Загрузил Алексей Павлов

Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей. Рабочая тетрадь

Рабочая тетрадь
УДК 81.2
ББК 811.111
А 64
Булановская Татьяна Александровна,
доцент кафедры иностранных языков РГУП, канд. филол. наук,
Клепальченко Игорь Алексеевич,
заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков РГУП, канд. филол. наук,
Осадчая Ольга Николаевна,
старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков РГУП,
Парфененко Елена Николаевна,
старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков РГУП,
Попова Елена Павловна,
доцент кафедры иностранных языков РГУП, канд. филол. наук.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей: Рабочая тетрадь (упражнения к учебнику Introduction to International Legal
English) – 2-е издание (доп. и перераб.). — М.: РГУП, 2019. — 89 с.
Пособие представляет собой комплекс упражнений по дисциплине
«Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей», которые
можно использовать как на занятиях, так и при самостоятельной работе.
Предназначено для студентов Российского государственного университета правосудия, изучающих английский язык на продвинутом уровне.
© Колл. авт., 2019
© Российский государственный
университет правосудия, 2019
Unit 1. A career in law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Unit 2. Contract law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Unit 3. Tort law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Unit 4. Criminal law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Unit 5. Company law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Unit 6. Commercial law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Unit 7. Real property law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Unit 8. Litigation and arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Unit 9. International law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Unit 10. Comparative law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Active vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Appendix 1. Planning your presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Appendix 2. Language for oral presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Appendix 3. Oral presentations marking scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Appendix 4. Topics for presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Unit 1. A career in law
Vocabulary Section
1.1. Study the following information and express your opinion using
the prompts given below.
A variety of careers:
• may decide to take/consider subjects
• to run a small partnership or to be a sole practitioner
• law practice in a large firm
• …is stimulating and challenging
• …to complete a law degree
Criteria on which law firms hire new recruits:
• education
• personality
• work experience
• language ability
Core subjects:
• constitutional law
• criminal law
• contract law
• tort law
• land law
• equity and trusts law
• administrative law
Optional (elective) courses:
• family law
• employment law
• housing law
• company law
• commercial law
• litigation and arbitration law
1.2. Translate the word combinations into Russian.
1) ambitious graduate
2) to train as a commercial lawyer
3) challenging atmosphere
4) contribution counts
Unit 1. A career in law
5) require exceptional trainee
6) handle private matters
7) essential skills
8) strong academic qualification
9) take a flexible approach
10) candidate willing to progress
11) demonstrate experience
12) apply online
13) pay your full course fees
14) lecture theatre
15) holding non-law degree
16) to convert to a career in law
17) trainee solicitors
18) pupil barristers
19) to take courses covering skills such as legal research, legal writing
20) law clinics: find out more about law in practice
21) a voluntary advice centre
22) get involved with
23) offer free legal assistance and introduction to the day-to-day work of
a lawyer
1.3. Find Russian equivalents for the words given below and prepare
for the dictation.
1) enforcement of contracts
2) performance
3) consideration
4) negligence caused injuries
5) strict liability
6) joint and several liability
7) vicarious liability
8) nuisance
9) invasion of privacy
10) defamation
11) damages
12) homicide
13) hearsay
14) impeachment
15) cross-examination
16) statutory limitations
17) search and seizure
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
incriminating statements
electronic surveillance
judicial opinions
identification procedures
remedies for improper conduct
delegate powers
writing briefs
1.4. Make a spider diagram with the words you associate with “law”
and “legal” to make collocations.
1.5. Work in small groups.
1) Discuss the choice of subjects of Faculty of Law you consider to be
important. Explain your choice.
2) List subjects you consider to be necessary for the future lawyer. Explain
your choice.
• Core/Obligatory subjects (the branches of English Law)
• Optional subjects (rhetoric and voice production, choir, acting)
Translation Section
1.6. Translate into English.
1) Курс правоведения состоит из четырех отраслей права: конституционного, уголовного, деликтного и римского права.
2) история права
3) уголовное право и уголовный процесс
4) доказательство
5) право справедливости
6) договорное право
7) земельное право
8) торговое право
9) нормы права, регулирующие передачу собственности на недвижимость, составление нотариальных актов на недвижимость
10) право, регулирующее деятельность акционерных компаний
Unit 1. A career in law
11) коллизия правовых норм
12) право ЕЭС
13) правоведение
14) На втором курсе юридического факультета изучают пять основных предметов по праву.
1.7. Translate the following information into English and comment on
it (use the vocabulary of Unit 1, ex. 6 p. 10).
What makes a good lawyer?
А. Юрист должен уметь: собирать фактическую информацию,
анализировать нормативно-правовые акты, составлять юридические
документы, обосновывать и принимать в пределах должностных
обязанностей решения, говорить как минимум на двух европейских
В. Необходимо развивать в себе следующие личные качества:
аналитический склад ума, уверенность в себе, убедительность, харизматичность, ответственность, коммуникабельность, организованность, стрессоустойчивость, аккуратность, педантичность,
1.8. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Виктория особенно интересуется деликтным правом и помогает
консультировать клиентов в юридической консультации. Вика успешно
учится и работает, набираясь опыта и практических знаний. Она трудолюбива, усердна и нацелена на получение диплома о полном юридическом образовании.
2) Алекс работает в основанной его отцом фирме в качестве консультанта по dotcom. Его работа пользуется спросом. Он хотел бы продолжить свою карьеру в области торгового права.
3) Анна стажируется в фирме, специализирующейся в консультациях
по вопросам поглощения и слияния. Она работает по контракту, но мечтает открыть свой собственный бизнес.
4) Желающим пройти обучение, набраться опыта и повысить свою
квалификацию в вопросах, связанных с торговым правом и коммерческими спорами, мы предлагаем серьезную академическую подготовку,
гибкий график стажировки, предоставляем возможность проявить свои
лучшие личностные качества, а также приобрести необходимый для
продвижения по службе опыт. Успешные студенты могут воспользоваться возможностью получения стипендии для оплаты учебного курса и
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Reading Section
1.9. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
a) consequences; b) highly trained; c) legal opinions; d) right of
appearance; e) court advocacy f ) wills; g) attorney; h) conveyancing; i)
How solicitors & barristers differ
Solicitors are 1) ______professionals who look after your interests and can
guide you through difficult circumstances. They understand the complexities and
2) _______of the law and can often find alternatives to your issue that you may not
have considered. They have a 3) __________in Court but usually represent clients
in the Magistrates Court, briefing barristers in the higher courts.
Barristers are lawyers who specialise in 4) ________, including the
preparation of pleadings for those court cases, and the preparation of specialist
5)_______. They don’t prepare 6) _______and contracts, though they do advise
on them, nor do they undertake 7) ________.
Judges are usually chosen from experienced barristers, although solicitors
have previously been appointed as judges.
Legal systems and terminology vary greatly between countries. In
Australia, even different states have variations. Terms such as 8) ________ and
advocate tend to not be used in Queensland to describe 9) _______.
(Taken from Queensland Law Society website. Режим доступа: www.qls.com.au)
Writing Section
1.10. Write 150-200 words about legal profession in Russia. Follow the
- identify the legal system in Russia
- identify types of lawyers and areas of law practice in Russia
- state your career ambitions in law
Presentation Section
1.11. You will have to prepare an academic presentation on a law topic.
Study the following requirements for it.
1) The theme must be related to law (branch and aspect are of your choice).
2) The time allowed for speaking is 7-8 minutes.
3) The presentation must contain at least 10 slides, 12 slides at the most.
4) Use PowerPoint, Adobe or any other visual aids.
5) Prepare a clear Outline (include Introduction, 3-4 main points of
argumentation, Conclusion and a Reference list).
Unit 1. A career in law
6) Note that your presentation will be assessed according to the table
provided in Appendix 3
7) Go to Appendix 1 and read more about preparing a presentation.
Mind that:
1) The purpose of the presentation is to inform, to explain or to convince.
2) There are different techniques you can use to begin a presentation:
- use astonishing and relevant facts to surprise the audience
- simply state the objective and outline the points to be developed
- involve the audience by getting them to do something
- use a true event to help illustrate the purpose
- use an opener (a path to win the audience, ice-breaker)
- use casual questions to warm up and to evoke the audience feedback:
Who has tried their hand at job hunting?
- use a declarative statement: We all know that teaching is business.
- use a quotation (shows your competence): “At his best, man is the noblest
of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst” Aristotle
- use a scenario (a story you improvise)
- an anecdote (mind cross-cultural component or you will mess up).
Reports Section
1.12. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk). Start with the definition, give details on usage, provide
examples (real cases are welcome).
1) negligence; 2) strict liability; 3) joint and several liability; 4) vicarious
liability; 5) magistrate; 6) nuisance; 7) invasion of privacy; 8) defamation; 9)
solicitor; 10) cross-examination; 11) barrister; 12) Bar Association; 13) AngloSaxon legal system; 14) Continental legal system; 15) inns of court
Extra Activity Section
1.13 Follow the link to a video Spotlight On: Becoming a barrister and
summarise the stages of qualification process to become a barrister.
(Режим доступа: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVBYmfItyCk)
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Unit 2. Contract law
Vocabulary Section
2.1. Give definitions for the following words and word combinations.
1) counter-offer
6) consideration
2) oral contract
7) injured party
3) breaching party
8) offer
4) essential terms
9) acceptance
5) assignment
10) subject matter
2.2. Think of possible collocations of the word “contract” with the
verbs below and make your own sentences using them.
To sign
to enforce
to break/to breach
To enter into
to recognize
to avoid
To make
to interpret
to cancel
To conclude
to uphold
to set aside
To be bound by
to repudiate
2.3. Match the following words and word combinations to the
definitions below.
to purchase
to award damages
1) to buy a product
2) making sure a rule or standard or court order or policy is properly
followed by the breaching party
3) a formal agreement to enter into a contract
4) disagreement between individuals or the parties of the contract
2.4. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
lawsuit subject matter rejectedgroundssettled
1) If you choose to terminate the contract without reasonable ___________
for that, the other party may take you to court.
2) In the presidential election a 50% turnout is required for the vote to be
3) If the company does not have sufficient proof of breaching the contract
by the other party, the court may ______________ against this company.
4) We were unable to arrange the _________ of the goods at proper time
due to the problems with the officials.
Unit 2. Contract law
5) You have a perfect right to _________ the newspaper for damages, since
they published false information.
6) Provided that both sides sign this agreement, the deal may be considered
to be _________ .
7) The offer was __________ for the second time, since the terms were not
satisfactory for the company.
8) After _________ the date of loading the buyer shall give the seller at least
two weeks’ notice of probable readiness of vessels.
9) The singer has filed a €10 million ________ against his record company.
10) The _________ of the contract is transportation of the certain
consignment of goods to the border.
2.5. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
1) subject matter
2) to award damages
3) party to/of
4) to terminate the contract
5) reasonable grounds
6) require
7) due to
8) to rule against/ in favour
9) to sue for damages
10) offer
11) to reject/accept an offer
12) to file a lawsuit
13) to sign an agreement
14) remedy
15) to form a contract
16) to impose monetary compensation
17) to settle
18) shipment
19) to perform a contract
20) specific performance
2.6. Find out what words are defined below.
1) a statement by agreement to the terms of a contract
2) something legally sufficient to make a contract binding; price of a
3) an ability to make legally binding contracts
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
4) the requirement of a valid contract allowed by law
5) the requirement of a valid contract that the parties express their
agreement in a sufficient clear form
6) an invitation to create legal obligations
7) special and general arrangement, rule, requirements, standards etc.,
forming integral parts of a contract or agreement
2.7. Make a spider diagram with the words you associate with
“contract” to make collocations.
Translation Section
2.8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) a) Мы вступаем в договорные отношения, когда покупаем товары или услуги.
b) Одним из возможных средств правовой защиты является
приказ о реальном исполнении договора стороной, которая отказалась
выполнять условия договора.
c) Если каждая из сторон контракта не предлагает другой стороне какое-либо встречное удовлетворение (вознаграждение), то контракт
не имеет юридической силы.
d) Мы считаем необходимым обозначить данное (обсуждаемое)
условие контракта как его отдельный пункт (contractual clause).
e) В момент совершения покупки продавец не сообщил покупателю о дефекте.
2) В различных правовых системах имеются свои особенности в регулировании купли-продажи. Например, в США особое значение придается гарантиям исполнения (performance security): понятию гарантий, подразумеваемым
гарантиям и средствам защиты в случае нарушения гарантий. Купля-продажа
товаров в США регулируется специальным кодифицированным нормативным актом – Единообразным торговым кодексом (ЕТК). Как и в праве континентальных стран, в американском праве заключение договора предусматривает оферту (предложение заключить договор на определенных условиях) и
ответ лица, к которому направлена оферта, о согласии принять предложение
и заключить договор на предложенных условиях. Согласно статье 201 ЕТК,
Unit 2. Contract law
если договор продажи содержит условие о покупной цене более 500 долларов
США, стороны должны совершить договор в письменной форме.
Reading Section
2.9. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
county courts goods
High Court
Civil justice in England and Wales
Civil justice in England and Wales is mainly dealt with in the 1) _______
and, in the case of more substantial or complex cases, the 2) ______. The
jurisdiction covers a very wide range – from quite small or simple claims, for
example damaged 3) ______ or recovery of debt, to large 4) _______ between
multi-national companies.
