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Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3
для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ
всех технических специальностей
Вариант 1
Грамматический материал: The Gerund and the Participle.
To understand the electronic theory, it is necessary to have a clear
understanding of the structure of matter. In elementary physics we are taught
that matter consists of very small particles called molecules. These molecules
are the smallest physically divisible parts of matter - physically divisible
because they can be further subdivided by other means into smaller particles,
for instance, by chemical means.
A molecule of water consists of three of these particles: two of hydrogen
and one of oxygen. These smaller particles are called atoms. A molecule of
water is, therefore, made up of three atoms. Similarly, any substance can always
be subdivided into atoms. In some elements, the atom is the same as the
The atom is still further divisible into smaller kinds of particles which are
nothing but particles of positive and negative electricity. Each atom has a
nucleus electrically positive and consisting of particles of which the main are
the proton, and the neutrons. Outside the nucleus and very far apart from it
move electrons, which are particles of negative electricity. All the protons and
electrons are the same in all kinds of atoms and the properties of matter are
dependent on the way in which they are arranged.
The atom as a whole is neutral, since in any atom there are as many
protons as there are electrons, so if one of the electrons leaves the atom, it
becomes positively charged.
Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык.
Составьте пять общих вопросов к тексту.
Образуйте прилагательные от данных ниже слов:
base; effect; custom; to allow; to vary.
Basic, effective, customary, allowable, various variable
Переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов
одного корня:
решать (вопрос) – решение; открывать – открытие; основывать –
основатель – основание; развивать – развитие; специальный –
специалист – специальность.
Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием или герундием.
Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.
Приведите все пропущенные формы данных причастий I.
Образец: Indefinite Active – writing
Indefinite Passive – being written
Perfect Active – having written
Perfect Passive – having been written
wondering, being asked, proving, being torn, having been shown, rising.
Составьте предложения, используя подчёркнутые причастия.
Найдите причастие или герундий в каждом из следующих
предложений, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
1.He went out quickly, shutting the door behind him.
2. Having tried various topics of conversation, I asked her to tell me who
all the people at the table were.
3. Being left alone, we kept silence for some time.
4. Then he drew the attention of his guests to a picture hanging above his
5. The effect of his words was terrifying.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3
для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ
всех технических специальностей
Вариант 2
Грамматический материал: The Gerund and the Participle.
The solar atmosphere may be studied not only by the radio waves which
it emits, but also by noting any effects which occur when radio waves are
propagated through it.
It is found that radio waves emitted by distant sources show marked
scattering phenomena if they traverse the corona on their way to the Earth. The
Crab Nebula is a convenient radio source for this kind of observation since it is
a strong emitter and its position in the sky is such that radio waves from it pass
quite close to the Sun during June each year. Measurements with radio
interferometers, which are sensitive to small changes in the direction of arrival
of incident radiation, show that radio waves suffer irregular deviations from a
straight path as they traverse the corona. The form of deviations indicates that
the atmosphere must contain clouds of varying density shaped like long
filaments. The filaments stretch roughly radially from the Sun in all directions,
somewhat like a set of spokes, and recent observations have shown that they
extend at least halfway from the Sun to the Earth.
Probably they continue much further and envelope the Earth before
finally losing their identity as they merge into the rarefied drifts of gas which
permeate space between the stars. Magnetic forces are again needed to explain
why the filaments do not rapidly diffuse into one another quite close to the Sun.
If a magnetic field is present with its lines of field running parallel to the
filaments, then coronal material can easily flow in this direction but magnetic
pressure will prevent it from expanding sideways. So we can picture a filament
as a flexible tube, something like an airport windsock whose direction indicates
where the coronal gas is following. The radial structure of the filaments that is
observed is, in fact, strong evidence for the existence of a solar wind always
blowing outwards from the Sun.
1) Crab Nebula – туманность Рака.
Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно абзацы 2 и 3 на
русский язык.
Вставьте much или many, (a) little или (a) few:
1. There is . . . milk in the jug.
2. Is there so . . . salt left? (2 варианта)
3. How . . . eggs are there in the fridge, Paul?
4. We don’t need . . . orange juice.
5. I couldn’t buy ten rolls. They had very . . . .
Образуйте существительные от приведённых ниже слов:
to arrange; to develop; to treat; to equip; to require.
Переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов
одного корня:
цвет – цветной; помощь – помогать – беспомощный; польза –
полезный; сила – сильный, властный; фрукты – плодотворный.
Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием или герундием.
