat, load, soap e ee ea u oo u ew he, me, she, Pete, theme, these, keep, seek, tree, three, need, free, tea, neat, leave, read, speak rule, June, July, blue, clue, too, spoon, food, fool, school use, unit, music, student, computer new, few, stew, dew, view [i:] [u:] [ju:] * В данном учебном пособии ударение в многосложных словах проставлено только тогда, когда оно не падает на первый слог. 18 2. Произнесите слова, в которых ударные гласные читаются по типу закрытого слога. Проследите, каким буквам в левой колонке соответствуют эти гласные. Закрытый тип слога i/y e o a u oo [I] [e] [P] [x] [A] [V] sit, kill, mint, Italy, hymn, system desk, send, tent, lesson, bell, egg not, hot, dog, spot, coffee, office bag, map, man, fan, hat, hand, happy us, bus, but, must, study, cut, begun Перед k: look, book, took, cook 3. При чтении следующих пар слов старайтесь не оглушать звонкие согласные в конце слов. [t ] – [d ] sat — sad set — said let — led site — side spent — spend [k ] – [g ] lock — log clock — clog dock — dog tack — tag pick — pig 4. Произнесите слова из правой части таблицы, обращая внимание на правила чтения буквы “с” и буквосочетаний, расположенных слева. Чтение буквосочетаний ck, ch, tch, th, sh, ph ck ch/tch sh ph th th c [k] [tS] [S] [f] [T] [D] [s] back, sick, Dick, ticket, pocket such, chest, chain, catch, kitchen, French shop, shock, shade, fish, Finnish phone, telephone, photo, phi losophy myth, thick, thin, thug, fifth, faith this, that, they, them, than, then Перед гласными е, i, у: c [k] rice, price, cell, city, cycle, race, nice cup, cat, cope, act, case, cricket 19 5. При чтении данных слов следите за правильным произношением буквосочетаний, содержащихся в таблице задания № 4. Сheck, stock, pace, thick, pocket, lack, chime, racket, bathe, o’clock, crash, pick, China, patch, shut, chase, selfish, Spanish, shy. 6. Прочтите эти словосочетания. Обратите внимание на зубную артикуляцию согласных перед звуком [D]: in(this, in(that, and(they, and(this, and(that, at(this, at(that, tell(this, tell(that it’s(this, it’s(that, is(this, is(that, has(this, has(that This is(the same. Is(this the same? 7. Произнесите за диктором слова, начинающиеся с буквы “y”. Чтение гласной “у” в начале слова [j] yes, yet, yap, yam, yoke, yoga, yelk, yelp, beyond 8. При выполнении данного фонетического задания проследите за ударением.* * Под фразовым ударением подразумевается выделение голосом слов в предложении. В отличие от русского предложения, в котором все слова являются ударными, в английской речи много неударных элементов: артикли, предлоги, союзы, частицы, глаголысвязки др. coffee, hot coffee, his hot coffee, a dog, a big dog, his big dog Maybe / rain, | maybe snow, | Maybe / yes, | maybe no. A black cat | sat on а / mat | And ate | a fat rat. 20 Time is money. Live and learn. 9. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Lunch, photo, film, block, Los Angeles, sofa, goal, symbol, stand, rocket, shock, coffee, match, boss, finish, office, crystal, lamp, copy, CocaCola, boom, case, type, pilot, Britain, British. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR АКЦЕНТ НА ГРАММАТИКУ Set 1 Making Friends Новые друзья 10. диалоги. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие 1. А. Привет. Я Грег. A. Hello, I’m* Greg. What’s your name? Как тебя зовут? B. Elvis. B. Элвис. A. Pleased to meet А. Рад you. познакомиться. * Вспомогательный глагол to be в данном типе предложений не переводится. В разговорной речи используются сокращенные формы глагола to be. Глагол to be Я Ты Он Она Оно Вы Мы Они I am (I’m) you are (you’re) he is (he’s) she is (she’s) it is (it’s) you are (you’re) we are (we’re) they are (they’re) I am not (I’m not) you are not (you aren’t / you’re not) he is not (he isn’t / he’s not) she is not (she isn’t / she’s not) it is not (it isn’t / it’s not) you are not (you aren’t / you’re not) we are not (we aren’t / we’re not) they are not (they aren’t / they’re not) 21 2. A. Hi, Keith! B. Hi, David! A. How are you? B. Fine, thanks. And you? A. I’m O.K. А. Привет, Кейт! B. Здравствуй, Дейвид! A.Как поживаешь? B. Прекрасно, спасибо. А ты? A. У меня всё в порядке. Запомните! and – а, и (союз) this – этот (указат. местоимение) that – тот (указат. местоимение) Притяжательные местоимения I he she it This is Mr. Smith. 3. A. Good morning, Linda. B. Morning, Tony. A. Linda, this is Mr. Smith. He’s British and he’s from London. B. Welcome to Moscow! my – мой, моя his – его her – её its – его, её (неодушевл.) 22 our – наш your – ваш their – их A. Доброе утро, Линда. B. Доброе утро, Тоуни. A. Линда, это гн Смит. Он британец и приехал из Лондона. B. Добро пожаловать в Москву! This is John and that is Linda. 4. A. Good bye. B. Bye, John. See you soon. A. Have a nice day! we you they A. До свидания. B. До свидания, Джон. До скорой встречи. A. Удачного тебе дня! B. Thanks and the same to you. B. Спасибо и тебе тоже. 11. Работа в парах. Представьте другу своего британского коллегу. Будьте вежливы. 12. Используя данную таблицу, составьте как можно больше предложений. Переведите их на русский язык. They You That He I Her name This We Its name Kevin. America. Jean. Moscow. from Britain. O.K. Russian. [rA Sqn] Jack. Tina and Kevin. am is are 13. Вставьте микродиалоги. недостающие слова в следующие 1. А: My name’s Philip. I ___ from Los Angeles. B: Hi! Nice to meet you. 2. A: What ____ your name? B: Olga. I ____ from Russia. 3. A: This ____ Sam. He ____ from New York. B: Hi, Sam. How ____ you? A: I ____ very well, thanks. 14. Уточните, откуда приехали ваши новые друзья. Example: Is Kurt from Bonn? Yes, he is. He’s from Bonn. Is Jim from Bonn? No, he isn’t. He’s from London. Структура общего вопроса Is/Are + подлежащее + …? Требует ответа yes (да) или no (нет). 23 15. Прочитайте следующий диалог и воспроизведите его в лицах. A: Are you Sylvester Stallone? B: No, I’m not. A: Oh! Are you Frank Sinatra? B: No, I’m not. I’m Bond – James Bond. 15a. Выберите себе персонаж. Остальные студенты должны отгадать ваше имя и откуда вы родом. Set 2 Naming objects Наименование предметов 16. Укажите на любой предмет на картинке. Узнайте у cвоего коллеги, как он называется по/английски, и попросите проговорить это слово по буквам (задание выполняется по образцу на с. 25). 24 a bag a pen a pencil a map a book a notebook a case a coat a tie money a cup Example: What’s this / that? Что это такое? It’s a tie. Это галстук. Spell it, please. Проговорите это по буквам. “T” “i” “e”. Исчисляемые существительные a friend [fre n d ] — друг а — неопределенный артикль; его фонетический вариант an употреб ляется перед существительными, начинающимися с гласного: an apple [qn x p l] — яблоко Неисчисляемые существительные life — жизнь, time — время 17. Запомните следующие противоположным значением. Запомните! good (хороший) new [nju:] (новый) hot (горячий) full (полный) thick (толстый) small (маленький) a telephone антонимы – слова с Remember! — bad (плохой) — old (старый) — cold (холодный) — empty (пустой) — thin (тонкий) — big, large (большой) [la:G ] Имя прилагательное Английское прилагательное не изменяется по числам и родам: a nice flat — прекрасная квартира Вставьте, где это необходимо, пропущенные артикли “а” или “an”. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык. 1. a good friend 2 ___ cold CocaCola 3 ___ new lamp 4 ___ apple 5 ___ old film 6 ___ thin notebook 7 ___ empty cup 8 ___ full life 9 ___ hot coffee 10 ___ bad copy 25 18. Используя список прилагательных к заданию 17, опишите предметы классного обихода по заданному образцу. Example: This is a bag. Is this bag old? No, it’s new.* Указательные местоимения this/that являются значимыми словами, но в функции определения они безударны: this large office – этот большой офис that happy man – тот счастливый человек * В данном случае личное местоимение употребляется вместо существительного, обозначающего предмет, и на русский язык переводится в зависимости от рода русского существительного он / она / оно. 19. Игра “Угадай”. Один студент загадывает предмет, а другие, задавая наводящие вопросы, пытаются его отгадать. Выигрывает тот, кто знает больше прилагательных. A: Is it hot? / cold? / thick? / thin? / large? / small? / empty? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. A: Is this a …? B: No, it isn’t. A: What’s this? Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS ЧИТАЙТЕ И ОБСУЖДАЙТЕ ПРОЧИТАННОЕ 20. Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Remember! a room [ru:m] – комната in – в (предлог) but – но (союз) light [laIt] – светлый very [verI] – очень polite [pqlaIt] – вежливый My Office Hello. My name’s Steve. I’m British and I’m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It’s a small room, but it’s 26 light. My friend Alex isn’t British, he’s Russian. His English is very good. Alex is nice and polite. Well, goodbye! Have a nice day! 21. Задания. a) Просмотрите текст и ответьте на следующий вопрос. Is Steve American? b) Прочтите данные положения и скажите, соответствуют ли они содержанию текста. Yes or no? Steve is from Russia. His friend Alex is American. The room in his office is light. His Russian is very good. It’s a very large room. Alex is a nice and polite man. c) Расспросите собеседников о Стиве и его российском коллеге. 22. Разыграйте ролевую игру на с. 17. Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СВОИ ЗНАНИЯ Test 1 1. Заполните эти диалоги соответствующей формой глагола to be. 1. 2. ___ 3. A. Are you American, Kim? B. Yes, I ____ . I ____ from New York. A. ____ they British? B. No, they ____. He ___ Russian and his friend American. A. Hello. I ____ Daniella and her name ____ Sue. B. ____ you from London? A. No, we ____ . We ____ from Leeds. 2. Переведите данные словосочетания на английский язык. 27 1. тонкий карандаш __________________________________ 2. тот приятный человек ______________________________ 3. толстая тетрадь ____________________________________ 4. эта пустая квартира ________________________________ 5. хороший фильм ___________________________________ 6. полная чашка _____________________________________ 7. плохой кофе ______________________________________ 8. холодная кокакола ________________________________ 9. та большая карта __________________________________ 10. старый друг ______________________________________ 3. Опишите 4 знакомых вам предмета следующим образом. This is a case. The case is new. It’s big. 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 4. Переведите следующий текст на английский язык. Доброе утро. Меня зовут Андрей. Я русский, родом из Москвы. Это мой новый друг. Его зовут Фил. Он американец, приехал из НьюЙорка. Мы рады знакомству с Филом. Он приятный и вежливый человек, хорошо говорит порусски. До свидания. Удачного вам дня! ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 28 Word List (Unit 1) friend from full A America American apple G good B bad bag be big black book boss Britain British but H happy he hello her hi his hot how I C case coat CocaCola coffee cold copy cup D day E empty F fact film fine flat in it its L N name new New York nice notebook thick thin this tie V very O office OK old our P pen pencil photo polite W we well what Y you your R room Russia Russian lamp S large same light she London small Los Angeles spell M T man tea map telephone meet thanks money that morning their Moscow they my 29 UNIT 2 PERSONAL INFORMATION Анкетные данные ФОНЕТИКА Долгие гласные в III типе ударного слога. Гласные в безударном положении перед r. Сочетание kn в начале слов и чтение s в конце слов. Чтение x в зависимости от положения в слове. ГРАММАТИКА Вопросы к именной части сказуемого типа: What are these / those? What’s your job? / address? Множественное число существительных Предлоги места on, near, at, under, below, above и предлоги of, for для выражения падежных отношений. Как спросить? Кем вы работаете? См. Приложение, с. 242. Study unit 2 and roleplay. Изучив урок 2, исполните данные роли. Для вас забронирован номер в одной из европейских гостиниц. Вы подходите к стойке администратора. Вы Поздоровайтесь и скажите, что вы находитесь здесь для участия в конференции. SURNAME: FIRST NAME(S): AGE: CITY: COUNTRY: HOME ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: Baker Kathy 19 Bournemouth England 60 Castle Road 01202\876523 Администратор Спросите приезжего, как его зовут. Ответьте. Попросите иностранца произнести его фамилию по буквам. 30 Выполните эту просьбу. Задайте гостю вопросы о том, откуда он приехал (страна, город), уточните его домашний адрес и телефон. Расскажите о себе. Узнайте о его семейном положении, возрасте и профессии. Ответьте администратору. Отдайте гостю ключ от номера. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE УЧИТЕСЬ ПРОИЗНОСТЬ, КАК АНГЛИЧАНЕ 1. Прочтите за диктором слова, помещенные в таблицу. Обратите внимание на длительность звучания гласных. Третий тип ударного слога, прикрытый r в конце слова или r перед согласной a+r [R] car, star, arm, park, arc, mark o+r [L] or, for, door, short, form, New York e+r [E:] her, herb, term, serve, perfect i+r [E:] sir, first, girl, birth, shirt u+r [E:] fur, turn, burn, hurt, church, Burma 2. Произнесите эти слова. Помните, что гласный [q] становится полудолгим для компенсации непроизносимого конечного “r”. Чтение гласных в безударном положении перед “r” ar [q] collar, beggar, grammar, pillar, liar er or ur [q] [q] [q] reader, differ, broker,* chapter, waiter minor, major, tailor, tutor, razor murmur, pursue * Суффиксы существительных or, er зачастую означают деятеля: doctor, dealer, photographer. 31 3. Повторяйте за диктором следующие слова. Помните, что буква “k” в начале слов перед “n” не читается. Чтение буквосочетания “kn” kn [n] knap, knag, knack, knick, knit, knell, knob, knot, knock, knave, knife, knout, knight, knee, kneel, knead, knur, knop 4. Прочтите нижеприведенные слова. Следите за правильным произнесением согласной “x” в зависимости от положения в слове. Чтение согласной “x” x x [k s] [gz] box, fix, next, lynx, sphinx, text e xit, e xist, e xample, e xhibit 5. Прочитайте слова в правой колонке таблицы. Обратите внимание на три типа произношения конечной согласной “s”. Чтение буквы “s” в конце слова “s” в конце слова [s] [z] [Iz] pipes, plates, chaps, desks, looks, shifts, clocks, students ties, studies, plays, dogs, girls, pins, aims, hours, houses [h a V zIz] faces, places, voices, watches, porches, matches, losses, pledges 6. При чтении следующих английских пословиц cледите за правильным произношением буквы "s" в конце слов. Deeds, | not words. No /pains, | no gains. So many /men, | so many столько minds. Friends | are thieves of time. No news | is good \ news. 32 Нужны дела, а не слова. Без труда нет добра. Сколько голов – умов. Друзья – воры твоего времени. Отсутствие новостей – хорошая новость. 7. В данном четверостишии старайтесь произносить звук [w] энергично. Why do you cry, / Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy, why, / Willy, | Why, Willy, why? 8. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Park, actor, doctor, taxi, person, student, fax, dentist, group, hotel, secret, banker, Hollywood, centre, address, seminar, Germany, pizza, conference, re porter, , natio nality, journalist, de signer, e conomist, , engi neer, business, businessman, manager, city, , university, hot dog. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR АКЦЕНТ НА ГРАММАТИКУ Set 1 Talk about Jobs Поговорим о профессиях 9. Выберите себе занятие из списка профессий и предложите воспользоваться данным списком своим друзьям. Remember! a teacher – учитель an accountant – бухгалтер Example: I’m a journalist and you? teacher doctor student designer businessman accountant 33 10. Поинтересуйтесь, чем занимается ваш собеседник. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью. Example: A. Are you a ,uni'versity student? B. No, I’m not. A. What’s your job? B. I’m a doctor. actor banker dentist e conomist manager engineer 11. Скажите, кто эти люди, откуда они и кем работают. NAME TOWN COUNTRY JOB Petra Schmidt Hamburg Germany reporter John Davis Leeds England economist Paolo Loretti Rome Italy designer Dmitry Popov St. Petersburg Russia pilot Начните так: This is Petra Schmidt. Set 2 Groups of Objects Обозначение нескольких предметов 12. Прочтите этот диалог. Найдите в тексте случай употребления существительного во множественном числе. Cultural Notes Atlanta is the capital city of the state of Georgia* in the USA. Sheraton is one of a group of large expensive (дорогой) hotels. * Предлог “of” в сочетании с существительным (или местоимением) соответствует русскому родительному падежу: столица (чего?) штата Джорджия. Remember! where to / from – куда / откуда sorry [s P rI] – извините 34 on business [bIznIs] – по делу here [h Iq] – здесь Dmitry Popov is in Atlanta. Dmitry: Driver: Dmitry: Driver: Dmitry: Taxi! Good morning, mister. Where to? The Sheraton, please. Which one? There are three Sheratons here* in Atlanta. Oh, sorry. The Sheraton Century [sen C qrI] Driver: Dmitry: Driver: Dmitry: Driver: Center.** OK. Are you here on business? Yes, I am. Where are you from? Russia, St. Petersburg. That’s a nice city. Well, here we are. This is the Sheraton. That’s $ 7.80. Dmitry: Thank you. Keep the change.*** * There are three Sheratons here. Здесь расположены три отеля “Шератон”. ** center – AmE for centre. *** Keep the change. Сдачу оставьте себе. 13. Обсудите информацию, которую вы получили из текста о госте из России. Специальный вопрос 1. What’s his name? / surname? 2. Where is he? 3. Is he from…? 4. _______________ 5. _______________ образуется с помощью прибавления вопросительного слова к общему вопросу. 14. Посмотрите на схему на с. 36 и объясните значения указанных предлогов. a) Задайте друг другу вопросы о местонахождении окружающих вас предметов. Example: Where’s the map? It’s on the wall above the shelf. 35 bag pencil desk textbook photo apple b) Опишите какой/нибудь предмет, перемещая его в классе. Предлоги места above on at in near under below 15. Посмотрите иллюстра/цию. на а) Спросите у партнера, какими столовыми приборами пользуются студенты. Един. число / Множ. число Един. число / Множ. число [s] [z] a plate – plates (тарелки) a spoon – spoons (ложки) a fork – forks (вилки) pizza [pi:tsq] – pizzas a cake – cakes (пирожные) hot dog – hot dogs [Iz] [vz] a place – places (места) a shelf – shelves (полки) an address [q dres] – addresses a knife – knives (ножи) a box – boxes (коробки) a wife – wives (жёны) a watch – watches (часы) a half – halves (половинки) Remember! a man – men a woman – women [w im in] Example: a tooth – teeth (зубы) a foot – feet (ноги) a person – people a child – children (дети) What are these / those in English? They’re knives. b) Опишите положение одних столовых приборов по отношению к другим. 36 Example: Where are the knives? They’re on the tables near the plates. Set 3 Определенный артикль “the” указывает, что существительное обозначает уже знакомый нам предмет. В таких случаях определенный артикль можно заменить указательным местоимением this/these. Слова tables и plates употребляются в конкретной ситуации, и собеседнику понятно, о каких предметах идет речь. Exchange Phone Numbers and Addresses Обменяйтесь адресами и телефонами Listening 16 а) Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие диалоги. Remember! single [sINgl] – холостой married [mxrId] – женатый to see [s J ] – видеть A. B. A. B. A. a family [fxmIlI] – семья at once [wAns] – сразу 1. Frank! How nice to see you! Are you married? No, I’m single. Are you? I’m married. How is your family? How old are the children? What are their names? Not so many questions at once. My son is only two. His name is Dary. We’re very well, thank you. Remember! You`re welcome [welk qm] – пожалуйста Cultural Note В Великобритании телефонные номера произносятся отдельно, с паузами между группами по 3 или 4 цифры в отличие от других стран, где номера произносятся парами. Когда первые две или последние две цифры номера одинаковы, 37 употребляется слово double. 2. A. What’s your address? B. It’s 16, Mill Street. A. What’s your fax / telephone number? B. It’s 307 4922 (three, oh, seven, four, nine, double two). A. Good. Thank you. B. You’re welcome. b) Вы встретили своего зарубежного друга, с которым была потеряна связь. Разыграйте указанную ситуацию в парах. Количественные числительные 0 – zero 1 – one 2 – two 3 – three 4 – four 5 – five 6 – six 7 – seven 8 – eight 9 – nine 10 – ten 11 – eleven 12 – twelve 13 – thirteen 14 – fourteen 15 – fifteen 16 – sixteen 17 – seventeen 18 – eighteen 19 – nineteen 17. Включите в диалог подходящие по смыслу фразы. Воспроизведите в лицах следующий разговор. Remember! a surname [sE:neim] – фамилия goodlooking [, gVdlVkIN] – хорош(а) собой Jannie: What’s his job? Holly: __________________ Jannie: An actor! What’s his surname? Holly: __________________ Jannie: Is he from Hollywood? Holly: __________________ Jannie: He’s very goodlooking. What’s his phone number? Holly: __________________ Jannie: Is he your boyfriend? Holly: __________________ a. Cameron. b. Yes, he is. c. That’s a secret. d. He’s an actor. e. No, he isn’t. He’s from New York. 18. Игра "Угадай". У вас в руках чужая визитная карточка, надпись на которой видите только вы. Пусть коллеги расспросят вас о ее владельце. 38 Узнайте, откуда приехал этот человек (страна и город), как его зовут, кем он работает. Уточните его адрес и номер телефона. 19. Culture Quiz Задайте друг другу вопросы и ответьте на них. 1. Disneyland in Rome? 2. Champagne from France? 3. Ronald and Nancy Reagan teachers? 4. “Graham” a French name? 5. “Argentinian” a nationality? 6. Michael and Janet Jackson married to each other? 7. Pete Sampras a tennis player? Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS ЧИТАЙТЕ И ОБСУЖДАЙТЕ ПРОЧИТАННОЕ 20. Вы находитесь в гостинице. Заполните эту анкету. Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.* Surname ______________________ First name(s ) __________________ Nationality ____________________ City, country ___________________ Job ___________________________ Home address __________________ Phone number __________________ * Mr. – сокращенная форма от вежливого обращения mister. Mrs. – сокращенная форма от слова missis [misiz]. Ms. [miz] – вежливое обращение к женщине в том случае, когда ее семейное положение неизвестно. 21. Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Remember! for a conference [kPnfqrqns] – для участия в конференции now [naV] – теперь, сейчас come and meet [kAmqndmi:t] – подойди и познакомься great [greIt] – здорово 39 At the Conference* На конференции Lena and Victor are from Minsk. They’re in New York for the conference. Victor: Clyde: Victor: Clyde: Jim: Victor: Lena: Jim: Clyde: Hello. Are you here for the conference? Yes, we are. Are you? Yes, I am. My wife and I are journalists. That’s nice. I’m Clyde Jones and this is Jim Blake. Pleased to meet you. Lena! Come and meet these people. Lena, this is Mr. Jones, a businessman. Meet his friend, Mr. Blake. He’s an economist. How do you do!** How do you do! That’s great, Jim. "How do you do." You British are very polite. * Предлог “at” с названиями организаций и зданий передает идею деятельности: at a party / meeting / concert / match. Сравните: She’s in a shop. He’s at the London School of Economics. ** How do you do! Этим приветствием обмениваются при официальном знакомстве. 22. Задания a) Прочитайте диалог про себя. Найдите в тексте диалога предложения, в которых собеседники говорят о своих профессиях. b) Questions. 1. Victor and Lena / economists? 2. What / their jobs? 3. Where / from? 4. Mr. Jones and Mr. Blake / Americans? 5. These people / here for the seminar? 6. They / dentists? 7. What / their jobs? 8. The British / very polite? 23. Разыграйте ситуацию на с. 30. 40 Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СВОИ ЗНАНИЯ Test 2 1. Вместо точек вставьте указательные местоимения this или these. Example: 1 ____ engineer 2 ____ men this desk these maps 3 ____ children 4 ____ foot 5 ____ plates 6 ____ centres Вставьте that или those. Example: 7 ____ places 8 ____ taxi that photo those teeth 9 ____ women 10 ____ person 11 ____ knives 12 ____ watches 2. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. David Mark is here on business. What’s ______ new job? Mr. and Mrs. Miller are in Moscow but _________ son’s in London. We are Russian and _______ friends are American. The dog is very nice. ________ name’s Terry. Mary, spell the word “nationality”, please. _________ English is good. 3. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги: in, from, for, of, at, near. 1. Come and meet Gregory. He’s an engineer ____ a firm ____ Germany. 2. “Are you in Moscow ____ business?” “Yes, I’m here ____ the seminar.” 3. Washington is the capital ____ the USA. 4. Keep this map of Moscow. It’s ____ your British friend. 5. “Charles isn’t ____ the classroom now. Is he ____ the meet ing?” “No, he’s ____ the football match.” 6. “Where’s the box ____ matches?” “It’s ____ the table ______ the cake.” 41 7. 8. Those teachers ____ English are married to each other. Roy is a student ____ Oxford. 4. Переведите следующий диалог на английский язык. A. Извините, как ваша фамилия? ____________________________________________________ B. Нельсон, Роберт Нельсон. ____________________________________________________ А. Вы из Голливуда? ____________________________________________________ B. Нет, из Лондона. Мы врачи. Наша группа прибыла для участия в семинаре. Познакомьтесь, это мой друг Джон Арчер, он дантист. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ А. Очень приятно. Меня зовут Люси Палмер. Где находится ваш отель? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ B. В центре города, в прекрасном месте – рядом с парком. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ А. Вот и такси. Это за вами? Счастливо! ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 42 Word List (Unit 2) A accountant actor address at once family fax feet foot for fork B bank banker be married businessman box O F G Germany goodlooking great group C cake capital centre child children city come conference D dentist designer doctor H half here hot dog hotel economist engineer park people person pizza place plate R reporter S secret see seminar shelf sorry spoon student surname job journalist K knife N nationality near now number W watch P J M manager E on on business U university T taxi teacher teeth these those tooth town 43 UNIT 3 INVITE YOUR FRIENDS Пригласите друзей ФОНЕТИКА Чтение “o” в различных сочетаниях. Согласные “g” и “j”. Буквосочетания ng, nk. ГРАММАТИКА Разделительный вопрос. Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения. Предлоги about, with для выражения падежных отношений. Как предложить? Давайте сходим… См. Приложение, с. 245. Study unit 3 and roleplay. Изучив урок 3, исполните данные роли. Вы на учёбе в Англии. Подошел конец недели. Вам хотелось бы провести свободное время со своим зарубежным коллегой. You Пригласите коллегу съездить в Ливерпульский музей (the Liverpool Museum). Скажите, что это очень интересное место. Тогда предложите посетить Королевский театр. Ответьте, что он расположен в центре столицы. 44 Your foreign partner Поблагодарите. Выразите сожаление, что не любите музеев. Было бы здорово послушать музыку. Уточните, где он находится. Выскажите идею о том, чтобы куратор группы рассказал вам о них. Предложите взглянуть на карту Лондона и найти на ней это место. Затем попросите коллегу рассказать вам об актерах этого театра. Согласитесь. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE УЧИТЕСЬ ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ, КАК АНГЛИЧАНЕ 1. Читайте за диктором слова, помещенные в таблицу. Обратите внимание на то, как произносится буква “o” в различных сочетаниях. Чтение “о” в различных сочетаниях oi oy ow ou ow+er oil, hoist, spoil, joint, avoid, noise boy, toy, ploy, envoy, an noy, Royce [aV] В середине слова: brown, down, town, vowel, cowboy, powder, crowd, downtown [aV] pound, count, ground, thousand, arouse [aVq] shower, power, tower, flower, glower [OI] ou+ r* [aVq] sour, flour, our, hour * В безударном положении ou+r читается как [q]: favour, labour. 2. Следите за плавным переходом от определённого артикля к слову, начинающемуся с гласного. the(outfit the(output the(hour the(ounce the(outlook the(outing 3. Вслед за диктором прочтите следующие слова. Следите за артикуляцией каждого из этих звуков. Чтение согласных букв и буквосочетаний g [G] Перед е, i, у: gin, gym, cage, large, village. Исключение: get, give, begin. j [G] James, jam, job, Joe, jet, joke, object 45 ng [N] ng [Ng] nk [Nk] В конце слов: sing, Peking, thing, evening, strong, meaning В середине cлов: single, jungle, England, Englishman, angle frank, drink, thank, pink, Helsinki 4. Прочитайте нижеприведенные слова и объясните правило чтения, которым вы руководствовались при выборе между [g] и [dg]. Age, gage, wage, change, lodge, huge, college, jug, just, jazz, jelly, jungle, jacket, enjoy, gist, ginger, Geneva, logic, algebra, origin. 5. Произнесите следующие группы слов и обратите внимание на различие в артикуляции звуков. [n] sin ran stun [Nk] sink rank stunk [N] sing rang stung 6. При чтении следующих предложений следите за интонацией. Tit for tat. Как аукнется, так и откликнется. First /think | – then speak. A friend in /need | is a friend Сперва подумай, потом говори. Друзья познаются в беде. in deed. People /meet | but mountains never \ greet. 46 Человек с человеком встретится, а гора с горой никогда. 7. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Rose, partner, camera, home, album, passport, budget, image, agent, homework, radio, justice, English, Helsinki, visit, interest, friendly, work, Browning, top, class, country, footballer, cinema, theatre, museum, text. Section II Set 1 FOCUS ON GRAMMAR АКЦЕНТ НА ГРАММАТИКУ Asking for Information about Nationalities Обмен информацией о национальности собеседников 8. Назовите страну, к которой относятся указанные столицы. Rome Minsk Paris Astana Madrid Tokyo Helsinki Washington Example: Rome is the capital of Italy, isn’t it? Right. Разделительный вопрос St. Petersburg is not the capital of the Ukraine, is it? 9. Вы находитесь в лингвистической школе в Лондоне. Уточните национальность студентов вашей группы. Воспользуйтесь списком имён под моделью. Сountry Belorussia Kazakhstan Finland Germany France Italy Spain Japan Nationality Belorussian Kazakh Finnish German French Italian Spanish Japanese London School of Languages [s k u : l q v l x N g w I G I z ] 47 Example: Kurt Bauer’s American, isn’t he? No, he isn’t. He isn’t German, is he? Yes, he is. 1. Ralph Mark 2. Marcello Amato 3. Oleg Lukonin 4. David Ho 5. Christine Norman 6. Alice Hertsgaard 10. Заполните микродиалоги следующими выражениями. Remember! today [tq d eI] – сегодня to be on time [PntaIm] (прийти вовремя) late [leIt] (опоздать) present [prezqnt] (присутствовать) absent [xbsqnt] (отсутствовать) ill [Il] (болеть) ready [redI] (быть готовым) AT AN ENGLISH CLASS Teacher: Students: Marcello: Teacher: Students: Teacher: David: Teacher: 48 Ralph is ______ today, isn’t he? No, he isn’t. He’s absent. Hello. I’m _______, aren’t I? No, you aren’t. You’re on time. And how is Alice? She’s ______ today, isn’t she? No, she isn’t late. She’s ill. Oh, no… Hello. I’m not ______ today, am I? But you are. Here’s a chair for you. Are we _____ to start our class now? Set 2 Commands and Suggestions Распоряжения и предложения 11. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский. 1. Будьте вежливы! Повелительное наклонение (утвердительная форма) во II 2. Сдачу оставьте себе. лице совпадает по форме с 3. Удачного вам дня. инфинитивом без частицы "to". 4. Идите домой. Поздно. 5. Проговорите это по буквам. Сравните: to go – идти Go home! – Идите домой! 6. Подойдите сюда. 7. Познакомьтесь с моим другом. 12. Прочтите устав студента и запомните новые глаголы. Ис/правьте неверные инструкции. At Cambridge The Student’s Charter 1. Speak Russian. 1. Говорите порусски. 2. Read in class. 2. Читайте в классе. 3. Put your bags on the desks. 3. Ставьте портфели на парты. 4. Do your homework. 4. Выполняйте домашнюю работу. 5. Say “please” and “thank 5. Говорите “пожалуйста” и you”. “спасибо”. 6. Listen to your partner. 6. Слушайте собеседника. 7. Stand up when your teacher 7. Вставайте, когда с вами speaks to you. разговаривает учитель. 8. Look at the watch. 8. Смотрите на часы. 49 13. Pairwork Вы просите собеседника рассказать вам об известных личностях. Он советует обратиться к кому/нибудь другому. Личные Remember! to tell* [tel] – рассказать местоимения: to ask [a:sk] – спросить Subject Object * Глаголы “ask”, “tell”, “give”, “show” требуют два дополнения. Сравните: Show me the film = Show the film to me. Example: Tell me about Barbara Streisand. Ask Tom about her. Agatha Christie John Lennon Martin Luther King the Beatles Yan Fleming I he she we they you it me him her us them you it Marylin Monroe Conan Doyl Liverpool footballers 14. Попросите друга показать вам его новые вещи: полки, фотоаппарат, очки, марки. Воспользуйтесь словами под моделью. to give [g Iv] – давать to show [SqV] – показывать Remember! Example: camera glasses watch Show / give me your new camera, please. Take it, please. It’s Japanese, isn’t it? Right. shelves albums bicycle 15. Выразите своё пожелание таким образом. Remember! let me/him/her/them – пусть он/она/они… 50 passport umbrella stamps Для выражения побуждения к действию, обращённого к I и III лицам, употребляется глагол "let" с инфинитивом без частицы "to". Example: Let him take a taxi. Пусть он возьмет такси. take a bus read a book phone the office go home read the text look at the map take Mary home do homework 16. Предложите коллегам провести свободное время вместе. Используйте данные фразы. Remember! let us (let’s) [lets] – давай(те) to have dinner [hxvdInq] – обедать tonight [tqnaIt] – сегодня вечером to have a drink [drINk] – выпить Example: Let’s have dinner tonight. Давайте вечером вместе пообедаем. dance listen to music phone our friends show them the albums 17. look at the photos tell them about Madrid have a drink with them have coffee there Listening. a) Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующий диалог. Cultural Note Odeon [qVdIqn] название кинотеатра, а также компании, владеющей кинотеатрами во многих городах Великобритании. Remember! a cinema [sinimq] – кино to be on – идти (о фильме) 51 1. A. B. A. B. A. Let’s go to the cinema. Yes, O.K. What’s on? The new James Bond film. Where’s it on? At the Odeon. b) Прослушайте еще один диалог. Дополните его подходящими репликами из колонки справа. Воспроизведите весь разговор. Remember! a theatre [TIqtq] – театр then [Den] – тогда, потом a play [pleI] – пьеса 2. A. Let’s go to the cinema. B. _____________________________ A. How about going to the theatre then? B. ____________________________ A. An Agatha Christie play. B. ____________________________ A. At the Theatre Royal. B. ____________________________ Where’s it on? Yes, O.K. What’s on? Great! I’m sorry but I don’t like (я не люблю) films. c) Пригласите друзей в кино или в театр. 18. Представьте, что сегодня у кого/то в группе день рождения. Пусть каждый внесет предложение по поводу подарка. Remember! a birthday [bE:TdeI] – день рождения a flower [flaVq] – цветок Example: A. B. 52 Let’s give her/him some book for her/his birthday. No, not a book. Let’s give her/him an album. Продолжайте работу по цепочке с опорой на подсказки. For her: bag / album album / roses flowers / perfume For him: briefcase / watch watch / camera camera / aftershave 19. Игра “Mimes” Представьте, что вы находитесь на шумной вечеринке. Голоса заглушаются музыкой. Вы должны жестами побудить своего друга к следующим действиям: подойти к комулибо выпить чтонибудь позвонить по телефону взять фотоаппарат взять зонт уйти домой Переведите язык жестов на английский язык. Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS ЧИТАЙТЕ И ОБСУЖДАЙТЕ ПРОЧИТАННОЕ 20 Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Прочтите текст про себя и ответьте на следующий вопрос. Is it easy for Julia to understand Londoners? Why? / Why not? Remember! a letter [letq] – письмо a pen friend [penfrend] – друг по переписке different [dIfrqnt] – разные to have – иметь easy [i:zI] – легко, лёгкий to understand [, Andqstxnd ] – понимать interesting [IntrqstIN] – интересный 53 Julia is an Italian student of English at a school in London. Read her letter to David, her American pen friend. A Letter from London 72 Newton Drive London S W 6 3rd October Dear David, How are you? Let me tell you about my life in London. I’m here at an English school. I’m in class 3 with five students. They’re from different places – Germany, Russia, Japan and Italy. Our English teacher is very good. His name is Peter Briscall. Look at my new address at the top of the letter. I’m with an English family, the Browns. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. London is big and interesting. Hyde Park, Green Park and St. James’ Park are in the centre. Love, Julia 21. Задания (tasks). a) Ответьте на поставленный перед текстом вопрос. b) Questions. 1. Is Julia in Cambridge? [keImrIG] Ask “Where?” 2. Are the students in her class from Italy? Ask “Where from?” 3. Is their English teacher good? Ask about his name and nationality. 4. What address is at the top of the letter? 5. Ask your partner to tell you about the Browns. 6. Is Hyde Park in Kingston? Ask “Where?” 54 c) Составьте план текста. Используя этот план, подготовьте звуковое письмо своему зарубежному другу. Расскажите о начале занятий, опишите свои впечатления о Москве. 22. Разыграйте ситуацию на с. 44. Вам может понадобиться слово “a tutor” (куратор). Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СВОИ ЗНАНИЯ Test 3 1. Вместо точек вставьте, где нужно, пропущенные артикли. 1. Big Ben is … clock in London. 2. Go … home. It’s time to have … lunch. 3. … football match is very interesting. 4. That’s not easy to meet Liz. … girl is late. 5. Broadway is … street in New York. 6. Meet my friend. He’s … Belorussian. 7. Let me tell you about … play. 8. … people from Japan are nice and polite. 9. “Let’s take … camera with us”. “Which one? … camera on … shelf?” 2. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями в объектном падеже. Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where is Polly? Show her our house. Where is George? Show ____ our garden. My friend’s telegram isn’t for my father. It’s for ____ . Here is the dog. Let’s take ____ home. Today is Efie’s birthday. Come and speak with ____ . We aren’t busy. Phone ____ today. 55 6. 7. 8. Is this an English stamp? How interesting! Show ____ to me, please. Where are the new students? Tell ____ to come. Your Italian albums are nice. Give ____ to ____ , please. 3. Дополните это письмо прилагательными. easy happy difficult yellow small new great good 24 West 55th Street New York, NY, 10019 15th November Dear Jacky, Here I am in New York, and I’m quite ______ about it. Our hotel is ______ , but the food is ______ . Life is ______ here. The subway isn’t ______ to use. Taxis are also ______ to see, with ______ TAXI signs on them. Write soon. Send me Robert’s ______ address, please. Love, Bob 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1 – Послушайте Павла, он готов к выступлению. – Пусть начинает. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. – Как насчет футбола? – Извини, но мне это неинтересно. Что идет в кино? – Новый голливудский фильм. – Сходим в кино? – Хорошо. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 56 3. – Дети в их семье очень приветливы, правда? – Верно, посмотри на их счастливые лица. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. – Курт учится в Лондонской лингвистической школе. – Его друзья англичане, не так ли? – Нет, они все приехали из разных мест. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Пусть Рональд возьмёт фотоаппарат и покажет нам город. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Английский язык не очень сложный, но понимать англичан нелегко. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. – Алиса не замужем, правда ведь? – Замужем, и это не тайна. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 57 Word List (Unit 3) A absent album ask H have have dinner have a drink Helsinki B him be on home Belorussia, n homework bicycle birthday I ill C interest camera interesting cinema Italian class Italy P Paris partner passport pen friend play present put R radio read ready Rome S D different J E L Japan, ese English late let letter look (at) F Finland Finnish flower France French friendly M Madrid museum O G give glasses go (home) 58 school show Spain Spanish speak St. Petersburg stamp stand up on time T take tell text theatre them then today Tokyo tonight top U umbrella understand us V visit W Washington UNIT 4 FAMILY CIRCLE Семейный круг ФОНЕТИКА Чтение согласной “r” на стыке слов перед гласной. Гласная “о” перед m, n, v, th. Чтение гласной “а” перед th/f/n/s + согласная. ГРАММАТИКА Глагол have (got). Неопределенные местоимения all, some, any, no. Альтернативный вопрос. Притяжательный падеж имен существительных. Как сказать? У меня есть… См. Приложение, с. 248. Study unit 4 and roleplay. Представьте, что у вас в гостях знакомый американский журналист. Познакомьте его с родителями, покажите ему семейный альбом и опишите по фотографии своих близких. You Представьте американского журналиста своим родителям. The American journalist Обменяйтесь приветствия ми с родителями друга. Предложите гостю напитки. Согласитесь. Попросите гостя взглянуть на фотографию дяди. Скажите, что сейчас он в Петербурге. Попросите хозяина показать семейный аль бом и рассказать о своей родословной. Узнайте, есть ли у вашего друга братья и сестры. 59 Ответьте и дайте описание внешности по фото. Предложите встретиться в вашем доме. Выразите согласие. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Повторите за диктором слова, помещенные в таблицу. Обратите внимание, перед какими согласными буква “o” читается как краткий звук [A]. 2. Произнесите слова с долгим звуком [R]. Запомните, какими буквосочетаниями передается этот гласный. Чтение гласной о перед m, n, v, th o+ o+ m n [A] o+ o+ v th some, come, be come, company son, ton, done, none, among, month, money, London love, lovely, dove, above other, a nother, mother, brother 3. В предложенных словосочетаниях и фразах обратите внимание на слитное чтение буквы “r” с последующей гласной. Чтение гласной а перед th / f / n / s + согласная а+ а+ а+ а+ f n s th [R] shaft, draft, after, staff, craft dance, grant, plant, branch, advance ask, task, fast, pass, lasting bath, path, rather, father a door ( and а shelf, а car ( and a tram, a case or( a bag, a dog or ( a cat, the star ( is his, the fur ( is new, her ( English friend, Spanish or ( I talian, A merican or ( English. 60 4. Прочитайте данные предложения и обратите внимание на интонацию. Tastes differ. Like /father like son. Speech is /silver, | but silence is gold. О вкусах не спорят. Каков отец, таков и сын. Слово — серебро, молчание — золото. /Father, /mother, /sister, /brother | Hand in /hand | with one a nother. 5. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Video, front, college, moment, grammar, company, comfort, chance, problem, polar, basketball, senator, phase, figure, cousin, president, document, dictionary, special, intelligent, computer, ,cigarette, Ottawa, Canada. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Talking about Family Relations Обсуждение родственных связей 6. Посмотрите на схему и определите, кто, с кем и в каком состоит родстве. Заполните пропуски с помощью ’s. Remember! a son [sAn] – сын a daughter [dLtq] – дочь a niece [ni:s] – племянница an uncle [ANkl] – дядя an aunt [Rnt] – тетя parents [peqrqnts] – родители a nephew [nevju:] – племянник Притяжательный падеж имен существительных Единственное число ’s the boy’s (his) address – адрес мальчика the girl’s (her) address – адрес девочки Множественное число ’ the boys’ (their) addresses – адреса мальчиков the girls’ (their) addresses – адреса девочек 61 Philip = Liz Susan Charles Carrie = Brad Robert Look at this family tree. Philip and Liz are married. Susan, Charles and Carrie are their children. Philip and Liz are the children’s father and mother. They are their parents. Examples: Philip is Liz’s husband. Charles is Philip and Liz’s son. 1. Liz is ______ wife. 2. Charles is ______ son. 3. Charles is ______ brother. 4. Susan and Carrie are ______ daughters. 5. Susan and Carrie are ______ sisters. 6. Robert is _______ nephew. 7. Charles is ______ uncle. 8. Susan is ______ aunt. 9. Brad is ______ husband. 10. Brad is ______ father. 11. Robert is ______ son. 12. Liz is ______ grandmother. 7. Пользуясь словами, обозначающими степень родства, опишите родословную Дианы. This is my family tree. Frank = Jean Ted Paul = Diana Amanda 62 Nick Remember! a cousin [kAzqn] кузен, кузина 8. Прочитайте стихотворение “Patricia Grant” и определите, кто такой Крис. “Who is Chris?” Well, my father has a sister And her name’s Patricia Grant. And her children are my cousins And their mother is my aunt. Well, my father has a sister And her name’s Patricia Grant. And her husband is my uncle And his wife – well, that’s my aunt. Well, my father has a sister And her name’s Patricia Grant. And her brother is my father And her sister is my aunt. And my aunt has got a brother And her brother’s name’s Chris. And his wife – well, that’s my mother. Can you tell me who Chris is? 9. Переведите предложения, содержащие неопреде( ленные местоимения, на русский язык. Remember! all most some none any Неопределенные местоимения all все most большинство you of them us 1. All the families have the same problems. 2. Most of us have no free time. 3. Some people are single. 4. “Have you got any dogs?” “I’ve got none”. 5. Bill has got no TV or video. 6. “Here are some photos”. “Keep all of them”. some некоторые none/no/not any никакие ? any какиелибо 63 10. Расспросите собеседника о его семье и о семьях ваших общих знакомых таким образом. * Have / has (got) I you have got a family. we they Example: Have you got any brothers? No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have. * В британском варианте английского языка для разговорной речи характерна форма “have got”. 1. sisters 2. cousins 3. grandparents he she has got no children. 4. children 5. sons 6. daughters 11. На вопросы вашего партнера дайте однозначные ответы. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью. Альтернативный вопрос по сути является общим, но требует конкретного ответа: “Are you single or married?” “I’m single.” Example: Have you got a sister or a brother? I’ve got a brother. 1. a sister / a brother 2. an uncle / an aunt 3. a son / a daughter 12. 4. a niece / a nephew 5. a grandpa / a grandma 6. a dog / a cat Listening “How is life?” Remember! a factory worker [fxktqrIwE:kq] – рабочий завода terrible [terIbl] – ужасный a house [haVs] – дом a swimming pool [swImIN pu:l] – бассейн Note! everything – всё anything – ничего (в отрицательных предложениях) to be broke – быть на мели, без денег 64 a) Listen and ask the same questions* about all of these people. * ask the same questions – задавать те же самые (одинаковые) вопросы. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What’s her / his name? Where’s she / he from? What’s her / his job? Has she / he got a husband / wife? Has she / he got a flat or a house? Has she / he got a good job? Has she / he got any children? Has she / he got a car? b) Sum up the information*. * Суммируйте информацию c) On your own*. * Самостоятельно Are you single or married? Have you got a flat or a house? Is your family large or small? What make is your car: is it Fiat, Honda or any other? Is your life happy, terrible or OK? 13. Culture quiz. Ask and answer these questions. Use a dictionary. Is Are Campari nephew Big Ben the Canaries a tomato penguins the Hard Rock an Apple Mac a drink or a singer? a boy or a girl? a person or a thing? islands or mountains? a fruit or a vegetable? birds or animals? a pop group or a cafe? a fruit or a computer? 65 Set 2 How People Look Описание внешности 14. Пользуясь списком прилагательных, характерные черты людей на фотографиях. friendly goodlooking sad (грустный) отметьте quiet [k w aiqt] спокойный pretty [p riti] миловидный (о женщинах) Look at the photos. What are these people like? Какие эти люди? Sarah Robert Anna Fred Samantha 15. Для описания внешности вам могут понадобиться следующие слова. AGE ВОЗРАСТ young – молодой elderly пожилой HEIGHT [haIt] РОСТ middleaged – среднего возраста tall – высокий of medium height – среднего роста short – низкого роста FIGURE slim – тонкий wellbuilt – хорошо сложённый heavy – полный EYES [aIz] ГЛАЗА blue – голубые grey – серые brown – карие HAIR [heq] dark – темные curly – кудрявые ВОЛОСЫ straight – прямые 66 16. Прочтите данную характеристику. а) Определите, кому из людей на снимках она принадлежит. He / She is 19. ____________ is goodlooking, slim and has a fine figure. ____________ has straight hair and brown eyes. ____________ has no glasses. ____________ is very nice and intelligent. b) Таким же образом составьте описание по фотографии других персонажей. 17. Мысленно выберите кого(то из присутствующих в группе. Коллеги задают вам вопросы о внешности этого человека, чтобы установить его личность. 18. Read this short text and answer. Are the brothers different or alike? Remember! both [bqVT] – оба in the suburbs [sAbE:bz] – в пригороде I’m a photographer. George is an English teacher. I have a small flat in New York. He has a big house in the suburbs of New York. I’m married. He’s single. I have brown eyes and he has blue eyes. We both have brown hair, but I have short curly hair and he has long straight hair. I’m short and heavy, he’s tall and wellbuilt. We’re different. But we’re brothers and we’re friends. Ask each other questions, like this: William 1. Is William a photographer or a camera man? 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. _____________________ George 1. Is George _____ or ___ ? 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 67 Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS 19. Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Remember! a pay [peI] – жалование too [tu:] – слишком a law [lɔ :] – закон, право beautiful [bju:tIfql] – красивый Note! a widow – вдова parttime – на неполной ставке elder – старший (сравнит. cтепень прилагат.) to let – сдавать в наем Cultural Note. Putney [p A tn I] is a suburb of London. It is about six miles from the centre of the city. A Big Problem Mrs. Bell is a widow. She has three children – two boys and a girl. Roy is fourteen years old. He is at a grammar school. Her elder son, Simon, is twentynine (29). He is an engineer at a large computer company and he is now in Ottawa on business. Mrs. Bell’s daughter, Alice, is nineteen. She is at a law college in England. The Bell family have a house in Putney with a beautiful garden. But the house is too large for them. They have two empty rooms at the top of the house. Mrs. Bell has a parttime job at the local public library. The work is interesting, but the pay is not very good. So the big problem in the lives of the Bell family at the moment is money and they are ready to let one of the two empty rooms. 20. Tasks. a) Просмотрите текст. Найдите предложение, в котором говорится о семейном решении Бэллов, позволяющем найти выход из создавшегося положения. 68 b) Ask and answer. 1. Ask your partner about Mrs. Bell’s family. 2. How old are the children? 3. Is Roy a student? 4. Is Simon a student, too? Ask about Simon’s job. 5. Is he in London? Ask “Where?” 6. Is Alice at a business college? Ask “Where?” 7. Have the Bell family got a house or a flat? Ask “Where?” 8. What’s special about their house? 9. Have they got two empty rooms? Ask “Where?” 10. Ask about Mrs. Bell’s job. 11. Is she pleased with it? Why? / Why not? 12. Have the family got any problem? Ask “What?” c) Tell your partner some interesting facts from the text. 21. Roleplay the game on page 59. Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 4 1. Закончите предложения либо с помощью ’s, либо of. Example: What is _____________ ? (the address / Jill) What is Jill’s address? 1. ______ is not easy (the job / Ted). 2. Come for ______, please (a cup / tea). 3. ______ is in Kursk (the house / our friends). 4. Where is ______ (the school / the children)? 5. ______ is very good (English / Maria). 6. What’s ______ (the name / their home town)? 7. Well, here. Take ______ (a box / matches)! 8. It’s easy to close ______ (the door / a car). 9. They’re pleased to meet ______ (the girlfriend / Pat). 69 2. Используя слова в скобках, составьте вопросы с глаголом have. Example: (you / a camera) .............................. ? Have you got a camera? 1. (you / a passport) ………………………………………………………..? 2. (Carol / any boyfriend) ..............................................? 3. (your brother / a car or a bicycle) …………................….....? 4. (Mr. and Mrs. Lewis / any children)..............................? 5. (Ann / black hair).....................................................? 6. (you / any money)......................................................? 7. (your parents / a large family).....................................? 3. Вместо точек вставьте пропущенные неопределенные местоимения: some any no none 1. Victor has got ______ questions. Answer them, please. 2. Mr. Martin, show us ______ photos from your album, please. All of them are nice. 3. “Has she got _____ French magazines at home?” “Yes, she has got ______ .” 4. “We have ______ classes today and you?” “No, we have ______ on Saturday.” 5. “Has Linda got ______ friends in London?” “No, not in London. She has got ______ in Paris.” 6. “Have you any time for basketball?” “No, I have ______ .” “Then let me ask ______ of your family.” 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1. Большинство студентов в нашей группе – холостяки. ____________________________________________________ 2. Братья хорошо сложены, но фигуры у них разные. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 70 3. Москва – старый город. В нем есть парки, красивые улицы и магазины. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. У мужа вашей сестры кудрявые или прямые волосы? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. – У них есть дети? – Да, маленькая дочь. Она очень спокойная. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Мой друг высокого роста, хорош собой, у него прямой нос (nose) и карие глаза. ____________________________________________________ 7. – У Браунов большой дом в пригороде, не так ли? – Да и это для них проблема. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Составьте схему ваших ближайших родственных связей. 6. Придумайте краткий рассказ о своём друге, включив в него описание его / её внешности. Начните так: Let me tell you about my friend. 71 Word List (Unit 4) A all any at the moment aunt B beautiful blond(e) blue both boy brown brother C cat chance cigarette college computer cousin curly D dark daughter dictionary document dog E eye elderly 72 F P factory worker figure G girl grey grammar grandma grandpa grandparents parents pay pretty problem S sad short sister slim some son special straight suburb H hair heavy house T I intelligent tall tree L law M middleaged ministry most N nephew niece none U uncle V video W wellbuilt Y young UNIT 5 WHY I LOVE THIS CITY За что я люблю этот город ФОНЕТИКА Дифтонги в IV типе ударного слога Чтение буквосочетания ch [k] ГРАММАТИКА Конструкция there is / are Наречия a lot of, many, few, a few Количественные числительные от 20 Предлоги места next to, between, opposite, behind, in front of Специальные вопросы типа: How many? Big Ben is a clock in London Как сказать? В нашем городе находится… См. Приложение, с. 251. Study unit 5 and roleplay. Вы хотите снять в Лондоне квартиру на длительный срок. Выбрав себе квартиру по объявлению в газете, вы звоните ее владельцу. You Поздоровайтесь. Объясните, что ваша работа находится в центре. У вас маленький ребёнок, и вам нужна удобная квартира в тихом месте. Mr. Norris Ответьте на звонок. Скажите, что ваша улица не шумная. Все услуги расположены рядом. Попросите хозяина квартиры рассказать 73 о микрорайоне. Объясните, что напротив дома есть аптека и универсам. За универсамом находится почта, а между ними – прачечная. Выразите удовлетворение. Поскольку вы являетесь владельцем автомобиля, поинтересуйтесь, есть ли стоянка возле дома. Согласитесь. Выразите надежду на скорую встречу. Section I Ответьте, что автостоянка расположена перед спортивным клубом. Предложите собеседнику приехать и осмотреть квартиру и микрорайон. LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Прочтите за диктором слова, помещенные в таблицу. Следите за плавным переходом от ядра дифтонга ко второму элементу. а+rе ai+r Гласные в четвертом типе слога* [eq] care, flare, mare, compare, prepare [eq] hair, airway, repair, affair, chairman е+rе [Iq] еа+r ее+r [Iq] [Iq] u+re [jVq] i/y+re [aIq] (трифтонг) here, mere, severe, adhere, sincere Исключение: there, where [eq] hear, clear, near, really, appear, year beer, deer, sheer, career, ,engineer cure, pure, lure, secure, endure tyre, fire, tired, entire, inspire * См. Сводную таблицу произношения английских гласных в четырех типах ударного слога во Введении на с. 14. 74 2. Произнесите слова, указанные в таблице, и дайте их русские эквиваленты. Какому звуку в русском языке соответствует сочетание ch? Чтение буквосочетания ch [k ] chorus, chrome, cholera, chronicle, scheme, chemist, chemistry, chemical, mechanic, technical, character, technology, epoch, Christ [aI], Christmas, Christian 3. Прочитайте следующие поговорки и стихотворение. Обратите внимание на интонацию. When /angry, | count a hundred. There is /no /smoke | without fire. Experience | is the best \teacher. As /clear | as day. First catch your /hare, | then cook him. Когда рассердишься, сосчитай до ста. Нет дыма без огня. Опыт – лучший учитель. Ясно, как белый день. He дели шкуру неубитого медведя. The more we /learn, | the more we know. The more we /know, | the more we for get. The more we for/get, | the less we \know. So, | why study? 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Lift, service, visitor, bus stop, caf , elegant, modern, apartment (AmE), stereo, Cairo, balcony, sports club, Mersey, hospital, Sydney, typical, Dublin, Liverpool, mechanical, comfortable, Mexico City, tennis, court, chemist, fax machine, residence. 75 Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Counting. Asking about numbers Счет. Запрос информации о количестве 5. Как произносятся числа свыше тысячи? 1,001 1,121 2,000 2,232 a thousand and one one thousand, one hundred and twentyone two thousand two thousand, two hundred and thirtytwo 20 twenty 21 twentyone 22 twentytwo 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred 1000 a thousand Look at the table. LONDON ROME CAIRO MOSCOW MEXICO CITY SYDNEY London 1,445 Rome 3,159 2,138 2,494 2,378 9,178 10,623 17,002 16,333 New York Cairo 2,880 Moscow 2,440 10,782 Mexico City 14,799 15,168 14,582 Sydney London Напишите правильный ответ и произнесите полученные числа. How many kilometres is it? Example: 76 1 ... from London to Moscow? Two thousand, four hundred and ninetyfour. 2 ... from Cairo to London? 3 ... from Rome to Moscow? 4 ... from Mexico City to Sydney? 5 ... from Sydney to Cairo? 6 ... from London to Rome? 7 ... from Cairo to Rome? 8 ... from London to Sydney? 9 ... from Rome to Mexico City? 10 ... from Moscow to Sydney? 11 ... from Sydney to Rome? 6. Прочтите следующую информацию и скажите, чем примечательны указанные города, по мнению их жителей. Remember! a home town – родной город a river – река a sea – море also – также Оборот there is / are имеет значение находится, имеется, существует. Перевод на русский язык предложений c данной конструкцией начинается с обстоятельства места: There’s a letter in the postbox. В почтовом ящике лежит письмо. Meet John, a mechanical engineer “My home town is Liverpool. It’s on the river Mersey. We’re also near the sea and there is the Maritime museum – a museum about the sea. It’s a busy city, but there are bars, theatres and nightclubs. Life is very interesting.” Questions. 1. Where is Liverpool? 2. What places of interest are there in Liverpool? There is ___________________ There are __________________ Remember! a bridge [b rid] – мост famous [feImqs] – знаменитый a pub [pAb] – закусочная, бар a writer [raItq] – писатель Наречия a lot, many, a few, few с исчисл. cуществительными (+) many cities a lot of – много towns (±) a few – немного, people несколько houses cars () few – мало “A lot of” чаще всего встречается в утвердительных предложениях. 77 Cultural Note James Joyce (1882–1941) – ирландский писатель, прославившийся созданием новых слов в языке и тем самым оказавший влияние на развитие литературного стиля английских романов. This is Katherine, a travel agent from Canada. “I’m married to a Canadian, but my parents are from Dublin. There are a lot of beautiful bridges, parks and elegant grey houses in this small and very old city. There are a thousand pubs in Dublin. Famous writers Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw and James Joyce are all Dubliners.” Questions. 1. What interesting places are there in Dublin? There are _______________________ . 2. What famous writers are from Dublin? They are ________________________ . 7. Read the text about Buckingham Palace. Remember! a police [pqli:s] station [steISqn] – полицейский участок a post [pqVst] office – почта a carpet [ka:pIt] – ковер a mile [maIl] – миля like – как (предлог) a queen [kwi:n] – королева Welcome to London, the capital of Great Britain. There’s a lot to see in London. London has many beautiful old buildings and monuments. There are two famous addresses in London. One is 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s residence. The other is in the very centre of London. It is Buckingham [bAkINqm] Palace. Let me tell you about Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s residence. Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, 78 two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema, and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms, three miles of red carpet, 300 clocks and 700 people working in the Palace. Buckingham Palace Questions. 1. What places of interest are there in the capital of Great Britain? 2. What famous addresses are there in London? 3. Where is the Prime Minister’s residence? 4. Is there a lot to see in Buckingham Palace? 5. How many post offices / sports clubs / rooms / bars / clocks are there in Buckingham Palace? 6. Why is the Palace famous ? 8. Расспросите собеседника о его родном городе. Remember! a neighbourhood [neIbqhVd] – микрорайон a chemist’s [kemIsts] – аптека a petrol [petrql] station – автозаправочная станция a laundry [lLndrI] – прачечная A. Are there any bars in your neighbourhood? B. Yes, there are a few / very few. C. Yes, there are quite a lot. Да, достаточно много. D. In my neighbourhood there are none. 79 chemists hospitals big hotels pizza bars post offices laundries flower shops petrol stations 9. Спросите коллегу, сколько культурных учреждений в этом районе. Remember! Example: a library [laIbrqrI] – библиотека How many theatres are there in this neighbourhood? There is one. / There are two. theatres (one) libraries (three) cinemas (a few) universities (none) colleges (few) sport centres (few) 10. Tell your friends about your home town. Use the key words below. on the river bridges Set 2 elegant houses famous people theatres museums Places to Live and Work Условия для жилья и работы 11. Восстановите разговор между квартиросъёмщиком (Mr. Brown) и хозяйкой квартиры (Mrs. Florin). Заполните пропуски в приведенных ниже репликах, в которых собеседники пытаются уточнить имеющуюся у них информацию. Note! noise [nOIs] – шум – Hello! – Hello! My name’s Brown. You’re Mrs. Florin, aren’t you? – Yes, I am. – You have an apartment for rent, …? 80 – That’s right. You’re 25 years old, …? – Yes, I am. – And you’re not married, ... ? – No, I’m single. – And you have a good job in our neighbourhood, ... ? – Right. – And you haven’t got a car, ... ? – No, I haven’t, Mrs. Florin. Well, there isn’t any noise in your neighbourhood, ... ? – In fact, it’s a quiet place. – There’re a lot of shops and pubs there, ... ? – Yes, there are. – So, it’s a very nice place to live, ... ? – Absolutely. – Thank you, Mrs. Florin. See you tomorrow. – Goodbye, Mr. Brown. 12. Game: Where am I? Посмотрите на план города, помещенный ниже. Вы пытаетесь сориентироваться в новом для Вас районе. a) Расспросите собеседника, что расположено на каждой из 4(х улиц города. b) Выберите себе место, где вы могли бы сейчас нахо(диться, например, аптека. Ваш партнер должен догадаться, где вы. Начните таким образом: Are you in East Street? Are you between / next to ... ? N Remember! north [n O:T] – север east [i:st] – восток south [saVT] – юг west [west] – запад W E S 81 Library Laundry Police Station University Supermarket Video Shop Hotel Book Shop North Street Pizza Bar Cafe Cinema Wine Bar Bus stop West Street East Street Theatre Post Office Petrol Station Sports Centre South Street Bank Flower Shop Chemist's Restau rant Hospital c) Пользуясь схемой города, уточните у своего собесед( дника: есть ли неподалеку прачечная, универсам, библиотека и т.д. Remember! opposite [PpqzIt] – напротив behind [bIhaInd] – сзади, за in front [InfrAnt] of sth – перед чемто Example: Excuse me, is there a laundry near here? opposite the pizza bar. Yes, there’s a laundry behind the supermarket. one* next to the video shop. * Местоимение “one” – словозаменитель существительных. На русский язык в большинстве случаев не переводится. d) Расспросите, где находятся интересующие учреждения. Remember! a restaurant [estqrqnt] – ресторан Example: Excuse me, where is the flower shop? opposite the cinema. It’s in front of the hospital. between the bank and the restaurant. e) Расскажите о своем микрорайоне. 82 вас 13. Listening “Marchmain Castle [ksl]” (Замок Марчмейн). Marchmain Castle open to the public Saturdays / Sundays 10. 00 5.30 Admission: adults: £ 350; children: £ 200 Note! an adult – взрослый a guide [g a Id] – гид a dead body – мертвец a painting – картина to be asleep – спать Cultural Note Many castles in Great Britain are of historical interest. These country houses have fine works of art and are open to the public to help owners pay for them. a) Listen and answer. Where are the visitors from? b) Listen once again and tick (v )the correct answers. 1. The castle is closed to the public after 5.30. 2. There’s no guide in the castle. 3. Lord Marchmain is pleased to meet the Smiths. 4. The Marchmains have got some famous paintings on the walls. 5. They are only pictures by British painters. 6. The Smiths have got 3 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms in their house in Manchester. 7. There aren’t many bathrooms in the Marchmain castle because it’s very old. 8. There’s a dead body in the chair in one of the dining rooms. c) How much do you remember about Marchmain Castle? – How many bedrooms and bathrooms are there in the house? – How many dining rooms are there? – What’s the table like in this dining room? – How many chairs are there around the table? – How many chairs are there in the private dining room? – How much are the tickets? 83 d) On your own Is this a nice place to live? Why? / Why not? Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A 14 Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и найдите ответ на следующий вопрос. What is in the hall of a British house? Remember! on the ground [graVnd] floor – на первом этаже on the first floor [flO:] – на втором этаже a year [jIq] – год a study [stAdI] – кабинет a bedroom [bedru:m] – спальня a bathroom [bRTru:m] – ванная own [qVn] – свой собственный Note! a fireplace – камин English Homes This is what Jim Blake says about a typical English house. “Many English families have got flats, but some people have got their own houses with a garden. There are two floors in a typical English house: the ground floor and the first floor. There is a large hall with a fireplace on the ground floor. Also on the ground floor there is a dining room, a study and a kitchen. The study is a small room with bookshelves on the walls. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor of an English house. It’s a beautiful place at any time of the year. There is no place like home!” 84 15. Tasks a) Answer the question before the text. b) Look at the scheme of a typical English house. Ask Jim Blake questions about it, like this: How many ________ ? What’s on / in ______ ? __________________ ? Remember! a cupboard [kAbqd] – посудный шкаф a cooker [kVkq] – плита a sink [sINk] – раковина c) Составьте краткое описание своей квартиры по вопросам, приведенным ниже. 1. What floor is your flat on? 2. How many rooms have you got? 3. Is it a comfortable flat? Why? / Why not? d) Опишите свою жилую комнату (a living room). Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь словарем. 1. ..................................... in the middle of the room. 2. ..................................... in the corner of the room. 85 3. ..................................... on the wall near the door. 4. ...................................... below the window. 5. .................................................. above the shelves. 6. .................................................. below the clock. 16. Roleplay You have a visitor in the house. Show him / her your flat. A. B. A. В. Hello, ______. Let’s have a look at your new flat. Рада вас видеть, Джэк. Проходите, пожалуйста. Your neighbourhood is a very quiet place, isn’t it? Верно. По соседству находятся университет и библиотека. Напротив дома – спортивный клуб. A. How many rooms have you got? B. Пройдите и посмотрите. В квартире три комнаты, кухня и большой холл с камином, как в английских домах. A. Oh, this is a very comfortable flat. В. Кухня современная, с новой раковиной и плитой. Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с моим братом. Он тоже студент университета и хорошо говорит поанглийски. A. With pleasure [pleZq] (с удовольствием). 86 Text B 17. Прочтите рекламу известного отеля из американского журнала. Note! central heating – центральное отопление a car park – автостоянка Four Blocks from the White House “The Jefferson” is a small but comfortable hotel in Washington, four blocks from the White House. It’s modern in style with 24hour room service. It has 100 rooms and inroom minibars, stereo CD players and VCR’s. All the bedrooms have telephones and central heating. There are a few private meeting* rooms and dining rooms, a coffee shop and a bar. The hotel has a lift and a car park. * a private meeting room: помещение для неофициальных встреч Interviewer: Tell our readers about your hotel room in “The Jefferson”, please. Julio Moretti: I have a bed with a sofa in my room. Then, there’s a fax machine and a large working desk. Well, we’re here on business and we’re pleased with our hotel rooms. They’re comfortable for rest and work. 18. Tasks a) Questions. 1. What city is “The Jefferson” in? 2. Is the hotel modern or classic in style? 87 3. Is it small or large? 4. How many rooms does it have? 5. Why is “The Jefferson” popular with the visitors to the capital? b) Are these true or false? 1. “The Jefferson” is only 4 blocks from the White House. 2. There are several sports clubs and sameday laundries in it. 3. It has one restaurant and a bar. 4. It has a few private meeting rooms. 5. Fax machines, stereo CD players and videos – all of them are for business, not for pleasure. 6. “The Jefferson” is a comfortable place to stay. c) On your own. Are there many VIP* among “The Jefferson” visitors? Why do you think so? Is the hotel famous because – it’s modern in style; – it has a high standard of service * VIP – сокращенно от “a very important person”: высокопоставленное лицо, высокий гость 19. Roleplay the game on p. 73. Use the following words: I need (нуждаюcь, испытываю необходимость в чёмл.) an ad (объявление) Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 5 1. Заполните пропуски подходящими наречиями: many a lot of few a few 1. McDonalds is popular in ______ countries. 2. It’s a problem to rent a flat because there are ______ hotels in the town. 3. How ____________ French francs are there in a pound? 88 4. The cinema is almost (почти) empty today. They have _________ visitors. 5. There are __________ elderly people in our neighbourhood. 6. It’s nice to have lunch in a cafe´ with __________ friends. 7. The TV service isn’t very good. There are ___________ inter esting programmes. 2. Вставьте в текст пропущенные предлоги. I’m a student ______ the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Glasgow is ______ the river Clyde. It’s an industrial city but it’s also famous ______ its museums, the Glasgow School ______ Art and the Scottish opera. There are two popular football clubs ______ Glasgow, Rangers and Celtic. 3. Дополните следующее описание квартиры, чтобы получился связный рассказ. Our flat is on __________ of a big block of flats. We have three _________ in it. Let me ____________ about my study. In the middle ______________________________________ In the corner __________________________________________ I have no computer in __________ , but ___________ two shelves to keep _________ and a desk to _____________ on. In front of our block of flats ___________________________ We have a beautiful park ____________________ . 4. Переведите эти предложения на английский язык. 1. – Извините, здесь есть поблизости ресторан? – Да, есть, напротив автобусной остановки. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 2. – Сколько фотографий в этом альбоме? – Довольно много, и всё это снимки известных людей. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 3. Перед тем высоким отелем находится книжный магазин. _________________________________________________ 89 4. Я в этом микрорайоне впервые. Отсюда идет какойнибудь автобус? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 5. – Сколько страниц в словаре? – 1528. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 6. На доске список имен. Твое имя тоже есть в списке? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 7. – Где находится аптека? – Между банком и почтой. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Word List (Unit 5) A above also apartment a lot (of) caf Cairo carpet chemist’s club cooker court B bar bathroom bedroom behind below between bridge Buckingham Palace E east eight elegant G ground H home town hospital hundred I in the corner F famous 90 fifty floor forty C in front (of) in the middle (of) P T petrol station police station post office practise pub K kilometre tennis thirty thousand twenty typical L laundry library Liverpool living room M machine many Mersey Mexico City mile N neighbourhood next to night ninety north Q queen R restaurant river W west writer Y year S sea service seventy sink sixty south sport stereo Sydney O opposite own 91 UNIT 6 A LETTER FROM GOLDEN BEACH Письмо с Золотого пляжа ФОНЕТИКА Чтение “w” ГРАММАТИКА The Present Continuous Tense. Специальные вопросы типа: What is / are …like? Порядковые числительные. Предлоги времени: at, on, in. Как спросить? Откуда ты звонишь? См. Приложение, с. 254. Study unit 6 and roleplay. Представьте себе, что вы собрались в туристическую поездку по Шотландии на своей машине. Задайте своему британскому коллеге несколько интересующих вас вопросов. You Уточните у своего собеседника, когда лучше всего посетить Шотландию. Скажите, что у вас отпуск осенью. Расспросите, какая в Шотландии погода в это время года. Узнайте, какие там рестораны и отели. 92 Your partner Объясните, что в мае там стоят солнечные дни. Ответьте, что осенью про хладно и погода ужасная. Дайте понять, что обслуживание стоит дорого. Что касается туризма, в Шотландии есть очень красивые места. Попросите своего британского коллегу показать вам открытки городов. Вежливо откажитесь. Объясните, что у вас сейчас нет времени. Предложите встретиться во вторник в 5 часов вечера. Согласитесь и попрощайтесь до вторника. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Вслед за диктором прочтите слова в таблице. Убедитесь, что верно произносите “w” в сочетании с другими буквами. Чтение “w” в различных сочетаниях w перед гласной [w] weather, twin, swell, wear, wait, twice wa в закр. слоге [w P]wash, want, watch, wallet, wasp, wander wh [w] white, while, wheat, whelm, whisper, whether war [wL] warm, ward, reward, warfare, warning wor [wW] worse, worthy, word, world, work, workshop who [hu:] who, whom, whose, whoop, whoever wr [r] write, writer, wreck, wrist, wretch 2. Произнесите следующие слова. Обратите внимание, что все указанные буквосочетания передают долгий звук [L]. Чтение au, aw / a перед l + согласная au [L] aw a перед cause, author, autumn, August, daughter, applaud law, saw, paw, crawl, hawk, withdraw, awful salt, also, false, talk, chalk, alter, install l + согл. 93 Чтение “o” в различных сочетаниях or our ough ore oar [L] [L] [L] [L] [L] Ford, corner, record, boring, force, perform pour, your, court, four, course, resource ought, bought, nought, sought, thought ore, more, shore, before, foreman oar, roar, coarse, board, blackboard 3. При чтении следующих пословиц и стихотворения проследите за интонацией. While there is /life, | there is hope. The game | is worth the candle. It is not work | that \kills, | it's worry. Solomon Grundy | Born on /Monday, | Christened on /Tuesday, | Married on /Wednesday, | Took ill on /Thursday, | Пока дышу, надеюсь. Игра стоит свеч. Убивает не работа, а забота. Worse on /Friday, | Died on /Saturday, | Buried [berId] on Sunday. This is the /end | of Solomon Grundy. 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Scot, Scotland, nation, national, Great Britain, medicine, Highlands, ordinary, Miami, Chicago, separate, volleyball, million, season, Florence, programme, Wales, Boston, walkman, fantastic, Hong Kong, , Aberdeen, Glasgow. 94 Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Describing OnQGoing Actions Описание действий, происходящих в момент речи Look at the photograph. What are these people doing? Remember! to do [du:] – делать 1. Max is talking on the phone. 2. Lisa’s operating the computer. 3. Nick and Daisy are writing. 5. Пользуясь словами под моделью, расспросите своего друга, чем он занят в настоящий момент. Example: What are you doing now? I’m working. ask questions answer questions Present Continuous Употребляется для выражения действия, происходящего в момент речи. Формообразование: am/is/are + глагол – ing speak English take a test do my homework spell difficult words 6. Объясните собеседнику, что в данный момент вы делаете совсем не то, о чём он вас спрашивает. Example: Are you having an English class? No, we’re not having a class. We’re eating pizza at the moment. have coffee have a drink go home drink beer dance telephone look at the watch speak with the boss 95 7. Listening. a) Listen and answer: Where’s Jack? What is he doing? Remember! to cook [k V k ] – стряпать, готовить пищу b) Listen once again and practise this dialogue. с) Roleplay similar conversations.* * а similar conversation – подобный разговор Remember! to read a newspaper – читать газету to study – учить(ся), изучать Jack is in his study. in the dancing club. at his Spanish class. in a restaurant. in the library. at the post office. 8. Read and practise. Use the words in the right column. A. Are you busy? B. Yes, I am. I’m studying. A. What are you studying? B. I’m studying English. cook food study grammar read a book write a letter operate the computer practise Spanish 9. Предложите собеседнику выполнить данные указания. Пусть он объяснит, что он делает. Остальные должны дать описание этих действий. Bob, go to the door, please. 96 A. B. A. C. What are you doing, Bob? I’m going to the door. Jenny, what’s Bob doing? He’s going to the door. Предлоги направления Into From Go to the door, please. Stand at the door, please. Come up to the blackboard, please. Go to the desk, please. Take a key out of your briefcase, please. Put it on the notebook, please. Put it on the desk, please. Take it from him, please. Take it from the desk, please. Put it into the briefcase, please. Take a pen from the desk, please. Give it to your friend, please. Out of to 10. Вы встретили знакомых на улице. Спросите, куда они идут. Example: Where are you going? We’re going to the shops. bank club theatre laundry dentist library post office university 11.Объясните мотивы ваших поступков. Remember! run [rAn] – бежать; cry [kraI] – плакать smile [sm a il] – улыбаться Example: Why are you running? Because I’m late. 97 run / late cry / upset smile / happy go to bed / tired go to the doctor / sick go to the dentist / have problems with my teeth 12. Game “Mimes”. Изобразите при помощи мимики и жестов различные действия и представьте партнёру возможность их угадать. Начните таким образом: What am I doing? 13. Вы звоните своему знакомому по телефону, но в данный момент он занят. Извинитесь за причинённое беспокойство. Remember! just [st] – как раз to listen to sb/sth [lIsn] – слушать когол., чтол. a) Read and practise. A. B. A. Hello, Carol. It’s Jack here. Are you busy? Well, yes. I’m just reading a newspaper. Oh, sorry! b) Roleplay. Use the words in the right column. A. Hello, ______. It’s ______here. Are you busy? B. A. ______. I’m just ____________. Oh, sorry. 98 read a book write a letter study law listen to BBC news do homework put the children to bed Set 2 Dates and Arrangements Даты и договорённости 14. Read the days of the week in the calendar. Remember! a week – неделя 1st 2nd 3rd first second third Example: 4th 5th 6th fourth fifth sixth 7th 8th 9th seventh eighth ninth 1st August / the first of [qv] August August Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15. Обратите внимание на особенность употребления предлогов времени at, in, on. at on 8 o’clock / (midnight) the end of – в конце the beginning of – в начале Sunday(s) Monday evening 25 April / 6 June* * Даты читаются таким образом: September 1, 1999 = the first of September, nineteen ninety nine in spring / summer / August the morning – утром / the afternoon – днём / the evening – вечером this afternoon / next week / last year 99 a) Узнайте, свободен ли ваш коллега в назначенный день. I’m afraid* [qfreId] – боюсь, что… Remember! * I’m afraid – это выражение предполагает извинение в вежливой форме за то, что уже произошло либо должно произойти. Example: Are you free on the ninth? No, not on the ninth, I’m afraid. 17th 1st 5th 3rd 28th 2nd b) Договоритесь со своим знакомым о встрече в любой день недели утром, днём или вечером. Example: Are you free on the 12th? Cetainly. Let’s meet at 7 on Saturday evening. O.K. See you on Saturday. 16. Read the letter and answer the questions below. Note! to arrive – прибывать 33, Highclere Road Basingstoke England 20 May Dear James, Thanks for your letter. It’s very kind of you to let me stay with you and to meet me at the airport. I’m arriving at 22.30 on Thursday 22 June. I’m twenty and I’ve got dark curly hair. I’m quite short, about one metre seventy and I’m quite wellbuilt. Send me your photo if you have time. See you at the airport. Best wishes, Richard 100 Questions. 1. James and Richard are pen friends, aren’t they? 2. Is this their first meeting? 3. Has James got Richard’s photo? 4. Has Richard got James’ photo? 5. When and where is James meeting his pen friend? Set 3 Describing the Weather Описание погоды 17. Посмотрите на термометр, прочитайте безличные предложения и переведите их на русский язык. – 300 C – 200 C – 100 C – 00 C It’s hot. It’s warm. It’s cool. It’s cold. a) Составьте диалоги с выделенными словами. Example: It’s a ________ day to day, isn’t it? It certainly is. It’s a beautiful day. Remember! lovely [lAvlI] – чудесный terrible [terIbl] – ужасный Isn’t it _______ today? Yes, it’s lovely / terrible. Example: b) Глядя на рисунки, расспросите своего собеседника о погоде в разных городах мира. Example: What’s the weather like in Rome now? It’s hot and sunny. 101 It’s sunny. It’s cloudy. It’s raining. It’s snowing. Florence Paris Yalta London Hong Kong Tallinn Boston Moscow Kursk Madrid Mexico City St. Petersburg 18. Practise saying the months and the seasons of the year. a month [mAnT] – месяц Remember! a) January February March April May June July August September October November December b) There’re four seasons in a year. They are: winter spring summer autumn зима весна лето осень с) Which are the winter/spring/summer/autumn months? 19. Узнайте у коллеги, в какое время лучше всего посетить данные города. Remember! best [best] – лучший Example: When is the best time to visit London? The best time to visit London is in ______. Temperature charts Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec London Rome 4 5 7 9 12 16 18 17 15 11 8 5 8 9 11 14 18 22 25 25 22 17 13 10 Lisbon 11 12 14 16 17 20 22 23 21 18 14 12 26 27 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 25 24 22 21 21 21 21 22 23 25 Singapore Rio de Janeiro 102 In Your Country Tell your partner about the weather in Russia at the beginning and at the end of each season. When is the best time to visit Moscow? 20. Представьте, что ваш коллега только что вернулся из одного из этих городов. Расспросите о его впечатлениях от поездки. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью. Remember! Example: expensive [IkspensIv] – дорогой What’s life like there? It’s expensive. What are the people like? They are ordinary. the weather / lovely the city / beautiful the restaurants / small the streets / busy the houses / big life / o’kay the people / nice 21. Read a letter from Golden Beach (Золотой пляж). Remember! on holiday [hPlIdI] – в отпуске food [fu:d] – еда, пища ugly [AglI] – уродливый all the other [ADq] – остальные together [tqgeDq] – вместе Dear Mother, Clyde and I are on holiday here with the children. To tell the truth, we’ve got a few problems. The weather is terrible. It’s cold and cloudy. It’s raining. The restaurants here are expensive and the food isn’t very good. All the other hotels are beautiful and new. But our hotel is ugly and very old. But we’re happy to be on holiday and we’re happy to be together. Love, Susan 103 Questions. 1. Are Susan and Clyde on holiday? And their children? Ask “Where?” 2. Is the weather in Golden Beach lovely? Ask “What … … like?” 3. Ask the same about the food. 4. Are there any restaurants there? Ask “What .… like?” 5. Ask the same about the hotels. 6. Is Susan’s hotel beautiful, too? Ask “Why/Why not?” 7. Are the family still happy? Ask “Why/ Why not?” 22. Listening. Remember! to hear [h I q ] – слышать American English (AmE) to call to have a horrible time How is the weather? on vacation = = = = British English (BrE) to phone to have a terrible time What’s the weather like? on holiday a) Listen to the first dialogue and answer these questions. 1. Where’s Chris calling from? 2. What’s he doing there? 3. What’s the weather like in Chicago? 4. Why is Chris having a horrible time? b) Listen to the second dialogue and answer the same questions about Janet. c) Roleplay similar conversations from Miami / Florence / Boston. A. B. A. B. 104 Hi, ______. This is ______. I’m calling from ______. From ______? What are you doing in ______? I’m on holiday. What’s the weather like in ______? Is it ______? A. B. A. B. A. B. No, it isn’t. It’s ______. Is it ______? No, it isn’t. It’s ______. Are you having a good time? No, I’m not. I’m having a terrible time. The weather is terrible here. I’m sorry to hear that. Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на 23 интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и ответьте на следующий во(прос. What are David and his friends doing? Remember! to sit [sIt] – сидеть a beach [bi:tS] – пляж to play [pleI] – играть to swim [swIm] – плавать to want [wPnt] – хотеть Note! a fishing village – рыбацкий посёлок Wales – Уэльс a castle [kRsl] – замок we’re lucky – нам повезло fresh – свежий A Letter Home Dear Mum and Dad, The weather is beautiful here. I’m sitting on the beach drinking cola. Tina and Pat are swimming in the sea and Chris is playing volleyball with some friends. Frank is listening to his walkman and reading. We’re having a fantastic holiday. Abercwim is a little fishing 105 village in North Wales with a park, a castle, some lovely gardens and a little fishing port. People are very friendly here. We’re lucky. This is our second holiday this year and we’re doing what we want to do: sleeping, eating and playing games. The food is good, too a lot of fresh fish. Love, David 24. Tasks a) Answer the question before the text. b) Questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. Is the weather cold in Abercwim? Ask “What … … like?” Is David sitting in a restaurant? Ask “Where?” Are Tina and Rilla swimming in the sea? Ask “Who?” Is Chris playing beachball with his friends? Ask “What game?” 5. Is Frank watching TV? Ask “What?” 6. Is Abercwim a special place? Ask Why?” 7. Are the students lucky because they’re studying French all the time? Ask “Why?” 8. Ask your partner about the food in Abercwim. c) Найдите в тексте прилагательные, в сочетании с которыми употребляются эти существительные. weather holiday village gardens food fish d) Просмотрите второй абзац текста. Из предложенного ниже перечня выберите то, что можно считать характерным для маленьких портовых городов Северного Уэльса. This is a place of – romantic old castles; – the 400 years old university; – famous restaurants, cinemas, – lovely gardens and parks; pizza bars; – fishing industry. 106 e) Чего не достаёт в верхней части письма? Какой, по вашему мнению, должна быть шапка? Предложите свой вариант. f) Вы находитесь на каникулах. В письме британскому другу опишите свои впечатления от летнего отдыха. Text B 25. Прочтите информацию о Шотландии и выполните предложенные задания. Edinburgh [ edInbqrq] Эдинбург Note! a part – часть even – даже land – земля wild – дикий area [eqrI q] – местность Gaelic [g eI l I k] – гэльский to be located – быть расположенным Scotland Scotland is a part of Great Britain. This is true, but also it is a separate nation. It has its own capital city, Edinburgh, its own laws and its own stamps. It even has its own language, Gaelic. Glasgow is the second big city in Scotland. Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen are home to about five million Scots. This is where most of the jobs are located. The Highlands of Scotland is an empty land with few people, few trees and lots of wild animals. The original Highlanders are not only farmers. There are fishermen in this wild area, too. 107 26. Tasks a) Check if these are true or false. – Scotland is a part of England. – The capital of Scotland is London. – The Scots have their own language, Gaelic. – There are only four million Scots. – The Highlands is home to many people. – It’s a busy area, with lots of cars and houses. b) Find answers in the text to the following questions. 1. Are Scots a separate nation? Why? 2. Where are almost all the jobs located? 3. What is special about the Highlands and the Highlanders? c) Write a paragraph for a newspaper. Describe a famous place to visit. 1. Where is it? 2. Why is it famous? 3. What’s the weather like? 4. What’s there to see? 27. Roleplay the game on page 92. Use the word “tourism” (туризм). Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 6 1. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги in / on / at. Example: 1. …24 March 2. …2005 3. …midday 4. …night 5. …Wednesday 108 on 6 June at 9 o’clock 6. …Saturday afternoon 7. …Thursday morning 8. …September 9. … the beginning of May 10. …the end of my holiday 11. …the weekend 12. …Sunday 13. …winter 14. …July 15. …the evening 2. Заполните пропуски предлогами. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Goodbye. See you … Friday. George isn’t here … the moment. Julia’s birthday is … January. It’s cool … autumn. Let’s meet at 13.00 … the afternoon. It’s 14 June today. My exam is … 28 June. All of us are tired (усталый) … the evenings. 3. Составьте вопросы типа “What ______ doing?” с разными подлежащими. Example: (he) What is he doing? 1. (they) What __________________________________? 2. (your wife) ___________________________________? 3. (you) ________________________________________? 4. (the teacher) __________________________________? Теперь составьте вопросы типа “Where ________ going?” с разными подлежащими. Example: (we) Where are we going? 5. (you) _____________________________________________? 6. (those children) ____________________________________? 7. (the man on the bicycle) ______________________________? 8. (the girl with long hair) ______________________________? 4. Раскройте скобки и поставьте нужную форму глагола. 1. 2. 3. 4. “Where is Warris?” “She ________ (to do) the flat. Tomorrow ________ (to be) her mother’s birthday.” Some people ________ (to have) their daysoff on week days. “What _______ you ________ (to look at)?” “I ________ (to look at) your new walkman.” “John ____ (to be) busy?” “Yes, he ________ (to study) French.” 109 5. 6. ______ (to call) the engineer, please. The computer ________ (not to work). “Where they ________ (to go)?” “To the university.” “What they ________ (to talk about)?” “About summer holidays.” 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1. Сад прекрасен весной. Каким он бывает зимой? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Поговори с Сандрой. Она на кухне, готовит обед. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. – Где Джоунсы? – Они в отпуске, прекрасно проводят время на берегу моря. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. – Какая бывает погода в сентябре в России? – В начале месяца тепло, а в конце сентября прохладно. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Давайте встретимся в 4 часа дня в следующий четверг. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. – Лора занята? – Да, она сидит за письменным столом и читает газету. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. – Что сейчас по телевизору? – Показывают один из твоих любимых фильмов “Моя прекрасная леди”. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 110 Word List (Unit 6) A August at the beginning at the end autumn B beach best Boston C Chicago cloudy cold cook cool cry D dayoff December do E eighth expensive F fantastic February fifth first Florence food fourth free Friday G go to work/school Great Britain M March May Miami million Monday month N nation national newspaper next ninth November H have a class/a good time O hear October on holiday I operate I’m afraid ordinary into other out of J January R June rain July read run L last listen (to) lovely 111 S Saturday Scot Scotland second September seventh sit six sixth smile snow spring study summer Sunday sunny swim T talk terrible third Thursday together Tuesday U ugly V volleyball W Wales walkman want warm Wednesday week winter write UNIT 7 A TYPICAL DAY Обычный день ФОНЕТИКА Чтение “qu” в сочетании с a/ ar. Гласный [e]. Повторение и обобщение. ГРАММАТИКА Абсолютная форма притяQ жательных местоимений. The Present Simple Tense. Специальные вопросы типа: How often…? What colour/make/size…? Именные придаточные предложения. Как сказать? Мой рабочий день начинается…. См. Приложение, с. 259. Study unit 7 and roleplay. Из газетной рекламы вы узнаёте, что центру студенческих услуг на летнее время требуются служащие. Вы беседуете с представителем фирмы. You Скажите, что всё лето хотите работать в Центре студенческих услуг (the Student Services office) Tom Flood Узнайте у российского студента а) где он живёт; б) где учится; в) на каких языках говорит. Ответьте. Поинтересуйтесь, как часто он проводит время вне дома, играет ли на какихлибо музыкальных инструментах. Объясните. Спросите, есть ли у собеседника машина. 113 Уточните, что у вас есть водительские права. Удивитесь вопросу. Спросите, когда начинается рабочий день и когда заканчивается. Узнайте, чем обычно занимаются студенты на этой фирме. Разъясните, что для поездок по городу нужен ктото, кто мог бы управлять микроавто бусом. С 9 утра до 4 часов дня. Расскажите, что cтуденты работают на компьютерах. Вместе с иностранными гостями они осматривают город, ходят в музеи и театры, проводят музыкальные вечера. Поблагодарите Тома за информацию и попрощайтесь. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Вслед за диктором прочтите слова в таблице. Убедитесь, что верно произносите “qu” в сочетании с другими буквами. Чтение буквосочетания “qu” qu [kw] qu+a в закр. слоге qu+ar Редкие сочетания 114 quit, quite, quest, question, quench, quake, liquid, queer, queen, Quirinal, quinsy, equip, quest, Quebec [kw ɔ ] squad, squat, quarrel, quality, quantity [k w ɔ : ] quart, quartic, quartz, quarto, quarterly [kw] acquit, acquaint, acquire, awkward 2. При чтении данных слов обратите внимание на то, как передаётся звук [e] в различных условиях. Гласный [e]. Повторение и обобщение [e] “e” в закрытом cлоге get, edge, every, cherry, egg, end, impress, connect, except, suggest “ea” перед d/l/t/th head, bread, steady, al`ready, instead, death, threat, jealous, leather перед другими deaf, heavy, pleasant, meant, согласными weapon, breakfast, treachery, realm редкие сочетания any, many, ate, says, Thames, said, friend, bury, threepence 3. Произнесите следующие пословицы и стихотворение. Заметьте, что на служебные слова we, us, him, them падает логическое ударение.