Civil cases involve hearings in 5) ________ which the public may attend,
hearings in the judge’s private room from which the public are excluded, and
matters decided by the judge in private but on the basis of the papers alone.
Most civil disputes do not end up in court, and those that do often don’t
go to a full trial. Many are dealt with through 6) _______ (a process taking
place outside a court to resolve a dispute) or by using established complaints
7) _____. But where a case does go through the courts, the aim is to make it
as simple as possible. For smaller claims there is a speedy and cheap way of 8)
______ disputes – through the small claims court.
Judges in the civil 9) ______do not have the power to imprison a losing
party. Ordinarily, but not always, they 10) _____ financial ‘damages’ to the
successful party, the size of which depends on the circumstances of the claim.
(Taken from: Режим доступа: www.judiciary.uk/about-the-judiciary/
II. Find definitions to open court and mediation in the text.
Writing Section
2.10. Answer the following questions in writing.
1) What does contract law deal with?
1) What are the requirements for formation of contract?
2) Which remedies does the court award for breach of contract?
3) What is the usual remedy for the breach of contract in the common-law
4) What are the ways of contract enforcement and dispute resolution?
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
2.11. Write 150-200 words about the court system in Russia. Follow
the plan:
- state where justice is administered, identify types of courts
- state briefly the jurisdiction of district courts
- state briefly the jurisdiction of second instance (appellate) courts
- state briefly the jurisdiction of the Constitutional and Supreme courts
2.12. Describe a process of contract formation using the terms below
(write about 10-15 sentences).
an offer; the price; an acceptance; consideration; a statement; capacity;
a requirement; legally binding; an intention; (certainty of ) terms; warranty;
guarantee; an agreement; legal intent; subject matter
Presentation Section
2.13. Preparation
• Go to Appendix 4 and choose the topic for your presentation
• Work on the outline of your presentation.
What are you going to say in the introduction and conclusion?
What are your main points going to be?
How are you going to structure the talk?
• Write the presentation in rough.
Delete information that is irrelevant.
Ensure the presentation flows smoothly.
• Try not to read from a script. You should know most of what you want
to say.
• Prepare with key words and phrases (See Appendix 2).
• Rehearse your presentation – to yourself at first and then in front of
someone (colleagues or friends).
Mind that:
Generalizing is a skill you should master! Giving thoughts indirectly is
more natural for English and more polite.
I know it well
It is well known that learning takes time.
I don’t know for sure.
One can’t know for sure, it depends
on many things.
It is not a proper time…
They say it is not a proper time to …
Our train is delayed
It appears that our train is delayed.
You are wrong. He has won. It happens to be a mistake, he has won.
Unit 2. Contract law
2.14. Now practice: make the following phrases indirect.
Why do think he was a false witness?
It is non-fatal assault.
You should leave time to check the answers.
The court was postponed.
You can persuade the court it was self-defence.
I can’t know the case for sure.
You can’t learn English in a fortnight.
He could turn to intensive methods based on hypnoses.
Reports Section
2.15. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk). Start with the definition, give details on usage, provide
examples (real cases are welcome).
1) consideration; 2) remedy; 3) offer; 4) assignment; 5) essential term; 6)
warranty; 7) contract enforcement; 8) damages; 9) arbitration; 10) litigation;
11) tribunal; 12) conciliation; 13) mediation; 14) negotiation; 15) online
dispute resolution; 16) deal; 17) agreement
Extra Activity Section
2.16. Read the text and add information about the essential elements.
Elements of a contract
Many people think that a contract is only legally enforceable if it is in writing
by the parties of the contract. Yet most of us during our daily lives enter into
contracts which are neither written nor signed but are perfectly legal transactions
recognized by law. When we buy a lunch or a bus ticket, we enter into the
agreement that is governed by the law recognized at courts. In order to be binding
in law, a contract must contain certain essential elements. They are: ….
2.17. Study the situations and identify the missing essential elements
of a contract. Prove your point.
1. You are in a bookstore and you want to buy a manual on display. You
offer a shopkeeper money but he won’t sell.
2. A small hotel advertises cheap weekends for holidays in February. A
schoolteacher writes asking for the weekend in February, and assuming that a
booking has been made, arrives at the hotel to find it fully booked.
3. The owner of a small building firm is grateful to his friend who has many
times fixed computers in his office free of charge. The businessman promises
to repair the friend’s conservatory for no payment but the work is never done.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
4. You buy a bike from a 12-year-old boy for $30.
5. A man sells his BMW car for $1,000 because the buyer is pointing a gun
at his head.
6. A man buys a television from a shop on a hire purchase agreement. He
negotiates the terms of the agreement with the manager and they both agree
that there is no need for a written contract.
2.18. Decide if the following statements are true or false.
1. Acceptance by post takes place when the other party receives the letter.
2. Minors cannot make valid contracts.
3. Parties have an obligation to disclose all relevant documents to each
other before the trial.
4. The term «claimant» means the same as «plaintiff».
5. All contracts shall be formed in writing.
2.19 Follow the link to a video English Legal System – Organization of
Courts and identify the jurisdiction of each UK court mentioned.
(Режим доступа: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAqisNivrXk).
Unit 3. Tort law
Vocabulary Section
3.1. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) law clinic 2) injunction
3) negligent tort 4) proximate cause
5) frivolous lawsuit 6) tort
7) trespass 8) compensatory damages
9) fraudulent misrepresentation
10) retraction
3.2. Think of terms corresponding to the definitions.
1) damages, intended to punish the defendant for outrageous misconduct
and to deter the defendant and others from similar misbehaviour in the future
2) the party initiating a lawsuit before a court
3) damage or harm caused to the structure or function of the body caused
by an outside agent or force, which may be physical or chemical; may also
refer to feelings or reputation
4) the means with which a court of law, usually in the exercise of civil law
jurisdiction, enforces a right, imposes a penalty, or makes some other court
order to impose its will
Unit 3. Tort law
5) an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another
of an imminent harmful or offensive contact
6) certain circumstances that are so inherently dangerous or hazardous
that there is no need for the plaintiff to prove direct fault or negligence,
usually injuries or other damages caused by a defective product, damages
caused by animals, and engaging in certain hazardous activities
7) the amount of evidence which a plaintiff (or prosecuting attorney, in a
criminal case) must present in a trial in order to win
8) prospective damages awarded to compensate for the plaintiff ’s
diminished ability to earn wages in the future
9) an inaccurate statement made honestly but carelessly usually in the
form of advice given by a party with special skill/knowledge to a party that
doesn’t possess this skill or knowledge
10) a court which hears appeals from lower courts
3.3. Fill in the gaps using the words or word combinations from the box.
plaintiff sued found
1) A defendant can be … to compensate for assault and battery in tort.
2) …. is a tort of making a false statement of fact that injures someone’s
3) When a court states that a judgment of a lower court is true, it … the
4) The essential elements of … consist of an act intended to cause an
apprehension of harmful or … contact that causes apprehension of such
contact in the ….
5) The person who sustains injury or suffers pecuniary … as the result of …
conduct is known as the …, and the person who is responsible for … the injury
and incurs liability for the damage is known as the defendant or ….
6) The plaintiff … the owner of the car, … that her injury … from the … of
the driver.
7) The trial court … for the plaintiff, and he then … to the other court,
which … that judgment.
8) It was the explosion that was the … cause of plaintiff ’s injuries which
could not have been….
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
3.4. Complete the table.
3.5. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
the dictation.
1) to send libelous postings;
2) slander;
3) refund;
4) defamatory statement;
5) to harass customers;
6) retraction;
7) to commence proceedings;
8) to put a client at ease;
9) to sue for gross negligence;
10) an out-of-court settlement;
11) proximate cause of an injury;
12) to reverse the judgment of the appellate court;
13) to review the decision of a lower court;
14) to affirm the judgment;
15) an injunction to stop tortious conduct;
16) to request damages;
17) lower court ruling;
18) to provide relief for the harm suffered;
19) medical malpractice cases;
20) a litigant-in-person.
3.6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) Структуру деликта составляют три элемента. Во-первых, истец
должен показать, что ответчик был юридически обязан действовать
Unit 3. Tort law
определенным образом. Во-вторых, истец должен показать, что ответчик нарушил свою обязанность, не исполнив того, что от него требовалось в соответствии с обстоятельствами. В-третьих, истец должен доказать, что понес убытки или пострадал в прямой связи с нарушением
ответчиком своих обязанностей.
2) В сфере экономических отношений деликтное право обеспечивает судебную защиту коммерческим предприятиям, пострадавшим в результате
недобросовестной конкуренции. На рабочих местах сотрудники защищены
нормами деликтного права от намеренного или халатного причинения эмоционального давления. Деликтное право позволяет регулировать отношения в сфере экологии, обеспечивая средства защиты, как против физических лиц, так и коммерческих предприятий, загрязняющих воздух, землю и
воду в пределах определения деликта «неблагоприятное воздействие».
Reading Section
3.7. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
a) careless; b) expenses; c) claimants; d) prohibiting; e) malicious; f ) loss;
g) consented; h) distress; i) compensation; j) merit
Remedies in tort.
There are two key remedies available for 1)________: damages and
injunction. Damages provides financial 2)___________ to the claimant for
their losses. Damages can be broken down into the following subcategories:
• Nominal: where a tort has been committed but the victim has suffered
no 3)__________.
• Contemptuous: where the claimant is successful but the court considers
that it should not have been brought and was without 4)_________. A very
small or derisory amount of damages may be ordered in such cases.
• General: to compensate for non-economic damages such as pain and
suffering and emotional 5)__________.
• Special: the claimant must plead these damages as part of the action and
prove that the damage was in fact suffered. For instance, damage to property
and medical 6)____________.
• Aggravated damages: if the court decides that the tort was committed in
a 7)_____________ manner, i.e. to harm the claimant’s character or question
his dignity, then aggravated damages may be awarded.
• Exemplary or punitive damages: these may be awarded when the court
finds that the action committed by the defendant is so serious that an example
needs to be made of them.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
In some cases, it may be appropriate to apply to the court for an injunction.
An injunction is a court order 8)_____________ or requiring a certain course
of action to be taken. This can be in addition to a damages claim.
The following are defences to tort actions:
• Vicarious liability
• Contributory negligence
• Volenti non fit injuria
Where a tort was committed by an employee while undertaking his or her
duties of employment, i.e. there was a close and direct connection with the
harmful act committed by the employee and what they were employed to do, the
employee can deny liability and claim that the employer was vicariously liable.
Contributory negligence
This is a partial defence used whereby the claimant is accused of acting in
a 9)____________ manner at the relevant time, and therefore contributed to
the injuries or loss which they have suffered.
Volenti non fit injuria
Volenti non fit injuria effectively means ‘consent’. It means that the claimant
cannot complain about what has happened on the basis he voluntary assumed
the risk, i.e. he has 10)_____________ to the conduct (which otherwise would
have amounted to a tort). For this defence to stand, it must be proved that the
plaintiff acted voluntarily with the other’s agreement, and it was made in full
knowledge of the nature and extent of the risk involved.
Writing Section
3.8. Write answers to the following questions.
1) What are the main reasons for filing frivolous lawsuits?
2) What is the difference between punitive and compensatory damages?
3) What are the main differences between criminal law and tort law?
4) Name three general categories of torts.
5) What examples of unfair business practices can you give?
6) What are advantages and disadvantages for the clients and for the law
students who choose law clinics?
7) Would you like to try yourself as a staff member of a law clinic?
8) What can a defendant do to stop a defamatory action?
3.9. Write 150-200 words about civil law in Russia. Follow the plan:
- give definition;
Unit 3. Tort law
- mention four branches of civil law;
- present any information about Civil Code;
- state briefly any civil case;
- state briefly the main differences between common law and civil law;
- express your opinion, comparing the effectiveness of the two legal systems.
3.10. Describe any frivolous case using the terms below (write about
10-15 sentences).
plaintiff, defendant, to sue, to affirm the judgment, proximate cause, to
allege, to decide in favour of, court ruling
Reports Section
3.11. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk). Start with the definition, give details on usage, provide
examples (real cases are welcome).
1) law clinic, 2) injunction, 3) negligent tort, 4) proximate cause, 5) frivolous
lawsuit, 6) tort, 7) trespass, 8) damages, 9) fraudulent misrepresentation, 10)
vicarious liability, 11) contributory negligence, 12) volenti non fit injuria
Extra Activity Section
3.12. Watch a video to revise all the necessary information from
the unit on YouTube. While watching take notes to make a concise but
comprehensive summary on the topic.
Episode 1.1: What is Torts? And what Torts is not.
Episode 1.2: An Overview of Tort Law – Intentional Torts, Negligence,
and Strict Liability
Episode 2.1: An Overview of Intentional Torts
Episode 2.2: Intentional Torts: Act and Intent
Episode 2.3: Intentional Torts: Battery
Episode 3.1: Intentional Torts: Consent
Episode 3.2: Intentional Torts Privileges: Defenses of Persons and Property
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Episode 3.3: Intentional Torts Privileges: Private and Public Necessity
Episode 4.1: An Introduction to Negligence
3.13. Visit a web-page liability on Thesaurus.com
Write out all given synonyms and antonyms for liability. Mark the words
suitable to be used in Legal English (LE) and General English (GE).