Выпишите их и переведите ни русский язык.
Приведите все пропущенные формы данных причастий I.
Образец: Indefinite Active – writing
Indefinite Passive – being written
Perfect Active – having written
Perfect Passive – having been written
going, working, asking, thinking, being done, having been prepared.
Составьте предложения, используя подчёркнутые причастия.
Найдите причастие или герундий в каждом из следующих
предложений, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
1. Power is the ratio of an amount of work performed divided by the time
taken by the performance.
2. It is known that the atom in the main consists of three particles: the
proton and the neutron forming the nucleus with a positive charge and the
electrons having a negative charge.
3. She laughed without replying.
4. The younger man hesitated before answering.
5. She looked round the room before answering.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3
для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ
всех технических специальностей
Вариант 3
Грамматический материал: The Gerund and the Participle.
The fact that a limited number of chemical elements compose all the
materials people find on earth shows the importance of each of them. Some of
the elements are very common on earth, others are rare. Many of the elements
are never seen in pure form by most chemists, so rare are they. In fact, some
seventy-five of the elements make up less than one per cent of the earth.
However, the future may discover important uses for some of these little known
and rare elements.
Elements are characterized by some properties distinguishing them from
other substances. The main of these properties are their colour, hardness, odour,
taste, density, solubility in water or other liquids, ability to conduct electricity
and others. The ability to burn in air and the manner in which an element enters
into chemical reactions with other substances are also properties that help to
distinguish one element from another. For example, oxygen is a colourless,
odourless, tasteless gas with a density at standard conditions of pressure and
temperature of about one seven- hundredth that of water. It is soluble in water,
and it becomes liquid at about 180 below zero on the centigrade thermometer.
Similarly, these properties determine whether a substance is necessary or
useful industrially. Copper is of great value, being a good conductor of
electricity. Carbon and hydrogen are also useful because they combine readily
with oxygen, i.e. burn, and in so doing liberate great quantities of heat.
Tungsten is valuable because of the several important properties it possesses. It
is a hard metal which does not melt when heated to high temperatures
producing white light.
Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно абзацы 1 и 2 на
русский язык.
Вставьте much или many, (a) little или (a) few:
1. We don’t write many exercises during the lesson. We write . . .
2. I go to the cinema when I have . . . free time.
3. He speaks English . . . , but he wants to know it very well.
4. He knows . . . English words, but he is only ten years old.
5. Is there much chalk in the box? No, there is . . . chalk there.
Выберите верную форму глагола to be, которая используется с
данными существительными: a) is; b) are.
Образец: news - is
1) Spectacles; 2) clothes; 3) snow; 4) progress; 5) politics; 6) trousers;
7) advice.
Переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов
одного корня:
красота – красивый; молодёжь – молодой; обещать – обещание;
позволять – позволение; актёр – актриса; ожидать – неожиданно.
Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием или герундием.
Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.
Приведите все пропущенные формы данных причастий I.
Образец: Indefinite Active – writing
Indefinite Passive – being written
Perfect Active – having written
Perfect Passive – having been written
having built, being laughed at, being boiled, exhausting, having been lost.
Составьте предложения, используя подчёркнутые причастия.
Найдите причастие или герундий в каждом из следующих
предложений, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
1. A substance resisting all ordinary chemical efforts to decompose it into
simple substances is an element.
2. Being a good conductor, copper is often used in industry.
3. Adding heat, we can change the state of a substance.
4. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms.
5. Heating a substance, we cause a more rapid motion of its molecules.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3
для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ
всех технических специальностей
Вариант 4
Грамматический материал: The Gerund and the Participle.
At the end of the last century Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a teacher living in
Kaluga, turned to science in order to find a technical solution to a problem
which in those days seemed but a dream, the problem of flight into cosmic
At the time when man first rose into the air, he proposed rockets for
interplanetary communication. In his work ‘The study of cosmic space by rocket
engines’ which is often referred to by many scientists everywhere in the world,
K. Tsiolkovsky put forward a scientifically well - founded theory of cosmic
flights. The ideas presented in this work served as basis for the development of
the science astronautics.
Between 1911 and 1926 a number of publications were prepared by K.
Tsiolkovsky, which continued his early work. The scientist studied the
conditions for the take-off of a spaceship from the surface of a planet and the
influence of air resistance on the motion of the rocket, examined questions
connected with the life of the human organism in cosmic space and formulated a
number of principles the theory of rockets is based upon. Many other questions
connected with the aims and methods of developing astronautics were paid
attention to in some of his latest works. For example, such problems as the
design of a spaceship consisting of several rockets and the advantage of using
liquid fuel were dealt with by the scientist.