* * Логическое ударение – выделение в предложении слов, важных по смыслу для говорящего. Heaven helps /him | who helps him self. / No sweet without some sweat. Early to bed and early to /rise, makes a man /healthy, /wealthy and wise. На бога надейся, а сам не плошай. Без труда мёду не едят. Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт. Here’s a /health | to all /those that we love, Here’s a /health | to all /those that love us, Here is a /health | to all /those that love them That love /those that love us. 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Lady, golf, music, BBC news, billiards, Arabic, prince, Kent, relax, start, shorts, Thames, quartz, anatomy, medical, yoga, 115 phrase, instinct, progress, champagne, personal, electrical, interview, tele ,vision, piano, pianist, rock and roll. Section II Set 1 FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Choosing an Object. Talking about Possession. Describing Clothes. Выбор одного предмета из нескольких. Установление его владельца. Описание одежды. 5. На столе лежит несколько вещей. Определите, чьи они. Example: Whose is this letter? Is it yours? Yes, it’s mine / ours. No, it’s his / Greg’s / hers / Alma’s / theirs. keyring watch purse pen postcard comb map money tennis racket Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений my key – it's mine our key – it's ours your key – it's yours his key – it's his her key – it's hers their key – it's theirs 6. Запомните названия следующих цветов. Скажите, какой ваш любимый цвет. Remember! Example: red – красный green – зелёный white – белый favourite [feIvqrIt] – любимый What’s your favourite colour? Mine is green. And yours? orange – оранжевый blue – голубой pink – розовый yellow – жёлтый purple – фиолетовый striped – полосатый polka dot – в горошек 7. Вы были в гостях и расходитесь по домам. В прихожей перепутаны вещи. Которые из них ваши? При ответе используйте прилагательные, обозначающие цвета. 116 Example: There are four umbrellas here. Which is yours? Mine is the pink one.* * Местоимение “one” не употребляется после абсолютной формы притяжательных местоимений, а также после существительных в притяжательном падеже. Сравните: 1. Take my camera. Where is yours? 2. Whose car is this? It’s Philip’s. hat box briefcase coat jacket sports bag purse tie 8. Расспросите своего друга, какого цвета его новая одежда. Remember! a suit [s(j)u:t] – костюм trousers [traVzqz] – брюки a boot [bu:t] – сапог Example: a shirt [SE:t] – рубашка shoes [Su:z] – туфли a sweater [swetq] – свитер You’ve got a new shirt. What colour is it? It’s brown and green. 9. Опишите, во что сегодня одеты ваши коллеги. Remember! to wear [weq] – носить, быть одетым во чтото Example: What’s Walter wearing today? He’s wearing a dark suit. a purple jacket light trousers a black and white sweater a grey suit and a red tie a polka dot shirt and blue jeans Закройте глаза и по памяти опишите одежду своих друзей. Открыв глаза, сверьте впечатления. 10. Узнайте, какой марки указанные ниже товары. 117 Example: What make is your car? It’s an Opel / Volvo / Pontiac. car – TV set – watch – camera – motorcycle – Ford / Volga Sony / Sharp Seiko / Citizen Pentax / Olympus Honda / Suzuki 11. Game “Lost Property Office” (Бюро забытых вещей). Вы потеряли какую(то вещь и пришли в бюро находок. Служащий смотрит в список и задаёт вопросы о размере, цвете или марке этой вещи, чтобы убедиться, что именно вы являетесь её владельцем. A. B. A. B. A. B. Have you got my sports bag? Oh, what is it like? It’s brown and it has got a handle on top. But there are three on the list. What’s inside it? There are some books with my name in. Let me see which is yours. Well, is it yours? LIST OF LOST THINGS Sports bag 3 pcs Tennis racket 2 Camera 3 Video camera 2 Briefcase 4 Guitar 2 Umbrella 5 Passport 1 12. You’re visiting a shoe shop. Read and practise this dialogue. Remember! A. B. A. B. B. A. B. 118 to look for sth – искать чтолибо to try [traI] sth on – примерять another [q nADq(r)] – другой a size [ ] – размер I’m looking for shoes. What’s your size? I wear size 5. Show me the black ones, please. Here’s a pair in your size. Try them on. Are they all right? The shoes are pretty, but they’re a bit small / big. Just a minute. Take another pair. Thanks. Set 2 Talking about Habits and Daily Routines Беседа о привычках и повседневных занятиях Заметьте, что в задании 12 глагол "to wear" употребляется для обозначения обычного, регулярно повторяющегося действия. Сравните: I’m wearing jeans today. Сегодня на мне джинсы. I often wear jeans. Я часто надеваю джинсы. 13. Используя данную информацию, расскажите об образе жизни этих людей. Remember! before [bIfO:] – до after [ftq] – после go out – проводить время вне дома Present Simple (+) I We play billiards. You They He She plays billiards. It Clyde and Susan do a lot of different things during the week. Susan: On Tuesday morning I go to a French class. On Friday I play tennis after work. On Saturday afternoon we visit my mother. Clyde: On Monday I play golf before work. On Wednesday morning I work on the computer. On Saturday night my wife and I go out and visit friends. On Sunday we go to a restaurant for lunch. What does Susan / Clyde do on weekdays and at weekends? Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Susan Clyde What do you do on weekdays / at weekends? 119 14 Выскажите мнения, альтернативные утверждениям, при помощи "don’t / doesn’t". данным Present Simple () Remember! to play the piano [pIxnqV] – играть на фортепиано to watch television [telI, vIZqn] (TV) – смотреть телевизор to like – любить, нравиться Yes! I We don't smoke. You They He She doesn't smoke. It No! My grandfather drinks tea. Tommy and Alison play baseball. On Sunday our family goes to the park. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson read the newspaper. Their children watch TV. He doesn’t drink coffee. They _________ the piano. We __________ to work. They ________ books. They _________ like homework. I wear boots in cold weather. On Saturday Mr. Black goes to the theatre. Toshi speaks Arabic. My cousin lives in Minsk. Tom likes dogs. I ______________ shoes. He ____ to the library. He ___________ Finnish. She ___________ in Kiev. He _____________ cats. Расскажите о себе. Yes! No! I study_________. I don’t study_________. I go to _________. I don’t go to__________. I wear__________.I don’t wear__________. I drink_________. I don’drink___________. I eat___________. I don’t eat____________. 15. Уточните у своего собеседника, чем он занимается во второй половине дня. 100% always всегда 120 90% usually [ju:ZqlI] обычно 50% often часто 10% sometimes иногда 0% never никогда Example: What do you do after classes? I often play the piano. I: always __________________ television. never ____________________ to a cafe´. sometimes ______________ to the radio. usually _____________________ books. often ______________ computer games. never ______________________ letters. 16. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в общих и специальных вопросах. Do Does Where do When do Why How I / we / you / they work on Saturdays? he / she / it work on Saturdays? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t (do not). Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t (does not). I /we / you / they I /we / you / they does he / she / it does he / she / it work? work? work? work? 16a. Узнайте у своего коллеги, приходится ли ему поступать таким образом. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью. Example: Do you ever run to work? Yes, often. / No, never./ Yes, but very seldom. cook food have a party eat pizza relax in class go to the doctor read at night play cards play the piano have a terrible time 121 17. Cпросите, как часто ваш собеседник проводит время вне дома и как он одевается в том или ином случае. Remember! Example: About cinema cafe´ concert about twice a month – примерно два раза в месяц How often do you go out with friends? Every day. once [w An s] a week. twice a month. three times a year. club theatre restaurant 1. You’re going to a party. What do you wear? 2. You’re going to a picnic. What do you wear? 3. You’re going to a concert. What do you wear? pizza bar wine bar disco jeans a dress trousers a suit shorts a jacket trainers a sweater some comfortable clothes 18. Услышав данную информацию, выразите удивление таким образом. Note! Example: strange – странный, странно He’s doing yoga. That’s strange. He never does yoga. She / play football. I / drink whisky. He / make dinner. Our professor / wear jeans. They / smoke French cigarettes. My grandfather / listen to rock and roll music. 122 19. Open dialogue. Read and practise the following* conversation. Use the words above. * the following – следующий A. B. A. B. What are you doing? I’m ______________. That’s strange! Do you usually _________? No, I never ________, but I’m __________ today. 20. Read and answer. a) What does Philip want to be? Remember! Note! to practise sth [prxktIs] – заниматься чемл. a newspaper [nju:s,peIpq] – газета a coach – тренер excellent [eksqlqnt] – отличный Phil and his friends are busy this afternoon. They’re staying after class, and they’re practising different things. Phil is practising tennis. His tennis coach tells him he’s an excellent tennis player. He wants to be a professional player. That’s why he practises every day. What do Phil’s friends want to do? Make up short dialogues with the phrases below. Example: Oliver wants to write for a newspaper, doesn’t he? Right. He wants to be a professional journalist. 1. Alice / act in the theatre. 2. Peggy / play the piano. 3. Steve / play football. 4. Sandra / cut hair. 5. Nancy / work in business. 6. Roy / work with electrical things. 7. Ralph / work in reception at a hotel. 8. Anna / look after people’s teeth. 123 Set 3 It’s time for work Пора работать 21. Узнайте, сколько сейчас времени. Ask and tell the time. Example: What’s the time? It’s a quarter past ten. two o’clock three o’clock Глядя на стрелки следующего ряда часов, уточните время. 22. Look at these clocks. a) Speak about Rod Wilkin’s usual day. Remember! to get up – вставать to leave for work – уходить на работу a gym [im ] – спортивный зал to go to bed – ложиться спать Example: 6.20 get up Rod gets up at 6.20 in the morning 6.40 run round the park and walk the dog 7.55 have breakfast and read the newspaper 8.15 leave for the office 9.0 start work 124 16.30 17.45 18.10 19.50 23.00 finish work and go to the gym come back home go out for a beer watch television go to bed b) Ask questions about Rod’s routine: What time does he get up? What does he do before breakfast? c) What time do you do these things? d) Ask your partner about it. e) Sum up the information about your friend’s usual day. Example: Alex says* (that) he goes to the library after classes. * Обратите внимание на разницу в употреблении глаголов “say” и “tell” в значении говорить, сказать; Rosa says she wants a new coat. Rosa tells me she wants a new coat. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 23. Listening “Summer work”. a) Read the advertisement below. WANTED (Требуется) Young person wanted for summer work in Student Services office at language school in York. Phone Keith on (01904) 2 28513 Roy is phoning Keith about the job in the newspaper. Note! to be of use – пригодиться by the way – между прочим a driving license [laisən s] – водит. права 125 a salary – зарплата quite important – довольно важный to go on a trip – отправиться в поездку b) Listen to the first part of their conversation, look at the chart* and answer. * a chart – график, таблица What does Keith want to know about Roy? What information does Roy give him? Keith’s questions ………………………….a student? ……………..…….knows the city? ……………………………….age? …………………speaks languages? …………………….…plays sports? …plays any musical instruments? …………………………..has a car? Roy’s answers .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... c) Listen to the second part of the conversation, look at the chart and answer. What does Roy want to know about the job? What information does Keith give him? Roy’s questions ……………………hours of work? ……………..…busy at weekends? …………………working months? ………………………...the salary? Keith’s answers ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ d) Listen to the whole of the dialogue and practise it in pairs. 24. Read the following information. Remember! Note! 126 the world [w E:ld ] – мир daily routine [ru:ti:n] – распорядок дня Daily routines around the world In Austria children go to school at half past seven in the morning. In Germany people go to work between seven and nine in the morning. In Holland people start work at eight in the morning and finish work at five in the afternoon. In Greece children start work at eight and finish at onethirty or start at two and finish at seven in the evening. In France people have lunch at midday. In Spain people have lunch at three or four o’clock in the afternoon. In the USA people finish work at five in the afternoon. In Norway people have dinner at five in the afternoon. In Spain people have dinner at ten or eleven in the evening. In Your Culture Ask your partner about the same things in Russia. Say which statements (утверждения) are true for Russia. Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на 25 интонацию. Прочтите текст про себя и ответьте на следующий вопрос. Is Sylvie a hardworking student? Why? / Why not? Remember! Note! to have / take a shower [SaVq] – принять душ to get (to) – добираться exercise [eksqsaIz] – зарядка, упражнение а subject – предмет I don’t go to bed until 11 – я ложусь спать не раньше 11 to be up – быть на ногах early – рано 127 My Working Day Hello. My name’s Sylvie Clark. I’m a student of a medical school in London. My working day begins at 6.30 and it usually begins with exercise. I go out and run about my house twenty times. After a shower and a cup of coffee I sometimes watch “Good morning Britain” on TV. The programme starts at 7 o’clock and finishes at 9 o’clock but I never watch it to the very end – there isn’t time. I live in Kent and get to London every weekday on the 8 a.m.* train. The train is very busy in the mornings. At midday my friends and I go to a cafe´ for lunch. At 1 p.m. we have our English class. After that we study anatomy. English and anatomy are my favourite subjects. In the evenings I talk with my parents and do my homework. I don’t go to bed until 11 o’clock. And I’m up again early next morning. * a.m. – сокращённая форма от латинского antimeridian (до полудня) p.m. – post meridian (после полудня) 26. Tasks. a) Answer the question before the text. b) Ask your partner about Sylvie’s everyday routine. 1. Does she get up at 7.30? Ask “What time?” 2. Does she have a bath? Ask “What?” 3. Ask your partner what Sylvie has for breakfast. 4. Does the girl watch any films on TV? Ask “What pro gramme?” 5. Does Sylvie live in the suburbs of London? Ask “Where?” 6. Does she get to London by car? Ask “How?” 7. Does she have lunch after or between classes? Ask “What time?” 8. Does she like to study chemistry? Ask “What subject(s)?” 9. Does the girl go out on weekdays? Ask “Why? / Why not?” 128 c) On your own. Speak about your daily routine. Text B 27. Прочитайте текст бегло про себя и найдите в нём ответы на поставленные после текста вопросы. Note! to look after sb – ухаживать за кемл. Royal – королевский to prepare [prIpeq] – подготовить (заранее) to feed – кормить to sleep – спать a consultation – консультация to come back – вернуться The Royal Couple (Madame Tussaud’s) A Day in the Life of the Queen Queen Elizabeth II gets up at 7 o’clock, has a cup of tea and reads “The Times”. Seven people look after her. One starts her bath, one prepares her clothes, and one feeds the Royal dogs. She has eight or nine dogs, and they sleep in their own bedroom near the Queen’s bedroom. At 8 o’clock she listens to BBC news and has breakfast with Prince Philip. After the Queen reads personal letters she has a business consultation with Private Secretary and works at some documents. At 1 o’clock the Queen has a quick lunch and at 2 o’clock leaves the Palace to open a new hospital. At 4.45 she comes back to Buckingham Palace and works in her office. At 5.30 she has the final meeting with her Private Secretary. In the evening she has dinner with Prince Philip and a group of businessmen. At 10 she watches TV news and telephones some of the Royal Family just to see if all is well.* At about 11 she goes to bed. * just to see if all is well – просто убедиться, всё ли в порядке 129 28. Tasks. a) Answer these questions. What does Queen Elizabeth do in the morning? / in the afternoon? / in the evening? b) Прочтите следующие утверждения. Восстановите последовательность изложения фактов в тексте. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. At 1 o’clock the Queen has a quick lunch and at 2 o’clock leaves the Palace. In the evening she has dinner with Prince Philip and a group of businessmen. At 8 o’clock the Queen listens to BBC news and has break fast. At 4.45 she comes back to Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth gets up at 7 o’clock, has a cup of tea and reads “The Times”. At 5.30 she has the final meeting with her Private Secretary. At about 11 she goes to bed. c) Do you remember? – How many people look after the Queen? – How many dogs are there in the Palace? – What kinds of people does the Queen meet? – Does she often phone any of the Royal Family? d) Найдите в каждом абзаце одно(два предложения, которые можно опустить как несущественные. e) Do British people like their “royals”? Think and say why: – because they are rich and famous; – because they have a good family life; – because the Queen often speaks on TV; – because she meets people, visits schools and opens hospitals; – because she’s a symbol of Britain’s long history. 130 In Your Country Who is Head of State (глава государства) in your country? Do you often read about the “first family” in newspapers? Do you often see them on TV? 29. Roleplay. You’re a famous person (a sportsman / an actor / a TV presenter / a journalist etc.). a) Interview each other about your routines. b) Tell the class about a day in your life. The other students are trying to guess your profession. get up at… drink champagne eat…for breakfast go to the gym have lunch with… wear… 30. Roleplay the game on page 113. Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 7 1. Сделайте правильный выбор из двух подчёркнутых слов. Example: “Is this her / hers car?” “No, her / hers is white.” “Is this her car?” “No, hers is white.” 1. “Is this room your / yours?” “Yes, it’s my / mine.” 2. That’s not my / mine raincoat. My / mine is yellow. 3. They have two children. What are their / theirs names? 4. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours. 131 2. Задайте правильно вопрос. Начните с вопросительных слов What…? Whose…? How…? Example: Is his hair black? Brown? Grey? What colour is his hair? 1. Are you 20 years old? 21? 22? 2. Is the door red? Blue? Yellow? 3. Are these shoes size 39/ 40? 41? 4. Is it Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? 5. Is your suit size 38? 40? 42? 6. Are these trousers yours? His? Mine? 7. Is this the Volvo? The Ford? The Cadillac? 3. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответст( вующей форме. 1. She (have) many friends in Moscow? 2. He (be) an intelligent man? 3. I (like) music and pictures. 4. She (not / play) tennis very well. 5. They (live) in Bristol? 6. My friend (work) at an office. 7. He (travel) to the Ministry by car. He (not / walk) much. 4. Задайте вопросы с вопросительными словами: Where / What / How / When……………? Example: I wash my car once a week (how often / you) How often do you wash your car? 1. I live in Madrid. (where / you)……………………………………….? 2. I watch TV every day. (how often / you)……………………………? 3. I have lunch at home. (where / you)…………………………………? 4. I get up at 7.30. (what time / you)……………………………………? 5. I go to the cinema a lot. (how often / you)……………………………? 6. I read newspapers in the evening. (when / you)……………………..? 132 5. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы “say” или “tell”. Example: She says she wants to send a parcel to her parents. 1. I have a lot to ______ him on the phone. 2. When you see them, don’t forget to ______ hello to Mary. 3. Please, ______ us your telephone number. 4. They ______ Jack’s father is ill again. 5. Efie often ______ me some interesting things. 6. It’s too hot in July. ______ Ralph to take a holiday in June. 7. People ______ Robert and Laura have got a new house. 8. ______ him not to play three sets of tennis. 6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. Воспользуйтесь устойчивыми сочетаниями сущест( вительных с предлогами в таблице. at on in home / school / college / work the bus stop / the hotel the doctor’s / my parents’ (house) TV / the programme hospital (лежать) в больнице the photo / the picture 1. Стефано – итальянец. Он говорит поанглийски. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Сегодня мы хотим обедать дома. Приготовьте нам, пожалуйста, рыбу. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. – В котором часу начинаются занятия в университете? – Обычно в 9 утра. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 133 4. – На фотографии твоя сестра в красивом платье. Она носит его на работу? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. – Как часто вы оставляете ребёнка у родителей? – На каждый выходной. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. – Он сейчас у врача? – Нет, он находится в больнице. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. – В нашем кинотеатре сегодня новый фильм. – Вы часто проводите время вне дома? – Раз в неделю. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 134 Word List (Unit 7) A after always anatomy another Arabic I B L interview J jacket jeans lady like look for before billiards boots C champagne D disco dress E M medical music N never news newspaper exercise O F often orange favourite P G get (to) get up get out golf green gym personal phrase piano pianist pink prince H have a shower 135 Q T quarter R red relax rest S shirt shoes shorts size smoke sometimes start striped suit sweater television Thames T shirt trousers try on twice a week U usually W walk watch TV wear white Y yellow yoga UNIT 8 WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO EAT? Где вы хотите поесть? ФОНЕТИКА Дифтонг [q V ]. Повторение и обобщение. ГРАММАТИКА Оборот “would like (to do sth)” для выражения предпочтений. Наречия much, little, a little. Специальные вопросы типа: How much…? Отрицательная форма повелитель, ного наклонения. Как сказать? Я бы хотел… Мне бы хотелось… См. Приложение, с. 264 Study unit 8 and roleplay. Вы находитесь в московском ресторане. Обcудите заказ со своим зарубежным коллегой. You Сообщите гостю, что в этом ресторане фирменное блюдо – рыбный суп. Узнайте, какой салат ваш коллега хотел бы заказать к бифштексу. Your partner Признайтесь, что очень любите руcские супы. Добавьте, что англичане включают в меню суп только зимой. Ответьте, что салат может быть любой. Что касается 137 бифштекса, вы предпочи' таете хорошо прожарен' ный. Скажите, что хотите вы на второе блюдо. Спросите у гостя, какое заказать вино. Cкажите, что вместо вина вы бы хотели бутылочку минеральной воды. Выскажите свои предпочтения. Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. При чтении слов в правой колонке проследите, какому буквосочетанию в левой колонке соответствует произносимый дифтонг [qV]. Дифтонг [qV]. Повторение и обобщение o в открытом слоге hope, motor, ocean, denote, compose oa soap, coat, load, coachman, approach ow в конце слов flow – flown, grow – grown – growth, slow, narrow, window, Moscow Исключение: how, now, allow [aV] o + l(l) enroll, stroll, swollen, wholly, control o + ld/lt told, gold, threshold, bolt, revolt o + st host, post, ghost, most, impost ou + ld/lt soul, mould, poultry, shoulder o + др. согласные comb, both, only, soldier, won’t, don’t ough dough, though, although Редкие сочетания sew, brooch, owe 2. Прочитайте следующие пословицы и четверостишия. Помимо интонации, cледите за тем, чтобы второй элемент дифтонга [qV] не удлинялся. All roads lead to Rome. 138 Все дороги ведут в Рим. A /tree | is known by its fruit. Дерево познаётся по плодам. All is not /gold that glitters. Не всё золото, что блестит. Don’t play with fire. Не играй с огнём. / Don’t trouble trouble | until Не буди лиха, пока спит trouble | troubles you. тихо. The Wise Old /Owl [aVl] Sat in an oak. The more he /heard, The less he spoke. The less he /spoke – The more he heard. Follow the e/xample | Of the old wise bird. Robert Rowley | rolled a round roll round. A round /roll | Robert Rowley rolled round. Where is the round /roll | Robert Roley | rolled round? 3. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Soup, toast, diet, fruit, salad, menu, object, record, the United Kingdom, packet, pound, penny, pence, mineral, practical, sandwich, banana, biscuit, chocolate, yogurt, idea, Egypt, Egyptian, fanatic, tomato. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Talking about preferences Выражение предпочтений 4. Выскажите своё пожелание в вежливой форме. Remember! cheese [Ci:z] – сыр water [wLtq] – вода Example: I’d like a banana. a cake some salad some soup [su:p] some mineral water a cup of coffee a cheese toast 139 “I'd like (would like) to do sth” употребляется для выражения предпочтений: “Would you like some tea now?” (Do you want some tea?) “Yes, I would. / No, thank you.” Сравните данный оборот с глаголом “to like” – нравиться: “Do you like tea?” (Do you think tea is nice?) “Yes, I do.” Covent Garden Cultural Note Covent [kPvqnt] Garden is an area of London once (когда'то) famous for its fruit and vegetable market. Now there are expensive but popular shops and eating places there. 4а. Ответьте на предложение вашего коллеги таким образом. Example: go to the Odeon practise sports Would you like to go out for dinner? Yes, I would. Yes, I’d love to. have a party go to the theatre visit some friend walk in Covent Garden 5. Listening. а) Listen and practise this dialogue. Remember! an* ice'cream [aIsk ri:m] – мороженое fruit [fru:t] – фрукты a piece [pi:s] – кусок * Здесь неопределённый артикль перед неисчисляемым существительным означает одну порцию. Сравните: a beer, two omelet(te)s, four salads. Note! 140 on a diet – на диете A. B. A. B. A. B. Please, come in. Thank you. Please, sit down. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please. How about a piece of cake? No, thanks. I’m on a diet. b) Roleplay similar conversations with the following words. a biscuit [bIskIt] a sandwich [s n w i ] an ice'cream a banana an apple a fruit salad 6. Посмотрите в свою записную книжку и обсудите с коллегой, куда можно сходить после работы. Используйте идеи из колонки справа. Mon: go shopping Remember! to take a photo – сделать снимок instead [Insted] – вместо этого Tue: come to my house Wed: play cards Thur: take photos Fri: visit a museum Sat: go to a cafe´ Sun: see a new film Example: Would you like to eat at McDonalds on Monday? Why don’t we see a new film instead? That’s a good idea. 7. Listening. a) Listen and answer. When is the party? Is the girl busy on that day? a party [pa:tI] – вечеринка really [rIqlI] – действительно thanks anyway [enI, weI] – в любом случае, спасибо What a pity! – Какая жалость! perhaps [qhxps] – может быть Remember! Note! 141 A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. Would you like to come to a party? Well, I’d like to…but when is it? On Saturday evening. What a pity. I’m busy on Saturday. What are you doing? I’m working on the computer. Really? Another time perhaps? Yes, thanks anyway. b) Listen once again and practise this dialogue. c) Roleplay similar conversations with the following words: a picnic a lecture a football match a pop concert Set 2 a cocktail party a pub Food, Drink and Money Продукты питания и деньги 8. Спросите у собеседника, сколько у него в холодильнике продуктов. How much food? (+) much, a lot of много Example: (±) A. Have you got much milk in your fridge?* a little немного * Fridge (frig) – сокращённая форма от слова “refrigerator”. (–) little мало B. Yes, a lot. C. Just a little. D. No, not much.** E. There’s (very) little. ** Наречие “much” чаще всего встречается в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, в то время как “a lot” – в утвердительных: They haven’t got much money, but they ‘ve got a lot of friends. Неисчисляемые существительные milk sugar chocolate orange juice yogurt [`jPgqt] 9. Подберите из списка слова, соответствующие рисункам. 142 Milk, chewing gum, chocolate, sugar, salt, beer, сheese, cola. a) Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык. A SHOPPING LIST Исчисляемые существительные a carton a packet a can a piece a kilo a bottle a bar of Неисчисляемые существительные milk chewing gum beer cheese sugar / salt cola chocolate b) Buy some products from your shopping list. Work with a partner. What do you want to buy? Remember! to buy [baI] – покупать Example: Would you like some* mineral water? Yes, please. I’d like a bottle of water. * В вопросах, выражающих вежливую форму, употребляется неопределенное местоимение “some”. 143 10. You’re in the Sherlock Holmes Pub in Baker Street. Cultural Note Pubs are part of British life. Even very small villages (деревни) have a pub. People, mostly men, go to the pub for a drink in the evening and at weekends. Pubs often sell (продавать) food and drinks. Pubs have names: “The Angel”, “The Black Swan”, “The Crown”, “The King’s Arms”, “The Red Lion”. Remember! a roll [rqVl] – булочка ham [hxm] – ветчина chicken [tSIkIn] – курица crisps [krIsps] – хрустящий картофель a pot [pPt] – чайник с заваренным чаем (кофе) a) Find some of the food on the menu and ask your partner about the price. Example: How much is a chicken sandwich and a small cola? 3.40.** ** 3.40 = three pounds forty; 1 (one pound) = 100p (a hundred pence) Menu FOOD DRINKS Sandwich Roll Salad Ham…..... 2.10 2.00 3.15 Tea…….…… 1.40 a pot Cheese..... 2.25 2.05 3.40 65p a cup Chicken..... 2.50 2.30 3.50 Coffee……… 1.70 a pot Soup o f t h e day……... 2.15 80p a cup Biscuits……… 95p a packet Hot chocolate…..…. 1 30 Cakes…… 80p each chocolate/lemon/fruit Orange juice…….. 1.50 a glass Yogurt……… 85p natural / fruit Cola………… 1.20 a large glass Crisps……… 75p a packet 90p a small glass Mineral water………75p a bottle 144 b) Study the menu. Ask your partner – about the dish of the day; – what he’d like to order / to eat. с) Read and practise this short dialogue. Remember! a dish [d iʃ] – еда, блюдо, кушанье for the first / second course [k ɔ :s] – на первое / на второе for dessert [d izE:t] – на десерт A. What would you like for your first course? B. I’d like some salad. A. What sort of salad would you like? B. What is there? A. There’s green salad and tomato salad. B. I’d like tomato salad, please. d) Ask in the same way about sandwiches / drinks / desserts. e) Roleplay. You’re at table in a restaurant. Today is your friend’s birthday. Look at the menu above and ask him what he/she’d like to order. Use the following words. Cheers! – За здоровье! (тост) Happy birthday! – С днём рождения! 11. Listening "What do they call it?" a) Listen to the dialogue and answer. What are these people’s nationalities? Why do you think so? Remember! medicine [m ed sin] – лекарство Cultural Note! High Street is an important shopping and business street of a town in Great Britain. For example: 145 There are several banks in the high street. b) Listen to the conversation a second time and write the British for these words. Explain their meaning. AmE a bill pants potato ships a parking lot a drugstore fried potatoes main street BrE __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ c) What sorts of fried potatoes are on sale in Great Britain? 12. Game “How Healthy Are You”? Note! health – здоровье healthy – здоровый at least – по крайней мере on foot – пешком rarely – редко Задание 1. Подчеркните a, b или c. How do you usually get to work? Do you smoke? How often do you practise sports? How much tea and coffee do you drink? a – by car b – on foot c – by bus, tube or train a – every day b – sometimes c – rarely a – often b – sometimes c – rarely a – not at all b – less than* five cups a day 146 How often do you exercise? Do you eat fresh fruit and salads? How many hours do you sleep every night? How often do you eat cakes? When do you normally go to bed? c – at least five cups a day a – every day b – sometimes c – never a – every day b – sometimes c – rarely a – at least seven or eight b – five or six c – four or less a – very often b – sometimes c – very rarely a – at 10.30 p.m. b – at midnight c – after midnight * less than – менее, чем Задание 2. Подсчитайте свои очки. За каждую букву “a” даётся 3 очка, за букву “b” – 2 очка и за букву “c” – 1 очко. 1. More than* 25 marks: You’re a health fanatic. You may live to be 100. 2. 20'25 marks: You’re in good form. You get the most out of life.** 3. 15'20 marks: Not bad, but why don’t you buy a pair of shorts instead of eating that cake? 4. Less than 15 marks: Oh, dear!*** Eat to live but not live to eat! * more than – более, чем ** You get the most out of life – вы получаете от жизни всё. *** Oh, dear! – О боже! (воскл.) 147 13. How to keep fit? Как сохранить здоровье? Remember! meat [mi:t] – мясо сream [kri:m] – сливки a) Tell your partner not to eat these things. Example: Don’t eat heavy food! heavy food fatty meat fast food too many eggs macaroni potatoes ice'cream sweets b) On your own. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения выражает предупреждение, запрет и образуется для 2'го лица единственного и множественного числа с помощью don't: Don’t eat too fast, please! What do you do to be fit? How often do you take exercise? How many sports do you do? Section III Do you eat the right food? What do you eat a lot of? What don’t you eat? READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A 14. Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и найдите в нём ответы на поставленные после текста вопросы. Remember! 148 a break [breIk] – перерыв a meal [mi:l] – еда, приём пищи far [fQ:] – далеко main – основной, главный to stay [steI] – оставаться Have a Break! The busy time of the day for London’s cafe´s and pubs is from twelve to two, when everything stops for lunch. Most people who work in London get a break of about an hour for lunch. Lunch is the midday meal. As some people live too far from work to go back for lunch, thеу еat at any cafe´ or pub near their office. Many people have a two'course lunch. This midday meal is usually a three'course meal in winter and begins with soup. Meat or fish with some vegetables is the main course. One of the vegetables is always potato. There are, of course, other vegetables in this season. Fruit is the sweet course. Many people drink a cup of tea or coffee after their lunch. Those who have a full meal when they come home usually stay at the office for lunch. They have sandwiches, and perhaps an apple, and a cup of tea or coffee with biscuit to finish. If the weather is fine, they always go to the park or square and eat their sandwiches there. 15. Tasks a) Practise asking and answering questions. 1. Do most people have lunch in town? Ask “ Why? / Why not?” 2. Is English lunch normally a three'course meal? Ask “How many?” 3. Is lunch in winter the same as in summer? Ask “What …like?” 4. Does the midday meal always begin with vegetables? Ask your partner about winter time. 149 5. Do meat and fish go with rice? Ask “What?” 6. Does a British have an ice'cream for dessert? Ask “What?” 7. Do Londoners eat their sandwiches outside in fine weather? Ask “Where?” b) Sum up the information about lunch in the United Kingdom. In Your Culture Is lunch also popular in Russia? Why? / Why not? When do Russians get a break for meals? Where do people go for lunch? What’s food like in Russia? What sort of lunch do Russians have in winter? / in summer? Where do people eat fast food? They say sandwiches are bad for our health. Is it so? 16. Roleplay “Where would you like to eat?” You’re working in Great Britain. Today you’re having a meeting with your business partner. It’s nearly lunchtime. 1. 2. 3. Your partner’s a VIP (the firm pays for lunch). You need a small quiet place to talk over business. Your partner doesn’t like big meals at lunch time; you’d like a sandwich and a drink. a) Read the following information and say what is special about each of these pubs. 150 KINGS HEAD Small quiet pub. Good beer. Sandwiches only. BLACK BULL Big noisy pub. Great sandwiches. Informal and trendy. MAMMA MIA Italian only – cheap, noisy, mostly young people. Fantastic food. LA FORTUNA The best in town. Expensive – Quiet Impressive service. Excellent food. b) Try to choose (выбрать) a pub together. Use these phrases. Well, we want …, don’t we? I don’t really want … . How about you? I don’t mind. Я не возражаю. I leave it to you. Вам решать. Text B 17. Прочтите следующее интервью и скажите, какая информация оказалась для вас новой. Remember! bread [bred] – хлеб to feel [fi:l] – чувствовать, ощущать a department store [dIpa:tmqnt] – универмаг many kinds of food – всякие продукты Note! a customer – покупатель a ton [tAn] – тонна ago – тому назад on average – в среднем sales – распродажа to spend – тратить 151 Svetlana is a Russian journalist. She’s interviewing Paul Lucks, an assistant at Harrods. Harrods S. Harrods is a very expensive department store. Tell me, Peter, why is it so popular in the UK? P. Well, Harrods is famous for its Food Hall and Egyptian Hall. People come to Harrods, just to see them. S. What is special about the Food Hall? P. It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world, and more than 180 kinds of bread and London. Harrods. pastry. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy 100 tons every year. S. That’s interesting! And why is the Egyptian Hall so famous? P. Well, when people see it, they feel they’re in another world. It looks like an Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago and it sells beautiful objects. They’re not 4,000 years old, of course. S. Tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day, and how much do they spend? P. About 30,000 people come on an average day. But during the sales the number is 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spend? Well, on average, customers spend about 1.5 million a day. The record for one day is 9 million. 18. Tasks a) Answer the question before the interview. 152 b) How much do you remember? – How many kinds of cheese / bread and pastry does Harrods sell? – How old does the Egyptian Hall look like? – How many customers does the store have on an average day? / during the sales? – How much do shoppers spend a day? – What is the record for one day? c) Прочтите данные утверждения и определите, какие из них соответствуют содержанию текста. 1. 2. A big department store sells practically all you need. British people do not think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. 3. Baker Street is a busy place. That’s why Harrods is full of shoppers all day long. 4. During the sales the number of customers is 30,000 a day. 5. Tastes in food and clothes are international. So, a lot of tourists visit Harrods. 6. Customers walk from one department to another looking at different kinds of goods. In Your Country Are there any big department stores in Russia? Where are they? Why is GUM popular with Russians? What are GUM’s best'selling goods? 19. Roleplay the game on p.137. Use the following words: “well<done” (хорошо прожаренный) the speciality of the restaurant (фирменное блюдо) 153 Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 8 1. Вместо точек вставьте пропущенные наречия: many / much 1. Are there ______ food halls in Harrods? 2. There’s not ______ petrol in his car. 3. Buy some more cheese. There isn’t ______ in the fridge. 4. “How ______ goods are there on sale in your shop?” “There’re not ______.” few / little 5. “Let’s drink some yogurt.” “But we haven’t got much of it. There’s very ______ at home.” 6. “How many mistakes are there in your dictation?” “Not many. Today there are very ______ ” 7. “How much mineral water is there in the bottle?” “Oh, there’s very ______.” 8. Mr. Jackson sells a lot of English books but ______ Russian magazines. 2. Закончите следующие подходящую форму глаголов предложения, используя have / have got 1. On Sundays my parents stay at home and ______ a lovely time watching TV. 2. Ask the waiter what kinds of pasta they ______ for the se' cond course. 3. You ______ your father’s nose and mouth. 4. ______ Sharon ever ______ lunch at a cafe´? 5. “Are you ______ a bath?” “No, not a bath. I’m ______ a shower.” 6. “What do you want to do?” “I want ______ a small break.” 3. Задайте вопросы к подчёркнутым словам, используя данные вопросительные слова. When? How? What? How many / much/ often? What time? 154 1. There are two kinds of buses in London. 2. They practise sports every morning. 3. We say goodbye to our friends when we leave. 4. My niece never forgets to water flowers. 5. Muscovites usually travel by public transport. 6. Tom sleeps very little. He normally goes to bed after mid' night and gets up at 6 o’clock. 4. Задайте вопросы к прямому дополнению. 1. We’re watching an interesting programme on TV. 2. Mr. Green always helps his wife about the house. 3. He’d like another cup of coffee for lunch. 4. I never fix my car. 5. They are feeding their dog. 6. We seldom wash the windows in our flat. 5. Задайте вопросы к предложному дополнению. 1. I practise English with a friend of mine. 2. The Gables go on holiday with their children. 3. John is phoning for a taxi. 4. She is speaking about that wonderful TV show. 5. My grandfather tells us about his life. 6. Students often listen to BBC on the radio. 6. При переводе данного упражнения используйте наречия: much / many / (a) little / (a) few 1. Зубной врач говорит, что я ем слишком много сладкого. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. – Кем хочет стать их сын? – Пианистом. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 155 3. – У меня есть при себе немного денег. Сколько пачек сигарет вы хотите купить? – Мне нужно несколько. – Вы слишком много курите. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. – Зимой на улице много снега? – Да, довольно много. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Ей бы хотелось сделать несколько фотографий Национального музея, но у неё мало свободного времени. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Большинство детей любят молоко и пьют его много. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. Генри хочет заказать несколько бутербродов с ветчиной и два чайника чая. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Word List (Unit 8) A a little B banana bar 156 C biscuit bottle bread break buy can carton Cheers! cheese chicken chocolate Covent Garden cream crisps D department store dessert diet dish M main meal meat menu milk mineral much T take a photo toast W water Y yogurt O object F far feel for the first course fruit P packet party piece pot H ham Happy birthday! Harrods have a break R really record roll I S ice'cream idea instead K kilo kind salad sandwich sell soup stay sugar 157 UNIT 9 WORK AND LEISURE Работа и досуг ФОНЕТИКА Редукция гласных в предударном и послеударном слогах. Дифтонг [eI]. Повторение и обобщение. ГРАММАТИКА Специальные вопросы к подлежащему и дополнению. Модальные глаголы can, may. Относительные местоимения who, that, which. Как спросить? Вы умеете …? Могу я вас попросить …? Cм. Приложение, с. 265 Study unit 9 and roleplay. You’re talking to an American partner who is especially interested in different hobbies. Mr. Rogers wants to know what Russians usually do at weekends. You Поясните, что иногда есть домашние дела, но в сво' бодное время вы выезжаете на дачу. Mr. Rogers Попросите вашего собеседника рассказать, чем он занимается в выходные дни. Узнайте, где находится дача – под Москвой? (за пределами Москвы). Ответьте, что многие вла' деют дачами под Москвой. Расскажите, что вы с семьей выезжаете из Москвы в пятницу, а возвращаетесь Расспросите, увлекаются ли в понедельник утром. в семье спортом. Объясните, что русская зима 158 долгая, и вы наслаждаетесь зимними видами спорта. Даже маленькие дети умеют кататься на коньках и на лыжах. Это для них забава. Согласитесь. Признайтесь, что вам нравится смотреть хоккей по телевизору. Section I Проявите интерес. Заметьте, что особенно популярен сейчас хоккей. Поблагодарите г'на Род' жерса за приятную беседу. LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. При чтении слов в таблице помните о том, что в предударном и послеударном слогах длительность гласного сокращается. Редукция гласных в предударном и послеударном слогах e, i, y – [I] Предударный слог resume, invent, Заударный слог a*, o, u – [q] decide, mistake, create, hysteric address, collect, success, alone, correct, suppress biggest, music, happy, classes, longing, Egypt comma, bottom, minus, sofa, pilot, focus * Гласная “a” в послеударном открытом слоге читается как [I]: climate, damage, savage, usage. 2. Прочтите слова из правой колонки таблицы. Проследите, какому буквосочетанию в левой колонке соответствует дифтонг [eI]. 159 Дифтонг [eI]. Повторение и обобщение [eI] а (в откр. слоге) ea bacon, lazy, April, escape, parade break, great, steak, beefsteak, daybreak ai* aid, rail, waist, contain, campaign ay* way, stay, essay, decay, portray ey* eigh редкие сочетания they, grey, obey, convey, survey eight, freight, weigh, weight, neighbour veil, reign, straight, ballet, buffet * В неударном положении диграфы ai, ay, ey произносятся как [I]: captain, fountain, holiday, money, trolley. 3. При чтении следующих фраз и стихотворений обратите внимение на интонацию. can stay, can skate, can’t be have, can’t es cape, can take the briefcase, can bake a cake Never put it off till to /morrow | what you can do to day. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня. There can be no /friendship | where there is no freedom. Нет дружбы без свободы. Mix a /pancake, | stir a /pancake, | Pop it in а pan. Try the /pancake, | toss the /pancake, | Catch it if you can. 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Hobby, poem, motorcross, politics, western, windsurfing, Latin, athlete, athletic, cricket, rugby, garage, jazz, aspirin, 160 activity, camping, teenager, history, global, gallery, gymnastics, antique, classic(al), cottage, tradition, , delegation, mission, hockey, Olympic, fan. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Talking about Likes and Dislikes Наши вкусы и привязанности 5. Посмотрите на схему и скажите, в чем особенности построения вопросов к подлежащему и дополнению likes Eric Subject Object Who likes Janet? Eric does. Janet Whom does Eric like? He likes Janet Who loves whom? Look at the picture and answer these questions. Remember! to dislike sb [d islaIk ] – недолюбливать кого'л. to hate [h eIt] each other – ненавидеть друг друга Examples: Whom does Janet love? Janet loves Eric. Who loves Janet? Philip does. 1. Whom does Eric love? 2. Who loves Eric? 3. Who dislikes Eric? 4. Whom does Eric dislike? 5. Who loves Alice? 161 6. Whom does Alice love? 7. Whom does Janet hate? 8. Who hates Janet? 9. How does Eric feel about Philip? 10. Does Philip feel the same about him? 11. Do Philip and Janet love each other? 6. How do you relax? What do you like doing in your free time? Remember! to collect [kqlekt] – коллекционировать to paint [peInt] – рисовать, красить to keep birds [bE:d] – держать птиц a) Ask your partner about his hobby, like this: What’s your hobby? Painting is my hobby. And yours? Mine’s photography. painting doing yoga playing tennis collecting stamps keeping pets / birds playing computer games snowboarding doing motocross ballroom dancing listening to music b) Make three lists of hobbies. A Things you like / enjoy doing: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 162 B Things you don’t mind doing: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ C Things you dislike / don’t like doing: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ c) Пользуясь составленными списками, расспросите друзей, как они относятся к проведению разных видов досуга. Example: Do you like keeping pets? Do you like writing letters? Yes, I do. Very much. Yes, I love it. No, I don’t. Not very much. No, I hate it. d) Write a paragraph about some other student’s hobbies. Let the class guess who it is about. Examples: He / she likes going to the cinema and doesn’t mind going to the theatre, but he / she doesn’t like going to parties very much. Sum up the information and say: Who’s similar to you? Who’s different from you? e) Расскажите о своих предпочтениях. Пусть ваш собеседник выскажет альтернативное мнение. Remember! to think [θ iNk] – думать to be interested [In trq stId] in sth – интересоваться чем'л. boring [b ɔ :rIN] – скучный, скучно It’s great fun – очень интересно, забавно I love watching football. Really? I don’t. I think it’s boring. I don’t like shopping. Really? I do. I think it’s great fun. I’m interested in clothes. 163 f) Roleplay similar conversations about your hobbies. 7. Read what the film star, Clint Eastwood, does in his free time. Remember! politics [pPlItIks] – политика Clint likes doing a lot of things. He owns a restaurant. When he isn’t working in films, he plays golf. Clint is also interested in politics. He spends a lot of time with his family. His wife, Dina Ruiz, is a TV reporter and Clint enjoys talking to her about movies.* He’d certainly like to make another western. * movies – Am E for the cinema (the pictures) a) Here are some answers to the text. Think of the questions. 1._________________________________________________ ? Clint does. 2._________________________________________________ ? A restaurant. 3._________________________________________________ ? He’s interested in politics. 4. _________________________________________________ ? Clint plays golf. 5. _________________________________________________ ? With his family. 6. _________________________________________________ ? She’s a TV reporter. 7. _________________________________________________ ? About movies. 8. _________________________________________________ ? Another western. 164 Set 2 Expressing Ability and Inability Наши способности и возможности 8. Обратите внимание, как от прилагательных образуются наречия и какое место занимают те и другие в предложении. My friend is a good player. bad singer. He plays well. sings badly. Оцените таланты известных вам людей и поинтересуйтесь мнением партнера. Example: I think Volochkova is a beautiful dancer. What do you think? I think so too. She certainly is. She dances beautifully. good swimmer fast driver quick runner good pianist hard worker polite speaker Прилаг.наречие bad – badly quick – quickly slow – slowly (медленный) hard – hard late – late early – early fast – fast good – well 9. Спросите своего собеседника, умеет ли он это делать. Воспользуйтесь подсказками под моделью. Example: Can you write poems? Yes, I can. Can you? No, I can’t. sing take photos act use the Internet cycle speak Japanese windsurf read Latin texts play tennis operate the computer run 10 kilometres Модальный глагол "can" I He She It You We They (+) can [kqn] swim. (') can't [knt] 165 Sum up the information about your partner’s abilities. Example: Anthony can operate the computer but he can’t cook. 10. Read these mini<dialogues and dramatize similar conversations. Remember! to play chess [tSes] – играть в шахматы to ski [sk i:] – кататься на лыжах to skate [skeit] – кататься на коньках Example: Can Jack fix cars? Of course he can. He fixes cars every day. He’s a mechanic. Richard / skate? all of them / ski? Sandra /use the Internet? Remember! Doris / take photos? Harry / play chess ? Richard / play golf? to know [nə ] – знать Example: Do you know a person who* can teach English well? David can. No, he can’t. He can’t teach at all. * Относительные местоимения who, which, that переводятся “который”. Местоимение who употребляется, когда придаточное определяет одушевленное существительное; which – когда речь идет о предметах и животных; that может относиться к любому существительному и местоимению, как например: Charles lives in a house which (that) is 200 years old. Sally / run fast Bob / fix cars Mary / play chess Simon / swim well 166 Ann / skate beautifully John / speak many languages Diana / make a good dinner Sam / use a video camera Set 3 Polite request Вежливая просьба 11. Обратитесь к своему коллеге с вежливой просьбой. Remember! of course [PvkO:s] – конечно to turn [tE:n] on – включить to turn off – выключить Can you spell the word for me, please? Sure. / O.K. / Yes, of course. / Yes, certainly. say that again tell me the time give me your umbrella open the door / the window turn on the cassette'player turn off the cassette'player 12. Practise the following mini<dialogues. Use the words below the models. Remember! That’s very kind of you – очень любезно с вашей стороны to lend – давать взаймы to do smb a favour [feivq] – оказывать кому'л. услугу 1. May* I please use your pen for a minute? Sure. / You’re welcome. That’s very kind of you. 2. May* I please use your dictionary for a minute? Sorry, I haven’t got it right now. Thanks anyway. VCR fax glasses magazine telephone Walkman * Как и глагол can, модальный глагол may употребляется для выражения вежливой просьбы и разрешения. В отличие от глагола сап, глагол may носит более официальный характер. 167 3. (Use the words in the right column.) A. Oh, Paul. answer the phone for me Can you do me a favour? take these books away B. Yes, certainly. lend me your calculator A. Can you post the letter for me? meet me before work meet me in the bar after work B. Yes, of course. 13. What do you say in these situations? Ask your partner what time you can watch your favourite TV programme tonight. You want to go to Sheremetyevo Airport* tomorrow, but you don’t know how to get there. You want to have a nice time at the weekend together with a friend. What do you tell him/her? You want to go out to eat tonight. Ask your colleague where you can have a good supper. Ask your partner what things you can get in a library. You don’t know where to buy stamps / a map / a camera / newspapers. You’re visiting a company and you want to use their telephone. * Обратите внимание на то, что перед названиями улиц, магазинов, площадей, станций метро и аэропортов артикль не употребляется, например: Red Square, Kennedy Airport, Old Street, Waterloo Station, Marks and Spencer. 14. Roleplay. You’re working with a delegation from Canada. Do you know how to act in these professional situations? Match them with the cues below. Note! broken – сломанный Oh, my colleague is ill! The car is broken. We don’t know where the hotel is! I don’t understand the money here! We’re late for the conference! I’m so tired! 168 help you? lift that big box? take* you to a doctor? / a garage? get you a drink? / an aspirin? lend you some money? take you to the conference? / the airport? / your hotel? Can I * Разница между bring/take и come/go зависит от того, где находится говорящий. Take и go употребляются для обозначения движения от говорящего: bring, come > here; take, go > there. 15. Complete the following telephone conversations with the words from the box and practise these dialogues. Note! a message – сообщение, поручение to connect sb with sb – соединить кого'н. с кем'н. a wrong number – ошибочный, неверный номер to phone sb back – перезвонить кому'л. The caller is speaker В A: B: A: B: Hello? Hello. This is Rod. Can I talk to Steve, please? He is not at home right now. Can I take a message? Yes, please. Tell him to phone me back in the evening. a) In these dialogues use: may I or can I. + take leave speak / talk* help * Помните, что в отличие от глагола talk, глагол speak чаще употребляется в официальной обстановке. A: B: A: B: A: Hello? Hello. Is Dick there? Yes, he is. __________ to him? Just a minute. A: B: A: Hello. Dean Black’s office. ________ to Dean Black? May I ask who is calling? 169 B: A: Susan Abbott. Just a moment, Ms. Abbott. I’m connecting you. A: B: A: B: A: Hello? Hello. __________ to Ann? She’s not here right now. Oh. __________ a message? Certainly. A: B: Hello? Hi, this is Bruce. ________ to Lorna? She’s not at home right now. Can I __________ a message? Yes, please. Tell her to phone me back tomorrow. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Hello? Hello. ___________ to Jack? Who? Jack. Jack Butler. There’s no one here by that name. I’m afraid you have the wrong number. Is that 221–3892? No, it’s not. Oh, I’m sorry. That’s O.K. b) Dramatize any of these dialogues. 170 Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на 16. интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и ответьте на следующий вопрос. Are Nick and Teresa both sporty? Remember! a nurse [nE:s] – медсестра especially [IspeSqlI] – особенно to go by underground [Andqgraund] – ехать в метро furniture fE:nitSq – мебель Cultural Note A terraced house is a two'storey house joined to the next one in the row. What Are They Interested In? Nick is a photographer. He lives in a small terraced house in South London. He goes to work by underground. He hasn’t got a car. Nick doesn’t like sport at all. In his spare time he likes reading and watching TV. His hobby is collecting antique furniture. He’s also very interested in history. Teresa is a nurse. She lives in a flat in Brighton. She works in a hospital outside Brighton. She drives to work every day. Teresa’s hobby is painting. She’s also interested in jazz and has got a big 171 collection of records. She likes sports very much, especially tennis. 17. Tasks. a) Answer the question before the text. b) Ask and answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. about Nick: What does Nick do for a living? Does he live in a cottage in South London? Ask “Where?” Does Nick travel to work in his car? Ask “Why not?” Does he practise any sports? Ask “Why not?” Has Nick a hobby? Ask “What?” Is he interested in collecting stamps? Ask “What?” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. about Teresa: 1. What does Teresa do for a living? Does she live in London? Ask “Where?” Does Teresa work in Brighton? Ask “Where?” Does she drive to work? Ask “How often?” What’s Teresa’s hobby? Is she also interested in classical music? Ask “What?” What is her special interest? Whose hobby do you like? Why? 18. Listening “Sports around the world”. a) Listen and practise saying these place names. New Zealand Czech Republic South Wales Australia North Wales Malaysia b) Listen to the text and answer. Which sports count in Britain? 172 Note! to count – идти в счёт, иметь значение a case – случай to be mad about sth – быть влюблённым во что'л. former – бывший, прежний massive – зд. значительный to stay up late – не ложиться спать допоздна Low Countries – Бенилюкс c) Listen once again. Look at the chart and match the sports in A with the countries in B. A rugby football hockey cricket baseball cycling swimming badminton B Australia the USA and some of Latin America France, the Low Countries, Italy New Zealand and South Wales Malaysia Britain and former British colonies North Wales Canada, Czech Republic, Russia d) Sum up the information about the popularity of one kind of sport for each country. e) On your own. Are you a sports fan? Which sports do you play? Which sports do you like watching? Which sports really count in Russia? Why do you think so? 173 Text В 19. Прочитайте текст бегло про себя и найдите в нем ответы на поставленные после текста вопросы. Note! activity – деятельность, активность a channel – канал to get into the wild – выбраться на лоно природы an animal – животное to grow plants – выращивать растения to mean – означать Time off What do people do with their time off? In both Britain and America, people watch TV for many hours every week. Most American cities have twenty or more TV channels. In Britain there are four channels. For some people, time off means music and dancing. In London and New York, one or two new discos open every week. Americans love to get out of town into the wild, and many spend week'ends in the camping places of the 35 national parks. Some spend time on outside activities like fishing and water'skiing. British people enjoy gardening and doing jobs round the house. A “hobby” is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off. Some people have animals as hobbies, some grow rare tropical plants, others spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing their car or their motorbike. 174 Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps, or postcards, or matchboxes, or pictures of a favourite footballer or pop star. Hobbies are a great British and American tradition. 20. Tasks a) Answer these questions. 1. 2. 3. What is a very popular pastime in many homes in Great Britain and America? What outside activities do the people of these countries spend time on? What are the hobbies that different people enjoy? b) Перечислите факты из текста, которые показались вам интересными. c) Определите, для какой из двух стран характерна приведенная информация. Is it true of Great Britain or the USA? ... ... ... ... ... there are four TV channels. love to get out into the wild. enjoy gardening and doing jobs round the house. one or two new discos open every week. have twenty or more TV channels. d) Из данных примеров выберите те, которые наиболее ярко иллюстрируют сходство с обычаями вашей страны. 1. 2. 3. 4. The British and Americans are very much interested in arts and music. At the weekends the museums and concert halls are full. Some people keep pets, others go fishing. The schools and the offices are closed on Sundays and peo' ple have a good time in front of their TV sets. Americans enjoy sports. In the summer they like camping or visiting friends in their holiday homes. 175 In Your Country Is Sunday a quiet day in your country? Do you go shopping on Sunday? Are department stores or supermarkets open on Sundays? How many TV channels does your home town have? How many national parks are there in your country? Do you enjoy getting out into the wild? Do many people in your country spend time on sports? What inside / outside activities are popular in your country? 21. Roleplay the game on page 158. Use the word “a cottage” (дача). Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 9 1. Вместо точек вставьте пропущенные местоимения: “who”, “that”, “which”. Example: What’s the name of the man who lives next door? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I don’t like people ... never stop talking. A coffee'maker is a machine ... makes coffee. I have a friend ... drives carelessly. She always asks me questions ... are difficult to answer. Why does he wear clothes ... are too small for him? Do you know anybody ... wants to buy a car? 2. Задайте к каждому предложению по 2 вопроса и ответьте на первый из них. Example: Tom reads interesting books. “Who reads interesting books?” “Tom does.” What kind of books does Tom read? 176 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My brother smokes Marlboro. I always have a cheese sandwich for breakfast. We sometimes have tomato soup for lunch. Clark is wearing a quartz watch. None of them has a video camera. 3. Для каждой из предложенных ситуаций напишите по два предложения, используя “can” и “can’t”. Example: Jack wants to go to the park with his friends to play football, but he has a broken foot. Jack can go to the park and watch the game. But he can’t play football. 1. Bob is going to a dinner party. He doesn’t know what to wear. All his things are at the cleaner’s and he’s got only jeans. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Mary is in a store. She has fifty dollars. She wants to buy a dress, a raincoat, a watch and some perfume. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. Barbara is going to the airport. The airport is ten miles from her house. How can she get there? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. Clif has four days of holidays. Where can he go? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1 – Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время? – Играю на гитаре. – Я знаю, вы интересуетесь шахматами. – Да, действительно. Игра на гитаре и шахматы – моё хобби. ____________________________________________________ 177 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. – Вам нравится кататься на коньках? – Терпеть не могу. – В самом деле? А я не очень люблю лыжи. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. – Алиса водит машину так медленно! – Согласен. Она совсем не умеет водить. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. – Думаю, что Оливер хорошо готовит. А вы как считаете? – Я тоже так думаю. И он знает, как приготовить обед быстро. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Странно, что начальник и секретарь недолюбливают друг друга. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Я не понимаю, как пользоваться этим кассетным магнитофоном. Вы не могли бы дать мне инструкцию? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 178 Word List (Unit 9) A activity aspirin Australia B be interested in bird boring C camping collect cottage Czech Republic D delegation dislike do a favour E each other early especially F fan fast fun G gallery garage gymnastics H hate history hobby J jazz K know L Latin lend Low Countries M Malaysia mission motorcross movie N nurse O of course P paint play chess poem politics S skate ski slow(ly) sure T teenager That’s very kind of you! think tradition turn on turn off U underground W western windsurf 179 UNIT 10 A BUSINESS TRIP Деловая поездка ФОНЕТИКА Согласные [C], [S], [Z]. ГРАММАТИКА Модальное выражение “have to”. Специальные вопросы типа: How long does it take … ? Как сказать? Сколько времени потребуется…? Мне приходится… Cм. Приложение, с. 268. Study unit 10 and roleplay. You’re working in London. Next week your British colleague and you have to flay to Paris on business. Discuss the details of your journey to the airport. You Спросите у коллеги, во сколько вылет и как долго длится рейс. Your partner Ответьте, что вы вылетаете утренним рейсом. Время в полёте – около двух часов. Уточните, не придётся ли делать пересадку во время полета. Поблагодарите и вежливо откажитесь. Объясните, что у Вас лишь ручная кладь 180 Объясните. Предложите российскому коллеге подвезти его до аэропорта в Вашей машине. и вам хотелось бы доехать до Хитроу экспрессом. Расспросите, где можно купить билет на этот экспресс. Предложите встретиться в аэропорту, чтобы вместе проходить регистрацию на рейс. Section I Скажите, что это неплохая мысль. Дайте подробное разъяснение. Добавьте, что Хитроу экспресс ' это лучший способ добраться до аэропорта, так как поезд идёт быстро и без остановок. Согласитесь. Попросите коллегу перезвонить вам в день вылета. LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Прочитайте за диктором слова в правой колонке таблицы. Обратите внимание на особенности произношения каждого буквосочетания. Таблица буквосочетаний ture, sure, ci, ti, tion, sion ture [Cq] sure [Zq] в конце слова: future, lecture, capture, signature после гласной: measure, pleasure, exposure, leisure [leZq] sure ci ti tion sion [Sq] [Sq] [Sq] [Sn] sion [Zn] после согласной: fissure, pressure, tonsure, censure перед гласной: racial, official, musician, physician patient, initial, partial, martial section, creation, election, relation после согласной: version, mission, discussion, expansion после гласной: vision, decision, invasion, illusion 181 2. Прочитайте данные слова на <ssion и <tion. Каким суффиксам в русском языке они соответствуют? emotion , situation condition commission concession , emigration transmission , compensation session aggression destruction profession 3. Дайте русские эквиваленты этих слов. Сравните значения слов в двух языках. Nature, natural, culture, mixture, fortune, structure, sculpture, furniture, , architecture. 4. При чтении следующих пословиц, скороговорки и стихотворения следите за интонацией. /Slowly | but surely. Phy sicians mend | or end us. Too good | to be true. Медленно, но верно. Врачи нас лечат или калечат. Слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой. How much /wood | would a wood'chuck chuck, | If a wood'chuck | would chuck wood? If a task is once be gun, | Never leave it | till it’s done; | Be the labour great or small, | Do it /well | or not at all. 5. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Discussion, lecture, duty free, Heathrow, distance, profession, kilometre, attack, , situation, colleague, uniform, energy, 182 , energetic, speedometer, basketball, display, airport, channel, tunnel, Waterloo, officer. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Expressing Necessity and Lack of Necessity. Необходимость и отсутствие необходимости 6. Придумайте себе специальность. Остальные пытаются угадать вашу профессию с помощью наводящих вопросов. Remember! to travel [`trxvql] – ездить, путешествовать Ask questions which have a “Yes” or “No” answer. In your job do you have to ... ? plan / drive / travel be polite / be energetic work hard type fast talk a lot / organize speak many languages get up before 6.30 wear a uniform work at weekends meet a lot of people listen to people be intelligent What do you do? 7. A Busy Week. Глагол “to have” в сочетании с инфинитивом выражает необходимость совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств. Сравните: Franklin has to write letters. Franklin has letters. (“to have” в качестве смыслового глагола) Франклину приходится писать письма. У Франклина есть письма. I You have We They to travel a lot. He She It has The Browns are very busy people. They have to do a lot of things this week. Remember! to make a speech – выступать с речью 183 Monday Mr. Brown: go to the bank Mrs. Brown: go to the supermarket Tuesday Mr. Brown: write a business letter Mrs. Brown: visit a friend in hospital Wednesday Mr. Brown: send a fax Mrs. Brown: go to the dentist Thursday Mr. Brown: be at the firm Mrs. Brown: go to the library Friday Mr. Brown: make a speech Mrs. Brown: study French Ask and answer about their weekdays, like this. Example: Does Mr. Brown have to act on TV on Monday? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. What does he have to do? He has to … What do yоu have to do today / tomorrow? 8. You have to travel a lot in your job. This time you have to go on business to New York. You’ve got a plane ticket for the evening flight. What things do you have to do before you leave? Remember! a flight – рейс to return sth – вернуть, зд. сдать в библиотеку the cleaner’s – химчистка a suitcase – чемодан Before you go away on business do уou have to …? 184 clean your flat switch off the lights switch off the fridge park your car phone for a taxi say goodbye to your parents switch off the cooker get some things from the cleaner’s water flowers cancel newspapers pack the suitcase Talk about your partner’s activities before the flight. 9. Read and practise the following dialogue. Remember! a report [rIpO:t] – доклад to go jogging [PgIN] – заниматься бегом (трусцой) to go fishing [fISIN ] – ходить на рыбалку to make a phone call – позвонить по телефону A. Tom. Can you go jogging with me on Friday? B. I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to work on Friday. A. Oh, I see. Some other time then. A. _____ . Can you _____________ with me on ________ ? B. I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to _______________________ . A. Oh, I see. Some other time then. for questions go to a basketball game come to my birthday party go shopping go skiing go fishing for answers meet my boss write a report read for the class test make some phone calls listen to BBC news 185 Set 2 Getting around Поездки на транспорте 10. Объясните, почему вы отдаете предпочтение именно этому виду транспорта. THE BEST WAY TO TRAVEL a) Which travels slowly? Which travels quickly? b) Make sentences like this. to be in a hurry [hArI] – спешить Examples: 1. I travel by air because it’s quick / convenient / fast. the best way for me. Remember! 2. When you’re in a hurry, the best way to travel is by plane. underground. car. taxi. 11. Спросите своего собеседника, a) сколько времени занимают у него и его друзей поездки по городу. Remember! a journey [E:nI] – поездка Example: How long does it take you / him / her to get to college? It takes me / him / her about 20 minutes. 186 city centre library theatre airport station b) как добираются в школу / в институт / на работу члены вашей семьи и сколько времени они тратят на дорогу. Example: Martin goes to college by bus. The journey takes about half an hour. 12. Расспросите коллегу про длительность поездки из Москвы в любой другой город. Example: How long does it take It takes by an hour and a half many hours a long time plane train car from Moscow to...? plane by train from Moscow to... . car Таким же образом узнайте у собеседника, сколько приблизительно времени требуется на дорогу в нижеука< занных ситуациях. by plane / London / Madrid by plane / New York / Paris by trolley / your house / the city centre by taxi / the city centre / the airport by taxi / the station / the hotel by train / Moscow / Saint Petersburg by bicycle / your house / your work 13. Посмотрите на расписание вылета самолётов из аэропорта Хитроу и объясните, сколько времени длится каждый рейс. Remember! to fly [flaI] – летать 187 to from London depart arrive Edinburgh Manchester Newcastle Cork Aberdeen Belfast 07.10 07.15 07.30 11.15 09.25 08.30 08.20 08.05 08.30 12.30 10.50 09.40 How long does it take to fly to: Edinburgh? Manchester? Newcastle? It takes an hour and ten minutes. It ....................................... . ......................................... . 14. Roleplay. Вы находитесь в трансагентстве, чтобы забронировать билет на самолет. Агент по продаже авиабилетов пользуется расписанием, указанным выше. Выберите любой из предложенных городов и поговорите с агентом. Note! Book me on this flight. Забронируйте мне билет на этот рейс. You Поздоровайтесь. Скажите, куда вы хотите ехать. Спросите, есть ли утренний рейс. The travel agent Скажите, что есть. Спросите, в какое время вылет. Ответьте. Узнайте, сколько длится рейс. Ответьте. Попросите агента забронировать вам билет на этот рейс. 188 Согласитесь и сообщите номер рейса. 15. Read some information about Heathrow Express. Remember! a sign [saIn] – вывеска, знак rail(way) [reilw ei] – железная дорога a link [liNk] – связь a heart [hQ:t] – сердце, зд. центр luggage [lAgIG] – багаж to check in [tSek] – (за)регистрироваться Cultural Note! Paddington is one of the mainline railway stations in London. Heathrow Central London in 15 minutes, every 15 minutes The next time you travel between Heathrow and Central London, use Heathrow Express, the new non'stop, high'speed rail link between the airport and the heart of London. It takes just 15 minutes and if you are travelling with hand luggage only you can check in at Paddington station. From 23 June 1999 you can check in all your luggage at one of 27 airline desks at Paddington. You can buy tickets from our ticket machines, ticket offices, Central London Underground stations that display our sign. 189 Answer. 1. When can you use Heathrow express? 2. What sort of rail link is it? 3. How often does it run? 4. How long does it take by express from Heathrow to Central London? 5. What luggage can you check in after 23 June 1999? Where can you do it? 6. Where can you buy tickets for Heathrow Express? 16. You’re at the airport. There are a lot of signs around you. Which signs go with which words? 17. What do you say in these situations? a) Match these four sentences with A or B. Remember! Note! 1. 2. 3. 4. 190 a single (ticket) – билет в одном направлении a return – билет в оба конца a delay – задержка Could I have a day return, please? Do I have to change planes? What platform does it leave from? Is the flight on time? At the railway station At the airport A: Good morning: Can I help you? B: Good morning. ____________ to Newcastle, please. A: Single or return? B: ____________ , please. I’m coming back tonight. ___________ from? A: Platform eight. B: _______ leave? A: 9.15 and it arrives in Newcastle at 10.30. Here’s your ticket. A: Can I see your passport and ticket, please? B: Yes, here you are. Is __________ ? A: No, I’m sorry. There’s a half'hour delay. B: Oh dear. _____in Frankfurt? A: No, you stay on the same plane. b) Listening. Listen to these conversations and check your guesses. c) Practise each dialogue with a partner. Take turns to be A and B. Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на 18. интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и скажите, соответствует ли заголовок теме текста. Remember! an age [eIG] – век an interpreter [IntE:prItq] – переводчик through [Tru:] – через Cultural Note Channel Tunnel is an underground passage below the English Channel to take trains travelling between England and France. 191 The Age of the Train Mary Fisher is an interpreter. She lives in London but she often has to work in France. Q: Mary, tell our readers about your journey to France. M: I go by train. I take the train from Waterloo station through the Channel Tunnel. Q: How long does the train take? M: It takes three hours and I work during the journey. By plane, it takes an hour but you have to get to and from Charles de Gaulle airport. Q: What time do you leave London? M: There are several trains a day. I get the train at eight o’clock and arrive at the Gare du Nord station in Paris at midday French time. I work in an office which is very near, so I go there on foot. I’m at work by half past twelve. Q: And when do you leave for home? M: I usually stay at a friend’s flat, work next day and get the seven o’clock train home. I get to London at nine o’clock British time, and I am home by a quarter to ten. Q: So what do you think of the Channel Tunnel service? M: It’s great. It’s really the age of the train. 19. Tasks a) Do the task before the text. b) Which is the odd word out? 1. ride bike tram 2. car bicycle tram drive 3. train bus stop station airport 4. underground ferry train airport c) Ask and answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 192 What does Mary Fisher do? Where does she live? Where does Mary get on the train? Does the train to Paris take 2 hours? Ask “How long?” 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Does Mary leave London in the evening? Ask “When?” Does she arrive in Paris at midnight French time? Ask “When?” Does she go to the office by bus? Ask “How?” “Why?” Does Mary Fisher stay in Paris at a hotel? Ask “Where?” Does she get back to London next week? Ask “When?” Does Mary like the Eurostar service? Why? / Why not? d) Просмотрите текст и назовите предложения, которые можно опустить как несущественные в ответах Мэри. e) Суммируйте полученную информацию, опираясь на следующую схему высказывания. First ... Then / So ... Finally Text B 20. Read some facts about London’s Heathrow. Note! to handle – управлять, держать под контролем an item – предмет while travelling – во время путешествия over – свыше to smell drugs – распознавать наркотики по запаху London’s Heathrow London’s Heathrow is a very busy international airport. It handles over 350,000 international flights every year. 70 airlines use Heathrow. Around 54,000 people work at Heathrow. Near the centre of the airport is the police station with 300 police officers and 14 dogs that can smell drugs. The Medical Centre has 8 nurses and 3 doctors always ready to help people who have heart problems while travelling to or through Heathrow. 193 Every year Heathrow handles over 57,000,000 items of luggage. Heathrow’s duty free shops sell 500 million cigarettes every day. Travellers drink 23,000 cups of coffee and tea and eat 11,500 sandwiches at the airport cafe´s and bars every day. 21. Tasks. a) Which of these things are all in the text? drugs food planes dogs airport b) How much do you remember? 1. Heathrow handles ________________ international flights yearly. Heathrow handles _____________ items of luggage. There are __________ police officers and ___________ dogs. ____________ people work at Heathrow. Duty free shops sell ____________ cigarettes a day. Travellers drink __________ cups of coffee and eat __________ sandwiches every day. ___________ airlines use Heathrow. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. c) Read these statements and say what you like / dislike about travelling by air. For or against? Plane tickets are very expensive nowadays. The journey impresses you a lot. Many people die from heart attack during the flight. Flying is a very comfortable thing. The best way to travel in summer time is by air. Planes cannot take you from door to door. You need a bus or a taxi to take you to the airport. You get very much tired during the flight. Travelling by air may be very stressful at times. 194 d) Write a short paragraph about travelling. Do you have to travel in your job? Do you ever travel on long distances? How often? Which do you prefer, the plane or the railway? Why? How long does it take you to get to the place? Do you think trains are becoming very popular in your country? 22. Roleplay the game on page 180. Use the following expression: to go on a morning flight (вылететь утренним рейсом). Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 10 1. Заполните пропуски с помощью “have to / has to / don’t have to / doesn’t have to” + один из этих глаголов travel stop buy work write wear Example: Sarah is a doctor. She has to work this evening. 1. This is the end of the course. The students ____ ______ a test. 2. It’s hot. You ____ ______ a sweater. 3. His eyes are very good. He ____ ______ glasses. 4. I eat too much chocolate. I ____ ______ . 5. You want to speak good English. You ____ ______ hard. 6. Samuel is not often at home. He ____ ______ a lot in his job. 2. Вставьте, где необходимо, пропущенные артикли. Yohanes Bastien is ….. ticket inspector. He works on ….. Eurostar service between ….. Britain, ….. France and ….. Belgium. He travels to London and Brussels several times ….. week. He lives in ….. house in Paris. ….. house is about thirty minutes from Gare du Nord. And how does he get to ….. work? By ….. bicycle! 195 3. Вместо пропусков вставьте вспомогательные глаголы am/ is / are / do / don’t / does / doesn’t. Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Excuse me, do you speak English? “Have a cigarette.” “No, thank you, I ______ smoke. Why ______ you leaving so soon? “What ______ she do?” “She’s a dentist.” I ______ want to go out. It ______ raining. “Where ______ you come from?” “From Canada.” George is a good photographer, but he ______ take photos. Look at her! She ______ running. It ______ take her long to run five kilometers. 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами. at in about after with by to on James lives ____ a small flat ____ Cambridge. He lives ____ two other boys who are students ____ Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. ____ Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works ____ a hospital, where he helps to look ____ children who are ill. He goes to the hospital _____ bus. He starts ____ ten o’clock and works until quarter ____ five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works ____ home. ____ the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. ____ dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk ____ their day. They usually go to bed ____ about midnight. 5. Выберите правильную форму (с предлогом) – с артиклем или без него. существительного Example: She is happy at college (будучи студенткой) I meet him at the college (место встречи) 1. 2. 196 Excuse me, where is university / the university? What time do you finish college / the college? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. in Every term parents go to school / the school to meet the teachers. How many people go to university / the university in your country? Jack is ill and he’s still in hospital / the hospital. Jill is going to hospital / the hospital to visit him. Mrs. Kelly goes to church / the church every Sunday. We’d like to visit church / the church. It’s a beautiful building. After leaving school / the school, Nora works as a cleaner hospital / at the hospital. 6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1. Выключите радио. Мы его не слушаем. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Как часто вам приходится чистить туфли? ____________________________________________________ 3. – Где ты, Рой? – Я в большой комнате, занимаюсь утренней гимнастикой. – Странно, ты обычно бегаешь по утрам. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. На каком языке они говорят? Я не могу их понять. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. У неё уходит 7 минут на ходьбу пешком от дома до универсама. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. На новой работе ему часто приходится рано вставать и ехать в аэропорт Внуково. Я ему сочувствую. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 197 Word List (Unit 10) A age airport attack B basketball be in a hurry C channel check in clean colleague D discussion display distance duty free E energy energetic express F flight fly G go fishing go jogging H heart Heathrow I interpreter 198 J jog journey K kilometer L lecture link luggage M make a phone call O officer P pack profession R railway report return S situation speed suitcase T through travel tunnel U uniform UNIT 11 LET ME REMEMBER Дайте мне вспомнить ФОНЕТИКА Смещение ударного слога. Дифтонг [aI]. Повторение и обобщение. ГРАММАТИКА Глагол “to be” в простом прошедшем времени. Сокращенные утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа: So was I. / Neither was I. Как сказать? Когда я учился в школе… Cм. Приложение, с. 269. Study unit 11 and roleplay. Your foreign colleague is going to visit your home town on business. Answer his questions before the trip. You Your partner Узнайте, когда ваш российский коллега был в своем родном городе в последний раз. Ответьте. Спросите, каким был этот город 10 лет тому назад. Расскажите, что многие годы в этом месте было хорошо жить. Чистые улицы, 199 хорошие школы, удобная транспортная система. Ответьте на все вопросы собеседника. Пожелайте ему удачной поездки. Section I Уточните, а) какая там обычно стоит погода; б) какие достопримеча$ тельности можно посмотреть; в) какой ресторан лучше посетить; г) каким видом транспор$ та нужно пользо$ ваться. LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 1. Прочитайте следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание на смещение ударного слога в словах при образовании новой части речи. conduct – to conduct object – to object import – to import record – to record national – ,nationality active – activity metal – metallic increase – to increase subject – to subject export – to export present – to present continent – , continental policy – political organ – organic 2. При чтении слов в таблице проследите, какому буквосочетанию соответствует произносимый дифтонг [aI]. Дифтонг [aI]. Повторение и обобщение i/y в откр. слоге mild, child, blind, behind, remind, find, ninth, pint, kind, wild i + gh Сочетание gh не произносится: high, highway, night, sight, bright i/y + e die, lie, pie, tie, bye, dye, rye редкие сочетания eye, buy, height, either, neither i + l/m/n + согл. [aI] 200 ivy, climate, primer, reply, analyse 3. При чтении следующих фраз и четверостиший проследите за интонацией. Neither(am I, neither(is he, neither(are we, either(of you, either(of them. If you run after two /hares, you will catch neither. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь. After dinner sit a /while, | After supper walk a mile. A sailor went to /sea | To see | what he could see. But all | he could /see | Was sea, sea, sea. 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Extra, Saudi Arabia, mix, mixture, front, pension, inspector, alibi, character, boss, surprise, private, organize, ,organization, ,Barcelona, section, ,revolution, marketing, ,economics, ,sociology, philosophy, detective, semester. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Talking about the Past Поговорим о прошлом 5. Поговорите со своим коллегой о происшедших событиях таким образом: a) Give a yes – or no – answer. Was it warm last month? Was it cool yesterday? Were you at the university yesterday? Were you on time or late for class? Were you energetic or tired before your English class? Present Past Am / is was Are were 201 Were you pleased or upset after class? Were you at home or at work at 5 o’clock? Were you hungry before dinner? Were you in Egypt in summer? Were you in England last year? b) Read the following mini!dialogue. Practise similar conversations using the words in the right column and below the model. A: Were you at the meeting yesterday? B: No, I wasn’t. A: Where were you? B: I was at the cinema. A: How was the film? B: It was fantastic. conference lecture pop concert TV show great terrible fun ordinary boring interesting funny (смешной) football match concert of jazz music 6. Ask and answer. Example: When / your first day at school? When was your first day at school? In September 1992. Edinburgh School of English 1. What / your favourite subject at school? 2. What / your favourite songs /clothes / games /when you were a child? 3. When / your first English lesson? 4. Where / your first home? (old house / new house?) 5. Who / your best friend? 202 7. Прочтите данные высказывания. Сначала в краткой, а затем в полной форме скажите то же самое о себе. Remember! to learn [lE:n ] – изучать, усваивать to take a course in sth – пройти курс обучения Example: Mr. Reed teaches students. So do I. I teach students, too. Mr. Reed doesn’t teach students. Neither do I. I don’t teach students, either. 1. My friend wakes up early in the morning. 2. Tony doesn’t read for the class test. 3. They do grammar exercises. 4. Ann doesn’t write a report. 5. Students don’t learn economics. 6. My neighbour translates the text from Russian into English. 7. Roy doesn’t study from morning till night. 8. They take a course in marketing / sociology / philosophy / French. 8. Read these mini!dialogues and roleplay similar conversations about your school years. Remember! to be good at games [g eim z] – быть хорошим спортсменом A: I was always first in class when I was at school. B: So was I. I was always first in class, too. was tired after class always late for school often in a hurry interested in computers A: I wasn’t very good at maths when I was at school. B: Neither was I. I wasn’t good at maths, either. wasn’t good at games history English chemistry 203 9. Roleplay Talk to your friend on the phone. You Ответьте на звонок и назовите свое имя. Your partner Скажите, кто вы. Поздоровайтесь. Узнайте, почему ваш друг не был на занятиях на прошлой неделе. Скажите, что были больны в течение нескольких дней (for several days). Объясните, что не можете выполнить домашнее задание, потому что у вас нет учебника. Выразите сожаление. Спросите, не могли бы вы чем$нибудь помочь. Предложите свою книгу. Узнайте, когда можно занести её. Поблагодарите. Договоритесь о времени встречи и расскажите, где вы живете. 10. History quiz. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in the quiz. Remember! space [sp eis] – космос a band [b n d ] – оркестр China [tʃain ə] – Китай 1. When was man first in space? a) in 1957? b) in 1961? c) in 1967? 2. Was the French Revolution a) about 50 years ago? 204 b) about 150 years ago? c) about 200 years ago? 3. Were the first false teeth a) in Italy about 2,700 years ago? b) in China about 1,000 years ago? c) in America about 100 years ago? 4. Was Tyrannosaurus Rex a) a pop band? b) a dinosaur? [`dainq,sO:] c) both a) and b)? 5. Were the 1996 Olympic Games a) in Moscow? b) in Barcelona? c) in Atlanta? Set 2 Showing Surprise and Interest Проявление удивления и интереса 11. Express interest in what the other students say. A: B: I have a friend who was in the Olympics. You do! That sounds really interesting. The National Gallery Practise this mini!dialogue with the place names. the National Gallery Edinburgh Castle the Tower of London the British Museum Hyde Park London Zoo 205 12. Read the text “Yesterday, I was in Paris” Remember! Jenkins: Boss: Jenkins: a dream [d ri:m] – мечта awful [O:fVl] – ужасный, страшный I am bored [b ɔ:d] – мне скучно Today, I’m in the office, but yesterday I was in Paris. In Paris with the woman of my dreams! Today I’m in England, but yesterday I was in France. In France, in Paris, at the hotel des Amores. Today I’m bored and unhappy. Yesterday we were happy. Yesterday it was warm and everything was fine. Today it’s cold and everything is awful. Oh Paris! Oh Marie Claire! Jenkins! Oh no! Look at the scheme below and make up short conversations based on the text. Give information. Express surprise and interest. Give some more information. Example: Today Jenkins is in the office. Oh, is he? Yes, but yesterday he was in Paris. 1. Yesterday Jenkins was in Paris. 2. Today he’s in England. 3. Today he’s bored and unhappy. 4. Yesterday it was warm. 5. Today it’s cold. 13. Listening “In the Canaries”. Remember! 206 excellent – отличный Cultural Notes Las Vegas [lsv e ig əs] is a city in the desert (пустыня) of Nevada [n iv d ə], USA, famous for its large casinos. Canary [k qn e q rI] islands (also the Canaries) is a group of islands belonging (принадлежащие) to Spain near NW Africa which are popular with British people for a holiday in the sun. a) Listen to the dialogue and answer. Was Steve in the Canaries with his family? Why? / Why not? b) Listen once again and answer. 1. Was Steve on holiday last month? 2. Was he also on holiday in February? Where was he? 3. What was life like in the Canaries? 4. What was the weather like there? 5. What was the hotel like? 6. What were the people like? 7. Does Steve’s wife ever come on holiday with him? 8. Where were their children? c) Dramatize the dialogue. 14. Read the detective story. Note! thief – вор stole – украл (прош. время от глагола steal) according to – согласно, в соответствии с to be sure – быть уверенным A thief stole an expensive car from a garage in Main Street last Sunday at 5 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were in a restaurant next to the garage. According to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, the thief was 207 young, tall and thin. His hair was brown and curly. The police are looking for the thief today. They’re talking to Frank Harris. He’s a tall, thin young man with brown, curly hair. Police: Were you in Main Street last Sunday at 5? Frank: No, I was at home with my wife. Police: Are you sure? Frank: Of course I am. Police: That’s strange. Your wife says she was at home all evening, but you weren’t there. Frank: Wasn’t I? Police: No, you weren’t. Frank: Oh, let me remember. Right. Last Sunday at 5 I was with my friend Tom. Police: Where were you and your friend? Frank: We were here at the police station. Police: Why were you at the police station? Frank: We were here because at 4 last Sunday a thief stole my friend Tom’s car! Questions. 1. What was the thief like, according to Mr. and Mrs. Jones? 2. Who are the police talking to? 3. Do Frank and his wife give the same answers to the policemen? 4. Does Frank have an alibi? 5. Was Frank the thief? 208 Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A 15. Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию. Прочитайте текст про себя и дайте ответ на следующий вопрос. Why is “Hill Street Blues” still popular with teenagers? Remember! a character [k xrik tq] – персонаж a soap$opera [sqVp,Ppqrq] – мыльная опера curious [k jVqrIqs] – любопытный dangerous [dqIndgqrqs] – опасный Hill Street Blues When I was at school, my favourite programme was “Hill Street Blues”. It was an American programme but it was very popular in Britain. The “Blues” are the police. It’s a story about a police station in the United States. There are about 16 people in the story and we see their everyday life in the station and in the streets outside. My favourite character was Mick Belker – he’s a very small man – a detective who isn’t very clean but he’s very friendly. I was curious to know about the activities of the police station for the next twelve hours. Sometimes it was funny and sometimes it was dangerous, but it was never boring. “Hill Street Blues” is in its eighth year now. The programme starts in the morning and my teen$age sister watches it every week. 209 16. Tasks. a) Do the task before the text. b) Practise asking and answering questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What was Dave’s favourite TV programme when he was at school? Was it on Britain’s programme? Ask “What programme?” Was it a love story? Ask “What kind?” Are there few characters in the story? Ask “How many?” Was Dave’s favourite character the chief of the police? Ask “Who?” “What … like?” Was Dave curious to know about the Queen’s activities? Ask “Whose?” Was the programme boring? c) Sum up the information about “Hill Street Blues”. d) Make up a story about your favourite programme when you were at school. Text B 17. Read the following information and answer. Why does Sam Jones call the Herald Tribune his home town newspaper? Note! to reach sb / sth – достичь кого$л. / чего$л. to come out – выходить (о газетах) a degree – диплом a body – тело childhood – детство memory – память a leading article – передовая статья 210 The Global Newspaper The International Herald Tribune is an American newspaper that comes out in eight countries and reaches people all over the world. This is what Lee Heubner, its publisher, says about the Trib’s typical reader. “The average age of the readers, I think, is in the late forties, early fifties. Almost all these people have university degrees. About 40% of our readers are Americans living abroad, not the American travellers. And then, it’s a mixture of all other nationalities, and the key to all of them is that they have international interests”. Lee Heubner talks to one of the Trib’s readers, Sam Jones. “Sam, where do you come from?” “I really don’t know. I am a native of the States, I was at school in England, my wife is French, I’m now working for a Saudi Arabian company.” “Why do you buy the Herald Tribune?” “My family were very much interested in the Trib. When I think of my childhood, I have this memory of each of them sitting behind a different section of the paper. No faces, just bodies and newspapers. This is the way it was at my house. I think the Trib is my home town newspaper.” 211 18. Tasks. a) Answer the question before the text. b) Correct these statements. 1. 2. 3. The Trib is a British newspaper. It reaches people in six countries. The average age of its readers is in the late thirties, early forties. Almost all these people have diplomas. Half of the readers are American travellers. Sam’s family were mostly interested in the front page news. 4. 5. 6. c) Say that you read newspapers because: – you like reading; – you want to know what’s in the news; – you need useful information; – you’re interested in world events; – you’re interested in home politics; – you want to kill time. d) Which sections of the newspaper do you read? / like? / dislike? Example: I read the front page news and the headlines (заголовки). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I like / the leading article / the sports news. I always read / the readers’ letters / the art section. I dislike / the ads / the weather report. I ignore / the law reports. I sometimes look at / the TV and radio programmes. In Your Country Which newspapers do you read in your country? Do you buy a newspaper every day? 212 Do you buy a morning paper or an evening paper? Do you read every section of the newspaper? Which sections of the newspaper are you especially interested in? 19. Roleplay the game on page 199. Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 11 1. Закончите данные предложения. Example: I don’t like cold shower, but Sue does. 1. You don’t know John very well, but I ________. 2. Bill can’t use a video camera, but his colleague ________. 3. The workers in the firm work hard, but the manager ________. 4. My brother can’t play poker, but I _________. 5. I haven’t got any money for a taxi, but Nancy _________. 6. All of them are smoking, but Chris __________. 2. Выразите удивление сказанным. Example: I can’t swim. Oh, can’t you? No, but I have to learn. 1. Tim smokes. _____________ ? Yes, but not often. 2. Jane can’t drive a car. _____________ ? No, but she can take a taxi. 3. This ring is gold (золотое). __________? Yes, it’s very beau$ tiful. 4. The film wasn’t very good. ___________? No, it was terrible. 5. The clock isn’t working. ____________ ? No, but it was O.K. this morning. 6. He can’t buy a newspaper. ___________ ? No, he hasn’t got any money. 213 3. Задайте общий вопрос к данным предложениям и дайте два варианта отрицательного ответа. Example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There’s some news of Greg. “Is there any news of Greg?” “No, there isn’t any news of Greg.” / There is no news of Greg.” There’s some chalk at the blackboard. Ben is writing some letter. Their son speaks some foreign language. It takes Liz some time to do her homework. She’d like to listen to some new cassette. There’s some interesting programme on TV tonight. We can see some taxis in the street. 4. Заполните пропуски недостающими предлогами. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There were 20,000 people ______ the football match last Sunday. There was a very interesting program ______ TV last night. My grandmother was married ______ a politician. When I was a child, I was interested ______ sports. It was very kind ______ Judy to call the Embassy. Life today is very different ______ life in the sixties. He’d like to take a course ______ economics next semester. 5. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя was / were. 1. – На прошлой неделе для меня были письма? – Ни одного. Вы скучаете о родителях? – Конечно. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. – Когда дети были маленькими, они часто болели. Кстати, где они сейчас? – Не знаю. До обеда они были возле дома. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 214 3. – Извините, но вы сидите на моём месте (in my place). – Прошу прощения. Вы ведь вчера отсутствовали? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. На вас красивые туфли. Они стоили дорого? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. – На собрании было много народу? – Нет, очень мало. – Нам нужно организовать новую встречу и выступить перед коллегами. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. – Том хорошо знал химию в школе? – Да, он всегда проявлял интерес к этому предмету. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Write a short paragraph. What were you like when you were a child? What were you interested in? Who was your best friend? 215 Word List (Unit 11) A alibi awful B band Barcelona be good (at) C character childhood China curious D dangerous detective dream E economics excellent F front funny G global I I'm bored inspector L Las Vegas learn M marketing mix mixture O Olympic 216 P philosophy R revolution S Saudi Arabia section soap$opera sociology space surprise T take a course (in) UNIT 12 INTERVIEWS, INTERVIEWS… ФОНЕТИКА Ударение в многосложных словах ГРАММАТИКА The Present Continuous Tense для обозначения будущего времени Конструкция going to. Обстоятельственные придаточные предло6 жения Как сказать? Я собираюсь… Я планирую… Cм. Приложение, с. 270. Revise units 1–12 and roleplay “Survival Game” in pairs. You’re a newspaper reporter and your partner plays the other part (travel agent, taxi driver, company president, writer, musician, singer, foreign journalist, etc.). Make brief conversations in each of the situations. See if you can survive until the end. Good luck! And have a good trip! So, you arrive in Atlanta for the Festival of Pop Music… Airport arrival Catch a taxi. Arrive at a hotel. Ask questions at the press briefing. Have a meal in a restaurant. Go sightseeing. Check out. Arrive at departure terminal. Check in at airline desk. Go through customs and passport control Talk to a receptionist. Order from Room Service. Meet foreign colleagues. Interview pop stars. Visit a party. Talk to your new friends. Book for the flight. Say good6bye. Catch your flight home. 217 Section I LEARN TO SOUND LIKE A NATIVE УДАРЕНИЕ В МНОГОСЛОЖНЫХ СЛОВАХ Многие английские многосложные слова, как правило, имеют два ударения: главное и второстепенное. Второстепенное ударение в транскрипции обозначается знаком [,], стоящим внизу перед началом слога, на который оно падает: engineer [,eninIq] 1. Произнесите следующие слова. Подберите слова того же корня в русском языке и сравните значения. Ударение на первом слоге в трёхсложных словах: specialist, argument, criticism, parliament, terminal, practical, personal, compromise, episode, senator, parallel, industry. Ударение на втором слоге (после приставки) в трехсложных словах: expansion, financial, religion, occasion, adventure, provision, production, discussion, ambition. Ударение на первом (корневом) слоге в четырёхсложных словах: territory, literature, aristocrat, comfortable, temperature, characterize, commentary, automobile. Ударение на втором (корневом) слоге в четырёхсложных словах: economy, democracy, emergency, chronology, political, biography, particular, initiative. Второстепенное ударение на первом слоге: ,situation, ,evolution, ,motivation, ,manufacture, ,confidential, ,privatization, ,opposition, ,politician, ,consultation. 218 Второстепенное ударение на втором слоге (после приставки): ad,ministration, e,xamination, com,munication, ex,perimental, a,ssociation 2. Прочитайте данные четверостишия. Обратите внимание на интонацию. All that you do, /girls, Do with your might. Things done but half, /girls, Are never done right. Work while you work, /boys, Play while you play. That is the way, /boys, To be happy and gay. 3. Повторите запомнившиеся стихи, пословицы, поговорки. 4. Произнесите следующие английские слова и переведите их на русский язык. Geneva, Quebec, Latin America, , Argentina, tango, astrology, astrologer, Santiago, Chili, San Francisco, conference$hall, the Hilton, Mercedes, Florida, briefing, relevant, rhythm, harmony, ,microphone, crossword, musician, comedy, drama, thriller, continent, Africa. Section II FOCUS ON GRAMMAR Set 1 Plans for the future Планы на будущее 5. Расскажите, как вы спланировали свое свободное время. Example: I’m going to the concert this evening. And you? I’m playing tennis with Jack. 219 For questions: go for a walk go for a run / go for a drink / go for a meal / go for a holiday For answers: stay with my parents go to see a play take a bus tour of the city walk the dog fly to Santiago in Chile Present Continuous используется для обозначения будущего времени (когда время и место действия намечены заранее) с глаголами движения, а также с глаголами: stay, play, take, meet, start. 6. Заполните пропуски недостающими глаголами. meet go Note! seafood – продукты моря go downtown – AmE ехать в центр города a) Read the dialogue. A: What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? B: I __________ downtown. I ____________ shopping. What about you? What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? A: We ___________ to the cinema with Tom. After the film we _____________ to dinner. Would you like to come with us? B: No, thanks, I can’t. I ______________ Alice at 6.30 at the new seafood restaurant in Green Street. 220 b) Practise this conversation with the following time expressions. today this morning this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening tomorrow night 7. Прочтите о событиях, которые ожидаются в жизни этих людей. Note! 1. Q. to look forward to sth – с нетерпением ждать чего$л. to happen – произойти Mark is looking forward to a business trip. He is going to make a new film. What is Mark going to do? 2. Q. 3. Q. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are looking forward to their summer holiday. They’re going to travel around the world, and forget about all their problems at home. What are the Williams going to do? Mrs. Green is a Londoner. She is looking forward to her weekend. She isn’t going to think about work. She is going to do some shopping in Camden. What is Mrs. Green going to do? 221 On your own. What are you looking forward to? When is it going to happen? What are you going to do? 8. Расспросите собеседника, какие изменения намечаются в жизни ваших общих знакомых. (+) am I He She It is We You They are ($) n’t (not) going to visit Las Vegas. Конструкция going to (собираться что$либо сделать) также служит для выраже$ ния намерения в недалёком будущем, но в отличие от present continuous, она отражает решение, принятое говорящим в связи с каким$либо событием. Example: Is there any news of your friends? Yes. They’re going to move to San Francisco. Your friends / move to Boston. Paul / make money. Your sister / have a baby. Your brother / get a good job. Raquel / visit the arts festival. Mary and Charles / get married. Joseph / work in Tokyo for a year. Your colleague / leave for Egypt. 9. You’re visiting an astrologer. a) Ask him / her about your future. Remember! 222 to change [tSe in G] – сменить Example: Am I going to buy a Mercedes or a VW? When is it going to happen? for questions change my job? visit South Africa? work for an oil company? leave for Florence? get married? move to a new house? for answers week, month, year this Sunday, Monday next January, February spring, summer b) On your own. Write 6 questions you’d like to ask an astrologer. Take the ideas from the box. Work. Education. Romantic life. Home life. Money. Travel. 10. Read the text “An International Film Actor”. Remember! a song – песня George Nelson is a famous international film actor. He lives in Los Angeles, but he always works in cities around the world. Next January George is going to act in London. He’s glad he’s going to work there because he loves English songs. His wife and son are going to visit him every weekend. Next February George is going to go* to Geneva with his wife and son. George always goes skiing on his winter holiday, and he always has a wonderful time. Next April George is going to act in a Japanese film. His family can’t go with him, but he isn’t upset, because his son and wife are going to write to him from Los Angeles. * В британском варианте англ. языка глагол to go обычно не употребляется с конструкцией going to. 223 Next June the Nelsons are going to spend their summer holiday in Cyprus. They like the beautiful beaches there and they enjoy swimming and windsurfing every day. Questions. 1. What does George Nelson do for a living? 2. Does he live and work in Los Angeles? Ask “Where?” 3. Is George going to act in London? Ask “When?” “Why?” 4. Are George’s wife and son going to visit him? Ask “How often?” 5. Is George going to Geneva with his family? Ask “When?” 6. What does he always do on his winter holiday? 7. Is George going to relax in April? Ask “Why not?” 8. Is he upset that his family can’t go to Japan? Ask “Why not?” 9. Are the Nelsons going to spend their summer holiday together? Ask “Where?” “When?” “Why?” Say what you remember about George Nelson. 11. Roleplay. Your British colleague is going on holiday. He plans to spend three weeks in a small hotel in Florida. Talk to him about his coming holiday. You Спросите, куда ваш коллега едет в отпуск. Выразите удивление. Узнайте, 224 Your British colleague Скажите куда. как он собирается путешествовать. Объясните как. Спросите, когда он отъезжает. Ответьте когда. Узнайте, как долго он будет находиться там. Укажите срок вашего пребывания в США. Узнайте у коллеги, где он собирается остановиться. Пожелайте хорошего отпуска. Set 2 Скажите где. Поблагодарите и попрощайтесь. Consolidation Повторение 12. Game. “Interviews Around the World”. Remember! a magazine [, m g qzJn ] – журнал Cultural Note Canne [k n] is a seaside holiday town in the South of France. CANNE: Cinema is more than life 225 Roleplay. You’re working in Canne as a journalist. You have to write a magazine article about the Canne International Film Festival which is beginning tomorrow. Focus on these professional situations. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ask questions at the press briefing. Meet your colleagues from the other countries. Interview film stars and producers. Go to a party. Now roleplay the games in English. If you have a problem, go back to the lesson. Remember! the Hilton* – Хилтон (отель) arrival [qraIvql] – прибытие opening / closing – открытие / закрытие a reception [rIs e p S(q)n ] – прием * C названиями отелей, ресторанов, театров, кино и музеев употребляется определенный артикль: The Pacific Hotel, the Palace Theatre, the Red Lion. 1. – – – – – – – 226 Добрый вечер. Меня зовут Моника Вейт. Добро пожаловать на брифинг в отеле Хилтон. Я знаю, что вы хотите получить информацию относительно завтрашнего открытия фестиваля (Grand Opening). Итак, начнём с вопросов. Не могли бы вы сообщить о времени прибытия президента фестиваля? Президент прибывает самолётом в 10 утра. Хорошо. А где он произнесёт свою вступительную (opening) речь? В конференц$зале на втором этаже. Но приём с шампанским у нас будет в саду, с 11 до 11.30. Как вы планируете организовать работу журналистов? Журналисты и кинооператоры будут снимать с воздуха (from the air). Есть еще вопросы по поводу программы на завтра? Нет? Тогда перейдём (to go on) к следующей части брифинга. – – – – Remember! first of all – прежде всего important [impO:t(q)nt] – важно, важный 2. Это замечательная идея, Джон, не так ли? Верно. Ты только представь (think about) те фантасти$ ческие кадры, которые можно сделать сверху! Олег, о чем ты собираешься писать? Прежде всего, о Хилтоне, в этом отеле очень удобно работать. Это важно для читателей моего журнала. Ведь все они деловые люди. Что интересно твоим читателям? Мои читатели приезжают в такие отели (hotels like this) не работать, а отдыхать. Их интересуют достопримеча$ тельности, места отдыха, бассейны. Поэтому я начну свою статью о барах и ресторанах, которые есть в Хилтоне. 3. – Хэррисон, вы кинозвезда и популярны не только в Америке, но и в России. Расскажите нашим читателям немного о себе. – Ещё в школе я хорошо знал литературу и проявлял интерес к кинематографу. Может быть, поэтому моя любимая роль в кино $ это роль Ханса Сола (Hans Solo) в "Звездных войнах". – Смотреть ваши фильмы было страшно, но скучно никогда не было. Каковы ваши планы на будущее? – Я планирую сниматься сразу в нескольких голливудских фильмах. Работа обещает быть интересной, и я готов к ней. – Желаю вам успеха. Harrison Ford 227 4. – – – – – – Алло! Привет, Джон. Это ты, Олег? Спасибо, что позвонил. Что ты будешь делать сегодня вечером? Некоторые наши друзья остаются в Каннах на 2$3 дня после закрытия фестиваля. Ты бы хотел пойти на вечеринку? Мне бы очень хотелось, но боюсь, что не смогу. Я буду очень занят в течение следующей недели. Ты слишком много работаешь, Джон. Ты, как всегда, прав, Олег. Спасибо. Мне нужно подумать. 13. On your own. Interview Julia Roberts about her roles and plans for the future. Julia Roberts MY BEST FRIEND’S Wedding Section III READ AND DISCUSS THINGS Text A Прочитайте текст вслух, обращая внимание на 14. интонацию. Прочтите текст про себя и дайте ответ на вопрос, содержащийся в заголовке. Remember! 228 to take place – иметь место as … as – такой же, как и abroad [qbrO:d] – за границей ago [qg qV] – тому назад to continue [kqntin ju :] – продолжаться Tawley Arts Festival – Another Cannes? The Arts Festival at Tawley takes place every year but thirty years ago it was not as large and important as it is today. When Tawley was just a small seaside town, the festival was very short (two days) and there were only two concerts – one in the evening of the first day, the other in the afternoon of the second day. There were very few visitors from abroad. Now the Tawley Festival is famous not only in France. It continues for two weeks and Tawley has over a hundred thousand visitors. It’s still music and art but the cinema and theatre are becoming very important, too. In the next few years, the organizers of the festival are going to show new films and television programmes. Jacques Martin, one of the French organizers, says, “In the next few years Tawley is going to be as important as Cannes for film and television”. 15. Tasks. a) Comment on the title. b) Give answers to the following questions. 1. How often does the Tawley Festival take place? 2. Was it famous and important 30 years ago? Why? / Why not? 3. What is it like now? 4. Is it different from what it was? Why? / Why not? c) Complete these sentences from the text. 1. The Tawley Festival takes place ________________________. 2. Thirty years ago the festival was ________________________. 229 3. There were few _____________________________________. 4. Now the festival is famous ____________________________. 5. It continues _______________ and has __________________. 6. In the next few years _________________________________ . d) Look at Jacque Martin’s notes before the interview. Use them as key words to tell the class about the Arts Festival at Tawley. 30 years ago not as important as 2 concerts few visitors music and art Now famous abroad 2 weeks over 100,000 visitors new films and TV programs Text B 16. Read an extract from the article by Barbara Hoffman and give answers to the following. Why does classical music travel through a) time? b) cultures? c) peoples? Note! Mozart [mqVtsRt] – Моцарт Bach [bRk] – Бах Gershwin [gE:SwIn] – Гершвин anywhere – где$либо a generation – поколение relevant – уместный a loss – потеря, утрата a theme – тема to articulate – отчетливо произносить to express – выразить Why Classical Music Still Rocks Our World Part math, part magic, classical music travels through different countries. Visit a school anywhere in the world and you can hear a melody of Mozart’s, even a bit of Bach. 230 Children love to play classical music very much. One generation after another is shocked to find music by great composers still relevant. Maybe that’s because the big themes, like love and loss, never go out of style. Take Mozart. He was small, very thin and pale, with a head that was too large for his body, and a nose that was too large for his head. But his eyes were bright, his manner lively. And no one was good at writing melodies as elegant and simple, as his. In Gershwin’s music the harmony is all there, just as it was in Mozart’s time – but now mixed in with jazz rhythms and blues. Classical music serves us in real life, too. It’s hard to think of many great movies without classical music. It lives in concert halls and home stereos the world over. Great music means a lot to us. It restores deep feelings within us and articulates that which words can’t express. Clearly, then, classical music continues to cross time, cultures and nations. 17. Tasks. a) Answer the questions before the text. b) Find the following phrases in the text and translate them into Russian. Part math – part magic; never go out of style; his lively manner; mixed in with jazz rhythms and blues; serves us in real life; restores deep feelings. c) Reorganize this plan according to the logic of the text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classical music lives in concert halls and home stereos. Mozart’s manner was lively, his melodies were simple, but elegant. You can hear classical music in different countries. Great music means a lot to us. In Gershwin’s music the harmony is mixed in with jazz. d) Write down 5 questions based on the plan and discuss them in class. 231 e) On your own. How musical are you? What’s the role of music in your life? What sort of music do you enjoy – classical, jazz or pop music? Who’s your favourite composer? Can you act? In what sort of films would you like to act – comedies, dramas, westerns or thrillers? Do you like singing in public? 18. Listen to these interviews. a) Fill in the missing information in the chart with the facts from the tape. Note! recorded [rIk O:d Id] music – музыка в записи to sing in tune [tju:n] – петь в тон a violin [,vaIqlIn] – скрипка karaoke [,kriqVkI] – караоке What is it? Karaoke ________ Tango ______ Where does it take place? ________ ______ What country does it come from? ________ ______ Who can do it? ________ ______ b) Answer. Can you sing karaoke at home? Is it difficult to sing the words in tune? Can you dance tango? How often do you do it? 19. Roleplay Survival Game, page 217. 232 Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 12 1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы либо в форме “the present continuous” (he is leaving), либо в форме “the present simple” (it leaves). Examples: I/not/go out/tonight. I’m not going out tonight. The concert/start/at 8.15. The concert starts at 8.15. 1. (He/have an operation/next week)...........................………… . 2. (Tom/take his sister/to the ballet/tomorrow).............………… . 3. (The conference/finish/on 10 May)..........................………… . 4. (My colleague/get married/next December)................………. . 5. (The Prime Minister/fly to America/tomorrow).......………….. . 6. (My train/leave/at 10.45).....................................………... . 7. (We/have some friends to lunch/this evening)..........………... . 8. (She/see a specialist/on Tuesday)...........................………….. . 2. Составьте диалоги из данных фраз. Используйте конструкцию “going to” в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. Example: A: They / have a party tomorrow. They’re going to have a party tomorrow. B: Who /they /invite? Who are they going to invite? A: The Browns. A: B: A: A: B: A: 1. She/make a speech next month. Where/she/make a speech? On TV. 2. I/watch a video this evening. Which video /you watch? “Summer Holiday.” 233 A: B: A: 3. They /buy a new car tomorrow. Which car /they /buy? Toyota, I think. A: B: A: 4. He /study Japanese at university. Why /he study Japanese? He wants to go and teach in Japan. A: B: A: 5. We /travel round the world next year. Which countries /you /visit? The USA, Australia and Indonesia. A: B: A: 6. I/go away for the weekend. Where/you/spend it? Out of town. 3. Read John’s letter home and write down 6 questions about his new start in Quebec. Dear Mum and Dad, Well, this is my second day in Quebec. Next week I’m going to start a new job with the Canadian company. Everything is going just fine here. I’m meeting my new boss in a small restaurant this evening. The weather is going to be warm in September. Tomorrow is Sunday and we are going sailing. You can write to me at my office. I hope to hear from you soon. All my love, John 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________ 234 4. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя “present continuous” и “going to” для передачи будущего времени. 1. Вы сделаете то, что я вам скажу. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Что вы делаете сегодня вечером? – Идём на концерт. ____________________________________________________ 3. Я встречаю их на вокзале завтра утром. ____________________________________________________ 4. Сегодня днём Стив будет ремонтировать машину. ____________________________________________________ 5. – Когда ваша дочь уезжает в отпуск? – На следующей неделе. Она отправляется во Флориду. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Инспектор собирается задать вам несколько вопросов. Что вы ему скажете? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Вместо точек вставьте пропущенные союзы. who 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. that because as (2 times) though where when while Don’t forget to signal ______ turning right. ______ they live near us, we see them quite often. The building ______ you can see over there is very old. I’d like to spend my holiday ______ I can swim. ______ a child, I was very good at games. My father ______ is an old sailor, often tells me stories about the sea. ______ yesterday was a public holiday, all the shops were closed. “Why can’t I go?” “______ you’re too young”. ______ it was only 6 o’clock, there were few people in the streets. 235 Word List (Unit 12) A abroad Africa ago Argentina arrival as … as B Bach Beethoven briefing C Chile Chopin closing conference$hall continue cross Cyprus F festival first of all Florida G Geneva I important K karaoke L Latin America 236 M magazine melody Mercedes microphone Mozart O opening Q Quebec R reception S San Francisco Santiago style T take place tango Tawley V violin GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENT Unit 1 1. Понятие об артикле Артикли – это служебные слова, которые не имеют самостоятельного значения и являются особыми определите лями существительных. В английском языке существует два артикля – неопределенный a/an и определенный the. Неопределенный артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными только в единственном числе, так как он произошел от числительного один. Существительное с неопределенным артиклем дает название предмету, выражает общее понятие о нем, тем самым указывая на его принадлежность к какомулибо классу однородных предметов или явлений: This is a tie. This is a new tie. Фонетический вариант неопределенного артикля аn употребляется перед существительными, начинающимися с гласного: an egg [qneg] (яйцо), an album (альбом). Определенный артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными, как в единственном, так и во множественном числе в тех случаях, когда говорящему и слушающему ясно, о чем идет речь. Как правило, если при первом упоминании о предмете или лице существительное требует неопределенного артикля, то в дальнейшем, при сообщении дополнительных сведений о нем, существительное употребляется с определенным артиклем, так как обозначает уже известный предмет: That is a sofa. The sofa is old. Артикль ставится перед тем существительным, к которому он относится. Если перед существительным стоит определение, выраженное прилагательным, то артикль ставится перед всем словосочетанием: Не is a happy man. 237 Артикли не употребляются: а) с именами собственными: Russia, Minsk, Elvis, Jane; б) с существительными, обозначающими названия наук и учебных предметов: Spanish, Italian, Russian History (История России). Но: the English language [lNgwi]; в) а также в других случаях, о которых будет сказано далее. 2. Имена существительные В английском языке имена существительные не имеют грамматической категории рода. Все существительные, обозначающие неодушевленные предметы, отвлеченные понятия, вещества и животных, заменяются местоимением it. Например: The case is big, but it is empty. The dog is nice. It’s a good friend, too. Существительные, обозначающие живые существа женс кого либо мужского пола, заменяются соответственно местоимениями she (она) и he (он): Helen is not late, she is on time. 3. Указательные местоимения this – этот, that – тот This употребляется при указании на предмет, находящий ся вблизи говорящего. That употребляется при указании на предмет, находящий ся поодаль от говорящего. This is not a desk, that is a desk. Указательные местоимения this/that в предложении могут являться: подлежащим: This is coffee. And that is CocaCola. определением: This coffee is hot and that CocaCola is cold. 4. Простое предложение Простые предложения бывают распространенными и нераспространенными. Последние состоят только из главных 238 членов предложения – подлежащего и сказуемого: Time is money. (подлежащее) (сказуемое) В состав простого распространенного предложения входят, кроме главных членов предложения – подлежащего и сказуемого, – также и второстепенные: определение, дополнение или обстоятельства: David is absent today. В английском языке, ввиду отсутствия развитой системы родовых, падежных и личных окончаний, грамматические отношения между словами в предложении выражаются главным образом порядком слов и предлогами. Поэтому правильный порядок слов так важен. Для английского предложения характерен прямой порядок слов, изменение которого может привести к нарушению смысла высказывания. Так, в английском повествовательном предложении слова располагаются в следующем порядке: подлежащее сказуемое прямое дополнение обстоятельство Life is busy today. Как видно из приведенной схемы, обстоятельства времени и места находятся обычно в конце предложения. Однако обстоятельство времени может стоять и в начале предложения, перед подлежащим: Today life is busy. 5. Вопросительные предложения Структура вопросительного предложения в английском языке отличается от структуры повествовательного предло жения порядком слов. Вопросы, требующие ответа да или нет, называются общими вопросами. В английском языке они начинаются с глагола: Is + подлежащее + ... ? 239 Общие вопросы произносятся с восходящим тоном, причем в вопросах такого типа на глагол, с которого начинается вопрос, обычно падает ударение: Is the boss in NLondon? На общие вопросы может даваться краткий утверди тельный или отрицательный ответ, который произносится с нисходящим тоном: “Is the boss inNLondon?” “PYes, he Pis. / PNo, he Pisn’t.” (PNo, he is Pnot) Обратите внимание, что сокращенная форма isn’t [Iznt] всегда стоит под ударением. В разговорной речи, однако, краткий ответ состоит обычно только из слов yes / no. 6. Главные члены предложения. Подлежащее. Сказуемое В английском языке подлежащее может быть выражено существительным или местоимением: London is a city in Britain. It is big. Сказуемое по своей структуре может быть: – простым глагольным, обозначающим действие и выраженным глаголом в любом времени, залоге и наклонении: Have a nice day! – составным именным, обозначающим состояние, качество, принадлежность к классу предметов. Составное именное сказуемое состоит из двух частей: глаголасвязки (например, глагола to be) в личной форме и именной части, выраженной именем существительным, прилагательным, числительным и т.д. В отличие от русского языка, глаголсвязка в английском языке никогда не опускается, хотя и не переводится. This His name James He This man He James Green His English 240 is my friend. James Green. from New York. American. tall. a sportsman. a polite man. very good. 7. Личные местоимения в именительном падеже Лицо 1е 2e 3e Единственное число Множественное число I–я we – мы you – ты, вы you – вы he – он they – они she – она it – он, она, оно (о неодушевленных предметах) Как видно из таблицы, русским местоимениям ты и вы соответствует английское местоимение you. Местоимение первого лица единственного числа I всегда пишется с прописной буквы. Когда местоимение I является одним из однородных подлежащих, оно ставится после других подлежащих перед сказуемым: Bob and I are here for the seminar. 8. Притяжательные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения отвечают на вопрос whose? (чей?) и обозначают принадлежность. Они имеют форму, соотносящуюся с личными местоимениями. I my мой you your твой ваш he his его she her её it its его её we our наш they their их Эта форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется только в функции определения к существительному и всегда стоит перед ним. Артикль в этом случае не употребляется: Give me your textbook, please. Если перед существительным стоят другие определения, то притяжательное местоимение предшествует всему словосо четанию: Meet my new English friend, please. 241 9. Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени В разговорном английском языке личные местоимения и глаголсвязка сливаются, образуя сокращения: (+) (?) () Единств. число I’m (am) you’re (are) he’s she’s (is) it’s Множеств. число we’re (are) you’re (are) Единств. число am I ? are you ? he ? is she ? it ? Единств. число I’m not (am not) you aren’t (are not) he isn’t she isn’t (is not) it isn’t Множеств. число are we ? are you ? they’re (are) are they ? Множеств. число we aren’t ( are not) you aren’t ( are not) they aren’t (are not) В разговорном английском языке вместо формы ’m not получила распространение сокращенная форма aren’t: I’m right, aren’t I? Unit 2 10. Специальные вопросы Специальные вопросы – это вопросы, требующие специального ответа, содержащего запрашиваемую информацию. Такие вопросы относятся к отдельным членам предложения и начинаются с вопросительного слова, после чего предложение строится по схеме общего вопроса (см. п. 5). Вопрос, относящийся к обстоятельству места, начинается с вопросительного слова where. 242 Where Например: + am is are + подлежащее +…? “We’re from Moscow. Where are you from?” “We’re from Chicago.” 11. Специальные вопросы к именной части сказуемого Вопрос, относящийся к именной части сказуемого, начинается с вопросительных слов what, how, whose, when, where, why и т.п. Специальные вопросы, как правило, произносятся с нисходящим тоном: Where is this Pletter , from? How soon will they be Pback? Если ядром коммуникативного высказывания является вопросительное слово, то вопрос может выражать стремление говорящего уточнить имеющуюся информацию, его удивление, интерес или симпатию. В подобных вопросах используется восходящий тон. Сравните: Why are you Nlate? 12. Множественное число имён существительных Множественное число большинства имён существительных образуется путем прибавления окончания (e)s к существи тельному в единственном числе: [z] после сонантов, гласных и звонких согласных звуков: room – rooms, boy – boys, job – jobs; [s] после глухих согласных звуков: bank – banks, text – texts, plate – plates. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на шипящие и свистящие s, ss, се, sh, ch, x, во множественном числе принимают окончание es, которое читается [Iz]: box – boxes face – faces boss – bosses watch – watches К именам существительным, оканчивающимся на у с предшествующей согласной, прибавляется окончание es, и у 243 меняется на i: city – cities family – families party – parties story – stories Если же перед у стоит гласная, то никаких изменений не происходит и множественное число образуется путем прибавления окончания s: day – days play – plays Множественное число имен существительных, оканчи вающихся на f, fe, образуется путем замены f на согласную v и прибавления окончания es: life – lives shelf – shelves half – halves knife – knives У некоторых существительных сохранились архаичные формы множественного числа: man – men child – children woman – women foot – feet 13. Образование количественных числительных Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос how many (сколько): 1 one 7 seven 2 two 8 eight 3 three 9 nine 4 four 10 ten 5 five 11 eleven 6 six 12 twelve Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются прибавлением суффикса teen к соответствующему числи тельному первого десятка: 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 19 nineteen Как следует из таблицы, у числительных thirteen и fifteen происходят изменения в основе. 244 ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если за существительным следует числительное, обозначающее номер, то перед существительным артикль не употребляется: Room 7, Bus 12. 14. Указательные местоимения this / that Указательные местоимения this / that имеют форму множественного числа these (эти) / those (те). В английских предложениях, начинающихся с подлежащего, выраженного these/those, глаголсвязка и именная часть составного сказуемого также употребляются во множественном числе: These are my flowers and those are Sally’s. 15. Словообразование В английском языке имеются два основных способа словообразования: словопроизводство и словосложение. Словопроизводство – образование слова путем прибавления к основе слова аффиксов, т.е. префиксов или суффиксов: bank – banker, comfort – comfortable. Словосложение – это сложение двух или нескольких основ, в результате которого получаются новые слова, которые называются сложными. Значение сложных слов обычно складывается из значений их компонентов. Сложные слова чаще всего пишутся слитно, например: homework (home – домашняя, work – работа). В сложных словах, образованных путем словосложения, ударение падает в большинстве случаев на первое слово: blackboard, briefcase, newspaper, lunchtime, seaside, lifestyle. Unit 3 16. Разделительный вопрос Кроме общих вопросов, в английском языке существуют еще так называемые расчленённые (разделительные) вопросы: Linda isn’t ill, is she? 245 Эти вопросы, так же как и общие вопросы, требуют утвердительного или отрицательного ответа, т.е. подтверждения или отрицания мысли, выраженной в вопросе. Они делятся как бы на две части: повествовательное предложение и минивопрос, состоящий из соответствующего вспомогательного глагола в требуемой форме и личного местоимения в именительном падеже. Первая часть произ носится с нисходящим тоном, а вторая – чаще всего с восхо дящим тоном: The sofa is Pred,Nisn’t it? В русском языке минивопросу соответствуют вопро сительные обороты правда? не так ли? или усилительная частица “ведь” в составе вопросительного предложения. (+) () утвердит. предложение отрицательн. минивопрос () (+) отрицательн. предложение утвердительн. минивопрос Причем, в случае согласия ответ всегда совпадает с первой частью вопроса: “That man is British, isn’t he?” “Yes, he is.”(согласие) “No, he isn’t.”(несогласие) “That man isn’t British, is he?” “No, he isn’t” (согласие) “Yes, he is “(неcoгласие) 17. Инфинитив Инфинитив – неопределенная форма глагола, которая не имеет ни лица, ни числа и отвечает на вопрос – Что (с)делать? В английском языке инфинитив характеризуется частицей to: It’s time to go home. Пора идти домой. It’s difficult to speak English. Поанглийски говорить трудно. Заметьте, что в указанных примерах, соответствующих русским безличным предложениям, местоимение it упот ребляется в качестве подлежащего, но на русский язык не переводится, как и глаголсвязка is. 246 18. Объектный падеж личных местоимений В английском языке личные местоимения имеют кроме именительного падежа еще и объектный падеж. Именительный падеж I you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them Объектный падеж меня мне вас вам его ему её ей его(её) ему(ей) нас нам вас вам их им Личные местоимения в объектном падеже употребляются в функции дополнения как предложного, так и беспредложного, и соответствуют в русском языке винительному и дательному падежам: Give him a new job. Give a new job to him. 19. Побудительные предложения Побудительные предложения выражают приказание или просьбу, обращённую либо непосредственно к собеседнику, либо к третьему лицу. Такие предложения могут быть как утвердительными, так и отрицательными. Просьба и приказание, обращенные непосредственно к собеседнику, выражаются предложением с глаголом в повелительном наклонении. Утвердительная форма глагола в повелительном наклонении как для единственного, так и для множественного числа совпадает с основой смыслового глагола. Come in! Войди(те)! Close the door, please! Закрой(те), пожалуйста, дверь! Be polite, please! Будь(те) вежлив(ы)! Для выражения просьбы или приказания, не обращенных непосредственно к собеседнику, используется следующая схема образования побудительных предложений: 247 Let + личное местоимение в объектном падеже + основа смыслового глагола Let me help you. Позвольте мне вам помочь. Let us (let’s) go there. Пойдем(те) туда. Let him do it. Пусть он это сделает. Let her do it. Пусть она это cделает. Let them do it. Пусть они это сделают. При обращении к 3ему лицу вместо личного местоимения в объектном падеже может использоваться существительное, к примеру: Let Sandra read the text. Let these students translate it. Unit 4 20. Падежи имен существительных. Общий и притяжательный падеж Существительные в общем падеже (tie, knife) упот ребляются в различных функциях: подлежащего: The people from America are very nice. именной части составного сказуемого: They’re businessmen. дополнения: Show me your passport, please. обстоятельства: My friend is in a firm. Как видим, позиция выделенных слов указывает на функцию существительного в предложении. Отношение существительного в общем падеже к другим словам в предложении определяется его местом в предложении или предлогом. В отношениях между двумя существительными, когда второе существительное является определением к первому, значение принадлежности выражается предлогом of. Предлог of может употребляться с любым существительным, обозна чающим одушевлённые и неодушевлённые предметы: 248 a box of matches a map of England the door of my room the photo of that engineer Как правило, если существительное обозначает оду шевленный предмет, то значение принадлежности выражается формой притяжательного падежа, который образуется с помо щью окончания s, а на письме обозначается еще и апострофом (’): Mr. Brown’s name – имя гна Брауна my friend’s computer – компьютер моего друга Следует отметить, что правила чтения окончания притя жательного падежа совпадают с правилами чтения окончаний множественного числа имён существительных в общем падеже. Притяжательный падеж имён существительных во множественном числе также обозначается на письме апост рофом (’), а в чтении и речи ничем не отличается от единственного числа: the Browns’ children – дети Браунов my friends’ computer – компьютер моих друзей 21. Грамматические формы have / have got (+) () (?) I We You They He She I We You They He She Have Has have got ’ve got has got ’s got two sisters. haven’t (got) any money. hasn’t (got) I we you he she Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. (got) a car? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. 249 Have и have got используются в значении “иметь, обладать” и переводятся на русский язык “у меня (у него и т.д.) есть”: I’ve got a camera. I have a camera. She’s got three children. She has three children. He’s got brown hair. He has brown hair. Грамматическая форма have got в отличие от have менее официальна и характерна для разговорного английского, в частности, его британского варианта: Have you got a camera? Между тем грамматическая форма have в большей степени присуща американскому варианту, а также письменному стилю британского варианта английского языка: The Prime Minister has a meeting with the President today. 22. Альтернативные вопросы Альтернативный вопрос – это вопрос, предполагающий в ответе выбор между двумя или более предметами, действиями или качествами, выраженными однородными членами предложения (дополнениями, определениями или обстоя тельствами), соединёнными союзом or. Альтернативные во просы по форме совпадают с общими, но требуют таких же ответов, как и специальные вопросы. Сравните: Общий вопрос “Are you NRussian?” “Yes, I am.” Альтернативный вопрос “Are you NRussian or PBritish?” “I’m Russian. / I’m British.” 23. Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no Неопределенные местоимения обычно являются опреде лениями к существительным и стоят вместо артикля. some (+) Let’s look at some photograph. (какаянибудь) Let’s look at some photographs. (несколько) Take some money, please. (не переводится) 250 any () He hasn’t got any umbrella(s). (никакого / никаких) He hasn’t got any money. (нисколько) any (?) Have you got any document(s)? (какойнибудь / какиенибудь) Is there any milk in the fridge? (скольконибудь, часто не переводится) any (+) Give me any book(s) to read. (любые) Come any time you like. no () We have no album(s) at home. (никакого / никаких) We have no time. (нисколько) Unit 5 24. Оборот “there is / are” There is / are + (+) () There is There are подлежащее + обстоятельство места a student no students in the classroom. in the classroom. Короткий ответ: “Is there a cinema in South Street?” “Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.” Предложения с оборотом there is/are употребляются для обозначения нахождения, наличия, существования или отсутствия какоголибо лица или предмета в определенном месте. В русском языке они соответствуют предложениям, начинающимся с обстоятельства места. Сравните: Кошелек в сумке. The purse is in the bag. В сумке есть кошелек. There’s a purse in the bag. Конструкция there is/are часто переводится на русский язык глаголами висеть, лежать, стоять: 251 There’s a book on the table. На столе лежит книга. There are pictures on the wall. На стене висят картины. There’s a bookcase in the corner. В углу стоит книжный шкаф. Поскольку в обороте there is слово there не имеет самостоятельного значения, при переводе на английский язык предложений с наречием “там”, необходимо в конце предложения употребить наречие there. Так, предложение Там много народу, следует перевести следующим образом: There’re a lot of people there. Если в предложении с указанной конструкцией имеется несколько однородных членов, то вспомогательный глагол обычно согласуется с существительным, непосредственно следующим за ним. Сравните: There is a chair and two desks. There are two desks and a chair. 25. Наречия much, many, (a) little, (a) few, a lot of Все существительные делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Некоторые наречия могут использоваться только с исчисляемыми или только с неис числяемыми существительными. Рассмотрим следующую таблицу. мало немного много Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные few (houses) a few many little (money) a little much ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В утвердительном предложении в значении много употребляются, как правило, выражения a lot of, lots of как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными. 252 Чтобы задать вопрос “Сколько?” (Как много?), используются сочетания: How many … ? с исчисляемыми существительными; How much … ? с неисчисляемыми существительными. Сравните: How many bus stops are there in your street? How much milk is there in the refrigerator? 26. Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, образуются прибавлением суффикса ty к соответствующему числительному первого десятка. 20 twenty 30 thirty 21 22 twentyone twentytwo 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 29 twentynine 80 eighty 90 ninety Как видно из приведенной таблицы, сложные числи тельные пишутся через дефис. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: У числительных twenty, thirty и fifty происходят изменения в основе, а в числительном forty выпадает буква u. 100 one hundred 200 two hundred 300 three hundred ………….…………………. ………………….…………. ………….…………………. ………………….…………. 900 nine hundred 1,000 one thousand 2,000 two thousand 3,000 three thousand ……………………..….... ………………….......... 10,000 ten thousand 100,000 one hundred thousand 1,000,000 one million С числительными hundred, thousand, million употребляется неопределенный артикль а или числительное one: a (one) hundred, a (one) thousand, a (one) million. Эти числительные не 253 принимают во множественном числе окончания s за исключением тех случаев, когда они употребляются в значении существительных. Сравните: two hundred years двести лет millions of people миллионы людей ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Между сотнями и десятками ставится союз and. Например: eight hundred and seventynine. Unit 6 27. Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные отвечают на вопрос which? (который?) За исключением числительных first, second, third, они образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных путем прибавления суффикса th и всегда употребляются с определенным артиклем: the seventh month, the fourth programme При образовании порядковых числительных от числительных, оканчивающихся на ty, буква у заменяется на i и прибавляется суффикс eth [IT]: 1st – first 2nd – second 3rd – third 4th – fourth 5th – fifth 6th – sixth 7th – seventh 8th – eighth 13th – thirteenth 14th – fourteenth 15th – fifteenth 16th – sixteenth 18th – eighteenth 17th – seventeenth 19th – nineteenth 20th – twentieth 21st – twentyfirst 22nd – twentysecond ……………………… 29th – twentyninth 30th – thirtieth 254 9th – ninth 10th – tenth 11th – eleventh 12th – twelfth 40th – fortieth 50th – fiftieth 60th – sixtieth 70th – seventieth 80th – eightieth 90th – ninetieth one hundredth one thousandth one millionth Из таблицы явствует, что в сложных числительных происходит замена последнего количественного числительного порядковым: three hundred and ten – the three hundred and tenth. 28. Даты читаются следующим образом: in the winter of 2006 (two thousand and six); on 25 January (on the twentyfifth of January) 29. Описание кого?либо или чего?либо в ответе на вопрос “What ... like?” What + am / is / are What + подлежащее + like ? ’s ( is) your teacher like? are his parents ’s ( is) the weather She’s very patient. They’re very kind. It’s beautiful. What is he / she like? означает “Какой он / она?”. Слово like в ответе не употребляется, поскольку в данном вопросе это не глагол, а предлог: “What’s Jim like?” “He’s intelligent and kind, and he’s got lovely blue eyes.” 30. Видо?временная система английского глагола Английские времена рассматриваются в плане двух значений: времени и аспекта. Когда происходит действие – в 255 настоящем, прошедшем или будущем? Как оно соотносится с моментом речи – как уже свершившееся, в процессе развития или регулярно повторяющееся? Таблица видо?временных форм английского глагола Время Аспект Продолженный Continuous Действие в процессе Простой Simple Констатация факта или регулярное действие Совершенный Совершенный Perfect продолженный Perfect Continuous Действие, завершившееся к определенному моменту Действие в процессе, длящееся до определённого момента Настоящее Present пишет пишет письма (сейчас) (вообще) Не is writing. Не writes letters. написал (к настоящему моменту) Не has written a letter. пишет (действие началось в прошлом и происходит до сих пор) He has been writing for two hours. Прошедшее Past писал писал (в определен (в прошлом) ный момент Не wrote a lot в прошлом) of letters when Не was writ- he was ill. ing at 5 o'clock yesterday. написал (до определ. момента в прошлом) Не had written some exercises by 6 o’clock yesterday. писал (до другого события в прошлом) He had been writing before I came. будет писать (в опр. момент в будущем) Не will be writing a test at 10 tomorrow morning. напишет (к определен н о м у моменту в будущем) Не will have written a letter by tomorrow. будет писать (до опр. момента в будущем) On Saturday he will have been writing his report for a week. Будущее Future 256 будет писать (в будущем) Не will write letters from England. 31. The Present Сontinuous Tense (Настоящее продолженное время) Am / is / are + глагол ing Заметьте, что при прибавлении окончания ing к основе глагола происходят некоторые орфографические изменения. 1. Конечная “немая” буква е отбрасывается: make – making за исключением тех случаев, когда буква е читается: be – being see – seeing 2. Для сохранения краткого чтения корневой гласной конечная согласная перед ing удваивается: sit – sitting begin – beginning 3. Сочетание ie в корне стягивается в букву у: die – dying lie – lying 4. Конечная у при прибавлении ing всегда сохраняется: cry – crying study – studying play – playing (+) () (+) () (+) () I ’m (am) ’m not He She It ’s (is) isn’t We You They ’re (are) aren’t eating. Короткий ответ: “Are you listening to music?” “Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.” 257 Сравните структуру утвердительного и вопросительного предложений. They are talking about politics. Are they talking about politics? What are they talking about? What are they doing? Present Continuous употребляется: 1) для выражения незавершенного действия, проис ходящего в данный момент речи: They’re playing football in the garden. Они играют в футбол в саду. Указание на время действия в таком предложении не обязательно, поскольку сама форма глагола указывает на действие, происходящее в настоящий момент. Но иногда употребляются слова now – сейчас, at present (at the moment) – в данный момент, still – все еще. 2) для обозначения действия, происходящего в это время, но не обязательно сию минуту: I’m reading a book by Henry James. She’s studying history at university. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: 1. Present Continuous может употребляться для обозначения предварительной договоренности на ближайшее будущее с глаголами движения, а также с глаголами to meet, to play, to start: They’re coming on Friday. I’m meeting Miss Boyd at 10 o’clock. He’s starting French lessons next week. 2. Глаголы to be, to like, to see, to hear, to understand и некоторые другие глаголы физического и умственного восприятия в форме Continuous не употребляются. 32. Вопросительные слова Для построения вопросов в английском языке исполь зуются следующие вопросительные слова: 258 what who where when which why how whose “Why is she crying?” “Because she’s upset.” “Where are you going?” “To Baker Street.” Вопросительные слова what, which и whose могут употребляться перед существительными: “What size is your suit?” “It’s 16.” ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Обратите внимание на то, что после вопросительных слов what, what kind of существительное употребляется без артикля: “What kind of city is Boston?” “It’s a big city.” Вопросительное слово whose (чей) употребляется в вопросе к определению, обозначающему принадлежность предмета: “Whose coat is this?” “It’s mine.” Как правило, вопросительное слово which (который) употребляется в значении “из данного числа предметов”: Which is your husband? The blond one or the dark one? Вопросительное слово how употребляется с прила лагательным или наречием: How old are you? How big is his new car? How fast does it go? Unit 7 33. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений В английском языке, кроме присоединяемой формы притяжательных местоимений, которая, подобно прилагательному, употребляется в предложении в функции определения, существует ещё и самостоятельная, так называемая абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений. 259 I my mine he his his we our ours she her hers you your yours they their theirs Как показывает само название, эта форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется самостоятельно, в функциях, свойственных существительному, а именно: подлежащего, части сказуемого, дополнения и т.д. “What is your favourite colour?” “Mine is red and yours?” 34. The Present Simple Tense (Простое настоящее время) (+) () I We You They (+) () He She It Do (?) Does live don’t live lives doesn’t live I we you they he she it do (?) Where does live I we you they he she it near here. near here. near here? live? Короткий ответ: “Do you like Peter?” “Yes, I do.” “Does she speak French?” “No, she doesn’t.” Present Simple употребляется: 1) для обозначения привычки, регулярно повторяющегося действия: 260 I get up at 7.30. Я встаю в 7.30. Americans travel a lot. Aмериканцы много путешествуют. 2) для констатации реального факта: Vegetarians don’t eat meat. Вегетарианцы не едят мяса. We come from Spain. Мы родом из Испании. 3) для обозначения обычного, постоянного действия: How often do you go to Oxford? Как часто вы ездите в Оксфорд? She works in a bank. Она работает в банке. 35. Образование формы 3?его лица единственного числа (The Present Simple Tense) 1. Форма 3его лица единственного числа настоящего простого времени образуется при помощи окончания 3(e)s, которое читается по правилам чтения буквы s в конце слов (см. п. 12 данного грамматического приложения). [s] get – gets like – likes smoke – smokes [z] give – gives stay – stays run – runs [Iz] use – uses watch – watches relax – relaxes 2. Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на о, принимают в 3ем лице единственного числа окончание es: go – goes [gqVz], do – does [dAz] 3. Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на букву у с предшествующей согласной, принимают окончание es, причем буква у заменяется буквой i: study – studies marry – marries Но: play – plays 36. Наречия неопределенного времени Present Simple употребляется с наречиями неопре деленного времени always / never / often / seldom / sometimes / usually, которые, как правило, стоят перед смысловым глаголом: I usually go to work by car but I sometimes walk. 261 The weather here is not very good. It often rains. Однако в повествовательном предложении с глаголом to be эти наречия ставятся после глагола to be: Carol is always at college in the morning. Кэрол по утрам занимается в колледже. They are seldom at home. Они редко бывают дома. Вместо seldom для выражения его значения может употребляться наречие often в отрицательном предложении: I don’t meet him very often. Обратите внимание на то, что наречие sometimes может также находиться в начале предложения: Sometimes we’re late but it doesn’t happen very often. 37. Сочетание глагола to have с существительным Глагол to have в сочетании с существительными breakfast / dinner / class / a cigar передаёт действие, т.е. завтракать, обедать, заниматься, курить. При употреблении указанных словосочетаний в Present Simple для образования отрицания или вопроса требуются вспомогательные глаголы: do / does / don’t / doesn’t. “Do you have lunch at 2.00?” “No, I don’t.” В отличие от глагола to have в значении “иметь, обладать”, вышеназванные словосочетания могут употребляться также во временах группы Perfect и Continuous. Have you had a good time? Вы хорошо провели время? He’s just having a shower. Именно сейчас он принимает душ. 38. Present Simple and Present Continuous Обратите внимание на разницу в использовании выше названных времён: I watch TV nearly every night. Oh! I’m watching a good film! Annie works in an office. It’s Sunday now. She isn’t working. She’s reading at home. 262 В следующей таблице приведены варианты указанных грамматических явлений. Сравните правильные и неправильные варианты. x Where is she coming from? v Where does she come from? x v Are you liking Coke? Do you like Coke? x v Who do you speak to on the telephone? Who are you speaking to on the telephone? x v I read a good book at the moment. I'm reading a good book at the moment. 39. Сложноподчиненные предложения Сложноподчиненные предложения состоят из главного и придаточного предложений. Придаточное предложение поясняет главное и соединяется с ним при помощи подчинительных союзов и союзных слов: Не writes that he drives a new car. Наличие подлежащего в английском придаточном пред ложении обязательно. Придаточные предложения делятся на именные (выполняющие функцию имени существительного – подлежащего, дополнения, именной части сказуемого) и обстоятельства. Примером именного придаточного предложения может служить дополнительное придаточное, которое отвечает на вопрос что? и соединяется с главным предложением чаще всего при помощи союзных слов и союза that (что), который часто опускается. Такое присоединение называется бессоюзным: I don’t think (that) she’s in now. Я думаю, что её сейчас нет дома. 263 Unit 8 40. Оборот would like (to do) sth “Would you like ... ?” является вежливой формой предложения чеголибо или приглашения к чемулибо. “Would you like some coffee?” “Yes, please. / Yes, I’d love some.” “Would you like to go for a walk?” “Yes, I would. / No, thank you.” Обратите внимание, что при отказе от приглашения никогда не употребляется форма No, I wouldn’t, поскольку она считается невежливой. I’d like используется для выражения предпочтений: (in a restaurant) I’d like fish, please. Мне бы хотелось рыбы. I’d like to see the film on TV this evening. Сегодня вечером я бы хотел посмотреть фильм по телевизору. 41. Вопросительно?отрицательные предложения Отрицательная форма специальных вопросов образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая в разговорной речи часто сливается со вспомогательным или модальным глаголом, стоящим перед подлежащим: don’t, doesn’t, hasn’t, haven’t, isn’t, aren’t и т.д. Why doesn’t Harry fix his car? Why isn’t he coming to see us? Отрицательная форма общего вопроса придает ему некоторый оттенок удивления. Такие предложения переводятся на русский язык как вопросы, начинающиеся со слов разве, неужели: Don’t you know about the conference? Разве вы не знаете о конференции? 42. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения Don’t (do not) Don’t 264 + основа глагола do it. Don’t go too fast, please. Don’t turn off the lights, please. Вспомогательный глагол на русский язык не переводится. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения от глагола to be также образуется с помощью отрицательной формы глагола to do: Don’t be so upset, please. Чтобы предложения в повелительном наклонении не звучали слишком категорично, при использовании указанной формы рекомендуется добавлять слово “please”. 43. Наречия much, (a) little Смотрите таблицу наречий, приведенную в п. 25 (Unit Five). Unit 9 44. Вопросы к подлежащему Вопросы к подлежащему образуются при помощи вопросительных местоимений who, whose, what, which. Whom являются формой объектного падежа местоимения who и используются в вопросах к дополнению. know I him knows Who him? (вопрос к подлежащему) Whom do you know? (вопрос к дополнению) В вопросах к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, и нет надобности в использовании do / does, поскольку подлежащим в этих предложениях являются сами вопросительные слова. Сравните в примерах два типа вопросов: к подлежащему и к дополнению. 265 Subject Who travels to Africa? Who tells you the news? What is making that noise? Object Whom do you meet there? Whom do you talk to? What are you talking about? На вопросы к подлежащему или к его определению обычно даются краткие ответы, которые состоят из подлежащего и соответствующего вспомогательного глагола: “Which of them speaks English well?” “ Philip does.” Whose children go to school?” “ Mine do.” 45. Инфинитив или ?ing? like dislike hate enjoy love Вышеназванные глаголы часто требуют после себя употребления глаголов в форме ing: Ann hates flying. Why do you like living here? Как правило, конструкция like doing обозначает занятие, которое приходится по душе говорящему: Do you like cooking? (= Do you enjoy it?) I don’t like driving. (= I don’t enjoy it.) Когда передача этого значения не предполагается, используется “I like to do”: I like to wash my hair twice a week. (This doesn’t mean that I enjoy it. It means that I think it is a good thing to do.) 46. Определительные придаточные предложения Определительные придаточные предложения отвечают на вопросы what? / which? (какой? / который?) и вводятся относительными местоимениями who, that, which. Местоимение who употребляется, когда придаточное предложение определяет одушевлённое существительное; which – когда речь идет о предметах и животных; that может относиться к любому существительному и местоимению, как например: 266 The man who (that) lives next door is very friendly. Jim is wearing a hat which (that) is too big for him. В тех придаточных предложениях, где есть своё подлежащее, союзное слово можно опустить: The film (that) I’m watching is dull. 47. Модальные глаголы. Модальный глагол can В английском языке имеется группа глаголов, лексическое значение которых не обозначает действия, а выражает отношение к действию, т.е. возможность, вероятность или необходимость совершения действия. Такие глаголы называются модальными, а само действие выражается смысловым глаголом, следующим за модальным. can may must + oснова глагола Как видим, указанные модальные глаголы требуют после себя инфинитива без частицы to. My little son can read but he cannot write. Мой маленький сын умеет читать, но не умеет писать. (В отрицательной форме глагол can пишется слитно с отрицательной частицей not.) Обратите внимание на то, что в вопросах модальный глагол саn, являясь вспомогательным, ставится перед подлежащим: I can speak Arabic. Can you speak Arabic? What foreign language can you speak? Короткий ответ: “Can he fix a bike?” “Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.” Модальный глагол can употребляется для выражения следующих значений: возможности, умений, способности: I can learn to type. разрешения: You can go home. 267 ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Для выражения разрешения употребляется также глагол may, но предложения с глаголом may носят более официальный характер: You may come in. вежливой просьбы: “Can you do it for me?” / “Can you do me a favour?” “Yes, I think I can. / Certainly I can.” “No, I’m afraid I can’t. / No, I’m sorry I can’t.” Unit 10 48. Модальное выражение “have to” have has + to + (+) () I We You They have don't have (+) () He She It has doesn't have Do (?) Does I we you they he she it infinitive to get up early. to get up early. have to get up early? Короткий ответ: “Do you have to wear a tie at work?” “Yes, I do.” “Does he have to leave now?” “No, he doesn’t.” Модальное выражение have to / has to выражает необходимость выполнения действия в зависимости от обстоятельств: She has to wash her clothes. The doctor says you have to do more exercises. 268 Don’t / doesn’t have to обозначает отсутствие необходимости: Robert doesn’t have to go to the lecture today. Unit 11 49. Основные формы глагола В английской грамматике основными считаются 4 формы глагола: work – worked – worked – working study – studied – studied – studying инфинитив; форма прошедшего времени; так называемое причастие прошедшего времени (причастие II), что соответствует в русском языке страдательному причастию прошедшего времени; так называемое причастие настоящего времени (причастие I), что соответствует в русском языке действительному причастию настоящего времени. По способу образования форм прошедшего времени и причастия II глаголы делятся на две группы – правильные и неправильные. 50. Глагол to be в простом прошедшем времени (The Past Simple Tense) Глагол to be – единственный неправильный английский глагол, который имеет две формы прошедшего времени. единственное число множественное число I He She It We You They + + was were + + … … 269 Was в Past Simple соответствует русским глаголам был, была, а were – были. (+) My grandfather was sick last Sunday. () Keith and Mary were not busy yesterday. 51. Сокращенные утвердительные и отрицательные предложения Предложения типа So am I / Neither do I употребляются для распространения на какоето лицо высказывания, отно сящегося первоначально к другому лицу. Если первое предложение утвердительное, то вслед за ним употребляется сокращенное утвердительное предложение, которое строится при помощи слова so (также) и соответствующего вспомогательного глагола, который согласуется с последующим личным местоимением в имени ельном падеже или существительным в общем падеже: “Jane is studying hard.” “So are we.” “Your friend speaks French.” “So do I.” Если же первое предложение отрицательное, то сокращенное отрицательное предложение строится при помощи слова neither / nor (также не) и соответствующего вспомогательного глагола, который согласуется с после дующим личным местоимением в именительном падеже или существительным в общем падеже: “Mrs. Shawn doesn’t drive.” “Neither does my mother.” “They aren’t bankers.” “Neither are we.” Unit 12 52. Оборот going to do sth (собираться что?то сделать) am is are 270 + going + infinitive (?) (+) () I’m (am) ’m not (+) () He’s (is) She isn’t It is / isn’t (+) () We ’re (are) You aren’t They are / aren’t (?) Are Is Are you he / she / it we / you / they going to do it? When am is are I he / she / it we / you / they going to do it? going to do it. Короткий ответ: “Are they going to move to New York?” “Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.” Оборот going to используется говорящим после принятия решения а) для обозначения запланированного действия: She isn’t going to have a birthday party. Она не собирается устраивать день рождения. How long are they going to stay in Rome? Как долго они пробудут в Риме? ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: 1. В плане выражения намерения на ближайщее будущее going to используется более широко, чем Present Continuous. Сравните: I’m going to sell the car. (Предварительной договоренности нет.) I’m selling the car. (Покупатель найден.) 2. Для обозначения будущего также используется Present Simple с обстоятельством времени, когда речь идет о событии, которое не всегда имеет отношение к говорящему, а скорее обусловлено программой или расписанием: 271 The plane for London lands at 9.30. Our new shop opens next week. 3. Для обозначения вероятности свершения в будущем соответствующего действия или события: Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. You work so hard. You’re going to be rich and successful. 53. Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения вы полняют в предложении функцию различных обстоятельств. По своему значению они делятся на обстоятельственные предложения времени, места, причины, следствия, образа действия, уступительные, цели, условия. В отличие от русского языка, обстоятельственные придаточные предложения отделяются запятой лишь в том случае, если они стоят перед главным предложением. а) Примером обстоятельственных придаточных предложений могут служить придаточные предложения времени, которые отвечают на вопрос когда? и вводятся подчинительным союзом when и рядом других союзов: till / until (пока, до тех пор); before (прежде чем, до того как); after (поcле того как) и т.д. Switch off the lights before you leave. Когда речь идет о возрасте или какомто отрезке времени, предпочтительнее использовать союз when. When I was a child I was in Egypt. В детстве я побывал в Египте. После союзов when и while подлежащее вместе с глаголом be нередко опускаются. Answer when ready. (= When you are ready) б) Условное придаточное предложение выражает условие, необходимое для совершения действия главного предложения, и вводится союзом if (если): Let me read the story if it’s interesting. в) Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения причины указывают на причину совершения действия и отвечают на вопрос why? (почему?). Они вводятся подчинительными союзами because (потому что), since и as (так как, поскольку): 272 Tom is smiling because he’s happy. (Здесь важна причина, и на нее ставится акцент во второй части предложения.) As it’s raining again, we have to stay home. (Предложение начинается с сообщения причины, которая не является новостью для собеседников.) г) Уступительные придаточные предложения указывают на обстоятельство, вопреки которому совершается действие главного предложения. Они соединяются с главным предложением союзами though, although (хотя). Although my car is old, it still runs very well. SELF?STUDY Answers and transcripts UNIT 1 Test 1 Answers 1. 1. am; am. 2. are; aren’t; is; is. 3. am; is; are ; aren’t; are. 2. 1. a thin pencil 2. that nice man 3. a thick notebook 4. this empty flat 5. a good film 6. a full cup 7. bad coffee 8. cold CocaCola 9. that big map 10. an old friend 4. Good morning! My name’s Andrei. I’m Russian and I’m from Moscow. This is my new friend. His name’s Phil. He’s American and he’s from New York. We’re pleased to meet Phil. He’s a nice and polite man, and his Russian is very good. Goodbye! Have a nice day! UNIT 2 Task 19. Cultural Quiz Answers 1. No, it isn’t. It’s in Los Angeles and Paris. 2. Yes, it is. 3. No, they aren’t. President Reagan and his wife Nancy are actors by profession. 4. No, it isn’t. It’s American. 5. Yes, it is. 6. No, they aren’t. They are brother and sister. 7. Yes, he is. 274 Test 2 Answers 1. 1. this 2. these 3. these 4. this 2. 1. his 5. these 6. these 2. their 7. those 8. that 3. our 9. those 10. that 4. its 11. those 12. those 5. your 3. 1. from 2. on in for 3. of 4. for 5. in at at 6. of 7. of on near 8. at 4. Excuse me, what’s your surname? Nelson, Robert Nelson. Are you from Hollywood? No, we’re from London. We’re doctors. Our group is here for the conference. Meet my friend John Archer, he’s a dentist. Pleased to meet you. My name’s Lucy Palmer. Where’s your hotel? It’s in the centre of the city, in a very nice place, near the park. Oh, here’s a taxi. Is it for you? Good luck! A. B. A. B. A. B. A. UNIT 3 Test 3 Answers 1. 1. a 3. the 5. the 7. (a) 2. / 4. a 6. a 8. the 2. 1. him 2. me 3. it 4. her 5. us 6. it 9. the 10. a/the/the 7. them 8. them / me 275 3. happy small good great difficult easy yellow new 4. 1. “Listen to Paul, he’s ready to speak.” “Let him start.” 2. “How about going to a football match?” “I’m sorry but that isn’t interesting to me. What’s on at the cinema?” “A new Hollywood film.” “Let’s go to the cinema.” “Yes, O.K.” 3. “The children in their family are very friendly, aren’t they?” “Right, look at their happy faces.” 4. “Kurt is at the London Language School.” “His friends are English, aren’t they? “No, they aren’t. They are from different places.” 5. Let Ronald take a camera and show us round the city. 6. English isn’t very difficult, but it’s not easy to understand English people. 7. “Alice is not married, is she?” “But she is, and that is not a secret.” UNIT 4 Task 12. “How is life?” Hi, there! My name’s Alison Grey. I’m an actress. I’m from London. I’ve got a flat in London and a house in Hollywood, with a swimming pool. I’ve got a new RollsRoyce and a lot of money in the bank. I’ve got a husband, and two wonderful children in Hollywood. Life’s great! I’ve got everything! 276 Transcript Hello, my name’s Charles Moris. I’m from London, too. I’m broke. I haven’t got any money. I haven’t got a job or a house, or a car. I haven’t got a wife, and I haven’t got any children. Life’s terrible. I haven’t got anything. Look at this man. His name’s Ralph Norman. He isn’t from London. He’s from Oxford. He’s a factory worker. He’s got a good job. He’s got a car. He hasn’t got a big house, he’s got a flat. He’s got a wife, but he hasn’t got any children. Life’s all right. Task 13. Cultural Quiz Answers a drink a girl a thing islands a vegetable birds a pop group a computer Test 4 Answers 1. 1. Ted’s job 2. a cup of tea 3. our friends’ house 4. the children’s school 5. Maria’s English 6. the name of their home town 7 a box of matches 8. the door of a car 9. Pat’s girlfriend 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Have you got a passport? Has Carol got any boyfriend? Has your brother got a car or a bicycle? Have Mr. and Mrs. Lewis got any children? Has Ann got black hair? Have you got any money? Have your parents got a large family? 3. 1. some 2. any 3. any some 4. some none 5. any some 6. none some 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Most students of our group are single. The brothers are wellbuilt but they have different figures. Moscow is an old city. It has parks, beautiful streets and shops. Has your sister’s husband got curly or straight hair? “Have they got any children?” “Yes, they’ve got a little daughter. She’s very quiet.” My friend is tall, goodlooking, he has got a straight nose and brown eyes. The Browns have got a large house in the suburbs, haven’t they? “Yes, and it’s a problem for them.” 277 UNIT 5 Task 13. “Marchmain Castle” Transcript Yes? Two adults and three children, please. I beg your pardon? Two adults and three children, please. How much is that? Lady Marchmain: I’m sorry. We’re closed. Mr. Smith: Oh, dear. Sorry, kids. They’re closed. Lady Marchmain: Mr. Smith: Lady Marchmain: Mr. Smith: Lady Marchmain: Well…er, come in. Mr. Smith: Thanks, love. Are you the guide? Lady Marchmain: The guide? No, I’m not. I’m Lady Marchmain. It’s my house. Mr. Smith: Oh! Pleased to meet you. My name’s Smith. Tom Smith…and this is my wife, Jean. Lady Marchmain: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith…Mrs. Smith. Er…follow me. Oh, it’s very nice! You’ve got some beautiful pictures. Lady Marchmain: Yes…there are three paintings by Constable over there, and two Rembrandts on this wall. Mrs. Smith: It’s a very big house. How many bedrooms are there? Lady Marchmain: There are eighteen bedrooms. Mrs. Smith: And how many bathrooms? Lady Marchmain: There are two bathrooms. Mrs. Smith: Oh! There aren’t very many! We’ve got two bathrooms in our house, and we’ve only got three bedrooms! Lady Marchmain: Yes…well, it’s a very old house. Mrs. Smith: That’s a long table! How many chairs are there? Lady Marchmain: Twenty four. We’ve got two dining rooms, this one and our private dining room. There are only six chairs in that one. Mrs. Smith: 278 Mrs. Smith: Lady Marchmain: Mrs. Smith: Lady Marchmain: Mrs. Smith: Oh! What’s that? Where? Over there…in the chair! It’s a dead body! No, it isn’t. That’s my husband, Lord Marchmain. He’s asleep. Oh, I am sorry. Well, thank you, Lady Marchmain. Er…We’re from you’re there, come Manchester. If and see our house! Lady Marchmain: Thank you. That’s 13. Mrs. Smith: Pardon? Lady Marchmain: 13 for the tickets. Test 5 Answers 1. 1. many 2. few 3. many 4. few 5. a lot of 2. at on for of 6. a few 7. few in 4. 1. “Excuse me, is there a restaurant near here?” “Yes, there’s one. It’s opposite the bus stop.” 2. How many photos are there in this album?” “Quite a lot, and all of them are famous people’s photos.” 3. There’s a book shop in front of that high hotel. 4. I’m in this neighbourhood for the first time. Is there any bus from here? 5. “How many pages are there in the dictionary?” “1528.” 6. There’s a list of names on the board. Is your name on the list, too? 7. “Where’s the chemist’s?” “It’s between the bank and the post office.” 279 UNIT 6 Task 22. “A longdistance telephone call” Transcript A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. er A. Conversation 1 Hi, Mary. This is Chris. I’m calling from Chicago. From Chicago? What are doing in Chicago? I’m on vacation. How’s the weather in Chicago? Is it sunny? No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy. Is it hot? No, it’s very cold. Are you having a good time? No, I’m not. I’m having a horrible time because the weathis so terrible. Too bad, I’m sorry to hear that. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. is B. Conversation 2 Hi, Tom. This is Janet. I’m calling from Los Angeles. From Los Angeles? What are you doing in L.A.? I’m on vacation. How’s the weather there? Is it cloudy? No, it isn’t. It’s sunny. Is it hot? Yes, very. Are you having a good time? No, I’m not, I’m having a terrible time. The weather here too hot. I’m sorry to hear that. Test 6 1. 1. on 2. in 3. at 2. 1. on 280 Answers 4. at 5. on 6. on 2. at 3. in 7. on 8. in 9. at 4. in 5. in 10. at 11. at 12. on 6. on 7. in 13. in 14. in 15. in 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are they doing? What is your wife doing? What are you doing? What is the teacher doing? Where are you going? Where are those children going? Where is the man on the bicycle going? Where is the girl with long hair going? 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. is doing / is have are looking / am looking is / is studying call / is not working are going / are talking 5. 1. 2. 3. The garden is beautiful in spring. What is it like in winter? Talk to Sandra. She’s in the kitchen. She’s cooking dinner. “Where are the Jones? They are away on holiday. They are having a lovely time at the seaside.” 4. “What’s the weather like in September in Russia?” “It’s warm at the beginning of the month and it’s cool at the end of September.” 5. Let’s meet at 4 in the afternoon next Thursday. 6. “Is Laura busy?” “Yes, she is. She’s sitting at the desk and reading a newspaper.” 7. “What’s on TV now?” “They’re showing a favourite film of yours – “My fair lady.” 281 UNIT 7 Task 23. “A job in the paper” Part 1 Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: way, Roy: Keith: on Part 2 Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: Keith: Roy: 282 Transcript Hello, is that Keith? Yes, speaking. I’m phoning about the job in the paper – about summer work. Oh yes, right. Are you a student? Yes, I’m at university here in York. I’m studying French and drama. So you know York quite well, do you? How old are you? I’m nearly 22. How old are the students at the school? In the summer they’re between 17 and about 25. Do you speak any languages? Well, French, of course and some German. And do you play any sports? Sports are quite an important part of the job, really. Well, football and tennis. Do you play any musical instruments? I play the guitar – if that’s any use. Very, because we have musical evenings. By the have you got a car? No, but I have a driving licence. We need a person to drive the minibus when we go trips. No problem. What are the hours? From 3 in the afternoon to 11 or even midnight. What about weekends? Saturday, yes, but you get Tuesday off. When does the job start? From the 1st June until the end of September. O.K., thanks very much. Er… one last thing – the salary. Ah, yes – around £ 1,500 a month. Thanks very much. Bye. Test 7 Answers 1. 1. yours mine 2. my mine 3. their 4. their ours 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How old are you? What colour is the door? What size are these shoes? What day is it today? What size is your suit? Whose are these trousers? What make is the car? 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Does she have Is he like does not play 5. 6. 7. 8. Do they live works travels does not walk 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where do you live? How often do you watch TV? Where do you have lunch? What time do you get up? How often do you go to the cinema? When do you read newspapers? 5. 1. tell 2. say 3. tell 4. say 5. tells 6. tell 7. say 8. tell 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Stefano is Italian. Does he speak English? We want to have dinner at home today. Prepare some fish for us, please. “What time do classes at university start?” “They usually start at 9 o’clock in the morning.” In the photo your sister’s having a nice dress on. Does she wear it at work? 283 5. “How often do you leave the child with your parents?” “Every weekend.” 6. “Is he at the doctor’s now?” “No, he’s in hospital.” 7. “A new film is on at our local today.” “Do you often go out?” “Once a week.” UNIT 8 Task 11. “What do they call it?” Transcript Bill. A bill is paper money. You have a “dollar bill’, “five dollar bill” and so on. Right …we call that a “bank note”. Um …”trousers” are … an item of clothing. Woman: Oh, I know what trousers are! We call them “pants”. Man: Oh, right. Woman: Oh, the snack food that is round, fried, thin and very crisp. We call them, er … “chips, … potato chips”. Man: Oh, right. Er … cold, you mean? Yeah, we call those, mm … “crisps”. You buy them in a packet …”crisps”. Um … er … “car park”, well … a place where you park cars. Woman: Yeah, we call that a “parking lot”. Um … if I need some medicine or something like that, I go to see the “druggist”. Man: Oh, is that a person, or … is that a place? Woman: Well, the place is the “drugstore”, the “druggist” is the person who gives me the medicine. Man: Right, we call that a “chemist” – but that’s the name of the shop. Woman: Um … when I get a hamburger I also like to get “French fries”, which are the strips of er … fried potato. Man: Oh, right – we call those “chips”. Woman: Do you? Man: Yes, “chips”. Woman: Every town in America has a “main street” where all the shops and things are. Man: We call that the “high street”. The same thing – “high street”. Woman: a Man: 284 Test 8 1. 1. many 2. much Answers 3. much 4. many / many 5. little 6. few. 7. little 8. few 2. 1. 2. 3. have have got have got 4. 5. 6. Does Sharon ever have having / having to have 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How many kinds of buses are there in London? How often do they practise sports? What do you say to your friends when they leave? What does your niece never forget to do? How do Muscovites usually travel? How much does Tom sleep? When does he normally go to bed and what time does he get up? 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are you watching on TV? Whom does Mr. Green always help about the house? What would he like for lunch? What do you never fix? Whom are they feeding? What do you seldom wash in your flat? 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Whom do you practise English with? Whom do the Gables go on holiday with? What is John phoning for? What is she speaking about? What does your grandfather tell you about? What do students often listen to on the radio? 6. 1. 2. The dentist says I eat too much sweet (food). “What does their son want to be?” “A pianist.” 285 3. “I’ve got some money on me. How many packets of cigarettes would you like to buy?” “I need a few.” “You smoke too much.” 4. “Is there much snow in the streets in winter?” “Yes, quite a lot.” 5. She’d like to take some photos of the National Museum but she’s got little time. 6. Most children like milk and drink a lot of it. 7. Henry’d like to order some ham sandwiches and two pots of tea. UNIT 9 Task 18. “Sports around the world” Transcript Different nations have very different ideas about which sports really count. Rugby is a classical case. There’s only one nation whose national sport is rugby, and that’s New Zealand. Rugby is also popular in South Wales but not North Wales, which is mad about football. Much the same is true for other sports. Hockey is big in Canada, Czech Republic and Russia. Cricket is an interest only in Britain and former British colonies. Baseball is popular in the United States and some (but not all) of Latin America. Cycling is massive in France, the Low Countries and maybe Italy. The Australians stay up late to watch their swimmers, and so on. Even the Olympic Games are not a true global phenomenon, because my Olympics is different from yours. Though no sport is truly global, all sports are becoming more international. Test 9 Answers 1. 1. that / who 2. which / that 3. that / who 4. that / which 5. that / which 6. that / who 286 2. 1. Who smokes Marlboro? What cigarettes does your brother smoke? 2. What sandwich do you always have for breakfast? 3. Who sometimes has tomato soup for lunch? What soup do you sometimes have for lunch? 4. Who is wearing a quartz watch? What watch is Clark wearing? 5. Which of them has a video camera?What does none of them have? 4. 1. “What do you do in your free time?” “I play the guitar.” “I know you’re interested in chess, aren’t you?” “Yes, indeed. Playing the guitar and playing chess are my hobbies.” 2. “Do you like skating?” “I hate it.” “Really? As for me, I dis like skiing.” 3. “Alice is such a slow driver.” “Right. She can’t drive at all.” 4. “I think Oliver can cook well. What do you think?” “I think so too. And he can cook quickly.” 5. It’s strange that the boss and the secretary dislike each other.” 6. I don’t understand how to use this taperecorder. Can you give me some instructions, please? UNIT 10 Task 17 (b). “Departure” A.: B.: A.: B.: A.: B.: A.: Transcript Conversation 1 Good morning. Can I help you? Good morning. I’d like a ticket to Newcastle, please. Single or return? Return, please. I’m coming back tonight. What platform does the train leave from? Platform eight. What time does it leave? Nine fifteen and it arrives in Newcastle at ten thirty. Here’s your ticket. 287 A.: B.: A.: B.: A.: Conversation 2 Can I see your passport and ticket, please? Yes, here you are. Is the flight on time? No, I’m sorry. There’s a halfhour delay. Oh, dear. Do I have to change planes in Frankfurt? No, you stay on the same plane. Test 10 Answers 1. 1. have to write 2. don’t have to buy 3. doesn’t have to wear 4. have to stop 5. have to work 6. has to travel 2. a ticket inspector the Eurostar service Britain, France and Belgium a week a house The house to work by bicycle 3. 1. don’t 2. are 3. does 4. 4. don’t / is 5. do 6. doesn’t 7. is doesn’t in in with at on at after by at to at in after about at 5. 1. the university 2. college 3. to the school 4. to university 5. in hospital / to the hospital 6. to church 7. the church 8. school / at the hospital 6. 1. 2. 3. 288 Switch off the radio. We’re not listening to it. How often do you have to brush your shoes? “Where are you, Roy?” “I’m in the living room and I’m doing morning exercises.” “That’s strange, you usually jog in the mornings.” 4. 5. 6. What language are they speaking? I can’t understand them. It takes her seven minutes to walk from home to the university. In his new job he often has to get up early and drive to Vnukovo Airport. I’m sorry for him. UNIT 11 Task 10. History Quiz Answers 1. in 1961 2. about 200 years ago 3. in Italy about 2,700 years ago Task 13. “In the Canaries” David: Steve: David: Steve: David: Steve: David: Steve: was David: Steve: David: Steve: David: Steve: David: Steve: 4. a dinosaur 5. in Atlanta Transcript Hello, Steve. Where were you last month? I was on holiday. Oh, really? … but you were on holiday in January. Yes, I was in Las Vegas in January. Where were you last month? I was in the Canaries. In the Canaries? What was it like? Fantastic! The weather was beautiful … the ocean warm. What was the hotel like? Excellent! There was a swimming pool and private beach. There were three restaurants and two bars. What were the people like? They were very friendly. Was your wife with you? No, she wasn’t. She never comes with me on holiday. What about the children? Were they with you? No, they weren’t. They were with their grandparents. 289 Test 11 1. 1. do 2. can Answers 3. doesn’t 2. 1. does he? 2. can’t she? 3. is it? 4. can 5. has 6. isn’t 4. wasn’t it? 5. isn’t it? 6. can’t he? 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. 1. at 290 Is there any chalk at the blackboard? No, there isn’t any chalk. There’s no chalk at the blackboard. Is Ben writing any letter? No, he isn’t writing any letter. He’s writing no letter. Does their son speak any foreign language? No, he doesn’t speak any foreign language. He speaks no foreign language. Does it take Liz any time to do her homework? No, it doesn’t take her any time to do her homework. It takes Liz no time to do her homework. Would she like to listen to any new cassette? No, she wouldn’t like to listen to any new cassette. She would like to listen to no new cassette. Can you see any taxis in the street? No, we can’t see any taxis in the street. We can see no taxis in the street. 2. on 3. to 4. in 5. of 6. from 7. in 5. 1. “Were there any letters for me last week?” None. Do you miss your parents?” “Of course I do.” “When the children were small, they were often ill. By the way, where are they now?” “I don’t know. They were near the house in the morning.” “You’re sitting in my place!” “I’m sorry. You were absent yesterday, weren’t you?” You’re wearing beautiful shoes. Were they expensive? “Were there lots of people at the meeting?” “No, there were very few.” “We have to organize a new meeting and speak in front of our colleagues.” “Was Tom good at chemistry when at school?” “Yes, he was always interested in this subject.” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. UNIT 12 Task 18. “Karaoke and tango” Transcript So, Ken, tell me. What is karaoke? Well, it is singing along to some recorded music. have a microphone, some music is playing and you sing the words – in tune, if you can. Q: Where does this take place? Ken: All over Tokyo there are karaoke bars where you can go with your friends, have a drink and sing karaoke. Q: And what music do you sing? Ken: Well, it’s traditional Japanese music for older people, but for young people it’s mostly wellknown Western pop songs, you know. Frank Sinatra, Phil Collins, Madonna, that sort of thing. Q: What about tango then, Philippa? Philippa: Tango is a very exotic kind of dance in Latin America, and it’s especially popular in Argentina, where it comes from. Q: Ken: You 291 Q: Ph: Q: Ph: Q: Ph: Q: Ph: Q: Ph: 292 And where do they dance tango? In concert halls or theatres, or maybe small bars. And who dances tango? Well, in the theatre they’re mostly professional dancers, although in dance halls and bars, people try to dance the tango if the music is right. And what is the music they use to dance to? Well, tango is both the dance and the music. You dance the tango to music specially written for it. They use the violin and the accordion quite a lot for it. And why do you think people enjoy it? Well, it’s full of life, it’s great fun. Can you dance it? Yes, not very well, but I try. Test 12 Answers 1. 