Presentation Section
3.14. It is often necessary to clarify the information which has been
given. Study the ways to do it and practice working in pairs.
I am not clear why…
If I may ask you something….
I am afraid I didn’t understand /quite catch what you mean under / said
And what does … mean? Does it mean that …?
Could you please comment on these figures / examples?
Could you explain / give some details about…?
Could you possibly give an example of…?
Is there any proof of …?
What makes you think so?
So what you are saying now is …? Do you have every good reason for that?
Are you saying that …?
You claim in your report …
According to the graph presented …
Unit 4. Criminal law
Vocabulary Section
4.1. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) arson 2) tax evasion
3) obstruction of justice
4) stalking
5) bribery 6) assault
7) battery
8) white-collar crime
9) extortion10) embezzlement
Unit 4. Criminal law
4.2. Translate the following words from Russian into English.
1) приговор
2) заключение в тюрьму
3) незаконные операции с ценными бумагами на основе внутренней
информации о деятельности компании-эмитента
4) бремя доказывания
5) мелкое правонарушение
6) торговля наркотиками
7) легализация денежных средств, приобретенных незаконным путем
8) возбудить дело
9) изнасилование
10) угон машины на короткое время
4.3. Fill in the gaps using the words or word combinations from the box.
injury treason consciously
misdemeanour custody enemies offense fraud charged jail or prison
guilty involuntary
1) …is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A
person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the US legal system, fraud is
a specific … with certain features.
2) A crime is a violation of a law in which there is … to the public or a
member of the public and a term in … , and/or a fine as possible … .
3) Felony is a crime sufficiently serious to be punishable by death or a … in
state or federal prison, as distinguished from a … which is only punishable by
confinement to county or local jail and/or a fine.
4) … is the betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by …
or purposely acting to aid its … .
5) A … sentence is a legal term for a judge’s delaying of a defendant’s serving of a
sentence after they have been found …, in order to allow the defendant to perform
a period of …. If the defendant does not break the law during that period, and fulfils
the particular conditions of the probation, the judge usually … the sentence.
6) … punishment is inflicting bodily pain or suffering as a ….
7) Loss of … usually encompasses being held in police … while awaiting
trial or … hospitalization for mental health reasons.
8) To be … of a crime means someone says that you are guilty while to be
… with a crime means the proceeding is started against a person in a court of
law, however to be … of a crime is the verdict of the court against the person
who has been charged of a crime is guilty.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
4.4. Complete the table.
What he does
commit arson
aiding and abetting
drug dealing
poaching (hunting illegally)
aid and abet
commit bigamy
deal in drugs
Unit 4. Criminal law
shoplift, steal
commit terrorism
thieve, steal
4.5. Divide the above-mentioned street crimes into four categories:
offences against the person, offences against property, public order
crimes and business or corporate crimes.
Translation Section
4.6. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
the dictation.
1) to sentence;
2) execution;
3) community service order;
4) imprisonment;
5) parole;6) probation;
7) to fine;
8) corporate malfeasance;
9) scam;
10) devastating form of white
-collar crime;
11) insider dealing;
12) market abuse;
13) identity theft;
14) impostor;
15) phishing;
16) bin raiding;
17) skimming;
18) pretexting;
19) process card;
20) billing statements.
4.7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Согласно нормам общего права, проникновение в здание через уже
открытую дверь не входит в состав понятия «взлом». Если кто-либо получил доступ в помещение через открытую дверь или открытое окно,
состава насильственного вторжения не наблюдается. Те же правила
применяются и в случаях, когда дверь или окно были частично приоткрыты, даже если для проникновения пришлось их открыть полностью.
Основополагающим принципом здесь является факт, что если лицо не
обеспечило безопасность своему помещению, оно не может получить
защиту по закону. В большинстве штатов это правило больше не применяется и незаконным вторжением считается проникновение даже при
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
незначительном применении усилий для получения доступа через частично приоткрытый вход.
Reading Section
4.8. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
a) ban; b) preliminary; c) reasonable; d) presided; e) prosecution; f ) bail;
g) peerages; h) fine; i) respectable; j) rolls; k) custody; l) branches; m)
overturning; n) tag
Criminal court system in the UK
The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrates’
court. There are 700 magistrates’courts and about 30,000 magistrates (Justices
of Peace, or JPs). JPs are usually unpaid and have no formal legal qualifications,
but they are 1)_________people who are given some training. Cases are
heard by either 2 or 3 magistrates or a district judge. There is not a jury in
a magistrates’ court. A magistrates’ court normally handles cases known as
‘summary offences’ (minor offences), for example, most motoring offences,
minor criminal damage, common assault (not causing significant injury),
and conduct 2)___________ inquiries to determine whether there is enough
evidence to justify the trial of a person accused of a serious offence. It can
also deal with some of the more serious offences, such as: burglary, drugs
offences. These are called ‘either way’ offences and can be heard either in a
magistrates’ court or a Crown Court. Magistrates’ courts always pass the most
serious crimes “indictable offences”, for example, murder, rape, robbery to the
Crown Court, which has 90 3)__________ in different towns and cities, and
is 4)__________ over by judges, who are trained as barristers, as there is no
separate training for judges.
In some cases the magistrates’ court will decide if you should be kept in
5)_______ until your next court hearing, or released on 6)_______. In the
latter case, you might have to follow strict conditions such as keeping away
from certain people or places, staying indoors or wearing a 7)_______. If you
do not attend court after being granted bail, you can be put in prison.
The court can give punishments including: up to 6 months in prison (or
up to 12 months in total for more than one offence), a 8)________ of not more
than ₤2,000, a community sentence, like doing unpaid work in the community,
a 9)______, for example from driving or keeping an animal. Courts can also
give a combination of punishments – for example a fine and unpaid work in
the community. If the court decides your sentence should be for longer than 6
months, it can pass your case to the Crown Court for sentencing.
Unit 4. Criminal law
More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court. All trials in the
Crown Court are held with a jury of twelve citizens randomly selected from
the local electoral 10)________. The judge must make sure that the trial is
properly conducted, that the counsels for the 11)____________ and defence
comply with the rules regarding the evidence that they produce and the
examination of witnesses. Underlying the whole process lies the assumption
that the accused is presumed to be innocent unless the prosecution can prove
guilt “beyond all 12)____________ doubt”.
A person convicted in a magistrates’ court can appeal against its decision
to the Crown Court. An appeal against the decision of the Crown Court
may be taken to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), but it is seldom
successful. The Court of Appeal dislikes 13)___________ a Crown Court
decision unless the evidence is overwhelming or there has been some error
in the legal procedure.
The highest court in the land is the House of Lords, which will consider
a case referred from the Court of Appeal where a point of general public
importance seems to be at stake. In practice the Lords are represented by five
of the nine Law Lords. They are professional judges who have been given life
Reports Section
4.9. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk). Start with the definition, give details on usage, provide
examples (real cases are welcome).
1) felony, 2) misdemeanour, 3) theft, 4) robbery, 5) burglary, 6) parole, 7)
probation, 8) community service order, 9) insider trading, 10) identity theft,
11) market abuse, 12) treason, 13) bribery, 14) fine, 15) execution
Writing Section
4.10. Write the answers to the following questions.
1) What is the main difference between felony and misdemeanour?
2) What is omission of an act? Think of some examples of omission of an
3) Explain the difference between theft, robbery, burglary, larceny.
4) What is homicide? Is there a special term for it in Russia?
5) What is the difference between criminal law and penal law?
6) What are imprisonment and incarceration? What does incarceration
7) Explain the difference between parole and probation. What does
community service order involve?
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
8) What is insider trading? Why is it important to prevent insider trading?
9) What kinds of identity theft can you name?
10) How can market abuse be prevented?
4.11. Write 150-200 words about Criminal law in the Russian
Federation. Follow the plan:
- give definition;
- mention branches;
- Criminal Code;
- categories of crimes;
- system of criminal courts.
Extra Activity Section
4.12. Follow the link to a video The Crown Court and identify the
different roles of trial participants.
4.13. Watch YouTube video for more information on the difference
between drug trafficking and drug dealing:
Orally outline the difference between drug trafficking and drug possession.
Presentation Section
4.14. Prepare a 7-minute talk about one of the following topics:
- Comparative analysis of categories of crimes in the UK and the Russian
- General principles of criminal liability.
- Punishment in the UK and the Russian Federation.
- Pre-trial criminal proceedings (CPS, work of the police).
- Criminal court proceedings.
- Jury trial.
- Incarceration in different counties (mainly Russia and the UK).
- White-collar crimes.
- Identity theft.
Unit 5. Company law
Unit 5. Company law
Vocabulary Section
5.1. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) A shareholder
2) A certificate of incorporation
3) Regulators
4) The memorandum of association
5) A sole proprietorship
6) a natural person
7) business entity
8) company’s creditors
9) a board of directors
10) incorporation
5.2. Match the following words to the definitions.
constitutional documents
publicly listed company third party
legal person
company law
company formation
1) artificial entity created by law and given legal rights and duties, for
example a corporation
2) process of registering a company
3) business structure which is permitted to offer its shares for sale to the
general public and traded on a public stock exchange
4) documents which define the existence of a legal entity and regulate the
structure and control of the entity and its members
5) person who is not party to an agreement or an action but who may have
an interest in it
6) capability of having legal rights and duties within a certain legal system,
such as to enter into contracts, sue and be sued;
7) is not a legal person and is not able to own property in its own name, has
no personality and a limited number of partners
8) when the court of law has declared the insolvency of a person or entity
and passed orders for its resolution
9) deals with the relationships between companies and their shareholders,
creditors, regulators and third parties
10) a duty that is enforced by a court of law, it can be a debt and the legal
responsibility to carry out what the law asks
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
5.3. Fill in the gaps using words or word combinations from the box.
a board of directors
limited liability c r e d i t o r
winding up
company director
‘statutory forms’ company
‘Articles of association’ publicly listed company
1) ………………. regulates the company’s internal management and
administrative affairs, including matters such as the right and obligations
of shareholders and directors, conduct of meetings and corporate
2) Process of bringing a company to an end is called ………………..
3) Standardized documents of basic corporate constitution requirements
which a company may adopt in the creation of a company are defined as
4) A ………………. can own property, enter into contracts and sue other
5) Corporate bankruptcy is generally stated as corporate ……………….
6) People who manage the affairs of the company and make the company
policy are called ………………..
7) ………………. is attractive to investors, as it greatly reduces their personal
financial risks.
8) If a business offers its shares for sale to the general public, it is known
as a ………………..
9) A ………………. of a company is a person or entity to whom the company
owes a debt.
10) A ………………. serves on the governing board of a corporation.
5.4. Complete the table.
Unit 5. Company law
5.5. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for the
1) заинтересованная сторона, не являющаяся членом компании;
2) юридическая структура, которую предприятия могут выбрать для
организации себя, чтобы ограничить юридические и финансовые обязательства своих владельцев;
3) юридическая структура, где прибыль проходит через владельцев
и облагается налогом только на индивидуальном уровне, а компании
с ограниченной ответственностью, которые обеспечивают юридическую защиту корпораций, но облагаются налогом, как индивидуальные
4) регистрация компании;
5) корпоративное управление;
6) в частности;
7) несостоятельность юридического лица;
8) ликвидация компании;
9) выполнить обязанности;
10) приложение;
11) активы корпорации;
12) покрыть долги;
13) выплатить недостачи;
14) двойное налогообложение;
15) юридическое лицо, не облагаемое налогами, так как использует
метод сквозного управления финансовыми средствами;
16) израсходовать финансовые ресурсы;
17) налог на индивидуальное предпринимательство;
18) привлечь капитал;
19) иметь возможность привлечь капитал;
20) легкость передачи права собственности.
Translation Section
5.6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) Компания стала самой распространенной формой юридической
организации, так как ее члены несут ограниченную ответственность за
долги компании, а также потому что компания имеет свою отдельную
правосубъектность и налогообложение.
2) По закону юридическое лицо имеет права и обязанности, как и физическое лицо.
3) Устав компании не включает в себя положения, относящиеся к внутренним делам компании.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
4) Не существует юридических причин для того, чтобы компания,
первоначально созданная индивидуальным предпринимателем, не переросла в итоге в открытую компанию, т.е. выставляющую свои акции на
открытую продажу на бирже.
5) Товарищество в отличие от компании не признают юридическим
лицом, оно также не способно владеть собственностью от своего имени.
Reading Section
5.7. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
a) economic; b) bankruptcy; c) prestigious; d) trading; e) board of
directors; f ) investment; g) misconduct; h) wound up; i) shareholders; j)
public; k) repair; l) requirement; m) unlimited; n) debt; o) shares; p) company
secretary; q) progress; r) liable;
Types of businesses in the UK.
Basically, there are 8 common types of companies that can be set up in the
UK. These are: Public Limited Company or PLC, Private Company Limited
by Shares, Company Limited by Guarantee, Unlimited Company, Limited
Liability Partnership (LLP), Community Interest Company, Interest and
Provident Society or IPS and Royal Charter.