As early as 1895 K. Tsiolkovsky proposed the idea of creating artificial
satellites on the earth. The necessity of such satellites for interplanetary flights
is now recognized by all specialists in astronautics. The importance of such
satellites as observatories is also quite clear.
Realization of many of the Tsiolkovsky’s projects became possible only
in our days. His dream that “mankind must not remain eternally on earth” is
now a reality. Tsiolkovsky understood that to realize his dream the efforts of all
nations were necessary.
Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно на русский
Вставьте much или many, (a) little или (a) few:
1. Give me . . . bread for my bird.
2. Is there any salt on the table? Yes, but very . . . .
3. He reads . . . , that’s why he knows . . . English words. (2 варианта)
4. I know . . . French words and now I read easy texts.
5. Is there much chalk in the box? No, there is . . . chalk there.
Образуйте с помощью приставки противоположные по смыслу
1) adaptable; 2) avoidable; 3) reliable; 4) economic; 5) likely;
6) successful.
Переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов
одного корня:
конструировать – конструирование – конструктор; специальный –
специалист – специальность; применять – применение –
применимый; число – многочисленный.
Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием или герундием.
Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.
Приведите все пропущенные формы данных причастий I.
Образец: Indefinite Active – writing
Indefinite Passive – being written
Perfect Active – having written
Perfect Passive – having been written
talking, having got, having been found, hearing, being swept.
Составьте предложения, используя подчёркнутые причастия.
Найдите причастие или герундий в каждом из следующих
предложений, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
1. In solidifying some metals liberate the same amount of heat they
absorb in melting.
2. Keeping his secret won’t do any harm.
3. Fuels are substances we burn in order to provide heat.
4. All I want is getting home as soon as possible.
5. Stars shine by means of the light they generate and not by reflected
sunlight as planets and satellites do.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 3
для студентов I курса очно-заочного факультета ЛГТУ
всех технических специальностей
Вариант 5
Грамматический материал: The Gerund and the Participle.
The high standard of living depends on abundant, cheap fuel. Cheap fuel
means cheap power to operate manufacturing plants economically.
Coal and oil are so heavy that shipping them long distances is expensive.
Water power itself cannot be shipped at all. As to the electricity that any of
these power sources generates it is not always possible to transmit it over long
distances. These facts hinder the growth of industry in areas poor in
conventional fuels. But suppose there were a fuel so concentrated that shipping
costs would be unimportant?
Then geographical location would no longer matter. It would be as easy, so
far as fuel were concentrated, to set up industry in one area as in any other.
Does such a fuel exist? It does; in fact, there are three: two varieties of
uranium, the only natural atomic fuel, and plutonium. As is well known, one
pound of uranium contains as much energy as three million pounds of coal. By
comparison, therefore, shipping an atomic fuel presents no problem.
Economical power can be provided wherever it is needed, not merely where fuel
is found.
Atomic power can be cheap and abundant anywhere on earth; therefore
electricity produced from atomic fuel should be at least as cheap as electricity
from coal plants and probably even cheaper. New coal-burning plants may be
built for years to come, but it is atomic electricity that will be the electricity of
Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно на русский
Вставьте much или many, (a) little или (a) few:
1. Three biscuits are not many, they are . . . .
2. He doesn’t think . . . policemen have arrived.
3. Is there really so . . . bread left? I’ll have to buy some more.
4. Have you got . . . money?
5. How many jars of jam have you bought?
- Sorry, very . . . .
Найдите антонимы для следующих слов:
cheerful, honest, powerful, darkness, clever, friendly.
Переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов
одного корня:
изменение – изменчивый; различный – разница; наука – научный;
практика – практичный; слава (известность) – знаменитый
(известный); химия – химический; число – многочисленный.
Найдите в тексте предложения с причастием или герундием.
Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.
Приведите все пропущенные формы данных причастий I.
Образец: Indefinite Active – writing
Indefinite Passive – being written
Perfect Active – having written
Perfect Passive – having been written
spending, having seen, having been washed, being swept.
Составьте предложения, используя подчёркнутые причастия.
VII. Найдите причастие или герундий в каждом из следующих
предложений, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
1. It’s no use doing things by halves.
2. She kept looking at him with interest.
3. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone now.
4. Taking his seat he looked at his watch.
5. Having heard the report, he didn’t say a word.
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