1. is having 2. is taking 3. finishes 4. are getting married 5. is flying 6. leaves 7. are having 8. is seeing 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A: B: A: A: B: A: A: B: A: A: B: A: A: B: A: A: B: A: She’s going to make a speech next month. Where’s she going to make a speech? On TV. I’m going to watch a video this evening. Which video are you going to watch? “Summer Holiday.” They are going to buy a new car tomorrow. Which car are they going to buy? A Toyota, I think. He’s going to study Japanese at university. Why is he going to study Japanese? He wants to go and teach in Japan. We are going to travel round the world next year. Which countries are you going to visit? The USA, Australia and Indonesia. I’m going away for the weekend. Where are you going to spend it? Out of town. 293 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You’re going to do as I tell you. “What are you doing tonight?” “We’re going to the concert.” I’m meeting them at the railway station tomorrow morning. Steve is going to fix his car this afternoon. “When is your daughter going away on holiday?” “Next week. She’s leaving for Florida.” The inspector is going to ask you a few questions. What are you going to tell him? 5. while as that where when 6. who 7. as 8. because 9. though ACTIVE VOCABULARY Abbreviations n. – noun существительное; v. – verb глагол; phr. v. – phrasal verb фразовый глагол; adj. adjective прилагательное; adv. adverb наречие; attr. – attribute определение; pl. plural множественное число; pers. рrоn. – personal pronoun личное местоимение; poss. pron. – possessive pronoun притяжательное местоимение; conj. – conjunction союз; num. – numeral числительное; prep. – preposition предлог. A, a a [q; strong eI] also an – неопределенный артикль about [qbaVt] prep. о, по поводу: They’re talking about their holidays. above [qbAv] prep. над, выше: There’s nothing in this shop above 5 pounds. above adv. The noise is coming from the room above. abroad [qbrLd] adv. за границей / рубежом: He’s going abroad on his holiday. absent [xbsqnt] adj. отсутствующий: How many students are absent from class today? accident [xksIdqnt] n. авария, несчастный случай: Не says it was an accident. John drives badly. He often has accidents. accountant [qkaVntqnt] n. бухгалтер activity [xktIvItI] n. деятельность: Some people spend time on outside activities. actor [xktq] n. актёр actually [xktSqlI] adv. фактически, по правде говоря: Yes, I know he looks very young, but he’s actually 45. address [qdres] n. адрес afraid [qfreId] adj. бояться: Don’t be afraid of the dog. | I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Africa [xfrIkq] n. Африка African [xfrIkqn] n. африканец, adj. африканский after [Rftq] prep. после afternoon [,Rftqnu:n] n. время после полудня: in the afternoon again [qgen; qgeIn] adv. еще раз, вновь: Please, say that again. age [eIG] n. возраст: He was sixty years of age. ago [qgqV] adj. тому назад: I was at school a long time ago. agree [qgri:] v. (with, about, on) соглашаться: I agree with you about his book – it’s awful. | We agree on a price for the car. 295 airport [eqpL t] n. аэропорт album [xlbqm] n. альбом all [L l] pron. все, всё at ~ вообще, совсем: I sometimes don’t have lunch at all. all right [LlraIt] adj., adv. 1) приемлемый, в удовлетворительном состоянии: His work is all right but he can be faster; 2) в ответ на предложение или план: “Come tomorrow!” “All right! What time?” also [LlsqV] adv. тоже, также: The weather was not only cold, but also wet. always [LlwIz] adv. всегда: The job is interesting but not always easy. America [qmerIkq] n. Америка American [qmerIkqn] n. американец, adj. американский; ~ English американский вариант aнглийского языка anatomy [qnxtqmI] n. анатомия angry [aNgrI] adj. сердитый answer [Rnsq] n. ответ: There’re no easy answers to the problem of unemployment. answer v. отвечать: The President is going to answer the reporters’ questions. any [enI] pron. любой: They are all free – take any you like. apartment [qpRtm qnt] n. комната, (US) квартира apple [xpl] n. яблоко; ~ juice n. яблочный сок April [eIprIl] n. апрель Arabic [xrqbIk] n. арабский язык 296 April [eIprIl] n. апрель arm [Rm] n. рука armchair [a:mtʃeq] n. кресло с подлокотниками around [qraVnd] prep. вокруг, повсюду: I’d like to travel around the world. | Let’s go around the town, not through it. ~ the corner за углом arrive [qraIv] v. прибывать: The plane arrives in London at 4 o’clock. artist [RtIst] n. художник as [qz; strong xz] adv. как: such countries as Spain такие страны как Испания. | I’m as tall as he. ask [Rsk] v. спрашивать: May I ask you a favour? asleep [qsli:p] adj. спать; see also go to sleep assistant [qsIstqnt] n. помощник, ассистент astrologer [qstrOlqq] n. астролог astrology [qstrOlqi] n. астрология at [qt; strong xt] prep. указ. на точку в пространстве или опр. момент времени: ~ the end; ~ the top | He’s standing at the bus stop. | at 9 o’clock | I’m busy at the moment. | It sometimes snows at Christmas. | Look at this! | She never smokes at work. | There was a ladder at the back of the house. athlete [xTli:t] n. атлет athletic [xTletIk] adj. атлетического телосложения away [qw eI] adj. выражает удаление от чегол.: Go away! They’re away on holiday. (Сравн. They’re out for lunch.) awful [Lfql] adj. страшный, ужасный: What awful weather! | I’ve got an awful lot of work to do. August [Lgqst] n. август aunt [Rnt] n. тетя Australia [PstreIlIq] n. Австралия Australian [PstrqIlIqn] n. австралиец, adj. австралийский autumn [Ltəm] n. осень В, b back [bxk] n. спина: She is carrying the baby on her back. bacon [beIkqn] n. бекон: We often have bacon and eggs for breakfast. bad [bxd] adj. плохой: Smoking is bad for your health. badly [bdli] adv. плохо: The team play badly. bag [bg] n. сумка balcony [blkqnI] n. балкон banana [bqnnq] n. банан band [bxnd] n. группа, отряд, банда, оркестр; jazz ~ джазоркестр bank [bxNk] n. банк bar [bR] n. бар baseball [beIsbLl] n. бейсбол: Baseball is the national game of the USA. basketball [bRskitbLl] n. баскетбол bathroom [bR TrHm] n. ванная (комната) BBC [bibi si] n. the British Broadcasting Corporation: She works for the BBC. | It’s on BBC tonight. (Сравн. ITV) be [bi:] v. быть, находиться: The chidren must be in bed by 10 o’clock. beach [b tʃ] n. пляж: Sit on the beach and eat your sandwiches! beautiful [bju:tifql] adj. прекрасный: The film was really beautiful (very good). because [bikPz] соnj. потому что, по причине: I do it because I like it. bed [bed] n. кровать; go to bed – ложиться спать: She always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. bedroom [bedru:m] n. спальня beef [bi:f] n. говядина beer [bIq] n. пиво before [bifL] prep. до: I usually take a bath before having my breakfast. beginning [bIgInIN] n. начало: at the ~ of the month behind [bihaInd] prep. позади: He’s always behind his friends in mathematics. below [bi lqV] adv. внизу: I live on the first floor; she lives on the floor below. best [best] adj. (превосх. степень от good лучший): What’s the best way to get there? between [bi twi:n] prep. между: I hope nothing ever comes between us. 297 bicycle [baIsIkql] n. also cycle, bike – велосипед: She goes to work on her bicycle / by bicycle. big [bIg] adj. большой, больше среднего размера: a big box | How big is it? | I don’t want a little piece of cake – I want a big one. bikini [bIkJnI] n. женский купальный костюм bill [bil] n. денежный счет bird [bE: d] n. птица birthday [bE:θdei] n. день рождения: my 21st birthday | a birthday party | Happy birthday to you! biscuit [bIskIt] n. cyxoe печенье, галета black [blk] adj. чёрный blond(e) [ blPnd] n. блондин, adj. белокурый, светлый board [bLd] n. доска: Write the sentence on the board. booking [bVkIN] n. продажа билетов; ~ clerk n. кассир; ~ office n. билетная касса: We buy tickets at the booking office from the booking clerk. bookshop [bVkSPp] n. книжный магазин boot [bu:t] n. ботинок boring [bLrIN] adj. скучный, надоедливый: The lecture was boring. boss [bPs] n. хозяин, предприниматель both [bqVT] pron. оба: Both her parents are doctors. bottle [bPtl] n. бутылка box [bPks] n. коробка 298 boy [bOI] n. мальчик bread [bred] n. хлеб: The children are eating bread and butter. briefcase [bri:fkeIs] n. кейс briefing [brifi ] n. инструктаж, брифинг bring [brIN] v. приносить, привозить: Can you bring me back if I go with you in your car? Britain [brIt(q)n] n. Англия, Британия, (also Great ~) Великобритания British [brItIS] n. the ~ англичане, британцы; adj. британский brother [brADO] n. брат brown [braVn] adj. коричневый building [bIldIN] n. здание bus [bAs] n. автобус business [bIznIs] n. дело: I’m here on business. businessman [bIznIsmqn] n. бизнесмен busy [bIzI] adj. занятой, несвободный: a busy day | I’m sorry, the line is busy. but [bqt; strong bAt] conj. 1) но: It’s expensive, but it goes quite well; 2) кроме: There’s no one here but me. butter [bAtq] n. сливочное масло buy [baI] v. покупать: Let me buy a drink for you. С, с cafe´ [kfei] n. кафе cake [keIk] n. торт, кекс calculator [kxlkjV,leItq] n. калькулятор call [kLl] n. телефонный вызов: I have a few calls to make. call v. звать: Mother is calling me. call back phr.v. перезвонить: Can you call me back later? camera [km qrq] n. фотоаппарат camping [kxmpIN] n. туристский лагерь can [kxn] v. мочь, уметь: Can it be true? canteen [kn ti:n] n. столовая, буфет на предприятии, в учреждении capital [kxpItql] n. столица, столичный: What is the capital of Great Britain? саr [kR ] n. автомобиль card [kd] n. карта, карточка: Let me give you my business card. | They are having a game of cards. carpet [kpit] n. ковер: I’d like to buy a new carpet for the dining room. carry [kri] v. носить: I carry my books in a strong paper bag. carton [kRt(q)n] n. картонка, блок case [keIs] n. случай, обстоятельство, дело cat [kx t] n. кошка centre [sqntq] n. центр certainly [sE:tnli] adv. конечно: He certainly works very hard. chair [Ceq] n. стул champagne [ʃm pein] n. шампанское change [CeInG] n. l) изменение, перемена: a change in the weather. 2) сдача: “Do you have change for a $10 bill?” “Here is your change.” change v. (at) сделать пересадку: To get to Manchester, you have to change (trains) at Birmingham. channel [ n(q)l] n. пролив, канал; the English ~ ЛаМанш check in [Cek] phr. v. (at hotel) зарегистрироваться cheese [ i:z] n. сыр chemist [kem ist] n. химик chess [Ces] n. шахматы child [CaIld] n. ребенок; pl. children childhood [CaIldhVd] n. детство China [CaInq] n. Китай Chinese [Cai ni:z] n. китаец, ки тайский язык; adj. китайский chocolate [CPklIt] n. шоколад church [CE:tS] n. церковь cigarette [,sigqret] n. сигарета cinema [sInImq] n. кинотеатр city [sItI] n. большой город class [kls] n. класс: There are 10 students in Gary’s class. classical [klsik(q)l] adj. классический clean [kl n] adj. чистый, незапятнанный: These plates aren’t clean. clerk [klk] n. клерк, служащий clock [klɔk] n. часы close [klqVz] v. закрывать clothes [klqVDz] n. одежда club [klAb] n. клуб cloudy [klaVdI] adj. облачный coat [kqVt] n. пальто 299 coffee [kOfI] n. кофе coke [kqVk] n. CocaCola cold [kqVld] adj. холодный colleague [kɔli:g] n. коллега, сослуживец collect [kə lekt] v. коллекционировать, собирать: John collects foreign coins. | Collect the books and put them on my desk. college [kɔli] n. колледж colour [kAlq] n. цвет comb [kqVm] n. расческа come [kAm] v. приходить, приезжать: My parents are coming for dinner with us. come in phr. v. войти: When he’s late, the teacher tells him to come in. composer [kqmpqVzq] n. композитор computer [kqmpju:tq] n. компьютер concert [kPnsqt] n. концерт conductor [kqndAktq] n. кондуктор, дирижер conference [kPnfqrqns] n. конференция consultation [,kPnsqlteISqn] n. консультация continent [kPntInqnt] n. континент continue [kqntInju:] v. продолжать: The wet weather continues convenient [kqnvi::nIqnt] adj. удобный, подходящий: I’m afraid this isn’t a very convenient moment to see you. 300 cook [kVk] v. готовить пищу, подвергая ее действию тепла: How long does this meat take to cook? cook n. повар, стряпуха cooker [kVkq] n. плита, печь cool [ku:l] adj. прохладный corner [kO:nq] n. угол: There is a telephone at the corner of the street. correct [kqrekt] adj. верный, безошибочный cottage [kPtIG] n. коттедж country [kAntrI] n. 1) страна: Mexico is a country to the south of the United States; 2) деревня, сельская местность: Не has a house in the country. course [kɔs] n. 1) курс: Не teaches a course in French at college; 2) блюдо: You can have steak or roast beef for the second course. | of ~ конечно court [kɔ:t] n. корт cousin [kAz(q)n] n. кузен, двоюродный брат, кузина: I’ve got a letter from Cousin Charles. cream [kri:m] n. сливки: I like fruit with cream. cricket [krIkIt] n. крикет crisp [krIsp] n. жареная карто фельная стружка; pl. хрустящий картофель cross [krPs] v. пересечь, перейти: Don’t cross the street without looking if there’s any car coming. cry [kraI] v. плакать: The baby is crying for milk. cup [kAp] n. чашка cupboard [kAbqd] n. посудный шкаф curious [kjuqrIqs] adj. любопытный, любознательный: I’m curious to know what he says. curly [kE:lI] adj. кудрявый D, d dangerous [deInqrqs] adj. опасный, рискованный: It’s dangerous to walk on the railway track. dark [dk] adj. тёмный: In the winter it gets dark early. daughter [dO:tq] n. дочь day [dei] n. день: Have a nice day! ~ off выходной December [disembq] n. декабрь delegation [,delIgeISqn] n. делегация dentist [dentIst] n. зубной врач department [dIpa:tmqnt] n. департамент, отдел, ведомство; ~ store универмаг design [dIzaIn] n. дизайн desk [desk] n. парта dessert [dIzE:t] n. десерт detective [dItektIv] n. сыщик dictionary [dIkSqnqrI] n. словарь diet [daIqt] n. диета: She’s on a diet. different [dIfrqnt] adj. иной, другой, отличный difficult [dIfIkqlt] adj. трудный dinner [dInq] n. обед director [dIrektq] n. директор dirty [dE:tI] adj. грязный disco [dIskqV] n. = discotheque [dIskq,tek] дискотека, танцы под магнитофон discussion [dIskAS(q)n] n. обсуждение, дискуссия dish [dIS] n. блюдо, тарелка: a vegetable dish | Can I wash all these dirty dishes? dislike [dIslaIk] v. не любить: I dislike getting up early. display [dIspleI] n. показ, проявление, дисплей: The goods were on display in the shop windows. distance [dIstqns] n. расстояние: What is the distance between London and Glasgow? do [du:] v. делать: We do everything we can to help him. | What do you do for a living? | He’s doing his homework. doctor [dPktq ] n. доктор, врач document [dPkjVmqnt] n. документ dog [dPg] n. собака door [dO:] n. дверь drama [dra:m ə] n. драма dress [dres] n. платье: She is wearing a green dress. drink [drINk] v. пить: Не doesn’t smoke or drink. | Drink your tea before it gets cold. drink n. питье, напиток, спиртной напиток: Would you like a drink of water? | Have another drink! | There’s no drink in the house. drive [draIv] v. водить: I’m learning to drive. | Can you drive me to the station? 301 driver [ draIvq] n. водитель dull [dAl] adj. скучный, неинтересный: a dull lecture duty [dju:tI] n. 1) долг, обязанность: Who’s on duty today? 2) пошлина, сбор: ~ free беспошлинный E, e each other also one another pron. друг другу: They often tell each other about their families. early [E:li] adv. рано: Не always arrives early. east [i:st] n. восток: It’s a few kilometres to the east of London. easy [i:zi] adj. легкий: It’s quite an easy language to learn. eat [i:t] v. есть, питаться: Tigers eat meat. economics [,ekqnPmiks] n. экономика, экономическая наука: She’s studying economics at college. eight [eIt] num. восемь eighteen [ei ti:n] num. восемнадцать eighth [eIT] num. восьмой eighty [eItI] num. восемьдесят either [aIDq] adv. = also также (в отриц. предл.) elderly [eldqlI] adj. пожилой elegant [elIgqnt] adj. элегантный, изящный eleven [Ilevqn] num. одиннадцать 302 else [els] adv. еще, кроме: I’m sorry. What else can I say? Who else wants to look at this book? empty [emptI] adj. пустой end [end] n. конец energetic [,enqetIk] adj. энергичный: an energetic tennis player engineer [,eniniq] n. инженер English [INglIS] n. английский язык: He speaks English. adj. английский: an English teacher. especially [IspeS(q)lI] adj. особенно, специально: I especially like chocolate. evening [i:vnIN] n. вечер; in the evening вечером every [evrI] pron. каждый: Every time I see him he looks energetic. excellent [eksqlqnt] adj. отличный except [Iksept] prep. кроме, исключая: I can take my holidays at any time except in August. excuse me [ik skju:z] v. 1) вежливая форма извинения: Please excuse me for opening your letter by mistake; 2) обращение с вопросом к незнакомцу: Excuse me, does this bus go to the station? exercise [eksqsaIz] n. упражнение: Mary is doing physical exercises. expensive [IkspensIv] adj. дорогой: Your car looks expensive. express [Ikspres] n. экспресс, курьерский поезд: Is this an express bus? extra [ekstrq] adj. добавочный, дополнительный: American taxi drivers get a tip of 15% extra. eye [aI] n. глаз: She has blue eyes. F, f fact [fxkt] n. факт; in ~ фактически: I don’t like him; in fact I hate him. factory [fxktqrI] n. завод, фабрика fall [fO:l] v. падать family [fxm ili] n. семья famous [feim əs] adj. знаменитый: France is famous for its fine food and wine. fan [fxn] n. болельщик, почи татель fantastic [fn tstik] adj. фантастический, удивительный: a fantastic story | You look fantastic! far [fa:] adv., adj. далеко, далёкий: How far is it from New York to Miami? fast [fa:st] adj. быстрый, скорый: This is a fast train to the city – it doesn’t stop anywhere. fast adv. быстро: She drives very fast. favour [feIvq] n. любезность, одолжение: Can you do me a favour and turn off the radio? favourite [feIvqrIt] adj. любимый: What’s your favourite song? fax [fxks] n. факс; ~ machine факсимильный аппарат February [febrVqrI] n. февраль festival [festIv(q)l] n. фестиваль, празднество; ~ of music feel [fi:l] v. чувствовать: I feel cold / warm / happy / hungry, etc. few [fju:] pron. мало, немного: She has few friends. | Few understand his theories. | There are so few that I can’t give you one. a few pron. несколько: Let’s invite a few friends to go out with us. | Here are a few stamps for your collections. fifteen [fIfti:n] num. пятнадцать fifth [fIfT] num. пятый fifty [fIftI] num. пятьдесят figure [fIgq] n. фигура: She has a lovely figure. film [fIlm] n. фильм final [faIn(e)l] adj. финальный find [faInd] v. найти: I can’t find my books. | Do you think you can find your way home? adj. ясный, fine [faIn] прекрасный; ~ girl (looks or character) finish [fInIS] v. закончить: What time does the concert finish? Finland [fInlqnd] n. Финляндия Finnish [fInIS] n. финский язык; adj. финский firm [fE:m ] n. фирма first [fE:st] num. первый; adj. ~ of all прежде всего, в первую очередь fish [fIS] n. рыба five [faIv] num. пять 303 fix [fIks] v. ремонтировать: Can you fix the car engine for me? flat [flt] n. квартира: Who lives in the top flat? flight [flaIt] n. рейс: Book me on a morning flight to Paris, please. floor [flO:] n. этаж: Не walks up the stairs to the sixth floor. flower [flaVq] n. цветок fly [flai] v. лететь (самолетом): Are you going by train or are you going to fly? food [fu:d] n. пища, питание; ~ and drink еда и питье foot [fVt] n. (pl. feet) нога: on foot пешком: Don’t wait for the bus – it’s quicker to go on foot. football [fVtbO:l] n. футбол for [fO:] prep. для, ради: He plays football for the school team. fork [fO:k] n. вилка forty [fO:tI] num. сорок four [fO:] num. четыре fourteen [fO:ti:n] num. четырнадцать France [frQ:ns] n. Франция free [fri:] adj. свободный, вольный: You’re free to leave. French [frentS] n. французский язык; the ~ (people) французы; adj. французский Friday [fraIdI] n. пятница fridge [frIG] also refrigerator n. холодильник friend [frend] n. друг friendly [frendlI] adj. дружеский, настроенный мирно from [frPm] prep. из: The train from London arrives here at nine o’clock. front [frAnt] n. перед, передняя сторона; in front of впереди, 304 перед: Park your car in front of the house. fruit [fru:t] n. фрукты: Can you buy me some fruit at the market? full [fVl] adj. полный: Is the bag full? | The bag is full of apples. fun [fAn] n. веселье, забава, потеха; have ~ развлекаться, весело проводить время. The game was no fun. Игра была совсем неинтересной. funny [fAnI] adj. смешной G, g gallery [gxlqrI] n. галерея garage [gxrQ:G] n. гараж garden [ga:dn] n. сад gentleman [entlm ən] n. (pl. men) джентльмен German [E:mən] n. 1) немец, 2) немецкий язык; adj. немецкий, германский Germany [E:məni] n. Германия get [get] v. 1) получать: She gets more money than I do. | Can you get this book for me from the library? | I always get a headache if I drink too much. 2) When does the train get (in) to Edinburgh? get back phr. v. возвращать(ся): We get back home very late. | I want to get my coat back. get off phr. v. выходить: You have to get off the bus at the next stop. get on phr. v. садиться (в транспорт): Here is your tram, get on! get up phr. v. вставать, подниматься: What time do you normally get up? girl [gE:l] n. девочка, девушка girlfriend [gq:lfrend] n. подруга, возлюбленная give [gIv] v. давать: Give me the tickets, please. glad [gld] adj. рад, доволен: I’m glad he’s got the job. glass [gls] n. стакан glasses [glsiz] n. очки: He wears glasses for reading. global [glqub(q)l] adj. всеобщий, глобальный go [gqV] v. идти, ехать: The summer is going fast. | I don’t know where all my money goes (to)! | We’re going skiing this afternoon. | This clock doesn’t go. | We’re going to the country for Christmas. go away phr. v. уезжать: They want to go away for their holidays. go out phr. v. проводить время вне дома: She goes out for a walk three times a day. golf [gPlf] n. гольф good [gVd] adj. хороший: He’s good at Frehch. Он силён во французском. good n. польза: What good is the money when you haven’t any friends? It’s no good. | ~ looking adj. красивый, хорош собой grammar [grxmq] n. грамматика grandfather [grndDq] n. дедушка grandmother [grxnmADq] n. бабушка grandparent [grxn,peqrqnt] n. дедушка, бабушка great [greIt] adj. великий, знаменитый: They’re great friends. Они большие друзья. green [gri:n] adj. зеленый grey [greI] adj. серый ground [graVnd] n. земля ground floor (BrE) первый этаж: My office is on the ground floor. group [gru:p] n. группа: There is a group of policemen waiting at the corner of the street. guest [gest] n. гость gym [i m] n. гимнастический зал gymnastics [imnstiks] n. гимнастика H, h hair [heq] n. волосы half [hQ:f] n. половина: Don’t do it by halves. He останавливайтесь на полпути. hall [hO:l] n. холл ham [hxm] n. ветчина hand [hx nd] n. рука happy [hxpI] adj. счастливый hate [heIt] v. ненавидеть hard [h a:d] adv. усердно, упорно: You’re working too hard. have [hqv; strong hxv] v. 1) иметь, обладать: This coat has no pockets. ~ a break сделать перерыв; ~ dinner обедать; ~ a game of tennis сыграть в теннис; ~ a shower принять душ; ~ a good time хорошо провести время; 2) в сочетании с инфинитивом 305 обозн. долженствование: You have to do what the policeman says. | You have to drive on the right. he [hi:] pron. он hear [hiə] v. слышать: The old lady is deaf, she can’t hear very well. heart [ha:t] n. сердце; She has a heart of gold. У нее золотое сердце. heavy [hevI] adj. тяжелый: This bag is too heavy for me to lift. help [help] v. помогать: Is there anything I can do to help? | Can you help me with my homework? Helsinki [helsINkI] n. Хельсинки her [hə; strong hE:] pers. pron. ей, её: Tell her to go away. | I see her in the white dress. poss. pron. её: Mary is sitting in her chair. here [hiə] adv. здесь: Come here! | It’s about two miles from here. hers [hE:z] pron. (абсол. форма) её: This is my coat and hers is over there. hi [hai] = hey разг. привет: Hi, Barbara, how are you? him [hIm] pers. pron. ему, его: Tell him to come in. | There’s a letter for him. his [hiz] poss. pron. его: It was his first visit to England. абсол. форма: “Which key is John’s? Is this one his?” “His is on the table.” history [hIstqrI] n. история hobby [hPbI] n. хобби, конёк: One of her hobbies is collecting stamps. 306 holiday [h PlIdI] n. l) нерабочий день: Next Friday is a holiday; 2) отпуск, каникулы: We are going to Spain for our holiday(s). home [hqVm] n. дом; ~ town родной город; ~ work заданный урок, домашнее задание hospital [hPspItl] n. больница: The children’s hospital is at the end of our street. hot [hPt] adj. горячий, жаркий: How hot is the water? | It’s very hot in here – can I open the window? hotel [hqVtel] n. гостиница, отель house [haVs] n. дом housewife [haVswaIf] n. домохозяйка how [haV] adv. как (in questions): How is your mother? | Can I remember how to get there? hundred [hAndrId] num. сто hungry [hANgrI] adj. голодный hurry [hArI] v. торопиться, спешить: Don’t hurry – we have lots of time. | Don’t hurry me, I’m working as fast as I can. I, i ice cream [aiskri:m] n. мороженое idea [aIdIq ] n. идея, мысль: What a good idea! if [If] conj. если: If she can’t go, can I go instead? ill [Il] adj. больной, нездоровый: She’s ill, so she mustn’t come. important [ImpO:t(q)nt] adj. важный, веский: He likes to look important. Он любит важничать. in [In] prep. в, внутри: She’s in the bathroom. | Put the plate in the cupboard. inspector [Inspektq] n. инспектор instead [Insted] adv. вместо, взамен: Would you like an orange instead of that apple? | Why don’t you help me wash the car instead of playing ball? instrument [Instrqmqnt] n. инструмент: musical ~ intelligent [IntelIGqnt] adj. умный, разумный interest [Intrqst] n. интерес, заинтересованность: My son is showing an interest in football. interested (in) adj. заинтересо ванный, интересующийся: Are you interested in politics? interesting [IntrqstIN] adj. интересный, вызывающий интерес: ~ book / person / idea | How ~! international [,IntqnxSqnql] adj. международный: ~ football match interpreter [Intq:prItq] n. переводчик interview [Intqvju:] n. интервью: The film star is giving an interview immediately after his wedding. into [Intq, IntV] рrер. в, на (указывает на движение или на пра вление во внутрь чегол.): Get into the car! | She wants to translate it into French. | Are you driving into the centre of (the) town? it [It] pron. он (она, оно), это: Who is it? Italian [ itljqn] n. 1) итальянский; 2) итальянский язык; adj. итальянский Italy [ItqlI] n. Италия its [Its] pron. (притяж. форма от it) его, ее о предмете, животном: It’s a nice jug, but its handle is broken. J, j jacket [k]ti n. куртка, жакет, френч jam [Gxm] n. варенье, джем January [njVqrI] n. январь Japan [qpn] n. Япония Japanese [,pqni:z] n. 1) японец; 2) японский язык; adj. японский jazz [Gxz] n. джаз jeans [Gi:nz] n. джинсы job [GPb] n. работа (регулярно оплачиваемая): “What does she do?” “She has a good job in a bank.” jog [GPg] n. спорт, бегать разминочным темпом: I go jogging in the park before breakfast. journalist [E:nqlIst] n. журналист journey [E:ni] n. поездка, путешествие: Не plans to go on a long train journey across Europe. 307 jug [g] n. кувшин; milk~ молочник July [Gu:laI] n. июль June [Gu:n] n. июнь just [st] adv. именно, как раз: She’s just sixteen – her birthday was yesterday. | “What time is it?” “It’s just five o’clock.” K, k keep [ki:p] v. держать, хранить: I don’t want that paper any more – you can keep it. | She keeps a small shop. key [ki:] n. ключ: Where are your car keys? kilo [ki:lqV] n. кило kilometre [kIlPm itq] n. километр kind [kaInd] adj. добрый, любезный: She’s very kind to animals. | It was very kind of you to visit me when I was ill. kitchen [kItSqn] n. кухня knife [naIf] n. (pl. knives) нож know [nqV] v. знать: Do you know the German for “onetwothree”? L, l lady [leidi] n. леди, дама, гоcпожа n. лампа, lamp [lm p] светильник language [lxNgw i] n. язык: “How many languages can you speak?” “Two: English and French.” 308 large [la:] adj. большой, крупный: ~ house / sum of money / number of people | I want a large cup of coffee, please. | How large is your office? late [leIt] adj. опоздавший, запоздавший: The train was late. | I was late for the meeting. Latin [ltin] n. латынь, латинский язык; ~ America Латинская Америка laundry [lL ndrI] n. прачечная laugh [la:f] v. смеяться law [lO:] n. закон, право, юстиция; to read, study ~ изучать право learn [lE:n] v. учиться: She’s learning to be a dancer. | I’m trying to learn French. leave [li:v] v. (for) 1) оставлять: Leave a piece of cake for your brother! 2) уходить: Don’t forget to lock the door before you leave; 3) уезжать, отправляться: When does the train leave for Chicago? lecture [lektSq] n. лекция lemon [lemqn] n. лимон lemonade [,lemqneId] n. лимонад lend [lend] v. давать взаймы, одалживать, ссужать: Lend me the book for a while. Дайте мне книгу на время. let [let] v. l) разрешать: She lets her children play in the street; 2) давай(те): (вспом. глаг. повел. накл.): Let’s all go to the cinema. letter [letq] n. письмо: I must write a letter to my mother. library [laIbrqrI] n. библиотека: Don’t forget to take your books back to the library. lie [laI] v. лежать: The dog is lying in front of the house. life [laIf] n. жизнь: Life is full of surprises. lift [lIft] n. лифт; v. поднимать: I can’t lift that heavy box. light [laIt] n. свет: Turn off the lights when you go to bed. adj. светлый: She’s wearing a light blue shirt today. like [laIk] v. любить, нравиться: Do you like driving? | I like to sit and read quietly in the evening. like prep. как: Не swims like a fish. | What was the weather like on your holiday? link [lINk] n. связь, недостающее звено: There’s a new rail link between two towns. listen [lIsn] v. (to) слушать: Be quiet – I’m listening to the news. little [lItl] adj. маленький: They live in a little cottage in Scotland. | What a nice little garden! little pron. мало: She uses very little bread. a little pron. немного: Give me a little of that soup. live [lIv] v. жить: They live in a house next to the library. living room n. гостиная local [lqVkl] adj. местный: local doctor / news / radio station London [lAnd(q)n] n. Лондон long [lŋ] adj. длинный: long hair / road look [lVk] v. (at) смотреть: What are you looking at? look for phr.v. искать: I’m looking for a new job. lot [lPt] n. (of) also lots большое количество, множество: a lot of people / Lots of people are coming to the party. | She’s got lots (and lots) of money. | I’ve got a lot of work to do. love [lAv] n. любить: She loves this warm weather. | I love sitting in the garden. | The children love their teacher. lovely [lAvlI] adj. красивый, миловидный: ~ girl / weather low [lqV] adj. низкий, невысокий: ~ Countries: Нидерланды, Бельгия и Люксембург lunch [lAntS] n. ленч: We have lunch at one o’clock | What would you like for lunch? M, m machine [m qSi::n] n. машина, механизм; ~ translation машинный перевод magazine [,mxgqzi:n] n. журнал, журнальный main [meIn] adj. основной, главный: What would you like to have for the main course? make [meIk] n. форма, конструкция, модель, фасон, марка: an Italian make of car | What make is your new record player? make v. делать, производить: She’s making dinner. / I’m going to make trousers out of this material. | He makes a lot of 309 money. Сравн. “do” and “make”. Generally you do an action and make sth which was not there before: to do the shopping / your exercises | to make a fire / a noise | “What are you doing?” “Cooking.” | “What are you making?” “A cake.” Malaysia [m qleIzIq, Zq] n. Малайзия man [mxn] n. (рl. men) мужчина, человек: My father is a very tall man. manager [mniə] n. управляющий: hotel ~ / bank ~ many [m eni] pron. много: You have too many books on that shelf. map [mxp] n. карта: ~ of the world | road ~ March [mQ:tS] n. март market [mQ:kIt] n. рынок: a fish ~ | Monday is market day. married [mxrId] adj. женатый, замужняя: She is ~ to a young diplomat. match [m tS] n. матч, состязание: Are you going to watch the boxing match? mathematics [,m θi' m tiks] n. also maths [mxTs] n. математика May [meI] n. май me [m :i] pers. pron.: мне, меня: “Who is it?” “It’s me.” | Can you hear me? meal [mi:l] n. еда, трапеза: Don’t talk during meals. mean [mi:n] v. подразумевать, значить: The red light means “Stop”. 310 meaning [mi:niN] n. значение, смысл: What’s the meaning of this? meat [mi:t] n. мясо mechanic [m ikxnIk] n. механик medical [m edIk(q)l] adj. медицинский, врачебный: ~ service медицинское обслуживание meet [mi:t] v. встречаться: Let’s meet for dinner. melody [melqdI] n. мелодия menu [m enju:] n. меню middle [m idl] n. середина: Here’s a photo of him with his brothers; he’s the one in the middle. ~ aged adj. средних лет, немолодой mile [m ail] n. миля: 30 ~s an hour 30 миль в час million [m iljqn] n. миллион: The country spends millions of dollars on oil. milk [m ilk] n. молоко mine [m ain] pron. абсол. форма притяж. мест. “my”: That’s mine! Give it back to me. mineral [m inqrql] n. ~ water минеральная вода minister [mInIstq] n. министр ministry [m inistri] n. министерство miss [m is] v. скучать: Do you miss your dog? | I miss living in the country. Miss n. мисс (обращ. к незам. женщине): Miss Jones, Miss Anne Jones | Can we go now, Miss? | Miss, can I have the check, please? moment [m qVm qnt] n. момент, минута: Please, wait a moment. | I’m busy at the moment. Monday [m AndI] n. понедельник money [m AnI] n. деньги: How much money have you got? month [m AnT] n. месяц: What day of the month is it today? | I’m going on holiday next month. morning [m LnIN] n. утро: I go to the office every morning. | Tomorrow morning he’s going to be on a radio program. | She wakes up at six in the morning. Moscow [m PskaV] n. Москва, московский most [m qVst] n. большая часть: I was in bed most of the time. motorcycle [m qVtq,saIkl] n. мотоцикл: He’s learning to ride his motorcycle. move [mu:v] v. 1) двигаться: Don’t move, stand still! 2) переезжать, переселяться: My husband has got a job in Atlanta, but I don’t want to move. movie [m u:vI] n. AmE for film Mr. [m istq] n. (сокр. от Mister) господин: Dear Mr. Smith (at the beginning of a letter) Mrs. [m IsIz] n. госпожа (ставится перед фамилией замужней женщины): Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ms. [m iz] n. (обращение к женщине, чьё семейное положение не установлено): Ms. Brown much [m AC] adj. много: I never carry much money with me. | He eats too much meat. | How much is that book? museum [m ju:zIqm] n. музей music [m ju:zik] n. музыка: Her music teacher says she plays the piano very well. must [m Ast] v. в сочетании с основой глагола обозн. долженствование: I must leave at six today. my [mai] poss. pron. мой: That’s my problem, not yours. N, n name [neIm] n. имя: Her name is Mary Nilson, her first name is Mary. nation [neISqn] n. нация national [nxSqnql] adj. национальный nationality [,nxSqnlItI] n. национальность: people of many different ~ s / of the same ~ near [nIq] adv., рrер. возле, около: The store is near the post office. necklace [neklIs] n. ожерелье neighbour [neIbq] n. сосед: my nextdoor neighbour neighbourhood [neIbqhVd] n. микрорайон: This is a quiet neighbourhood. neither [naIDq] adv. тоже (в отрицат. предл.): “I can’t swim.” “Neither can I.” nephew [nefju:] n. племянник never [nevq] adv. никогда: She never eats meat. new [nju:] adj. новый: The idea isn’t new. 311 news [nju:z] n. (of, about) новости: There’s no class tomorrow? That’s news to me. newspaper [nju:s,peIpq] n. also paper газета: an evening ~ | the Sunday ~ s New York [nju:jk] n. НьюЙорк, adj. ньюйоркский next [nekst] adj. следующий, ближайший, соседний: He lives next door. | The next time you go to the post office, can you buy me some of the new stamps? next to prep. рядом: Sit down next to me! nice [naIs] adj. хороший, приятный, славный: I know you don’t like him but try to be nice to him. | It was nice of you to help us. niece [ni:s] n. племянница night [naIt] n. ночь: I don’t like going out alone at night! nine [naIn] num. девять nineteen [,naInti:n] num. девятнадцать ninety [naIntI] num. девяносто ninth [naInT] num. девятый no [nqV] pron. никакой, нет: no parking / no smoking | He has no money. | “Would you like a cup of coffee?” “No, thank you.” none [nAn] pron. никто, ничто: None of this is mine. Из этого мне ничего не принадлежит. noise [nOIz] n. шум: Don’t make so much noise – I’m trying to work. | He’s making so much noise that he can’t hear the telephone. noisy [nOIzI] adj. шумный: a noisy саг | It’s very noisy in this office. 312 none [nAn] pron. (of) никто, никакие: None of my friends ever come(s) to see me. | None of the telephones is/are working. north [nO:T] n. север nose [nqVz] n. нoc notebook [nqVtbVk] n. тетрадь November [nqvembq] n. ноябрь now [naV] adv. сейчас, теперь: The time for action is now. number [nAm bq] n. номер: What is your phone number? nurse [nE:s] n. медсестра, няня, сиделка: She works as a nurse at the local hospital. О, о object [Pbikt] n. предмет, вещь; ~ of curiosity предмет любопытства October [qk tqVbq] n. октябрь office [PfIs] n. офис: The company is moving to new offices in central London. often [Pfqn, Pftqn] adv. часто: Americans are often very tall. | It’s often difficult to translate poems. okay, O.K. [qVkeI] adj., adv. all right: The car’s going okay now. | Is my hair okay? | “Sorry, I’m late.” “That’s O.K.” old [qVld] adj. старый: old shoes | an old car | This bread is a bit old. | “How old is the baby?” “She’s eight months old.” Olympic [qlimpik] adj. ~ games, Олимпийские игры on [Pn] prep. на поверхности, ~ foot пешком | I have no money on me. У меня нет при себе денег. once [wAns] adv. один раз, однажды: They go there once a week. | at ~ сейчас же, сразу же one [wAn] num. один open [qVpqn] adj. открытый: Why is the box open? | Leave the door open it’s hot here. open v. открывать: Open your mouth. operate [Ppq,reIt] v. управлять, эксплуатировать: We operate a simple system. opposite [PpqzIt] adj. & prep. проти воположный; против, напротив: Their house is just opposite the post office. | It’s not on this side of the street – it’s on the opposite side. orange [PrIn] n. апельсин; adj. оранжевый: Does he always wear an orange tie? ordinary [O:dInqrI] аdj. обычный, ординарный: ~ life / work / man organization [,O:gqnaIzeISqn] n. организация organize [O:gqnaIz] v. организовать other [ADq] pron. другой, иной: It was none other than Mr. Jhones. Это был не кто иной, как сам гн Джоунс. our [aVq] poss. pron. (притяж. форма от “we”) наш: Our daughter was in France. out [aVt] adv., prep. из, извне: The receptionist is out. Админи- стратор вышел. | He is just out of bed. Он только что встал. own [qVn] adj. свой собственный: He has his own house. P, p pack [pk] v. упаковывать, втиснуть: How can you pack ten people into that little car? packet [pkit] n. пакет, пачка: a packet of cigarettes page [pei] n. страница: There’s a picture on the next page. paint [peInt] v. рисовать, красить: She never paints her faсe. Она никогда не красится. pair [peq] n. пара: Is that a new pair of shoes? parcel [pa:sl] n. посылка: I’m just going to take this parcel to the post office. pardon [pdn] n. прощать, извинять: Pardon me! parent [peqrqnt] n. родитель: My parents live in Miami. Paris [pris] n. Париж park [pk] n. парк partner [ptnq ] n. партнер party [pti] n. вечер(инка): We’re having a party on Saturday night. passport [pRspLt] n. паспорт: Is money a passport to happiness? pay [peI] v. платить: How much do you pay for petrol? pea [pi:] n. ropox pen [pen] n. ручка, перо: He makes his living by his pen. Он 313 живет литературным трудом. | ~ friend n. корреспондент pencil [pensl] n. карандаш penny [penI] n. (pl. pence) пенни people [pi:pl] n. люди: Were there many people at the meeting yesterday? perfume [pE:fju:m] n. духи perhaps [pqhxps] adv. вероятно person [pE:sqn] n. человек, личность: I like her as a person, but not as a secretary. | She’s a very interesting person. personal [pE:sqnql] adj. личный: This company makes personal computers. petrol [petrql] n. бензин: Six gallons of petrol, please! | ~ station n. автозаправочная станция philosophy [fIlPsqfI] n. философия photo [fqVtqV] n. also photograph фотография: If you want to take a ~, hurry up, it’s starting to rain. pianist [pjnist] n. пианист: A worldfamous pianist is playing at tonight’s concert. piano [pjxnqV] n. фортепиано: She plays the piano well. picnic [pIknIk] n. пикник: Let’s go on / for a picnic on Saturday. | They are having a picnic in the country. picture [pIktSq] n. картин(к)а: The flowers in the picture are beautiful. piece [pi:s] n. кусок, часть: pieces of broken glass | Can I have another piece of cake? 314 pink [piŋk] adj. розовый: These pink roses are nice. pizza [pi:tsq] n. пицца place [pleIs] n. место: Is London a nice place to live? plate [pleIt] n. тарелка: Put the fish on a plate. platform [pltfm] n. платформа: The train to Pittsburgh is leaving from platform 6. play [pleI] n. игра, пьеса, спектакль: We’re going to see a new play at the National Theatre. | We have to read two of Shakespeare’s plays for our English class. play v. играть: The radio is playing very loudly. | He likes playing poker with his sisters. please [pli:z] вежл. просьба пожалуйста: Please, come in. | “Do you want some more cake?” “Yes, please.” poem [pqVIm] n. стихотворение, поэма: Do you like this poem about autumn? | He spends all his time writing poems. police [pə li:s] n. полиция: The police are looking for three men. | Take him to the police station. polite [pə lait] adj. вежливый: It is polite to say “please” when you are asking for something. politician [,pPlItISqn] n. политик politics [pPlItIks] n. политика: She wants to go into politics. | We talk for hours about politics. polka dot [pPlkqdPt] n. в горошек: a polka dot skirt pop [pPp] also popular n. в стиле “поп”: I don’t like classical music, I like pop. postbox [pqVstbPks] n. почтовый ящик postcard [pqVstkd] n. почтовая открытка post office n. почта pot [pPt] n. горшок; ~ of jam банка варенья; ~ of tea чайник с заваренным чаем potato [pqteItqV] n. (pl. toes) картофель pound [paVnd] n. фунт (единица веса; английская денежная единица) practice [prktis] n. (AmE practise) практика: The student teachers are now doing their teaching practice. | It’s a good idea, but does it work in practice? practise v. 1) практиковаться, тренироваться: You must practise parking the car in a small space; 2) заниматься: He practises tennis every day. | She’s practising her Spanish. present [prez(q)nt] n. подарок, дар: What are your parents going to give you as a birthday present? president [prezIdqnt] n. президент: the President of France | President Bush | the president of General Motors pretty [prItI] adj. хорошенький, миловидный (о женщине, ребенке, небольшой вещи): a pretty dress | What a pretty little garden! prince [prIns] n. принц private [praIvIt] adj. частный: It’s wrong to read people’s private letters. problem [prPblqm] n. проблема, вопрос profession [prqfeS(q)n] n. профессия: He’s a teacher by profession. Он по профессии учитель. professor [prqfesq] n. профессор: history ~ / ~ of history program [prqVgrqm] n. программа: There’s a sports program after the news. pub [pAb] n. закусочная; сравн. bar public [pAblIk] n. народ, публика: The town gardens are open to the public. purple [pE:pl] adj. фиолетового цвета purse [pE:s] n. кошелек put [pVt] v. класть, ставить: Put the box on the table. Q, q quarter [kwtə] n. четверть: It’s a quarter past 10 (= 10.15). | It’s a quarter to ten (= 9.45). Quebec [kw ibek] n. Квебек, квебекский queen [kwi:n] n. королева: Britain was queen of the seas. Британия была владычицей морей. question [kw estSqn] n. вопрос: The teacher can’t answer all our questions. quick [kw ik] adj. быстрый, скорый: a quick worker | I like travelling by air because it’s quick. 315 quickly adv. быстро: Come quickly, he’s calling you! quiet [kw aiqt] adj. тихий, неслышный: Be quiet! I’m telephoning. R, r racket [rkit] n. ракетка для игры в теннис, бадминтон и т.д. radiator [reIdI,eItq] n. батарея отопления radio [reIdIqV] n. радио: You can hear it on the radio. railway [reilw ei] n. железная дорога: I’ve got a job on the railway as a booking clerk. rain [reIn] n. дождь rain v. идти (о дожде): It’s raining. read [ri:d] v. читать: I can read French but I can’t speak it. ready [redI] adj. готовый, подготовленный: Is breakfast ready? | The children are ready for bed. | “Where’s David?” “He’s upstairs getting ready to go out.” really [rIqlI] adv. действительно, в самом деле: It’s really cold today. reception [rIsepS(q)n] n. приём: They’re having a reception. Они дают прием. red [red] adj. красный refrigerator [rIfriq,reItq] n. холодильник relax [rilk s] v. расслабиться: Sit down and relax. rent [rent] n. квартирная плата 316 report [rIpLt] n. (of, on) доклад: Не must write a report to give to his boss. reporter [rIpLtq] n. репортер rest [rest] v. отдыхать: Don’t call your mother, she’s resting. restaurant [restqrqnt] n. ресторан return [rItE:n] v. возвращать(ся): When are you returning home? | What time does your wife return from work? | I’m going to the library to return my books. return (ticket) n. билет в оба конца revolution [,revqlu:S(q)n] n. революция rice [raIs] n. рис right [raIt] adj. правильный, верный: It’s difficult to know what is the right thing to do in this situation. right n. правая сторона: In England you mustn’t drive on the right. ring [rIN] n. кольцо: There was a gold ring in the box. ring v. звенеть, звучать: The telephone is ringing. river [rIvq] n. река; (attr.) речной: St. Louis is on the Mississippi River. roast [rqVst] adj. жареный ~ beef ростбиф rock and roll [,rPk qnrqVl] n. рокнролл roll [rqVl] n. бутылка Rome [rqVm ] n. Рим room [ru:m ] n. комната: There are three rooms on the first floor and two on the top floor. rose [rqVz] n. роза rugby [rAgbI] n. регби run [rAn] v. бежать: She runs two miles a day. Russia [rASq] n. Россия Rusian [rAS(q)n] n. 1) русский, россиянин; 2) русский язык; adj. русский, российский; ~ salad салатоливье S, s sad [sxd] adj. грустный, печальный: I feel sad. Мне грустно. safe [seIf] n. сейф salad [sxlqd] n. салат: I’d like a steak and a green salad. same [seIm] pron. одинаковый, тот же самый: They may look the same, but they’re really different. | “Is he still going out with the same girl?” “No, he’s got a new girlfriend.” sandwich [snwi] n. бутерброд Saturday [sxtqdI] n. суббота: We play tennis on Saturdays. My birthday is on Saturday this year. Saudi Arabia [saudi qreIbIq] n. Саудовская Аравия say [seI] v. говорить: Не says he’s thirsty. | Your children must learn to say “thank you”. school [sku:l] n. школа: Which school do your children go to? Scot [skPt] n. шотландец Scotland [skPtlqnd] n. Шотландия sea [si:] n. море: He likes the ~ side. Он любит ездить на море. season [si:zqn] n. время года, сезон: The football season begins next week. seat [si:t] n. место (для сидения): Take a seat, please. | What can we use for seats? second [sekqnd] num. второй: You’re the second to ask me that. Вы уже второй человек, который меня об этом спрашивает. secret [si:krIt] n. тайна, секрет: I have no secret from them. see [si:] v. видеть: Не doesn’t see very well with his right eye. sell [sel] v. продавать: They sell vegetables in that store, but you can’t buy meat there. semester [sImestq] n. семестр, полугодие seminar [semI,nR] n. семинар send [send] v. посылать: We send 100 cards to our friends every Christmas. sentimental [,sentImentl] adj. сентиментальный September [septembq] n. сентябрь service [sE:vIs] n. обслуживание, сервис: The service in this place is slow / bad. seven [sevqn] num. семь seventeen [,sevqnti:n] num. семнадцать seventy [sevqntI] num. семьдесят: she [Si:] pron. она shelf [Self] n. (pl. shelves) полка shirt [SE:t] n. рубашка shoe [Su:] n. туфля, полуботинок: I want a new pair of shoes. 317 short [SLt] n. (pl.) ~ s шорты short adj. 1) короткий: a short visit of only half an hour; 2) низкого роста: He’s a short heavy man, but he runs fast. show [SqV] n. показ, шоу, спектакль, представление: We’re going to a show tonight. | This is my favourite TV show. show v. показывать: Can I show you my stamp collection? shower [SaVq] n. душ: She’s having / taking a shower. sick [sIk] adj. больной: He’s visiting his sick uncle in hospital. silence [saIlqns] n. тишина: The teacher asks for silence. sing [sIN] v. петь: We enjoy singing English songs. singer [sINgq] n. певец, певица: She’s an opera singer. single [sINgl] adj. l) холостой, незамужняя: He’s still single; 2) билет, годный в одном нап равлении: “What’s the fare?” “It’s 1 single and 1.80 return.” sink [sINk] n. раковина (водопровода): Put the dirty plates in the sink. sister [sIstq] n. сестра: His sister works in a bank. sit [sIt] v. сидеть: She usually sits at the back of the class. situation [, sItjVeIS(q)n] n. положение, ситуация six [sIks] num. шесть: Come and have a cup of coffee at six (o’clock). sixteen [,sIksti:n] num. шест надцать 318 sixty [sIkstI] num. шестьдесят size [saIz] n. размер, величина: What’s the size of your back garden? | What size shirts do you wear? | She takes size 7 in shoes. skate [skeIt] v. кататься на коньках: I’m going skating. ski [ski:] v. кататься на лыжах: She’s learning to ski. sleep [sli:p] n. сон: Не wants to have a short sleep after lunch; go to ~ заснуть: I’m trying to go to sleep. | He often goes to sleep in front of the TV set. slim [slIm] adj. тонкий, слабый: Our chances are slim. slow [slqV] adj. медленный: The train was very slow. slowly adv. медленно: The car was going very slowly. small [smLl] adj. маленький, небольшой: Не has a small family. | These shoes are too small for me. smile [smaIl] v. улыбаться: Smile, please – I’m taking a photo. smoke [smqVk] v. курить: Не only smokes a pipe. | She’s smoking a cigarette. snow [snqV] n. снег snow v. идти (о снеге): It’s snowing. so [sqV] adj. l) так, подобным образом: It was so cold yesterday; 2) также: Не was late and so was I. | She can cook well – so can her husband; 3) утвердит. ответ “да”: “Is this train for New York?” “I think so.” soap [sqVp] n. мыло ~ opera “мыльная опера”, телесериал sociology [, sqVsIPlqGI] n. социoлогия sofa [sqVfq] n. диван: Two or three people can sit on the sofa. some [sAm] pron. 1) коекто, некоторые: Some people drive too fast; 2) коечто, некоторые: Some of these apples are green; 3) несколько, немного: “Have you got any money?” “Yes, I’ve got some.” sometimes [sAmtaImz] adv. иногда: I sometimes go to Columbus on business. son [sAn] n. сын song [sPN] n. песня: Sing us a song! soon [su:n] adv. скоро, вскоре: I must be going soon. | I want to see you as soon as possible. sorry [sPri] adj. сожалеющий: I feel sorry for her, her husband is very ill. | Sorry! I’ve got the wrong number! извините, простите soup [su:p] n. суп: tomato soup | Do you want some soup? We have vegetable soup for dinner. south [saVT] n. юг space [speIs] n. пространство, космос: They were the first to put a man into space. speak [spi:k] v. говорить: Can you speak English? special [speSql] adj. особый, особенный: This is a very special day – it’s Henry’s wedding day. speed [spi:d] n. скорость: at full / top ~ на полной скорости, полным ходом spell [spel] v. произносить по буквам spoon [spu:n] n. ложка sport [spO:t] n. спорт: I like watching sports on TV. sportsman [spLtsmqn] n. спортсмен spring [sprIN] n. весна: I go on holiday in (the) spring. stadium [steIdIqm] n. стадион stamp [stxmp] n. марка stand [stxnd] v. стоять, встать: Don’t just stand there. | Help me ~ up! star [stR] n. звезда: а TV star | a football star | She wants to be a Hollywood star. start [stRt] v. начинать, приступать: We start work at 8.30 every morning. station [steISqn] n. станция: The train doesn’t stop at the next station. stay [steI] v. останавливаться, гостить: We’re staying with friends. Мы гостим у друзей. steak [steIk] n. бифштекс straight [streIt] adj. прямой: He has long straight hair. street [stri:t] n. улица: “Where do you live?” “At 16 Oxford Street.” striped [straIpt] adj. полосатый strong [strPN] adj. l) сильный: He has a strong character; 2) с крепким запахом, вкусом: What I want is a cup of strong black coffee. student [stju:dqnt] n. студент study [stAdI] n. 1) учеба: He gives all his time to study; 2) кабинет study v. учиться: He studies French. | She is studying to be a doctor. 319 suburb [sAbE:b] n. пригород, предместье sugar [SVgq] n. сахар suit [s(j)u:t] n. мужской костюм: a dark suit suitcase [s(j)u:tkeIs] n. (небольшой) чемодан summer [sAmq] n. лето: a hot summer | last summer | I haven’t got any summer clothes; it’s never very warm here. sun [sAn] n. солнце: We can go for a walk now that the sun is shining again. Sunday [sAndI] n. воскресенье: The shops are closed on Sundays. sunny [sAnI] adj. солнечный: ~ room / day supermarket [s(j)u:pq,ma:kIt] n. универсам sure [SVq] (as answer) конечно, непременно surname [sE:neIm] n. фамилия: “What’s Alan’s surname?” “Johnson.” surprise [sqpraIz] v. удивлять, поражать: I’m surprised at you! Вы меня удивляете! sweater [swetq] n. свитер swim [swIm] v. плавать T, t Tshirt [ti:SE:t] n. майка, футболка (с короткими рукавами) table [teIbl] n. стол take [teIk] v. l) брать: I often forget to take any umbrella. | I’m 320 taking a course in mathematics; 2) относить, отвозить: Can you take this letter to the post office? | We usually take the children to school in the car; 3) требуется: It takes three men to lift the car. | How long does it take to get to college by bus? ~ a photo фотографировать; | ~ place иметь место, происходить tall [tLl] adj. высокий: ~ building. Can you see that tall tree over there? talk [tLk] v. разговаривать, беседовать: Come here! I want to talk to you. | I don’t know what you’re talking about. Сравн. talk and speak. Talk usually gives the idea of a conversation: Now it’s time to talk business. The director speaks to us about the company’s plans. taxi [txksI] n. такси: You can take a taxi if you’re in a hurry. tea [ti:] n. чай: a cup of tea | Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? | Three teas and a coffee, please. teacher [ti:tSq] n. учитель, преподаватель team [ti:m] n. (спортивная) ко манда: John is in the school hockey team. | Our team is / are playing. Cricket is a team game. teenage [ti:neIG] adj. юношеский, подростковый: their teenage daughter teenager n. подросток; юноша или девушка в возрасте от 13 до 19 лет. telephone [telIfqVn] also phone n. телефон: What’s your telephone number? television [telI,vIZqn] n. телеви дение, телевизор: Jean works in television as a reporter. tell [tel] v. рассказывать, сооб щать: Tell me all about it. Расскажи мне всё как есть / было. ten [ten] num. десять tennis [tenIs] n. спорт, теннис: ~ player | Do you play tennis? terrible [terIbl] adj. страшный, ужасный: The weather is terrible today, it’s snowing. text [tekst] n. текст textbook [tekstbVk] n. учебник thank [TxNk] v. благодарить, выражать благодарность that [Dxt] pron. (pl. those) тот: Can you see that tall man standing by the door? the [Dq; перед гласн. DI] опре делённый артикль theatre [TIqtq] n. театр: Do you enjoy the theatre? their [Deq] poss. pron. их: They are eating their dinner. theirs [Deqz] pron. абсол. форма прит. мест. “their”: Which house is theirs? | He’s a friend of theirs. them [Dem] pers. pron. им, их: “Do you like chocolates?” “No, I don’t like them very much.” then [Den] adv. тогда, потом: If you want to go home, then go. these [Di:z] see this they [DeI] pron. они: My brother and sister are here. They visit us every week. thick [TIk] adj. толстый: ~ book thin [TIn] adj. тонкий: ~ summer clothes thing [TIN] n. вещь: What do you use this thing for? think [TINk] v. думать: What do you think of the film? | “He’s in Canada, isn’t he?” “I don’t think so.” third [TE:d] num. третий: They live in the third house on the left. thirteen [TE:ti:n] num. тринадцать thirty [TE:tI] num. тридцать this [DIs] pron. (pl. these) этот: They’re coming for lunch this afternoon. those [DqVz] see that thousand [TaVzqnd] num. тысяча: You have to pay two thousand dollars for it. three [Tri:] num. три: Can you see me at three o’clock? thriller [TrIlq] n. сенсационный фильм, приключенческий или детективный роман или фильм Thursday [TE:zdI] n. четверг: She was sick that Thursday. | I have an evening class on Thursdays. ticket [tIkIt] n. билет: a bus / train / cinema ticket tie [taI] n. галстук: Не wears a blue tie with white spots. time [taIm] n. время: Do you have time for a cup of coffee? | It takes her a long time to get to work. | You can’t sing and drink at the same time. | What’s the time? Is it time to go to bed? | I’m having a good / terrible 321 time. | in ~ поспеть вовремя: Hurry if you want to be in time for the beginning of the film. on ~ прийти точно / по расписанию: The train arrives on time. | He’s never on time. tired [taIqd] adj. усталый: I’m tired after that long walk. | Can’t we play another game – I’m tired of this one. title [taItl] n. заглавие, название книги, фильма: The title of the next film was “The third man”. | What’s the title of that book you’re reading? toast [tqVst] n. тост, гренок: Do you want toast and coffee for your breakfast? today [tqdeI] adv. сегодня: He says he’s coming to see me today. | What’s the date today? together [tqgeDq] adv. вместе: Let’s go to the cinema together. toilet [tOIlqt] n. туалетная комната: This toilet isn’t working. tomato [tqmRtqV] n. помидор: a tomato salad tonight [tqnaIt] adv. сегодня вечером: We’re having a party tonight. too [tu:] adv. l) слишком: Не has too much money. | It’s too cold for you to play outside. | You’re going too fast, don’t hurry. 2) также: I can dance and sing too. tooth [tu:T] n. (pl. teeth) зуб: Don’t forget to brush your teeth after breakfast. toothpaste [tu:TpeIst] n. зубная паста: I must buy some toothpaste. 322 top [tPp] n. верхушка, вершина: The bird is sitting on the top of the tree. tourist [tVqrIst] n. турист town [taVn] n. город, городок: This town has an interesting history. | His office is in town. tradition [trqdISqn] n. традиция train [treIn] n. поезд: I go to work every day by train. translate [trxnsleIt] v. (from ... into ...) переводить (с ... на ...): She’s translating the text from Russian into English. translation [trxnsleISqn] n. перевод: She’s doing an English translation of “Faust”. transport [trxnspLt] n. транспорт: I’d like to go to the concert, but I haven’t any transport. travel [trxv(q)l] v. путешест вовать, ездить: They’re travelling to India. tree [tri:] n. дерево trolley [trPlI] also trolleybus n. троллейбус trousers [traVzqz] n. брюки: He’s going to buy a pair of trousers. try [traI] v. пытаться, стараться: Let me try to start the car. Tuesday [tju:zdI] n. вторник: He’s arriving on Tuesday. tunnel [tAn(q)l] n. тоннель, туннель: The train is going through a tunnel. turn [tE:n] v. поворачивать: Turn the key to the left to open the door. ~ off phr. v. выключать: Don’t forget to turn off the lights. ~ on phr v. включать: Turn on the TV – it’s time for the news. TV [,ti:vi:] n. short for television: Our TV set is broken. twelfth [twelfT] num. двенадцатый: Today is the twelfth of September. twelve [twelv] num. двенадцать: There’re twelve months in a year. twenty [twentI] num. двадцать: He’s in his twenties = he is between 20 and 29 years old. twice [twaIs] adv. дважды: They go out twice a month. two [tu:] num. два: There were only one or two people in the store. typical [tIpIkql] adj. типичный: a typical British summer. U, u ugly [AglI] adj. уродливый: his ugly face | ugly houses umbrella [Ambrelq] n. зонтик: Can I come under your umbrella? | He has an umbrella with red, white and blue stripes. uncle [ANkl] n. дядя: Take me swimming, Uncle! under [Andq] prep. под: Can you swim under water? underground [Andqgraund] also tube n. метро: Let’s go on the Underground / by Underground understand [, Andqstxnd] v. понимать: He doesn’t understand English, so don’t try to talk to him. uniform [ju:nIfLm] n. форма, форменная одежда: The policemen were in uniform. | Is he wearing a uniform today? | The children all have to wear school uniforms. university [,ju:nIvE:sItI] n. университет: Do you go to university? (= study at a university) up [Ap] prep. вверх: Lift your hands up. | She’s going up a ladder. upset [Apset] adj. расстроенный, встревоженный: He’s upset that you can’t come. us [qs; strong As] pron. нам, нас, себе: We want to take it away with us. use [ju:z] v. употреблять, пользоваться, применять: I use the buses a lot. | The car is using too much petrol. | The police have to use tear gas. usually [ju:ZqlI] adv. обычно: I’m not usually so late. V, v vacant [veIkqnt] adj. свободный, незанятый: Is this seat vacant? vegetable [veGItqbl] n. овощ, зелень very [verI] adv. очень: a very good cake | a very interesting book | It’s very warm today. | The car is moving very slowly. | That was very kind of you. video [vIdIqV] n. видео: They’re showing a video of “Gone with the Wind”. I’ve got it on video. 323 violin [,vaIqlIn] n. скрипка visit [vIzIt] v. посещать, навещать, ходить в гости: He’s visiting friends in France. volleyball [vPlIbLl] n. волейбол W, w wait [weIt] v. (for) ждать, дожидаться: We have to wait (for) 20 minutes for the bus. wake [weIk] n. просыпаться: She usually wakes (up) early. | Wake up, Jimmy, it’s 7.00! Wales [weIlz] n. Уэльс walk [wLk] v. ходить, идти пешком: Walk, don’t run. | When it’s a nice day, I walk to work. walk n. ходьба, прогулка: Let’s go for a short walk. She’s taking the dog for a walk. Walkman [wLkmqn] n. плейер wall [wL l] n. стена: We have a lot of pictures on the walls of the dining room. want [wPnt] v. нуждаться: We badly want rain. Нам очень нужен дождь. warm [w L m] adj. тёплый: warm milk | a warm bath wash [wPS] v. мыть(ся): We wash and then go to bed. Washington [wPSINt(q)n] n. Вашингтон watch [wPC] v. l) наблюдать, следить за развитием событий: Watch me and then try to copy what I do. 2) смотреть: Do you watch a lot of television? 324 water [wLtq] n. вода: a glass of water | She washes her hands in hot water. way [weI] n. путь, дорога: Can you show me the way to the library? we [wi:] pron. мы: Can we go now, sir? wear [weq] v. носить, быть одетым во чтолибо: He’s wearing dark glasses. weather [weDq] n. погода: good / nice weather | What’s the weather like in Moscow today? Wednesday [wenzdI] n. среда: She’s leaving on Wednesday. week [wi:k] n. неделя: There’re 52 weeks in the year. | My aunt is coming to stay with us next week. welcome [welkqm] 1) дружеское приветствие при встрече – добро пожаловать! милости просим: Welcome to our home! | Welcome back! 2) вежливая форма ответа на благодарность: “Here’s your pen.” “Thank you!” “You’re welcome.” well [wel] adv. хорошо: She does her homework very well. | ~ built хорошо сложённый west [west] n. запад western [westqn] n. вестерн, ковбойский роман (фильм): I like watching old westerns on TV. adj. западный what [wPt] pron. 1) что: “What do you do?” “I’m an economist.” I see what is in the box. 2) какой: What colour is it? | What’s your new boss like? What kind of car do you drive? where [weq] adv., conj. 1) где: Where do you live? | This is the building where I work. 2) куда: Where are you going? | I have to tell him where to put it. while [waIl] conj. пока; в то время, как: Don’t talk while he’s playing the guitar. whisky [wIskI] n. виски white [waIt] adj. белый: white colour wine why [waI] adv., conj. почему: Why isn’t he at work today? | I want to ask him why the train was late. wife [w aIf] n. жена: She’s the manager’s wife. windsurf [wInd,sE:f] v. заниматься виндсерфингом wine [waIn] n. вино: Let’s have a bottle of red wine. winter [w Intq] n. зима: If we go on holiday in (the) winter, we try to go to a warm place. with [wID] prep. вместе, с: Leave your dog with me. wonderful [wAndqfql] adj. удивительный, изумительный: wonderful news | We’re having a wonderful time. word [wE:d] n. слово: What’s the English word for “собака”? work [wE:k] n. работа: I go to work by train every day. | We start work at 9 o’clock in the morning. | We stay at work till 6 o’clock in the evening. work v. работать: Не has to work very hard, because he’s starting a new job. worker [wE:kq] n. рабочий: He’s a slow worker. write [raIt] v. писать: Can you write your telephone number on the top of the letter? writer [raItq] n. писатель: He’s the writer of six books. Y, y year [jIq] n. год: Next year I’m going to work in Africa. yellow [jelqV] adj. желтый: Look at those yellow flowers. yes [jes] adv. да: “Would you like to go to the cinema?” “Yes, please.” yoga [jqVgq] n. йога: Helen is doing yoga right now. yogurt [jPgqt] n. йогурт you [ju:] pron. вы, ты: Don’t you go away! Не вздумай(те) уйти! young [jAN] adj. молодой: He’s a young man – he’s only twentyone. | This is a TV program for young people. your [jq; strong jL] pron. твой, ваш: Was that your idea? yours [jL z] pron. абсол. форма прит. мест. “your”: Isn’t she a friend of yours? 325 БАЗОВЫЙ КУРС UNIT 13 E N T E R T H E W O R L D OF ART Окунитесь в мир искусства AGENDA * Past Simple, past modals. Reflexive pronouns. Infinitive of purpose. Reported spech. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 565) * Painting. Exhibitions. * Sharing impressions. J. S. SARGENT (1856–1925 ) "MRS. CARL MEYER AND HER CHILDREN" NEWSWEEK PHOTO,MARCH, 1999 Study unit 13 and roleplay. At the Tretyakov Picture Gallery You’re a representative of the Ministry of Culture attending the Tretyakov Gallery with a delegation of British culturologists. Talk about realistic trends in art. Discuss the prospects for international displays. You Your foreign colleague Вежливо расспросите зарубежного коллегу, понравилась ли Поделитесь впечатлениями. Cкажите, что получили огромему выставка. ное удовольствие от шедевров, Заметьте, что Третьяковская которые здесь представлены. галлерея привлекала и привле326 кает толпы зрителей. Узнай- Ответьте. Признайтесь, что вам те у собеседника о его люби- пришлось пройти через многие залы, чтобы посмотреть на икомом художнике. ны (icons) Рублёва. Объясните, что в 18 веке изобразительное искусство в России отошло от религии. В 19 веке передвижники (the Cогласитесь. На ваш взгляд, «Peredvizhniki») стали передвижники обладали замепоследователями реалисти- чательным видением человеческой традиции в живопи- ческой природы и реальности. си. Расскажите гостю, что Павел Третьяков посвятил всю свою Отметьте, что, в отличие от жизнь созданию этой замеча- (unlike) российских мастеров, тельной коллекции. художники*реалисты Великобритании затушёвывали (to soften) тёмные стороны жизни. Выскажите мнение, что Треть яковская галлерея играет важную роль в Выразите желание британской развитии культурных тради- стороны провести в Лондоне ций России. выставку картин Третьяковской галлереи. Section I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Set 1 THAT IS ALL PAST HISTORY ВСЁ ЭТО УЖЕ ИСТОРИЯ When did it take place? Когда это произошло? 1. Make sure that you pronounce the ending ed correctly [t] [d] dance, brush, cook, smoke, watch, talk, fix, switch, work cry, play, study, shave, clean, smile, listen, yawn 327 [Id ] paint, plant, nod, wait, shout, last 2. Ask your friend if he/she had a good time last Saturday. Collect the information and make up a list of each student’s indoor activities. Example: stay at home clean the flat type letters play a sport – Did you visit any art museum last Saturday? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. watch a football match relax on the sofa practise English listen to some music fix the TV set read newspapers prepare for the test play computer games 3. Give a reasonable explanation to the facts below. Remember! Example: to be nervous – нервничать – Did Jim go to the dentist yesterday? – Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t. He was too nervous. 1. Mrs. Philton / go to the doctor? ( Yes, / ill. ) 2. You / have an enormous glass of water? ( No, / not thirsty.) 3. Peter’s brother / look miserable? ( Yes, / upset about Peter.) 4. Your parents / take a taxi? (No, / not in a hurry.) 5. Nancy / watch “Gone with the wind”? (Yes, / so sentimental.) 6. Jim / go to McDonald’s yesterday? ( Yes, / hungry as a wolf.) 7. He / visit his old friends? ( No, / very much busy.) 4. What changes took place in Henry’s everyday routine? Example: go (went) jogging in the mornings / shopping Usually Henry goes jogging in the mornings. Yesterday he didn’t go jogging. He went shopping. 1. take (took) the bus to the university / the underground. 2. do (did) his homework after classes / in the evening. 3. read (read [red]) detective stories / an English textbook. 4. sit (sat) next to Mary at lectures. / next to Charlie. 328 5. buy (bought) apples for dinner / bananas. 6. have (had) a lovely time at parties / a terrible time at yesterday’s party. 7. have (had) a shower before going to bed / a bath. 8. eat (ate) at home on weekdays / out last night. 9. get (got) home before his parents’ arrival / after midnight. 4a. Describe your last week’s activities using the verbs of task 4. Example: Last Monday I had a lot of work to do. On Monday morning... On Tuesday afternoon... 5. Pairwork. Ask each other about when these things took place. Example: see a video take a photo have a holiday travel by train listen to a lecture watch a new film – When did you last get a present? – On Christmas day, two months ago. write and send a postcard read “Hotel” by Arthur Hailey go to the art gallery wait a long time for the bus buy a pair of new shoes speak to an English professor 6. Think of suitable verbs to say what happened to these people in the past. You may need the following verbs: to see – saw to speak – spoke Example: to drink – drank to write – wrote She / last / London / 3 weeks ago. She last visited London 3 weeks ago. 1. She last / London / a year... 2. They first / the cinema / 25 years... 3. I last / the dean / five minutes ... 4. She first / a story by O. Henry / 6 years.. 5. Arthur last / a new car / a month... 6. I first / a letter to a pen friend / two years... 7. We last / champagne / at a party / three weeks... 8. Tom and Susan last / at a very 329 expensive hotel / about six weeks... 9. The Browns first / about their son’s career / two years... 7. When did these events happen? Put the verbs in brackets in Simple Past. to fly – flew [flu:] to leave – left The first man (step) on the moon / 21st of July 1969. The Second World War ( end ) / 2nd of September 1945. The USA ( drop ) an atomic bomb on Hiroshima / 6th of August 1945. Hillary and Tenzing ( climb ) Mt. Everest / 29th of May 1953. The first man ( fly ) to space / 12th of April. The United Nations ( open ) the first session / 26th of June 1945. The last American soldier ( leave ) Vietnam / 29th of March 1973. 8. Culture Quiz “Who did what?” Note! Example: to invent – изобретать; to discover – открывать – Who invented the telephone? – Alexander Bell was the man who invented the telephone. fight – fought 1. invent the telephone 2. fight for women’s rights 3. compose the Moonlight Sonata 4. develop the steam engine 5. build the Panama Canal build * built 6. paint Mona Lisa 7. discover radium 8. write King Lear 9. transmit the first TV picture 10. fight a Battle of Waterloo (Ludvig van Beethoven, John Baird, Alexander Eiffel, Marie Curie, William Shakespeare, Duke of Wellington, Emmeline Pankhurst, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Bell, James Watt) 330 9. You want to know a thing or two about painting. Ask your friend: a) when each of these British painters was born and when he died; b) what century he lived in. Remember! a century [sen tSqrI] – столетие a painter – художник to be born – родиться to die – умереть 1. William Hogarth (1697–1764); 2.Thomas Gainsborough [geIn zb qrq] (1727–1788); 3. John Constable (1776–1837); 4. Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792); 5.William Blake (1757–1827); 6. Joseph Turner (1775–1851); 7. James Whistler (1834–1903); 8. Francis Bacon (1909–1992). Set 2 Have you got any message for me? Что вы мне можете сообщить? 10. Read what Charles says about his life experiences* and translate these sentences into Russian.What can he remember? Remember! exhibition [,eksIbISqn] – выставка to enjoy [InGOI] oneself – хорошо проводить время, наслаждаться I – myself you – yourself he – himself she – herself it – itself we – ourselves you – yourselves they – themselves 1. At the age of 15 I cut myself in the bathroom while shaving. 2. My younger brother fell off the bicycle and hurt himself. 3. When I was 17, my elder sister found herself a job in an office. 4. My Mum and Dad bought themselves a new car. 5. My friend and I figured out how to play chess ourselves. 6. I enjoyed myself at an exhibition of African art. * a life experience – случай из жизни, жизненный опыт. 331 11. Read the following letter. Imagine it is from an English pen friend. a) Write a reply, answering his questions. Use the prompts below. 12 North Road Oxford 5 November Hi! How are you? What’s the weather like with you? It’s awful here. It rained every day in October and it’s raining now. It was really good to get your address. Your college sounds more interesting than mine. And I was amazed to hear about the mountain*climbing trip you did. Weren’t you scared when it started to snow? My big news is that I was selected for the college basketball team. I’m so pleased, because we have a great team at college, and there’s a lot of competition to get in it. Is there a basketball team at your university? Write and tell me all about your family and yourself. Love, Robert Remember! to enter school – поступить в школу IMPORTANT POINTS IN YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY Born Parents School Free time First job when? where? work? live? like? dislike? sports? hobbies? what? earn? I was born in… I lived there for… We moved when… I grew up .. My grandfather died when… I finished school in… I entered college (university) in… I started working in… 332 b) Reproduce your letter in class. Vote for the best story. 12. You are planning a trip to Great Britain. a) You wrote about it to your friend in Oxford and then received a letter from him in which he tried to specify some details. What does he ask you about? Example: – Are you travelling on business? – He asks me if / whether I’m travelling on business. 1. Are you travelling on business? / for pleasure? 2. Would you like to visit Oxford? 3. Are you flying by plane? 4. Should you check with the ticket agent beforehand? 5. Are you going to stay at a hotel? 6. Does any of your friends want to join you for the trip ? 7. Can he / she speek English? b) You need some information about the target country. Let your classmates report your questions about Great Britain and answer them using the phrases below. Cultural Note Coaches are long*distance buses on which people travel between some towns and cities. They are not so expensive as trains. 1. Where can people buy stamps to write home from the UK? ( in a post office, often inside a small shop ) 2. Where are the Houses of Parliament [pa:lqmqnt]? ( in the City of London ) 3. Do the British drive on the right*hand side of the road? 4. Why does the colour of London buses stay red? (to help tourists) 5. Why are coaches popular in Britain? ( comfortable ) 6. What does the “Highway Code” mean? ( a list of rules for drivers ) 7. Do British drivers have to wear seatbelts? 333 13. Great Britain Quiz. Here’s a list of things you must know about Britain. Check if your group mates can give correct answers to these questions. YOU: Can you tell me if/whether... ? YOUR FRIEND: I have no idea I’m not sure if/whether... I don’t know 1. Is William Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford*on*Avon or in Dublin? 2. Should you change your English pounds to Scottish pounds in Edinburgh? 3. Do you have to use an English*Gaelic* dictionary, when you travel around Wales? 4. Do you have to cross the English Channel to get to Northern Ireland? 5. Do Chinese restaurants serve good meals at low prices? 6. You’re flying from England to Scotland. Do you have to show your passport? 7. Is all medical service for foreigners free in Britain? Listening. 14. Listen to the interview, in which Robert Lewis, a TV reporter, is asking Angela about the time when she worked at the National gallery. Note! a tricky customer – «трудный» клиент except – кроме, исключая, разве лишь to guess [ges] (AmE) – предполагать subway (AmE) = underground (BrE) a) Consider the following points. The time of day that things happened. Midday time*off. Angela’s attitude to her job. Public transport. The Tate Gallery * Gaelic and Welsh are Celtic languages. Gaelic is spoken in Scotlahd and Welsh * in Wales. 334 b) Listen to the recording again and focus on the facts from the interview. – Did Angela work locally? – How did she earn her living? – Did Angela receive visitors or did she organize any shows? – Do you think she was a secretary, administrator or assistant* director? – Did Angela get tired in the evenings? Why? / Why not? – Does Angela tell Robert about her home? Have you got any idea of her family? – What country does the speaker come from? How do you know? c) Look at the choices below. Find the points that make sense with the interview. 1. Angela took care of paintings at the Museum. 2. The whole thing was a matter of little importance to her. 3. Her routine was simple. She led an ordinary life. 4. Angela gave and answered telephone calls. 5. She used to organize shows for the public. d) Suggest your title to the text. e) Act as TV reporter. Interview Angela about her birthplace, parents and life experiences. Write down a few questions. Use: Did you...? / Where?…/ When?…/ How?…/ How long?…/ How many?…/ What?…/ What kind of…? Set 3 What you could dо and had to do Что вы могли и должны были сделать 15. Explain why you were not able to do these things. was/were (not) able to do sth Remember! to attend [qtend] sth – посещать, присутствовать 335 Examples: 1. – Was your colleague able to do much when he got home? – No, he wasn’t. He was too tired. 2. – Were you able to work overtime yesterday? – No, we weren’t. We were too tired. 1. Eat pizza quickly? / just out of the oven. 2. Get Mike on the phone? / was out all day. 3. Operate the computer? / had a headache. 4. Attend the lecture? / had a toothache. 5. Fall asleep? / the neighbours were too noisy. 6. Drive your car? / was stuck in the traffic. 7. Lift the suitcase? / very heavy. 8. Walk in the park? / It was raining. 16. These people were not able to enjoy themselves last night. Think of any likely reasons. Example: – Did Keith enjoy himself at the concert last night? – No, he didn’t. He wasn’t able to attend the concert, because his brother was ill. you / at Mary’s party Sally / at the exhibition your father / at the football game your friends / at the tennis match your cousins / at the picnic the Wilsons / at the symphony 17. Read the following text. It’s a true story ! Remember! to decide – решить to miss – недоставать a finger – палец to put – put to say – said to sell – sold to tell – told 336 a shape – форма gloves [glAvz] – перчатки suddenly – неожиданно to hang – hung to know – knew to forget – forgot to bring – brought THE MISSING FINGER Cultural Note Renoir, Pierre (1841–1919) a French painter who helped to form the IMPRESSIONIST movement. He is known for his bright, colourful style of painting. Part 1. An original Renoir [renwa:] was stolen. One of the paintings – an original Renoir – was stolen* from the City Museum of Art. “The thief was very clever. He put an exact copy of the painting on the wall,” the director of the musum said, when detective Joel Kaplan came into the office. “If the copy was so good, how did you find out that it wasn’t the original?” “Yesterday an art professor visited the museum and saw the imitation at once.” Questions. 1. Was the thief very clever? Ask “Why?” 2. Did the chief of the police come to the museum? Ask “Who?” 3. Did the director of the museum find out that it wasn’t the original? Ask “Who?” “How?” Part 2. She sold her copy to a man. Art students who used to make copies of the paintings in the Renoir room agreed to come to the museum and talk to the detective. Four of the five brought their copies with them. But the fifth one, Mary Evans, no longer had hers. “I needed the money to finish art school. So I sold it to a man watching me copy it in the museum several weeks ago. He never told me his name.” * was stolen * была украдена 337 “What did the man look like?” Joel Kaplan asked. “Wasn’t there anything unusual about him?” “Oh, yes – the little finger on his left hand was missing.” Questions. 1. Did art students use to make copies in the Picasso room? Ask “Where?” 2. Did they agree to talk to the director or to the chief of the police? Ask “Who?” 3. Did all the students bring their copies with them? Ask “How many of them?” 4. Did Miss Evans show hers? Ask “Why not?” 5. Did the girl sell the copy to a friend of hers? Ask “Who?” “When?” 6. What was there unusual about the man? Part 3. The thief forgot one thing. The police officer decided to watch one of the new women who did the cleaning in the building. She was not very tall and had gloves on her hands. She carried a large box of cleaning things with her from one room to another. Suddenly the woman took off a small painting by Picasso, took an exact copy out of the box, hung it up and put the original painting into her box. The detective stopped her. “Very clever, but not clever enough. Like most people in your profession you forgot one thing.” “What was that?” the woman asked in a man’s voice. “Your left hand. I knew that the thief was missing one finger on the left hand.” “But I’m wearing gloves,” the thief said, “and I don’t understand how...” “I could see by the shape of the glove that you only had four fingers. You had to fill the little finger of the glove with paper or something.” “Next time I’ll remember.” “There isn’t going to be any next time. I’m driving you to the police station.” 338 Questions. 1. Did Joel Kaplan decide to watch one of the students? Ask “Whom?” 2. Did the cleaning woman carry a brush as she went from one room to another? Ask “What?” 3. Did she take off an original painting by Picasso? Ask “What for?” 4. Did she take an exact copy of Picasso from her box? Ask “What for?” 5. Did the police officer stop the thief? Ask “How?” 6. The criminal forgot to do one thing, didn’t he? Ask “What?” 7. Did he want to correct his mistake? Ask “When?” 8. What were the detective’s last words? 18. Tasks. a) Do you know how to express past obligations? Compare the following phrases. Mary had the painting no longer. (There’s no obligation in the sentence.) She had to sell the painting. Did she have to sell the painting? (Yes, she did.) Why did she have to sell the painting? (Because she needed the money to finish art school.) Who had to detect the thief? (Joel Kaplan did.) b) Look at the notes in Kaplan’s diary. Discuss his methods of work by asking each other what he had to do to detect the thief. Remember: Example: to hide – спрятаться Ask the director about the whole matter. What did Kaplan have to ask the director about? 1. Ask art students about the copies. (What?) 2.Talk to the women who do the cleaning. (Who?) 3. Stay in the museum after closing time. (When?) 4. Hide behind the column. (Where?) 5. Watch his/ her hands. (What? / Why?) 6. Spot the thief, or he/she tries again. (Why?) 7. Contact the police station at once. (What do?) 339 c) Do you think the policeman was on the right way? Why? d) Can you speak about abilities in the past? Find the sentence in the text with the past form of the verb “can”. can – could [kVd] e) Ask what these people could do, what they couldn’t do and why. Give your reasons. Example: thief The police couldn’t (could not) detect the in a day. – Could the police detect the thief in a day? – Yes, they could./ No, they couldn’t. – Why couldn’t they detect the thief in a day? – They had to ask a lot of people. 1. It was summer, but the detective couldn’t go away for a holiday. 2. The director of the museum couldn’t find out that the original Renoir was missing. 3. At first the detective couldn’t get any information from the students. 4. None of the art students could steal the painting. 5. Mary Evans couldn’t show her copy. 6. The cleaning woman could not see the police officer. 7. Joel Kaplan could easily detect the thief. 8. The thief could finally understand his mistake. Section II ARTIST’S THEME ТЕМА ХУДОЖНИКА Set 1 READING Famous lives Жизнь замечательных людей FOR DETAIL 19. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS to train [treIn] v. обучаться какой*л. профессии: She trained as a singer under a famous professor of music. 340 a root [ru:t] n. корень: Let’s try to get to the root of this problem. a detail [dJ teIl] n. подробность, деталь; in detail подробно: She told us in detail how to get to her house. to create [krieIt] v. создавать, творить: God created the world. remarkable [rIm a:kqbl] adj. замечательный, примечательный: Rembrandt is a Dutch painter who is remarkable for his use of light and shade. career [kqrIq] n. карьера: Monet spent most of his career working in France. human [hju:m qn] adj. человеческий: The archeologists found several human skeletons. a drawing [drL IN] n. рисунок: He showed me a remarkable drawing of a church. attract [qtrx kt] v. привлекать: Briullov’s colourful paintings always attract a lot of attention. attraction n. достопримечательность. The castle is one of the tourist attractions in our town. a crowd [kraVd] n. толпа: There were crowds of people at the Royal Academy of Arts on that day. a series [sIqri:z] n. серия, цикл: We are publishing a new series on ethnic music next year. to take part in sth принимать участие в чём*н.: My boss took part in a conference on plastics last week. on the other hand fig. однако: This job of mine isn’t well paid, but on the other hand I don’t have to work long hours. On the one hand, on the other hand с одной стороны..., с другой cтороны (используется для аргументации противоположных точек зрения) to view [vju:] v. осматривать, оценивать: Several possible buyers are coming to view the goods. to be on view выставляться: The pictures are on view all week. to exhibit [IgzIbIt] v. демонстрировать, выставлять, экспонировать: She exhibited her drawings in Paris. an exhibit n. экспонат: We also viewed some of the exhibits from Canada. an exhibition [eksI bIS(q)n] n. выставка versatile [vE:sq ,taIl] adj. разносторонний: That master’s composition showed ,his versatile talent. 341 WORD BUILDING 20. Study the following words. Each of the italicized (выделенные курсивом) suffixes forms a noun, which shows the doer of the action. Organize these words into three groups of meanings. Driver, founder, biographer, follower, carrier, viewer, cubist, novelist, classicist, li`brarian, historian, musician, assistant, occupant. 21. Read these international words and suggest their Russian equivalents. A person who studies the subject professionally: A person who works in a certain field: A person who follows a set of ideas: Сubic, balance, contrast, classic, public, artistic, , geometric, design, portrait, nervous, vision, particular, collage [kqla:Z], , panorama, , retrospective, organize, idol [aIdl], harmony, passion, industrial. 22. Read an extract from the “International Herald Tribune” and find the answer to the following question. What kind of artist is David Hockney? (1937 – ...) Cultural Notes 1. The avant*garde [, xvQgQ:d] are painters, writers, musicians, etc., whose work is based on the new ideas and methods. 342 2. Picasso [pikxsqV], Pablo (18811973) a Spanish painter who worked in France; one of the founders of CUBISM – a 20th*century art style in which the subject matter is represented by geometric shapes. Text A Success Story by Mary Blume David Hockney was born in the suburbs of Bradford, England, and trained at London’s Royal Academy of Art. His key subject was the human figure – unclothed and dressed, in contact with water and light. In his paintings Hockney is a classicist who sees the human form as a carrier of universal ideas like emotion, balance, design. In 1978 without leaving his British roots he bought a house in California. Detailed portraits of his avant*guard friends in America showed his remarkable artistic vision. Hockney’s ideas are also in the cubist photo collages and in his panoramas of his native countryside. In 1988 he became the subject of a career retrospective at LACMA* – a show of his art works from his early years up to the present time. In 1996 a show of Hockney drawings** (also at LACMA ) attracted crowds to view this master of line. In 1999 David Hockney came to Paris to exhibit his Grand Canyon series and took part in a big press conference. He said he felt a bit nervous to open the exhibition of his paintings at the Picasso Museum. To see Hockney compositions, viewers walked through the rooms of Picasso first. “The pieces of my work are taking an idea from the great painter,” he said. “I loved and studied Picasso but I’m no artist like him at all. I can’t be. On the other hand, I think it’s possible to look at his work and move from it.” Whether you like Hockney or not, biographers agree that he is a versatile 20th*century artist. He does nothing half way and keeps up the pace.*** * LACMA – Los Angeles County Museum of Art ** Hockney drawings – AmE; Hockney’s drawings – BrE *** to keep up the pace – идти в ногу со временем, держать ритм 343 23. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Answer these questions using the infinitives of purpose (инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели). Example: – Why did Hockney leave Great Britain? (to settle) – To settle in California. (Чтобы поселиться в Калифорнии.) 1. Why did crowds of people attend a retrospective of Hockney art works at LACMA? ( to view ) 2. Why did the public come to LACMA again in 1996? ( to view ) 3. Why did Hockney arrive in Paris in 1999? ( to exhibit ) 4. Why did the visitors have to walk through the rooms of Picasso first? ( to get to ) 5. Why did David Hockney take part in a big press conference? (to talk art ) 6. Why did he combine old methods and new ideas in his work? (to create his own original style). c) Find the English for the following Russian phrases and use them while discussing the text. Головокружительная карьера; Хокни проходил обучение; лейтмотив его творчества; носитель универсальных идей; не покидая родины; раскрылось его замечательное художественное дарование (видение); панорама сельской местности; стал объектом выставки; слегка нервничал; прошли через залы, стало возможным отодвинуться от его творчества; не останавливается на полпути; идёт в ногу со временем. d) Select words and phrases relating to the subject of Hockney artworks. e) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. What letter does number 1 go with? 1. a crowd 2. to take part 3. a career 344 a) a collection of things on display b) concerning people c) to make, to produce something new 4. an artist 5. human d) a man who devoted all his life to art e) a piece of work, esp. art, done with extreme skill 6. a masterpiece f) a group of things of the same kind, coming in order 7. to create g) to have a share in an activity or event 8. a show h) a large number of people gathered together 9. a series i) a job or profession which one follows in life f) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text. 1. He’s a professional soldier. 2. Her drawings are on display at the Hayward Gallery. 3. The project is going to produce up to 60 new jobs. 4. He is taking a practical course at university to become an architect. 5. The theme of the discussion attracted lots of people. 6. Every student participated in the conference. 7. Some films show unusual things, however, they don’t give a picture of reality. 8. The young audience enjoyed the way the programme presented students’ life. 9. The newly found Greek sculpture is the focus of today’s show. g) Translate the following sentences into Russian.Give English equivalents to the expressions with the word “view”. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. You can get a good view of the picture if you stand at this window. Try to look at it from my point of view (viewpoint). I take a different view. He wanted to get a clear view of the situation. I’d like a room with a view of the garden, please. You must excuse him in view of his youth. Look! You get a nice view from here! 7. What are your views on free university education? 8. In my view, he is too enthusiastic about football. h) Study some facts from famous painters’ biographies. Put in the missing words from the box below. 345 to create composition attraction masterpiece to portray remarkable to dominate founder career to devote human 1. Cezanne didn’t paint figures from life or from ..... experience. He invented his own fantastic world. 2. Art historians think that colour ..... in Picasso’s paintings. 3. Manet was the ..... of Impressionism. He ..... a lot of time to the study of Velasques [vIlxskwIz]. 4. Goya is the great master of ..... who had projects enough for 400 years. He ..... 13 members of the royal family representing three generations. 5. In his ..... Ingres followed the traditions of the Italian school of painting. He ..... pictures, full of harmony. 6. Our main ..... on tonight’s show is an interview with David Hockney. 7. The “Mona Lisa” was Leonardo’s ..... . 8. Constable had a ..... sense of colour. His idol in painting was Rubens. i) Read these sentences. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1. Joseph Turner was remarkable ..... historical paintings such as “The last return of the “Temerfria”. 2. A conflict between idealism and realism was not typical ..... British painting. 3. A series of European artists played an important role ..... the development ..... art ..... the British Isles. 4. The works ..... Bacon and Freud were ..... view in Paris last year. 5. Rubens (1577 – 1640) worked ..... England ..... King Charles 1. 6. The showroom was alive ..... people. I told my friend about the display ..... detail. j) Look through the text a second time and discuss the following points. 1. What is the key subject of Hockney compositions? 2. What is original about his artistic vision? 3. Find some facts about the artist’s roots and training (his background). 4. Who formed the circle of his friends when he moved to the USA? 5. What artworks reflect his life story? 6. What does a career retrospective mean? 7. Can you remember when David Hockney first opened a retrospective exhibition and when he did it last? 8. Why did the painter feel nervous before the last show? 9. What is the secret of his popularity? Is it because he follows the Old Masters’ traditions, or 346 because he is avant*garde in his creation of new styles? 10. Whose is his style like? k) Give a presentation on Hockney’s art career. Focus on the following things. David Hockney’s life was rich in events. What gave him food for thought? The artist had to study (through careful copying) the works of the Old Masters. Why did he have to move from Picasso? Why do biographers and art lovers think Hockney is a versatile painter? 24. Listening. a) Listen to the story about Picasso and say if the following plan is correct. Remember! to give sb a glance – бросить взгляд a handkerchief – носовой платок a breast [brest] pocket – нагрудный карман to introduce oneself – представляться (знакомиться) to represent [,reprIzent] – изображать, символизировать to reply [rIplaI] – отвечать to take a step backwards – cделать шаг назад Note! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a bull [bVl] – бык brutality – грубость, жестокость an insult – оскорбление, обида Picasso’s appearance. The critic’s interest in him. Interpretation of “The Sailor”. Understanding “Guernica”. Picasso’s artistic style. b) Listen again and rearrange the sentences according to the logic of the text. Discuss the details behind each of these points. I didn’t mean to have a political meaning at all. 347 I paint this way because it’s the result of my thought. The bull represents brutality, the horse – the people. I wanted to get to know him personally. His hands were small and solid. c) Say if any of the facts about Picasso are new to you. 25. Write and speak about your favourite painter using the following words and word combinations. famous as a career had to devote show a remarkable vision follow the traditions attract viewers 26. Simulation You’re journalists taking part in a press conference with David Hockney. a) Ask him questions to get as much information about his life and career as you can. b) Mind you have to be tactful in the way you ask personal questions. c) Study some opening expressions to lead up to questions and polite answers: Questions: Answers: Mr. ..., let me / can I ask you one or two questions? Could you / the speaker / the guest tell us about...? One more question, please. Yes, of course. If I got you right / correctly... That’s a very interesting question. Well, let me see /think for a moment. You may start like this: 1. First of all, Mr. Hockney, where were you born? 2. Who is your idol in painting? / music? / poetry? 3. ................................................................? 27. Read the joke aloud and then try to retell it. Make a note of one or two key words, if necessary. 348 JOKE SPOT Speeches Mr. Jones didn’t like writing speeches. When it was necessary to make a speech, he asked his assistant to prepare it. Usually, she wrote excellent speeches and Mr. Jones was considered a good speaker. One day Mr. Jones came back to his office after speaking at lunch. He was very angry. “I told you to write me an interesting 30 minute speech,” he said. “The speech you gave me lasted 1 hour and the people were very bored.” “The speech I gave you lasted 30 minutes,” replied his assistant. “But I gave you two copies!” How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on Russian painters... 28. Translate the following text into English and figure out the name of a famous Russian artist. Use the prompts below the text. ............? (1832 – 98) ............ известен как мастер реалистической пейзажной живописи. Родился в Елабуге. После окончания Московского художественного училища в 1856 г. он много путешествовал по России, учился в Берлине у швейцарского художника Коллера. В своей работе он использует идею соотношения цветов самой природы. Для развития чувства цвета он забирался в лесную глушь и проводил там по несколько месяцев в году. Художник создавал правдивые картины: “Сосновый бор”, “Утро в сосновом бору” и др. В 1871 г. художник начал экспонировать свои пейзажи на выставках передвижников. Его работы привлекают зрителей тем, что они отражают национальные мотивы – красоту и мощь русской природы. (Realistic landscape painting; to graduate from; colour relations; a sense of colour; to go into the wild; “Morn in a pine wood”; the beauties and the power of nature.) 349 29. Project work. Find some information about a Russian artist. Don’t forget that the facts should be interesting to your foreign partner. Make notes having in mind the following points: a particular style, form and subject of this artist’s works; a few facts from his biography; some important events in his career; two reasons for his popularity. Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION What’s on display today? Что сегодня на выставках? 30. Study a page from the “Information Daily” (1999) and answer the following questions. 1. What modern artists were the attraction of the British public during spring and summer months? 