These companies operate in different ways and therefore have different
purposes, the extent to which the owners can be held 1)______ and different
repercussions in case of 2)___________.
A PLC can sell 3)______ to the general public. To become a public limited
company a business must have share capital of £50,000 or more, of which 25%
must have been paid up before the company can begin 4)________. PLCs are
required to have at least two directors and a 5)__________. Limited means
that a person’s financial liability is limited to the 6) ____________ they have
made in the company. Being a shareholder in a PLC is often seen as being
more 7)_________ than being a shareholder in a private limited company.
A private company limited by guarantee limits the guarantor’s liability
to a pre-agreed amount that they must pay in the event that the company
is 8)________. There is no share capital, and therefore no 9)___________.
Members of the company are guarantors and are often liable for a nominal
sum such as £1. The public cannot buy shares of such companies, as they are
not made 10)_________. Any profit made is reinvested in the company and
used for the 11)__________ of the company. A board meeting is held before
making any decision regarding the company.
A Private company limited by shares is the most-frequently used type
of company. They must have abbreviation Ltd at the end of their name. The
Unit 5. Company law
amount for which shareholders are liable is limited to the reserves of the
company. There is no minimum capital 12)_____________, so many are set up
with a very small capital investment. This company cannot be owned by any
shareholder. It is owned by Non-Government Organization or by a very small
number of shareholders. The shares are sold off privately and are not available
to the public.
Private Unlimited Company is a private company in which shareholders
have 13)___________ liabilities. There is no formal restriction on the amount
of money a shareholder can pay when a company goes insolvent. A company
can rely on any of its shareholders to completely settling the company’s
14)_______. These types of companies are suitable for the business having a
low chance of collapse.
Limited Liability Partnership or LLP is a business form where partners
have limited liabilities, meaning that partners are responsible for their own
decision or course of actions as negligence or 15)_______ instead of being
responsible jointly. It is a concoction of company and partnership. The
partners can directly manage such a company as opposed to a 16)________in
other types of companies.
Community Interest Companies or CIC are easy to set up as they are not
meant for profit but rather for the betterment of the community. The partners
in these companies are limited by shares or by guarantee. CIC can be mistaken
as a charity firm because of their objective to serve the community, but they
are more commercialized.
Industrial and Provident Societies are similar to CIC but they are not
registered under Company Act. They have been replaced by CIC, but still
operate in Northern Ireland.
Royal Charters (RC) are the oldest incorporations in the United Kingdom,
which include BBC, Bank of England and Royal Opera House.
All Right to Manage companies (RTM) are established to transfer powers
for such things as the maintenance and 17)_____ work of a building from the
landlord to the leaseholders.
Societas Europea (SE) are business entities which can operate in all
European 18)_________ area and are a type of Public Limited company. They
can be established by the merger or as a subsidiary of another company. They
are required to have a registered office and a head office in the UK and have
capital amounts to at least £120,000.
5.8. Advise a kind of business organization for:
1. A photographer who wants to have his photoshop.
2. A family who dreams to join in restaurant business.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
3. Two businessmen who have a project to launch the production of souvenirs.
4. Two truckdrivers and a barge captain who have an idea to enter shipping
5. Some businessmen and their investors with the idea to manufacture furniture.
6. A number of architects and two owners of small construction firms
who have an idea to expand the construction business in the perspective
developing area.
Writing Section
5.9. Answer the following questions in writing.
1) What does company law deal with?
2) What is a company? How is it organized, structured and formed?
3) Is there any difference between a stockholder and a shareholder?
4) What is the main difference between C-Corporation and S-Corporation?
5) What legislation is passed in the UK to control companies?
6) Where can you find regulations for running companies in the Russian
5.10. Make a table describing the differences between a corporation, a
sole proprietorship and partnership.
5.11. Write 150-200 words about Types of companies in the Russian
Reports Section
5.12. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk). Start with the definition, give details on usage, provide
examples (real cases are welcome).
1) insolvency, 2) winding up, 3) merge, 4) acquisition, 5) LLC, 6) PLC, 7)
LTD, 8) Untltd, 9) LLP, 10) Community interest company, 11) Industrial and
provident society (IPS), 12) Royal charter (RC), 13) JSC, 14) Representative
Office and Branch of a Foreign Legal Entity
Some information can be found at: https://www.companyaddress.co.uk/
and: https://www.bakermckenzie.com/-/media/files/insight/publications/2016/06/
Presentation Section
5.13. Prepare a talk about one of the following topics:
- Business organizations in different countries (take two to compare).
Unit 6. Commercial law
- Formation of a company.
- Insolvency and winding up.
- Mergers and acquisitions.
Extra Activity Section
5.14. Follow the link and prepare a report on the procedure of winding
up under The Companies Law of Cyprus Republic
Keep to the plan:
- Modes of Winding Up
- Contributories
- Winding Up by the Court
- The Office of the Law Commissioner
- Voluntary Winding Up
- Companies Liquidation Account
- Rules and Fees for Winding Up
5.15. Follow the link and make a narration script (write a word-forword speaker’s text).
Unit 6. Commercial law
Vocabulary Section
6.1. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) Competition law 2) Negotiable instruments
3) Mercantile agency 4) Public law
5) Non-contentious work
6) Bankruptcy
7) Secured transaction
8) Tax law
9) Contentious work 10) Intellectual property
6.2. Match the following words to the definitions.
tenant substantive law private law
1) Body of law that is concerned with the aspects of relationships between
individuals that are of no direct concern to the state and in which the
government is not directly concerned.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
2) Transfer of legal title of a property, often land, to another as security for
payment of a debt.
3) To adopt, approve and sanction; to make valid.
4) Person who has the right to hold or possess property usually in return
for the payment of rent.
5) Body of law defining rights, duties and obligations and all matters that
are not procedural.
6.3. Fill in the gaps using words or word combinations from the box.
The World Trade Organization
Commercial Codetax
secured transactions
goods real property
debtor and creditor
The Uniform
carriage of
trade agreement
1) ………………. law is defined as law in regards to financial obligations and
legal interactions where one party is unable to pay a monetary debt to another.
2) Land and anything attached to it is called ………………..
3) ………………. is the term for the relationship of a person who acts on
behalf of another person, known as the principal.
4) ………………. is a selected body of people, usually elected, invested with
the responsibility and power to make and repeal laws for a political unit.
5) Field concerned with the legal relationships between the shipper (or
owner) and the receiver is stated to be ………………..
6) ………………. checks to see if countries follow the trade agreements they
have signed.
7) The field that focuses on the law regulating money paid to the government
in connection with commercial transactions is named as ………………. law.
8) ………………. is a treaty between two nations or multi nations committing
them to specified terms of commerce.
9) ………………. does not apply to commercial transactions in all of the
member nations of the European Union.
10) A loan is an example of ………………. in which the lender acquires a
security interest in certain property owned by the borrower and has the right
to repossess the property if the borrower cannot pay.
6.4. Complete the table.
Unit 6. Commercial law
6.5. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
the dictation.
1) to act on behalf of 2) to owe
3) a court-appointed person
4) to liquidate the property
5) to pay the claim
6) a secured transaction
7) a security interest
8) the right to repossess
9) a right of payment
10) to implement
11) trade agreement
12) comprehensive statement
13) commercial code
14) to be in charge of
15) adherence to agreement
16) legislature
17) to draft the contract
18) large-scale trade
19) commercial field
20) to facilitate
6.6. Make a spider diagram with the words you associate with
“commercial” to make collocations.
Translation Section
6.7. Translate active vocabulary from Russian into English.
1) с внесенными поправками
2) морское законодательство
3) возмещение убытков, вреда
4) обманывать
5) Директива Совета ЕС
6) единая ставка, фиксированная ставка
7) юридический адрес компании (головной офис)
8) обеспечивать, снабжать
9) представлять патентные заявки
10) стажировка, учебная практика
6.8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) Работа коммерческого юриста может включать в себя любую отрасль права, т.к. данная работа относится к фирме клиентов, и задача
юриста содействовать коммерческим операциям своих клиентов.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
2) Если страна не осуществляет новые договоры о торговле, не ведет
политику соблюдения данных соглашений, ей придется пожертвовать
своей широкомасштабной торговлей.
3) Разрешение коммерческих споров является одной из областей
коммерческого права.
4) Пока он работал стажером, он готовил уведомления об увольнениях, составлял патентные заявки, а также занимался толкованием морского законодательства.
Reading Section
6.9. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
a) solution; b) divisions; c) running; d) issues; e) extra-curricular; f ) legal
restitution; g) climate; h) moot; i) mediation; j) jurisdiction
Commercial law disputes deal primarily with contract and/or tort laws. It
involves 1)____________ that arise in the course of 2) __________ a business
at any stage of the commercial cycle. Such disputes are brought before courts
for 3)__________when other methods of resolution, such as arbitration or
4)_____________, have failed to provide a 5)_____________ acceptable to all
interested parties.
Most commercial disputes are heard in Commercial Court or in
county business courts when the dispute relates to that particular
6)____________. They can also be brought before the Queen’s Bench
or Chancery 7)__________ of the High Court, or the Technology &
Construction Court (TCC). Commercial lawyers need to keep up to speed
with the current business and commercial 8)____________, changes and
amendments in legislation, and regulations in all jurisdictions that are
Commercial lawyers are normally required to have: a top-class degree,
experience of participation in 9)____________ activities whilst at school or
university, experience in debating, public speaking and 10)__________court trials.
Writing Section
6.10. Answer the following questions in writing.
1) What does Commercial Law deal with?
2) What are its fields? Describe them.
3) What kind of work may a commercial lawyer be asked to complete?
4) What is WTO responsible for?
6.11. Write 150-200 words about commercial law in Russia.
Unit 6. Commercial law
Presentation Section
6.12. Preparation
Analyze the information given and make a short comment on it.
Primary and secondary sources of information
Primary sources (e.g. interviews, surveys and statistical data) are firsthand and considered authoritative, while secondary sources (e.g. literature
reviews, documentaries, books) analyze, interpret, evaluate and synthesize
primary information.
Secondary sources or further removed from the event being described and
are therefore considered less credible and reliable.
What is a primary source?
Primary sources are the original evidence of certain events, objects, persons
or work. They enable students and researchers to get as close as possible to the
actual event. The information in primary sources has not yet been analyzed,
summarized or interpreted, which gives you the opportunity to do so yourself.
Examples of primary sources are:
• Experiment results
• Statistical data
• Eyewitness accounts
• Surveys and interviews
• Legal documents
What is a secondary source?
A secondary source interprets, analyzes and/or explains primary sources.
These sources are one or more steps removed from the original event and
therefore sometimes lack the immediacy of the original content.
Some examples of secondary sources include:
• Literature reviews
• Opinion pieces
• Documentaries
• Television broadcasts
• Books
It is important to be aware that your research focus and your research
question have an impact on what is considered to be a primary source for your
specific research.
Primary vs. secondary sources: which is better?
In general, primary sources are considered more credible and authoritative.
They report actual evidence, and evidence cannot be wrong.
However, there are secondary sources (e.g. literature reviews) that combine
a great deal of prior research and analyze the collection of research from a
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
unique perspective. Using and citing such a literature review could add great
value to your own research.
Your research will involve the use of both primary and secondary sources.
Even if you are conducting a scientific experiment, you will draw upon
previous methods used by others, existing theories, and complete a review of
the extant literature.
Remember to cite the primary and secondary sources you decide to use to
avoid plagiarism.
Locating primary sources
If you are not conducting an experiment or gathering the primary data
yourself, the best way to find primary sources is through secondary sources.
Most often, finding the primary source upon which a secondary source is
based is fairly easy, as the information should be readily shared.
You’ll find this information in three key places in the secondary source:
• Reference list
• Internet links, in the case of online resources
It is crucial that you complete a thorough literature review, paying attention
to the primary sources upon which your secondary sources are based.
6.13. Go to Appendix 1 and study the useful words and phrases for
your presentation.
Reports Section
6.14. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk).
1) real property; 2) landlord and tenant; 3) debtor and creditor; 4)
mercantile agency; 5) mortgage; 6) substantive law; 7) trade agreement; 8)
contentious work; 9) competition law; 10) carriage of goods; 11) private law;
12) public law; 13) agency; 14) commercial transaction; 15) commercial field.
Extra Activity Section
6.15. Follow the link to a video and take notes during the lecture on
Sale of Goods. Try to make your notes as detailed as possible.
6.16. Watch the videos to learn about plagiarism:
Unit 7. Real property law
Unit 7. Real property law
Vocabulary Section
7.1. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) conveyance 2) free hold
3) fee simple
4) a lease
5) a will
6) encumbrance
7) real estate
8) life estate
9) title interest
10) a licence
7.2. Elicit the terms corresponding to the definitions.
1) an instrument which gives the right to use property for a certain purpose
without conferring either possession or ownership
2) an instrument which transfers title to a property from one owner to
3) someone who receives permission to enter another person’s property
4) someone who acquires an interest in property from another by deed or
some other written instrument
5) an instrument which grants temporary possession of a property without
conferring ownership
6) someone who is entitled to inherit part or all of a deceased person’s
7) someone who owns property and rents it out or leases it to others for
8) someone who leases or rents property from a landlord
9) someone who conveys an interest in real property to another.