2. What Pre*Raphaelite artist became the subject of a retrospective in London? Note! outstanding – выдающийся print – гравюра, эстамп major – крупный, главный to span – охватывать previously unknown – прежде неизвестный to house – размещать Cultural Note Pre*Raphaelites [pri:rxf qlaIts] (1848) (прерафа350 Here you can enjoy beauty. элиты) is a group of 19th*century English painters who based their work on the artistic principles of the late Middle Ages. The protest against the Industrial Revolution led them to the beauty of Italian art (before Raphael). Their paintings had many small details and they often used bright colours on a white background. Text B Exhibitions NATIONAL GALLERY NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Portraits by Ingres Paintings and drawings by the 19th*century French artist. Mon, Tue, Thur*Sun 10am*6pm, ends 25 Apr., ₤ 6. Rogier Van Der Weyden in the National Gallery. Paintings by the 15th*century Dutch Master. Mon, Tue, Thur*Sun 10am*6pm, Wed 10am*9pm, ends 4 Jul, free Orazio Gentileschi at the Court of Charles 1. Works by the 17th*centuty Italian follower of Caravaggio. Mon, Tue, Thur*Sun 10am*6pm, ends 23 May, free. Trafalgar Square, WC2 (0171*747 2885) Charing Cross. Millais: Portraits Major retrospective of portraits by the Pre*Raphaelite artist. Ends 6 Jun., ₤ 4. St. Martins Place, WC2 (071*306 0055) CAMBRIDGE MUSEUM IPSWICH Modern Britain 19271939 Works by Francis Bacon, Paul Nash and Barbara Hepworth. Mon*Sun 11.30am*6pm, ends 18 Jul ₤ 5.25 Shad Thames SE1 (0171*378 6055) TATE GALLERY Works on Paper and Paintings: Francis Bacon. Previously unknown works. Ends 2 May, free (0870*842 2233) FITZWILLIAM ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Rembrandt and the Passion The museum’s outstanding print collection. Tue*Sat 10am*5pm, ends 20 June, free. Trumpington Street (01223*332900) KandinskyWatercolours and Other Works on Paper. Works spanning the career of the abstract artist. Mon*Sun 10am*6pm, ends 4 Jul., ₤ 6, child (8*11) 1.50. Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 (071*300 8000) Green Park 351 31. Tasks a) Complete the pretext task. b) Answer the following group of questions about each of the museums on the newspaper page. 1. What artist(s) did the particular art museum/gallery exhibit? 2. Could the public attend the display every day? 3. What were the times of opening (время работы)? 4. Was the ticket free? How much did it cost? 5. Did the paper publish the address and the telephone number? 6. Can you say that the pictures were on view all month? Why not? c) What exhibitions give you the idea that there is a “School of London”? Which of these shows would you like to attend? d) Let us pretend that you’re staying in London till 1 June. Which of the above exhibitions are you able to attend? 32. What pieces of art and how many of them do the following worldfamous museums house? 1. The London National Gallery / the collection of 38 Old Masters paintings. 2. The National Portrait Gallery / a unique collection of about 10 thousand portraits of remarkable British men and women who created and are still creating the history. 3. The Tate Gallery / about 300 oils and 19 thousand water*colours and drawings. Also, it / a number of sculptures. 4. In 1998 the Uffizi Gallery in Florence opened a new wing which / the collection of 18th – century frescoes. 5. The Tretyakov Gallery / over 50 thousand paintings, sculptures and drawings representing the history of Russia’s artistic culture. The museum houses a vast collection of wonderful paintings and prints from the 17th to the 20th centuries, including works by Picasso, Chagall and Toulouse_Lautrec. 352 Galerie Michael, California 33. Act as journalist. Speak to the assistant director of the Royal Academy of Arts. Remember! an event [Ivent] – событие to cover an event – освещать событие space – пространство, место mass media [mi:dIq] – средства массовой информации You: Consey: You: Consey: You: Consey: You: Consey: You: Consey: ed You: Здравствуйте, г*н Конси. Я Олег Федин, корреспондент газеты “The Moscow Times”. Good morning. Mr. Fedin. What can I do for you? Нашим читателям было бы интересно узнать о развитии культурных контактов между Британией и Россuей. Могу я задать Вам несколько вопросов? You’re welcome. Когда Вы последний раз открывали выставку картин российских художников? In the summer of 1999 we organized a retrospective show of Kandinsky’s watercolours and prints spanning his career. Василий Кандинский был основателем школы абстрактного искусства в России. Какие средства массовой информации освещали это событие? There were lots of guests, people from newspapers, radio and TV at the opening ceremony. People show interest in Russia’s cultural traditions. Кто выступал с докладом от российской cтороны? Some of the visiting Russian officials did. I remember it all very well, because suddenly it startraining and we had to leave the garden. So the space in the building was limited. Спасибо, г*н Конси, за интервью. 353 34. Figure it out Note! patron [peItrqn] of the arts – меценат, покровитель искусств a cathedral [kqTi:drql] – (кафедральный) собор Do you ever feel critical about any sculpture or painting? Is it easy to understand a piece of art? What must you do to develop your tastes and interests? Do you enjoy visiting art museums? Which of them do you find especially attractive and why? Is it because they look like great cathedrals? Do you agree that they create an atmosphere of contact with education (образование)? What is the role of the national patrons of the arts ( Tretyakov, Mamontov, Morosov) in the development of cultural traditions in Russia? 34a. On your own. Write a short paragraph about your recent visit to the art gallery. Read it out in class. 1. Are you an outgoing person? When did you last attend an art gallery? 2. Whose art collection did the museum exhibit? 3. What school of painting does this artist represent? 4. How many pieces of art were on view? 5. Do you remember whether the times of opening were convenient for you? 6. When did you arrive at the display and when did you leave? 7. How much fee did you have to pay at the entrance? 8. Can you say that the show spanned the artist’s career? 9. Why did you enjoy yourself at the exhibition? Did it give you a feeling of beauty and happiness? 354 REAL_LIFE COMMUNICATION Section III Set 1 Share your impressions Поделитесь впечатлениями 35. Read a small conversation between an optimist and a pessimist. Answer the questions below. Remember! not to think much of sth/sb – быть невысокого мнения о чём*н./ком*н. Note! meaningless – бессмысленный rubbish/nonsense – ерунда, чепуха, вздор old*fashioned – старомодный Pessimist: Optimist: Pessimist: Optimist: Pessimist: Optimist: Pessimist: Optimist: Oh, I didn’t think much of it. It’s the real thing. I thought it was lovely. It was rubbish. Absolute nonsense. I cried and cried. I couldn’t help it. It was meaningless and boring. But listen. Why didn’t you like it? I’m afraid I must be very old*fashioned, but I like it when things have a beginning, a middle and an end. I don’t think... Questions. 1. What are the two art lovers discussing? 2. Could it be a painting? / an opera? / a drama? / a book? / a film? Why? 3. How did the optimist feel about it? What phrases did he use? 4. What expressions did the pessimist use? 5. Did he think highly of the plot (сюжет)? 6. What did he criticize it for? Is that a serious argument? Give your reasons. 36. Look at these verbs and their transformations. 355 Verb How a person feels An opinion of/about a person or thing to amuse развлекать I was amused. (было забавно) The film was amusing. (смешной). We couldn’t stop laughing. to fascinate The viewers were завораживать fascinated. (очарованы) The plot was fascinating. [fxsI,neItIN] (захватывающий) to excite возбуждать Her acting was exciting. (интересная) She was very much excited. (взволнована) a) Form ing and ed adjectives from the verbs below and suggest their Russian equivalents. to surprise – удивлять to worry – волновать to frighten – пугать to bore – надоедать b) Pairwork. React to your partner’s impressions by using ing adjectives. Don’t repeat his words. Example: – I was tired of going round art galleries. – So was I. I thought it was very tiring. 1. I was shocked by the accident in the street. And you? 2. I was surprised to learn that the painter was Dutch. 3. I was really interested to hear the novelist’s views on the problem. 4. I was bored to death by their trivial conversation. 5. We were fascinated by Chinese art. 6. I was greatly amused to hear that story. c) On your own. How do you feel about your recent visit to the exhibition? Share your impressions using the ideas of tasks 35,36. 37. Roleplay the game on p. 327. 356 Set 2 Business letters Деловые письма A LETTER OF THANKS ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ 38. Read the following letter, translate it into Russian and and pick out standard phrases used to express gratitude. Note! on behalf of sb – от имени mutually [mjVtSqlI] beneficial [, benIfISql] – взаимовыгодный Mr. George J. Trefil Executive Vice President, Citibank, N. A. 399 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 1003 Dear Mr. Trefil, I would like to thank you on behalf of my colleagues and myself for the stimulating meeting you chaired with Mr. Smith in Moscow on May 10*11, 20... We find the presentation made by the members of the Citybank team at the meeting quite interesting and educational. We consider the meeting to be a part of the overall development of our mutually beneficial business relationship. Sincerely Yours, S. B. Makarov General manager 39. Using the standard phrases of gratitude write a private letter to your correspondent and thank him for the warm reception he gave you at his party. Дорогой Ричард! Посылаю Вам это письмо, чтобы поблагодарить Вас за приятно проведённый (enjoyable) субботний вечер в Вашем доме. 357 Я чувствовал себя желанным (welcome) гостем в Вашем обществе (company), познакомился со многими интересными людьми. Я благодарен Вам за Ваше гостеприимство и надеюсь, что в ближайшем будущем я воспользуюсь случаем, чтобы пригласить Вас к себе. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Подпись Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 13 1. Open the brackets and use the correct verb form. Tom Smith was a writer. He _______ (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he ___________ (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He _______ (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he _______ (to have ) no ideas. Then he _______ (to go) to the cinema. When he _______ (to leave), a burglar _______ (to break) into his flat and _______(to read) his story. The visitor _______(to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I ___________ (not to think) much of it. I __________ (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom _______ (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and _______ (to write) the rest of the story. He _____ (to be) still not a successful writer, and he _______ (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he _________ (go out) in the evening, he always _______ (to leave) a half*finished story near his typewriter. 2. Insert modal verbs “can”, “have to” or their equivalents. 1. Mary was late and they _______ wait for her. 2. ______ you walk or did they have to carry you? 358 3. Simon was a brilliant student. His parents ____________ worry about his marks. (negative) 4. When I was a child I __________ understand adults, and now that I am an adult I __________ understand children. (negative, negative) 5. The swimmer was very tired but he ________ reach the shore. 6. I had no key so I __________ lock the door. (negative) 7. – Did you attend the lecture yesterday? – No, I didn’t. I ________ take part in the conference. 3. Put questions to which the underlined words are the answers. 1. They are showing a football match on TV tonight. ____________________________________________________ 2. Steve had to leave at 8 p.m. ____________________________________________________ 3. He has his English classes once a week. ____________________________________________________ 4. Charles left his village to enter University. ____________________________________________________ 4. Fill in the blanks with the reflexive pronouns if necessary. 1. That lonely lady often talks to __________. 2. Fred, be careful! Don’t hurt __________ with the hammer. 3. When did you feel _________ happy? 4. We don’t know who that man was. He didn’t introduce __________. 5. Relax __________ when you dance. 6. The car started to move all by __________. 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Вы знаете, что они родились в один день и поступили в один институт? 2. Я, бывало, подвозил её до дома после занятий. 3. Мой друг был высокого мнения о фильме, я же счёл его утомительным. 359 4. В своём творчестве Рейнальдс следовал своим кумирам – художникам Возрождения. 5. Музей представил замечательную коллекцию картин, и мы её посетили. 6. Гвоздь сегодняшней телепрограммы – это интервью с президентом страны. 7. “Чему посвятил свою жизнь этот разносторонний человек?” “Путешествиям”. 8. Спросите у них, нет ли толпы возле входа в музей. 360 Word List (Unit 13) A ago attend attract B be born biographer C career century cover an event create crowd D decide die discover drawing E emotion enjoy oneself enter university event exhibit exhibition F finger follower from my viewpoint G give sb a lift H handkerchief hide historic human house I in detail introduce invent M mass media N nervous O on the other hand outstanding R remarkable reply represent retrospective root S series shape space suddenly T take part in take a step backwards think highly of train as /under V viewer vision P painter panorama particular portrait print public 361 UNIT 14 TOO MUCH TRAFFIC Слишком интенсивное движение AGENDA * Past Continuous. Present Participle after verbs of sensation. Modal verbs “must”, “need”. Sequence of tenses. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 571) * A road accident. * Asking for directions. London. Tower Bridge Study unit 14 and roleplay. A Speed Limit Sign You’re working in a host country – the USA. A police officer stopped you and another car for driving too fast. Describe what happened, adding background details where necessary. You Выразите сожаление по поводу причинённого ущерба. Но вашей вины в этом нет. (It’s not my fault.) Водитель машины, идущей перед вами, вынужден был резко затормозить, чтобы не сбить ребёнка. 362 Police officer Скажите водителю, что обе машины шли с превышением скорости. (to speed) В этом районе знак ограничения скорости предписывает её снижение до 20 миль в час. Признайтесь, что не обратили внимание на новый знак. Ограничение скорости на этих улицах обычно составляет 30 миль в час. На ваш взгляд, водители должны не только ехать медленно, но и соблюдать дистанцию. Сообщите пострадавшему своё имя и место работы и обменяйтесь страховыми карточками. Попрощайтесь. Section I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Set 1 Объясните, что этот знак появился здесь месяц тому назад, когда начала работать начальная школа. Предложите обоим водителям заполнить их карты ДТП (an accidental card) и обратиться в свою страховую компанию для выяснения обстоятельств дела. MIND HOW YOU GO БУДЬТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНЫ ПРИ ЕЗДЕ Problems with officials Проблемы с чиновниками 1. You are going abroad. Ask your colleague what you must or needn’t do before the trip. Use the list of words and the model below. Example: – Must I book a ticket long before the trip? – Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t (need not). Big Ben at dusk 363 1. book a ticket 2. get the passport ready 3. apply [qplaI] for a visa 4. reserve a hotel room 5. change some money 6. get Traveller’s cheques 7. learn the language 8. read about the country’s traditions 2. Talk to your British friend about laws at London University, like this. Remember! patient [peISqnt]– терпеливый an ID card = an identity card Example: – Do you have to carry an ID card all the time? – Yes, we must. – Do you have to wear ties and jackets? – No, we needn’t. wear uniforms do military service arrive for classes on time stand up to greet a teacher show an ID card in the library do homework every day pay when you visit the doctor have a notebook for every subject agree with the teacher all the time be patient and energetic 3. Some hotels have a lot of rules. a) What sort of information does a hotel receptionist give the guests? Remember! to pay ( in ) cash – платить наличными Note! an electric appliance [qplaIqns] – электроприбор to vacate a room – освободить комнату Receptionist: You have to... sign the register / close the windows before you leave / lock your room at night / turn off the TV set before you leave / pay cash 364 for drinks / put your documents in the hotel safe / vacate your room before 9.30 in the morning. b) Now complete some notices that express prohibition (запрет). Notices: – smoke in bed – arrive back late – make any noise after 11.00 Guests must not... – have visitors in the bedroom – use any electric appliances in their room (except shavers) 4. Where can you see these signs and notices in Great Britain? a) Match each of the signs with one of the places below. Remember! to queue [kju:] – становиться в очередь Example: 1. Do not Cross the Line. 2. Fasten Seat Belts? 3. Push / Pull? 4. Queue This Side? 5. Beware of the Dog? i 6. No Smoking on Lower Deck? 7. Please Stand on the Right? 8. Do not Lean Out of the Window? 9. Fare Extras? 002.57 a) at a bus stop b) in a taxi c) on a gate Number 1 goes with «i». d) on a door e) in a train f) on a plane 00.90 g) in an omnibus h) on an escalator i) at a railway station b) Complete the instructions with must / mustn’t. Example: 1. Passengers must not cross the line at a rail; way station. 5. You are driving a car in Great Britain. Look at these road signs and make up a few regulations for drivers. Remember! speed – скорость dangerous – опасный 365 Example: 1. 70 Sign number 1 shows / means the speed limit. When a driver sees this sign, he must not go at more than 70 miles per hour. 2. ...travellers are at a place where two roads cross. Cars ___ make way for other transport. 3. ...there is a bend in the road. Travellers ____ drive slowly and carefully. 4. ...there’s another road coming in from the right. Cars ____ ___ move fast. 5. ...there’s a hill in front of you. You ____ slow your car down. 6. at ...the road gets narrow. Drivers ____ ___ go a high speed. 7. ...a gate. It’s a dangerous place because the railway and the road cross at the same level. Drivers ____ be especially careful. 8. ...perhaps children are going to school or leaving school. Drivers ____ let them pass. 9. P ...parking. You may leave your car there. If a driver sees the sign “No parking”, he knows that he ____ ___ leave his car at that place. 6. On your own. Put down 6 signs or notices for English–speaking visitors to Russia for the following places: Pay cash / a shop. Walk on the grass / a park. Smoke / a theatre. Take photos / a museum. 366 Feed the animals / a zoo. Drop litter / a popular beach. Eat sandwiches / a classroom. 7. What can one expect in these situations with officials ? Read two dialogues and match five sentences in the right column with A or B. 1. You mustn’t sit in here, in the first class carriage. 2. Yes, sir, but we are not on the German autobahn now. 3. Good afternoon, can I have your tickets, please? 4. No, you mustn’t. Keep both hands on the wheel when you’re driving. 5. You either have to go back to the second class carriage and stand, or pay for a first class ticket. Remember! a wheel – руль a driving license [laIsqns] – водительские права I haven’t got any idea [aIdIq] – я не знаю Note! outrageous [aVtreIGqs] – возмутительно On the Motorway A: Good morning, sir. On the Train A: _______________________? B: Good morning, officer. A: Your speed was 180, sir! B: I haven’t got any idea that this car can go that fast! Aren’t these German cars B: Here you are. A: Excuse me, but this is a second class ticket. B: I know. A: _______________________ . high;speed? A: _____________________ . We are on a British motor; way. You mustn’t drive at a speed over 110 mph in this country. B: But there weren’t any seats in the second;class carriage. A: I’m sorry Madam. ________ _________________________ . B: Oh, that’s outrageous! 367 B: May I use my car telephone? A: I’m sorry, but I don’t A: _____________________. make the rules. Can I see your license, sir? Listening. b) Listen to the conversations and check your guesses. c) Answer the following groups of questions about each of the situations. 1. Does the driver agree 1. What type of a ticket he was speeding? has the passenger got? 2. What does he say about 2. Why is the lady travelling his car? in the first class carriage? 3. What two rules is the police 3. What does the ticket inspector officer speaking about? tell the traveller to do according to the rules? 4. Why mustn’t drivers use 4. Does the incident show that car telephones? the British are real order keepers? d) Dramatize these dialogues with a partner. Take turns to be A and B. Report the conversations. 8. Roleplay. You’re working in London and you have to travel with a group of Russian sociologists for the weekend to Edinburgh [edInbqrq]. Talk to your partner who plays the travel agent. В туристическом агентстве You Скажите в кассе, что вам нужно 4 билета на пятницу на междугородный автобус (coach) до Эдинбурга. 368 Travel agent Объясните, что ближай; шие выходные – это попу; лярные праздники и все билеты уже раскуплены (fully booked). Выразите сожаление. Узнайте, нужно ли заказывать заранее железнодорожные билеты. Ответьте, что нe обязательно делать заказ немедленно (right away), но этим скоро следует заняться. Поделитесь своими планами. Узнайте, в какое время В пятницу вы должны пассажиры хотят выезжать оставаться в офисе до обеда, и когда они должны но в понедельник утром вы вернуться в Лондон. свободны. Таким образом, вам нет необходимости возвращаться в воскресенье Cообщите заказчикам, что вечером. в будние дни поезда отправляются в 15:00 и в 22:00. Время следования – 5 часов. В понедельник, согласно расписанию, прибы; тие поезда из Эдинбурга в 9:00. Поблагодарите сотрудника агентства за любезность. Узнайте, нужно ли вам Ответьте заказчику, что следует звонить ещё раз. подтвердить* дату и время. Set 2 Did you see it happening? Вы видели, как это происходило? 9. Dramatize the dialogue. Roleplay similar conversations with the prompts below. A. I saw you yesterday, but you didn’t see me. B. Really? When? A. At about 2.30. You were getting out of a police car in Old Street. B. That wasn’t me. Yesterday at 2.30 I was doing something else. A. What were you doing? * Подтвердить – to confirm. 369 B. I was booking plane tickets. ride your bicycle / paint a portrait cross the street / work at my report hit another motorcycle / enter a flower shop jog through the park / give my friend a lift walk into the post office / read for the exam drive on the pavement / make a hotel reservation pay your bus fare / make notes at the lecture phone about an accident / show my guest around the city 10. Last night at 9 o’clock there was a blackout (отключение электричества) in your neighbourhood. What were you doing, when the lights went out? 11. Ask your partner about the details of the incident. Example: A. How did John break his arm? B. He broke it while he was playing tennis. 1. How did the man lose his wallet? (play volley;ball with his son) 2. How did the patient cut himself? (shave) 3. How did Alan get a black eye? (argue with his neighbour) 4. How did Stella hurt herself? (prepare dinner) 5. How did your parents get a flat tyre? (drive over a bridge) 6. How did Mr. Roberts break his leg? (ski down a mountain) 7. How did Mr. Unlucky drop his packages? (walk out of the supermarket) 12. Pairwork. Ask your partner what he was doing when something happened. Use the following phrases for questions. Example: What were you doing when you fell off the ladder? fall off the bicycle? hear some noise? cut your finger? get a flat tyre? 370 hurt / burn yourself? feel a terrible pain? drop your purchases? suddenly get a headache? 13. Everybody has a bad day once in a while. Try to remember what you were doing on such a day. Share your sad story with the other students in your class. Example: I was riding my bicycle when I fell off. I broke my arm in three places. It was in plaster for weeks. I was lucky I didn’t need an operation. 14. Think of some sentences using the following substitution table. Make your sentences interrogative (вопросительный) and negative (отрицательный). Translate them. I saw him Larry heard them She watched the driver We noticed the car crossing the road. losing control of the car. turning left / right. hitting another car. blocking the road. getting out of the car. bleeding. reporting the emergency. 15. Read the following text. Find sentences with the verbs of sensation followed by present participle. Translate these sentences into Russian. Remember! to skid – буксовать to crash into sth – столкнуться blood [blAd] – кровь to groan – стонать to stamp on the brakes – нажать на тормоза unconscious [AnkPnSqs] – в обмороке to take care of sb – заботиться о ком;л. ambulance [xmbjVlqns] машина скорой помощи injury [InGqrI] – телесное повреждение to get over sth – прийти в себя от чего;л. an effect [Ifekt] – воздействие, результат 371 Cultural Note Double yellow lines are two yellow lines painted on the side of a road next to the pavement to show that cars cannot be parked there. A Road Accident It was raining heavily while I was walking towards the station at 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning. At this early hour there was not much traffic and there weren’t many people in sight. Just as I was looking left and right to cross the road, I saw a car coming round the corner, which was moving very fast. Then I noticed a dog running across the street. The driver stamped on the brakes and I watched the man losing control of his car. Suddenly it skidded on the wet road, hit a lamp post on a double yellow line and turned over. At once I rushed to the car to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and there was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman hurried into the station to phone for an ambulance while I took care of the driver. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the accident. I heard the man groaning quietly when the medical men were taking him into the ambulance. On Monday morning I went to the hospital to enquire about the man. They told me that his injuries were not serious after all and that he was getting over the effects of the accident. a) Questions. 1. Was the witness walking towards the station at midday? Ask “What time?” What was the weather like at that early hour? 2. When did he see a car coming round the corner? Was it moving slowly? Ask “How?” 3. Why did the driver stamp on the brakes? Did he notice a cat running across the street? Ask “What?” 4. Did the car skid and turn over? Ask “Why?” 5. Did the man rush to the car? Ask “What for?” 6. Did the witness use his mobile telephone to phone for an ambulance? Ask “Who?” and “How?” 7. What did he hear when the medical men were taking the driver to hospital? 8. What did the witness find out about the injured man on Monday morning? 372 b) On your own. How many cars were involved in the accident? What do you think caused the accident? Were there many people injured? Did the police ask the driver to take a breath;test? 16. Make up situations based on the words and word combinations below. Note! damage – материальный ущерб 1 2 At about …o’clock was riding my motorcycle failed to stop at the juncture What happened next was that… hit me on the left side I fell off and … You can guess how I felt. It took me … to get over… was travelling to work While … turning right, saw a pedestrian stepping out turned left to avoid him didn’t see the other driver There was damage to both the cars Set 3 Reporting emergencies Сообщения о чрезвычайных ситуациях Listening. 17. Some time ago a British businessman had a bad car accident. Now the police are trying to find out the cause. a) Listen to the investigation of the case (расследование дела) and set these statements in order according to which the events followed one another. Remember! to go / drive off – отъезжать towards [tLdz] – по направлению к to check – проверить an insurance [InSVqrqns] – страховка 373 Note! to build up – накапливаться, собираться to swing round – развернуться to go over the road – съехать на обочину 1. I braked very hard and hit the car on the side. 2. I think they were quite young. 3. The other two cars came back and then went off very fast towards London. 4. There were skid marks on the other side of the car as well. 5. They were doing at least 80 mph. I was doing about 60 mph. 6. The last car suddenly skidded and went all over the road. b) Listen to the recording again for more detailed information. How does the British businessman explain skid marks on one side of the car? What facts does he list about the other two cars? Does the officer understand why they returned and went off? Why do you think so? What can the man remember about the car numbers? What sort of information does he give about travellers in each car? Why does the policeman ask the businessman to stay in London for some time? Does he think him guilty [gIltI] (виновный)? The police needed to check the description of them with the other witnesses. Does this statement say anything to you? Does the investigation uncover the cause of the accident? Which details point to the guilty party? c) Draw the scheme of the accident. d) Can you describe how it was all happening? Suggest your story. 18. In emergencies, the British call police, fire or ambulance on 999 and ask for urgent assistance. a) Imagine one of you is calling for an ambulance. The other student is acting as operator in the Ambulance Service. 374 Operator: You: Operator: You: Operator: You: Operator: You: Emergency Service. (Describe what was happening and ask for an ambulance.) Where was the accident? (State the location.) You say there’s one person injured. How badly hurt is he? (Explain the seriousness of his condition.) You must call the police now. The ambulance will be there in about 5 minutes. Try to keep him warm until they arrive. (Express gratitude.) b) What did the operator tell you to do? Example: He said, “Describe the details of the accident.” He told me to describe the details of the accident. Describe the damage. State the location. Give the car number. Stay in London another day or two. Leave your address and insurance. Do not worry. 19. Yesterday you were at the police department and reported a missing student. What did the policeman ask you about? Example: What is your name? He asked me what my name was. MISSING PERSON’S INFORMATION SHEET 1. What is the missing person’s name / address? 2. How old /tall is he / she? 3. How much does he / she weigh? 4. What is your relationship to the missing person? 5. Where do his / her parents work? 6. Does this person have any scars (шрамы), birthmarks, or other special characteristics? 7. What is your telephone number? 8. When can we reach you at that number? 375 20. Pairwork. a) Ask your friend: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) if he / she often has to get to classes in the rush hour; if he/ she travelled on the Underground yesterday; how long the journey took; if he/ she went by bus or walked to the Underground; how long he/ she has to travel above ground; what rules he/ she must observe to cross the street; if he/ she had to take a taxi last week because ; he/ she woke up late; ; he/ she was short of time and couldn’t wait for the bus; ; buses didn’t run regularly. what road signs he/ she could see on his/her way to the university; if he/ she took notice of the drivers that acted against the rules; when it is safe to overtake (обгонять) another car; if he/ she has got an automobile; when he/ she had to be especially careful while driving his car. b) What did your friend tell you about his journey to the university? Write a short paragraph and read it out in class. 376 Section II Set 1 READING FOR DETAIL THE BEST POLICY ЛУЧШАЯ ПОЛИТИКА English people’s driving habits Культура вождения в Великобритании 21. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS population [, pPpjVleISqn] n. население: What was the population of Asia in 1900? dense [dens] adj. плотный, густой: The population of this area is dense. main road [meInrqVd] n. главная дорога, магистраль: Those main roads lead into London. goods [gu:dz] adj., n. промышленные товары: There are a lot of goods in the shops. reason [ri:zqn] n. причина: I don’t see the reason for his departure. The reason why she didn’t get the job was that her English was not very good. reasonable adj. благоразумный, умеренный, доступный (о цене) privacy [prIvqsI] n. уединение: There isn’t much privacy in these flats because of thin walls. both... and... conj. ...и...и...: He is both tired and hungry. a pedestrian [pqdestrIqn] n. прохожий: Pedestrians can cross the road in special places. continual [kqntInjVql] adj. постоянный беспрерывный: There was a continual debate in Parliament on taxes. It’s a matter [m x tq] of (time / great importance) n. вопрос времени / дело огромной важности: What’s the matter? Why are you crying? to reduce [rIdju:s] v. уменьшать, сокращать: He must reduce the rent of our house. to reduce road traffic – уменьшить интенсивность дорожного движения per cent [pqsent] n. процент: The company can only provide 30 per cent (=30%) of what we need. in the rush hour [rASaVq] n. в часы пик: I try to get to work before the rush hour. 377 a trend [trend] n. направление, тенденция: There’s a new trend in market economy. to develop [dIvelqp] v. разрабатывать, развиваться: They are developing into a big multinational company. WORD BUILDING 22. We can form new parts of speech with the help of suffixes and prefixes which change the meaning of English words. Example: emotion (эмоция) – emotional (эмоциональный) – emotionally (эмоционально) – to emotionalize (придавать эмоциональность) Remember: noun – существительное adjective – прилагательное verb – глагол a) The suffixes (i)ty and ness change adjectives into abstract nouns. Read these words and translate them into Russian. Xty safe – safety certain – certainty mobile – mo`bility popular – popu`larity regular – regu`larity Xness kind – sad – loud – quick – e`xact – b) Use the suffixes ment and tion to form abstract nouns from verbs. Give the Russian for these words. Xtion to invent – invention to reduce – reduction to select – selection to populate – ,population 378 Xment to move – to enjoy – to replace – to arrange – 23. Read these international words and think of their Russian equivalents. Industry, technology, debate, mobile, mobility, passion, private, strategy, selective, selectively, en,thusiastic. 24. Study the information below and answer the following question. What must Londoners do to reduce traffic? Text A Road Traffic Reduction “Too much traffic” tops the list of problems for those people who live and work in London. It’s a well;known fact that the population of Great Britain is dense and main roads serve for the transportation of most goods. As the British want to move around easily, they do not like living near big roads or railways. About three quarters of families in Britain have regular use of a car and about a quarter have two or three cars. The reason why the British are so enthusiastic about mobility, is their national passion for privacy. Driving a car for a British is like taking his “castle” with him*. Perhaps this is why British drivers are patient with both other drivers and pedestrians. Transport policy is a matter of continual debate in Parliament. The only way to solve the problem is to reduce road traffic. Traffic reduction is popular with the 85 per cent of people who travel in the rush hour into Central London by tube, bus or bike, and nearly 40 per cent of families who don’t own a car. Although it isn’t easy to change the trends of the past 50 years, the London Planning Advisory Committee (LPAC) is developing a reliable strategy for road traffic reduction. It is not anti car, but people must learn to use cars selectively. Rush hour on a British motorway * like taking his “castle” with him – всё равно что взять с собой свою крепость 379 25. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the English for the following Russian phrases and use them in discussing the text. Занимать первое место в списке; служить для транспортировки товаров; хотят передвигаться свободно; проявлять энтузиазм; страсть к уединению, относятся терпеливо и к..., и к...; разработать надёжную стратегию; предмет непрерывных споров; политика; уменьшение интенсивности движения. c) List English terms relating to transport. Give their Russian equivalents. d) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. What letter does number 1 go with? 1. a schedule a) either of the two periods in the day when people are travelling to and from work in the crowded streets. 2. regular b) careful in choosing. 3. to serve c) to go, to run. 4. a rush hour d) a person travelling on foot in a street or other place used by cars. 5. selective e) which happens at the same time each day. 6. privacy f) a system of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another. 7. a pedestrian g) a particular policy, course, or plan of action. 8. transportation h) the state of being away from other people so that they cannot see or hear what one is doing. 9. a trend i) a formal list, a time;table for trains, buses. 10. a strategy j) a general direction in the way the situation is changing. 11. to move k) to provide with sth useful. 380 e) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text. 1. John is very careful in choosing clothes, especially when he buys his suits. 2. He’d like to discuss in detail this idea before he goes on to the next point. 3. There are several important subjects that they have to talk about. 4. The British are very much interested in watching video. 5. The shop has articles for sale from various countries. 6. His policy of playing the game was sudden attack. 7. Discussions between the brothers can go on for hours. f) Study the expressions with the word “matter”. Match the left side column with the right one to produce new sentences. Road traffic reduction The transportation of products The new law Developing businesses is a matter of His trip to Japan Making friends Regular payments The President’s speech Her privacy A visit to San Francisco great importance. course. money. national importance. little importance. time. life and death. fact. principle. taste. g) Look through the text a second time and say: 1) Why don’t Londoners like to live near big roads? 2) How many cars does a British family use regularly? 3) Why are the British enthusiastic about mobility? 4) What is special about English people’s driving habits? 5) What is the subject matter of continual debate in Parliament? 6) What kinds of travellers is traffic reduction popular with? 7) What policy is the LPAC developing? 381 h) Give a presentation on the transport problems in the UK. How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on public transport problems in Russia... i) Discuss the following points. 1. Do you think the situation is the same as in London? Why? / Why not? 2. Is there a reliable transport system in Moscow? 3. Do you often get stuck in a traffic jam? 4. Authorities need to think more about people’s health, don’t they? 5. What must the city mayor do about the traffic problem on the roads? Choose the best answer: ban (изгнать) cars from the city centre; charge drivers a fee (брать плату) for driving in the centre; improve public transport in the capital; stop building motorways and spend the money on railways. 26. Translate the following text from Russian into English in writing. Use the words given below. Westminster Abbey 382 Bank of England and New Stock Exhange St. Paul’s Cathedral Путешествие в наши дни Для бизнесмена деловая поездка – дело огромной важности. Когда ему приходится делать выбор между трёхчасовым путешествием на поезде и полётом на самолёте, длящемся всего час, он выбирает поезд. Если подсчитать время в полёте, регистрацию на самолёт, поездку в аэропорт и обратно, то не получается никакой разницы. Согласитесь, что в случае плохой погоды пассажиры, следующие по железной дороге, имеют шанс прибыть в назначенное место первыми. Во многих странах Европы вошли в эксплуатацию высокоскоростные поезда на маршрутах Париж – Леон, Флоренция – Рим, Мадрид – Севилья, Гамбург – Мюнхен. Новые железные дороги не только сокращают в несколько раз время в пути. Они предлагают пассажирам бизнес класса все условия для работы, включая телефон, факс, терминал ПК, копировальную машину и др. (To calculate, check;in, to arrive at one’s destination, a high;speed train, Europe [jVqrqp], to start operating, a route [rHt], to reduce a journey, a business user, facilities, including, a PC terminal, Seville [sevIl], Hamburg [hxmbE:g], Munich [mjHnIk]). Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION SAFETY TO PEDESTRIANS БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ДЛЯ ПЕШЕХОДОВ 27. Read the interview from the “USA today” and say: How many innovations does the article focus on? What are they? Study the following words and word combinations. at dusk – в сумерках to install – устанавливать что;л. powerful [paVq,fVl] – мощный system – система lights – сигнальные огни to remind sb to do sth – напоминать кому;л. сделать что;л. to produce – производить to lag behind sb – отставать a device – устройство visible – видимый 383 to keep sb on someone’s toes – держать кого;л. начеку microwave [maIkrqVweIv] – микроволновый to illuminate sth [IlHmI,neIt] – освещать что;л. Text B C = H = W = C W H W C H W C W 384 “USA today” correspondent Michael Harrison (President of LightGuard) Clark Williams (analyst with the Department of Transportation) In 1994 a friend of mine killed a pedestrian at dusk. My friend was depressed. I think there have to be better ways to protect people from accidents than two lines painted in the street. Well, yes. In fact, lots of American cities are computerizing their dangerous crossings. Some are installing powerful in;ground lighting systems. When a pedestrian steps into the street, the lights illuminate the walkway and are visible to drivers more than 300 yards away. Two companies, LightGuard and Traffic Safety Corporation, produce the lights. Drivers don’t get false alarms … I mean electronic sensors operate only when a pedestrian is on the road. You feel safe because the system keeps drivers on their toes. By the way, the lights are in place at 50 sites in 25 cities, including Walt Disney World in Florida. Portland and New York City plan to install the lights later this year. That’s good news. Besides, there are countdown signs that tell pedestrians exactly how many seconds they have to cross the street. The sign starts a digital countdown of 15 or 20 seconds after the “Walk” signal comes on (появляться). I’d like to mention another innovation – electronic eyes. Electronic eyes? Yes. What we are talking about is the device that sits atop the “Walk” signal. When the “Walk” signal lights up, C H C a pair of electronic eyes looks left and right, reminding pedestrians to look both ways for oncoming cars. Uhm…it’s clear that engineers are going in the right direction. And what devices are especially helpful for older walkers? That’s a microwave detector. You know, new studies show that we typically walk 4 feet per second and the elderly walk about 2.8 feet per second. If a pedestrian is lagging behind others, the walk signal automatically adds about 5 seconds to its cycle. Thank you, very much. 28. Tasks. a) Find the sentences in the text with the words and phrases below. Translate them into Russian. Was depressed, adds about 5 seconds to its cycle, there have to be better ways, a walkway, don’t get false alarms, operate only when, to feel safe, …starts a digital countdown, are going in the right direction, helpful. b) Complete the pretext task. c) Suggest Russian equivalents for the names of the American devices. a lighting system – a countdown sign – electronic eyes – a microwave detector – ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______________ __________ _______________ d) Scan the text and say: how each of these things works; what are its good points; what companies produce the device; what cities have it / are planning to install it. e) Give a brief summary of the text. Say if any of the facts you’re talking about is new to you. f) Decide which of these headlines best reflects the main idea of the text. Give your reasons. 385 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to protect pedestrians from accidents. Safety dilemma is solved. American cities installing high;tech safety devices. Computerized crossings. Engineers are going in the right direction. Section III REALXLIFE COMMUNICATION Set 1 Make sure you don’t get lost Убедитесь, что не потеряетесь 29. Read, dramatize and report the following dialogues. Remember! at regular intervals – через равные промежутки времени an arrival [qraIv l] – прибытие a schedule [Sedju:l] – расписание Catching the bus Washington Square. New York City Alexander: Pardon me! Do the buses stop here? Passer–by: Yes. Most downtown buses stop at this corner. Alexander: I want to go to Washington avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here? Passer–by: You can take any bus except number 12. The number 12 turns off at Richmond street. 386 Alexander: What are the usual intervals between the bus arrivals? Passer–by: About every fifteen minutes according to the schedule that you can see over there. Alexander: How often do the buses run? Passer–by: In fact, the buses don’t always run at regular inter; vals. Look! You don’t have to wait any longer. A bus is coming. It’s a number 5, you can take it. 1. 2. 3. 4. Questions. Why shouldn’t Alexander catch bus number 12? Do buses always run at regular intervals? Why is Alexander lucky this time? In what country is the action taking place? Asking for and giving directions 1 Remember! to change to – сделать пересадку (в другой поезд) the next stop but one – через одну остановку Good afternoon! Do you know how to get to College? Where are you starting from? Roosevelt avenue? That’s correct. Take train number seven. Get off at Times Square and change to train number two. Get off at the next stop but one. Barbara: Is Brooklyn far from there? Passer–by: No, it’s within a 10–minute walk from there. Barbara: Thank you. Passer–by: You are welcome! Barbara: Brooklyn Passer–by: Barbara: Passer–by: 1. 2. Questions. What kind of transport is Barbara using? Where is she going? Why does she have to change at Times Squre? Is there a through train to Brooklyn college? 387 3. 4. Where must she get off? Where is the action taking place? Give your reasons. 2 Remember! Tom: Policeman: Tom: Policeman: Tom: Policeman: Tom: Policeman: 1. 2. 3. 4. to take the first turning on the left – свернуть на первом повороте налево Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me the way to Waterloo Station. Walk down this road, take the second turning on the left. Then walk until you come to the river and... The river? Yes. You can’t see it very clearly from here. When you come to it, there’s a bridge. Just walk across it. Follow the signs that say “To Waterloo Station”. You can’t miss it. And is it very far? I mean, how long does it take to walk there? About 15 minutes if you walk quickly. I see. Thank you very much. Not at all. Questions. What place is Tom looking for? Can the policeman show him the river from there? Why not? What phrase shows that Tom is confused? Is the Waterloo Station within walking distance? What signs does Tom have to follow? Where do you think the action is taking place? 30. You were lost in a town. a) Read some expressions. They are marked with stars, according to how polite they are. * Hey, do you know where ... is? ** I wonder if you could tell me the way to ... ? *** Good morning. Have you got any idea how to get to ... ? **** Excuse me, but could you possibly tell me ... ? 388 b) What were Barbara’s / Tom’s exact words as they turned to the residents for help? Mark their language according to the rules of politeness. с) Here is some of the language you may need to understand when asking for directions. Go down/along........./ straight ahead. It’s on the left/right. but Take the first/second turning on the left/right. It’s quite a long way. It takes you about .......... to walk. I’m not absolutely sure I think it’s... I’m afraid I’ve no idea. Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself. 31. Simulation. You’re a stranger to a town. Build a conversation with a passerby using the cues below. Remember! You: Passer–by: You: Passer–by: You: Passer–by You: Passer;by: You: traffic lights – светофор ______________________the Central Hotel? Pardon? _______________________ a stranger here. Yes. _________that road, _________ second turning _____ right. Then ____ until ________traffic lights ... Traffic lights? Yes. _______not very clearly. When _______ first turning, ____ right, ______not miss it. _________? How long _________walk there? 10 minutes ____________ quickly. ____________. 32. Look at the map. 389 You arrive at the bus station of a town you do not know. Your partner acts as policeman. Ask him for the following places: 1. the City Museum 2. the Park Hotel 3. the Odeon 4. Lloyds Bank 5. Turner’s (supermarket) 6. St. Peter’s church 7. the “Peking” restaurant 8. Victoria Park 33. In the following situations act on your own. You’re away on business in an unfamiliar town. You know the address of the pub is 7b Union Street, but you have no idea how to reach it. Ask a passer;by for directions. Use the map above. You’re with a group of Russian sociologists for a conference in London. Now it’s your turn to register at the hotel. You want a room with a good view. Today you’re planning to go sightseeing, but you are not sure if any bus can take you to Trafalgar Square from your hotel. Ask the receptionist about it. Make sure you don’t lose your way! A visitor wants advice on how to spend an evening in your town. 34. Roleplay the game on p. 362. 390 Set 2 BUSINESS LETTERS ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПИСЬМА It is very important to learn how to write business letters in English. Letters should be easy and natural. Good letters make friends, develop business. Careless letters have the opposite effect. A business letter, as a rule, has seven parts: 1. The name and the address of your company. 2. Your correspondent’s address and name. 3. Greeting. 4. Opening. 5. Body of the letter. 6. Conclusion. 7. Signature. A LETTER OF INQUIRY* ПИСЬМО–ЗАПРОС Inquiries are written to obtain information or to make a request. Be precise and polite in explaining what you need in the opening. 35. Read and translate the letter below. Note! an executive – административный исполнитель rate – тариф RESERVATION REQUEST РЕЗЕРВИРОВАНИЕ МЕСТА В ГОСТИНИЦЕ CONDO CORPORATION 209 West Street Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. The Executive Inn 2 Main Street Evansville, Illinois 60821 * “Inquiry” and “enquiry” [Inkw aIqrI] (запрос) are the same 391 September 29, 20____ Dear Sirs: (Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, if you don’t know the name of a person) Please reserve a double room with a bath for Ms. Linda Barry for October 23–25. Ms. Barry, executive of the Condo Corporation, is arriving at the hotel at 6 P.M. on October 23. While in Evansville, Ms. Barry is to meet with some officials. She would like to reserve the use of a small conference room for the morning of October 24, from about 9 A.M. until noon. Please let us know the rates for both Ms. Barry’s accommodations and the conference room, and confirm this reservation. Truly yours, Signature 36. What standard phrases do you use in letters of inquiry? Read these expressions and give their Russian equivalents. I am writing to inquire if ... We are pleased to send you ... May we ask you to / for ... Could you possibly ... 37. Now translate a private letter to Prof. R. C. Chandler informing him of your arrival and asking him for a few favours. Arrange your English letter in the proper way. Write your address (but not your name) and the date in the righthand corner of the letter. Example: Prof. R. C. Chandler Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan 48802 USA 10, Leningradsky Prospect Moscow, Russia 104100 February ___, 20___ Уважаемый проф. Чандлер! С удовольствием высылаем Вам все необходимые материалы. 392 Мы прибываем в Детройт во вторник 14 марта с. г. Обращаюсь к Вам с просьбой зарезервировать для нас двухместный номер в гостинице Хилтон. Не могли бы Вы также организовать небольшую поездку по городу и включить в нашу культурную программу посещение Мюзик;холла? Мы будем Вам признательны, если Вы закажете нам обратный билет на пятницу, 17 число. Искренне Ваш, Подпись Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 14 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Simple Past, Past Continuous, or present participle. 1. When I last ______ (to see) her ________ (to walk) toward the station, I ______ (to ask) her where she ______ (to go). She answered, “London”, but I don’t think she ________(to speak) the truth because there ________ (not to be) any train for London at that time. 2. The teacher ______ (to come) into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys who ____________ (to smoke) a cigarette, ______ (to have) no time to put it out. So he ______ (to throw) it into the desk. A little later the teacher ______ (to notice) the smoke ______ (to rise) from the desk. “You ________ (to smoke) when I ______ (to come in)?” he ______ (to ask). 3. As I ________ (to cross) the street I ________ (to step) on a banana skin and _______ (to fall) heavily. I still ________ (to lie) on the road when I ______ (to see) a lorry ______ (to approach). Luckily the driver ________ (to see) me and ______ (to stop) the lorry in time. 393 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs from the box below. may, (don’t) have to, must(n’t), needn’t 1. Readers _________ return books on or before the date stamped below. 2. You _________ wash the car. The paint is still wet. 3. “Must I buy a guide if I lose my way?” “No, you _________. You _______ ask a policeman for directions.” 4. Candidates ______ bring textbooks into the examination room. 5. I’ve got all I need to lay the table, so I _________ go shopping. 6. When a tyre is punctured the driver ________ change the wheel. 7. Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you ____ not overtake. 3. Choose the correct preposition: with / to / at / for / in / on. 1. I’m sorry ____ not listening to you. 2. Nancy is good ____ maths, but she is bad _____ languages. 3. Who is this TV programme popular ____? 4. Let’s meet ____ the entrance ____ the Supermarket. Are you going to pay by cheque or ____ cash? 5. Do you know when he is arriving ____ the conference? He must register ____ the hotel ____ the day of his arrival. 6. «Mr. Verhoot is leaving ____ Liverpool ____ business.» «When is he arriving ____ Great Britain?» «____ Saturday evening». 7. Professor N. lectures ____ Italian art ____ Oxford University. 8. There is a monument ____ Admiral Nelson ____ Trafalgar Square. 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Посетитель поинтересовался, когда он должен подавать на визу. 2. Мне не нравится езда по городу в часы пик, и Анне тоже. 3. Город планирует осваивать земли возле железнодорожной станции. 4. Фред отказался ехать на велосипеде, потому что дул сильный ветер. 394 5. – Далеко отсюда до больницы? – Буквально 5 минут ходьбы по другую сторону от этого моста, но её отсюда не видно. 6. Машина шла со скоростью 40 миль в час, когда водитель почувствовал, что она буксует. 7. – Я приезжий и не знаю, как добраться до почты. – Пересядьте на 38 автобус. Через две остановки вам нужно выйти. Пройдите вперёд и сверните в первый переулок направо. – Благодарю вас, вы очень любезны. Word List (Unit 14) A F advise far away (from) agree fight ambulance G apply for a visa at regular intervals get over goods B I blood in the rush hour both...and... industry build up injury C insurance cash L Celtic litter check crash (into) M main road D matter of importance debate memorial dense mobility develop drive (off) P Parliament E patient Edinburgh pay in cash effect pedestrian energetic per cent enthusiastic population privacy Q queue R reason reduce traffic register at a hotel rent reservation S schedule selectively stamp on the brakes strategy T take care (of) take a turning (on) technology towards traffic traffic lights trend V view 395 UNIT 15 FIRST IMPRESSIONS Первые впечатления AGENDA * Modal verb “should”. Degrees of comparison of adjectives/ adverbs. The use of articles with place nouns. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 576) * You’re in Hollywood now. * Accepting and refusing invitations. New York. Statue of Liberty Study unit 15 and roleplay. At the reception You’re working in a host country – Great Britain. At a reception shortly after your arrival you come in contact with an American businessman. Share your first impressions about London and compare things. You После обмена приветствиями спросите у своего собеседника, как он находит жизнь в Лондоне. Скажите, что, как и у других городов, у Лондона своя история. Примечательно, что, 396 Mr. Galleys Отметьте, что лондонцы – большие любители традиций и стабильности. Это и отличает Лондон от других столиц мира. в отличие от русских, британцы гораздо сдержаннее. По вашему мнению, самый известный стереотип – это Кремль и Красная площадь. Отреагируйте. Поинтересуйтесь, где родился ваш собеседник. Выразите изумление. Вы как раз планируете командировку в Калифорнию. Известно, что это один из штатов, наиболее привлекательных для туристов. У вас будет мало свободного времени. Поинтересуйтесь у американского бизнесмена, что вам следует посмотреть в первую очередь. Поблагодарите попрощайтесь. Tower of London за Признайтесь, что смотрите на Москву как на одну из самых интересных столиц мира. Какая она – Москва? Скажите, что вы считаете Россию символом перестройки, сильных людей, богатых ресурсов. Вам очень хотелось бы узнать oб этой стране побольше. В Лос;Анжелесе. Согласитесь, что ваш родной город по праву гордится достопримечательностями. Добавьте, что, как и Лондон, Л.А. славится своими культурными традициями. Посоветуйте новому знакомому посетить некоторые наиболее популярные аттракционы Голливуда. совет, Пожелайте своему собеседнику безопасного полета. Los Angeles. Chinatown Moscow. St. Basil’s Cathedral 397 Section I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Set 1 KNOW BEFORE YOU GO ЭТО НУЖНО ЗНАТЬ ЗАРАНЕЕ Give me some advice Дайте мне совет 1. Read the following information and explain the meaning of the proverb: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” 1. In Japan you must take off your shoes when you go into someone’s house. 2. In Saudi Arabia women must cover their heads in public. 3. In China you mustn’t kiss in public. 4. In Japan you mustn’t look people in the eye. 5. In Taiwan you must give a present with both hands. 6. In Britain you mustn’t point at people. 2. Imagine you’re taking a business trip abroad. a) Speak to your colleague about it like this. I’m leaving for Hungary soon. I need your advice before the trip. I think you should get a map of Buda and Pest. 1. Hungary /get a map of Buda and Pest. 2. Japan /learn to eat with chopsticks. 3. Wales /buy an EnglishWelsh dictionary. 4. Italy /take a special liking to pizza and lasagna. 5. Africa /have a special vaccination [,vxksIneIS(q)n]. 6. America /think about renting a car, because petrol is cheap there. 7. New Zealand /read about its national traditions. b) Say what your partner advised you to do. Example: Hungary / Tom advised (told) me to get a map of Buda and Pest before my trip to Hungary. 398 3. After Alexander arrived in the USA, he rented an apartment there. Discuss which of these rules for tenants (жильцы) he should observe. Example: behind the building; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where should he park his car? Park your car in your own space, behind the building. Be quiet after 11 p.m. Put litter in plastic bags. Clean the hallway outside your door regularly. Lock the door when you leave the building. Do not let the children play in the hallway. Do not hang laundry out the window to dry. 4. When in the USA, you’d like to stay at a hotel. Read, dramatize and report the following dialogue. At the Hotel Remember! a reservation – заказ, бронь with a view [vju:] of the sea – с видом на море Receptionist: Good evening. What can I do for you? Guest: Good evening. You’ve got a reservation in the name of John Sembler. Receptionist: Just a moment. Let me check the reservation. Can you spell the surname, please? Guest: Sembler. Receptionist: Right. How long for, sir? For three nights. The Plaza Hotel. New York Guest: 399 Receptionist: Guest: Receptionist: Guest: Receptionist: Guest: Receptionist: Guest: Receptionist: Guest: A single room or a double? Single, please. Would you like a room with a shower or a bath? A shower. I prefer a room with a view of the sea. How much is a night for the room? 90 for the room and breakfast. Would you like an evening meal? No, thanks, just breakfast. Do you have any luggage? Just this one bag. Here’s your key. Your room number is 326. I hope you enjoy your stay. Thanks. Questions 1. How long is Mr. Sembler going to stay in the hotel? 2. What kind of room would he like to live in? Must it be a special hotel room? 3. When does he prefer to have meals? 5. Safety first. The hotel manager tells visitors to the USA to observe their personal safety (безопасность). Copy her pieces* of advice using either of the modal verbs from the box below. Make up two lists of instructions expressing a) obligation; b) mild obligation. must (not) should (not) Remember! to take care of sth / sb – позаботиться о чёмл. / комл. Note! valuables [vxljVqblz] – ценности, драгоценности * Слово “piece” может сочетаться с неисчисл. существительными для обознач. множественного числа, например: advice – two pieces of advice; news – several pieces of news; art – new pieces of art (новые произведения искусства). 400 When in America, – do not carry a lot of spending money or valuables with you; – give cash to the manager to put it in the hotel safe; – take care of your passport, plane tickets and other personal documents; – do not walk alone at night; – never ride in a car with a stranger; – look like you know where you are going; – do not give any personal information on the phone to a person you do not know; – always cooperate with the police; – finally, be careful, but don’t be afraid. Most Americans are very friendly and are happy to help you. 6. Roleplay the following situation. You receive a call from your work contact in New York who is planning a business trip to Moscow in April. Talk to him on the phone. Prepare a few questions based on the following key words beforehand. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LENGTH OF FLIGHT ACCOMMODATION [q,kPmqdeiS(q)n] – жильё CULTURAL PROGRAMME TOURS SIGHTSEEING PUBLIC TRANSPORT THE WEATHER IN SPRING CLOTHES You may start like this. Hello, Julia. It’s Martin Pike from New York. Hello, Martin. How are you? It seems ages since we last spoke. I’m fine, thanks. I’ d like to have a word with you about my trip. Julia, I have no idea if I should learn a few Russian words before I go. 401 Well, Martin, you should learn as many words as you can. And I don’t think you should* worry about the flight. Set 2 Similarities and differences Сходства и различия 7. Culture Quiz. Find the correct answers to the following questions. Short words: old – older cheap – cheaper 1. Which is larger, China or the USA? 2. Which is taller, the Empire State Building or the World Trade Center? 3. Which is nearer, the Earth, Venus or Mars? 4. Which is smaller, Dublin or Tokyo? 5. Which is larger, the Taj Mahal or St. Peter’s in Vatican? 6. Which is longer, the Channel Tunnel or the Seikan Tunnel (in Japan)? 7. Which is cheaper, travelling by car or by train? 8. Compare a number of places and things like this. Remember! Example: to compare [kqmpeq] – сравнивать The South of France / hot / the North. The South of France is hotter than the North. 1. England /big / Rome. 2. Buildings in Moscow /tall/ in London. 3. The river Avon /short/ the Thames. 4. The Mississippi /long/ the Nile. 5. Mount Everest /high/ Mont Blanc. 6. The air at night /cool/ the sea at night. 7. Winters in Scandinavia /cold/ winters in Europe. * Если сказуемое в главном предложении выражено глаголом to think, то отрицание обычно ставится в главном предложении, а не в придаточном, как в русском языке. Сравните: I don’t think you should change the money. Я думаю / пожалуй, не нужно обменивать деньги. 402 9. Anna liked New York so much that she decided to stay there. Now she is married to an American. Her friends from England sometimes ask her about her opinion (мнение) of American people. Complete their questions with the words in brackets. Long words: Remember! generous – more generous depressing – less depressing ambitious – честолюбивый religious – верующий 1. (nice) Do you think Americans are nicer than English people? 2. (ambitious) Do you think Americans ___________ English people? 3. (kind) Do you think Americans _______________ English people? 4. (interesting) Do you think Americans __________ English people? 5. (democratic) Do you think Americans __________ English people? 6. (happy) Do you think Americans ______________ English people? 7. (religious) Do you think Americans ____________ English people? 8. (generous) Do you think Americans ____________ English people? 10. Say in what way one European city is different from another. Ywords: friendly – friendlier Example: A: Milan is dirtier than I expected. B: It’s also more expensive than Florence. Use the following words. tidy – dirty – busy – noisy – friendly 403 interesting – dangerous – exciting – depressing On your own. Think of any two countries that you know well and write down the summary of your ideas. Read it out in class. Compare: the streets: the goods: (beautiful, wide, dirty) (cheap, expensive) the buildings: the food: (tall, ugly, modern) (ordinary, bad, tasty) the people: the weather: (religious, reserved, friendly) (lovely, dry, nasty) 11. Ask your friend what he/she thinks about the facts listed below. Cheaper – much cheaper; more expensive – much more expensive Remember! сheap – дешёвый, expensive – дорогой Example: A: Town life is more active than country life, isn’t it? B. I think country life is much quieter than town life. 1. The climate of Great Britain is milder than on the continent (dry). 2. The streets of New York are cleaner than the streets of Paris (dirty). 3. Paris is bigger than Madrid (small). 4. Trips in Madrid are more expensive than in Rome (cheap). 5. The buildings in New York are more modern than the buildings in Rome (old). 6. The Underground in London is better than the Metro in Paris (bad). 7. The people in Greece are more open than in Scandinavian countries (reserved). 11a. Using the sentences of task 11 find out if these things are identical in some way. 404 Example: A. Is country life as active as life in town? B. No, it isn’t. It’s much quieter. 12. Read John’s report about his trip to France. In which country are these things more expensive, according to the report? Write B for Britain or F for France. 1. tea …….F…... 2. food……B….. 3. CocaCola ..… 4. records……… 5. radios……….. 6. clothes……… 7. coffee ……….. 8. travel………… 9. icecream……... 10. videos..…….. 11. stereos……… 12. books……….. Is France more expensive than Britain? It’s difficult to say. Tea and coffee are definitely more expensive in Paris than in Dover, and so is CocaCola. (I had a CocaCola which cost L 2!) Travel in France is cheaper, though. We went everywhere by “Metro”, train and bus. The “Metro” is fantastic! French food generally isn’t as expensive as the food we have in Britain, although icecream is more expensive in France. French records and videos cost less than British ones but radios, stereos and TVs cost more. The clothes in France aren’t as cheap as in Britain and nor are books! French books are very expensive. So is it cheaper in France than in Britain? I’m not sure. 13. Read and practise the following dialogue. Roleplay some more conversations using the clues below. A: B: A: B: Look! I don’t drive as carefully as I need to. That’s not true. You drive more carefully than me. You’re just saying that! No, I mean it, I really mean it. Note! fluently [flu:qntlI] – свободно, бегло go out often jog fast think clearly speak English fluently work energetically treat life enthusiastically 405 14. Read how Sylvia Weston, an American visitor to London, compares lifestyles in Great Britain and the USA. Cultural Note Lifestyle is a way of living including the kind of home one lives in; the things one owns; the kind of job one does; the leisure activities one enjoys. Remember! immediately [ImJdIqtlI] тотчас, сразу violent [vaIqlqnt] – буйный, несдержанный, преступный efficient [IfISqnt] – исполнительный, умелый to pollute [pqlHt] – загрязнять lead free petrol – неэтилированный бензин compulsory [kqmpAlsqrI] – обязательный hardworking – работящий “My first impression of Britain is that people are much more formal. For example, in the States we use first names almost immediately but here I have to be more careful. And British people are generally more polite. A NewYorker says: “Give me the check, will you!” when he finishes a meal but here in Britain they say: “Excuse me, do you think you could give me the bill?” I don’t find a lot of difference in prices. They’re about the same as in the States, I guess. It’s the same with accommodation. I think it’s a bit cheaper in London than in New York but there’s not a lot of difference. One thing is certain, though, London is not as violent as New York. Some friends of mine who live in the Bronx have four locks on their door! I also prefer the subway here. It’s cleaner and quieter, although the service isn’t as efficient. On the whole, though, London is more polluted than New York because everyone there has to use lead free petrol but in Britain it’s not compulsory. 406 When it comes to work and business, my impression is that the British are much less hardworking than Americans. Sometimes I think the British don’t know what a day’s work means.” 15. Tasks. a) Are these statements true or false? In London Sylvia noticed that people used their first names only after they got to know each other quite well. The American guest found a lot of difference in accommodation and prices. She was surprised to learn that most people in GB preferred to have four locks on their door. The visitor to London disliked the service in the subway. She was very much impressed by the British working habits. b) Scan the text and focus on the differences that Sylvia discovered in the two cultures. What did she say about these things? Manners Prices Accommodation Safety Public transport Attitude to work c) How did Sylvia characterize people in Britain and the USA? Did she say that the Americans were more or less sociable / polite / businesslike / reserved than the British? d) Suggest your title to the text. 16. Listening “An American in Britain” a) Listen to the recording and tick the columns according to who says what. Remember! Texas [teksqs] – Техас (штат в США) to misunderstand sb/sth – неправильно понять когол./чтол. to realize – осознавать a skyscraper – небоскреб 407 Mr. Kipling the Londoner 1. Could you tell me the way to Oxford Street? 2. I think it’s a very nice little town. 3. I mean … my ranchhouse back in Texas is bigger than that. 4. Our buildings are small only because we build them so quickly. 5. We do things much faster here than you do in Texas. 6. Everybody says so. 7. Of course that skyscraper isn’t as tall as the buildings in Dallas or New York. 8. But … what’s strange about it? b) Report what each of the men said or asked during the conversation. c) Listen again and summarize answers to the following questions. 1. Where did Mr. Kipling want to go? 2. Why did he have to address a Londoner? 3. What did the American like about London? Did he really mean it? 4. Was he sincere when he compared London to his ranchhouse back in Texas? 5. Was he the only person who thought so? Why? / Why not? 6. What view did the Londoner take? How did he react when the foreigner called England the country of slow change? 7. What attracted the Londoner’s attention? Why? 8. Was the skyscraper as tall as the buildings in Dallas or New York? What did the foreigner think about it? 408 9. Do you agree that different positions reflect different lifestyles? 10. What is ironic about the story? d) Read these statements and say which of them best expresses the main idea of the text. English people have a good sense of humor. The Londoner showed as much patriotism as Mr. Kipling. The American lifestyle has a certain snob value. The Englishman saw the humour of the situation and taught Mr. Kipling a lesson. 17. How does lifestyle in Russia differ from that in the USA? Discuss the following points. Remember! compared to – по сравнению с Do people start work early in both countries? Do most people working in Moscow live in the suburbs and have to travel to the centre by train? Are travel cards as popular in Russia as in America? Do Russians like eating out as often as the Americans? Are there fewer road accidents in Russia because the Russians are less careless drivers? To what extent is family life different in Russia (in using cars, shopping for food and clothes / doing sports / watching TV, etc.)? Do the Russian people show their feelings much more openly than American people? Are the Russians more or less generous / democratic compared to the Americans? Is tourist trade becoming popular both in Russia and in the USA? 17a. Using the ideas above point out things that are similar in the two cultures. Like the Americans, the Russians like eating out. Как…, так и … 409 Make a list of things that are quite different in these cultures. Unlike the Americans, the Russians are less religious. В отличие от… 18. Make up two lists of things: those that are different and similar in these lifestyles. Are there more similarities (сходства) or differences on your list? SIMILARITIES: 1._____________________. 2._____________________. 3._____________________. 4._____________________. 5._____________________. DIFFERENCES: 1.________________________. 2.________________________. 3.________________________. 4.________________________. 5.________________________. 19. Fill in the missing definite articles in the text below and explain their usage. __ New York is situated at __ mouth of __ Hudson River on __ East coast of __ USA. __ heart of __ New York City is __ island of __ Manhattan where __ buildings “scrape __ sky”. One of these skyscrapers is __ Empire State Building on __ Fifth Avenue between __ 33rd and __ 34th Street. People recognize it as a symbol of __ New York, like __ Statue of Liberty and __ Brooklyn Bridge. __ Empire State Building is __ attraction of one of __ world’s most loved and most hated cities. 410 Set 3 The most sensational superlatives Самые сенсационные достопримечательности мира The world is full of wonderful places. Los Angeles (L.A.) may be one of the most impressive of all. The City of Angels. Город ангелов Note! independent – независимый At the heart of Los Angeles is Hollywood – the world’s largest centre for film production. Interestingly, L.A. is better known for its neighbourhoods. Like independent nationstates these neighbourhoods have their own personalities, histories and politics. Each L.A.’s neighbourhood offers the best of everything. 20. Form the superlatives that go with L.A.’s record holders. Short words and y – words Long words lively high hot large light the liveliest popular stylish elegant sensational wonderful – – – – – – – – – – the most popular 411 dense – funny – prestigious outstanding – – 21. Ask your partner about the distinctive features (отличительные черты) of some L.A.’s neighbourhoods. Remember! to boast sth – по праву располагать чемл., что вызывает гордость Note! an establishment – заведение a dense network – густая сеть Example: Chinatown– (fine) antique shops. A: What is Chinatown known for? B: It boasts the world’s finest antique shops. Santa Monica – (high) concentration of art galleries. Beverly Hills – (stylish) stores and (elegant) shops. Universal City – (sensational) sights like Universal Studios Hollywood. Cultural Note Universal Studios Hollywood offers tours of the world’s largest motion picture studio so that you can get a behindthescenes look (заглянуть за кулисы) at the place where TV and movie magic begins. The tour is based on (основано на) hit movies such as “Waterworld” “Jurassic Park” and “Back to the “Future” Century City – (prestigious) entertainment industry firms in the world: CBS Records, Home Box Office and ABC Television. Westwood – (dense) network of fastfood establishments. South Bay – (large) mall* on the West Coast with 350 shops, services and eateries. Pasadena – (outstanding) cultural establishments including a 16screen cinema complex. West Hollywood – (hot) night clubs, restaurants and comedy clubs. *mall (AmE) is a large shopping centre. 412 Hollywood – (great) centre for film production, where 60,000 people are employed; (wonderful) attractions such as Walk of Fame (Аллея славы). Cultural Note Walk of Fame shows 2,065 stars with the names of film, TV, radio, theatre and pop music celebrities. These stars are embedded in the sidewalks (вымощены на тротуаре) along Hollywood Boulevard. You can find Elvis’s star outside the Hollywood Wax Museum, Marilyn Monroe’s in front of McDonald’s etc. On you own. What Hollywood attractions impressed you most of all? What pieces of information about the richest, the greatest could you add to the Guinness Book of World Records? Do you think L.A. is really an international symbol of the California good life? Why? Would you like to tour the USA? How do you motivate your decision to travel to another country? Read and choose the best answer. The most important thing for me to do is: a) to master English; b) to find out about the past; c) to broaden my mind; d) to learn about other cultures; e) to get to know different people; f) to experience novelty/danger. 413 How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on the Russian capital... 22. Out of the list in task 20 choose superlatives that go with Moscow’s cultural establishments. Note! conservatoire [kqnsE:vqtwR] – консерватория school and theatre of “Bolshoi Ballet” musical society, the conserva toire theatres, concert halls art galleries, museums churches and cathedrals the Zoo, the Old Circus national parks fastfood establishments restaurants, night clubs, casinos Noviy Arbat, antique shops On your own. 1. Is there anything in Moscow you can’t see in L.A.? 2. Which of these attractions create the atmosphere of contact with great traditions of the past? 23. Study the list of extreme opinions of Moscow and say if you agree or disagree with them. Give your reasons. Visitors to Moscow can never forget its theatres, colourful evenings of music and dance. Moscow has monuments and statues [stxtju:] on squares and roads throughout the city. In public transport passengers never give up their seats to elderly people. The metro carriages are sometimes packed like caviar. Tenants must solve the problem of repairing the buildings they live in. In this country there’s a spirit (дух) of close, loving relations between the people. 414 24. Discuss the following points. 1. What is your country’s stereotype? 2. Are the Russians lovers of traditions? What does it show in? 3. Do you know any foreigners living in Russia? Do they enjoy the Russian folksong tradition? 4. What do tourists like doing here? Where do they go? 5. What do they like / dislike in our way of life? 6. What do you miss most about your country when you are away? Section II YOU’RE IN HOLLYWOOD NOW ТЕПЕРЬ ВЫ В ГОЛЛИВУДЕ Set 1 READING The business of dreams Фабрика грёз FOR DETAIL 25. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS a headline [hedlaIn] n. заголовок (газетный): The new road plan is in the headlines again. to entertain [entqteIn] v.t. развлекать: The play was so dull that it didn’t entertain its audience. necessary [nesqsqrI] adj. необходимый: If you’re going abroad, it’s necessary to have a passport. to perform [pqfO:m] v.t. исполнять, выступать: Our team performed very well in the match yesterday. performance – спектакль to offer [Pfq] v.t. предлагать: He offered me a lift. Он предложил меня подвести. unbelievable [AnbIli:vqbl] adj. невероятный: She’s got an unbelievable number of cats! success [sqkses] n. успех, удача: His success was the result of hard work. to be a success пользоваться успехом: He’s a great success as an actor. (un)successful adj. (без)успешный, (не) удачный, (не)преуспевающий demand [dIma:nd] n. требование, потребность, спрос: This book 415 is in great demand. salary [sxlqrI] n. оклад, зарплата: Ted is on a very good salary now. to rise [raIz] v.i. подниматься, увеличиваться: They rose from the table. The wind is rising. He rose to international fame. a screen [skri:n] n. экран: We sat at the front, very close to the screen. to consider [kqnsIdq] v.t. считать, рассматривать: Do you consider it a convenient place to meet? to include [Inklu:d] v. включать, содержать в себе: Did you include Mr. Shannon in the list of guests? a character [kxrIktq] n. зд. герой, тип, образ, персонаж: The main character of the play is a successful businessman. to experience (joy and sorrow) [IkspIqrIqns] v.t. испытывать/ переживать (радость и печаль): The novel reflects the period of joy which the writer experienced. frustration [frAstreISqn] n. крушение планов/надежд: Life is full of frustrations. WORD BUILDING 26. There are a number of negative prefixes and no easy rule to tell us when to use each one. Read these English examples and suggest their Russian equivalents. in9 un9 im9 ir9 il9 incorrect inhuman unusual unnatural immobile immoral irregular illiberal inexpensive ineffective unmarried unbelievable impolite impatient irrational illegal independent inconvenient unimportant unnecessary imperfect impossible irrelevant illogical 27. Read and translate these international words. Historic, satiric, audience, decade, report, rhythmic, comical, standard, instrument, concen,trate, sensational, prestigious, , popularity, producer, eccentric, , characteristic, fantastic, , astronomical, orchestra, impression. 416 28. Study the following text and say what kind of character Chaplin created in his films. Text A Charlie Chaplin, Movie Star (1889–1977) When Charlie Chaplin travelled to New York from Hollywood in 1926, one of the city’s newspapers reported his arrival with a headline that read simply “He’s Here”. Chaplin was so famous that no further explanation was necessary. His films entertained millions of people all over the world. It’s not unusual that cinemas continue to show his films on a regular basis. He was the first and the greatest movie star of all time. Born in London in 1889, Charlie Chaplin was the second son of two music hall performers. His parents taught him to sing and dance. When Chaplin was twentyfour, an American motion picture producer offered him a film contract and the unbelievable salary of 150 dollars a week. From the very beginning Chaplin’s films were so successful and in such demand that the movie company needed to make 200 or more copies of each one for theatres, compared to the usual 40 or 50 copies of other films. As his popularity grew, Chaplin’s salary continued to rise. In the year 1917 Charlie Chaplin earned an astronomical 1 million dollars for eight movies, each of which ran twenty minutes. Because the films were short, the movie companies decided that it was inconvenient and unnecessary to include other major stars and concentrated on Chaplin. Chaplin spoke no language on the screen and people from different countries could easily consider him “one of their own”. The most important factor in Chaplin’s popularity was the character he portrayed in his silent films. It was called “The 417 Tramp”. Chaplin explained later in his autobiography, “I wanted the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small, the shoes large”. How original his acting was! The audience laughed nearly every second. This comical character expressed the joy and sorrow, the dreams and frustrations that people experienced in life. 29. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the English for the following Russian phrases, and use them in discussing the text. Сообщала о его прибытии; в котором было просто сказано; дальнейших объяснений не требовалось; нет ничего необычного в том, что; на регулярной основе; величайшая кинозвезда всех времён; эстрадные артисты, с самого начала; по мере того, как росла его популярность; каждый из которых шёл 20 мин.; подключать других крупных артистов; оригинальная игра. c) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. 1. to entertain 2. a motion picture 3. to boast sth 4. a report a) to contain sth that is unusual and causes reasonable pride b) a degree of getting favourable results c) to focus on sth, to direct one’s attention towards some activity d) the way, or process of moving e) to interest sb, esp. by a public performance f) an account of events or experiences 6. a demand g) to provide; give 7. to perform h) the desire of people for particular 8. success goods or services i) a cinema film 9. motion 10. to concentrate on sth j) to act, or to play a part in a play 5. to offer 418 d) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words from the text. 1. People who attend a play at a theatre are the audience. 2. Oliver is acting the part of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” tonight. 3. Cezanne focused on the construction of form. 4. The booklet provides practical advice to people with housing problems. 5. In his career he got a sensational result rising from office boy to millionaire. 6. Her performance of Lady Macbeth was perfect. 7. She was afraid of her son’s growing fame. e) Change the following sentences using so and how. Example: His acting is original. His acting is so original! How original it is! 1. We were tired. 2. English spelling is difficult. 3. It is hot here. 4. I was interested in her reaction. 5. The play was amusing. 6. The plot of the film is fascinating. f) Change the following sentences using such and what. Example: Smoktunovsky was a talented actor. He was such a talented actor! What a talented actor he was! 1. He is a bright student. 2. She is a wellread girl. 3. It is a comfortable flat. 4. The man had an unusual career. 5. This is an exciting piece of news. 6. The play was a success with the public. 7. She had a frightening experience. g) Complete the following exclamations (восклицания). 1. ——— good idea! 2. ——— grand ideas you have! 3. ——— pretty she is! 4. ——— interesting it is to compare things! 5. ——— beautiful music they are playing! 6. ——— beautifully he sang! 7 ——— boring story he’s telling! 8. ——— pity your friend can’t come! 419 h) Combine the following sentences based on the contents of the text. Use so...that, such a...that. Example: Chaplin was famous. No further explanation was necessary. Chaplin was so famous that no further explanation was necessary. 1. Chaplin’s films were a success. They attracted crowds of people. 2. His artistic manner was great. People considered him outstanding. 3. His films are still popular. Some cinemas show them on a regular basis. 4. A film producer offered him a contract. It brought him lots of money. 5. The films were in demand. The movie company concentrated on Chaplin. 6. Chaplin’s acting entertained many people. Film companies needed hundreds of copies. 7. The character he portrayed was funny. The public laughed nearly every second. 8. “The Tramp” was lifelike. People of different nationalities considered him “one of their own”. i) Look through the text once again and discuss the following points. 1. How much famous was Charlie Chaplin? Find facts that show his great popularity. 2. What role did his parents play in his career? 3. How did Chaplin’s salary change as his popularity grew? 4. Why did the film companies include no other major stars in the programme, but Chaplin? 5. What attracted the audience in “The Tramp”? j) Agree or disagree with the following statements. Chaplin arrived in Hollywood in 1926. He was very famous at that time. Cinemas no longer show Chaplin’s films. Chaplin earned enormous sums of money as an actor. In Chaplin’s day, movies were as long as they are today. When Chaplin played “The Tramp”, he dressed in the clothes he normally wore. “The Tramp” was one of the most famous characters in the history of motion pictures. 420 k) Give a presentation on Chaplin as the greatest movie star of all time. l) Figure it out. Do you think film stars should make as much money as they do? Why do people call Hollywood the “business of dreams”? How does viewing a film in the cinema differ from watching it at home on TV? Of course, you can see films at home for nothing. Is it as well impressive? Here are the expressions that give you thinking time while you arrange your ideas. To my mind… To tell the truth… As I take it … The fact is that… In my opinion… As far as I know 30. Write about your impressions of the film you saw on TV the other day. Focus on the following points. 1. When and where did the action / the events take place? 2. What is the film about? 3. How did you find the plot? / the music? / the acting? Was it fascinating? / amusing? / boring? 4. Who played the leading role? 5. Did you enjoy yourself during the film? Did you laugh?/cry?/feel bored? Were you impressed or excited? Why? 31. Read the joke aloud and then try to retell it. Make a note of one or two key words, if necessary. Note! a magician [mqGISqn] – фокусник a parrot – попугай JOKE SPOT It’s Magic A magician was working on a cruise [kru:z] ship. It was an excellent job except for one thing, the nightclub parrot. This stood in the corner of the bar and talked to the audience. Whatever 421 the magician did the parrot was able to explain the trick to the audience. Of course, the audience loved it, but the magician got angrier and angrier. One day, the ship hit an iceberg and sank rapidly. The magician was able to get off the ship before it sank. He held on to a piece of wood. The parrot joined the man on the wood. After a few minutes it finally spoke, “OK, this time you win. How did you do it?” Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION Music world shows its love Признание музыкального мира 32. Read some information from the “USA Today”, April 29, 1999. Answer the following question. How did Ellington create his music? Note! a jazz band – джазовый оркестр to take sth seriously – воспринимать чтол. всерьёз to recognize [rekqg, naIz] a tune – узнать мотив, мелодию a giant [GaIqnt] – гигант, исполин to tour [tVq] a country – гастролировать по стране to go crazy about sb/sth – сходить с ума по комул., чемул. Text B Ahead of Its Time By Steve Jones Duke Ellington (1899–1974), an American jazz musician, was a piano player, wrote music, and was leader of his own very successful big band. Europeans had to take his music seriously. When Ellington went to England in 1933, they called him* the first real American * Предложения с неопределённым подлежащим they / one переводятся на русск. яз. безличным или неопределённоличным предложениями: they called him…– его называли; they say – говорят; one should be careful – нужно быть осторожным. 422 composer. All music lovers recognize his tune. Ellington left more than 2,000 compositions and lots of them remain standards today. The most famous ones include Mood Indigo and Sophisticated Lady. Ellington wrote music constantly – after shows, on trains, The Big Man of Big Bands in restaurants. He had a way of Time, April, 19, 1999 using everything he heard to create rhythmic patterns. In his work he focused on everyday life and human emotions. He used voices like instruments and his instruments sounded like voices. “There were so many eccentric people working for him”, Murray says, who was a longtime friend of Ellington’s. “Some stayed with him for decades. In the fifties he recorded with such jazz giants as Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong”. “I’m not hard to please,” Duke Ellington used to say. “Just give me the best.” Ellington continued to work and tour almost until his death. All people loved him – from America’s dance halls to Europe’s concert halls. His music was ahead of its time. Now his 20yearold grandson, Paul Ellington, leads the orchestra. He thinks that the lovers of popular music still find his grandfather’s music attractive. “We played at the Atlanta Midtown Festival”, he says. “So we had 4,000 people of my own age going crazy when we played”. 33. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the sentences in the text with the word combinations and phrases below. Translate them into Russian. Was leader of his own successful band, to create rhythmic patterns, remain standards, eccentric, a longtime friend, I’m not hard to please, stayed with him for decades, was ahead of its time, to go crazy. 423 c) How much do you remember? When did the American composer go to England? How many compositions did he leave? What are the most famous of them? What new style of jazz did Ellington develop? Where did Ellington perform with his orchestra? How many countries did he tour? What jazz giants did he record with? Who leads the orchestra now and what festival attracted crowds of people enthusiastic about jazz? d) Reorganize this plan according to the text. 1. Today thousands of young music fans enjoy Ellington’s compositions. 2. Ellington’s creative manner was very special. 3. This jazz giant combined a piano player, a bandleader and a composer. 4. He wrote a series of compositions that showed him as a jazz star. 5. In Europe they considered him the first real American composer. 6. There were so many eccentric people working for him. e) Which of these statements relate to the main idea of the text? 1. Duke Ellington had a way of creating rhythmic patterns. 3. In his work Ellington concentrated on human feelings. 4. His compositions were well in advance of their time. 5. The lovers of popular music still find Ellington’s music moving. f) Say if any of the facts you’ve read about are new to you. g) Discuss the secret of Ellington’s success. Do you personally think much of this musician? How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on Russia’s musicians... 424 34. Translate the following text into English and figure out the name of a wellknown Russian singer and drama actor. .............? (1873–1938) ...начал свою профессиональную деятельность в Тбилиси, где занимался у оперного певца Усатова. Когда ему было 23 года, Мамонтов предложил ему место в Московской частной опере. С 1899 по 1922 гг. этот выдающийся актёр пел в Большом и в Мариинском театрах. Он пользовался огромным успехом во время гастролей по России и приобрёл мировую славу, выступая в Италии. Важнейшим фактором его популярности был его невероятный по красоте голос. Образы, которые он создавал, были так трагичны, что зрители не могли удержаться от слёз. Наиболее известные его создания – это образы Бориса Годунова и Мефистофеля. Даже когда певец покинул Россию, чтобы поселиться в Париже, он сохранил верность лучшим традициям вокальной школы России и продолжал работать над трактовкой (interpretation) образа. Он есть и был величайшим басом всех времён. Нет ничего необычного в том, что и сейчас люди покупают пластинки с записями его голоса. 35. Figure it out. Remember! a generation – поколение to question sth – сомневаться в чемл., оспаривать чтол. The most successful singer in the world was Elvis Presley who had more than 170 hit songs. Who is the most successful singer in Russia? Which is the most popular group in Russia? Each generation has their own music with which they criticize the generation before them. Do you associate yourself with the music of your generation? What values (ценности) of the previous generation do you question? 425 36. Project work. Find information about any Russian actor (actress) or musician. Don’t forget that the facts should be interesting to your foreign partner. Make notes having in mind the following points: 1. a particular style of this famous person’s works; 2. a few facts from his/her biography; 3. some important events in his/her career; 4. reasons for his/her popularity. Section III REAL9LIFE COMMUNICATION Set 1 Don’t turn me down! Не отказывайтесь от приглашения! 37. Listening. a) Listen and complete these notes using a word, figure or short phrase. 1. I’d like to book two tickets for 2. I’m sorry, Friday is fully booked. We have some seats left for 3. Couldn’t you find something? We have a V.I.P. from 4. The manager is usually able to find tickets for 5. We’ve got two cancellations. I can keep them for 6. The seats are in the balcony. You need to collect them before b) Listen another time and answer the questions. 1. Was the foreigner interested in the seats for Thursday? 2. Why did he have to ask the clerk twice? 3. What exact words did the theatre goer use for the first / second time? 426 4. How did the booking clerk try to be helpful? What was the way out? 5. Where were the seats and when did the customer have to collect the tickets? 6. In what country do you think the action took place? What was the foreigner’s nationality? Why do you think so? c) Dramatize and report the dialogue. 38. In pairs, practise making polite requests a) formally, to a stranger: Excuse me, could you show us your menu? 1. You’d like to sit near the window in a cafe. 2. You want to know the way to the Grand Hotel. 3. You need help in lifting your suitcase. 4. You’re in a bank and you’d like to change a 10pound note. 5. You’re shopping and you need a foreigner’s help to open the door, as you have a lot to carry. 6. It’s late and your neighbours are playing very loud music. (turn down). b) Informally to a colleague in your office: Do you think you could type a letter for me? 1. Ask your foreign partner to post a letter for you. 2. You want the window open a little. 3. You think the TV is too loud. 4. You need help in putting a box on the shelf. 5. You want a lift to the underground. 39. Here are some other types of expressing request. Match the situation on the left with the suitable request on the right. What letter does figure 1 go with? 427 1. You’re a guest in someone’s home, you’d like a cigarette, what do you say? 2. You want to ask your friend to lend you a book. 3. You’re at the information office at the railway station and you want to know some train times. 4. You meet someone at a party and get on very well. As she leaves she says, “Nice meeting you, we must do lunch sometime.” 5. Your colleague is visiting you when the phone rings. What do you say to the caller? a) Would you mind lending it to me? b) Is it all right if I smoke? c) Would you mind if I called you back, I’ve got a visitor here at the moment. d) I wonder if you could tell me when the next train to London is? e) Wouldn’t you mind giving me your phone number? 40. Read the following dialogue. Focus on how Philip invites the other students to attend the science fiction festival.* Note! to be in the mood to do sth – быть настроенным на чтон. to join sb for sth – присоединиться, примкнуть к комун. Come on! – побудит. Hу же! to turn sb down – отказаться (от приглашения) It’s up to you. – Теперь вам решать. an adventure film – приключенческий фильм Are you in the mood to go out tonight? Philip: Carol: be Philip: Hey, everybody, it’s almost time to go home. I think I must start the weekend by going to the movies tonight. Carol, would you like to join me? Oh, I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to very busy this evening. Thanks for the invitation though. Sure, no problem. Rudy, do you have any plans for * a science fiction festival – фестиваль научнопопулярных фильмов 428 at Rudy: Philip: val Susan: Philip: Susan: Philip: tonight? We could go to the science fiction festival the Grand Theatre. Do you like science fiction? No, not at all. I prefer comedies or adventure films. What about you, Susan? Why not attend the festithis evening? Sorry, Phil. I’m not in the mood for the movies tonight. Come on, Susan. Don’t turn me down. It’ll be fun. I don’t think so. May be we can go some other time. Well, it’s up to you, but if you change your mind, you can phone me till 8 o’clock. a) Answer the following questions. 1. What did Phil want to do that night? 2. Why couldn’t Carol join her friend? 3. Did Rudy get any special things to do, too? Then why did he turn Phil down? 4. Philip was sure that it was great fun to watch science fiction films. Did Susan take a different view? How do you know? 5. Do you think any other student could agree to accompany Philip? Why or why not? 6. What country did the action of the conversation take place in? Give your reasons. 7. What phrases did Philip use to invite his classmates? 8. What about their answers? Did all of them sound polite? 9. Which of them could you use to refuse an invitation politely? b) Report the above conversation. c) Simulation. Imagine that Carol, Rudy and Susan – all of them accept Philip’s invitation. Think of some possible ways to change the dialogue. Mind you have to respond politely! 1. Let me think about it, perhaps I can change my plans. 2. I’ve got a great idea! We could ... . 3. Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to join you. 4. ____________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ 429 d) Pairwork. Act out the following situations. 1. Your foreign colleague loves old movies. Talking enthusiastically about Chaplin he invites you to watch one of his films. Although you are not crazy about old movies, don’t turn him down. 2. Your foreign partner invites you to the Philharmonic [,fIlha:mPnIk] to listen to some good classical music by a large orchestra. He even promises to call and see about tickets, as they could be sold out for this weekend. Refuse politely. Explain why you cannot accept the invitation. Use the prompts below. you feel very much tired after hard work; you plan to go out of town for the weekend; you’re not in the mood to go out because...; you’re attending a conference at the Hilton until Tuesday; you’re looking forward to a jazz music performance. 41. Roleplay the game on p. 396. Set 2 Business letters Деловые письма ACCEPTING AND REFUSING AN INVITATION ПРИНЯТИЕ ПРИГЛАШЕНИЯ И ОТКАЗ ОТ НЕГО 42. You need to compose a letter of inquiry requesting an invitation for an opening exhibition / conference / seminar. Fill in this form. Dear Sir, We are interested in attending the exhibition of ____________ this month. We would be pleased to receive invitations for 430 our representatives*. Yours faithfully, Signature 43. You’ve received a letter of invitation. Translate it from English into Russian. Note! to hold (a seminar) – проводить чтол. to appreciate [qprI:SIeIt] – быть признательным, ценить чтол. Dear Mr _____, The Organizing Committee officially invites you to participate in the work of the seminar to be held from 10th to 12th November this year. We would very much appreciate an early reply to this invitation and hope to have the pleasure of seeing you here. We would be grateful if you let us know the date of your arrival. Yours truly, S. Johnson 44. Write a letter to your correspondent accepting his invitation. Note! to establish a contact – установить контакт at one’s earliest convenience – при первой возможности Уважаемый гн Джонсон! Я с удовольствием принимаю Ваше любезное приглашение участвовать в работе семинара. Мы с радостью устанавливаем контакты с нашими коллегами. При первой же возможности сообщу Вам дату прибытия. Искренне Ваш, Подпись * a representative – представитель 431 45. What standard phrases do you need to express regret (сожаление), apology (извинение), refusal (отказ)? Make sure you understand these set expressions. I apologize for... Please, accept my apologies for... Forgive me (for) my late reply We regret to say/to inform you that... I am awfully sorry that it’s not possible to... I regret very much that I am not in a position to... 46. On your own Write a letter to your correspondent informing that you refuse his invitation. Use the phrases above. Note! in receipt [rIsi:t] of your letter /fax – в ответ на Ваше письмо / факс Уважаемый сэр! Просим извинить за позднее сообщение в ответ на Ваш факс от 21 марта с.г. С сожалением сообщаем, что в последний момент пришлось отложить (to postpone) нашу встречу в Лондоне. Мои коллеги во Франкфурте cочли необходимым моё участие в конференции 22 марта. Вновь приносим наши извинения и надеемся встретиться не позднее середины апреля с.г. С искренним уважением, Подпись 432 Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 15 1. Open the brackets and use the comparative or superlative degree of adjectives. The Channel Tunnel is the second _______ (long) tunnel in the world. The _______ (long) is the Seikan tunnel in Japan, but the Channel Tunnel has a _______ (long) undersea section. One team began drilling in France and the other in England. The drilling machines were _______ (heavy) ever made. The _______ (big) problem for the builders was to meet at exactly the same place in the middle of the Channel. The Channel Tunnel is _______ (great) engineering project ever. It has __________ (sophisticated) railway control system in the world, and it’s going to be _______ (busy) railway track in Europe, with one train every three minutes. 2. Open the brackets and use a suitable verb form. 1. Hurry up! The train for Leads _______ (to leave) from platform Nine at 6p.m. 2. __________ (not to forget) to bring me Walter’s calculator back on Monday! He said, he ________ (to need) it in his everyday work. 3. We invited Mrs. Tailor to dinner, but she refused saying that she _____ _____ (not to like) going out much. 4. “What ____ you ______(to talk) about?” “We __________(to talk) about the novel “The Godfather”. “When ____ you ______ (to read) it?” “Long time ago.” 5. “Did you know that Tom ________ (to paint) in his spare time?” “Really? I had no idea!” 6. Alan told his neighbours that he __________ (to have) a company that night. 7. The article stressed the point that the new generation _____ _______ (not to accept) their parent’s ideals. 433 3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1. When I found her at last, she was blue _____ cold. 2. “The Prince and the Pauper” is a novel _____ M. Twain. 3. Do you know what is _____ the “Bolshoi” tomorrow evening? 4. “May I invite you ___ the concert?” “I’m not much of a theatregoer, I’m afraid. How about going to the disco ________?” 5. The students stopped laughing when the orator entered ______ the lecturehall. 6. She is jealous _____ your success; that is why she is always angry _____ you. 7. The time in London is five hours _____ of the time in NewYork. 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Их предложение было настолько заманчивым, что мы не могли отказаться. 2. Новости, которые он принёс, были невероятными и шокировали нас. 3. Вам лучше сохранить (to save) файл, прежде чем выключите компьютер, иначе вы потеряете этот файл. 4. Зрители были очарованы актёрами и игрой оркестра. 5. Его популярность возросла в несколько раз по сравнению с тем периодом, когда он только начал играть в театре. 6. Нельзя оставлять документы в номере и следует позаботиться о ценностях. 7. Ни у одного великого художника не было столько последователей, сколько их было у Рубенса. 8. Она подумала, что знает предмет гораздо лучше, чем кажется экзаменатору. 434 Word List (Unit 15) generation A adventure ambitious amuse astronomical audience B band boast sth C character cheap comical compare (to / with) concentrate consider crazy D delighted demand E entertain exciting expensive experience F fascinate frustration G H hardworking headline I immediately impress impession include independent instrument J jazz religion religious rise S salary screen similar skyscraper success suit T Texas U unbelievable N necessary M misunderstand O offer orchestra P perform performance pleasure popularity producer R realize recognize 435 UNIT 16 BRUSH UP YOUR ENGLISH Восполни знание языка AGENDA * Past participle Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Articles: general rules and exceptions Contact Clauses (See Grammar Supplement, p. 582) * Education. Colleges and univer sities. * Making arrangements. Study unit 16 and roleplay. At Sheremetyevo Airport You are a representative of the Ministry of Education of Russia. Mr. Carney, a professor from the University of Dublin, has just arrived for the forum and the consultations with the Russian colleagues. You Вежливо поприветствуйте гостя. Поинтересуйтесь, хорошо ли долетел ваш зарубежный кол лега и как долго длился полёт. Сообщите вашему коллеге, 436 Mr. Carney Ответьте на приветствие. Скажите, что в самолёте вы спали, полёт длился недолго и не был утоми тельным. что вы забронировали для него номер в гостинице “Россия”. Предложите гну Карни обсудить её за (over) ленчем. Вы заказали столик на два часа дня. Поинтересуйтесь, когда ир ландский профессор был здесь в последний раз. Расскажите гостю, что с тех пор в столице появилось (to come into being) много частных колледжей и универ ситетов. Заметьте, что российские вузы имеют больше сходства со структурой Лондонского университета, нежели Оксбриджа. Заверьте гна Карни, что вы уже согласовали его встречу с работниками министерства. Section I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Set 1 После короткого отдыха вы готовы обсудить программу рабочего визита (a busy programme). Проявите интерес к недавним изменениям, произошед шим в рос сийской системе образования. Ответьте, что свою последнюю поездку в Москву вы совершили в 1992 году. Поделитесь своими взглядами на различия в струк туре бри тан ских университетов. Выразите готовность посетить один из учебных центров Москвы. Поблагодарите своего российского коллегу за гостеприимство. WHAT HAVE YOU TAKEN UP AS A CAREER? КАКУЮ ПРОФЕССИЮ ВЫ СЕБЕ ВЫБРАЛИ? How to express the result of a past action Как передать результат совершённого действия 1. Quiz “How daring are you?” Answer these questions as honestly as you can, but don’t take the test too seriously. 437 Note! daring – дерзкий, отважный Example: Have you ever acted in a theatre? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t (have not.) Yes No 1. Have you ever been in a fight? 2. Have you ever slept in a tent? 3. Have you ever cut your own hair? 4. Have you ever worn unusual clothes? 5. Have you ever been to a political demonstration? 6. Have you ever caught trains at the last possible moment? 7. Have you ever driven at over 150 km. per hour? 8. Have you ever got frustrated with people who drive too slowly? 9. Have you ever been in love with two people at the same time? 10.Have you ever tried a «dangerous» sport like parachuting? Check your score 1. Yes – 0 2. Yes – 1 3. Yes – 1 4. Yes – 1 5. Yes – 1 No – 1 No – 0 No – 0 No – 1 No – 0 6. Yes – 0 7. Yes – 1 8. Yes – 1 9. Yes – 0 10. Yes – 1 No – 1 No – 0 No – 0 No – 0 No – 0 Score analysis 810: You are a daring person. However, you have to balance risktaking with good sense. 47: You’re realistic about the result of any risk you may take. 438 03: You are careful by nature. The trouble with such an attitude is that your life may be dull and boring. 2. Ask your friend about his choice of the career and report his answer. Remember: Example : to take up sth – взяться за чтол., заниматься какимто делом A: Ruth, what have you taken up as a career? B: I have taken up dentistry as a career. A: Ruth says she has taken up dentistry as a career. Law / acting / politics / biology / medicine / teaching / journalism / librarianship / broadcasting / beauty culture / town planning / physical education / hotel management / social work... 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following English wordcombinations with past participle. Presented [prIzentId] information, spoken English, a lost wallet, a missed chance, a talented organizer, a qualified specialist, a wellpaid job, a badlypaid job, an experienced doctor, an inexperienced [, InIkspIqrIqnst] teacher. 4. Which of them is more organized? Look at the list of what Tom and Henry have had to do before they leave for Oxford. Make up sentences using “already” and “yet”. Examples: 1. Henry has already been to Oxford. 2. Tom has visited London, but he hasn’t been to Oxford yet. 439 Henry Tom visit Oxford fill in an important form apply for a visa apply for a driving license book plane tickets visit London get a message from Oxford get the passport ready plan various excursions borrow several tourist guides to the area 5. Have you travelled much in your life? Ask your colleagues if they have taken any trips abroad. Example: – Have you ever been to Great Britain? – Yes, I have been there once /twice / many times. (– No, I have never been there.) 5a. Sum up the information given by your partners. Example: Tony has already been to Greece. He has been there twice, but he has never been to Britain. 6. Ask your groupmate how many times this thing has happened to him and when it happened last. Example: How many times have you lost your key? When did you last lose it? a) drive a lorry b) grow tomatoes c) write a poem d) sing “Santa Lucia” e) swim in the ocean f) break a cup, glass or plate g) leave your home town h) find any money on the pavement i) watch a boxingmatch j) go to a job interview 7. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Вы уже видели этот фильм? Когда вы его видели? 2. Ваш коллега уже перевёл эту статью? Когда он её перевёл? 3. Bаша сестра уже пообедала? Когда она пообедала? 4. Ваша группа уже прочла “Тихого американца”? Когда ваша группа закончила 440 читать эту книгу? 5. Вы уже накрыли на стол? Когда вы накрыли на стол? 6. Они уже получили квартиру? Когда они переехали? 7. Отец уже пришёл с работы? Когда он пришёл? 8. Павел уже побывал в Америке? Когда он там побывал? 9. Вы уже занялись социологией? Когда вы начали её изучать? 8. Read these sentences and say which of them describe: a) advantages (+); b) disadvantages of each job (); c) either a positive or a negative aspect to a job (?). Remember! challenging [tSxlInGIN] – трудный, но интересный an opportunity – благоприятная возможность a promotion – продвижение (по служ. лестнице) It’s wellpaid.(+) It’s challenging.( ) There’s a lot of job satisfaction.( ) There are a lot of opportunities.( ) You need good people skills.( ) You need to be talented.( ) It’s badlypaid.( ) It’s stressful.( ) It’s hard work physically.( ) You work long hours.( ) You have to work shifts (посменно). ( ) There are chances of promotion. ( ) 8a. How can you describe the following jobs from the point of view of advantages and disadvantages? a dancer a manager a surgeon a journalist a librarian an accountant a social worker a concert pianist a supermarket cashier 9. Ask your friend when he’s going to start his professional studies. Example: A. When are you going to start your history studies? B. Actually, I’ve already started them. I started them last month. 441 business studies/last term social studies/in autumn musical studies/6 months ago architectural studies/3 weeks ago Roman history studies/last year computer studies/in September 10. Share experiences and impressions. What do you think about these things? Examples: Oxford is one of the nicest places I’ve ever been to. This trip is the most exciting experience I’ve ever had. 1. boring story / to read; 2. lovely novel / to enjoy; 3. nice holiday / to take; 4 stupid thing / to do; 5. interesting tourist sight / to visit; 6. ambitious person/to meet; 7. remarkable piece of music / to listen to; 8. amusing film / to see; 9. least useful course / to take; 10. important lecture / to attend; 11. energetic person / to know; 12. frightening experience / to have. 11. Read the expressions in the right column and learn how to show surprise. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my testpaper. Oh, have you? Very odd! It’s incredible! / It’s unbelievable! Really? How surprising! I can hardly* believe it! 11a. Pairwork. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses in learning English. Substitute the sentence in italics. Use the alternatives below. Remember! * to brush up one’s English – подзаняться языком, восстановить свои знания hardly – едва ли (наречие): I hardly know him. Я его почти не знаю. Cравните с наречием hard: We worked hard. Мы много работали. 442 A. You’ve done well to brush up your English. You sound almost like a native! B. Well, not quite. I’ve missed several classes of late. A. (express surprise). Alternatives for partner B. My vocabulary is still limited. I haven’t read a book in the original. I’ve been out of practice for a year. I’ve had a hard time understanding people. I’ve had trouble expressing myself. I’ve had trouble with my pronunciation. I’ve hardly been in Britain a month. 12. Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. Karen (make) four mistakes so far today. Yesterday she (only make) two mistakes altogether. 2. Jack (never play) rugby in his life, but he (play ) football when he was at school. 3. Hilda (not finish) her homework yet, although she (start) it two hours ago. 4. We (already see ) that film.We (see) it when we were in London. 5. “... you (speak) to the American professor?” “Yes. I (speak) to him before the lecture.” 6. I (arrive) in England last month, but I (not brush up) my talk yet. 7. He (just graduate) from university. He (take up) medicine 7 years ago. 8. “When ... you (apply) for a visa?” “ I (apply) for a visa the day before yesterday.” 13. Read and practise the following dialogue. Dramatize similar conversations about the books you’ve read of late. Note! to be worth doing sth – стоит сделать чтол. 443 A. Have you read any English books in the original? B. Yes, I have. Last year I read some stories by Graham Greene. A. It’s incredible! Have you read any books lately? B. I’ve just finished reading Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms”. A. Is it worth reading? B. I loved it! I think it’s one of the best novels I’ve ever read. 14. Read this passage, open the brackets and speak about the changes that have taken place in Jane’s life of late. Well, for me personally, the most important thing is that I (get married) and I (just have) a baby boy, called Darrel, who is now one month old. He (totally change) my life. My life is also different now, because we (just move) to a new flat. Also I (buy) a new car – a Volkswagen. It’s very comfortable for the three of us. What else? Oh, I (find) a new job – it’s for a computer firm and I (start) on Monday. Set 2 How to show unfinished past Как показать, что действие не закончено 15. It has been a long time! Put for or since into each gap. For is used with a period of time. Since is used with a point in time. a) ... two weeks b) ... half an hour c) ... August d) ... 9.15 e) ... I was ten f) ... a long time g) ... 3 March h) ... ages i) ... the beginning of the term j) ... a couple of days 15a. Complete the sentence “I have been here...”. Use since or for with the given expressions. I have been here... 444 1. ... two months. 2. ... since September. 3. ... 1990. 4. ... last year. 5. ... two years. 6. ... fifteen minutes. 7. ... 10:30. 8. ... about five weeks. 9. ... the first of January. 10. ... almost four months. 11. ... the beginning of the semester. 12. ... the semester started. 13. ... a couple of hours. 14. ... last Friday. 15. ... a long time. 16. ... yesterday. 16. Fill in the blanks with “been to”, “been in”, or “gone to”. 1. “Where is Anna?” “She has ... ... the shops. She’ll be back soon.” 2. “Have you ever ... ... America?” “Yes, I have ... ... New York several times.” 3. We have ... ... this class since September. 4. The Browns have ... ... Paris for years now. They like it there. 5. John has ... ... Oxford in his car. He is staying the night with friends. 6. How long have you ... ... this country? 7. I have ... ... Spain for a fortnight, but I haven’t ... ... a bull fight yet. 8. The Hunts have ... ... Australia to live. They are going to be happy there. 17. Can you say the same thing about yourself? Note! a joint venture – совместное предприятие Examples: ( + ) – My uncle has travelled all his life. – So have I. I have travelled all my life, too. ( – ) – Simon hasn’t had a watch for a month. – Neither have I. I haven’t had a watch for a month either. 1. They have always liked books on travel. 2. My friend has been ill since last week. 3. He hasn’t attended classes in French. 4. The Smiths haven’t owned a car since 1999. 5. She has been interested in astronomy for many years. 6. Bob hasn’t had a driver’s license for more than a month. 7 He has worked for a joint venture since last December. 445 18. Ask your colleague how long – he/she has been in class*. – he/she has lived in Moscow. – he/she has been interested in art. – he/she has studied broadcasting. – he/she has taken a course in English history. – he/she has had this magazine / dictionary / album. – he/she has been busy writing the article / operating the computer. – he/she has been top of the class**. 19. For practice make up short conversations in the following way. Example 1: Example 2: he A. Is Paul a professional musician? B. He has been a professional musician for a long time. A. How long has he been a professional musician? B. He has been a professional musician since finished high school. 1. Do you know your teacher? (since I was a teenager) 2. Do you want to be an actress? (since I saw “Gone with the Wind”) 3. Does Max own a sports car? (since he won the lottery) 4. Are Robert and Ruth married? (since they graduated from uni versity) 5. Are you having a headache? (since 10 o’clock this morning) 6. Does Natasha live in Dublin? (since she met Fred Heat) 7. Does Joe have problems with his leg? (since he fell off the bicy cle) 8. Do the English class study Shakespeare? (since the beginning of the term) * In class – на уроке, a class in grammar – урок по грамматике, What time does the next class begin? Когда начинается следующий урок? ** He’s top of the class. Он первый ученик в классе. Здесь “class” употребляется в другом значении – группа обучающихся: а сlass of 10 students. 446 20. Pretend that it’s ten or fifteen years from now. You’re walking along the street and suddenly you meet your old school mate. Ask your friend a) how long he has lived in...; b) how long he has worked as... c) how long he has been married; d) if he has been interested in literature since he started working; e) when he took up his present career; f) if he has often travelled in his job; g) what places he has already visited; h) how those countries have impressed him. You may finish like this. A. Well, Alex, I’m afraid I have to go now. We should get together soon. B. Good idea, George. 21. Charles has come to Great Britain to train for a career. a) Read his story, choose the right tenses and write out the text. Remember! a principal – директор, ректор to give up sth/doing sth – бросить, отказаться от чегол. Hi! I (have come/came) to London in the first week of June. College is OK, but I (change/am going to change) from Design to Engineering. I (’m/’ve been) interested in Engineering for a long time, and I really think it’s the right thing for me. I (’ve talked/talked) to two or three teachers about it, and I (’ve seen/saw) the Principal yesterday, and they all say it’s OK to change. Next weekend some of us (go/are going) to Wales – let’s hope the weather is OK. I (play/’m playing) tennis two or three times a week, too. My new friends don’t smoke, so I (give up) smoking and (feel) much healthier now. Social life is great! I (’ve been/went) out every night this week, and tomorrow I (have/’m having) a party in my room for my friends. The only problem is finding time to work. 447 b) Questions. 1. Did Charles come to London in the second week of June? Ask “When?” 2. Has the student decided to train as an architect? 3. We see that the situation has taken a new turn. Has Charles decided to change the faculty? Ask “Why?” 4. Who has he consulted about it with? 5. Is he going to leave for home for the week end? Ask about his plans for the near future. 6. Does Charles practise any sports? Ask “What sports?” “How often?” 7. Has the fellow given up his bad habit? Ask “What bad habit?” 8. Has he got down to work yet? Ask “Why not?” 9. It takes hard work to pass exams, doesn’t it? c) Look through the text again. Roleplay the following situation. You’re attending a 6month English course at London university. When you meet Charles, you don’t recognize him at first. Then you realize he’s one of the other students who were on an English course with you a couple of years ago. Speak to your partner who is playing the part of Charles. You start: Excuse me, haven’t we met before? 22. Write a short paragraph about any changes that have taken place in your life in recent months. Read it out in class. 1. You’ve become a firstyear student. What university have you entered? 2. What have you taken up as a career? Give your reasons. 3. Have you made the decision on your own or have you followed your parents’ advice? 4. How many courses have you started so far? 5. Which of these courses is the most interesting you’ve ever taken?/the least useful? 6. Do you smoke? Have you given up any bad habits yet? 448 Set 3 We’ve been practising for hours Мы занимались часами 23. Work in groups. a) Ask each other questions as in the example. Give as many different explanations as you can. Example: A. Why are your eyes all red? B. I’ve been crying. C. I’ve been peeling onions. D. I’ve been watching Love story on TV. Ask why: your hair’s wet your eyes hurt you’re out of breath your hands are dirty you’ve got paint in your hair the house smells of garlic and onions you’ve got oil on your hands the carpet and floors are spotless b) What do you think these people have / haven’t been doing recently? Example: He’s hot because he’s been running. Tony is tired. My dad’s back hurts. He has got wet to the skin. Eric isn’t going to pass his exam. Janice has got a severe toothache. Samantha has put on 6 kilos. 24. Work in pairs. Express an activity which has been going on up to the present moment. Example: A. What are your friends doing? B. They are arguing. A. Have they been arguing for a long time? B. Yes, they have. They’ve been arguing all day / afternoon. 449 play tennis revise for the exam practise the guitar learn irregular verbs go to job interviews queue for concert tickets write invitation letters get the flat ready for the party 25. Show interest in your partner’s recent activities and achievements. Practise this conversation and roleplay similar dialogues using the word combinations offered in task 24. A. You look tired. What have you been doing? B. I’ve been reading “War and Peace”. A. How long have you been reading it? B. For about a week. A. How far have you got with it? / How much have you read? B. Well, so far I’ve only read 150 pages. 26. Listening. Basketball First round match The City Slammers versus tournament 3rd December The Cobras Remember! to annoy sb [qnOI] – докучать, досаждать комул. exhausted [IgzL stId] – измождённый unbeatable – непобедимый Don’t take this the wrong way! – Не поймите это неправильно. a) Listen to the argument among the students. Match each point on the left to the person who said it. Jason Luke Sam Lisa 1. I’ve been doing my homework. 2. I’ve been helping with the training session. 450 Jason Luke Sam Lisa 3. Has he been annoying you? 4. We’ve been practising for hours – since nine o’clock this morning. 5. Haven’t you seen the notice? 6. They haven’t lost a game for two years. 7. We’ve been playing well this season. We’ve won five of our matches. 8. We’ve only lost one match. And we’ve been training hard since September. 9. The City Slammers have been the best team in the league for the last few years. 10. I’ve been watching you for three hours. b) Listen to the recording again and arrange the following plan in a logical order. The team are playing the City Slammers in the first round. The students have been practising hard. Jason is late for the training session and it seems to him that all look exhausted. Luke has seen the City Slammers play a few times this season and he doesn’t think the Cobras have a chance to beat them. Lisa and Sam try to be positive and hope for the best. c) Which of the sentences above relate to the main idea of the conversation? d) Think of the title to the text. e) Simulation Imagine you are the Cobras who are playing the City Slammers today. 451 One of the students is a reporter who’s interviewing the team before the tournament. Prepare a few questions based on the text in advance and then act out the game. Don’t forget to use “asking and answering politely techniques”. You may start like this: 1. 2. How many times have you played the City Slammers? How long have you been …? Set 4 A suitable candidate Подходящий кандидат 27. Look at the application form. a) Imagine the ideal job for which you’d like to apply. With this job in mind, write your CV. Curriculum Vitae [vi:taI] Personal information: NAME: ___________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________________ NATIONALITY: ___________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________ TEL. №: ___________________________________ Qualifications: 1999 ___________________________________ Professional experience: 2001 – Present ___________________________________ 1999 – 2001 ___________________________________ Other information: 452 EXPERIENCES ___________________________________ LANGUAGES ___________________________________ COMPUTER SKILLS ___________________________________ OBJECTIVE ___________________________________ b) Now write a letter of application. Group the facts about your personality, background, and experiences. You may start in the following way. As you can see from my CV, I studied ... 28. Applying for a job. You’ve found a job vacancy. The career officer has got to ask you a number of questions. Discuss if you can answer them easily before you read the guidelines below. Remember! to be qualified for sth – соответствовать требованиям, быть компетентным в чемл. 1. Why are you interested in joining our company? 2. What do you know about the company? 3. What kind of position do you want? 4. Why do you feel qualified for this job? Tell me about your experience. 29. How to succeed at an interview? Look at the guidelines coming to most interviews and say which of them are the most important. Preparing for the interview First of all, join a good library. Try to get information about the company or the job you’d like to get into, as well as the names of people representing this company. Make a checklist of the questions you want to ask at the inter view. Write a resume [rezjV,meI].* By reading it an employer should see your objective, and of course, what abilities let you do that job. * resume – AmE for Curriculum Vitae – краткое описание учебной и трудовой деятельности 453 Attending the interview Create a good first impression. Put on a suit or something formal. Arrive in good time. When greeting the representative of the company, wait until he moves to shake hands. You should also wait until he offers you a seat. Try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. Talk freely about yourself and give reasons for your opinions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you’re interested! Don’t criticize former employers or fellowworkers. You can talk over your salary but not until the employer has introduced the subject. 30. You’ve come to a translation agency for a job interview. The interviewer has looked through your application form and wants to check the information. Answer his questions. Come in. Please sit down. It’s Mr. ____ isn’t it? I see. You can speak English fluently, _____? You’ve been enthusiastic about learning languages, ____? You know the English termi nology in your field, ____? You enjoy working with others,_____? You’re able to work overtime,_____? You’ve always liked travelling,_____? You’ve toured the USA, _____? But you haven’t been to the Middle East, _____? You can operate the computer,_____? You attended secondary school and law college, ____? You haven’t graduated from university yet, ____? 454 30a. On your own. You’ve got all the qualifications needed, haven’t you? How could you describe your three greatest strengths? 31. Complete the letter of introduction. Use the present tenses with the verbs in brackets. Arnold Stevens has taken a course in travel industry. Now he’d like to apply for a post of assistant in The Vasquez Travel Agency, 1402 Broadway, New York. Remember! a letter of introduction – рекомендательное письмо willing – усердный to deal with sb/sth – иметь дело с кемл., чемл. Note! to have a command of a subject – владеть какимн. предметом THE BOWKER BUSINESS INSTITUTE 600 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10011 May 25, 20__ Dear Ms. Vasquez, Thank you for your enquiry dated 15 May. Arnold Stevens ________ (to be) a student in three of my travel courses since the Fall 2002 semester and __________ (now to get) his degree in travel industry. Mr. Stevens _________ (always to be) a willing and punctual student. I __________ (to find) him an enthusiastic participant in class discussions. He is a good communicator, and although he __________ (not to demonstrate) any leadership qualities yet, he ______ (to enjoy) working with others. Also Mr. Stevens __________ (to be able) to understand and solve problems. He ______ (to speak) Spanish fluently. A perfect command of the language _________ (always to help) him to deal with various situations. 455 Therefore, I can recommend Mr. Stevens, without hesitation, for the position of assistant in your travel agency. Yours truly, Paul Hoffman Instructor a) Questions. 1. Is Mr. Stevens a competent [kPmpItqnt] candidate? How long has he trained under Paul Hoffman? 2. What does the instructor write about his student’s professional background? 3. How does Mr. Hoffman describe Arnold’s personal qualities? Does the letter say that the applicant is a good mixer? (общительный человек) What other qualities has he demon strated so far? 4. What do you think helps Mr. Stevens to deal with various situa tions? b) Present the positive and negative (if any) points about the applicant to the group. Decide if he is a suitable candidate for this post. You may need some phrases. Remember! to seem – казаться Good points: What I like about ... is that... He seems very energetic. He has excellent presentation skills. Bad points: I think he’s too old/young. He seems inexperienced. I’m worried that... 32. Match each verb in column A with a suitable word or word combination in column B. A 1. to fill in 2. to seem 3. to speak 4. to book 5. to work 456 B a) smoking b) for a new job c) for a joint venture d) an opportunity e) a good command of English 6. to miss 7. to apply 8. to give up 9. to have 33. f) an application form g) French fluently h) a hotel reservation i) inexperienced Listening “What it takes to be an astronaut” [xstrq, nLt] Remember! previous [prJvIqs] – предыдущий to panic – впасть в панику to board a spacecraft – сесть на космический корабль calm [kRm] – спокойный to carry out an experiment [IksperImqnt] – проводить эксперимент to urge sb to do sth – уговаривать, убеждать satellite [sxtq,laIt] – спутник a) Read the questions before you listen to the recording. 1. How did Helen Sharman learn about the unusual position? 2. How many hopefuls applied to become Britain’s first astronaut? 3. What tests did applicants have to take? 4. Was Sharman qualified for the flight? Why? / Why not? 5. What kind of work did the ladyastronaut carry out in space? 6. What company is she working for now? b) Listen again and focus on Helen’s abilities that led her to success. c) What arguments do you think Helen uses to urge schoolchildren to take up careers in science and technology? Add some more to the following list. Are both men and women equally capable of doing any job? Are there a number of skills that women can master better than men? What are the jobs that seem to be unladylike nowadays? 457 Does the text show that the situation has changed in the last few years? d) On your own. Describe your job opportunities by developing the prompts below. Remember! to master a skill – овладеть навыком, умением capable of doing sth – способный к чемул. corporate [kLpqrqt] – общий, коллективный 1. Have you ever earned money? How did you start doing your work? How long have you been keeping it? 2. What is more important for you in choosing a job: a) the kind of work? b) the salary? c) it should be both interesting and wellpaid? 3. Your friend wants to work three hours a day after classes. His mother feels that he should concentrate on his university stud ies. His father thinks it’s good for a youth to work part time. Whose viewpoint do you support? 4. What do you think about your strengths? Are you good at English? Which of these skills are most important for your future profession? Give reasons for your opinion: a) computer skills? b) spoken English? c) good people skills? d) a driving license? e) presentation skills? f) ability to organize a conference or some corporate activity? 5. How much do these criteria matter in choosing a suitable candi date for a job? Place them in order of priority. 1. personal qualities; 2. qualifications; 3. intelligence; 4. plenty of work experience. 458 Section II EDUCATION. IT’S NECESSARY TO SUCCEED IN LIFE ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НЕОБХОДИМО, ЧТОБЫ ПРЕУСПЕТЬ В ЖИЗНИ The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Set 1 READING FOR DETAIL Exchanging education programmes Обмен образовательными программами 34. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS to fall in (out of) love with sb/sth [fO:l InlAv] v. влюбиться в (разлюбить) когол.: They fell in love at once; it was love at first sight. to enrol(l) in a course/a programme [InrqVl] v. записаться, зачислиться на курс: She decided to enrol in the history course at the local evening school. 17,000 students are enrolled at the university. to encourage [InkArIG] v. поддерживать, поощрять: He encouraged me to apply for the job. to achieve [qtSi:v] v. достичь, добиться: The writer has achieved greatness as he has worked hard all his life. achievement n. – достижение: We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain. in terms of [tE:m] n. с точки зрения, в смысле, что касается: It sounds like a good idea, but I wonder what it means in practical terms. a degree [dIgri:] n. степень (бакалавра, магистра), диплом: To do this job, you must have a degree in chemistry / a chemistry degree. to make a decision [dIsIZqn] n. принять решение: Who has made the decision to leave for Austria? 459 a prejudice (against) [preGVdIs] n. предрассудок, предубеждение: A judge must be free from prejudice. to dispel (an illusion) [dIspel] v. развеять (иллюзию): She encouraged us and her words dispelled our fears. to depend on sth/sb [dIpend] phr. v. зависеть от когол.: The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. (in)dependent adj. – (не)зависимый to upset (an idea) [Apset] v. опрокинуть (представление), нарушить чтол.: He upset the cup and the coffee went all over the floor. The sudden change of the weather upset our plans. to make sb do sth [meIk] v. заставить когол. сделать чтон.: The pain made him cry out. Can’t you make that dog stand still? They made her wait. society [sqsaIqtI] n. общество: Society has a right to make people observe the law. proud [praVd] adj. гордый, to be proud of гордиться чемл.: His parents were very proud when he qualified as a doctor. We’re really proud of our children. a priority [praIPrItI] n. приоритет: Cars coming from the left have priority. Have you got your priorities right? Правильно ли вы оценили, `что более и `что менее важно? 35. The English suffixes en, fy and ize form verbs from nouns WORD BUILDING and adjectives. Examples: class – classify классифицировать active – activize активизировать to become strong – to strengthen усиливать 35a. Read the verbs with the suffixes fy and ize and give their Russian equivalents. to specify, to unify, to ratify, to clarify, to electrify, to modify, to identify 460 to symbolize, to specialize, to harmonize, to idealize, to characterize, to nationalize 35b. Form the verbs with the suffix en and suggest their Russian equivalents. Hard, sharp, tight, weak, bright, dark, wide, soft, worse. 36. Read these international words and give their Russian equivalents. Function, discipline, barrier, reaction, naive, sphere, vibrant, romantic, romance, ,economic, , academic, position, production, illusion, incredibly, identity, , geographical, , multicultural, , interactivity. Here are two letters published in the American magazine “Connections”, Jan. 1995. One can seldom hear about the actual experiences of the people involved in the international exchange programmes. Student exchangees tell it as it is. 37. Read the first letter, make up 3–4 key questions based on the contents of the text and answer your questions. Text A The Other Side of the Moon Cultural Note Wyoming [waIqVmIN] is a US state in the Rocky Mountains with the smallest population of any state. It produces minerals and wool. Part 1. “Why Russia?” by Susannah Smiley “Why Russia?” Such was the reaction of many of my friends – even my family – when I told them of my plans to spend six months studying in Saratov. My sixweek stay in Saratov last summer left me wanting more. The first impressions were incredibly naive, romantic and 461 idealistic. I fell in love with Russia, it seemed to me so alive, so vibrant. At the time I decided to get back to Russia to study, I was enrolled in the International Studies program* at the University of Wyoming (UW), a program that strongly encourages student exchanges. The idea of being a student in a foreign country was very exciting and challenging. The last four months have taught me much about the Russian language, about life and about myself. I feel that now I have a deeper understanding of Russia and her people, although complete understanding is impossible to achieve. Russia still seems to me very alive and vibrant, but this time it is alive with life and not romance. I have not tried to understand Russia in terms of life in America. Russia is truly its own place; the Russians are people with their own identity. Whenever I notice differences or similarities, I wonder at how big life really is. I enjoy my program of study at Saratov State University, and the fantastic progress I have made gives me the enthusiasm to keep up the pace. I leave here in December to finish my degree in U.W. in May. After that I plan to go to law school, and, of course, I would like to work with Russian. I consider my stay in Russia one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Susannah Smiley 1601 Rainbow Avenue Laramie, WY 82070 a) Complete the pretext task. b) Read the second letter, also make up 34 key questions based on the contents of the text and answer your questions. Cultural Note Albany [O:lbqnI] is the capital city of the state of New York in the US. Part 2. No more prejudices by Irina Ryabinina The Freedom Support Act Program has started functioning * program – AmE; programme – BrE 462 just recently. As part of this program I had to live in the U.S. for one year, stay with an ordinary American family, and attend an ordinary high school. My American experience has dispelled some of my illusions. Now I realize that life does not only depend on the geographical position and economic situation of my country. I believe in human nature and the idea that a person builds a world around him himself. My year in Shaker High School in Albany, N.Y., has certainly had its ups and downs. Living without parents I had to learn how to deal with difficulties myself. I met a lot of wonderful people who upset my idea of a “typical American”. My host family and friends made my stay in America very special. All of them were ready to help. It was really great to know that my success meant as much to them as it did to me. I was fascinated not only by the Americans, but by American culture. The multicultural American society made me think of my own country. Comparing the two great powers, I learnt both to be proud of my home country and to see its weak points. The year in the States hasn’t changed my moral values. It has sharpened my sense and set different priorities. I’m enrolled at Saratov State University. This is a great achievement! Irina Ryabinina 17/25 Universitetskaya Str. Saratov, 410078 38. Tasks a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the English for the following Russian phrases. Use them in discussing the texts. Shaker Heights High School Наполненный жизнью / ро ман ти кой, невероятно наивное представление, идти в ногу со временем, взлёты и падения, справляться с трудностями, оча рован куль турой страны, великие державы, слабое мес то, 463 обострило восприятие, переоценить приоритеты, это большое достижение. c) Pick out words and phrases describing Susannah and Irina’s impressions of their stay in a foreign country. d) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. 1. competent 2. to encourage 3. impossible 4. achievement 5. an opportunity 6. a host 7. to give up 8. to make sb do sth 9. challenging 10. romance 11. to refuse a) getting the result of action, esp. through skill or hard work b) to say no; to be unwilling to give/accept c) difficult, but in an interesting way d) a good chance, a favourable moment for doing sth e) to force or cause (a person to do sth/a thing to happen) f) the events that are happier and more exciting than those of real life g) sth, that cannot happen, or is hard to deal with h) to give active support to sb i) to stop doing sth j) qualified, having the ability or skill to do sth k) a person who receives guests and provides food, drink, and amusement for them e) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text. 1. He is not qualified to teach young children. 2. The supermarket is usually closed by now, but it may happen that it is still open. 3. The Elliots are pleased/satisfied with the Mercedes they’ve bought this week. 4. I’m surprised at how fluently she speaks Portuguese. She has a good command of 4 foreign languages! 5. My brother’s got a whole set of the new stamps. 6. There’s a good chance of catching the train if you get a bus to the station instead of walking. 464 7. A coach is the cheapest likely way of going to Europe. 8. Mary had to stop reading for some time. There was something wrong with her eyes. f) There are two English equivalents for the Russian verb отказываться. Translate the following using the verbs to refuse and to give up. Refuse (disagree) Give up (stop doing sth) 1. Она отказалась принимать участие в дебатах. 2. Я отказался отвечать на этот каверзный вопрос. 3. Почему вы отказали ему в помощи? 4. Он хотел на ней жениться, но она отказала ему. 5. Водитель пытался завести (to start) мотор, но он не завёлся. 1. В конце концов нам пришлось отказаться от этой идеи. 2. Ему пришлось отказаться от занятий по болезни. 3. Все спортсмены переплыли озеро, кроме двоих, которые сошли с половины дистанции (halfway). 4. Собака больна, она перестала есть и отказывается даже от мяса. g) Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions or adverbs. 1. When on the bus the girl gave ___ her seat to an old lady. 2. The price of the shares (акции) depends ___ the number of people who want to buy them. 3. We think ___ the forthcoming trip ___ terms ___ money. 4. She gave ___ medicine and took ___ painting. 5. The book made me laugh ___ the main characters, but it made Anna cry. 6. I’d like to enroll ___ the sixmonth English course ___ Oxford University. 7. Her parents know why she has left home and there’s nothing to wonder ___. 8. ___ the rush hour the Moscow Underground is alive ___ passengers. 9. Edward must brush ___ his French before he goes to Paris. 10. May I take the opportunity ___ thanking you ___ your hard work ___ the project? 465 h) Leave out relative pronouns (относительные местоимения) where possible. Example: The idea which she put forward was interesting. The idea she put forward was interesting. 1. The fantastic progress that I have made gives me the enthusiasm to keep up the pace. 2. I rang up the Manager’s secretary who did our accounts. 3. Teachers advise students who have problems with their studies. 4. Oxford is a town that I’ve always wanted to visit. 5. I know the girl with whom he’s playing chess. 6. The watch which you are looking at is wrong. 7. It’s a book which can interest children of all ages. 8. I gave him an envelope which he put in his pocket at once. 9. Have you ever spoken to people who live next door? 10. Here are the papers that you were looking for. i) Add the missing relative pronoun or make a contact clause where possible. 1. Where is the shop ... sells picturepostcards? 2. The woman to ... I spoke was extremely helpful. 3. Do you remember the person ... you have borrowed the calculator from? 4. These are the car keys ... you have lost. 5. Brazil ... is the world’s largest exporter of coffee, has high inflation. 6. The only thing ... keeps me awake is coffee. 7. The computers ... you ordered have arrived. 8. The candidate ... they’ve selected has lots of experience. 9. The chief is going to promote Tim Lang ... only joined the company six months ago. j) Explain the usage of articles in the sentences below. 1. ... lion is ... large powerful animal. 2. Show me ... map of Europe. 3. I liked ... film I saw yesterday. 4. We stopped in front of ... big house. 5. When I entered ... room, I saw ... student sitting at ... desk. ... student was making ... notes. 6. Is ... salt necessary for ... life? 7. ... rectangle with equal sides is called ... square. 8. ... health is more important to me than ... money. 9. It’s ... interesting work. 10. He spoke with ... enthusiasm which excited us all. 466 11. ... walls of his room are painted blue. 12. ... pine grows in northern countries. 13. Pushkin, ... great Russian poet, was born in 1799. 14. My friend, ... teacher of history, has won ... chess tournament. 15. ... African elephant is taller than ... Indian. 16. Yesterday I met ... friend whom I recognized at once. 17. ... butter which is made of boiled cream tastes good. 18. This is ... most popular play. 19. Bernard Shaw is .. most popular playwright in his country. 20. Have they taken ... wounded to hospital? 21. ... violin is a string instrument. 22. My father enjoys ... very good health. 23. ... spaniel has long ears. 24. ... silk which is used for ... aviation industry must be of ... highest quality. k) Translate the word combinations with the verbs make and do. “To make” means to produce sth by work or action (make a cake, make breakfast), whereas the verb “to do” describes a process or activity (do a good job). make money noise friends plans notes of (the lecture) a speech a decision a choice a suggestion a good pianist the bed a phone call a reservation an appointment a discovery do business homework housework one’s best sb a favour well in (exams) the typing the cooking the shopping l) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of do or make. 1. Paolo speaks English fluently and never _____ a mistake. 2. Would you _____ me a favour and take this package to the post office? 3. I always _____ my bed in the morning and _____ the shopping after work. 4. I have to ____ my best to finish this today. 5. Please excuse me for a minute. I have to _____ a phone call. 6. Our company _____ a lot of business with Japan. 7. If you want to see Dr. Smith, you have to _____ an appointment. 8. Rick decid467 ed to give up his job because he wasn’t _____ enough money. 9. My husband _____ the housework, and I _____ the cooking. 10. I’m going on vacation next week, but I haven’t _____ any plans yet. 11. Our neighbours always _____ a lot of noise on Saturday nights. m) Look through the texts once again and answer these questions. 1. What were the reasons why Susannah returned to Russia? How did she make her choice? 2. What idea of this country did she have in mind after her first visit? 3. What life experience has the girl had in the last few months of her longterm stay in Saratov? 4. Is Saratov State University really a good place to start? Why? 5. Has Susannah completed her course at Saratov State University yet? 6. What plans has she made for the near future? 7. Why would she like to deal with the Russian language in her future career? 8. What educational programme did Irina enrol in? 9. How long did she stay in Shaker High School? 10. What discovery did she make when in America? 11. Did she make many friends there? How did it happen that the people around her upset her stereotypes? 12. What made her compare America and Russia? What sort of experience has she had? 13. Has Irina completed her course in Shaker High School yet? 14. Why do you think Irina can make a good teacher? n) Give a presentation on the exchangees’ experiences. Justify the following point: Both Susannah and Irina have got their priorities right. o) Figure it out. Which of the two girls has made these statements? Explain their meaning. Say if they fit in with your credo. A person builds a world around him himself. Russia is truly its own place. Russians are people with their own identity. Life does not depend on the geographical position and economic situation of my country. 468 My success meant as much to them as it did to me. Complete understanding of another country is impossible to achieve. Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION Creating independent thinkers Воспитание мыслящей личности 39. Read some information about Trinity – one of the greatest European centres of learning. Say if this university practises newborn or old traditions. Remember! an aim – цель knowledge – знание to guide [gaId] – руководить Note! spirit – дух; spiritual – духовный a campus – университетский городок a fellow – зд. член совета колледжа a tutor – наставник The University of Dublin Text B Trinity Man was born to build and pass on his achievements to future generations. The University of Dublin has four centuries of educational achievement behind it. Since 1592 Trinity has had a particular vision of what a university should be. There are three main elements to it. The compact nature of the campus brings academics and students from all disciplines together day by day. Students have hot discussions in an exciting atmosphere of productive interactivity. It’s here that most students discover that they have begun to master the skills of university study. 469 The second element of the Trinity spirit is independence of thought. The aim has always been not simply to transfer knowledge, but to create independent thinkers. The third element, closely connected with the second, is an openness to new ideas. This shows in a readiness to create new disciplines, to broaden the spheres of communicating knowledge. The independence of thought and the broad vision have given birth to many brilliant careers. The university has produced a series of literary giants such as Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, Oscar Wild. Trinity’s living tradition is a daily “Commons”, or evening dinner, in the old Dining hall. For nearly four centuries students and fellows have gathered to eat together each evening breaking down the barriers between academic disciplines through spiritual conversation. Like Oxbridge, Trinity practises another longstanding college tradition – the emphasis on tutorship. Each student has a tutor who keeps an eye on his progress throughout his university career. Tutors advise students who experience difficulties with their academic studies and guide them in terms of the many challenges of university life. Сultural Note For 700 years the two universities – Oxford and Cambridge have dominated British education and today they dominate more than ever. Less than 1 per cent of Britain’s population go to Oxbridge and make up one of the most elite elites in the world. Oxbridge graduates often go on to become powerful in British society. Because of this, people consider Oxbridge as part of the British establishment (правящая элита) and class system, and use the word Oxbridge in terms of high standards in learning and teaching. 40. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the sentences in the text with the word combinations and phrases below. Translate them into Russian. Had a particular vision of, productive interactivity, to master the skills, this shows in, to transfer/communicate knowledge, 470 breaking down the barriers, spiritual conversation, have gathered together, a longstanding tradition, to keep an eye on sth, throughout his career, to experience difficulties. c) How much do you remember? 1. When did the history of Trinity start? 2. What makes it possible for students and academics to interact productively? 3. Which of the graduates of the University became famous people of Ireland at different times? 4. What do they call an everyday evening meal, traditionally arranged in the old Dining hall? 5. What are the duties of tutors in old universities like Trinity and Oxbridge? 6. Why do people use the word Oxbridge out of touch with ordinary people? d) Reorganize the following plan according to the text. Pick out one item which best reflects the main idea of the text. 1. Trinity has produced a series of outstanding literary men. 2. The aim has always been not simply to transfer knowledge, but to create independent thinkers. 3. Three elements make up the “collegial [kqli:Gql] spirit” of Trinity. 4. The University of Dublin observes longstanding college traditions. 5. Openness to new ideas shows in a readiness to create new disciplines. 6. Students have debates in an exciting atmosphere of productive interactivity. e) Give a summary of the original text using the key sentences given above. f) Figure it out. Is it thanks to the particular vision that Trinity can boast its high standards in learning and teaching? Trinity preserves an antique way of life at the beginning of the 21st century. What does it show in? Do all British universities keep to traditions of the past? 471 Is Trinity a democratic organization? Give your reasons. Like Trinity, Oxbridge is very much like a federation of independent “republics” – colleges. How does a collegial university structure function? Which of the points below prove that Oxbridge is a democratic institution? 1. Colleges deal with their own projects and funds. 2. Colleges enrol students on their own. 3. Colleges interact with other state institutions. How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on Russian universities... 41. Translate the text about Moscow University from Russian into English. Use the phrases below. Mосковский государственный университет МГУ существует с 1755 года. Мы связываем его историю с именем величайшего российского учёного и поэта М.В. Ломоносова. В то время университет находился в небольшом здании на Красной площади и по праву гордился первой химической лабораторией, основанной Ломоносовым. С тех пор в жизни университета произошло много изменений. Если говорить о структуре МГУ, то она схожа со структурой большинства британских университетов, где во главе факультетов стоят деканы и факультеты делятся на отделения. Мы совершаем прогулку по университетскому городку. Невозможно пройти мимо его главного здания. Это один из семи небоскрёбов сталинской эпохи высотой с 32этажное здание. В нём размещается огромное количество лекционных залов, аудиторий, библиотек, лабораторий. Ежегодно в университет зачисляются тысячи студентов, желающих изучать иностранные языки. Обучающиеся должны не просто овладеть навыками иноязычной речи. Дело огромной важности – понять культуру страны изучаемого языка, чтобы участвовать в межкультурной профессиональной коммуникации. Преподаватели МГУ иcпользуют аудиовизуальную технику для создания на уроках непринуждённой обстановки 472 общения. Тем самым они развивают способность студентов не теряться в реальных контактах с носителями языка. (To exist, was located, to found, are divided into, a Stalinera skyscraper, is 32 storeys high, a target language, audiovisual equipment, an atmosphere of natural communication, a native speaker.) a) Draw the chart of a Russia’s university structure. Supply it with your comment. b) Draw the chart of a traditional Oxbridge organization (preserving the antique structure). Supply it with your comment. c) Compare the two university systems. Section III REALLIFE COMMUNICATION Set 1 Let’s arrange a meeting Договоримся о встрече 42. Read the following dialogues, report and dramatize them. Remember! to advertise – рекламировать to make an appointment – назначить деловую встречу A job interview Susan Lee: Hello, could you connect me with the Personnel Department, please? Operator: Just a moment, please...Go ahead... Ed Silver: Hello, Ed Silver, Personnel. Susan Lee: This is Susan Lee speaking. I’m calling about the Administrative Assistant position you advertised in yesterday’s Daily Courier. Ed Silver: Ah, yes, that job is still open, Miss. Lee. If you feel that you’re qualified for it, we could arrange for a job interview. Susan Lee: Yes, Mr. Silver. I do have those qualifications and I’m very interested in that job. Ed Silver: Fine, Miss Lee. When would it be convenient for you to come in for an interview? 473 Susan Lee: Any time next week, Mr. Silver. Mornings are usually better for me. Ed Silver: Umm ... say 9 o’clock on Wednesday. Susan Lee: Hold on, I’ll check my appointment book... yes, that would suit me. Ed Silver: OK. See you on Wednesday at 9. Goodbye. Susan Lee: Goodbye, Mr. Silver. Questions. 1. What is Susan Lee phoning the Personnel Department about? 2. What time of the day suits her better? 3. Is this dialogue a formal conversation? Why?/Why not? 4. Pick out some possible ways of making an appointment from the dialogue. A business call Note! Leon Hill: Secretary: Leon Hill: Secretary: Jay Stewart: Leon Hill: Jay: Leon: Jay: Leon: Jay: 474 I thought as much – так я и думал He’s on another line – он разговаривает по другому телефону Hello, Leon Hill here. I’d like to speak to Jay Stewart, please. Hello, Mr. Hill. Jay Stewart is in his office. He’s on another line. Can you hang on? Yes, certainly. I’m putting you through to Mr. Stewart now. Leon! Good to hear from you! Hello Jay. I phoned you the other day, but couldn’t get hold of you. So sorry I missed you when you wanted to contact me. You know, I was away all week. I thought as much. Umm...Jay, are you informed of that tricky problem of ours? Exactly. Is this what you’re ringing me about? Right. We must get together, Jay, and discuss things in detail. Good idea. We can make an appointment for next week. Leon: Jay: Leon: sion. Jay: Leon: Jay: That sounds fine. I’m just going to be in your area next Tuesday. Would you like to join me for lunch? Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to come. Then we could have a bit of a planning sesIs 12.30 convenient for you? I think that suits me fine. Still let me phone you back Tuesday morning. Please do. Looking forward to hearing from you again, Jay, and thanks. That’s O.K., Leon. Bye. Questions. 1. Why can’t the secretary connect Leon Hill to his business partner right away? 2. Is it Leon’s first try to get hold of Jay Stewart about that matter? When did Leon first phone Jay at his office to make an appointment to see him? 3. Was Jay busy last week? How do you know? 4. Do you think Leon Hill needs advice? Why? Whose experience would he like to use? 5. Do the partners want to discuss the situation on the phone? 6. When and where are they going to have a planning session? 7. Are the men polite when they set up the appointment? Why are the place and the time of the appointment convenient for both of them? 8. Why then does Jay promise to ring Leon back? 9. Pick out some possible ways of making an appointment from the second dialogue. 43. Make sure you understand phrases like these. Match the words on the left with their equivalents on the right. 1. I’m putting you through. a) Definitely! 2. Couldn’t get hold of you. b) It’s convenient for me. 3. Let’s make an appointment. c) Have a sort of a formal meeting. 475 4. Hold on! 5. That suits me fine. 6. Exactly! 7. Have a bit of a planning session. 8. I’d be delighted. d) I’m connecting you! e) Let’s arrange an appointment. f) I’d be very pleased. g) I wanted to contact you, but... h) Hang on! 44. Choose the most suitable phrases on the right and build a telephone conversation. 1. Can I speak to Miss Nelson, please? a) You must have the wrong area code. b) There’s no one by that name here. c) Miss Nelson is not in now. She’s out for lunch. d) Who did you say you wanted to speak to? 2. Miss Nelson asked me to confirm the appointment. a) Don’t go away. b) Who are you? c) Hold the line, please. d) Who shall I say is calling? 3. How about getting together, Jane? a) That’s O.K. with me. b) I have no other way out. c) That sounds terrific! d) Not a bad idea. 4. When is it convenient for you? a) Why not meet at the entrance to the bus terminal at 8.30? b) Is it all right if I pick you up at the office at noon? c) It really makes no difference. d) Could it be Friday at three in the afternoon? 45. On your own. Act out the following situation. You’ve read an advertisement in a magazine about a vacancy for a sociologist. It’s the first interview appointment you’re going 476 to make and you even don’t know how to write a resume. Phone your friend about it. Fix the place and the time of your meeting. 46. Read the joke aloud and report it. JOKE SPOT Appointments A businessman was looking through his diary with his secretary. As usual, it was very full with appointments from 8.00 in the morning to 8.00 in the evening. When he read all his appointments for that day, he noticed one name he didn’t recognize. “Who is Mrs. Turner at 3.30?” he asked his secretary. “It’s your wife, Mr. Turner,” she replied. She wants to talk to you about your summer holidays”. 47. Roleplay the game on page 436. Set 2 Business letters Деловые письма MAKING AN APPOINTMENT ДОГОВОРЁННОСТЬ О ВСТРЕЧЕ 48. Read the following letter and translate the underlined phrases. Remember! to look forward to sth/doing sth – предвкушать, ждать с нетерпением чегол. Note! agenda – повестка дня Dear Mr. Ferry, Thank you for your letter of February 2nd, in which you ask us to suggest* a convenient date for our meeting next month. Might we suggest next Wednesday, March 15, 20... ? * “To suggest” means to advise as an idea, to propose. “To offer” denotes readiness or pomise to do sth. 477 Please feel free to choose whichever day suits you best. We would appreciate if you could let us know your decision as promptly as you can. Finally we need your consideration on the agenda of the proposed meeting. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Lee Golden 48a. Simulation. Using the standard phrases of inquiry write a private letter to your correspondent. Offer the date and place for a meeting, inquire what suits him most and ask him what other information he thinks you should bring. Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 16 1. Fill in the blanks with already suitable time yet words still where necessary. 1. My brother hasn’t graduated from university ______ . He’s ______ studying there. 2. Jane’s friends have ______ left for the lecture. She’s ______ looking for her notebook. 3. I’ve started learning German, but I haven’t got very far _____. for since – 4. William and Carol have been married ______ 1995. 5. That theatre was closed ______ many years ago. 6. It’s two months ______ I started driving my car. 7. We have known the Smiths ______ 15 years, ______ they moved to Bridge Street. 478 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in their proper tense forms. 1. This is the first time I __________ (to eat) so many hamburgers. 2. I _____________ (to support) “Dynamo” all my life and I’m sorry they ________ (to lose) the game. 3. The other day my parents __________ (to buy) two interesting pieces of furniture. 4. We are delighted to tell you that you __________ (to pass) your exam. 5. My father _________ (to work) for the company for five years. Then he gave it up. 6. She ____________ (to try) in vain to find a permanent job for quite a time. 7. – What _____ you _____ (to do) last night? – I _____ (to go) to the cinema yesterday. – What film _____ they ______ (to show)? – An American film “Jaws” _____ (to be) on. _____ you ______ (to see) this film? – Not yet, but I __________ (to go) to see it next week. 3. Fill in the blanks with articles. 1. I’m scared of ____ dark. 2. _____ experience is _____ best teacher. 3. He has worked in _____ radio all his life. 4. I don’t like using _____ phone, I prefer letters. 5. One law is for _____ rich and another for _____ poor. 6. ______ child needs plenty of love. 7. He has just asked me what time _____ lecture starts. 8. Harry has no idea of _____ geography of _____ Scotland. 9. _____ Statue of Liberty was _____ gift from _____ people of _____ France to _____ people of ______ United States. 10. After his parent’s visit the situation changed for _____ better. 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. – Вы когданибудь были в галерее Тейт в Лондоне? – Да, это самый интересный музей, который мне когдалибо довелось посетить. 479 2. – Как давно вы её знаете? – С тех пор, как она стала заниматься литературой. Она всегда была старательной студенткой и никогда не останавливалась на полпути. 3. – Вы cделали свой выбор? – Ещё нет. Всё зависит от того, сколько готов потратить мой отец. 4. С нетерпением жду встречи с Джоном. Не помню, когда я видел его в последний раз. 5. – Вы уже подали заявление о приёме на работу? – Да, на прошлой неделе я написал резюме, а затем договорился о собеседовании. 6. – Вы только что записались на курсы английского языка, не так ли? – Да, я должен был поддержать друга, который предложил посещать занятия вместе. Подзаняться языком – это отличная идея. 7. Он ждёт ответа несколько недель, но до сих пор не получил никакого известия. 480 Word List (Unit 16) A achieve achievement aim annoy astronaut B brush up C calm challenge capable (of) carry out challenge D deal (with) degree do one’s best E economic encourage exhaust experiment F fall in / out of love (with) former function G give up guide H have a command O opportunity I identity incredible in terms of introduction J jont venture P panic position prejudice (against) principal priority promotion proud K knowledge Q qualify as/for R L reaction letter of introduction resume look forward (to) romance M make an appointment make a choice make a decision make a discovery make notes make a phone call make a reservation make sure master a skill multicultural N naive S seem society spacecraft T take up U upset (a plan) urge W willing 481 UNIT 17 SHOW REASON AND TOLERANCE Все, что нам нужно – это разум и терпимость AGENDA * Future Simple. Future modals. If and whenclauses. Future in the Past. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 591) * The world conservation movement. * Discussing probability. Study unit 17 and roleplay. At the conference You’re an ecologist working in Russia. At a conference you meet an official from the British Embassy. You’ve touched upon a global topic – how to prevent ecological crises. You The British official Начните разговор с обсуждения прогноза погоды на Узнайте у вашего собеседника, как долго в Москве продерближайшее будущее. жится холодная погода. Ответьте, что за последнее время зима в России стала Отметьте, что, на ваш взгляд, теплее в результате глобаль- такие явления (phenomena) как, например, пожар в тропиного потепления. ческих лесах Бразилии, меняют климат на земле. Согласитесь, что глобальное потепление и кислотные дож- Напомните российскому экоди – это проблемы «без пас- логу, что в 1992 г. Великобритания принимала участие в 482 порта». За прошедшие 20 лет они стали важнейшим аспектом международных отношений. Скажите, что вы понимаете, как трудно достичь согласия. Попросите британского дипломата сделать прогноз относительно того, как будут развиваться британско/россий ские отношения в будущем. Добавьте, что в следующем столетии нации, наконец, найдут решение злободневной (burning) экологической проблемы. Section I GRAMMAR PRACTICE Set 1 конференции ООН по проблемам окружающей среды. Каждая нация выдвигает для переговоров широкий круг вопросов (to bring to the negotiating table a wide range of issues). Выразите уверенность, что обе страны направят свои усилия на достижение (cooperate toward) бо´льшей стабильности в Европе и мире. Скажите, что вы не теряете оптимизма на этот счёт. WE’LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE ПОДОЖДЁМ – УВИДИМ Predict the future Предскажите будущее 1. Prices of most things have gone up a lot in recent years. What changes will take place in the next fifteen years? Can you predict how much these items will cost in five years’ time? a cup of coffee a box of matches 20 cigarettes a family car a pair of shoes 1 litre petrol a colour TV set a quartz wristwatch a stamp for a letter abroad 2. What do the stars say about next year happenings? Match the words in the columns below. 483 Remember! a scientist [saIqntIst] – учёный You The queen will win will be famous some day. in restaurants. There will become much warmer. Scientists will make on a long journey. Life will go changes in our life. Brazil will eat out the football championship. More people will get different in many ways. The weather will have remarkable discoveries. 3. Discuss the future events in the following way. Example: – Will the train arrive soon? – Yes, it will. It will arrive in 5 minutes. 1. the train/start? (at midday) 2. the concert/begin? (at 7 o’clock) 3. your brother/get married? (at the end of April) 4. you/be ready to leave? (at 10.15) 5. you/see your parents?(next Saturday) 6. you/take you English exam? (in June) 7. Jennifer/start her own business? (next month) 8. clothes/be very different? (in the year 2025) 3a. Answer in the negative. For practice, use the sentences of task 3. Example: – Will the train arrive soon? – I don’t think so. It won’t arrive until midday. 4. Pairwork. Talk to your partner who is interested in your predictions for the near future. Example 1: – Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow? – Maybe it will, and maybe it won’t. We will just have to wait and see. 1. Max will train as a pilot. 484 2. She will forget about you. 3. It will be very warm in spring. 4. John will apply for a new job. 5. We’ll do a course in ecology [IkPlqGI] next year. 6. You will move into a new flat. 7. He will need George to help him. 8. “Dynamo” will win the hockey match. Example 2: – When do you think you’ll make a decision?* – In a few days. 1. make a choice 2. take the exams 3. enrol in an English course 4. graduate from university 5. plant trees on the campus 6. fix an interview appointment 7. go to Canada on business 8. create designs for the new buildings 5. Ask your friend what he’s decided to do in the following situations. Example: A. What career do you think you’ll take up after university? B. I really can’t decide. I might work in mana/ gement, or I might travel around the world. He wants to read some literature after classes. Will it be professional literature or fiction? Ask “What?” He’s going away on business one of these days. Will it be Mexico or Japan? Ask “Where?” He’d like to go out tonight, but he isn’t sure about the place. Will it be a concert hall or a museum? Ask “Where?” He’s planned to go on a picnic, but the weather forecast predicts rain for today. Ask “When?” He wants to invite guests for dinner, but he can’t decide what time to fix for the party. Ask “What time?” * When do you think you will make a decision? Вопрос в вопросе, после которого следует прямой порядок слов в предложении. 485 6. Read some of the scientists’ predictions. “What will everyday life be in the 21st century?” Remember! garbage – мусор a well – колодец to cure a disease [dIzJz] – излечивать болезнь close [klqVs] at hand – рядом, поблизости to run out of sth – истощаться, иссякать Where will we live and work? By the year 2100 the world population will be 9.5 billion (6 billion now). Almost 60% of the world’s population will live in town. We will live in neighbourhoods where places to work, shop and play are close at hand. Will we keep fit? To keep fit, we’ll spend more time on bicycles. As we move to the 21st century, most of us will have to keep away from our computer or TV to burn off calories. No matter how great are technologies, we will still have to go hand in hand with diseases. The global AIDS epidemic will get much worse before it gets any better. AIDS will be the major killer of young Africans. Anyway there’s reason to hope that doctors will be able to cure many diseases. Will we still eat meat? Around the world millions of wells are going dry. Governments will act to cut these deficits by supplying water to grow food, not feed animals. Meat will become very expensive. Humans will eat vegetables that use less water and land and provide the protein we need. Will we run out of gas? The earth’s supply of fuels will last a long time. Humans will keep warm, to light buildings 486 and operate computers, to power the cars that get us around, the tractors that plant food, the hospitals that serve our sick. Tasks. a) Answer the questions listed in the text. b) Ask and give more detailed answers. 1. Will the population of our planet be 7 billion? Ask “What?” 2. Will most part of the population live in the country? Ask “Where?” 3. Will we need any special living conditions? Ask “What neigh/ bourhoods?” 4. Will we travel more by cars? Ask “How?” 5. Will diseases disappear? Ask “Why /Why not?” 6. Will cancer be the major killer of young Africans? Ask “What?” 7. Will governments supply water to feed animals? Ask “What for?” 8. Will humans eat more meat? Ask “Why / Why not?” 9. Will people experience difficulties with fuel? Ask “Why/Why not?” 10. Will homes and factories use energy? Ask “What for?” c) Choose the statement you most agree with. Trying to discover new planets is vital for our future. In 400 years we will probably colonize (заселять) Mars. Intercontinental aeroplanes will travel at 3 times the speed of sound. What were considered science fiction films 20 years ago will now be considered reflections of reality. d) My predictions. Imagine the future of your country. Try to express your fantasy in words and make notes having in mind a few different aspects. life style food and health education transport work travel 487 Set 2 What will you be able to do? Что вы сможете сделать? 7. What kind of an English teacher would you like to have? Place the qualities of a good teacher in order of priority. Example: I’d like to have a teacher who will explain rules on the spot. Remember! to protect [prqtekt] sth – охранять, защищать the environment [invaIqrqnmqnt] – окружающая среда challenge students to talk in English; discover what they want to do; create a free atmosphere in class; prepare students for working life; cultivate artistic talents (for music/art); cultivate a real interest in the culture of the target language; teach students to protect the environment 8. Show enthusiasm while talking about your abilities, in the following way. Last year Example: I couldn’t speak English fluently last year, but I hope* I will be able to do it next year. take up sports pass a driving test work for a joint venture start my own business * Next year go to Cyprus for a holiday enter an agricultural college understand the real English speech read English books in the original В современном английском языке для обозначения будущего после “hope”часто употребляются глаголы в Simple Present: I hope she likes (= will like) the flowers. I hope the bus comes soon. 488 9. Read these conversations and dramatize similar dialogues using the clues below. A. I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you take photos tomorrow. B. You won’t. Why not? A. I’ve got to service my car. B. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I’ll be able to take photos myself. 1. cook supper / get tickets for a ballet; 2. do housework / make several business calls; 3. water the garden / have a game of tennis; 4. make arrangements for the trip / practise the piano; 5. write a letter / have a family reunion; 6. make a copy of this letter / translate an article; 7. get to the university / go to a job interview; 8. do the shopping / visit my cousin in hospital. A. I’ve decided to practise English out of class. B. That’s great! Do you really think you’ll be able to do it? A. Yes, I do, but it won’t be easy. Do you think I’m making the right decision? B. I think practising English is a wonderful idea. Remember! pollution [pqlu:Sqn] – загрязнение окружающей среды 1. study nature; 2. get married; 3. do military service; 4. enter Harvard University; 5. pass a special exam to be an ecologist; 6. take a course in linguistics; 7. speak against pollution; 8. get a driving license; 9. arrange for a job interview. 10. These people are at a loss in different situations. What do you think they will have to do? 489 Example: Arthur has to catch the 8.15 bus. It’s 8.20 now and Arthur is just running out of the house. Arthur won’t be able to catch the 8.15 bus. He will have to catch the next bus. 1. Alice has to post a letter, but she’s got no stamps. 2. Richard has booked tickets for the Sunday football match and his wife Martha – for the Sunday theatre performance. 3. Frederic has just broken his leg. He was planning to play cricket tomorrow morning. 4. Mary likes to put cream in her coffee, but she’s only got tinned milk in her fridge. 5. Your uncle needs to get to the airport as soon as possible, but he has a flat tyre. 6. The young people have come to enjoy the party, but it’s boring. 7. Frank wanted to leave work early today to see a baseball match. The boss asked all the men to do overtime. 8. My friends wanted to drive to the country, but their car broke down yesterday. They’ve already booked two railway tickets instead. 11. Encourage your partner who apologizes for something he won’t be able to do. Here are a few expressions that might be helpful to you. I’m awfully sorry! Oh, that’s all right. It’s not your fault. Forget it. It’s not important. Never mind. It doesn’t really matter. You cannot help it. – Ничего не поделаешь. Example: 490 – Sorry, I won’t be able to meet you at the airport. I’ll have to fix my broken car. – Don’t worry about it. You cannot help it. 1. Join you for the concert / study for the exam. 2. Come to your birthday party / receive foreign guests. 3. Make an appointment for 5 o’clock / work overtime. 4. Show the delegation round the city / go away on business. 5. Buy railway tickets tomorrow / wait for the plumber. 12. Here is a questionnaire that led to opposite viewpoints. Read the answers and say if you agree with A or B. 1. We live in a computer age. Will there be another form of teaching foreign languages based on technologies? A. I think that the traditional language will still exist, as the personal contact with the language teacher is very important. B. I don’t think the traditional language will exist. Those interactive programmes that we use with videos and computers will allow people to learn foreign languages in a different way on their own, so that you aren’t dependent on teachers and other students. 2. Will English become more important than the language of the native speaker? A. English is very important as the language of intercultural communication and it’s good to respect it and to hold on to it. B. We should never forget about our own culture and tradi/ tions, because our national identity is, after all, far more important. Set 3 Share your future expectations Поделитесь планами на будущее 13. Ask the other students to advise you on the coming holiday. Remember! an excursion [IkskE:Sqn] – экскурсия 491 Example: 1. where? Where shall we go? 2. seaside/mountains? Shall we go to the seaside or the mountains? 1. this country/abroad? 5. hotel/camp? 2. when? 6. stay in one place/travel around? 3. how long for? 7. visit interesting museums and art galleries? 4. fly/train/drive? 8. go on popular excursions? 13a. What did your friends say about the ideas in task 13? Example: seaside? / mountains? Bob said we would go to the seaside. 14. Your friend has decided to go to the seaside. Use column A to ask him what he will do in the following situations. Choose the best answers in column B. Example: – What will you do, if the weather is nasty? – I’ll visit a museum. 492 A B 1. the weather is too hot 2. there’s a lot of rain 3. the sea is stormy 4. the beach is crowded 5. my friend doesn’t feel well 6. he/she loses his/her travel documents 7. he/she leaves his/her camera at home a) report it to the police b) ask where to hire one c) go to a swimming/pool or a sauna [sO:nq] d) do the sights e) consult a doctor f) use an air/conditioner g) go swimming and surfing h) spend time in the fitness centre i) visit it during the week when there are fewer people there 15. Combine the following pairs of sentences using the words in brackets. In this way you’ll get a short account of your travel plans. Example: We’ll be in Barcelona. We’ll visit friends. (while) While we’re in Barcelona, we’ll visit friends. 1. We’ll be happy. The summer will come. (when) 2. You’ll leave. Don’t forget to shut the windows. (before) 3. We won’t go to the dining car. The train will start. (until) 4. The days will be hot. My friend and I will go to the beach.(if) 5. Will you enjoy yourselves? You’ll be away. (while) 6. We won’t play tennis. We’ll buy new rackets. (unless) 7. Samuel will show this card to the police. He’ll get lost. (if) 8. He will phone you. He’ll arrive in Moscow. (as soon as) 7. He’ll see Laura again. He won’t recognize her. (when) 16. Say what makes any сity attractive for a holiday. Note! hotel facilities [fqsIlItIz] – условия для проживания в гостинице a) What hotel facilities will you be able to use as soon as you register at the hotel? 493 b) Which of them will you need if you’re on a business trip / on a family holiday? restaurant tennis courts fitness centre cocktail bar in/room safes swimming/pool conference rooms in/room hair/dryers air/conditioning 17. Say what might happen, if Mike doesn’t follow his friends’ advice when on holiday. Use the phrases below. Example: A. Mike’s friends tell him he shouldn’t drive so fast. B. They are right. If he drives too fast, he might have an accident. Note! to get cramp in one’s leg – сводить ногу судорогой 1. leave home late / miss the plane 2. go straight to the beach on his first day / spoil his holidays 3. lie in the sun too long / feel miserable at night 4. swim after a heavy lunch / get cramp in his legs 5. drink cold milk / get a sore throat 6. eat too much chocolate / gain weight 7. sunbathe for hours / get a nasty sunburn 18. Complete the following sentences and copy them out. On holiday 1. If the weather is nasty on the day of our departure, ... 2. Before we take a taxi, ... 3. As soon as we arrive at the airport, ... 4. While I’m on holiday,... 5. I’ll continue to lie in the sun until ...6. My friend will get bored if/unless... 7. I’ll have to go to the lost property office if ... 8. If I don’t get a letter from my parents till the end of the week,... 9. My Mum and Dad will really miss me if/ unless...10. We’ll go home as soon as ... 494 19. Listening. You’ll hear two people discussing their summer holidays. Nepal [nIpLl] – Непал overland – по суше to save money – экономить деньги hire [haIq] – брать напрокат read up – читать что/л. для подготовки to avoid [qvOId] sth – избежать чего/л. a) Complete these notes on the main points by using a word or a short phrase. 1. The best time to travel April August fewer tourists but … better weather 2. Transport fly drive overland much quicker interesting but … 3. Accommodation hotels camping comfortable but … save a lot of money 4. Payment in Britain in Nepal British money might be … 5. Guide a guidebook read up avoid hiring … ? b) Listen again and describe various options that are open to Susie and Max. Start every sentence with an ifclause: If they visit Nepal in April, … c) On your own. Make up a chain story. One student says a sentence, another takes over and so on. Summarize your partners’ story. Examples: 1. If I save a lot of money, I’ll go to Miami. If I go to Miami, I’ll… 2. If George saves a lot of money, he… 495 20. Translate the following story from Russian into English using the words below the text. Copy it out and report it. Однажды я собрался ехать из Фрезно в Нью/Йорк. Перед отъездом мне нанёс визит мой престарелый дядюшка, чтобы предостеречь меня от опасности в пути. “Как только ты сядешь в поезд, двое мужчин в форме войдут в купе и потребуют показать билет. Не реагируй, это будут мошенники.” “Как я об этом узнаю?” – спросил я. “Ты сразу поймёшь, ведь ты уже не ребёнок”, – заметил он. “Прежде чем поезд пройдёт 20 миль, к тебе подойдёт молодой человек, чтобы угостить тебя сигаретой. Скажи, что не куришь. Сигарета будет отравленной.” “Хорошо, сэр”, – согласился я. “По дороге в вагон/ресторан тебе встретится молодая привлекательная женщина. Твоим естественным желанием станет познакомиться с ней. Не делай этого. Она будет авантюристкой. Даже если она сядет за твой столик, не смотри ей в глаза. Если заговорит – притворись, что глухой. Это единственный выход.” “Выход из чего?” – спросил я. “Из создавшейся ситуации, – ответил дядя. Я знаю, что говорю.” “Спасибо, сэр”, – сказал я. “ И ещё одна вещь. Вечером, когда будешь ложиться спать, достань деньги из кармана и положи их в свой башмак. Держи его под подушкой, голову на подушке и не спи всю ночь.” Дядюшка ушёл, а я отправился в Нью/Йорк. Путешествие было приятным, а опасения дядюшки совершенно напрас/ными. (After William Saroyan) (To warn against sth, to pay a visit, to ignore, an impostor, doped, a diner, to run into sb, an adventuress, out of the whole trouble, groundless.) 496 21. Roleplay the following situation “Will we be able to meet?” Partner A: Partner B: You’re travelling to America on holiday next week. This means you will have to fly first to London where your British colleague lives. You’d like to see him during your short stay there. Give your colleague a ring to arrange a meeting. You start. You work in the centre of London. You’d very much like to see your Russian friend using an hour’s break for lunch, but the journey to the airport takes about 40 minutes. Perhaps your friend could come into town to see you. Here’s some of the language you may need: Partner A Partner B Look, will we be able to meet next week? It doesn’t look as if you will be able to ... . I am really looking forward to seeing you. If you like, I can ... That’s very kind of you, but please don’t bother. Shall I ...? I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. Do you mind ... (+ /ing)? Do you think I could ...? Thank you, I’d appreciate that. 21a. Describe how the situation in task 21 was acted out by your colleagues. While quoting their words make use of the following reporting verbs. He / she greeted her / him reminded asked said exclaimed suggested answered apologized saying explained thought invited promised 497 Section II HOW TO KEEP THE WORLD GREEN КАК СОХРАНИТЬ ПЛАНЕТУ ЗЕЛЁНОЙ Set 1 READING Сooperation and consensus Сотрудничество и согласие FOR DETAIL Tomorrow belongs to me The Economist, Oct. 2/8, 1999 22. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS attitude to/towards [xtI, tju:d] n. отношение, позиция, подход: What is your attitude to this book? flood [flAd] n. наводнение, половодье, поток: She burst into floods of tears during the conversation. to connect [kqnekt] v. соединять, связывать: The plumber connected all the pipes and turned on the tap. connection n. связь, родство: There’s a strong connection between smoking and heart disease. in this connection в этой связи to prevent [prIvent] v. предотвратить, помешать: Business prevented him from coming. prevention n. предупреждение, предотвращение: Prevention is better than cure. sense [sens] n. ощущение, смысл: He had the sense not to 498 drive after hearing the forecast. sensible adj. разумный: It was very sensible of you to bring your umbrella. point [pPInt] n. суть дела, главное, пункт, аргумент: I’m in a hurry, so come/get to the point. There were two or three points in your speech that I didn’t understand. to establish [IstxblIS] v. учреждать, утверждать, устанавливать: His latest film has really established his reputa/ tion as a director. to destroy [dIstrOI]v. разрушать, уничтожать: She destroyed all his letters. a gap [gxp] n. пробел, брешь: There are wide gaps in my knowl/ edge of history. It is necessary to fill up/ bridge the gap between school and university. to cause [kO:z] v. причинить, вызывать: What caused the accident? The car has caused me a lot of trouble. a cause n. причина, повод (для беспокойства) consumption [kqnsAmpSqn] n. потребление: The car’s fuel consumption is very high. government [gAvqnmqnt] n. правительство: The Prime Minister formed a government. justice [GAstIs] n. справедливость: The police do all they can to bring criminals to justice. WORD BUILDING 23. The English suffixes ful and less form adjectives from nouns. Read the adjectives with the suffixes ful and less and translate them into Russian. Examples: hopeful (having the quality of...) подающий надежды hope – hopeless (without the quality of...) безнадёжный /ful Useful, careful, peaceful, powerful, meaningful, purposeful. /less Useless, careless, aimless, senseless, powerless, motionless, purposeless, meaningless. 