7.3. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
1) exclusive possession 2) the transfer of title
3) indefinite duration
4) tangible property
5) enjoy tax savings
6) foreclosure
7) prior consent
8) mutual agreement
9) compulsory purchase
10) comply with
11) stamp duty
12) lien
13) notarise14) escrow
15) chain of title
16) covenant
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
17) easement18) redeem
19) terminate
20) exclusive possession
7.4. Fill in the gaps using the words or word combinations from the box.
Lease (2)
will (2)
parties (2)
If the 1)… is ambiguous as to whether it is terminable at the 2) … of one or
both 3)…, then there’s a rebuttable presumption that the 4) … is terminable
at the 5) … of both 6)…. А lease with no stated 7) … creates a periodic 8) … .
pets (2)
The 1) … Tenancies Act will always be 2) … over 3) … that the landlord
and tenant make on their own. If the law is silent on a particular 4) ... , then
the landlord and tenant can agree to anything, as long as it is not 5) … . For
example, the lease will usually contain 6) … about whether 7) … are allowed,
which is not covered under the law. Landlords and tenants are left to come up
with their own agreements about 8) … .
7.5. Complete the table.
Translation Section
7.6. Translate active vocabulary from Russian into English.
1) принять на себя долг
2) ограничивающее соглашение
3) предоставлять ипотеку
4) ипотека жилья с последующей сдачей в аренду
5) документ, условно депонированный у третьего лица до выполнения определённого условия
6) залоговое удержание
7) имеющий права наследства
8) лицо, имеющее разрешение
Unit 7. Real property law
9) закон об обманных действиях
10) нарушение договора
7.7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) Ипотека жилья с последующей сдачей в аренду – привлекательная
форма инвестиций для желающих вложить деньги в недвижимость с целью получения прибыли.
2) Гербовый сбор – налог, взимаемый при приобретении недвижимости и земли, а также при покупке акций, бондов и других инвестиционных инструментов.
3) Согласно нормам права о недвижимости, под жилым домом понимается здание и все строения, пристроенные или соединенные с домом.
4) Вещное право арендатора – право временного владения землей или
иным объектом недвижимости, по которому арендатор или съемщик получает право пользования объектом недвижимости от арендодателя.
Reading Section
7.8. Read the online news report
Recent changes in British landlord and tenant law
In 1900, 90% of all UK households were tenants. During the century the
private rental sector was progressively eliminated by laws giving tenants very
strong tenancy rights at very low controlled rents. Successive governments
also gave home-buyers generous tax breaks.
After the arrival to power of Margaret Thatcher the “assured shorthold
tenancy” was introduced to give landlords much stronger rights (Housing Act
The Housing Act 1996 further strengthened the landlord’s position by
making the assured short hold tenancy the default, unless very clear written
steps are taken to set up some other tenancy.
7.8.1. Complete the report using these sentences (a-c)
a) This revived the private rented sector, beginning the “buy-to-let” boom.
b) By the year 2000, 70% of households were owner-occupiers, and only 9%
rented from private landlords.
c) The Act also limited the right of tenants to refer their rent to a rent
assessment committee to the initial six months, or the contract period,
whichever is longer.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Writing Section
7.9. Answer the following questions in writing.
1) Are foreigners allowed to buy property in your country?
2) What are the forms of property available in Russia?
3) How attractive is a buy-to-let offer in Russia for investors?
4) What are the most common legal terms and conditions of tenancy
under the Russian legislation?
7.10. Write 150-200 words about real property law in Russia.
Presentation Section
7.11. Preparation
A. Imagine you are giving a talk on “How to deliver an effective presentation”.
In groups, discuss what you would include in your presentation.
B. Write the characteristics of a good presentation as a series of bullet
points (e.g. interesting topic).
C. Compare your answers with other students. Were your bullet points
similar or different? Add any ideas that you agree with to your list.
D. Use your bullet point notes as the basis of a brief presentation to your
7.12. Go to Appendix 1 and revise the useful words and phrases for
your presentation.
Reports Section
7.13. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk).
1) real property; 2) freehold estate; 3) leasehold; 4) conveyance; 5) landlord
and tenant; 6) grantor and grantee; 7) chain of title; 8) easement; 9) buy-to-let
property; 10) stamp duty; 11) incorporation; 12) tenancy agreement; 13) lien;
14) notarise; 15) encumbrance.
Extra Activity Section
7.14. Follow the link to a video and answer the questions:
- What are the reasons for the changes in the UK buy-to-let market?
- Is buy-to-let dead?
- What are the 3 things to consider?
- What is one of the effective ways to counteract paperwork related to
investment to buy-to-let-property and get licensed?
Unit 7. Real property law
- What are the main financial issues to be analyzed before taking a decision
on investment?
- What can change the dynamics of the market in 3-4 years?
- How optimistic/pessimistic is the speaker about the market perspectives?
7.15. Read a page from Merriam-Webster Dictionary (https://www.
merriam-webster.com/dictionary/estate#legalDictionary). Pay attention to the
organization of information and answer the questions:
- What information is included? How different is it from the data given in
Translate Google, Яндекс.Переводчик or any other e-translators?
- What goes first?
-What is next?
- What information would you ignore?
- What would you find most useful and interesting?
- Who would need the data on etymology or history of the word?
- What is Thesaurus? How would you use the data from Thesaurus in your
Legal English studies?
If you are using an e-copy of the workbook, you can click on the links to
find out more about synonyms and examples of the word.
Definition of estate
(Entry 1 of 2)
2: social standing or rank especially of a high order
3: a social or political class specifically: one of the great classes (such as the
nobility, the clergy, and the commons) formerly vested with distinct political powers
4a: the degree, quality, nature, and extent of one’s interest in land or other
b(1): POSSESSIONS, PROPERTY especially : a person’s property in land
and tenements a man of small estate
(2): the assets and liabilities left by a person at death
c: a landed property usually with a large house on it
d British : PROJECT SENSE 4
Definition of estate (Entry 2 of 2):
previously owned by another and usually of high quality estate jewelry
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about estate
Synonyms for estate
Synonyms: Noun
castle, château, hacienda, hall, manor, manor house, manse, mansion,
palace, villa
Visit the Thesaurus for More
Examples of estate in a Sentence
His estate is worth millions of dollars. He inherited the estate from his
Recent Examples on the Web: Noun
In Saratoga Springs, where the Whitneys owned a stately manor on
a 135-acre estate called Cady Hill, Mrs. Whitney was renowned for her
annual late-summer gala on the eve of the Whitney Stakes at Saratoga Race
Course.— Enid Nemy, New York Times, “Marylou Whitney, Social Queen
of the Racing World, Dies at 93,” 19 July 2019Unlike his older brother
Prince Charles, who will one day become king and draws income from a
vast royal estate, Andrew mostly relies on his mother to maintain his royal
lifestyle.— Martha Ross, The Mercury News, “Royal family worked to
protect Prince Andrew in Jeffrey Epstein scandal, alleged victim’s attorney
says,” 18 July 2019
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online
news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘estate’. Views expressed in
the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
First Known Use of estate
13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
1978, in the meaning defined above
History and Etymology for estate
Middle English estat, from Anglo-French estat, literally, state, condition,
from Old French, from Latin status, from stare to stand
Time Traveler for estate
The first known use of estate was in the 13th century
See more words from the same century
7.16. As a part of linguistic research follow the link
Go to ‘More Definitions for estate’ and write out the types of estate listed there.
Unit 8. Litigation and arbitration
7.17. Follow the link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQmSErV4RdA to find out more about Estate
Pur Autre Vie
Unit 8. Litigation and arbitration
Vocabulary Section
8.1. Work in groups. Answer the questions.
What forms of legal disputes do you know?
What are the ways of resolving disputes?
8.2. Give definitions for the following words or word combinations.
1) dispute resolution 2) litigation
3) mediation4) arbitration
5) ODR
6) a settlement
7) barrister8) solicitor
9) pleadings
10) government agency
8.3. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
the dictation.
1) pre-trial 2) amend a judgement
3) pursue a claim
4) acceptable suggested
5) substantial increase in remuneration 6) constructive dismissal
7) discovery phrase
8) enforce the order
9) disputing party
10) reach a settlement
11) deal with
12) international arbitration
13) file a claim
14) trial phase
15) frivolous litigation
16) incur costs
17) due to the circumstances
18) commence proceedings
19) satisfactory proposal
20) relevant fact
8.4. Elicit the essence of the following phases.
Pre-trial phase
Discovery phase
Trial phase
Enforcement phase
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
8.5. Fill in the gaps using the words or word combinations from the
trial work
Litigation law refers to the rules and 1) … involved in resolving disputes
in the court system. The term is often associated with tort cases, but 2) …
can come about in all kinds of cases, from contested divorces, to eviction
proceedings. Likewise, most people think of litigation as synonymous
with 3) …, but the litigation process begins long before the first 4) … is
called to testify. In fact, the vast majority of litigated cases never reach the
inside of a 5) … .
mediation (2)
arbitration (2) mediator (2)
arbitrator (3)
There are two main types of alternative dispute resolution: 1) … and
2) … . In 3) …, the parties to the dispute work with a neutral, third-party
4)… whose task is to foster discussion between the parties in the hope that
the parties will reach an 5) … to resolve their case. The 6) …’s role is not
to determine who is “right” and who is “wrong,” but rather to foster an
understanding of each party’s legal positions and claims. Conversely, 7) …
involves submitting the dispute to a third-party 8) … who acts as a sort of
judge. The 9) … presides over a “trial” in which evidence is presented and
testimony received. At the end of the 10) …, the 11) … renders a decision to
resolve the case.
8.6. Complete the table.
Translation Section
8.7. Translate active vocabulary from Russian into English.
1) вопрос нормативно-правового регулирования
Unit 8. Litigation and arbitration
2) средние расходы
3) категорически отрицать
4) возбуждать производство по делу
5) констатировать факты
6) двусторонний договор
7) страна, подписавшая конвенцию
8) приведение в исполнение арбитражного решения
9) судебные издержки
10) трудовой спор
8.8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1) В связи с вашими действиями наш клиент имеет право уволиться с
работы и подать арбитражный иск о вынужденном увольнении «по собственному желанию» под давлением работодателя.
2) Мы рекомендуем клиенту возбудить производство по делу в отношении вас, в случае если от вас не поступит удовлетворительное предложение компромиссному соглашению в течение 14 дней.
3) Предприниматели иногда оплачивают услуги своих юристов за
представительство в суде, не осознавая, что расходы на судебные издержки включены в страховку.
4) Урегулирование споров он-лайн – совокупность методов урегулирования споров (конфликтов) с применением Интернет-технологий.
Reading Section
8.9. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true (T) or
false (F).
A. In arbitration only one arbitrator can hear both sides of the issue and
make a decision.
B. The litigation process is fairly quick.
C. The costs for the arbitration process are limited to the fee of the
arbitrator and attorney fees.
D. Arbitration allows multiple appeals at various levels.
Differences between arbitration and litigation
Litigation is a very old process that involves determining issues through
a court, with a judge or jury. In this case, the stress should be made on civil
litigation – disputes between two parties (as opposed to criminal litigation,
which involves the people against a law-breaker).
Arbitration, on the other hand, involves two parties in a dispute who agree
to work with a disinterested third party in an attempt to resolve the dispute.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
In arbitration, there may be one or more arbitrators who hear both sides of the
issue and who make a decision.
Here are some differences between litigation and arbitration. The
arbitration process is private, between the two parties, and informal,
while litigation is a formal process conducted in a public courtroom.
The arbitration process is fairly quick. Once an arbitrator is selected, the
case can be heard immediately. In a civil litigation, on the other hand, a case
must wait until the court has time to hear it; this can mean many months,
even years before the case is heard.
The costs for the arbitration process are limited to the fee of the arbitrator
(depending on the size of the claim, expertise of the arbitrator, and expenses),
and attorney fees. Costs for litigation include attorney fees and court costs,
which can be very high.
The arbitration process has a limited evidence process, and the arbitrator
controls what evidence is allowed, while litigation requires full disclosure of
evidence to both parties.
In binding arbitration, the parties usually have no appeal option, unless
an appeal has been included in an arbitration clause. Some arbitration
decisions may be reviewed by a judge and may be removed if you can prove
that the arbitrator was biased. Litigation allows multiple appeals at various
Writing Section
8.10. Answer the following questions in writing
1) What is the main difference between litigation and arbitration in the
Russian Federation?
2) What is the most effective way to resolve legal disputes in Russian
3) What can businesses do to avoid litigation in your country?
4) Name most common types of litigation in Russia.
8.11. Write a letter before action covering any kind of legal disputes.
Presentation Section
8.12. Preparation
How to open and close presentations? – Presentation lesson from Mark
8.13. Go to Appendix 1 and revise the useful words and phrases for
your presentation.
Unit 9. International law
Reports Section
8.14. Choose one term and prepare a short report for the mates
(2-minute talk).
1) litigation; 2) arbitration; 3) litigation burden; 4) barrister; 5) claimant; 6)
defendant; 7) solicitor; 8) arbitrator; 9) ADR; 10) lawsuit; 11) bilateral treaty;
12) arbitral tribunal; 13) payout; 14) constructive dismissal; 15) remuneration.