499 24. Study the verbs below and state the meaning of the prefix in the following verbs. Retell, reuse, rewrite, reread, remake, rebuild, recycle, rearrange, reconsider, replay, reorganize. 25. Read and translate the following international words. , Technologic, protection, phenomenon, , transformation, steward, ignore, , conservation, emission, context, industria, lize, ton, , ecological, catastrophe, crisis, crises, , overconsumption, co , operation, bio, sphere, , vegetation, en, vironmentalist. 26. Study the information from the magazine “Newsweek” (November 9, 1998) and answer the following question: Is civilization in harmony with nature? Why or why not? Cultural Note Greenhouse effect (парниковый эффект) is a result of pollution. It causes global warming of the air because greenhouse gas, esp. carbon dioxide [daIPksaId] (углекислый газ), collects in space around the Earth. Text A The World Conservation Movement When you think of the 21st century, do you see the best of times, or the worst of times? Environmentalists are by nature optimistic, but they realize that the health of the whole planet will depend on new technologies and a big change in attitude. WHY HAS THE EARTH’S ENVIRONMENT CHANGED? The year of 1998 saw massive forest fires in Indonesia, Brazil and Central America; floods in China and storms in the USA. Thousands of people died. Many political leaders are beginning to see these phenomena as connected to each other and to the way people live. The earth’s 500 environment has changed because of our careless interaction with its resources. Jacques Chirac was right when he said, “Man has got powerful tools, but hasn’t yet learnt how to master them and how to transform himself into a sensible steward of the earth. Though it is too late to prevent global warming, it is senseless to ignore it.” WHO STARTED THE WORLD CONSERVATION MOVEMENT? WHAT IS ITS POLICY? This is the point of the 1997 Kyoto (Japan) Protocol – signed by 84 nations, but not ratified by the U.S. Senate – which would limit developed countries’ carbon emissions from cars and power plants. The World Conservation Union (the IUCN*) is the world’s largest organization that sees a future in the context of the past. After 50 years of work on the global level (it has established contacts with 139 countries) the IUCN must move ahead, focusing on the five fronts. THE ENERGY CRISIS There’s an old saying in English: What goes up, must come down. Industrialized areas in Europe send about 20 million tons of sulphur (сера) into the air every year producing greenhouse gases. THE EXTINCTION (истребление) CRISIS Greenhouse gases don’t only change the climate of our planet, but also mix with clouds to form acid (кислотные) rains that kill fish and vegetation. THE WATER CRISIS Pollution has put most sources of fresh water at risk. It is destroying rivers, lakes and oceans that make up 95% of the planet’s biosphere. THE SECURITY CRISIS The large gap between the haves and have/nots will place natural resources at the centre of conflict. Since the beginning of history, war has been a means of resolving differences. But modern wars add to global warming and cause ecological catastrophes. THE CONSUMPTION CRISIS In our culture of overconsumption we use more food, water and energy each day. If we do not get away from need of things, we will be unable to resolve any other crises. We must develop materials that are easier to recycle and to reuse. * The IUCN – организация была учреждена во Франции, и данная аббревиатура – калька с французского. 501 Sharing his vision of tomorrow’s world Kofi A. Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, said, “The UN will take international cooperation to a new level for the common good. It must be the place where governments and organizations such as the World Conservation Union can come together in partnership for peace, for justice, for human rights and for environmental protection.” 27. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the English for the following Russian phrases. Use them in discussing the text. Будeт зависеть от новых технологий, был свидетелем сильных пожаров и ураганов, эти явления взаимосвязаны, небрежное обращение с ресурсами, установить контакты, превратиться в разумного хозяина земли, суть протокола, ограничило бы выделение углерода, подвергать риску, пропасть между имущими и неимущими, средство разрешения противоречий, избавиться от вещизма, на общее благо. c) Pick out words and phrases relating to ecology. d) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. 1. to prevent 2. attitude 3. destruction 4. to establish 5. sensible 6. flood 7. to cause 8. a gap 9. to connect 10. a consumer 502 a) to join one object to another, to unite b) a user of material things and services c) an empty space between two objects or two parts of an object d) to call forth, to bring about, to make some event happen e) a way of feeling or thinking about sth or sb, position, opinion f) reasonable, having or showing good sense g) to found, to set up, to put beyond doubt h) act of destroying i) to keep sth from happening j) a great overflow of water e) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text. 1. The river outflows every spring. 2. The fire ruined most of the building. 3. What is the company’s position on this question? 4. This town has very good railway and road links with the coast. 5. What can we do to stop this disease spreading? 6. He refuses to pay, but perhaps you can make him behave reasonably. 7. I didn’t see the main idea of his last remark. 8. He has been unable to make certain of the truth of her story. 9. The government must encourage the creation of new industry. 10. There’s a great break between what the country produces and what it consumes. f) There are two English equivalents for the Russian word причина. Translate the following using the words a cause and a reason. Cause (of) (sth, which produces a result) 1. Лёд на дороге был причиной аварии. 2. Причиной несчастного случая был густой туман. 3. Причиной половодья был сильный дождь. 4. Главная причина преступлений – это бедность и безработица. Reason (for) (sth, which explains or excuses an action) 1. Он отказался объяснить причину их отсутствия. 2. Никогда не опаздывайте без причин. 3. Этот человек стал причиной, по которой мы собрались. 4. Причиной моего молчанья было желание сделать вам сюрприз. g) Become, get, go, grow and turn can all be used to talk about changes of state. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian and remember how to use these verbs. Become + most types of adjectives and noun phrases 503 1. The sky became cloudy. 2. It was becoming very dark. 3. What do you have to do to become a pilot? 4. He became king at the age of 17. 5. We’ll soon become acclimatized to the warmer weather. 6. It became clear that he was lying. 7. After her father’s death she became the richest woman in the world. { Get + adjectives old, tired, ill. It is less formal than “become” infinitive (to talk about a gradual change) 1. The food is getting old. 2. The cat’s getting too old to catch any mice. 3. You get younger every day. 4. He’s getting better (after an illness). 5. They got married in 1986, and got divorced two years later. 6. She’s nice when you get to know her. 7. After a few weeks I got to like the job better. { Go + colour adjectives (when the change in colour is not long/lasting) other adjectives (to show changes in quality for the worse) 1. Leaves go brown in autumn. 2. The policeman went white with anger. 3. Her hair has gone grey. 4. His face went red when they made fun of him. 5. He went bald in his twenties. 6. The meat has gone bad. 7. The company has gone bankrupt. Grow + adjectives (to show a slow and gradual change. It is not so informal as “go”.) 1. She’s growing fat. 2. The noise grew louder. 3. It’s growing dark. 4. The sound of the music grew faint. 5. When they grew rich, they began to drop their old friends. 6. Without noticing it he grew old. 7. As the weather grows colder, your thoughts turn to holidays in the sun. Turn + adjectives of colour (to show striking changes of state) 1. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. 2. This hot sun will turn the 504 grass brown. 3. She suddenly turned pale when she heard the bad news. 4. The milk will turn sour if you don’t put it in the fridge. 5. He turns nasty after he’s had a couple of drinks. 6. She turned bright red and ran out of the room. h) Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Становится прохладно. 2. Она хочет стать экономистом. 3. Если вам станет хуже, вызовите врача. 4. Когда он получил неприятное известие, то внезапно побледнел. 5. Мы забыли поставить суп в холодильник, и он прокис. 6. Смотрите, Джон стал совсем седым. 7. Звуки музыки становились всё громче. 8. Она покраснела, услышав своё имя. 9. Когда вы лучше узнаете их, то всё поймёте. i) Look through the text once again and answer these questions. 1. What have environmentalists come to realize? 2. Why has the Earth’s environment changed? Can you list any examples? 3. What did Jacques Chirac say about global warming? 4. What’s the point of the Kyoto Protocol? 5. What policies does the IUCN concentrate on? 6. What causes pollution? 7. Why is throwing toxic chemicals into a river a risky thing to do? 8. What makes modern wars dangerous? 9. Can we prevent the consumption crisis? 7. What is the role of the UN in the World Conservation Movement? j) Give a presentation on the origin of the IUCN. Focus on the biggest challenges facing the world’s nations. 28. Comment on the opinions formed by separate personalities. Some experts believe that although the 20th/century lived with the nuclear bomb [bPm], there was great economic and scientific progress and much human happiness. The same can be true in the next century. The world’s greatest living botanist Peter Raven developed the concept of coevolution. It demonstrates that living things can only evolve in contact with one another. Is it a forceful argument? 505 While discussing the statements above you may need the following arguments. Unless things change, 1. forests might turn into desert in the next half/century; 2. litter might make the city dirty and spoil the view; 3. pollution might hurt people’s lungs (лёгкие); 4. pesticides [pestIsaIdz] might end up in our food and cause health problems. 29. Translate the following text from Russian into English using the phrases below. Будущее нашей планеты Мы живём в прогрессивное время. Уже сейчас учёным удалось предсказать, какова будет жизнь в следующем столетии. Автоматизация решит проблему безработицы и предоставит людям больше свободного времени для отдыха. Компьютеры заменят людей многих профессий, расширят способность врачевания болезней. Однако компьютерная технология – это не панацея от всех бед. Даже компьютерная диагностика имеет свои пределы. Отношение людей к природе изменится, они будут заботиться о ней. Пока мы сделали очень мало для сохранения природных ресурсов. Если положение вещей останется прежним, то загрязнение окружающей среды причинит всем нациям огромный ущерб. Понятно, что в одиночку ни одно правительство не сможет предотвратить экологическую катастрофу, так как государство не сможет закрыть свои границы от загрязнения извне. Необходимо восполнить знания населения об охране окружающей среды. ЮНЕСКО и другие международные организации будут бороться за установление мирных отношений с окружающей средой. Причина для оптимизма – это здравый смысл людей, которые осознают, что другого выбора нет, и будут действовать ради общего блага. 506 (As early as today, automation, to replace sb, to extend the ability, diagnostics, will never be a cure/all for sth, a border, common sense.) How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on the ecological situation in Russia... 30. Study the following facts. 1. Burning coal has made the Chinese people warm in winter. However, China has become the world’s largest producer of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. 2. The Americans lead the world in greenhouse/gas production mainly because of their passion for cars (the source of almost 40% of US emissions). 3. After a fire at a nuclear plant near Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 radiation polluted water and farm animals in large areas of Europe. a) Society cannot be indifferent to what happens elsewhere. What do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of building nuclear power stations? b) Describe the state of things with the protection of environment in your country. What will we have to do to keep our planet green? a) control litter and throw away less paper; b) recycle paper and give it a second life; c) place litter in special garbage cans; d) take used oil to service stations for recycling; e) save forests (absorbing the gas) and limit emission; f) clean lakes and rivers; g) get more energy from the sun and the wind; h) develop businesses according to nature. 31. Read the joke aloud and report it. Make a note of one or two key words, if necessary. 507 JOKE SPOT Automation It was the first commercial flight to Mars. Fifty specially selected passengers got into the space/shuttle. The shuttle took off, there was a lot of noise for one minute and then there was silence. Out of their windows, the passengers could see the Earth get smaller and smaller. Then they heard a voice. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first commercial flight to Mars. As you probably know, this space/shuttle is completely controlled by robots so that you can be sure that nothing will go wrong .....go wrong.....go wrong.....go wrong.....go wrong.....” Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION Will everyone be happy? Будут ли люди счастливы? 32. Read an extract from the drama by the American playwright Lee Blessing. The action of the play takes place in Geneva. Walking in the woods are John Honeyman and Andrey Botvinnik – diplomats from America and Russia. In this extract Mr. Honeyman tells his American colleague what happened to him that morning. Be ready to answer the following question. Did the American diplomat get a culture shock? What makes you think so? Cultural Note Culture shock is the shock of misunderstanding a different and unfamiliar culture. You may need the following words. strict – строгий gum wrapper – обёртка от жевательной резинки stare at sb – пристально смотреть на кого/л., таращить глаза 508 yell at sb – вопить, (за)кричать на кого/л. precious [preSqs] – драгоценный to push sb – толкнуть кого/л. insane [InseIn] – ненормальный Text B Walking in the Woods Honeyman throws the flowers to the ground but Botvinnik picks them up. B.: You must control yourself. Switzerland has strict laws about littering. H.: I know. I was almost arrested for it this morning B.: You were? Really? Tell me about it. H.: I threw a gum wrapper on the sidewalk, and suddenly there was this very old man beside me, yelling at me in German. He was trying to make me stop. I speeded up – I didn’t know who he was. B.: Go on. H.: He yelled at me louder – in French this time. I stopped and stared at him. I didn’t say anything, I just stared. He kept on yelling, only he switched to Italian. Finally I said, “I don’t speak Italian”, and he went back to French. B.: No. H.: Yes! I said, “I don’t speak French,” and he went back to German. B.: Really? H.: Yes! So I yelled back at him: “I don’t speak French, German 509 or Italian! I’m American, damn it! What the hell do you want?!” And he turned and pointed at my gum wrapper. And then I saw he was a cop. He was a Swiss policeman. B.: Oh, dear. H.: And he tried to drag me back to this gum wrapper. I said, “Tell me what you want,” and he said, “Aufheben!” The paper.”Aufheben!” B.: Pick it up. H.: Exactly. B.: And did you? H.: No, I didn’t pick it up. B.: Really? Why not? H.: Would you? B.: Of course. H.: Well, I didn’t. I wanted to say, “ Look – I spend all day, every day, working to prevent the total destruction of every living thing on this planet. The whole planet, even Switzerland. I’m trying to preserve the last few precious days of life you may have coming to you. But I can’t do it if I’m not allowed to throw gum wrappers on the sidewalk. Do you understand? It’s too much pressure! I can’t worry about everything!” B.: But you didn’t say that. H.: No. I said, “I’m a very important person.” B.: What did he say to you? H.: “Aufheben!” B.: And you said? H.: No! Then he tried to arrest me. By this time people were stopping, looking at me and shaking their heads. B.: Congratulations! An international incident! H.: Anyway, he tried to push me again, and I ... I don’t know why I did this, but actually ... I pushed him. B.: Did you hurt him? H.: No, he didn’t even fall over. But the others – the people around us – they were shocked. The old cop stared at me like I was insane. B.: You were. H.: So I quickly took out my identification, held it open and said, “Diplomat” and pointed to myself. I kept saying, “It’s 510 all right – I’m a diplomat,” but the circle of people got wider and wider, and the cop turned and walked away from me as fast as he could. And everyone else did the same. I’ve never behaved that way in public before. B.: You were having a bad day. 33. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the sentences with the following word combinations and translate them into English. Strict laws about littering, I speeded up, he kept on yelling, switched to Italian, I didn’t pick it up, shaking their heads, an international incident, held it open, got wider and wider, as fast as he could. c) How much do you remember? 1. Why did the Swiss policeman want to arrest Mr. Honeyman? 2. Why didn’t the American diplomat answer when the Swiss policeman tried to stop him? Did the man in the uniform act in a friendly way? 3. Did John make one single mistake? What was his worst mistake? 4. What was the reaction of the crowd? 5. Do we know Mr. Botvinnik’s attitude to the incident? How did he characterize John’s behaviour? d) Figure it out. Did Mr. Honeyman understand the differences in culture between his country and the country he was working in? If the American diplomat was a polite and educated man, then he broke Swiss law on purpose, didn’t he? Characterize John’s state of mind. What was he thinking about? Was he right when he said that there was too much pressure? What gave him quite a shock? Was John able to understand the reason for his anger? Point out two most important factors which could make John lose control and, in fact, caused the stress situation: – someone’s aggressive actions; 511 – pressure from the chief; – cultural misunderstanding; – too much work. 34. Do this cultural test to find out how well you know yourself and if you try to understand other people and their way of thinking. Tick (V) letters a, b or c. Remember! rude – грубый quarrel [kwPrql] – ссора Note! to socialize – проводить время в дружеском общении spontaneously – непринужденно a) Ask your partner if he ... ... prefers socializing a lot. Example: Do you prefer socializing a lot? a b c Very often Not much From time to time ... is more reserved than most people. ... he looks for a quiet corner when at a party a b c Not at all Like many others All the time a b c Never Sometimes Often enough ... feels relaxed in the company of strangers. a b c Yes It depends Never ... spontaneously introduces himself to newcomers at social gatherings. a b c Always If in the mood Rarely ... often loses control of his emotions and gets angry with others. a b c Almost never Sometimes Rather often ... often breaks contacts with people. 512 ... feels he had better start a discussion than a quarrel. a b c Strongly In two minds Prefer attack ... gets angry when he hears what certain politicians say on TV. a b c Very seldom It depends Regularly ... can be critical of himself. a b c As a rule Sometimes Almost never ... criticizes his colleague when something goes wrong. a b c How come? If necessary As a rule ... returns fire when somebody is rude to him. a Fight back but differently Very rarely Often b c b) Count your score. Give yourself 2 points for a; 1 point goes for b and 0 – for c. c) Check your answers. Fantastic! 15–22 show that you are an easy/going person and you know how to avoid personal conflicts. Not bad! 8–14 show that you are able to communicate differently in different situations. The rise in anger is always based on misunderstanding. Attention! 0–7 say that you should be more perceptive to any other views and mentality and learn to control your emotions. d) Discuss the results you’ve got. Do you agree or disagree with them? 35. Analyze the situations when you experienced a culture shock. 513 What made you feel angry / feel blue? Was it because ... 1. the information seemed strange to you? 2. you didn’t understand the meaning of some words? 3. the partner was rude? 4. the system of values was quite different? 5. the facts were completely new? 6. you disliked the way the person argued? 7. people said shocking things just to get a reaction? Section III REALLIFE COMMUNICATION Set 1 Do you think it’ll get warmer? Думаете, что потеплеет? In Britain the weather changes very quickly. The British say that other countries have a climate, and in Britain they have weather. Weather is a safe topic for conversation. It’s probably the weather that has shaped English character. 36. Often we have no control over future events. But we can try to predict if something might happen or not. Study some ways of stating probability. (+) YES, DEFINITELY (+?) YES, PROBABLY (??) PERHAPS I’m sure it will …It’ll be … all day tomorrow. I expect it will … It’s get/ ting … already. It might possibly … There’s a chance it’ll … (/?) NO, PROBABLY NOT I doubt [daVt] if it will … (/) NO, DEFINITELY NOT Of course, it won’t … I’m absolutely sure it won’t … 37. Read, dramatize and report the following conversation. a) Note which of the expressions above were used by a separate partner. 514 b) Fill in the blanks in task 36 with the suitable words from the dialogue. Remember! weather forecast – прогноз погоды Note! to wrap [rxp] up warm – одеваться тепло, укутываться fairly mild – довольно мягкий Discussing the weather James Preston: Bob Troy: James Preston: Bob Troy: James Preston: Bob Troy: James Preston: Lovely day, isn’t it? Fairly mild for this time of year. Hmm, it’s quite nice now, but I’m sure it will rain soon. I’ve got my umbrella with me, just in case. Well, it could turn out warm and sunny. Our English weather is so changeable, you can never be too sure. I expect it’ll be cold and dull all day tomorrow. It’s getting cool already. What kind of weather do you prefer? I like all sorts of weather, but it gets on my nerves when it’s windy! By the way, I was planning to go to the sea/side for the weekend. Hmm, I don’t know, but it might possibly be windy tomorrow. Wrap up warm. There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. It’s 11 o’clock now. I’ll turn on the radio, let’s listen to the weather forecast. Questions. 1. What makes James Preston feel happy about today’s weather? 2. Why has Bob Troy got his umbrella with him? Is he sure that it’ll rain soon? What are his exact words? 3. Which of the two men worries about probable weather changes? Why? 4. Does James’s viewpoint change Bob’s attitude? Why does Bob still think there’s little chance of enjoying good weather? List 515 his exact words. 5. Why does Bob give James advice about warm clothes? 38. Listening. You’ll hear a broadcast about the weather that Bob and James listened to on the radio. a) Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false. Remember! to spread [spred] – распространяться westerly (of the wind) – с запада 12 degrees Centigrade – 12 градусов по Цельсию The radio transmits the details of the weather for the whole of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Tomorrow will start off dry and bright in most areas. By midday there will be quite a wind. You can expect some rain and easterly winds in most places in the afternoon. The temperature will be lower than yesterday. In the evening Southern England will see the best of tomorrow’s weather. b) Listen to the recording again and pool the information about weather changes during the day. 1. What has the radio forecast promised for tomorrow morning / midday / afternoon / late afternoon / evening? 2. Will holiday/makers see much of the sun tomorrow? Why? / Why not? 3. The weather is often different from the forecast. Do you think it will upset James’s plans? 4. As you remember, both James Preston and Bob Troy gave their weather predictions. Which of the men turned out more realistic, in your opinion? Why? 516 39. Predict the weather where you are. a) Make sure you understand phrases like these. Match the words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. 1. The weather is improving. a) Думаю, что будет стоять хорошая погода. 2. It’s beginning to drizzle. b) 30 градусов тепла в тени. Температура повышается. 3. I think it will continue (keep) c) Всё ещё идёт сильный fine. дождь. 4. It will turn out a wet day. It d) Не попади под дождь (ливень)! won’t keep fine. Ты промокнешь насквозь. 5. The rain is still falling. e) Погода улучшается. 6. Don’t get caught in the rain. f) Начинает моросить. You’ll get wet through. 7. It’s 30 (degrees) in the shade. g) День окажется серым. ХороThe temperature is rising шая погода не продержится. (going up). b) Write various words and phrases related to weather under the correct headings. HEAT RAIN SUN AND WARMTH WEATHER CHANGES 1. It’ll keep 1. Rain is fall1. _________. 1.__________. hot. ing. 2. _________. 2. __________. 2. _________. 2.__________. 3. _________. 3. __________. 1.__________. 3.__________. 4.__________. 4. __________. 2.__________. 4.__________. 5.__________. 5. __________. 3.__________. 5.__________. 517 c) Work in pairs. Try to predict next week’s weather. Decide how you will use the expressions of stating probability. Choose one of the 4 groups of words in task b) and support it through the whole conversation. 40. Roleplay the game on p. 482. Set 2 Business letters Деловые письма A FOLLOWUP ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ УСТНОЙ ДОГОВОРЁННОСТИ After reaching a joint decision or oral agreement it’s reasonable to send a follow/up which confirms the agreement. 41. Read the letter below and translate it from English into Russian. Notice how the letter confirms the previous arrangement. Note! a convention room – зал заседаний a keynote address – основной доклад a guest of honour [Pnq] – почётный гость a topic – тема THE COMMITTEE TO KEEP MINNESOTA GREEN 24 North Main Street Blackduck, Minnesota 56630 July 3, 20__ Ms. Christine Solars Solars, Solars, and Wright 62 Onigum Road Walker, Minnesota 56484 Dear Ms. Solars: We are pleased that you will participate in the Ecology Colloquium sponsored by the Committee to Keep Minnesota Green. As we dis518 cussed in our recent conversation, the colloquium will take place on June 29 in the convention room at the Blackduck Inn. The colloquium will begin with the keynote address at 10:30 A.M. At 11:00, you will join our other guests of honour in a debate on the topic “The cost of Conservation: Public or Private Responsibilities?” Along with the other members of the Committee, I am looking forward to our meeting on the 29th. Sincerely yours, CONFIRMATION ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ДОКУМЕНТА Here is a list of standard phrases you may need to confirm receipt of any materials (letter / programme / agenda / draft / tables, etc.) We confirm receipt of ... We acknowledge receipt of ... I am in receipt of your letter ... According to your request ... In reply to your request ... We are glad to answer your inquiry ... 42. Translate the following private letter from Russian into English. Note! to enclose sth – прилагать какой/н. документ Уважаемый г/н Манхейм! В ответ на Ваш запрос мы с удовольствием сообщаем, что коллоквиум по программе консервации состоится 19 ноября с.г. Будем Вам признательны, если Вы привезёте свои последние предложения по интересующей Вас теме. Для удобства прилагаю приглашение. Пожалуйста, подтвердите получение. 519 С нетерпением жду скорой встречи. С искренним уважением Н. Симпсон Исполнительный директор Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 17 1. Put in “ if” or “when” and explain your choice. 1. I’ll open the window _____ it stops raining. 2. Give Alice another piece of advice ____ it keeps her quiet. 3. ____ you are in London next month, you must come and see me then. 4. Brian might phone this evening. ____ he does, can you take a message? 5. _____ I play tennis with Jack, he always wins. 6. He’s looking for a job. Will you be able to help him, ____ he doesn’t find it? 7. I hope to be there by 10.30. But ____ I’m not there, don’t wait for me. 8. Betsy is feeling very tired. She’ll go straight to bed ______ she gets home. 2. Open the brackets and use the correct verb form (Simple Present or Future). 1. What ______ fashion _____ (to be) like in the year 2025? 2. I’ve already broken two plates. ______ I _______ (to go on) washing up? 3. There _______ (not to be) any trouble, ______ there? 4. I __________ (not to know) when he ____________ (to leave) for the south. 5. It probably _______ (not to snow) in Western Europe. 6. Can you tell me when Mrs. Ellis _______ (to be) back? 7. If you __________ (not to work) hard, you __________ (not to be able) to pass the test and __________ (to fail) your exam. 520 3. Put questions to which the underlined words are the answers. 1. They’ll show us a lot of places of interest tomorrow. _________ ___________________________________________ 2. He hasn’t been able to focus on the details.________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. We had to choose between tennis and a swimming pool. ______ ____________________________________________________ 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and justify their usage. Weather signs It is more fun to have ___ varied climate than to live in ___ country where you know that ___ rain is going to come at ___ same time each year. It rains quite often all ___ year round in England. That is why it is such ___ green country, with ___ long green grass for ___ cattle and sheep and ___ beautiful lawns in ___ gardens. ___ country people know all sorts of sayings about ___ weather. Clouds are ___ best guide if you want to learn to read ___ weather signs for yourself. You will remember, of course, that ___ direction of ___ wind will help you to forecast what weather is on the way. You know that ___ wind from ___ West or South/West brings ___ rain and ___ unsettled weather. ___ east wind is colder, but in ___ summer it generally brings ___ fine days. In ___ winter ___ east wind is ___ sign of ___ frost and ___ snow storms. On ___ summer night, if ___ stars seem brighter than usual, then ___ wind and ___ rain are on the way. ___ red sunset foretells ___ fine weather. If it is muddy and misty, then ___ rains will follow. 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Щёки больного порозовели. Доктор сказал, что завтра ему станет гораздо лучше. 2. Мы сделаем всё от нас зависящее, чтобы помешать их ссоре. 521 3. Cколько времени потребуется, чтобы установить контакты с этой фирмой? 4. Если он последует совету своего дяди, то ему удастся избежать неприятностей. 5. Вы выбросили вчерашнюю газету с прогнозом погоды? В нём говорилось, что на следующей неделе температура повысится. 6. Вам предстоит сделать необходимые приготовления в связи с международной конференцией, которая состоится через десять дней. Когда вы сможете начать? 7. В будущем учёные найдут средства от всех болезней. Чтобы контролировать вес, людям придётся сочетать диету с зарядкой. 522 Word List (Unit 17) A attitude avoid C catastrophe cause close at hand connect consensus conservation consumption context crisis cure D destroy disease doubt E ecology ecological emission environment establish contacts excursion F facilities flood forecast H hire I ignore in this connection T throw away ton transform transformation P phenomenon point pollution predict prediction prevent prevention protect protection push Q quarrel queue R rude run out (of) S save scientist sense spread steward strict G garbage gap 523 UNIT 18 THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL Мысли широко, действуй конкретно AGENDA * Compounds of “some”, “any”, “no”, “every”. Complex object with the infinitive. Have something done. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 597) * Democracy. National heroes / heroines. * Asking for clarification. Revise units 13–18 and roleplay. a) Prepare an essay on one of the issues beforehand. 1. Russia’s Contribution to World Culture. 2. Education and Career. 3. Ecology and a Human Thing. 4. Prosperity as the Basis for Democracy. 5. Shaping a New Global Community. b) While writing the paper, supply it with a number of transition phrases. 1. INTRODUCING ONE’S POINT It seems to me there are 2/3 main points to consider. I’d like to start by talking about… 2. MOVING TO THE NEXT STAGE Another point is… Now I come to… 524 3. REFERRING TO MATERIALS WHICH SUPPORT THIS POINT As an example of this let me turn to… In support of this view I can quote X. 4. CONCLUDING A TALK In conclusion, I’d like to say that… c) Organize а roundtable discussion. You are working in a host country. You’ve received an invitation to take part in the conference “Humanity in the New Millennium”. Today you are delivering your report. Speak effectively! d) Use the following communicative functions: – asking for and giving information; – asking for clarification. Section I Set 1 GRAMMAR PRACTICE WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE TROUBLE? В ЧЁМ, СОБСТВЕННО, ПРОБЛЕМА? Can I do anything for you? Могу я чем$нибудь помочь? 1. Read these short dialogues and describe the situations they were used in. A. I say, Carol, would you like to go anywhere special tonight? B. Do you want the truth? I don’t feel like going out at all. A. Excuse me! Is there a camera shop anywhere in the neighbour hood? B. Turn right at the next corner and walk two blocks. You cannot miss it. A. Can I help you? B. Could you give me something for a toothache? A. I would recommend you “Tilenol”. It’s a temporary relief of minor pain. 525 A. I want to buy a car, but I don’t have anything special in mind. B. What about a “Honda”? It is a good and rather inexpensive car. One of these cars is to the left of you. A. Maggie doesn’t dance with anybody at all! B. You can bring anyone else to the party. Come any time after 8. A. I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint. B. What seems to be the trouble? A. I ordered a 3M tape recorder from you, and I think someone has made a mistake and sent me the wrong model. B. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Adams. It’s some thing that doesn’t often happen. 2. In our homes something goes wrong sometimes. What’s wrong this time? Sort out the problem. Your partner has to offer help. a) Read and practise the following conversation. Note! a dial – телефонный диск A. There’s something wrong with my radiator. B. Is there anything I can do to help? A. I hope so. B. What’s the problem? A. It makes a terrible noise. b) Roleplay similar dialogues. Here’s a list of the objects with the problems. 1. watch / It’s fast/slow. 2. portable TV / There’s no colour. 3. transistor radio / I can’t hear anything. 4. washing machine / The engine doesn’t work. 5. alarmclock / It’s not loud enough to wake you up. 6. telephone / the dial is broken. 7. telephone / You cannot leave a message after the tone. 8. airconditioning / It smells funny. 526 3. Practise this conversation and dramatize similar dialogues using the prompts below. Remember! to look up – искать какуюл. информацию в справочнике A. I’m afraid something is wrong with my computer. It makes a funny noise. B. I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I don’t know anything about computers! A. Do you know anybody who can help me? B. Not really. You have to look up in the phone book. iron shaver Walkman electric mixer vacuum cleaner heating system hifi system tape recorder hairdryer 4. Open dialogue “It doesn’t work!” Complete the conversation and say what is wrong with Mrs. Park’s TV. Mrs. Park: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith? Repairman: ..................................................? Mrs. Park: Yes, there’s something wrong with my TV and I need a TV repairman who can come over and fix it. Repairman: ...................................................? Mrs. Park: No, it isn’t a blackandwhite TV. Repairman: ...................................................? Mrs. Park: I don’t know what’s wrong. It just doesn’t work at all. Repairman: .................................................... Mrs. Park: I live at 134 Grove Street in Centerville. Repairman: ..................................................... Mrs. Park: That’s too late. I guess I have to call somebody else. Thank you anyway. Goodbye. 5. Make up a dialogue. One of your electric appliances went wrong. You’ve taken it to the workshop. Talk to the repairman. 527 a) Choose the most suitable phrases on the right. b) Simulate this conversation using the list of objects from task 3. Note! to charge sb – взымать c когол. деньги You Repairman 1. I’ve got a bit of (a) problem here, you see. 2. I’m afraid I’ve lost it. 3. How much will it cost? 4. I think the batteries are dead, you have to replace them. a. I’ll have to check it. Could you come tomorrow? b. That depends on what’s wrong with it. c. When did you buy it? d. Then I’ll have to charge you. e. Have you kept the guarantee? 6. Read the joke aloud and retell it. Make a note of one or two key words, if necessary. JOKE SPOT Sales Talk Someone knocked on Harry’s front door. When Harry opened it he found a salesman with two large, heavylooking suitcases. “Good afternoon,” said the salesman, “I have the world’s most sophisticated (технически сложный) watch on offer at a special price.” Harry watched the salesman demonstrate the new watch. It could function as a radio, a television, a portable phone and a fax machine. When Harry heard that the watch cost only 50 pounds, he bought it immediately. The salesman gave Harry the watch and walked away, leaving the suitcases with Harry. “Hey, you’ve forgotten your cases,” shouted Harry. “Those aren’t suitcases,” replied the salesman, “they’re batteries for your watch.” 7. Read the text and analyze the use of the compound pronouns. Remember! to make a special effort – сделать особое усилие 528 to come round – забежать, зайти к комул., кто живёт поблизости Saturday Night Thoughts It might seem hard to believe but I’m having trouble with my jeep. There’s something wrong with the engine, besides, the windows don’t go up and down. Nobody has been able to fix the jeep so far. I’ve taken the car to the mechanic, somewhere far away from my house. The mechanic charged me a lot of money, but the engine doesn’t start in the morning all the same. I don’t need anyone else’s help. It’s Sunday tomorrow. I usually do nothing on Sundays, but tomorrow I’m going to make a special effort. Why pay someone to do a simple job when it costs you nothing to do it yourself? If anyone, say, Mark, comes round after lunch, we’ll work on the car together. Next Sunday I’ll help him paint his garage. Tasks. a) Which of these statements reflects best Walter’s views on car servicing? 1. There isn’t anybody in town to give him a hand. 2. God helps those who help themselves. 3. If anyone needs advice, they always turn to Mark for help. 4. Walter thinks he knows everything about car engines. 5. Four eyes see more than two. 6. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. b) Answer the following questions. 1. Is there anything wrong with Walter’s jeep? Ask “What?” 2. Has anybody tried to fix it? Ask “Where?” 3. Whose help does Walter reject? Ask “Why?” 4. Does he refuse to pay anyone? Ask “Why?” 5. Will anyone take part in Walter’s project? Ask “Who?” 529 8. Pairwork “Having things done”. (See Grammar Supplement, unit 14.) You may need the following words: a bulb – лампочка to pump a tyre – подкачать шину to do the checking and fixing of one’s car – сделать профилактику своей машины to charge a battery – зарядить аккумулятор an indicator – указатель поворотов a) There’s something wrong with your friend’s car. Ask him about his intentions in the way shown. Example: A. Your car needs servicing. Will you repair it yourself? B. Oh, no. I’ll have it repaired. The garage that I use is very reasonable. check the water check the oil level change the oil check the radiator fill the radiator with antifreeze fix a wheel charge the battery fit a new engine tune the engine wash your car b) In turn, ask your friend how often he has his car checked and fixed. For questions use the words from the list above. c) Your car is malfunctioning in several ways. Let the group advise you for each of these situations. Example: A. What has been going wrong? B. The brake light hasn’t been working. A. You ought to / need to have the bulb changed. 1. The indicators do not work. / Change the bulb. 2. There’s no petrol in the tank. / Fill it. 3. The engine is out of order. / Fit a new one. 4. The heater makes a funny noise. / Repair the heater. 530 5. The radiator has run out of water. / Put some water into the radiator. 6. The radiator has run out of antifreeze. / Put some antifreeze into the radiator. 7. The starter has burnt out. / Replace the starter. 8. The rear window was broken. / Fix it. 9. The tyre is low on air. / Pump it. d) Translate this conversation from Russian into English and dramatize it. В авторемонтной мастерской Driver: Mechanic: Driver: Mechanic: Driver: Mechanic: Driver: Mechanic: Driver: Добрый день. Добрый день. Чем могу служить? Хотелось бы провести профилактику машины. В чём, собственно, проблема? Я заметил, что в последнее время машина сжигает больше бензина, чем обычно, плохо заводится (особенно, когда по утрам прохладно). Ecли приходится стоять у светофора или на перекрёстке, то глохнет (to cut out) мотор. Вы можете оставить нам машину прямо сейчас? Придётся. Могут быть серьёзные неисправности? Трудно сказать чтолибо определённое заранее. Вы не могли бы позвонить нам в районе 5 часов? К тому времени будет известно. Спасибо, до свидания. Set 2 How do you get people to do things? Как побудить окружающих к действию? 9. Your friends offer you their help. Say what you want them to do for you. Remember! Example: to borrow – брать взаймы to improve – улучшить I’d like you to help me with phonetics. 531 1. borrow a dictionary for me 2. borrow some newspapers for me 3. repair a hairdryer for me 4. enroll me in a health club 5. look after my pets while I’m away 6. help me improve my pronuncia tion 7. put me in touch with a repair man 8. fix an interview appointment for me 10. Ask someone to do the following things. Give force to the motives. Example: Keep the door locked. (any strangers / come in) Keep the door locked! I don’t want any strangers to come in. 1. Make arrangements for the trip. (you / refuse the invitation) 2. Talk quietly. (anybody / hear us) 3. Let Julia make her presentation. (her / lose her chance) 4. Can you phone me back? (you / describe your new job to me now) 5. Don’t tell Bob about it. (him / upset our plans) 6. Ask her to wait for me. (her / leave without saying goodbye) 11. What do these people want Ralph to do and why? Example: The doctor / go on a diet. (gain a lot of weight) The doctor wants Ralph to go on a diet, as he has gained a lot of weight. 1. His mother / go to bed early. (have not enough sleep) 2. His teacher / take up architecture. (be good at drawing) 3. His girlfriend / go somewhere for the weekend. (the weather / keep lovely) 4. The doctor / take some medicine. (have a stomachache) 5. His parents / do a cooking job. (very much interested in cookery books of late) 6. His teacher / follow his advice. (do no project work) 7. The coach / stay in bed. (his leg / trouble him) 532 12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Ему не с кем поговорить. 2. – Что вы имеете в виду? – Ничего. 3. Ещё чаю? Мы просим вас не уходить так рано. 4. Послушайте! Такие слова могут рассердить кого угодно. 5. Она раздражена и дала всем понять, что ей скучно. 6. Вы знаете когонибудь в Лондоне? Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы познакомились с моими друзьями. 7. Господин Смит никогда не пользуется своей машиной. Он всюду ездит общественным транспортом. 8. – Я ищу свой ключ и не могу его нигде найти. – Хотите, чтобы я попробовал открыть вашу дверь какимнибудь другим ключом? – Спасибо. Боюсь, что к моей двери не подойдёт ничей ключ. 13. Roleplay. You’re working in Great Britain. Today you are meeting your colleagues from Moscow at London Heathrow. One of the visitors has come through Customs (таможня) and is with you. The other is delayed at the luggage claim because one of his cases is missing. Вы хотите, чтобы: Таксист: а) водитель отвёз одного пассажира в отель Шератон; б) водитель подождал, пока вы с другим пассажиром не выйдете из зала прибытия (arrivals); в) водитель сделал вторую поездку в Шератон; г) водитель подождал несколько минут возле гостиницы и отвёз вас домой. а) согласитесь отвезти пассажиров; б) у вас есть заказ из центра города; в) вы будете вновь свободны через час; г) вы могли бы отменить заказ по телефону, но если вы отмените заказ, то вынуждены будете удвоить плату за проезд. 533 Set 3 A conflict of interests Конфликт интересов 14. Build as many sentences from the table as you can. Mind you don’t use “to” after make and let. you my office hours them me their son ________ Fred him He makes us Sheila / her She lets them I want We ask They tell make great progress. last from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to get on their nerves. not to buy stamped envelopes. drop litter in the park. ______ be bossy in the group. throw away piles of paper. ($) keep her promise. invite our friends to tea. work overtime. 15. What do these students say about their parents’ instructions? Example: John says his father makes him give up smoking. John: Christine: 1. give up bad habits 2. join the army 3. do my military service 4. tell the police about the accident 5. check my feelings 1. attend my classes in grammar 2. do some letterwriting 3. take a serious decision 4. take my entrance exams 5. train as a teacher 16. Using the prompts below speak about your parents’ attitudes. Example: My parents let me use a home computer, but they don’t let me spend all my time on the computer. 1. go swimming / go parachuting 2. arrange parties / drink alcohol 3. go shopping / buy things on impulse 534 4. do some extra work / sit late at night 5. play chess / play Monopoly all evening 6. listen to pop music / listen to rap 17. Read this conversation and try to build similar dialogues using the ideas below. Remember! to get along with sb – ладить, уживаться с кемн. A. You’re in a bad mood, aren’t you? B. I wonder what makes you say so! A. Let’s be realistic about it. You haven’t stopped smoking since early this morning. B. I haven’t, have I? 1. You look worried. 2. You don’t participate in so cial activities. 3. You yelled at me a few minu tes ago. 4. You react badly to all kinds of criticism 5. You don’t get along with your parents very well. 6. You’ve done your homework carelessly. 7. You haven’t had a good night’s sleep. 8. You’re thinking about some thing else. Listening. 18. Two old men are sitting on a bus. You’ll hear them talking about the young generation. Remember! to keep house – вести хозяйство to look after sb – присматривать, ухаживать за кемн. manners – манеры, нравы, поведение a) Tick the columns according to who says what. There are two points which no one mentions. 535 1st man 2nd man 1. All the boys look more like girls. 2. You don’t have to be sociable unless you want to be. 3. They don’t teach girls how to look after children or how to keep house. 4. Things aren’t what they used to be. 5. Everything’s upside down these days. 6. People are fairly nice to each other. 7. People haven’t even got good manners any more. b) Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What do the old men criticize the new generation for? 2. What would the first man like girls to do? 3. What profession seems unladylike to the second man? 4. Can the bus conductor make any of the men give up their seat? Why? / Why not? c) On your own. What can you say about the men’s manners? Is it right to judge by appearances? Comment on the principle: “Judge a person by his deeds, not by his words”. Which is more essential to you – what you’ve received or what you’ve given? Do you feel you are more knowledgeable about life than your parents were at your age? What makes you think so? d) Think of the title to the recorded text. 19. Support one of the opposite viewpoints and give your line of reasoning. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. 536 Remember! behaviour [bIheIvjq] – поведение, манеры Note! sinful – грешный A B 1. The new gods for teenagers are money and materialism. 2. A wild haircut (punk hair style) is suggestive of wild behaviour. 3. The youth has learnt to question the wisdom of its elders, but it has so far found nothing to replace it with. 1. Enjoyment is not sinful. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and leisure. 2. Who said that all the men in the world should wear grey suits and dull haircuts? 3. The old have not created the best of all possible worlds. Today, they could learn a thing or two from their children. Section II WORKING TO PROMOTE PROSPERITY ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ ПРОЦВЕТАНИЯ Set 1 READING All men are born equal Все люди рождаются равными FOR DETAIL Heads of government of the NATO member states convene for the Madrid Summit in July 1997. 537 20. Read the following words and word combinations and remember how to use them. VOCABULARY FOCUS to exist [IgzIst] v. существовать: Can fish exist out of water? existence n. существование: In America blacks continue to suffer from miserable existence. legal [li:gql] adj. законный, правовой: It is legal for people over 18 to buy alcohol. Don’t worry, it’s quite legal. respect [rIspekt] n. уважение: I have the greatest respect for his opinion. equal [i:kwql] adj. равный, равноправный: Сut the cake into six equal pieces. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. election(s) [IlekSqn] n. выборы: He was elected to the Senate in the last election. majestic [m qG estIk] adj. величественный: The great majestic ship sailed slowly into the harbour. struggle [strAgl] n. борьба, схватка: Which of them will come out on top in the power struggle? slavery [sleIvqrI] n. рабство: Abraham Lincoln was the first president to struggle against slavery. to stumble [stAm bl] v. спотыкаться: Somehow he stumbled through his speech and sat down with great relief. a stumbling block to sth помеха, камень преткновения: The question of pay became the stumbling block to agreement. to adopt [qdPpt] v. принять, перенять: They adopted Christianity. We adopted their production methods. adoption n. принятие: the adoption of the resolution essential [IsenSql] adj. существенный, необходимый: We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential. to promote sth [prqm qVt] v. содействовать, способствовать чемул.: The nations of Europe take new efforts to promote the cause of peace. 538 to represent [, reprIzent] v. изображать, cимволизировать, выступать от имени, представлять: He represents Britain at the UN. It was a tall stone figure representing the god of war. to incorporate [InkO:pq, reIt] v. включать, объединять в себе, содержать: His report incorporates the latest trends. an agreement [qgri:m qnt] n. cоглашение, договор: The two sides were unable to reach agreement. You have broken our agreement by not finishing the job in time. to violate [vaIqleIt] v. нарушать, попирать, идти вразрез с чемн.: This violates the spirit of the agreement. violation n. нарушение: brutal violations of human rights. well$being [welbi:IN] n. благополучие, благосостояние: The warm sunny weather always gives me a sense of wellbeing. WORD BUILDING 21. A number of English adjectives have the suffix al. a) Give words of the same root in Russian and compare the meanings. Legal, final, moral, global, central, radical, ideal, material, colonial, political, structural, historical, , universal. b) Form adjectives from the nouns below using the suffix al and translate them into Russian. Norm, music, region, magic, nation, origin, document, profession. 22. We can use the English adjective able (способный, умелый) and the noun ability (умение, ловкость) to form words with the same meaning (способность к совершению действия). Read the following English words and translate them into Russian. 539 Example: to change (изменяться) – сhangeable (изменчивый) – changeability (непостоянство, способность к переменам) Drinkable, (un)eatable, (un)suitable, (un)reasonable, (un)comfortable, (un)favourable, readability, practicability, (un)predictable, (un)predictability. 23. Read these international words and give their Russian equivalents. Democracy, , democratic, , declaration, , organization, standard, principle, regulate, , guarantee, passage, stability, legal, constant, campaign, despotism, , confrontation, co, operation. 24. Study the suggested materials and explain the following thing. Why did the 1948 Declaration become a step forward in the development of democracy in the world? Text A The Universal Declaration of Human Rights “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.” A. Lincoln Of all the systems of government that exist in the world democracy has been so far the best one. Indeed, today every country feels a need to be legal and democratic. But what does it really mean to be a democratic state? A democratic state is based on market economy – that’s true. However, first of all, democracy is respect for human rights, such as the right to life, to freedom of speech and religion. Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to participate in elections, to own property, to preserve national identity and some others. The first document regulating these rights was the American Declaration of Independence. Then, in 1773, Abraham Lincoln 540 thought that the words “all men are born equal” were of no practical use, as they carried no legal force. But throughout his career, Lincoln used that majestic phrase as a political tool in the struggle against slavery. He wanted the world to know that it was a stumbling block to all those who in after times might try to turn free people back into the hateful paths of despotism. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948 became the legal and moral basis of a continuing global campaign for democracy. At that time it was essential to promote universal respect for human rights. The declaration expressed the felt truth of the age and represented democratic standards for free society. Since then many powerful leaders have repeated words of devotion to human rights. They incorporated the principles of the Declaration into constitutions and international agreements. Gradually human rights became a political force, though not always a constant one. Even now, more than fifty years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration much remains to be done. The task of the UN and other organizations is to protect millions of people from the violation of human rights. All the countries of Europe acting through international organizations must work together to promote democratic reforms, stability and wellbeing. (After the article by David A. Martin “Human Rights’ Ongoing Journey From Hopeful Rhetoric to Reality”, the International Herald Tribune, Nov. 26, 1998) 25. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Find the English for the following Russian phrases and use them in discussing the text. Свобода слова, действовать при посредничестве, национальная принадлежность, бороться вместе за обеспечение..., основано на рыночной экономике, уважение прав человека, все равны перед законом, принятие декларации, не иметь законной силы, нарушение прав человека, повернуть вспять. c) Pick out terms relating to politics. Suggest their Russian equivalents. 541 d) Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right. 1. to represent 2. legal 3. to promote 4. instability 5. to incorporate 6. a struggle 7. to adopt 8. election 9. to violate 10. wellbeing 11. essential a) to take and use as one’s own b) completely necessary for the existence, success, etc. of sth c) to act on behalf of sb, to symbolize d) hard fight, great or determined effort e) to break sth which is accepted as right or legal f) personal comfort, good health and happi ness g) to support actively in the growth and development; to give sb a higher position or rank h) a situation producing a tendency to change suddenly i) to include, to make sth a part of sth larger j) act of choosing by voting k) allowed by law or using the law e) Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and expressions from the text. Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. He has picked up bad habits. 2. What is the most important difference between the two political systems? 3. She spoke officially for her fellowworkers at the meeting. 4. The new plan includes the old one. 5. We fought with this problem for a long time. 6. The government has started a set of global actions against smoking. 7. His constant absences have put at risk the comfort and happiness of his family. 8. By sounding the horn of the car they broke the peace of early morning. f) Choose the words from the box and fill in the blanks. Translate these sentences into Russian. adopt promotion exist struggle regulate election legal stumbling 1. Watch TV, the __________ results will be clear tonight. 542 2. The company intends to take _______ action over this matter. 3. There are strict rules that _______ the use of chemicals in food. 4. Foreigners can hardly master the ______ blocks of Russian grammar. 5. The committee _______ my suggestions. 6. It wasn’t easy, but he didn’t give up the ______ for life. 7. There are good chances of ______ in this firm. 8. The Roman Empire ______ for several centuries. g) Study the symbols of some international organizations and say when they were established. The UN was founded (established) in 1945. ООН была основана (учреждена) в 1945 году. The UNESCO The IMF The GATT The Council of Europe was founded established in 1946. 1945. 1948. 1949. h) What do these organizations work for? Remember! security [sikjVqrItI] – безопасность poverty – бедность Note! to contribute to sth – содействовать чемул. 543 The UN * to promote respect for human rights; * to protect the environment; * to fight disease, to reduce poverty. * to contribute to peace and security in the world; (the UN Educational, Sci* to promote cooperation through edu entific and Cultural Orgacation, science, culture and commu nization) nication. The UNESCO The IMF (182 member * to promote international monetary countries) cooperation; * to provide financial assistance to countries; * to promote growth of employment. The OSCE (The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) * to prevent conflict; * to promote freedom and democratic values; * to participate in peace support oper ations. 26. Discuss a few points in text A. 1. What is a democratic state? 2. Do you remember the definition of democracy? Who is the author of these majestic words? 3. What was the first document regulating human rights? What did Abraham Lincoln think about it? 4. What did he want the world to know, when he quoted the 1773 Declaration? 5. Did the 1948 Declaration carry a legal force? What makes you think so? 6. How did its principles become a political force? 7. What is the task of the UN and other international organizations? What will they concentrate their energies on? 8 What shared ideals hold them together? 27. Give a presentation on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. State its role in the development of democracy in the world. 544 28. Translate the following passage from Russian into English using a suitable word from the list below. От конфронтации к сотрудничеству После окончания холодной войны ни одна международная организация в одиночку не обладала достаточными ресурсами для решения актуальных политических вопросов. НАТО, Cовет Европы, ООН, Европейский Союз (EC) и ОБСЕ начали бороться сообща за обеспечение безопасности и стабильности в Европе. ОБСЕ, учреждённая в 1973 году, включает в себя 55 европейских странучастниц. За годы своего существования ОБСЕ боролась за предотвращение межнациональных конфликтов, сохранение мира. В то время как ОБСЕ участвовала в миротворческих операциях, ЕС обеспечивал финансовую поддержку этим акциям. Нации должны от конфронтации повернуться лицом к cотрудничеству. Наилучшая гарантия терпимости по отношению ко всем группам в обществе – это демократия. ОБСЕ удалось cоединить два понятия – принципы Хельсинского процесса 1975 г. и принципы Декларации прав человека. С одной стороны, мир и безопасность, с другой, – демократия, верховенство закона и уважение прав человека. (История ОБСЕ в документах) (after the Cold War ended, sufficient resources, to solve topical issues, to provide financial support for..., to link, rule of law) Questions. 1. How is the news presented in these materials? by speaker by experts by interviews with by reportage by graphs common people 2. Has the information about the OSCE somehow changed your attitude towards partnership for peace? 3. Europe seeks (стремится) to establish the closest possible partnership with the United States. Do you think this power sets a model of real democracy? Give your line of reasoning. 545 29. Agree or disagree with the opinions expressed in the interviews below. David Freeman points out, “There is no fixed form of democracy. In working it out every nation should be left to its own judgement.” Regina Hessky says, “The vision of the United Europe is really exciting. Though people of different nationalities have different lifestyles, they have the same feelings about the same things.” Brian Hoffman says, “Cultures are becoming more alike. It shows in global business, cheap foreign travel and improved communications. It’s a good thing but we need a reasonable balance between globalisation of companies and having a national presence. How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on Russian democracy... 30. On your own. Do you consider yourself a democrat? What has led you to this conclusion? Do you think a democrat should belong to any party? Choose the statement you most agree with. a. Democracy is myth, not reality in Russia. b. Russia is a better place to live in than it was 10 years ago. c. As Russia is moving towards democracy, I can say that it is in the middle of the road. Give any example supporting the idea that the democratic pro cess is underway in this country. 546 Are there any things you’d like to change in Russia? What do you want the government to do about social problems? What is your vision of a new democratic society? Do you vote the same way as your parents in a national election? Could you sacrifice (пожертвовать) your life for Russia? 31. Roleplay the following situation. You are working in Canada. At a reception you meet your Canadian colleague and strike a conversation about America. Try to discuss things without offending your partner, who may have views very different from your own! Look at ten arguments. Choose 5 as “yours” and support the same views through the whole of the situation which follows. You start: It’s difficult to know what to make of America, isn’t it? America: is a great defender of freedom. is a corrupt materialistic society. is the “leader of the West”. interferes too much in the affairs of other countries. is a very generous society. is a very tolerant society. thinks she can push smaller countries around. should try to understand Russia. tries too hard to understand Russia and should oppose them more. is a very shallow society. 547 Set 2 QUICK READING AND DISCUSSION Success. It’s a mind game Успех – это игра умов When we talk about a national figure, we mean a famous man or a woman, either now or in the past, celebrated (прославленный) in his or her field and recognized by the whole nation. Also Britain produced worldfamous politicians, thinkers, musicians, writers, artists such as Henry Moore, Benjamin Britten, Bertrand Russel. 32. Read about the careers of the four greatest British personalities. The information is based on the associations that Englishspeaking people have. Choose the correct names from the box below. Harold Wilson Margaret Thatcher John Major Winston Churchill Lady Diana Harold Macmillan You may need the following words: to describe (as) – характеризовать когол. to face sth – сталкиваться с чемн. to declare – объявить to gain entry into – добиться вступления to be keen on sth – любить чтол. a stock market – фондовая биржа a household word – ходячее выражение an ally [xlaI] – союзник 548 Cultural Note Gulf War is a war which began in 1991 after the Iraqi army occupied Kuwait declaring it the 19th province of Iraq. Forces, mainly from the US, under the flag of the United Nations intervened and they were successful in driving the Iraqis out of Kuwait. (The Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture) Text B Britain’s National Figures 1. ? – (1943 – ) ... is a politician who faced the problems of the Gulf War and Britain’s economic difficulties. He seemed to many people to be a pleasant man but rather dull and boring, especially when compared to Mrs. Thatcher. He was described as “Mr. Nice” or “a grey man in a grey suit”. 2. ? – (1894 – 1986) ... was leader of the Conservative Party who worked to improve EastWest relations but he/she didn’t gain Britain’s entry into the European Community (E.C.). In the newspapers, he/she was often called Supermac. Cultural Note Many people in Britain are not keen on the E.C. They especially dislike the way in which E.C. law controls the small details of life in Britain. 3. ? – (1925 – ) ... was leader of the Conservative Party. At the beginning this politician was pretty much alone among Western leaders in his/ her market orientation. Almost two years later, however, he/she gained a most powerful ally – Ronald Reagan. The large British privatizations of the mid1980s did much to stimulate the integration of global stock markets that has become so important today. (An extract from The Wall Street journal by Daniel Yergin. May 10, 1999) 549 4. ? – ( (1874 – 1965) ... was a person of many talents, noted as a soldier, a politician, a painter and a writer and had a long career. He/she showed his/her genius for leadership during the Second World War when he/she was the Prime Minister (P.M.). He/she remained in power from 195155 and his/her name became a household word throughout the world. 33. Tasks. a) Complete the pretext task. b) Comprehension check. Answer these questions about each of the four personalities. 1. Whose political career does the first part of the text deal with? 2. What was this national figure famous for? 3. What is his name associated with? c) Vocabulary work. Explain the meaning of the words that go with “success” in English. Use your dictionary if necessary. fame – to gain worldwide recognition – to have an outstanding political career – to improve interstate relations – d) Think of a few outstanding personalities. How are these politicians described by biographers ? Example: Ronald Reagan went down in history as a very rightwing president. 1. George Washington (1732–1799) / “the father of his country”. 2. James Madison (1757–1836) / the author of the Constitution. 3. Theodore Roosevelt [rqVzqvelt] (1858–1919) / the youngest person to become US president. 4. Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) / the author of the Declaration of Independence. 550 5. Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) / the man who spoke against slavery. 6. Franklin Roosevelt (1882–1945) / the only president who served more than two terms. 7. George Bush 1 (1924) / the author of “My Life in Letters”. e) Name some political leaders in history that did a lot for their country. Using the list of qualities below say what you admire in them. Example: Tony Blair went down in history as a reorganizer of the House of Lords. What I most admire in this political leader is his moral courage. moral courage [kArIG] (смелость) intelligence reliability [rI,laIqbIlItI] patriotism originality [q,rIGInxlItI] loyalty determination (решительность) talent wisdom (мудрость) kindness ambition 34. Choose the most suitable answer(s) to the questions below. 1. How much is fame connected with personal qualities? a) not at all; b) very much; c) to a certain degree. 2. Which of these factors really matters in the world of politics? a) good connections; b) personal qualities; c) prestigious education. 3. Is it difficult to become famous? Which of these quotations reflect your life credo? a. Fame is a great privilege. It brings happiness. b. A lot of people go after fame, but they are really after money. c. Every man is the architect of his own fortunes. d. Famous people are more interesting than ordinary people. f. Real success comes in small portions every day. 551 4. What aspects of famous people’s lives do you like reading about? a) relations with other outstanding personalities; b) factors which led to success; c) details of their private lives; d) their contribution (вклад) to the world culture. 5. Why are biographers’ opinions important to us? They make us... understand politics better; generate new ideas; shape a vision of the epoch; widen world outlooks. 6. Is it possible to become famous in any profession? 35. Here are four pairs of options. Which of the statements do you support? 1. a) Musicians like the Beatles should be regarded as international figures. b) The Beatles lived superstar lifestyles, they sold more than 1 billion discs and tapes. We shouldn’t talk about their revolutionary performance. 2. a) Ambition is the driving force in life. b) The man without ambition is the truly happy man. 3. a) The “Iron Lady” must go down in his tory as the finest PM in the 20th cen tury. b) Sir W. Churchill has already taken that place. 4. a) You can’t be a great man/ woman without possessing great courage. b) Sometimes you get into trouble when you’re straightforward. 552 36. Study the following description of someone and pick up qualities which are typical of a politician. What career do you associate these qualities with? Is it a sketch of a diplomat? / politician? / businessman? / any other professional? Cultural Note. Tolerance for/towards sb is willingness to accept or allow behaviour, beliefs, customs, etc., which one does not like to agree with, without opposition; to share and understand another person’s feelings. is very creative; enjoys taking difficult decisions; has progressive democratic outlooks; seeks knowledge; doesn’t waste time on unnecessary detail; has a sense of humour; has an open mind, receptive to new ideas; is rather informal; can be sometimes very downtoearth; enjoys discussing things; is tolerant; has a perfect command of the foreign language. 37. Interview your partner about his imaginary celebrity. You: Your partner: You: Your partner: You: Your partner: You: Your partner: You: What qualities do you most admire in this national figure? ........................................................... Why do you think he was so popular? ........................................................... How do you think he gained success? ........................................................... Apart from (помимо) his career what other interests or hobbies did he have? ........................................................... Our last question. If you were to meet him today, what particular question would you like to ask him? 553 a) Guess who this person is and add what else you know about him. b) Change roles. Focus on the leader’s contribution to the world politics. How Does It Compare to Your Culture? Eyes on Russia’s politicians... 38. Translate the text about a wellknown personality and state his name. ? – ( (1931 – ) ... – политический лидер, который оставался у власти с 1985 по 1992 гг. Он известен тем, что начал процесс экономических и политических перемен в СССР (перестройка) и провозгласил свободу слова (гласность). Этот политик добился успеха на пути улучшения отношений с Западом. 39. Project work. Make a few notes about the career of any national figure in your country. – what he / she was famous as; – important events in the career; – date and place of birth; – two reasons for his / her fame. – education, interests and ideals; Section III REAL$LIFE COMMUNICATION Set 1 A dialogue of cultures Диалог культур 40. Culture Quiz “A business trip”. Do you know how to act in professional situations if you’re working abroad? Choose the most suitable answers. 1. I am going to Britain shortly on a business trip, and I may go out to the pub with my British counterpart. I am not sure who should buy drinks. Which option is correct? 554 A. I should pay for the drinks I have. B. I should let other people buy me drinks. C. Each member of the group should take turns in buying everyone a drink. 2. I have been invited to the informal dinner at the house of a British colleague in London. The invitation is for 8 p.m., but I am not sure when to arrive at the house. Which of the following is more polite? A. I should arrive a few minutes early, and certainly no later than 8 p.m. B. I should arrive ten to fifteen minutes late. C. I should arrive about 45 minutes late. 3. I am about to attend a conference in London. I have read about “body language”, and I am not sure how close to stand when I am talking to British people. Should I stand: A. about 30 cm away? B. about 90 cm away C. about 2 metres away 4. I find taxi drivers in London rather aggressive. If the fare is 5 pounds, how much should I pay the driver: A. 5 pounds? B. 5.5 pounds? C. 6 pounds? 5. When leaving a group of colleagues after an informal evening out, we normally shake hands with everyone. How shall I behave in England? Should I: A. shake everyone by the hand? B. shake the men by the hand and kiss the women on the cheek? C. do nothing? 41. Listening You’ll hear a talk about “body language” given by a British manager. a) Look at the chart and fill in the meaning of the body signals that people send each other for contact. 555 Remember! to pretend [prItend] – притворяться, делать вид to demonstrate [demqnstreIt] – показывать, демонстрировать to extend [Ikstend] one’s hand – протянуть руку give off signals – подавать сигналы skepticism [skeptIsIzm] – скептицизм to violate sth [vaIq. leIt] – нарушать чтол. transaction [trxnzxkS(q)n] – сделка, ведение дел Body signals Good manners: Smile Handshake Arms uncrossed Leaning forward Bad manners: Arms crossed Getting too close What do they demonstrate? _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ b) Listen again and explain why hand movement, smile and eyes are important. Do you think they improve social communication / lower stress in business? c) Say if any of the politeness rules are new to you. 42. Learning social customs enables to avoid a culture shock. If you really want to understand things, ask native speakers for a more focused explanation. Asking for clarification: Sorry, but I’m not clear I hate to bother you again, but do on ... you happen to know ...? Would you please explain what I’m afraid I don’t quite underyou mean? stand you. Do you mean to say I didn’t quite follow what you that ... ? said about... Would you mind telling me ...? Can you give me an example of Could you tell me a bit more this? about ... ? 556 Don’t forget to thank in reply: You were a real help. I appreciate your help. 43. Roleplay a few situations. Include the above strategies. You arrived in London only a week ago ... While driving your car you didn’t notice a new speed limit sign on the road. What do you say to the policeman? At a party you are introduced to a lady. But unfortunately you forget her name. You are making an appointment with your colleague on the phone. The line is bad and you can’t catch his last words. You need some flowers. Ask someone about the shop and the way to reach it. You have to ask twice. You don’t know what stamp to put on a postcard to a British address. You’ve bought some new batteries for your radio and you ask your foreign friend to explain how to put them in. You don’t understand the word “tolerance”. Your wife is out. An Englishman is calling. He’s interested to know where she is. 44. Consolidation “What do you say?” a) Make sure you can communicate fluently in different situations using suitable expressions. 1. Give directions from your office to the closest station or airport. 2. The radio you bought yesterday doesn’t work properly. You take it back to the shop. What do you say to the shop assistant? 3. A visitor asks if he can use the office telephone, but you are expecting a call yourself. 4. You are at an important negotiation. Somebody asks you for the permission to smoke. 5. A foreign colleague invites you to the theatre. You cannot attend, because you have already accepted another invitation. 6. You see an attractive person at an international conference. Start up a conversation. 557 – You have forgotten the name of the person you are talking to. Find it out politely. – You don’t know what to call him – John or Mr. Craig. 7. You are at a party. – You want to get away from someone who will not stop talking. – You’ve just spilled red wine on a partner’s dress. 8. You are having dinner with a foreign colleague in a restaurant. – The food is unfamiliar to you and you do not know what to choose. – He has offered you a glass of champagne. You do not drink alcohol. – The waiter has given you the bill. You are sure it is much too high. b) Match these expressions with the functions in the table below. Say which of them may be used – on formal occasions; – in informal speech situations; – in everyday situations which are neither very formal, nor very informal. 1. “Do you mind if I smoke?” “Well, I’d rather you didn’t. I feel sick when people smoke.” 2. You couldn’t change a 20 dollar bill, could you? 3. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I apologize. 4. Happen to know where Victoria Station is? 5. I hate to disturb you but the noise from your room is really bothering me. 6. How about a drink? – Not at the moment. Thanks anyway. 7. Did he tell you he was going to leave? By the way … 8. Excuse me, anyone sitting here? 9. Thanks for calling, Mr. Saxton. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you to contact me direct if you have any further questions about exact flight schedules. 10. “Could we meet tonight?” “This evening is a bit of a problem I’m afraid. What about tomorrow?” 11. Excuse me, could I trouble you to give me some directions? 12. It’s all very well to say, but look, that would mean… 558 Communicative Functions Formal Informal 1. Changing the subject General By the way… 2. Asking for information 3. Making and rejecting suggestions 4. Apologizing 5. Asking for clarification 6. Complaining 7. Making an appointment 8. Getting people to do things 45. Roleplay the game on p. 524. Set 2 Business letters Деловые письма 46. Consolidation. a) Match the phrases to the functions they express. Functions 1. Making reference 2. Explaining the reason for writing 3. Requesting 4. Enclosing documents 5. Confirming 6. Giving bad news 7. Thanking Standard phrases a. Could you possibly...? b. I am afraid that... c. With reference to your letter of 23 March... d. Please find enclosed e. I am writing to enquire about... f. Please contact us again if we can help in any way 559 8. Apologizing g. We apologize for the mistake. h. Thank you very much for send 9. Referring to future contact ing... 10. Finishing the letter i. I am pleased to confirm that... j. I look forward to seeing you next month. b) Complete the letter with the suitable phrases. Note! provisional – ориентировочный, предварительный INSTITUTE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION 51 St. John’s Street, Manchester M 1 4DF Prof. R. Gable 19 A Gloucester St Faringdon OXON OSN 7JA 15 April Dear Richard ____________________________ to ask you if you could make a presentation of your latest research at our annual conference next month. ____________________________ a provisional programme, to give you an idea of the main topics, and details of the conference hotel. ____________________________ not writing to ask you earlier, and I very much hope that you will be able to talk to us. ____________________________. With best wishes Yours sincerely Dr Jonathan Weiner Director 47. Write a letter of reply to Dr Jonathan Weiner. Agree to his request. Include these functions in your letter. 1. Making reference 2. Thanking 3. Confirming 560 4. Requesting 5. Finishing the letter Section IV CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE Test 18 1. Choose the right word. 1. __________ must work hard if they want to pass exams. a) all b) everyone c) somebody 2. “Who went there with her?” “__________ did. She went there by herself.” a) some b) somehow c) somebody d) nobody 3. _______ never knows what to say in such situations. a) no one b) someone c) one d) each one 4. No one could find Nick ____________. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 5. I’d like to know ________ about the incident. a) each b) everything c) all 6. Have you written ___________ names? a) everybody b) everybodys c) everybody’s d) everybodies 7. That’s ____________ business, but ______. a) anybody’s ... my b) anybody’s ...mine c) nobody’s ... my d) nobody’s ...mine 2. Complete the sentences with “some”, “any”, “no” and their compounds. 1. “I can hear a noise. I think ____________ is outside. Who do you think it might be?” “I don’t have ________ idea.” 2. “How much did it cost to visit the museum?” “__________, the ticket was free.” 3. With this travel card you can go __________ you like on ________ bus you like. 4. __________ and __________ will upset my plans. 5. She’s very secretive. She never tells __________ __________. 561 3. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the Complex Object. 1. Вы хотите, чтобы я изменил своё мнение? 2. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы вы ещё раз объяснили нам это правило. 3. В ателье мне укоротили и отгладили брюки. 4. Дайте нам знать, когда они уедут в Италию. 5. Анна побуждает меня проанализировать мои действия, чтобы понять, `что стало помехой моему успеху. 6. Отец всегда разрешал детям есть столько мороженого, сколько им нравится. 7. Они не хотят, чтобы приходил ктонибудь ещё. 4. Come up with the right phrasal verb. Mind the correct tense form. turn on / off get along with look after look through look up give up brush up take care of 1. She asked her secretary to ___________ the travel arrangements. 2. I _________ Mr. Harris’ number in the telephone book and gave the number to the operator. 3. It’s convenient to have an automatic cooker. It ______ itself ___ and ___. 4. You must ________ your German if you are going to work in Germany. 5. I don’t __________ my motherinlaw very well. We often disagree. 6. Who is going to ___________ your correspondence while you are away? 7. The doctor told him to _______ alcohol. 8. I gave my valuables to the bank to __________. 5. Arrange the verbs into 4 groups according to the preposition following the verb. Write down nouns that go with these set expressions. a) to b) on 1. to participate 2. to happen 3. to smile 4. to protect 5. to depend 562 c) in d) from 6. to belong 7. to prevent 8. to concentrate 9. to enrol 10. to die e) at Word List (Unit 18) A admire adopt adoption agreement ambition B be keen (on) behaviour borrow C campaign come round community confrontation constant cooperation courage D declare declaration democracy democratic demonstrate describe (as) despotism E effort election equal essential exist extend F fame formation found poverty pretend principle promote G gain get along global go down in history guarantee R regulate represent respect I improve incorporate instability K keep house L leadership legal look after look up M make an effort manners O organization S security skepticism slavery stability standard stock market struggle stumble stumbling block T tolerance transaction V violate violation W wellbeing P passage patriotism politician 563 GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENT Unit 13 Простое прошедшее время ( The Past Simple Tense ) Формообразование Все глаголы в английском языке делятся на две группы по способу образования прошедшего времени и причастия прошедшего времени. Это правильные (regular verbs) и неправильные (irregular verbs) глаголы. Правильные глаголы образуют Past Simple с помощью окончания – (e)d, которое прибавляется к основе смыслового глагола: advise – advised; study – studied. Time expressions: last night (Saturday/week/month/year) yesterday morning (afternoon/evening) (+) He phoned me the day before yesterday. () He didn’t (did not) phone me yesterday. (?) “Did he phone you yesterday?” “Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. (did not) When did he phone you? Сравните вопрос к подлежащему с вопросом к дополнению, например: The hunter killed the bear. “Who killed the bear?” “The hunter did.” “Who did the hunter kill?” “The hunter killed the bear.” Заметьте, что глагол to have в прошедшем времени имеет форму had. Постановка отрицательных и вопросительных предложений с глаголом to have требует применения вспомогательного глагола did: (+) I had some money. () I didn’t have any money. (?) Did you have any money? Значение и употребление The Past Simple Tense употребляется: a) для констатации фактов или событий в прошлом: He very much enjoyed the party. Он очень хорошо повеселился. 564 б) для выражения последовательности прошедших действий: Tom arrived at the railway station, went to the booking office and bought a ticket. в) для выражения обычного, повторяющегося действия в прошлом: When I lived in Manchester, I worked in a bank. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В подобных случаях вместо Simple Past часто употребляется выражение used to [ju:stq]: We used to go to France every summer, but once, in 1998, we went to Greece. Бывало (когдато раньше) мы каждое лето ездили во Францию и лишь однажды, в 1998 году, мы побывали в Греции. Заметьте, что в указанном предложении, в отличие от used to go, глагол went выражает конкретное действие в прошлом. Модальные глаголы в Past Simple 1. Модальный глагол could является формой прошедшего времени модального глагола can и употребляется в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to. a) Как и глагол can, глагол could означает возможность, умение и способность к совершению действия, только в контексте прошедшего времени: When I was young, I could run very fast. В молодости я умел быстро бегать. They could not come to the party. Они не могли прийти. ( У них не было возможности.) б) Другое значение глагола could – разрешение, предложение помощи, обычно употребляется в вопросительных предложениях в контексте настоящего времени: Could I turn up the TV? Позвольте сделать телевизор погромче. Не следует забывать, что в значении просьбы could имеет более вежливый оттенок, чем can: Could you introduce me to Mr. Johnson? Не могли бы вы представить меня гну Джонсону? 2. Наряду с could в прошедшем времени употребляется конструкция was/were able tо, которая по своему значению ана565 логична модальному глаголу can с той лишь разницей, что обозначaет действие, совершённое в конкретно обусловленной ситуации: We were not able to translate the article without a dictionary. Мы были не в состоянии перевести статью без словаря. Когда речь идёт о фактически совершившемся действии, употребляется только was able to в значении “сумел, смог, был в состоянии...” Сравните could и was able to на следующих примерах: Jack could beat any tennis player. Джэк мог выиграть в тен нис у любого. Once he had a difficult game against Martin. Martin played very well, but in the end Jack was able to beat him. В конце концов Джэк сумел победить его. Схема построения общего вопроса такова: “Were you able to contact him at last?” “Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.” Следует заметить, что сочетание to be able to заменяет не только can и could, но и другие недостающие формы глагола can: I have been able to..., I will be able to... Употребление отрицательной формы couldn’t возможно в любой ситуации: The policeman сhased the thief but he couldn’t catch him. Полицейский погнался за вором, но не смог схватить его. Возвратные местоимения (Reflexive Pronouns) Возвратные местоимения образуются путём прибавления к притяжательным местоимениям my, our, your, личным местоимениям him, her, it, them и неопределённому местоимению one окончания self/selves. Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1е myself ourselves 2е yourself yourselves 3е himself herself itself themselves 566 Неопределённоличная форма oneself 1. Возвратные местоимения могут употребляться в функции дополнения и соответствуют в русском языке: a) частице ся (сь), которая придаёт глаголам возвратное значение, то есть показывает, что действие переходит на само действующее лицо: Be careful! Don’t сut yourself. Будьте осторожны! Не порежьтесь. Следует обратить внимание на то, что с такими глаголами как to wash умываться, to dress одеваться, to shave бриться, to hide прятаться возвратные местоимения часто опускаются: Hide behind the tree. Спрячьтесь за деревом. б) возвратному местоимению себя (себе, cобой): He bought herself some new clothes. Он купил себе новую одежду. Look at yourself in the mirror. Посмотри на себя в зеркало. 2. Возвратные местоимения употребляются для усиления существительного или местоимения. В эмфатическом значении они переводятся на русский язык местоимением сам: You yourself must take care of your parents. Вы сами должны позаботиться о своих родителях. We saw the President himself. Мы видели самого президента. Инфинитив (Infinitive) Инфинитив – это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола и существительного. Свойства глагола состоят в том, что инфинитив обладает категориями вида (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous), залога (Active, Passive), может иметь зависимые слова и определяться наречием. Кроме того, инфинитив входит в состав составных глагольных сказуемых. 567 Свойства существительного состоят в том, что в предложении инфинитив может выполнять те же функции, что и существительное. Синтаксические функции инфинитива В предложении инфинитив может быть: подлежащим: To watch him eating gets on my nerves. Наблюдать его за едой действует мне на нервы. 2) частью составного сказуемого; The main thing is to remain silent. Самое главное – сохранять молчание. 3) дополнением (или частью сложного дополнения): He offered me to unload the car. Он вызвался разгрузить машину. 4) обстоятельством: a) цели: He came to London to find a job. Он приехал в Лондон, чтобы найти работу. б) результата (со словами too или enough): You’re clever enough to understand what is happening. Вы достаточно умны, чтобы понять, что происходит. Дополнительная информация об инфинитиве в составе сложного дополнения будет представлена в Примечании § 14 и в § 18. 1) Косвенная речь (Indirect speech) Слова, которые произносятся говорящим, могут передаваться в другом месте и другими лицами. Вследствие этого между прямой и косвенной речью существуют логические и грамматические различия. Если сказуемое в главном предложении выражено глаголом в настоящем или будущем времени (в том числе в Present Perfect), то глагол в придаточном предложении не подвергается никаким изменениям. Косвенная речь менее эмоционально окрашена, чем прямая. Обращения, вводные слова, междометия, имеющиеся в прямой речи, в косвенной речи опускаются. Косвенная речь имеет форму изъяснительного придаточного предложения с 568 союзами that, if/whether и всеми союзными словами при переводе утверждений, вопросов и ответов. 1. Перевод в косвенную речь просьбы, приказа, обещания, совета или предложения происходит с помощью инфинитива. В качестве глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь, чаще всего употребляются to ask, to tell. The policeman says, “Don’t park here.” Nick answers, ‘OK, I’ll be careful.” The policeman tells Nick not to park here. Nick agrees/prom ises to be careful. 2. Для перевода повествовательных предложений в косвенную речь придаточные предложения присоединяются к словам автора союзом “that”, который нередко опускается. She says ( that ) she doesn’t want to play any more. 3. При передачи специальных вопросов в косвенной речи сохраняются все союзные слова: how they feel. Peter wonders what film they’re watching now. why Sheila has to sign the papers. Особое внимание следует обращать на форму личных и притяжательных местоимений. В прямой речи они употребляются с точки зрения говорящего лица, в косвенной – с точки зрения автора. Кроме того, в косвенной речи соблюдается прямой порядок слов английского предложения: He asks, “When are you leaving?” He wants to know when I am leaving. 4. При переводе общих вопросов придаточные предложения присоединяются к словам автора с помощью союзов if / whether: The driver asks the passengers, “Do you want the town centre?” The driver asks if/whether the passengers want the town centre. Примечательно, что утвердительные и отрицательные ответы в косвенной речи приобретают следующую форму: Tom answers, “Yes, I do.” Mary answers, “No, I don’t.” Tom answers in the affirmative. Mary answers in the negative. 569 Irregular verbs 1. Verbs which are the same in all three forms Base form cost cut hit hurt let set shut Past Simple cost cut hit hurt let set shut Past Participle cost cut hit hurt let set shut 3. Verbs which have the same form for Past Simple and Past Participle Base form bring build burn buy catch dream feed feel fight find get hang have hear hold keep lay leave lose make meet say sell send shine sit 570 Past Simple brought built burnt bought caught dreamt fed felt fought found got hung had heard held kept laid left lost made met said sold sent shone sat Past participle brought built burnt bought caught dreamt fed felt fought found got hung had heard held kept laid left lost made met said sold sent shone sat 2. Verbs which have the same form for the base form and past participle Base form come become run Past Simple came became ran Past Participle come become run 4. Verbs which have all forms different Base form be begin bite blow break choose do draw drink drive eat fall fly forget freeze give go hide know lie ride ring see shake sing speak Past Simple was/were began bit blew broke chose did drew drank drove ate fell flew forgot froze gave went hid knew lay rode rang saw shook sang spoke Past participle been begun bitten blown broken chosen done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen flown forgotten frozen given gone hidden known lain ridden rung seen shaken sung spoken sleep spend stand teach think win slept spent stood taught thought won slept spent stood taught thought won steal swim take tear throw wear stole swam took tore threw wore stolen swum taken torn thrown worn Unit 14 Модальный глагол “must” и другие способы выражения долженствования Глагол must в сочетании с основой глагола употребляется для выражения а) долженствования в настоящем и будущем времени, которое исходит от самого говорящего: I must phone home. Я должен позвонить домой. б) убедительного пожелания: She must see “Daughter of the Moon” – it’s a great film. в) приказания: You must arrive at work on time. Вы обязаны приезжать на работу вовремя. Заметьте, что если в утвердительной и вопросительной формах must выражает долженствование, то в отрицательной категорический запрет: You must not mention this name. Вам нельзя упоминать это имя. Для выражения отсутствия необходимости употребляется глагол need not: “Must I post the letter tomorrow?” “No, you needn’t.” Must имеет только форму настоящего времени. В остальных формах вместо него употребляется один из эквивалентов: have to или be to. Оба эквивалента являются самостоятельными модальными глаголами с собственными значениями. Модальное выражение have to используется в более широком плане и означает необходимость совершения действия, вызванную правилами или обстоятельствами: Catholics have to go to church on Sundays. По воскресеньям католики должны ходить в церковь. 