Extra Activity Section
8.15. Follow the link to a video and answer the questions:
- What is ADR? What does it include?
- What is mediation according to the speaker?
- What example is provided to illustrate the term?
- At what stages is mediation possible?
- What are the parties involved? Is it free of charge?
- What is the expected result of the mediation?
- What are the 3 most important things about mediation?
- What is arbitration according to the speaker?
- What are the parties involved?
- Is it free of charge?
- What is the expected result of the arbitration?
- At what stages is arbitration possible?
- What is the advantage of the arbitration according to the speaker?
Unit 9. International law
9.1. Give definitions for the following words/word combinations.
1) Public international law
2) Private international law
3) Supranational law
4) Framework convention
5) Intergovernmental organisations
6) Treaty
7) Sovereign state
8) Peremptory norms (jus cogens)
9) Conflict of laws
10) Universal jurisdiction
9.2. Match the Latin term to the definition in English.
1) jus cogens 2) jus inter gentes 3) opinio juris 4) hostis humani generis
5) casus belli
a) the body of treaties, U.N. conventions, and other international
agreements. Literally, means “law between the peoples”.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
b) an opinion of law, the subjective element of custom as a source of law,
both domestic and international. It is the belief that an action was carried out
as a legal obligation.
c) compelling law, a fundamental principle of international law that is
accepted by the international community of states as a norm from which no
derogation is permitted.
d) an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war, involves direct
offenses or threats against the nation declaring the war.
e) enemy of mankind, a literal out-law, subject to the violence and execution
by anyone.
9.3. Give the Russian equivalents to the words below and prepare for
the dictation.
1) a customs union
2) international bodies
3) legal framework
4) customary international law
5) signatory nations
6) advisory standard
7) conduct of war armed conflict
8) the World Health Organization
9) the World Intellectual 10) the World Trade Organization
Property Organization
11) the International Monetary Fund 12) intangible
13) dissent 14) amicable settlement
15) execute a contract 16) hard copy of a contract
17) multiple jurisdiction 18) forum shopping
19) cause of action 20) assets
21) renvoi
9.4. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
governs states
rights and duties
Private international law refers to the body of (1) … of private individuals
and business (2) … of different (3) … states. It addresses two main questions:
1) the (4) … in which a case may be heard, and 2) which laws from which
jurisdiction(s) (5) … . It is from public international law because it (6) …
conflicts between private individuals or business entities, rather than conflicts
between (7) … or other international (8) … .
9.5. Elicit the terms corresponding to the definitions.
1) the law or legal system established within a state to govern events,
transactions, and persons within or having a connection to that state
Unit 9. International law
2) the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives
of states
3) the sanctity of diplomats
4) the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to
obtain political and military information
5) a unilateral political act with domestic and international legal
consequences whereby a state acknowledges an act or status of another state
or government in control of a state
6) a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent
their government in a foreign country
7) an accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative
in a foreign country
8) a container with certain legal protections used for carrying official
correspondence or other items between a diplomatic mission and its home
government or other diplomatic, consular, or otherwise official entity
9) cultivation of relationships, respect, or even admiration from others in
order to gain influence, as opposed to more coercive approaches. It can come
from three resources: its culture (in places where it is attractive to others), its
political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad), and its foreign
policies (when they are seen as legitimate and having moral authority)
10) sort of diplomacy that lies near the edge between peace and war, victory
or defeat in an incident may foster a shift into political and psychological
dimensions: a standoff between a weaker and a stronger state may be perceived
as a defeat for the stronger one
Translation Section
9.6. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary
of Unit 9.
1) Международное публичное право состоит в своде правил, законов
и принципов, которые регулируют права и обязанности государств в отношении друг друга.
2) Нормы международного права применяются к гражданам всех
подписавшихся стран.
3) Нормы наднационального права относятся к региональным соглашениям, где законы государства не применимы.
4) Патент – это монопольное право производить или продавать изобретение, а также производить улучшения уже имеющегося изобретенного продукта.
5) Изобретатель имеет право на возмещение своих вложений, что является ключевым правилом в законе об интеллектуальной собственности.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
9.7. Translate the text into English.
Типы дипломатии в международных отношениях
Дипломатия – это профессия, деятельность или навыки международных отношений представителя страны за рубежом. В наши дни дипломатия достигла достаточно высокого уровня эффективности и влияет
на сознание общественности и даже правовые нормы. Это настоящее
искусство, которое служит целям людей и их стран.
Существует несколько видов дипломатии: политика умиротворения,
силовая дипломатия, долларовая дипломатия, публичная дипломатия,
народная дипломатия, через дипломатическое представительство, экономическая дипломатия и цифровая дипломатия.
Политика умиротворения заключается в нежелании обострять
противоречия, существующие между странами. Может выражаться
в различных незначительных уступках в неключевых вопросах. Примером может служить дипломатия, избранная Англией и Францией
по отношению к Германии накануне второй мировой войны.
Силовая дипломатия состоит в демонстрации силы и намерения далеко зайти в мерах по достижению внешнеполитических целей. Такой
вид дипломатии также носит имя «политики канонерок».
Меры экономического воздействия (долларовая дипломатия), например займы, используются для порабощения малых государств и подчинения их господству крупных иностранных банков и промышленных
компаний. В этом случае доллары буквально выступают в роли пуль или
оружия в руках дипломатов.
Reports Section
9.8. Text 9.7 lists 8 diplomacy kinds but only describes three of them.
Choose any type of diplomacy and make a five-minute report. Include
relevant examples.
Writing Section
9.9. Answer the following questions in writing.
1) What is the difference between public international law and private
international law? Which organizations are involved?
2) What are the sources of public international law?
3) What are two principal questions which private international law is
concerned with?
4) What are the consequences if a private individual or a company breaks
the law of another jurisdiction?
Unit 9. International law
Reading Section
9.10. Read the first 3 articles of VIENNA CONVENTION ON
- summarise the reasons for VIENNA CONVENTION creation
- name the terms listed in the Article and explain their meaning
- explain the meaning of the term mutual consent
- name the functions of a diplomatic mission
- explain the meaning of the term inter alia.
The States Parties to the present Convention,
Recalling that peoples of all nations from ancient times have recognized
the status of diplomatic agents,
Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations
concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace
and security, and the promotion of friendly relations among nations,
Believing that an international convention on diplomatic intercourse, privileges
and immunities would contribute to the development of friendly relations among
nations, irrespective of their differing constitutional and social systems,
Realizing that the purpose of such privileges and immunities is not to
benefit individuals but to ensure the efficient performance of the functions of
diplomatic missions as representing States,
Affirming that the rules of customary international law should continue
to govern questions not expressly regulated by the provisions of the present
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
For the purpose of the present Convention, the following expressions shall
have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:
(a) the “head of the mission” is the person charged by the sending State
with the duty of acting in that capacity;
(b) the “members of the mission” are the head of the mission and the
members of the staff of the mission;
(c) the “members of the staff of the mission” are the members of the
diplomatic staff, of the administrative and technical staff and of the service
staff of the mission;
(d) the “members of the diplomatic staff ” are the members of the staff of
the mission having diplomatic rank;
(e) a “diplomatic agent” is the head of the mission or a member of the
diplomatic staff of the mission;
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
(f ) the “members of the administrative and technical staff ” are the members
of the staff of the mission employed in the administrative and technical service
of the mission;
(g) the “members of the service staff ” are the members of the staff of the
mission in the domestic service of the mission;
(h) a “private servant” is a person who is in the domestic service of a
member of the mission and who is not an employee of the sending State;
(i) the “premises of the mission” are the buildings or parts of buildings and
the land ancillary thereto, irrespective of ownership, used for the purposes of
the mission including the residence of the head of the mission.
Article 2
The establishment of diplomatic relations between States, and of
permanent diplomatic missions, takes place by mutual consent.
Article 3
1. The functions of a diplomatic mission consist inter alia in:
(a) representing the sending State in the receiving State;
(b) protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending State and
of its nationals, within the limits permitted by international law;
(c) negotiating with the Government of the receiving State;
(d) ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments in the
receiving State, and reporting thereon to the Government of the sending State;
(e) promoting friendly relations between the sending State and the receiving
State, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific relations.
2. Nothing in the present Convention shall be construed as preventing the
performance of consular functions by a diplomatic mission.
Presentation Section
9.11. Follow the link below to find out how to make your slides visible
and readable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3sDtvFFn0
Extra Activity Section
9.12. Follow the link to a video and
1) answer the questions:
- What is the most import skill and competence that everybody should
- What are the threats to the world community that the speaker mentions?
- What are the three ways to learn the art of diplomacy?
- Why should you “understand more”?
2) summarise the advice of the speaker to the audience.
Unit 10. Comparative law
Unit 10. Comparative law
Vocabulary Section
10.1. Give definitions to the following words and phrases.
1) applicability of laws
2) international civil procedure
3) unenacted law
4) progressive unification of law
5) stare decisis
6) socialist law
7) mixed (pluralistic) system
9) HCC10) convention
10.2. Match these words with their definitions.
1) comparative law
a) carrying out of judicial mandates, usually
2) uniform law
b) the study of differences and similarities
between different jurisdictions
3) theological legal systems
c) process of adopting laws which are similar
to or the same as other nations
4) harmonisation
d) law which has become the same or similar
in different nations
5) enforcement of judgments
e) systems of legal rules based on religious
10.3. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.
status approaches
simplify sovereign protection
Comparative law is closely related to (1)… international law and the
(2)… of law. The first concerns the (3)… of laws in situations involving other
jurisdictions, the latter developed out of a need to (4)… these rules, both at a
(5)… level and between (6)… states.
Another aspect of comparative law is the idea of (7)… law. It deals with
the progressive unification of private international law in a wide range of
areas, from commercial law to international civil (8)… and from child (9)… to
matters of marriage and personal (10)… . This involves finding internationally
agreed (11)… to issues such as (12)… of the courts, applicable law and the
(13)… and enforcement judgments.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Translation Section
10.4. Translate the sentences into English.
1) Все правовые системы мира делятся на категории, или семьи. Каждая правовая система имеет свои особенности и общность правовых
принципов, которые сложились в результате конкретных исторических
условий развития данной системы.
2) Наука, которая занимается изучением сходств и различий правовых семей, называется сравнительное правоведение. Главным методом
изучения правовых систем различных государств является сопоставление одноименных государственных и правовых институтов, систем права и их основных принципов. Вторым важным методом данной науки является исторический метод, лежащий также в основе самостоятельного
направления исследований – сравнительной истории права.
3) Каждая правовая система уникальна. Сравнительное правоведение
позволяет произвести типологию правовых систем на основе анализа их
сходств и различий.
4) Смешанная правовая система – это тип правовых систем, которые
сочетают элементы правовых систем континентального и англо-американского типов, охватывающий североевропейскую (скандинавскую) и
латиноамериканскую группу правовых систем.
5) Принципиальной особенностью такого типа правовых систем является доминирование нормативно-правого акта в системе источников
права при сохранении значительной роли судебной практики. Принципы права применяются при рассмотрении конкретного дела.
10.5. Translate an abstract from Unidroit Convention into Russian in
(Rome, 24 June 1995)
ASSEMBLED in Rome at the invitation of the Government of the Italian Republic from
7 to 24 June 1995 for a Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the draft UNIDROIT
Convention on the International Return of Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects,
CONVINCED of the fundamental importance of the protection of cultural heritage
and of cultural exchanges for promoting understanding between peoples, and the
dissemination of culture for the well-being of humanity and the progress of civilisation,
Unit 10. Comparative law
DEEPLY CONCERNED by the illicit trade in cultural objects and the irreparable
damage frequently caused by it, both to these objects themselves and to the cultural
heritage of national, tribal, indigenous or other communities, and also to the heritage of
all peoples, and in particular by the pillage of archaeological sites and the resulting loss
of irreplaceable archaeological, historical and scientific information,
DETERMINED to contribute effectively to the fight against illicit trade in cultural
objects by taking the important step of establishing common, minimal legal rules for the
restitution and return of cultural objects between Contracting States, with the objective
of improving the preservation and protection of the cultural heritage in the interest of all,
EMPHASISING that this Convention is intended to facilitate the restitution and return
of cultural objects, and that the provision of any remedies, such as compensation, needed
to effect restitution and return in some States, does not imply that such remedies should
be adopted in other States,
AFFIRMING that the adoption of the provisions of this Convention for the future in
no way confers any approval or legitimacy upon illegal transactions of whatever kind
which may have taken place before the entry into force of the Convention,
CONSCIOUS that this Convention will not by itself provide a solution to the problems
raised by illicit trade, but that it initiates a process that will enhance international cultural
co-operation and maintain a proper role for legal trading and inter-State agreements for
cultural exchanges,
ACKNOWLEDGING that implementation of this Convention should be accompanied
by other effective measures for protecting cultural objects, such as the development and
use of registers, the physical protection of archaeological sites and technical co-operation,
RECOGNISING the work of various bodies to protect cultural property, particularly
the 1970 UNESCO Convention on illicit traffic and the development of codes of conduct
in the private sector,
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article 1
This Convention applies to claims of an international character for:
(a) the restitution of stolen cultural objects;
(b) the return of cultural objects removed from the territory of a Contracting State
contrary to its law regulating the export of cultural objects for the purpose of protecting
its cultural heritage (hereinafter “illegally exported cultural objects”).