571 You don’t have to iron nylon shirts. Нет надобности гладить нейлоновые рубашки. Глаголу have to для образования форм требуются вспомогательные глаголы. Например: You don’t have to sign your name here. Вам не нужно ставить здесь свою подпись. He didn’t have to do it himself. Ему не было нужды делать это самому. Be to Be to выражает необходимость действия, обусловленную планом, расписанием, приказанием, предварительной договорённостью. Например: We were to meet at 6. Мы договорились встретиться в 6. Поскольку глагол be to выражает то, что запланировано на будущее, он обычно не употребляется в форме будущего времени. Например: What are we to do next week? Что нам положено/велено сделать на той неделе? Причастие (Participle) Наиболее употребительны формы причастия Present Active (Participle I), которая служит для образования времён группы Continuous, и Past Passive (Participle II), которая используется в качестве основы времён группы Perfect. Participle I: asking, giving; Participle II: asked, given. Cинтаксические функции причастия В предложении причастие может быть в функции определения. Participle I соответствует русскому причастию настоящего времени действительного залога: Children needing medical attention. Дети, нуждающиеся в медицинской помощи. Participle II в этой же функции соответствует русскому страдательному причастию прошедшего времени: 572 Books arranged on the shelf. Книги, расставленные на полке. Заметьте, что русскому действительному причастию прошедшего времени в функции определения в английском языке соответствует придаточное определительное: The artist who has painted this picture. Художник, написавший эту картину. Кроме того, в предложении причастие может служить частью сложного дополнения после глаголов физического восприятия (see, hear, feel watch, notice, smell), а также после других глаголов (find, get, have, make). Причастие выражает длительный характер действия, и на русский язык оборот с причастием переводится придаточным предложением с глаголом несовершенного вида: Didn’t you hear the clock striking? Разве вы не слышали, как били часы? I found him drinking my wine. Я обнаружил, что он пьёт моё вино. She is going to have her hair cut. Она собирается постричься. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Глаголы физического восприятия могут сопровождаться инфинитивом без частицы to. В отличие от причастия, инфинитив выражает законченное действие, поэтому оборот с инфинитивом переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением с глаголом несовершенного вида. Сравните: We watched them rehearsing the play. Мы наблюдали, как они репетировали пьесу. I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back. Я видел, как он вошёл в комнату, открыл ключом ящик стола, достал документ, сфотографировал его и положил на место. О других функциях причастия будет сказано далее. Прошедшее продолженное время (The Past Continuous Tense) Past Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени и причастия 1 смыслового глагола. 573 Формообразование (+) () (?) (?) I was speaking. We were speaking. I wasn’t (was not) speaking. We weren’t (were not) speaking Was I speaking? Yes, you were. Were we speaking? No, you weren’t (were not). Was I not speaking? Wasn’t I speaking? Were we not speaking? Weren’t we speaking? Значение и употребление Past Continuous выражает прошедшее действие в процессе его совершения, то есть незаконченное длительное действие, которое переводится на русский язык глаголом прошедшего времени несовершенного вида: The car was moving slowly through the Central Square. Машина медленно двигалась по Центральной площади. 1. Past Continuous всегда соотносится с определённым моментом в прошлом. Момент в прошлом, по отношению к которому действие рассматривается как процесс, обычно обозначается с помощью обстоятельства времени: It was raining at noon. В полдень шёл дождь. I was walking the dog at 10. Я гулял с собакой в 10. При употреблении Past Continuous с обстоятельствами времени, указывающими на ограниченный период времени, говорящий подчёркивает момент процессуальности действия. При этом его совершенно не интересует, было ли закончено это действие: She was listening in all evening. Она весь вечер слушала радио. In July he was getting ready for his entrance exams. В июле он готовился к экзаменам. 2. Момент в прошлом может обозначаться с помощью другого действия, выраженного прошедшим временем: When Jim was working in the garden, he hurt his arm. Когда Джим работал в саду, он ушиб руку. When I was watching TV, the telephone rang. Когда зазвонил телефон, я смотрел телевизор. 574 Как видно из приведенных примеров, Past Continuous может употребляться как в главном, так и в придаточном предложениях. 3. Когда два длительных действия совершаются одновременно, они оба выражаются посредством Past Continuous: I was having a picnic while you were reading for the seminar. Я был на пикнике, пока ты готовился к семинару. В предложениях с наречиями always и constantly Past Continuous, как и Present Continuous, употребляется для обозначения событий, которые происходят часто и неожиданно (но не регулярно): I am always losing my keys. Вечно я теряю ключи. Martha was constantly arranging surprise parties. Марта неизменно устраивала импровизированные вечеринки. Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses) Как отмечалось в разделе “Косвенная речь” (Unit 13), в английском языке форма глагола в дополнительном придаточном предложении зависит от времени, к которому относится глагол в главном предложении. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом настоящего времени, то глагол в придаточном предложении имеет ту временную форму, которая требуется по смыслу. are busy. I know that you were busy. will be busy. Правила согласования времён вступают в силу, когда сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом прошедшего времени. Для обозначения действия, происходящего одновременно с действием главного предложения, в придаточном предложении употребляется глагол в одной из форм прошедшего времени: I was sure that I had enough time. Я был уверен, что времени у меня достаточно. She wanted to know where we were going. Ей хотелось знать, куда мы идём. Заметьте, что в русском языке для выражения действия, совпадающего по времени с действием главного предложения, употребляется настоящее время. Подобное расхождение в упот575 реблении времён следует учитывать при переводе с английского языка на русский. Правила согласования времён соблюдаются при изменении прямой речи в косвенную: “Can you swim?” I asked him. I asked him if / whether he could swim. Я спросил у него, умеет ли он плавать. Следует помнить, что указательные местоимения, наречия времени и места заменяются по смыслу следующими словами: Direct Speech here now this – these today; tonight; this week next week ago before last week / Monday yesterday the day before yesterday tomorrow Reported Speech there then / at the moment that (the) those (the) that day; that night; that week the next week / the week after / the following week before earlier the week before / the Monday before the day before / the previous day two days before the next day; the following day Например: “I have to think now, before I decide”, said Tom. Tom said he had to think then, before he decided. Том сказал, что ему нужно подумать сейчас, прежде чем принимать решение. Unit 15 Модальный глагол “should” Модальные глаголы should и ought to взаимозаменяемы, однако should употребляется чаще. Оба глагола выражают совет, желательность, целесообразность выполнения действия и соответствуют русскому следует. Например: 576 Sid and Ann should / ought to get married. Им следует пожениться. Leon ought to be more sensible, shouldn’t he? Леону следует быть разумнее, не так ли? Ought to обычно адресуется к моральным чувствам человека, в остальных случаях значения глаголов совпадают. Например: He ought to keep a family of his own. Его долг содержать семью. Данные глаголы имеют только одну форму, поэтому для отнесения действия к разному времени они употребляются с разными видами инфинитива. Rob should/ought to be back tomorrow. Пора бы ему завтра и вернуться (оценка вероятности события). She shouldn’t be asking questions all the time. Ей не следует всё время задавать вопросы. Имея сходные значения с глаголом must, should и ought to выражают меньшую долю вероятности того, что указанное событие произойдёт. Сравните: The doctor said I must give up smoking. Врач сказал, чтобы я бросил курить (приказ, которому наверняка подчинятся). You really ought to give up smoking. Вам действительно нужно бросать курить (совет, которому могут не последовать). Модальный глагол had better (‘d better) обозначает совет с оттенком предупреждения: You’d better take an umbrella. It may rain. Вам лучше взять зонт, может пойти дождь. You should go and see Fred one of these days. You’d better do it soon – he’s leaving for South Africa. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий Degrees of Comparison of adjectives and adverbs Сравнение может быть выражено с помощью прилагательных, которые являются определением существительных; наречий, определяющих смысловые глаголы, и некоторых местоимений. Cуществуют три степени сравнения: положительная, сравнительная и превосходная. Сравнительная и превосходная 577 степени могут образовываться синтетическим либо аналитическим способом. а) Все односложные прилагательные и наречия образуют степени сравнения синтетическим способом, т.е. c помощью суффикса *er для сравнительной и *est для превосходной степени. Например: Положительная Сравнительная Односложные thin (тонкий) прилагательные и наречия fast (быстро) gay (весёлый) Превосходная thinner (тоньше) thinnest (самый тонкий) faster fastest gayer gayest Синтетический способ обычно используется при образовании степеней сравнения двусложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на – y, – er, ow, le. Двусложные прилагатель ные Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная happy (счастливый) clever (умный) narrow (узкий) simple (простой) happier happiest cleverer narrower simpler cleverest narrowest simplest Данным путём образуются степени сравнения также ряда других двусложных прилагательных: Положительная Сравнительная Двусложные polite прилагательные (вежливый) severe (строгий) sincere (искренний) common (обычный) Превосходная politer politest severer sincerer severest sincerest commoner commonest б) Аналитическим способом образуются степени сравнения остальных двусложных, а также многосложных прилагательных и наречий. 578 Положительная Сравнительная Многосложные active прилагательные exciting и наречия dangerous more active more exciting more (less) dangerous Превосходная most active most exciting most (least) dangerous ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Слово most, наряду с употреблением для образования превосходной степени прилагательного, может употребляться в значении “крайне”, “весьма”. В таких случаях в единственном числе употребляется неопределённый артикль, тогда как во множественном – артикль отсутствует. Например: This is a most capable student. Это весьма способный студент. These are most capable students. Это весьма способные студенты. Слова, образующие степени сравнения изменением основы good (хороший) well (хорошо) bad (плохой) badly (плохо) ill (больной) much many (много) little (мало) better best worse worst more most less least ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Местоимение little употребляется только с неисчисляемыми существительными: little snow – less snow – least snow мало снега – меньше – меньше всего С исчисляемыми существительными употребляется местоимение few, которое образует степени сравнения синтетическим путём. Например: few books – fewer books – fewest books мало книг – меньше – меньше всего Прилагательное little (маленький) не имеет степеней сравнения. 579 Сравните: What a nice little garden! It is smaller than mine. Прилагательные и наречия, имеющие два варианта степеней сравнения old (старый) older – oldest (сравнение по возрасту) elder – eldest (употр. не для сравнения, а для обознач. статуса человека в группе или семье) Сравн.: My elder brother is 2 years older than I. far (далёкий, далеко) farther – farthest (дальше по расстоянию) further – furthest (дальнейший по порядку следования или ходу рассуждения) В некоторых случаях варианты степеней сравнения имеют одинаковое значение и употребляются на равных: often – oftener/more often – oftenest/most often quickly – quicker/more quickly – quickest/most quickly slowly – slower/more slowly – slowest/most slowly в) Структура сравнительного предложения. После сравнительной степени употребляется союз than, соответствующий в русском языке союзу чем: My watch is cheaper/less expensive than yours. Мои часы дешевле, чем ваши (дешевле ваших). Для усиления сравнительной степени употребляются слова much/far (гораздо). Например: There are much/far nicer shops in the centre. Russian is much/far more difficult than Spanish. Употребление превосходной степени возможно только при сравнении не менее трёх предметов. Обратите внимание на структуру предложений: She is the fastest player in the team. This girl is the more beautiful of the two. г) Другие способы выражения сравнения. Для сравнения двух предметов одинакового качества используется союз as...as + прилагательное/наречие. Например: He is just as strong as ever. Он как всегда полон сил. 580 I ate as much as I could. Я съел сколько смог. Please get here as soon as possible. Пожалуйста, приезжай сюда как моожно быстрей. С помощью указанного союза можно сравнивать и неравные качества и количества, отличающиеся друг от друга в несколько раз. Например: I have three times as much money as you do. У меня втрое больше денег, чем у тебя. This road is half as long as that one. Эта дорога вдвое короче той. Устойчивое употребление артиклей По своему значению все существительные делятся на две группы: имена собственные и имена нарицательные. Имеется ряд существительных, употребление артикля с которыми является устойчивым. C нулевым артиклем употребляются имена собственные, обозначающие: 1. Континенты/страны/штаты/графства/города/озёра: Africa, Brazil, Texas, Berkshire, New York, Lake Michigan; ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Исключение составляют некоторые географические названия: the Netherlands, the Hague, the Crimea 2. Отдельные горные пики: Everest, Ben Nevis; 3. Воздушные и морские порты: Heathrow Airport, Birmingham Airport, London Port; 4. Станции железной дороги, метро: Waterloo Station, Green Park Station; 5. Улицы/площади/cоборы/мосты/парки: Downing Street, Piccadilly Circus, Red Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park; 6. Колледжи и университеты: Ealing College, Columbia University; 7. Известные культурные и общественные учреждения, организации: London Zoo, Westminster Abbey, Manchester City Council. 581 С определённым артиклем употребляются названия, которые состоят из имени нарицательного с определением и обозначают следующие страноведческие объекты. 1. Отели, музеи, памятники архитектуры, театры, кинотеатры: the Hilton, the Grand Hotel, the hotel Rossia, the Pushkin Museum, the Odeon, the Taganka Theatre, the Nelson Column, the Dolgoruky Monument. 2. Общественные места, здания с предлогом of: the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London the Museum of Modern Art, the Bank of England. 3. Регионы: the Middle East, the Far East. 4. Океаны/моря/пустыни: the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea, the Sahara Desert. Под данную категорию подпадают словосочетания со словами republic, union, state: the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, the United Kingdom, the United States. С определённым артиклем также употребляются названия: горных цепей (the Alps, the Urals, the West Indies); рек (the Thames, the Volga); судов (the Titanic). Unit 16 Настоящее завершённое время (The Present Perfect Tense) Формообразование The Present Perfect Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени и Past Participle смыслового глагола, т.е. третьей формы глагола. Time expressions: already – уже (в утвердительных предложениях); yet – ещё, уже (в отрицат. и вопросит. предложениях); so far – до сих пор, пока; just – только что (в утвердит. предложениях); ever – когдалибо; never – никогда; 582 recently/of late – недавно; (lately – обычно в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях); once, twice, many times. (+) () (?) Jim has already finished his work. Jim hasn’t finished his work yet. “Has Jim finished his work yet?” “Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t (has not).” Значение и употребление 1. Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось к моменту речи и результат которого налицо или ощущается в настоящем: The packet is empty. Have you smoked all your cigarettes? It’s the most boring film I have ever seen. Это самый скучный фильм из всех, что я видел. В соответствии с первым значением Present Perfect употребляется, когда говорящего интересует не время, а результат совершения действия. В этом случае в предложении либо вообще отсутствует обстоятельство времени (a), либо оно выражено наречиями частотности (b) или неопределённого времени (c): a) I have lost my umbrella. Я потерял зонт. b) “How many times have they been to Miami?” “They’ve been there twice.” c) They have just arrived. Они только что прибыли. В подобных случаях Present Perfect, как и Past Simple, переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем глагола совершенного вида. Однако между данными грамматическими формами имеется существенная разница. Past Simple, в отличие от Present Perfect, констатирует факт совершения действия в прошлом. Сравните: He has been to Spain. (Важен результат действия.) When did he return? (Важно время совершения действия в прошлом.) Заметьте, что “has been to” используется в значении “уехать и приехать” и выражает законченное действие. 583 2. Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени вплоть до настоящего момента и иногда продолжается в момент речи: She has long known him. Она давно знает его. Sam has been often ill in the last few weeks. В последнее время Сэм часто болеет. В соответствии со своим вторым значением Present Perfect употребляется для указания периода продолжительности действия. В качестве обстоятельства времени выступают сочетания с предлогами for (в течение) и since (с), а также придаточные предложения с союзом since (с тех пор как). Cравните: for 6 weeks. He has been here since July. since he graduated from college. В этом случае Present Perfect обычно переводится на русский язык настоящим или прошедшим временем глагола несовершенного вида, в зависимости от смысла предложения. 3. Present Perfect может употребляться также с обстоятельственными словами, обозначающими ещё не истёкшие периоды времени: today, this week, this month, this year и т.п. It has rained three times this week. На этой неделе три раза шёл дождь. Have you read the newspaper today? Читали ли вы сегодня газету? Настоящее завершенное длительное время (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense) Формообразование Present Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect (have been, has been) и формы причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола. 584 I We You They He She It (+) () ’ve (have) haven’t (have not) been waiting. ’s (has) hasn’t (has not) (?) have How long has I we you they he she it been waiting. Краткий ответ: “Have you been running?” “Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.” “Has he been shopping?” Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.” Значение и употребление Временные формы Perfect Continuous выражают: 1. Незаконченное действие, которое началось раньше и длится до определённого момента в настоящем или прошлом (длительное незаконченное действие). В этом случае Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык настоящим временем. Для указания продолжительности действия употребляются те же обстоятельства времени, что и для Present Perfect. We have been waiting (for) 20 minutes for the bus. Мы ждём автобуса уже 20 минут. He has been working on his report for three weeks, but he hasn’t made much progress. Он работает над своим докладом три недели, но не сделал больших успехов. Второе предложение демонстрирует разницу между Perfect Continuous (длительность и незавершённость) и Perfect (законченность действия и наличие результата). 2. Незаконченное действие, которое непосредственно предшествует другому действию в настоящем или прошлом. Put down what we have just been discussing. Запишите то, что мы только что обсуждали. 585 3. Незаконченное действие, которое произошло раньше и оставило след в прошлом или настоящем. Her eyes are red. Has she been crying? У неё глаза красные. Она плакала? Чаще всего форме Perfect Continuous употребляются глаголы, передающие идею длительности действия, такие как work, wait, learn, travel, play: I’ve been playing tennis since I was a boy. Я играю в теннис с детства. Глаголы, выражающие состояние (like, live, know, have), в Perfect Continuous не употребляются: How long have you known him? Как давно вы его знаете? В Perfect Continuous также не употребляются глаголы, обозначающие действия, которые не могут быть показаны в процессе, такие как: find, start, lose, break, stop: My mincing machine has broken. У меня сломалась мясорубка. Общие правила выбора артикля Имена нарицательные подразделяются на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. Исчисляемые существительные В тех случаях, когда существительное имеет при себе определение, выбор артикля нередко обусловлен характером этого определения. Остановимся на двух категориях определений, которые влияют на употребление артикля: a) описательное определение; б) лимитирующее определение. Описательное определение, выделяя лишь признак предмета, не изменяет значения слова и не оказывает влияния на выбор артикля. Описательные определения могут быть в препозиции и в постпозиции по отношению к существительному. Они указывают на какуюто дополнительную характеристику данного свойства, качества или состояния. Например: We have a wonderful clock which is one hundred years old. У нас есть замечательные часы, которым сто лет. 586 Лимитирующее определение выделяет весь предмет в целом и противопоставляет его всем остальным таким же предметам, тем самым делая его уникальным. Поэтому исчисляемые существительные употребляются с определённым артиклем. Сравните: A letter which is written in pencil is difficult to read. Письмо, которое написано карандашом, трудно читать. (В этом предложении отсутствуют лимитирующие факторы.) The letter brought by the secretary was very important. Письмо, принесённое секретарём, было очень важным. Лимитирующее определение brought by the secretary делает письмо единственным в своём роде, на что и указывает определённый артикль. Слова right “правильный” и same “тот же самый” всегда являются лимитирующими определениями. Например: I’m sure I’ve done the right thing. Я уверен, что я поступил правильно. We used to live in the same village. Мы раньше жили в одной деревне. Аналогичное значение имеют и лимитирующий контекст, и лимитирующая ситуация. Наиболее распространённым видом лимитирующего контекста является второе упоминание предмета в тексте. Например: I saw a film last night. The film was about how people lived in wartime. Вчера я видел фильм. В фильме рассказывалось о жизни людей во время войны. Теперь рассмотрим пример лимитирующей ситуации. Move the books off that chair and sit down. Отодвиньте книги от стула и садитесь. (В данной ситуации собеседнику понятно, какие именно книги имеются в виду, поскольку слово books выражает конкретное понятие.) Сравните: Books are expensive. (Речь идёт о книгах вообще.) Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе могут употребляться для обозначения всего класса аналогичных предметов. В этом случае перед ними ставится определённый артикль: the cinema (кино как вид искусства), the truth, the future, the present, the past, to play the piano/the violin, etc. 587 I heard it on the radio. Я слышал это по радио. Do you prefer the town or the country? Вы предпочитаете город или деревню? Isn’t the rose the most beautiful flower in the world? Разве роза не самый прекрасный цветок в мире? ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Ecли исчисляемое существительное имеет значение “частный случай общего понятия”, т.е. рассматривается как единичный представитель данного класса предметов, лиц или животных, то перед ним ставится неопределённый артикль. Cравните: The deer is a large grasseating animal that is able to run very fast. Олень – это крупное травоядное животное, способное передвигаться очень быстро. A baby deer can stand as soon as it’s born. Оленёнок встаёт на ноги сразу после рождения. Неисчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные делятся на вещественные (money, light, hair, fruit) и абстрактные (life, nature, friendship, geograghy). Неисчисляемые существительные употребляются с нулевым артиклем, когда речь идёт о веществе или отвлечённом понятии понятии в общем смысле. Например: Water from a well is always cold. Вода из колодца всегда бывает холодной. We are taking our first steps in space. Мы делаем первые шаги в космосе. Неисчисляемые существительные, имеющие при себе определение, подчиняются общим правилам выбора артикля с cамим существительным. Примеры вещественных существительных: Would you like some tea? Не хотите ли чаю? (частичный артикль) I usually drink sweeter tea. Я обычно пью более сладкий чай. Here’s the hot coffee she has brought you. Вот горячий кофе, который она вам принесла. Примеры абстрактных существительных: I like music. Я люблю музыку. 588 I like 19th century music. Я люблю музыку 19 века. I like the music of the 19th century. Я люблю музыку 19 века. I like the music of this ballet. Я люблю музыку этого балета (фразы с предлогом of). Абстрактные существительные, имеющие при себе определения, могут употребляться и с неопределённым артиклем, когда они выражают разновидность качества или чувства. В этом случае неопределённый артикль имеет значение такой, такого рода. She has a cleverness, which helps her a lot. У неё есть смекалка, которая её очень выручает. Every mother wants a happy childhood for her child. Каждая мать желает своему ребёнку счастливого детства. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Следующие абстрактные существительные никогда не употребляются с неопределённым артиклем: pleasure, advice, progress, fun, luck, weather, work, health, knowledge: I get great pleasure out of work like this. Я получаю огромное наслаждение от работы, подобной этой. He’s making slow progress with his English. Он делает медленные успехи в изучении английского языка. I’ve never seen such weather in all my life. В жизни не видел такой погоды. Субстантивированные прилагательные и причастия всегда употребляются с определённым артиклем. В этом случае они передают значение собирательности (the poor – бедные; the rich – богатые; the blind – слепые; the jobless – безработные) и абстрактного качества (the white – белый цвет; the impossible – невозможное). Например: His drawings reveal his love for the grotesque. В рисунках проявляется его любовь к гротеску. Субстантивированные прилагательные также входят в целый ряд устойчивых словосочетаний, например: on the right/left to the right/left справа/слева направо/налево 589 in the original в оригинале to change for the better/worse измениться к лучшему/худшему Таковы общие правила, определяющие выбор артикля. Бессоюзные придаточные предложения (Contact Clauses) В английском языке широко распространены бессоюзные дополнительные и определительные придаточные предложения. В дополнительных придаточных предложениях союз that может быть опущен, при этом структура придаточного предложения не меняется: I know that he’s made a wonderful plan. Я знаю, что он составил изумительный план. I know he’s made a wonderful plan. В определительных придаточных предложениях союзное слово (whom, which или that) опускается только в том случае, когда оно выполняет роль дополнения в этом придаточном предложении: What do you think of the wine (which) we drank last night? Какого вы мнения о вине, которое мы пили вчера вечером? She worked with my brother (whom) she later married. Она работала с моим братом, за которого впоследствии и вышла замуж. Если относительное местоимение выступает в роли подлежащего в придаточном предложении, оно не может быть опущено: People who take physical exercise live longer. Тот, кто делает зарядку, живёт дольше. Если whom и which выступают в придаточном предложении в роли предложного дополнения, то при бессоюзном подчинении предлог сохраняется и занимает позицию после смыслового глагола: The man you were speaking to lectures us on the history of Russia. Человек, с которым вы разговаривали, читает нам лекции по истории России. 590 Unit 17 Простое будущее время (The Future Simple Tense) Формообразование The Future Simple Tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will для всех лиц и основы смыслового глагола. I will do the shopping this afternoon. Днём я пойду за покупками. В британском варианте английского языка в первом лице единственного и множественного числа могут использоваться will / shall. Например: We will/shall need new cassettes soon. Нам скоро понадобят ся новые кассеты. I will/shall be here in a couple of minutes. Я буду здесь через пару минут. Time expressions: tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / one of these days / in a week / in six months / next Monday (week, month, year) (+) ( ) I She You They etc. ‘ll arrive (will) next won’t week. you he (?) When she they will etc. arrive? A short answer: “Will you start work at 9 o’clock sharp?” “Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.” Значение и употребление 1. Future Simple употребляется для констатации факта, относящегося к будущему, либо для прогнозирования того или иного грядущего события. Например: He will be twenty next month. В следующем месяце ему исполнится двадцать. The Queen will open the new hospital next Thursday. Королева будет открывать новую больницу в следующий четверг. 591 Tomorrow will be warm, with some cloud in the afternoon. Завтра будет тепло, но днём появится небольшая облачность. I shall be rich one day. Когданибудь я разбогатею. You’ll never finish that book. Вы никогда не закончите ту книгу. 2. Future Simple употребляется для обозначения как однократного, так и повторяющегося действия в будущем. Например: All the family will come to the wedding tomorrow. She will have to take the medicine twice a day. 3. В предложении вспомогательный глагол will часто сопровождается cледующими выражениями: I think, probably, I’m sure, I expect. You must meet Mr.Benchley. I’m sure you’ll like him. Вы должны познакомиться с гном Бенчли. Я уверен, он вам понравится. Do you think they will win the match? По вашему мнению, они выиграют этот матч? Who do you think will win on Saturday? Как вы думаете, кто в субботу одержит победу? I expect he’ll be a bit late. Рассчитываю на то, что он немного запоздает. We’ll probably go to Scotland in June. Вероятно, мы поедем в Шотландию в июне. 4. Will употребляется для выражения просьбы. Например: Will you be quiet, please? Пожалуйста, потише. Will you get me a newspaper when you’re out? Не могли бы вы купить мне газету, когда выйдете на улицу? Однако в межличностных контактах для выражения вежливой просьбы предпочтительнее начинать фразу с глагола would. Сравните: Would you mind standing up for a moment? Не могу я вас попросить ненадолго подняться? Would you like tea, or would you prefer coffee? Что бы вы предпочли – чай или кофе? 592 If you would come this way... Прошу вас, сюда, пожалуй ста... 5. С помощью глагола shall строятся вопросы, выражающие приглашение, предложение услуги, ожидание распоряжения или решения, что типично для британского варианта английского языка. В этом смысле will не употребляется. Shall we go out for a meal? Let’s go and see Larry, shall we? Мы могли бы сходить куданибудь пообедать. Давайте навестим Лэрри! Shall I shut the door? Захлопнуть дверь? Shall I carry your bag? Мне нести вашу сумку? ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В разговорном английском используются и другие способы выражения будущего времени. Сравните: I’m seeing Janet on Tuesday. He’s going to read for his exam tomorrow. (В приведенных высказываниях выражено действие, запланированное на ближайшее будущее.) Однако Present Continuous, равно как и to be going to, не употребляется, когда совершение действия в будущем ставится в зависимость от внешних обстоятельств, выраженных в придаточных предложениях времени или условия. В подобных случаях в главном предложении употребляется Future Simple. Например: If I hide the key, you’ll never find it. 6. Для выражения будущего действия вместо Future Simple в обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях условия и времени употребляется Present Simple. Такие придаточные вводятся союзами when (когда), if (если), unless (если ...не), before (прежде чем), till, until (до тех пор пока ...не), as soon as (как только) и др. Например: He’ll have an accident if he goes on driving like that. Он попадёт в аварию, если будет и впредь так водить машину. If it rains, they’ll cancel the match. Если пойдёт дождь, то матч отменят. As soon as she gets a job, she’ll pay us back. Как только она найдёт работу, она вернёт нам свой долг. 593 We’ll stay here until the rain stops. Мы будем оставaться здесь до тех пор, пока дождь не пройдёт. What will happen to the environment if we don’t look after it? Что произойдёт с окружающей средой, если мы не позаботимся о ней? Следует отметить, что в придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзом if, выражена лишь возможность совершения будущего действия; тогда как с помощью союза when говорящий указывает на реальность этого действия. Cравните: I’ll pass my exams if I work hard. Я сдам экзамены, если буду упорно трудиться. Phone me when you arrive. Позвони мне, когда приедешь. 7. Однако, если придаточное дополнительное вводится союзом when, то для обозначения будущего времени глагол необходимо поставить в Future Simple. Например: I don’t know when I’ll have time for a game of chess tomorrow. Я не знаю, когда у меня будет завтра время для игры в шахматы. Согласование времён (продолжение) Как указывалось в разделах, посвящённых косвенной речи (Units 13, 14), если глагол в главном предложении выступает в форме настоящего или будущего времени, то в косвенной речи сохраняется будущее время прямой речи: He asks me, “Will you attend evening classes?” He asks me if I will attend evening classes. Если же глагол в главном предложении выражен прошедшим временем (Past Simple), то в придаточном предложении, передающем содержание прямой речи, вместо будущего времени употребляется Future in the Past, так называемое будущее в прошедшем: She says, “I’ll be back next week.” She said she would (she’d) be back the next week, but I never saw her again. Выделенная грамматическая форма служит для обозначения действия, о котором речь шла в прошлом. 594 Исчисляемое/неисчисляемое существи*тельных употребление В английском языке имена нарицательные делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. Существует целый ряд существительных, не закреплённых жёстко ни за одной из вышеназванных категорией. Это относится к словам, обозначающим время года, части суток и погодные явления. 1. Названия времён года: summer autumn winter spring лето осень зима весна В зависимости от контекста или просто от воли говорящего, эти существительные могут иметь самое обобщённое значение – обозначать определённый отрезок времени. В этом значении они являются неисчисляемыми и употребляются с нулевым артиклем. Например: I hate winter. I usually go there in summer. Терпеть не могу зиму. Я обычно езжу туда летом. Те же существительные в конкретном значении становятся исчисляемыми и употребляются уже с другим набором артиклей. Значение слов становится конкретным, если: а) говорящий подразумевает не весь объём понятия, а частный случай. Например: The best time of the year in England is the spring. Лучшее время года в Англии – это весна. They got married in the autumn of 1990. Они поженились осенью 1990 года. б) слово имеет при себе описательное определение, придающее ему значение “частный случай общего”. Например: We had an unusually warm spring last year. В прошлом году была необычно тёплая весна. 2. Существительные, обозначающие части суток: morning evening day afternoon night утро вечер день (с 12 до 18 часов) ночь Обобщённое значение этих слов – “отрезок времени”. Например: Night fell. It happened at night. Настала ночь. Это случилось ночью. Примеры употребления этих слов в конкретных значениях: I met him on the morning of the exam. Я встретил его в день экзамена. 595 There’s nothing like a walk on a fine сold morning. Нет ничего лучше прогулки ясным холодным утром. There was a heavy rain in the afternoon. Днём лил сильный дождь. Кроме того, эти слова употребляются с определённым артиклем в следующих сочетаниях: during the day, in the daytime (morning/evening/afternoon/ night) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Слова early и late, хотя и являются описательными определениями, не делают значение существительного конкретным. Например: It was early morning. Было раннее утро. It was late evening. Был поздний вечер. 3. Существительные, обозначающие явления природы: rain snow fog frost дождь cнег туман мороз Примеры употребления слов, обозначающих погодные явления, в их обобщённом значении: We get a lot of rain in autumn. Осенью у нас часто бывают дожди. We had 15 degrees of frost last night. Прошлой ночью было 15 градусов мороза. Конкретные значения: a) The wind blew my hat off. Ветер сдул с меня шляпу. b) It is spring. The heavy rains have all gone. Весна. Обильные дожди прекратились. c) A thick fog covered the city. Город покрыл густой туман. d) If there’s a long frost, people skate on the rivers and pools. Если долго держится мороз, люди катаются на коньках на замёрзших реках и прудах. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Существует целый ряд существительных, обозначающих уникальные понятия, которые употребляется с определённым артиклем: the sun, the moon, the Earth, the sky, the stars, the world, the environment. 596 Пример употребления словa moon в конкретном значении: I could see it all clearly because there was a full moon. Мне было всё отчётливо видно, так как светила полная луна. Unit 18 Сложные местоимения и наречия (Compounds of some, any, no, every) Неопредeленные местоимения some, any, no, а также местоимение every в сочетании со словами one, body, thing образуют сложные местоимения; в сочетании со словом where – cложные наречия. some any no every + body one thing where (+) somebody There is somebody/someone in the garden (ктото). someone “What’s wrong?” “I’ve got something in my eye” (чтото). something They live somewhere in the south of England (гдето). somewhere (?) anybody anyone anything anywhere nobody no one nothing nowhere Is there anybody/anyone inside? Can you see anything on the floor? Is he going anywhere interesting for his holidays? () The house is empty. Nobody lives there (никто). I’ve got nothing in the bag (ничего). “Where are you going?” “Nowhere” (никуда). Сложные местоимения со вторым элементом thing, body или one выступают в функции предметного члена предложения, т.е. в тех синтаксических функциях, которые характерны для существительного. Все они согласуются со сказуемым в форме единственного числа: Nobody is listening to you. Местоимение every и его производные сохраняют одинаковую форму в различных типах предложений (повествовательных, вопросительных и отрицательных): Everybody needs friends (все, каждый). Всем нужны друзья. 597 Have you got everything you need (всё)? He travels everywhere in his car (везде). Сложные местоимения подчиняются тем же правилам, что и соответствующие простые местоимения some, any, no. 1. В утвердительных предложениях anything означает “что угодно”; anybody – любой, кто угодно; anywhere – где угодно, когда угодно: I can do anything for you. It’s so simple. Anybody knows how to do it. 2. Anyone/anything часто употребляются в придаточных предложениях условия: If anyone needs anything, just ask. Такое условие иногда задаётся смыслом высказывания: Anyone who wants to take the examination must give me their names (= if there’s anyone who...) 3. No и его производные либо стоят в начале предложения, выполняя функцию подлежащего, либо употребляются самостоятельно: Nobody answers the phone. “Where are you going?” “Nowhere. I’m staying here.” Следует учитывать, что в английском предложении допускается лишь одно отрицание: Nobody tells us anything. Никто нам ничего не рассказы вает. She doesn’t tell anyone about her life. I cannot see anything. It’s dark. 4. В некоторых вопросительных предложениях, предполагающих утвердительный ответ, используются местоимения somebody и something. What’s wrong with your eye? Have you got something in it? ( = I think you’ve got something in your eye and I expect you to say “yes”.) 5. Сочетаясь со сказуемым в форме единственного числа, сложные местоимения при этом требуют употребления местоимений they/them/their: If anyone wants to leave, they can. 598 This is a No Parking area, but somebody always parks their car here. Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения (Complex object with the infinitive) Отношение говорящего к какомулибо факту или предмету в английском языке выражается с помощью сложного дополнения. Сравните два предложения: 1 Everyone Все wants хотят 2 Everyone Все wants хотят, to win. победить. Hill / him чтобы Хилл / он to win. победил. Как видим, во втором примере за сказуемым следует сложное дополнение, которое состоит из существительного (в общем падеже) или местоимения (в объектном падеже) и инфинитива. Сложное дополнение с нфинитивом может употребляться после глаголов ask, tell, want, would like to и других глаголов, выражающих чувства и волеизъявления. На русский язык такие конструкции переводятся сложноподчинённым предложением с придаточным дополнения: She asks us not to smoke. Она просит нас не курить. Don’t you know Mr. Black? I’d love you to meet him. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы познакомились с ним. ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ 1. После глаголов make, let частица to не употребляется: Your story makes me laugh. She doesn’t let anyone read her letters. 2. После глагола help частица to может употребляться, а может и не употребляться: Can somebody help me (to) move this table? 599 SELF*STUDY Answers and transcripts UNIT 13 Task 8. Culture Quiz “Who did what?” 1. Alexander Bell 2. Emmeline Pankhurst 3. Ludvig van Beethoven 4. James Watt 5. Alexander Eiffel 6. Leonardo da Vinci 7. Marie Curie 8. William Shakespeare 9. John Baird 10. Duke of Wellington Task 14. Interview Transcript Angela: I got up around seven o’clock and had breakfast. I left home at eight, I guess. It took me around fifteen minutes to ride the subway downtown and start work. Robert: Did you like your job? A.: It was OK. Some days it was fine, some days I got really tricky customers. R.: Did you get time off for lunch? A.: Sure. I stopped around twelvethirty and then at one o’clock I took a walk in the park – just to get some fresh air, you know. If the weather was OK, I had a sandwich or something there. R.: Mmm. Did it get busy in the afternoon? A.: No more than in the morning, I guess. When the gallery was open, people called at all times. R.: So when did you leave work? A.: I left work at sixfifteen in the evening, and at sixthirty I took the subway back home. I didn’t do much when I got home, except watch TV. I went to bed at around eleven thirty. Task 24. “A meeting with Picasso” Transcript 1 Picasso gave me a glance and looked me straight in the eyes. He was dressed in a light grey business suit, a blue cotton shirt and 600 a tie. There was a bright yellow handkerchief in his breast pocket. His hands were small and solid. I introduced myself and Picasso offered me his hand immediately. He had a warm, sincere smile which made me feel relaxed. 2 I explained that I wanted to know him personally and to ask him if my analysis of his paintings was correct. Then I described for Picasso my interpretation of his painting “The sailor”. Was it a selfportrait? Did it show Picasso as a person trying to find a better world? He listened carefully and finally said: “Yes, it’s me, but I did not mean it to have any political meaning at all. 3 I mentioned his “Guernica” painting and talked about the symbolism of the bull and the horse. “Yes”, he said “the bull represents brutality, the horse – the people. Yes, there I used symbolism.” 4 I asked: “Why do you paint in such a way that it is so difficult for people to understand? “ “I paint this way”, he replied, “because it’s the result of my thought. And if I take a step backwards it will be an insult to people.” 5 “It’s quite impossible”, he went on, “to explain why you do this or that. I express myself through painting and I can’t explain through words. I can’t explain why I did it that way. For me, if I sketch a little table, I see every detail, I see the size and the thickness, and I translate it in my own way.” Test 13 Task 1 wrote, was not able, sat, had, went, left, broke, read, left, don’t think, am not going, studied, wrote, is, is waiting, goes out, leaves Task 2 1. had to 2. could 3. didn’t have to 4. couldn’t, can’t 5. was able to 6. wasn’t able to 7. had to 601 Task 3 1. What are they showing on TV tonight? 2. Who had to leave at 8 p.m.? What time did Steve have to leave? 3. Does he have his English classes once a week? 4. What did Charles leave his village for? Task 4 1. herself 2. yourself 3. 4. himself 5. 6. itself Task 5 1. Do you know that they were born on the same day and entered the same institute? 2. I used to drive her home after classes. 3. My friend thought highly of the plot and I found it tiring. 4. In his creative work Reynolds followed his idols – the artists of Renaissance. 5. The Museum exhibited a remarkable collection of paintings and we attended it. 6. The attraction of today’s TV programme is the interview with the President of the country. 7. “What did this versatile man devote his life to?” “To travel ling.” 8. Ask them if there is a crowd at the entrance to the museum. UNIT 14 Task 7. “Problems with officials” Transcript On the Motorway Police officer: Good morning, sir. Driver: Good morning, officer. Police officer: Your speed was 180, sir! Driver: Was it really? Oh, goodness me! I haven’t got any idea that this car can go that fast! Aren’t these German cars highspeed? Police officer: Yes, sir, but we are not on the German 602 Driver: Police officer: On the Train Ticket inspector: Passenger: Ticket inspector: Passenger: Ticket inspector: Passenger: Ticket inspector: Passenger: Ticket inspector: autobahn now. We are on a British motorway. And you mustn’t drive at a speed over 110 in this country. May I use my car telephone? No, you mustn’t. Keep both hands on the wheel when you’re driving. Can I see your license, sir? Tickets please. Good afternoon, can I have your tickets, please? Here you are. Excuse me, but this is a second class ticket. I know. You mustn’t sit in here, in the first class carriage. But there weren’t any seats in the secondclass carriage. I’m sorry. Madam, but you either have to go back to the second class carriage and stand, or pay for a first class ticket. Oh, that’s outrageous! I’m sorry, but I don’t make the rules. Task 17. “Investigation” Transcript P = Police Officer B = British businessman P: Well, first of all, we’d like to hear how you’d describe the accident. What you saw; how fast you were going; how fast the others were going and so on. B: I was driving towards London when suddenly three cars overtook me one after another. All of them were going quite fast. They were doing at least 80 mph. I was doing about 60 mph. The last one suddenly skidded and went all over the road. I braked very hard but then I hit the car on the side. P: So that explains the skid marks in that position. But why are there skid marks on the other side of that car as well? 603 B: P: B: P: B: P: Uhm ... I saw the other two cars coming back. They swung round in front of the other car and then went off again – very fast, towards London. By this time, I was feeling quite shocked and other traffic was building up. I got out and went to look at the other car. The driver was injured. OK. Well, the two who drove off. Can you remember them or the registration numbers? We need to check the descrip tion of them with the other witnesses. I think they were quite young. I can’t remember the car numbers but I think they were both Japanese cars of some sort, Toyota maybe. I don’t remember how many there were in each car. Oh well, I hope you’re able to stay in London another day or two until we check the facts. Could you leave some personal details and details of your insurance with me now? Yes, of course. Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful. Test 14 Task 1 1. saw was walking asked was going was speaking was not 2. came was smoking had threw noticed rising were you smoking came in asked 3. was crossing stepped fell was still lying saw approaching saw stopped Task 2 1. must 2. mustn’t 3. needn’t Task 3 1. for 2. at at 3. with 4. at by 604 may (in) 4. mustn’t 5. needn’t or don’t have to 6. has to 7. may 5. at 6. for 7. on 8. to at on on in at on/in on Task 4 1. The visitor was interested to know when he had to apply for a visa. 2. I don’t like travelling around the city in the rush hour. Neither does Ann. 3. The town is planning to develop the area near the railway station. 4. Fred refused to ride a bicycle, because a strong wind was blowing. 5. “Is the hospital far from here?” “No, it’s within a 5minute walk along the other side of the bridge, but you can’t see it very clearly from here.” 6. The car was driving at a speed of 40 mph when the driver felt the car skidding. 7. “I’m a stranger here and I don’t know how to get to the post office.” “Change to bus 38. You have to get off at the next stop but two. Go straight ahead and take the first turning on the right.” “Thanks, that’s very kind of you.” UNIT 15 Task 16. “An American in Britain” Transcript Mr. Kipling, a tourist from Texas, is in London. He is walking along a busy street. He wants to go to Oxford Street but he does not know the way. Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Oxford Street? Certainly. I’m going that way myself. Come with me. That’s very kind of you. Are you a real Londoner? Well … I suppose you could say that. I was born here. Well, I think it’s a very nice little town. Little? You mean … small London? Now don’t misunderstand me. I said it was a nice small town. That’s what I like about it. Everything’s so small. I went to see Bucking 605 Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: Mr. Kipling: Londoner: ham Palace yesterday. One of my friends in Texas was here last year and he told me it was small but I didn’t know it was that small! I mean … my ranchhouse back in Texas is big ger than that. (sarcastically but politely) Of course, you real ize that our buildings are … small … only because we build them so quickly. Quickly? But I read a book about England last week and it said this was the country of tradi tion and slow change where everything hap pened slowly. Oh, no! The exact opposite. We do things much faster here than you do in Texas! (getting a bit aggressive) What? You’re telling me that you do things here faster than we do in Texas? Oh yes. I mean. Everybody says so, don’t they? (suddenly) Hmm! That’s strange. What’s strange? That tall building over there. That skyscraper. Say! Now that is a tall building. At least 30 storeys. Of course it isn’t as tall as the build ings in Dallas … or New York. But … what’s strange about it? Well … I came this way only yesterday and it wasn’t here! Task 37. “ Make a polite request!” Transcript Clerk: Hello. Foreigner: Is that the booking office? Clerk: Yes. Foreigner: I’d like to book two tickets for “Pygmalion” next Friday, please. Clerk: I’m sorry, Friday is fully booked. We have some seats left for Thursday if you’re interested. Foreigner: No, that’s no good. It has to be Friday. Couldn’t you find something? We have a V.I.P. from Edinburgh who very much wants to see the play. Clerk: We may have a cancellation. I can take your number 606 Foreigner: Clerk: Foreigner: Clerk: Foreigner: if you like. The manager is usually able to find tickets for us. Could you ask him? Hold on a minute. We’ve got two cancellations. I can keep them for you. That’s excellent. Where are the seats? They’re in the balcony. The price is 25 dollars each. You need to* collect them before 7. Thank you very much indeed. Goodbye. Test 15 Task 1 the longest the longer a longer Task 2 1. is leaving 2. Don’t forget needed 3. did not like Task 3 1. with 2. by 3. at 4. to / for the heaviest the biggest the greatest the most sophisticated the busiest 4. are you talking are talking did you read 5. painted 6. was having 7. did not accept 5. 6. of with 7. ahead instead Task 4 1. Their offer was so attractive that we couldn’t refuse it. 2. The news that he brought was unbelievable and shocking. 3. You’d better save the file before you switch off the computer, or you can lose this file. 4. The spectators were fascinated both by the actors and the orchestra performance. 5. His popularity increased several times compared with the time * Здесь глагол need употр. не как модальный, а как смысловой глагол в значении нуждаться в чемл. В подобных случаях need имеет обычные формы спряжения и употребляется в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. 607 when he just started acting at the theatre. 6. You shouldn’t leave your documents in the hotel room and you should take care of the valuables. 7. No great artist had as many followers as Rubens did. 8. She thought she knew the subject much better than it seemed to the examiner. UNIT 16 Task 26 “A training session” Transcript Jason Sorry I’m late. I’ve been doing my homework. Luke, what are you doing here? You aren’t in the team. Luke I’ve been helping with the training session. Jason Has he been annoying you? Lisa It’s OK. We’re used to him. Jason You all look exhausted. Sam We are! We’ve been practising for hours – since nine o’clock this morning. Jason Why are you practising so hard today? Lisa Because of the basketball tournament. Haven’t you seen the notice? Jason No, I haven’t. Lisa Well, we’re playing the City Slammers in the first round. Luke Are they good? Lisa Good? They ’re brilliant. They haven’t lost the game for two years. They are unbeatable. Jason No one’s unbeatable. We’ve been playing well this season. We’ve won five of our matches. Sam That’s true. We’ve only lost one match. And we’ve been training hard since September. Lisa Yes, let’s be positive. The City Slammers have been the best team in the league for the last few years. But now it’s our turn. Jason What’s the matter, Luke? Why are you smiling? Luke Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but … I’ve been watching you for three hours. And I’ve seen the City Slammers play a few times this season. And in my opinion … 608 Lisa Luke Go on … … you’ve got no chance! Task 33 “What it takes to be an astronaut” Transcript One afternoon in the summer of 1989, a 27yearold food technologist called Helen Sharman was listening to the radio. She heard of an unusual position: “Astronaut wanted – no previous experience necessary”. Quickly she wrote down the phone number and the next day sent off her application. Sharman was one of 13,000 hopefuls who applied to become Britain’s first astronaut when the British government agreed to cooperate with the Russians in the Juno space mission. Applicants in the Juno Project had to take hard tests. They needed to be well trained, had to speak a foreign language and had to be able to deal with difficult situations without panicking. Sharman was a highly trained specialist, could speak several languages and was wellknown for her ability to remain calm. Although Sharman often played squash and regularly went cycling and swimming, she now says that she was no great athlete when she applied. To Sharman’s surprise, her application was successful and six months later she was in Russia beginning 18 months of training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Centre. On May18 , 1991, Sarman boarded the Soyuz spacecraft in the Kazakhstan Desert with two Russian cosmonauts. In space Sharman carried out experiments on various materials to be used for new drugs and electronics. Although she would like to go back into space, these days Sharman is happy enough working as a parttime consultant to a company making satellites. She spends the rest of her time urging schoolchildren to take up a career in science and technology. Test 16 Task 1 1. yet still 2. already still 3. yet Task 2 1. has eaten 4. since 5. 6. since 7. for since 7. did you do 609 2. have been supporting have lost 3. bought 4. have passed 5. worked 6. has been trying Task 3 1. the 2. the 3. 4. the 5. the 6. a 7. the 8. the went did they show was on have you seen am going the the 9. the a the the the 10. the Task 4 1. “Have you ever been to the Tate Gallery In London?” “Yes, I have. It’s the most exciting museum I’ve ever been to.” 2. “How long have you known her?” Since she took up literature. She has always been a willing student and has never given up halfway.” 3. Have you made your choice? Not yet. It depends on how much my father is prepared to spend. 4. I’m looking forward to meeting John. I don’t remember when I last saw him. 5. “Have you applied for a job yet?” “Yes, I have. Last week I wrote a C.V. and then arranged for the job interview.” 6. “You’ve just enrolled in the English course, haven’t you?” “That’s right, I had to encourage a friend of mine, who suggest ed visiting classes together. To brush up the language is a love ly idea.” 7. He has been waiting for a reply for several weeks, but he hasn’t received any message yet. UNIT 17 Task 19 “Going away on holiday” Transcript Max: So, when do you think the best time to go is? Susie: Well, it’s always the matter of weather. I mean, if we visit Nepal in April, we’ll meet fewer tourists because the main tourist season is in the summer. 610 Max: Susie: Max: Susie: Max: Susie: Max: Susie: Max: Susie: Max: Susie: But if we go in the summer, say in August, we’ll have better weather. Well, I’d like to avoid the tourists, but if we go there out of season, we’ll probably have bad weather. That’s right. And how do we get there? I think the best is to fly. It really is a long way from here. And if we fly, we’ll get there much quicker. But if we drive overland, it’ll be very interesting and we’ll be able to travel around more easily when we are there. Yes, but it’s going to take weeks to get there by car, and I haven’t got the time. Do you want to stay in hotels? If we stay in hotels we’ll spend a lot of money. No, I think it’ll be better to go camping. If we take a tent, we’ll save a lot of money. What about food? Shall we take our own food? If we do that, we’ll have a lot to carry. Oh, there’s something else which is quite important. If we pay for the holiday here in Britain, we can use British money, and if we don’t have to take so much with us. But if we pay for it there, it might be cheaper. Well, it will be cheaper if we take a guidebook. That way we’ll avoid hiring a local guide. Yes, and we can read up about the place before we go there. Task 38 “The weather forecast” Transcript Announcer: Good morning. Here are the details of the weather for the next 24 hours for Bristol and the southwest of the country. Tomorrow will start off dry and bright in most areas. However, by midday it will become cloudy in most areas and rain will spread generally from the west. I don’t think you’ll see much of the sun in the afternoon. There will be rain in most places, I’m afraid. Westerly winds will become strong along the coast. The temperature will be about 20 degrees Centigrade. 611 The belt of low pressure will move away in the late afternoon, but the evening will remain cloudy. And that’s all from me. Test 17 Task 1 1. when 3. when / if 2. if 4. if Task 2 1. will fashion be like 2. Shall I go on 3. is not, is there? 4. don’t know will leave 5. will probably snow 5. when 6. if 7. if 8. when 6. will be 7. do not work won’t be able will fail Task 3 1. Who will show us a lot of places of interest tomorrow? When will they show us a lot of places of interest? 2. Has he been able to focus on the details? 3. What did you have to choose between? Task 4 a varied climate a country rain the same time all the year such a green country long green grass the cattle beautiful lawns the gardens country people the weather the best guide weather signs the direction of the wind the wind from the West rains and unsettled weather the east wind in (the) summer fine days in (the) winter the east wind a sign of frost and snow storms on a summer night the stars the wind and rain a red sunset fine weather rains 612 Task 5 1. The patient’s cheeks went rosy. The doctor said he’d get much better the next day. 2. We’ll do our best to prevent their quarrel. 3. How long will it take to establish contacts with this firm? 4. If he follows his uncle’s advice, he’ll be able to avoid trouble. 5. Have you thrown away yesterday’s newspaper with the weather forecast? It said that the temperature would rise the following week. 6. You’ll have to make arrangements in connection with the inter national conference which is taking place in ten days. When will you be able to start? 7. In the future scientists will find a cure for all diseases. To con trol their weight, people will have to combine diet and exercise. UNIT 18 Task 18 Transcript First old man: Second old man: First: Second: First: Bus conductor: First: Second: Did you see that girl who got off then? She looked more like a boy than a girl. It’s the other way round. All the boys look more like girls these days. It’s all that long hair! The trouble is they don’t teach girls how to look after children or how to keep house! My granddaughter’s going to university. She’s learning how to build bridges. Fancy that! A girl training as an engineer! Things aren’t what they used to be, are they? No, they aren’t. Everything’s upside down these days. People haven’t even got good man ners any more. Excuse me. Would one of you give a passenger your seat? She’s a mother with a baby and you’re nearest the door. What? Give up my seat? Me! Tell her to stand! I’m not giving up my seat to anyone! 613 Task 40 Culture Quiz 1.c; 2.b; 3.b; 4.b; 5.c. Task 41 “Body language” Transcript British manager giving a talk. Body language is one of the most important communication skills. Smiling is one example. It doesn’t mean that you have to pretend that you are happy all the time. When you smile at someone you know, you demonstrate your willingness and an open attitude to conversation. Another thing in many cultures is a warm handshake. Be the first to extend your hand in greeting. Add a friendly “Hello”, a nice smile, your name, and you have made the first step to open the channels of communication between you and the other person. People of different nationalities sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable – without meaning to or without even realizing it. For example, you must remember to keep your arms uncrossed. Crossed arms give off signals of skepticism. It’s far better to lean forward in a natural way. By this, you let your partner feel that what he is saying is interesting to you. Take care, however, not to violate someone’s “personal space” by getting too close. In general, good manners can help you in all those ordinary transactions that take place in shops, restaurants, on public transport, in the office or on the telephone. And, after all, it costs nothing to be polite! Test 18 Task 1 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c; 6. c; 7. d. Task 2 1. somebody / someone any 2. nothing 3. anywhere any 4. nobody / no one nothing 5. anybody / anyone anything Task 3 1. Do you want me to change my mind? 2. At the tailor’s shop I had my trousers shortened and ironed. 614 3. Could you make your neighbours quiet? 4. Let us know when they will leave for Italy. 5. Ann makes me analyze my performance to understand what has become the stumbling block to my success. 6. Father always lets the children eat as much icecream as they like. 7. They don’t want anyone else to come. Task 4 1. take care of 2. looked up 3. turns itself on and off 4. brush up Task 5 a) happen belong b) depend concentrate c) participate enroll 5. get along with 6. look through 7. give up 8. look after d) protect prevent die e) smile ACTIVE VOCABULARY Abbreviations n – noun существительное; v.t. – verb transitive – переходный глагол; v.i. – verb intransitive – непереходный глагол; phr. v. – phrasal verb – фразовый глагол; adj. – adjective – прилагательное; adv. – adverb – наречие; attr. – attribute – определение; pl. – plural – множественное число; pers. рrоn. – personal pronoun – личное местоимение; poss. pron. – possessive pronoun – притяжательное местоимение; conj. – conjunction – союз; num. – numeral – числительное; prep. – preposition – предлог, fig. – figurative – переносное значение. A achieve [qtSi:v] v. t. достичь, добиться: Complete understanding of Russia is impossible to achieve. achievement n. достижение admire [qdmaIq] v.t. восхищаться, восторгаться: What I most admire in this political leader is his moral courage. adopt [qdPpt] v.t. принять, перенять: The committee adopted my suggestions. | adoption n. принятие: the adoption of the constitution adventure [qdvenCq] n. приключение: His life is full of exciting adventures. advice [qdvaIs] n. cовет: Acting on her advice, I decided to give up smoking. Let me give you a piece of advice. advise [qdvaIz] v.t. советовать: The doctor advised complete rest. He advises the President on foreign affairs. aim [eIm] n. цель: They set up the project with the aim of helping unemployed people. | aimless adj. бесцельный: aimless discussions agree [qgri:] v.i. согласиться, договориться: I don’t agree with his policy. | agreement n. согласие, соглашение, договор: The aim of the meeting was to reach agreement about next year’s prices. 616 ally [xlaI] n. союзник ambition [qmbISqn] n. честолюбие: She has at last achieved her lifetime ambition to become a dancer. ambulance [xmbjVlqns] n. машина скорой помощи amuse [qmju:z] v.t. развлекать, забавлять: They amused themselves by playing computer games. amusing adj. забавный, смешной: I don’t find his jokes very amusing. annoy [qnOI] v.t. раздражать, действовать на нервы: How annoying! Какая досада! apply [qplaI] v.i. (to, for) обращаться за: We’ve applied to the council for a grant. appliance [qplaIqns] n. устройство: Dish"washers and washing machines are domestic appliances. astronomical [,xstrqnPmIkql]adj. астрономический: In the year 1917 Chaplin earned an astronomical sum of money. attend [qtend] v.t. присутствовать, посещать: People who attend a game, such as football, are spectators. attitude [xtItju:d] n. (to/ towards) подход, позиция, отношение: The health of the whole planet will depend on a big change in attitude. attract [qtrxkt] v.t. притягивать, привлекать: His new book has attracted a lot of attention. audience [LdIqns] n. аудитория, публика: The audience applauded loudly at the end of the concert. B backwards [bxkw qdz] adv. назад, в обратном направлении: Can you say the alphabet backwards? band [bxnd] n. оркестр, отряд, группа be born [bLn] past participle of bear родиться: The people won their independence, and a new nation was born. be keen adj. (on) сильно увлекаться чем"л.: I am not keen on chess. beat [bJt] v.t. бить, колотить, побеждать: She beat me at tennis. 617 behaviour [bIheIvjq] n. поведение, манеры: the behaviour of steel under stress best [best] n. (the ~) лучший результат: I’ll do / try my best to finish it on time. biographer [baIPgrqfq] n. биограф: Dr. Johnson’s famous biographer, James Boswell. blood [blAd] n. кровь: It was a serious cut and he lost a lot of blood. boast [bqVst] v.t. по праву располагать чем"л., что вызывает гордость: Chinatown boasts the world’s finest antique shops. borrow [bPrqV] v.t. брать взаймы: I’d like you to borrow a dictionary for me. both...and... conj. и...и...: He spoke both with kindness and understanding. brush up [brAS] phr. v. восстановить свои знания: I must brush up my English before I go to London. bulb [bAlb] n. лампочка: a 100"watt light bulb. C calm [kRm] adj. cпокойный: The police chief advised his men to stay / keep calm and not lose their tempers. campaign [kx m peIn] n. кампания, поход: The Declaration became the basis of a global campaign for democracy. capable [keIpqbl] (of) adj. способный: He’s capable of telling lies. Он способен солгать. care [keq] n. наблюдение, попечение; take care (of) позаботиться о ком"л.: The nurse will take care of your child. career [kqrIq] n. жизненный путь, карьера, профессия: She spent most of her career working in Edinburgh. carry out [kxrI] phr. v. выполнять, проводить: They are carrying out urgent experiments. cash [kxS] n. наличные деньги: The company is a bit short of cash at the moment. | pay in cash v.i. расплачиваться наличными: “Are you paying (in) cash?” “ No, I’ll pay by check.” catastrophe [kqtxstrqfI] n. катастрофа: The party coud be heading for catastrophe in elections. 618 cause [kL z] v.t. вызвать: The flood was a major catastrophe, causing heavy loss of life. Celtic [keltIk,seltIk] adj. кельтский centigrade [sentIgreId] adj., n.: a centigrade thermometer термометр Цельсия сentury [sentSqrI] n. столетие, век: There have been two World Wars during this century. challenge [tSxlIndZ] n. вызов, трудная, но интересная задача: He accepted his friend’s challenge to swim across the river. character [kxrqktq] n. характер, герой, персонаж: A tendency not to show emotions is considered to be part of the British national character. charge [CRG] v.t. 1. заряжать: If the red light comes on, it means that the battery isn’t charging. 2. взымать: How much do you charge for a double room? cheap [CJp] adj. дешёвый: I bought it cheap. Я дёшево это купил. check [Cek]v. контролировать, проверять: She checked through the letter before sending it. close [klqVs] adv. поблизости, совсем рядом: He lives close at hand. come round phr. v. забежать, зайти к кому"л., кто живёт поблизости: Come round and see us! comical [kPmIkql] adj. комичный, cмешной: This comical character expressed the joy and sorrow that people experienced in life. command [kqmRnd] n. команда, контроль, владение (знаниями): He has an impressive command of several languages. community [kqmju:nItI] n. группа населения, общество: The President met leaders of the black community during his visit to Chicago. compare [kqmpeq] v.i. (to / with) сравнивать cличать: London is large, compared to / with Paris. concentrate [kPnsqn,treIt] v.i. (on, upon) сосредоточиться: I can’t concentrate on my work when I am hungry. confrontation [,kPnfrAnteISqn] n. (with) конфронтация: We cannot risk another confrontation with the union. 619 connect [kqnekt] v.t. соединять, связывать: The plumber connected all the pipes and turned on the tap. сonnection [kqnekSqn] n. соединение, связь: The telephone connection was bad. | in this connection в этой связи consensus [kqnsensqs] n. согласие, единодушие: Can we reach a consensus on this issue? conservation [,kPnsqveISqn] n. сохранение: conservation of water / energy consider [kqnsIdq] v.t. рассматривать, считать: Do you consider her suitable for the job? constant [kPnstqnt] adj. неизменный, постоянный: He drove at a constant speed. consumption [kqnsAmpSqn] n. потребление: The car’s fuel consumption is very high. context [kPntqkst] n. контекст: Look at your own job in the wider context of the whole department. cooperation [kqV,PpqreISqn] n. сотрудничество: I need your cooperation in this matter. courage [`kArIG] n. храбрость, смелость, мужество: She showed remarkable courage when she heard the bad news. cover [kAvq] v.t. 1. покрывать: she covered her face with her hands. 2. охватывать: The book covers the period from1870 to 1914. 3. освещать в печати / по радио: She covered current events for CBS news. cure [kjuq] n. (for) средство, лекарство, лечение: There is still no cure for the common cold. create [krIeIt] v.t. создавать: This decision creates a dangerous precedent. crisis [kraIsIs] n. кризис: Relations between the two countries have reached crisis point. crowd [kraVd] n. толпа: A big crowd soon gathered round the scene of the accident. 620 D deal [di:l] v.i. (with) иметь дело, поступать (с кем"л.), относиться (к кому"л.): He’s a difficult man to deal with. debate [dIbeIt] n. дискуссия, прения, дебаты: After much debate, the Committee voted to close the school. decide [dIsaId] v.i. решаться, принять решение: After long discussion they decided in favour of the younger candidate. declaration [, deklqreISqn] n. декларация, объявление (войны): These events led to the declaration of war. declare [dIkleq] v.t. & i. объявить: Britain declared war on Germany in 1914 degree [dIgri:] n. градус, степень: Water freezez at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32 F). The children have different degrees of ability. delighted [dIlaItId] adj. (by / with) We’re delighted that you’ll be able to come. demand [dImRnd] n. спрос, потребность, требование: There’s not much demand for houses of this sort. democracy [dImPkrqsI] n. The military government promised to restore democracy within one year. | (un)democratic (не)демократический demonstrate [demqn,streIt] v.t. показывать, демонстрировать: His last remark demonstrates his total ignorance of the subject. dense [dens] adj. густой, плотный: The grass was dense on the ground. describe [dIskraIb] v.t. описать, охарактеризовать: The police asked us to describe the two men. despotism [despqtIzm] n. деспотизм: It’s impossible to turn free people back into the hateful paths of despotism. destroy [dIstrOI] v.t. уничтожать, разрушать: She destroyed all his letters. detail [di:teIl] n. подробность, деталь; in detail обстоятельно, подробно: She described the events in great detail. develop [dIvelqp] v.t. развивать, разрабатывать: Computers are a rapidly developing industry. die [daI] v.i. умирать: She’s very ill and I’m afraid she’s dying. 621 discover [dIskAvq] v.t. раскрывать, узнавать, обнаруживать: Columbus discovered America in 1492. disease [dIzi:z] n. болезнь: Many diseases are caused by bacteria. doubt [daVt] v.t. сомневаться: I doubt that he will come. drawing [drLIN] n. рисунок, рисование: Here is the drawing of a church. E ecological [,i:kqlPGIkql] n. экологический: Modern wars add to global warming and cause ecological catastrophes. ecology [IkPlqGI] n. экология economic [,ekqnPmIk] adj. экономический: The country is in a bad economic state. Edinburgh [edInbqrq] n. Эдинбург effect [Ifekt] n. результат, эффект: He’s suffering from the effects of too much alcohol. effort [efqt] n. усилие, попытка: It’s quite an effort to lift this heavy box. election(s) [IlekSqn] n. выборы: The result of the election will be known tonight. emission [ImISqn] n. выделение, излучение: We received powerful radio emissions from a distant star system. emotion [ImqVSqn] n. эмоция: She described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion. encourage [InkArIG] v. поощрять, поддерживать: This programme strongly encourages students’ exchanges. energetic [,enqGetIk] adj. энергичный: He is an energetic supporter of the peace movement. enjoy oneself [InGOI] v.t. веселиться: Did you enjoy yourself at the party? enter [entq] v.t. входить: The talks have now entered their third week. | enter university поступить в университет entertain [,entqteIn] v.t. развлекать: We’re entertaining our neighbours this evening. enthusiastic[In,Tju:zIxstIk] adj. восторженный, полный энтузиазма: He was enthusiastic about the play. 622 environment [InvaIqrqnmqnt] n. окружающая среда: People need new laws to prevent the pollution of the environment. equal [i:kw ql] adj. равный, одинаковый: He speaks French and German with equal ease. essential [IsenSql] adj. необходимый, существенный: Is wealth essential to happiness? establish [IstxblIS] v.t учреждать: The school was established in 1850. | establish contacts установить контакты Europe [jVqrqp] n. Европа European [,jVqrqpIqn] n. европеец; adj. европейский event [Ivent] n. cобытие: The documentary reviews the most important events of 1985. exciting [IksaItIN] adj. захватывающий, увлекательный: Life will seem very exciting on holidays. excursion [IkskE:S(q)n] n. экскурсия: We went on a day excursion. exhibit [IgzIbIt] v.t. экспонировать, выставлять exhibition [,eksIbISqn] n. выставка, показ: The exhibition at the Maillol Museum shows that there is really a School of London. exist [IgzIst] v. существовать: Pre"Raphaelites existed ten years and created a new trend in Victorian Age art. expensive [IkspensIv] adj. дорогой, дорогостоящий: Your fur coat looks expensive. experience [IkspIqrIqns] n. опыт: I know that from experience. experienced adj. опытный, сведущий, квалифицированный, со стажем extend [Ikstend] v.t. протянуть: They extended a rope between two posts. F face [feIs] v.t. стоять лицом к лицу, сталкиваться с кем"л. / чем"л.: We’ll have to face (the) facts: we simply can’t afford a holiday this year. fame [feIm ] n. слава, репутация: She won fame with her first novel. 623 far away (from) [fR] adv. далеко: Let’s walk back to the square; it’s not far away from the office. fascinate [fxsIneIt] v.t. завораживать, пленять: The students were fascinated by/with the scientist’s ideas. fight [faIt] n. бой, схватка; v.t. & i.: драться, сражаться, воевать: He fought like a lion. They were fighting their way through the crowd. finger [fINgq] n. палец: I will not lift a finger to help him. flood [flAd] n. половодье, наводнение, поток: There was a flood of complaints after the show. follower [fPlqVwq] n. последователь: He is a faithful follower of his home football team. forecast [fLkRst] v.t. предсказывать:He forecast(ed) a big increase in sales, and he turned out to be right. formation [fL meISqn] n. формирование: School life has a great influence on the formation of a child’s character. former [fL mq] adj. предшествующий, бывший formerly adv. прежде, раньше: Formerly he worked in a factory, but now he is a teacher. found [faVnd] v.t. основaть, учредить: The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river. frustration [frAstreISqn] n. крушение надежд | sense of frustration чувство безысходности function [fAnkSqn] v.i. функционировать, действовать: The machine will not function properly if it is not kept well"oiled. G gain [geIn] v.t. достигать, добираться: to gain victory. The swimmer gained the shore gap [gxp] n. пробел, разрыв: How can teachers help to bridge the generation gap between parents and their teenage children? garbage [gRbIG] n. мусор, отбросы generation [,GenqreISqn] n. поколение: Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. 624 get along phr. v. (with) ладить, уживаться с кем"л.: Do you get along well with your aunt? get over phr. v. пережить, преодолеть: He could not get over the loss. give up phr. v. 1. бросить: Father gave up smoking. 2. уступить: He gave up his seat to her. 3. сдаться: The murderer gave himself up. glance [glRns] n. быстрый взгляд: He gave her an admiring glance. global [glqVbl] adj. всеобщий, глобальный: It is too late to prevent global climatic changes. goods [gVdz] n. товары: There is a large variety of consumer goods in the shops. guarantee [,gxrqnti:] n. гарантия, поручительство: The radio has a two"year guarantee. guide [gaId] v.t. направлять, руководить: He guided us through the narrow streets to the railway station. H hand [hxnd] n. рука, сторона; on the one hand ... on the other hand (fig.) с одной стороны, ... c другой стороны: This job of mine isn’t well paid, but on the other hand I don’t have to work long hours. handkerchief [hxNkq,CJf] n. носовой платок hardworking [hRd,wE:kIN] adj. работящий, усидчивый headline [hedlaIn] n. заголовок: The time is 12 o’clock; here are the news headlines. hire [haIq] v. взять напрокат: We hired a car for a week when we were in Italy. history [hIstqrI] n. история: The new buiding will house the Department of History. | go down in history phr. v. войти в историю: Neil Armstrong went down in history when he stepped on the moon. historic adj. исторический 625 house [haVs] v.t. хранить, размещать: The museum houses a vast collection of wonderful prints. household word ходячее выражение human [hju:mqn] adj. человеческий: It’s only human nature to want a comfortable life. I identity [aIdentItI] n. тождественность, личность: He proved his identity. identify v.t.&i. опознать: She identified the criminal. | identify with phr.v. быть солидарным: He identified (himself) with the movement. ignore [IgnL] v.t. игнорировать, не обращать внимания: He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. illusion [Ilu:Zqn] n. иллюзия, обман: I have no illusion about her. immediately [ImJdIqtlI] adv. немедленно, тотчас, сразу: Stop that immediately. impress [Impres] v.t. впечатлять: You impressed the teachers by your performance in the exam. impession n. впечатление include [Inklu:d] v.t. включать (в число): Her job doesn’t include coffee for the boss. incorporate [InkLpq,reIt] v.t. объединять, соединять: His artwork incorporates the latest trends. incredible [InkredIbl] adj. неслыханный, невероятный: She has an incredible house! independent [,IndIpend(q)nt] adj. независимый: She’s financially independent of her family. industry [IndqstrI] n. промышленность injury [InGqrI] n. травма, ранение: The driver of the lorry received serious injuries to the legs and arms. instability [,InstqbIlItI] n. нестабильность: He’s showing signs of instability. instrument [Instrqmqnt] n. инструмент, аппарат, прибор: The pilot studied his instruments anxiously. 626 interval [Intqvql] n. промежуток, отрезок времени: The buses don’t always run at regular intervals. introduce [,intrqdjHs] v.t. 1. знакомить, представить: A new manager was introduced into the store. 2. вводить, начинать: He introduced his speech with a quotation. introduction [, IntrqdAkS(q)n] n. введение, представление, реко"мендация: a letter of introduction invent [Invent] v.t. изобретать: He invented a hundred reasons why he couldn’t go. J joint [GOInt] adj. общий, совместный: joint venture совместное предприятие K keep house [ki:p] v.t. вести домашнее хозяйство: Susan had to keep house after her mother’s death. knowledge [nPlIG] n. знание, сведения: They did it without my knowledge. L leadership [lJdq,SIp] n. лидерство, руководство: Britain has lost her leadership in the shipbuilding industry. legal [li:gql] adj. юридический правовой: What types of legal professions are there in the UK? license [laIsqns] n. разрешение, лицензия: We manufacture these goods under license. driving license водительские права lift [lIft] n. give sb a lift: Can I give you a lift home? litter [lItq] n. сор, отбросы: The streets were full of litter. look after [lVk] phr. v. присматривать, ухаживать за: He had to look after himself. look forward (to) phr. v. предвкушать, с нетерпением ждать: I look forward to his arrival. 627 look up phr. v. отыскивать (информацию), посмотреть (расписание): I must look up the times of the trains. love [lAv] n. любовь fall in (out of) love with v.i. влюбиться / разлюбить: The young pair fell in love with each other at first sight. M main road [meIn rqVd] n. магистраль, главная дорога: a busy main road make [meIk] v.t. 1. делать, производить, совершать: make an appointment договориться о встрече: Can I make an appointment to see the manager? make a choice сделать выбор: I’m sure we’ve made the right choice.|make a decision принять решение: The committee will make a decision soon. | make a discovery сделать открытие: The archaeologists have made a number of important discoveries.|make an effort приложить усилие: Please make an effort to get there on time. make notes делать записи: He made notes of the lecture. |make a reservation забронировать место: Have you made a hotel reservation for our holiday yet? | make sure убедиться: First I made sure no one was following me. 2. заставлять, побуждать: If you’re logical, you can make others see your viewpoint. manners n. (pl.) манеры, поведение, нравы: The children have good table manners. It’s bad manners to yawn. mass media [`mJdIq] n. средства массовой информации: The media have / has a lot of power today. master [mR stq] v.t. овладеть, справиться: She tried hard to master her fear of heights. matter [mxtq] n. материя, вещество, тема, предмет: I must take some suitable reading matter for the journey. That was a matter of forty years ago. misunderstand [,mIsAndqstxnd] v.t. неправильно понимать: They pretended to misunderstand my complaint. mobility [mqbIlItI] n. мобильность, подвижность: The British are enthusiastic about mobility. 628 multicultural [, mAltIkAltSqrql] adj. многокультурный: We see the United States as a country full of multiсultural traditions. N naive [nR i:v] adj. наивный, простодушный: He told her he was a close friend of the royal family, and she was naive enough to believe him. necessary [nesqsqrI] adj. необходимый, обязательный: I’ll leave it to you to make the necessary arrangements. nervous [nE:vqs] adj. нервный: He was nervous before making a presentation. O offer [Pfq] v.t. предлагать, делать предложение: I don’t need any help, but it was kind of you to offer. opportunity[, Ppqtju:nItI] n. удобный случай, благоприятная возможность: May I take this opportunity of thanking everyone for their hard work on the project. orchestra [LkIstrq] n. оркестр: He plays the violin in the symphony orchestra. organization [,LgqnaIzeISn] организация: Fine results depend on good organization. outstanding [aVtstxndIN] adj. выдающийся: an outstanding young musician. P painter [peIntq] n. художник: a portrait / landscape painter panic [pxnIk] v.i. впадать в панику: The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion. panorama [,pxnqrRmq] n. панорама: The book gives a panorama of life in England 400 years ago. Parliament [pRlqmqnt] n. парламент: The Queen opened Parliament. part [pRt] n. часть, доля; take part (in) принимать участие: The question of cost will play an important part in our decision. 629 particular [pqtIkjVlq] adj. 1. особенный, особый: There was nothing of particular importance in the letter. 2. разборчивый, привередливый: She is not particular about her dress. passage [pxsIG] n. 1. проход, проезд: Her room is just along the narrow passage. 2. отрывок из произведения: His paper contains brilliant passages. patient [peISqnt] adj. терпеливый: Patient years of labour are still ahead. patriotism [peitriqtizm] n. патриотизм pedestrian [pqdestrIqn] n. пешеход; pedestrian crossing n. пешеходный переход per cent [pqsent] процент; three per cent три процента perform [pqfLm] v.t. выполнять, исполнять: He will perform Hamlet next week. performance n. выступление, представление, спектакль phenomenon [fInPmInqn] n. феномен, явление: Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. pleasure [pleZq] n. удовольствие: He is travelling for pleasure. point [pOInt] n. пункт, момент, cуть дела, вопрос: What are the points to look for when you are buying a new computer? politician [,pPlItISqn] n. политик pollution [pqlu:Sqn] n. загрязнение: pollution of tourist beaches popularity [,pPpjVlxrItI] n. популярность, успех: As his popularity grew, Chaplin’s salary continued to rise. population [, pPpjVleISqn] n. население: Half the world’s population doesn’t get enough to eat. portrait [pLtrIt] n. портрет: I asked him to paint my portrait. position [pqzISqn] n. место, позиция, положение: I am looking for a position as tutor. poverty [pPvqtI] n. бедность: Poverty is no sin. predict [prIdIkt] v.t. предсказывать: The fortune"teller predicts that I will marry a doctor. | prediction n. предсказание prejudice [preGqdIs] n. (against, in favour of) предубеждение, предрассудок: A judge must be free from prejudice. pretend [prItend] v.t. & i. притворяться, делать вид: She’s pretending to be asleep. 630 prevent [prIvent] v.t. помешать, предотвратить: What can we do to prevent this disease? prevention n. предохранение, предупреждение previous [prJvIqs] adj. предыдущий: Have you had any previous experience of this kind of work? principal [prInsIpql] adj. главный, основной: The Nile is one of the principal rivers of Africa. n. директор, ректор principle [prInsIpql] n. принцип: They agreed to the plan in principle. priority [praIPrItI] n. приоритет, порядок очерёдности: The arranging of this business agreement is a top priority. privacy [prIvqsI] n. уединение: Have I disturbed your privacy? producer [prqdju:sq] n. производитель: Kuwait is one of the world’s leading oil producers. promote [prqmqVt] v.t. 1. продвигать, повысить в чине: They promoted him captain. 2. cодействовать, поддерживать: to promote trade / international understanding promotion n. продвижение, содействие protect [prqtekt] v.t. защищать, ограждать, предохранять: He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. protection n. защита, охрана proud [praVd] adj. гордый: Edward was the proud father of the twins. public [pAblIk] n. общественность, народ, публика: The library is open to the public. pump [pAmp] v.t. качать, накачивать, выкачивать: The well has been pumped dry. push [pVS] v.t. толкать, пихать: He pushed me, and I fell into the water. Q qualify [kwPlIfaI] v.i. (as / for) получить диплом, быть пригодным: In three years he will qualify as an architect. 631 R reaction [rIxkSqn] n. реакция: My first reaction was disbelief. realize [rIqlaIz] v.t. осознавать: He didn’t realize the risks he was taking. reason [ri:zqn] n. (for) причина, обоснованный довод: The reason for the flood was heavy rain. I know the reason why he has broken the appointment. recognize [rekqgnaIz] v.t. признавать, узнавать: Dogs recognize people by their smell. reduce [rIdju:s] v.t. уменьшать, сокращать: We can reduce the report to three main parts. register [reGIstq] v.t. (за)регистрировать, оформить: Newly arrived guests must register at the hotel’s reception desk. regulate [regjVleIt] v.t. регулировать, контролировать: You can regulate the radiator by turning this little dial. religion [rIlIGqn] n. религия, вера, вероисповедание: Music is a religion with John. religious adj. религиозный, набожный remarkable [rImRkqbl] adj. замечательный, удивительный: Finland is remarkable for the large number of its lakes. rent [rent] v.t. арендовать, снимать в наём: I rent a room from Mrs. Jones. reply [rIplaI] n. ответ: I asked him, but he gave no reply. represent [,reprIzent] v.t. изображать, обозначать, представлять: The red lines on the map represent railways. respect [rIspekt] n. (for) уважение: Have some respect for your parents! resume [rezjVmeI] n. резюме AmE for curriculum vitae retrospective [,retrPspektIv] adj. ретроспективный, обращённый в прошлое: retrospective exhibition rise [raIz] n. подъём: We came to a rise in the road. v.i. вставать (на ноги): He rose to his full height. romance [rqVmxns] n. романтика, романс: Life seems to me full of romance. root [ru:t] n. корень: The idea took root in his mind. 632 run out phr. v. (of) иссякать, кончаться: He will soon run out of money. rush [rAS] n. стремительное движение; in the rush hour в часы пик. S salary [sxlqrI] n. оклад, зарплата: He’s on a very good salary now. save [seIv] v.t. экономить, избегать затрат: He took the bus to save time. schedule [Sedju:l] n. список, перечень, план, рас"писание: We finished the project ahead of schedule. scientist [saIqntIst] n. учёный screen [skri:n] n. экран: She first appeared on the screen 15 years ago. security [sIkjVqrItI] n. безопасность: The security forces were unable to keep order in the streets. seem [si:m] v.i. казаться, представляться: Things are not always what they seem to be. selectively [sIlektIvlI] adv. выборочно: He quoted from his report selectively to support his argument. sensational [sqnseISqnl] adj. сенсационный: Has your team won? That’s sensational news. sense [sens] n. 1. чувство, ощущение: I haven’t got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost. 2. смысл, значение: No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn’t make any sense to me. series [sIqrI:z] n. серия: Tonight we’re broadcasting the first episode of our new TV series on modern art. shape [SeIp] n. форма, очертание: Mother has baked a cake in the shape of a heart. similar [sImIlq] adj. We have similar opinions; my opinions are similar to hers. skepticism [skeptIsIzm] n. скептицизм skill [skIl] n. искусство, умение, мастерство: Reading and writing are two different skills. 633 skyscraper [skaI, skreIpq] n. небоскрёб slavery [sleIvqrI] n. рабство society [sqsaIqtI] n. общество: Britain is now a multi"racial society. someone [sAmwAn] pron. кто"либо, некто: Someone has used my file and now I can’t find anything anywhere. something [sAmTIN] pron. что"либо, нечто: Advice is something we like to give but do not like to receive. space [speIs] n. космическое / мировое пространство, место: Keep some space between you and the car ahead. spacecraft n. космический корабль spread [spred] v.i. расстилаться, распространяться: The city now spreads as far as the coast. stamp [stxmp] v.i. наступить, давить: She stamped on the insect and killed it. standard [stxndqd] n. стандарт, норма, образец, эталон; adj. стандартный: It’s one of the standard books on the subject. step [step] n. шаг: Take a step backwards! steward [stju:qd] n. упрaвляющий, распорядитель: Man hasn’t yet learnt how to transform himself into a sensible steward of the earth. stock market фондовая биржа strategy [strxtIGI] n. стратегия, оперативное искусство: We have worked out a strategy for dealing with this situation. strict [strIkt] adj. строгий, точный: They are very strict with their children. struggle [strAgl] v.i. (with) бороться, биться: We struggled with this problem for a long time. stumble [stAmbl] v.i. спотыкаться; stumbling block камень преткновения success [sqkses] n. успех, удача: She tried to get them to agree, but without much success. suddenly [sAdnlI] adv. внезапно, вдруг: They were talking on the phone when suddenly the line went dead. suit [sju:t] v.t. устраивать, подходить: The job suits me fine. suitable adj. подходящий, годный 634 T technology [teknPlqGI] n. техника, технология: a high level of technology term [tE:m] n. период, срок, условие, термин, выражение: in terms of с точки зрения, в смысле, что касается: He thinks of everything in terms of money. think [TINk] well (highly) / little (poorly) of sb phr. v. быть высокого/ низкого мнения о ком"л.: We all think very highly of her. throw away [TrqV] phr. v. выбросить: I have thrown the letter away. tolerance [tPlqrqns] n. толерантность, терпимость, выносливость: Many old people have a very little tolerance to cold. ton [tAn] n. тонна: He bought tons of fruit while it was cheap. towards [tqwLdz] prep. по направлению к чему"л. / кому"л.: They have taken the first step towards reaching an agreement. traffic [trxfIk] движение, транспорт: The traffic is very heavy this morning. traffic lights n. светофор train [treIn] v.i. as / under тренироваться, готовиться, обучаться: She trained as a singer under a famous professor of music. transaction [trxnzxkS(q)n] n. сделка, ведение дел: The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction. transform [trxnsfLm] v.t. изменить, преобразовать: Getting that new job has completely transformed her. transformation n. превращение, метаморфоза: In recent years his ideas have undergone a complete transformation. trend [trend] n. The rise in crime is a disturbing new trend. turning [tE:nIN] n. поворот, перекрёсток: Go down the road and take the first turning on the right. tyre [taIq] n. шина: The tyre needs more air pumping into it. U unbelievable [,AnbIli:vqbql] adj. невероятный, неимоверный: She’s got an unvelievable number of cats! upset (a plan) [Apset] v.t. 1. опрокинуть: He upset the cup and the coffee went all over the floor. 2. расстроить здоровье: Eating 635 fish sometimes upsets my stomach. 3. нарушить (порядок и т. п.): The sudden change in the weather upset our plans. 4. oгорчить: Do what he wants or you’ll upset him. urge [E:G] v.t. убеждать, уговаривать: They urged us to give our support. V view [vju:] v.t. обозревать, рассматривать: He viewed the landscape through binoculars. viewer n. зритель viewpoint n. точка зрения violate [vaIqleIt] v.t. нарушать, попирать, преступать: violate the law / one’s conscience / calm / a church violation n. осквернение, нарушение vision [vIZqn] n. зрение, видение, кругозор, образ, проницательность: We need a man of vision as leader of the party. W wheel [w Jl] n. колесо: My sister was at the wheel. willing [wIlIN] adj. склонный, расположенный, старательный: I’m willing to believe that he will do his best. Are you willing to help? well [wel] n. колодец: The well had a bucket that could be lowered for water. wellbeing n. благополучие, благосостояние: the well"being of the nation Учебное издание Богатырёва Марина Александровна Учебник английского языка для неязыковых гуманитарных вузов Начальный этап обучения Ïîäïèñàíî â ïå÷àòü 17.11.2011. Электронное издание для распространения через Интернет. ÎÎÎ «Ôëèíòà», 117342, Ìîñêâà, óë. Áóòëåðîâà, ä. 17-Á, êîìí. 324. Òåë./ôàêñ: 334-82-65; òåë. 336-03-11. E-mail: flinta@mail.ru; WebSite: www.flinta.ru ÌÏÑÈ, 115191, Ìîñêâà, 4-é Ðîùèíñêèé ïð., ä. 9-à Тел./факс: 2344315; 9581774 (доб. 111) Email: publish@col.ru