(Taken from: https://www.unidroit.org/instruments/cultural-property/1995-convention)
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Reports Section
10.6. Choose a topic to prepare a 3-minute report:
- a tax haven
- a tax avoidance vs tax evasion
- globalization vs glocalisation
- unification of private international law
- theological legal systems
- comparative law
Writing Section
10.7. Answer the questions below in writing (aim at 150 words for each).
1) What are the main differences and similarities between common law
and civil law?
2) Why is comparative law growing in importance?
Reading Section
10.8. Read the article below and:
- name the differences between globalism and globalization;
- explain what is “thick” and “thin” globalism;
- list the flows of globalism and give your own examples.
Globalism Versus Globalization
What are the different spheres of globalism – and how are they affected by
Globalism versus globalization? Many people would think the two terms
refer to the same phenomenon. However, there are important differences
between the two. Globalism, at its core, seeks to describe and explain nothing
more than a world which is characterized by networks of connections that
span multi-continental distances. It attempts to understand all the interconnections of the modern world – and to highlight patterns that underlie
(and explain) them.
In contrast, globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of
globalism. It focuses on the forces, the dynamism or speed of these changes.
In short, consider globalism as the underlying basic network, while
globalization refers to the dynamic shrinking of distance on a large scale.
Globalism is a phenomenon with ancient roots. Thus, the issue is not how
old globalism is, but rather how “thin” or “thick” it is at any given time. As an
Unit 10. Comparative law
example of “thin globalism,” the Silk Road provided an economic and cultural
link between ancient Europe and Asia. Getting from thin to thick globalism
is globalization – and how fast we get there is the rate of globalization. […]
Both globalism and globalization are all too often defined in strictly
economic terms, as if the world economy as such defined globalism. But other
forms are equally important. There are four distinct dimensions of globalism:
economic, military, environmental and social. Economic globalism involves
long-distance flows of goods, services and capital and the information and
perceptions that accompany market exchange. These flows, in turn, organize
other processes linked to them. One example of economic globalization is
low-wage production in Asia for the United States and European markets.
Economic flows, markets and organization – as in multinational firms – all
go together.
Based on the historic evidence, we should expect that globalism will be
accompanied by continuing uncertainty. There will be a continual competition
between increased complexity and uncertainty on the one hand – and efforts
by governments, market participants and others to comprehend and manage
these systems on the other.
In conclusion, we should not expect – or fear – that globalism will lead
to homogenization. Instead, it will expose us more frequently and in more
variations to the differences that surround us.
(Taken from: https://www.theglobalist.com/globalism-versus-globalization/ By
Joseph Nye, April 15, 2002)
Extra Activity Section
10.9. Follow the link and make a narration script (write a word-forword speaker’s text).
10.10. Follow the link and summarize the information on stare decisis
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Answer the following questions.
1) Do you think certain jobs definitely require some ethical considerations?
2) Should there be any limits on training for some kinds of profession
according to moral values?
3) Should we have a kind of an interview before entrance exams to find out
if the applicant is relevant to the job? Can you think of any form of working
out the principle for the selection of judges-to-be (behaviour, intelligence…)?
4) According to our legal system, the goals of bringing criminals to justice
are rehabilitation, retribution, and deterrence. How are the goals served by
using different forms of the insanity defence?
5) Should habitual criminals be considered “sane” and sentenced to mental
institutions rather than to prison? Do mental institutions serve justice better
than prison?
6) Should psychologists and psychiatrists be allowed to testify for the
defence or prosecution?
7) When criminals are judged “insane” and committed for treatment, by
what criteria should they be judged?
8) How can we teach intelligence, and could it be increased?
9) If you were a college administrator with concern for efficiency using
your resources to make the most of each student’s potential, would you give
each student an intelligence test to determine which class is most appropriate?
10) Should it be taken for granted that college students already have
mature thinking skills?
11) How would you prepare judges-to-be for moral choice?
12) Do effective leadership and intelligence have anything to do with
13) Do law colleges have any responsibility in moral education?
14) Who is to decide what is moral and what is not?
Active vocabulary
Unit 1
core subject – основной предмет, обязательная дисциплина
criminal law – уголовное право
contract law – контрактное, договорное право
tort law – деликтное право
land law – земельное право
equity and trusts – капитал (акции) и кредиты
administrative law – административное право
take a course – пройти курс
optional / elective course – необязательный, факультативный курс
run a small partnership – иметь незначительное долевое участие в бизнесе
a sole practitioner – юрист, практикующий на индивидуальной основе
family law – семейное право
employment law – трудовое право
housing law – жилищное право
law practice – юридическая фирма
company law – корпоративное право, регулирующее деятельность акционерных компаний
commercial law – торговое право
litigation and arbitration – гражданский процесс и арбитраж (вынесение решения о споре между сторонами специальной комиссией или третейским судом)
law clinic – юридическая клиника (бесплатная юридическая консультация)
offer free legal assistance – предлагать бесплатную консультацию юриста
law firm – юридическая фирма
hire a new recruit – взять на работу нового сотрудника
interpretation of statutes – толкование законов
with respect to – в отношении
statutory law – статутное право (право, выраженное в законодательных
performance of a contract – выполнение условий контракта
enforcement of a contract – обеспечение исполнения обязательств по
offer – оферта (формальное предложение некоторого лица (оферента) определенному лицу (акцептанту), ограниченному или неограниченному кругу лиц
заключить сделку (договор) с указанием всех необходимых для этого условий)
acceptance – акцептование оферты (официальное принятие, согласие на
предложение заключить сделку)
consideration – договорное встречное удовлетворение (принятие одной из
сторон договора взаимных обязательств)
remedy – средство судебной или правовой защиты
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
breach of contract – нарушение условий договора
Uniform Commercial Code – Унифицированный Коммерческий Кодекс
liability – ответственность
intentional injury – преднамеренное причинение вреда
negligently caused injury – вред, причиненный по неосторожности
strict liability – прямая ответственность
vicarious liability – ответственность без вины за действия другого, ответственность поручителя
ultra-hazardous activities – действия, являющиеся источником повышенной
products liability – ответственность за качество продукции
nuisance – злоупотребление правом, нарушение права
defamation – диффамация, очернение репутации (разглашение порочащих
другое лицо правдивых сведений)
public administration – государственное управление, публичная
rationale – обоснование
hearsay – свидетельство, основанное на непроверенной информации или
сведения, полученные из вторых рук
impeachment – оспаривание показаний (свидетеля)
law enforcement conduct – правовое принуждение, правоприменительная
seizure – конфискация, арест (имущества)
incriminating statement – формулировка, предъявление обвинения
surveillance – наблюдение, слежка
entrapment – провокация преступления с целью его изобличения
improper police conduct – противозаконные действия полиции
reserved power – ограниченная компетенция, ограниченные полномочия
contract clause – условие договора
amendment – поправка, дополнение, изменение
apply legal concepts and rules – применять юридические понятия и правовые нормы
legal citation – ссылка на правовой акт
legal research – исследование положений закона, судебных решений и
first-rate work – превосходная, первоклассная работа
contribution – вклад, ценные достижения
trainee – стажер, практикант
to handle commercial matters – рассматривать дела коммерческих предприятий, связанных с торговым правом
commercial litigation – решение хозяйственных споров
trade and commodities – торговля и товары народного потребления
maintenance – материальная поддержка, стипендия
conversion course – курс переподготовки
Active vocabulary
Unit 2
enforceable – обеспеченный правовой защитой
enter into a contractual relationship – вступать в договорные отношения
form a valid contract – составить контракт, имеющий юридическую силу
counter-offer – встречная оферта (предложение заключить договор)
oral contract – устный договор, сделка, соглашение
perform a contract – выполнить обязательства по договору
assignment – передача прав и обязанностей по договору
consideration – встречное удовлетворение
negotiate a contract – заключить договор
offer – оферта (формальное предложение некоторого лица (оферента) определенному лицу (акцептанту), ограниченному или неограниченному кругу лиц
заключить сделку (договор) с указанием всех необходимых для этого условий)
acceptance – акцептование оферты (официальное принятие, согласие на
предложение заключить сделку)
to be binding – обладать юридической силой
reject an offer – отклонить оферту
essential terms – существенные условия
subject matter – предмет договора
rights and obligations – права и обязанности
file a lawsuit – подать иск
breaching party – сторона, нарушившая условия договора
breach of contract – нарушение договора
non-breaching/ injured party – пострадавшая сторона
award damages – получить компенсацию за убытки
specific performance – исполнение в натуре, реальное исполнение договора
transfer rights to another party – передать права другой стороне
assignor – лицо, передающее права по договору
assignee – сторона, получающая права по договору
under a contract – согласно контракту, в соответствии с условиями контракта
remedy – средство судебной или правовой защиты
restitution – возвращение, возврат утраченного
settled deal – совершенная сделка, заключенный договор
nominate the date – назначить дату
dispute – спор
terminate the agreement – прекратить действие соглашения
have legal grounds for – иметь юридическое основание
sue smb. – подать иск на к.-л.
purchase – закупить
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
the date of shipment – дата отправки груза
contract term in question – условие договора, о котором идет речь
rule against smb. – вынести решение не в пользу к.-л.
Unit 3
sue for damages – предъявлять кому-л. иск о возмещении ущерба
injunction – судебный запрет; обеспечительная мера (как правило, носит
запретительный характер (prohibitory, а также negative/preventive/prohibitive
injunction), но может также обязывать совершить действие (mandatory injunction)
to remedy – предоставлять средство правовой защиты; устранять напр.,
a remedy – средство правовой защиты; возмещение
civil wrong – гражданское правонарушение; деликт
medical negligence – врачебная халатность
negligent damage – вред причиненный по неосторожности
misstatement – неправильное, ложное заявление или показание
financial loss – материальный ущерб
trespass – противоправно нарушать владение; противоправное нарушение
владения с причинением вреда
assault – словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием или покушение на нанесение удара либо угроза таковым
fraudulent misrepresentation – намеренное введение в заблуждение, или
умышленное искажение фактов
interference in contractual relations – воспрепятствование или вторжение в
договорные отношения (третьим лицом)
unfair business practices – недобросовестная деловая практика
intentional tort – умышленное гражданское правонарушение
unfair competition – недобросовестная конкуренция
failing to obey traffic rules – несоблюдение правил дорожного движения
strict liability – строгая ответственность (независимо от наличия вины) –
напр. при хранении взрывчатых веществ
overlap – взаимное наложение
battery – оскорбление действием; избиение; нанесение побоев; нанесение
to bring an action – предъявлять иск
standard of proof – критерий доказанности (в уголовном судопроизводстве
deter – удержать (в т.ч. под страхом ответственности)
tortfeasor – делинквент; правонарушитель; причинитель вреда
tortious conduct – деликтное (вредоносное) поведение
compensatory damages – компенсаторные убытки; реальные убытки; фактические убытки
Active vocabulary
punitive damages – убытки, присуждаемые в порядке наказания; штрафные
убытки; штрафные санкции
to award damages – присудить убытки; присудить компенсацию за убытки
loss of earnings capacity – потеря заработка
future expected losses – ожидаемые убытки, упущенная выгода
pain and suffering –
моральный ущерб
medical expenses – расходы на медицинское обслуживание
procedural history – история процесса (как часть решения вышестоящей
legal issue – правовой вопрос; юридический вопрос
ruling – судебное решение
reasoning – основания вынесенного решения, мотивировочная часть
to find for the plaintiff (claimant) – вынести решение в пользу истца
proximate cause – непосредственная причина
reverse decision – отменить решение
frivolous case – пустая тяжба, формальная (ради денег)
product liability – ответственность производителя (перёд потребителем за
качество товара)
to settle out of court – пойти на мировую, прекратить дело без судебного
to litigate – судиться (с кем-либо); оспаривать (на суде); оспорить; вести процесс; быть тяжущейся стороной в процессе
law clinic – юридическая клиника
litigant-in-person – истец (без адвоката)
pro se (us) – действовать от собственного имени (напр. без представительства адвокатом)
quasi-judicial – квази-судебный
defamatory – клеветнический; порочащий
refund – выплачивать обратно; компенсировать
libelous – клеветнический
harass – приставать; причинять беспокойство
slander – клеветать в устной форме
defamation – диффамация (разглашение позорящих другое лицо правдивых
libel – клевета (в печати)
retraction – отречение от своих слов
commence – возбуждать (дело и пр.)
malicious – злоумышленный; совершенный со злым умыслом
Unit 4
omission – бездействие
violation of law – нарушение закона; правонарушение
offence – правонарушение, преступление
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
armed robbery – вооруженное ограбление, разбой, совершенный с применением оружия
arson- поджег
assault – словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием или покушение на нанесение удара либо угроза таковым
battery – оскорбление действием; избиение; нанесение побоев; нанесение
bribery – дача или получение взятки
burglary – противоправное проникновение в помещение с умыслом совершить в нем фелонию (тяжкое преступление) или кражу, кража с проникновением
в жилище
domestic violence – домашнее насилие
drug trafficking – незаконный оборот наркотиков
drunk driving – управление автомобилем в состоянии опьянения
embezzlement – присвоение незаконным путём (с использованием служебного положения), растрата
extortion – вымогательство
forgery – подлог или подделка документа
fraud – подлог, мошенничество
homicide – убийство (ср. murder – тяжкое убийство, убийство, совершенное
с заранее обдуманным злым умыслом; first degree murder – квалифицированное
умышленное убийство, убийство при отягчающих обстоятельствах; slaughter –
убийство (особ. одновременное убийство нескольких человек))
manslaughter – убийство по неосторожности; непредумышленное убийство
insider dealing – незаконные операции с ценными бумагами на основе внутренней информации о деятельности компании-эмитента, инсайдерская сделка
joyriding – угон автомобиля
kidnapping- похищение человека с целью выкупа
larceny – хищение
money laundering – легализация (отмывание) доходов, полученных преступным путём
obstruction of justice – воспрепятствование осуществлению правосудия
rape – изнасилование
shoplifting – кража в магазине
stalking – домогательство, причинение беспокойства, преследование
tax evasion – уклонение от уплаты налогов
theft – воровство; кража (auto. – угон)
vandalism – вандализм, умышленная порча имущества
white-collar crime – беловоротничковое преступление, должностные
felony – уголовное преступление; фелония (категория тяжких преступлений, по степени опасности находящаяся между государственной изменой и
Active vocabulary
misdemeanor – мисдиминор (категория наименее опасных преступлений, граничащих с административными правонарушениями); менее тяжкое
sentence – приговор; наказание; судебное решение
render a verdict – выносить вердикт
prosecution – обвинение (как сторона в уголовном процессе); отстаивание
(исковых требований); уголовное преследование
execution – приведение в исполнение (судебного решения, приговора); казнь
corporal punishment – телесное наказание; порка
incarceration – лишение свободы
suspend a sentence – приостанавливать приведение приговора в исполнение
parole – условно-досрочное освобождение под честное слово
probation – условное освобождение на поруки
community service order – привлечение к общественным работам
proscribe – объявлять вне закона; изгонять; высылать
public-order crime – преступление против общественного порядка
statutory rape – изнасилование по статутному праву; половая связь с лицом,
не достигшим совершеннолетия
actus reus – противоправное действие, объективная сторона преступления,
т.е. та фаза действия, за совершение которой законом предусмотрено наказание;
физическая, объективная сторона преступления
mens rea – преступный умысел т.е. субъективная сторона преступления
burden of proof – бремя доказательства
accused – обвиняемый
guilty beyond reasonable doubt – виновен, при отсутствии обоснованного
charge – предъявить обвинение
balance of probabilities – наличие большей вероятности
preponderance of the evidence – наличие более веских доказательств
petty theft – мелкая кража
loan – заём; ссуда; кредит
inflict – наносить (личный или имущественный вред)
market abuse – злоупотребление правилами деятельности на рынке
uphold a case – оставить в силе
share – акция, пай
identity theft – кража персональных данных
fraud alert – система оповещения о мошеннических действиях
impostor – обманщик; мошенник; самозванец; проходимец
personal gain – личная выгода
data breach – утечка информации
phishing – «фишинг», преступная деятельность интернет-мошенников, действующих под видом благонадёжных компаний и юр. лиц, с целью
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
незаконного получения секретной информации: паролей, данных кредитных
карточек, логинов.
scam – мошенническая проделка; афера
bin raiding (dumpster diving) – исследование содержимого мусорных
skimming – подделка пластиковой карты
storage device – запоминающее устройство
pop-up message – всплывающее сообщение
pretexting – получение чувствительной или личной информации через олицетворения или другой обман
podcast – подкаст (оцифрованная запись или радиопередача, размещенная в
интернете для загрузки на персональные аудиоплейеры
encryption key – шифр-ключ; шифровальный ключ
associated sort code – номер отделения банка
aggravated – с отягчающими обстоятельствами
mandatory – обязательный
credit-card statement – выписка по кредитной карте
outstanding debt – числящаяся задолженность, неуплаченный долг
persecution – преследование; гонение
accomplice – сообщник (преступления)
Unit 5
company law – корпоративное право (право, регулирующее деятельность акционерных компаний)
Extra information on Russian companies:
OOO (общество с ограниченной ответственностью) – Limited Liability
OAO (открытое акционерное общество) – Joint-Stock Company
ЗАО (закрытое акционерное общество) – Closed Joint-Stock Company
ОДО (общество с дополнительной ответственностью) – Supplementary
Liability Society
distinct legal personalities – определенное, обособленное юридическое лицо
incorporation – регистрация (компании)
memorandum of association – устав
regulation of business entities – регулирование обществами
company – компания, общество
partnership – товарищество
legal person – юридическое лицо
shareholding member – совладелец, т.е. участник, владеющий долей в уставном капитале хозяйственного общества
limited liability – ограниченная ответственность
Active vocabulary
separate personality – самостоятельная правосубъектность
tax treatment – налогообложение
inherent flexibility – внутренняя свобода действий
sole proprietor – индивидуальный предприниматель
publicly listed company – общество, зарегистрированное на бирже
shareholders – акционеры
board of directors – совет директоров
creditors – кредиторы
regulators – регулирующие органы
third parties – третьи лица
company formation – регистрация компании
certificate of incorporation – сертификат о регистрации
constitutional documents – учредительные документы
statutory forms – установленные законом отчетные формы (анкеты официальной формы отчета)
file – заполнять
articles of association – внутренняя инструкция компании
inter alia – помимо прочего, в том числе
corporate insolvency – корпоративное банкротство, несостоятельность
winding up – ликвидация компании
non-affiliated stakeholders – совладельцы компании, не являющиеся ее членами
sole proprietorship – индивидуальное частное предприятие, фирма в индивидуальной собственности
partnership – товарищество (компания с долевым участием)
legal entity – юридическое лицо
assets – активы компании (капитал, фонды, имущество)
provision – статья, положение (документа)
interest in business practice – участие в предприятии
sourcing – снабжение
human rights abuse – нарушение прав человека
to enforce the act – приводить закон в исполнение
proactive – работающий на опережение, прогнозирующий события
policy statement – программное заявление, меморандум, декларация
bottom line – основной момент
set the agenda – определить повестку дня, задавать тон
initiative – начинание, инициатива
on track – развиваться, двигаться вперед
foster the relationships – поддерживать отношения
Unit 6
The Uniform Commercial Code – Единый коммерческий кодекс (США)
The World Trade Organizations – организация по международной торговле (ВТО)
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
private law – частное право (for example, the law of property and trusts, family
law, the law of contracts and the law of torts)
public law – публичное право (for example, constitutional law, criminal law, tax
law and administrative law)
large-scale trade – широкомасштабная торговля
agency – агентство, агентские правоотношения, поручение, посредническая
carriage of goods – перевозка товаров
commercial dispute resolution – разрешение коммерческих споров
competition law – антимонопольное право, законодательство о конкуренции
debtor and creditor – должник и кредитор
landlord and tenant – арендодатель и арендатор
mercantile agency – контора, выдающая информацию о кредитоспособности
mortgages – ипотека, закладная
negotiable instruments – передаваемый денежный документ, платежное
средство. примеры: bills of exchange (переводной вексель), promissory notes (долговые векселя), bank cheques or certificates of deposit (сертификаты вклада)
secured transactions – сделка с использованием залога
real property – недвижимость
tax law – налоговое право
commercial transactions – коммерческие операции, сделки
facilitate – содействовать
substantive law – материальное право (материально-правовой закон)
contentious work (= litigation) – юрисдикция по спорам между сторонами
(обычно по последствиям нарушения договора)
non-contentious work – бесконфликтная работа, т.е. отсутствие спорящих
сторон (например, составление договора)
civil code – гражданский кодекс
legislatures – законодательный корпус
international treaties – международные договоры
implement – осуществлять (соглашение, договор)
adherence to – соблюдение, приверженность (правил, договора)
ratified – ратифицированный, скрепленный подписью
prepare notices of dismissal – готовить уведомления об увольнении
submit patent applications – представлять патентные заявки
maritime legislation – морское законодательство
internship – стажировка, учебная практика
a flat rate – единая ставка, фиксированная ставка
procure – обеспечивать, снабжать
circumvent – обманывать
endeavour – прилагать усилия
deviate – уклоняться, отступать
Active vocabulary
domicile – юридический адрес компании (головной офис)
council directive – директива совета ЕС
amended – с внесенными поправками
entitlement – документ о предоставлении права на
indemnity – возмещение убытков, вреда
derive – получать, извлекать
equitable – на основании права справедливости
remuneration – оплата услуг, вознаграждение
termination – расторжение
deprive – лишать
amortise – списывать
incurred – проведенный
notice period – срок уведомления о расторжении контракта
restraint-of-trade clause – положение об ограничении срока торговли (подпадающее под действие законодательства о недобросовестной конкуренции)
Unit 7
real property law – совокупность правовых норм, относящихся к
freehold estate – безусловное право собственности на недвижимость;
leasehold estate – вещное право арендатора, владение недвижимостью на
правах аренды
fee simple – право наследования без ограничений, неограниченное безусловное право собственности (Black’s Law Dictionary – An interest in land that, being
the broadest property interest allowed by laws, endures until the current holder dies
without heirs; esp. a fee simple absolute. Often shortened to fee. Also termed – estate
in fee simple; tenancy in fee; exclusive ownership; fee-simple title; feudum simplex)
life estate – пожизненное право на недвижимое имущество
estate pur autre vie – право в недвижимости, ограниченное сроком жизни
другого лица
fee tail – право собственности, наследуемое прямыми потомками дарителя
(felog); ограниченное право собственности на недвижимое имущество. (Black’s
Law Dictionary – An estate that is heritable only by specified descendants of the
original grantee, and that endures until its current holder dies without issue (e.g., “to
Albert and the heirs of his body”). Also termed – entailed estate; estate tail; estate in
tail; estate in fee tail; tenancy in tail; entail; feodum talliatum.
conveyance – передача прав собственности
inheritable – переходящий по наследству; имеющий права наследства;
heir – наследник
heiress – наследница
grantee – бенефициар; правоприобретатель; одаряемый
grantor – лицо, передающее право
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
chattels – личное движимое имущество
property interest – имущественное право
lease – аренда; имущественный наём; сдача внаём; договор об аренде
tenant – арендатор
licence – неисключительные права, предоставление прав
title interest – основание права на имущество, право на имущество
Statute of Frauds – Статут о мошенничестве (The Statute of Frauds (1677) was
largely repealed in England and Wales by the Law Reform (Enforcement of Contracts)
Act 1954. The only provision of it extant is part of Section 4 which means that contracts
of guarantee (surety for another’s debt) are unenforceable unless evidenced in writing.
This requirement is clarified by section 3 of the Mercantile Law Amendment Act 1856
which provides that the consideration for the guarantee need not appear in writing or
by necessary inference from a written document.)
instruments – юридический акт; письменный юридический документ
deed – документ (обычно о передаче права на владение недвижимым
grounds for termination – основание для прекращения действия (договора)
property’s designation – целевое назначение имущества
commence – начинать, приступать к исполнению
consecutive – следующие друг за другом, идущие подряд
pursuant to – согласно, руководствуясь
contravene – идти вразрез (с чем-либо); нарушить; преступить
comply with – не нарушать, согласовываться
compulsory purchase – принудительное отчуждение имущества
deposit – депонирование; депозитное свидетельство; обеспечение; первый
взнос (при платеже в рассрочку); поклажа
lien – право наложения ареста на имущество должника
mortgage – закладная; залог; ипотека/ипотечный кредит; кредит под недвижимость; ссуда на покупку дома
escrow – условно вручённый документ, депонированный у третьего лица; доверительное владение (This term has two meanings: • In the context of execution of
documents, where a document is delivered in escrow, it will have been executed by all
parties and cannot be recalled. The document will not take effect until the fulfilment
of the specific condition(s) (the escrow condition(s)). Any escrow condition must be
set out in writing. If the escrow condition is never fulfilled, the document will never
take effect. • In the context of information technology, the independent storage of the
source code (by an escrow agent) on terms that permit the release of such a code on the
occurrence of specified events. + escrow USA A legal arrangement in which an asset
(such as cash or stock) is deposited into an escrow account under the trust of a third
party (the escrow agent) until satisfaction of a contractual contingency or condition.
easement – права ограниченного пользования чужим земельным участком,
сервитут (in Anglo-American property law, a right granted by one property owner to
another to use a part of his land for a specific purpose. An easement may be created
Active vocabulary
expressly by a written deed of grant conveying to another the right to use for a specific
purpose a certain parcel of land. An easement may also be created when one sells his
land to another but reserves for himself the right to future use of a portion of that land.
An easement may also be created by implication, when, for example, a term descriptive
of an easement is incidentally included in a deed (such as “passageway” – a section of
land to be used for passage). An easement by implication also arises when the owner
of two or more adjacent parcels of land sells one lot; the buyer acquires an easement to
that visible property of the seller necessary to the buyer’s use and enjoyment of his lot,
such as a roadway or drainage duct. When created in this manner the easement also
arises as an easement of necessity. Britannica)
chain of title – правоустанавливающая последовательность, последовательный ряд передач правового титула (Black’s Law Dictionary – The ownership history
of a piece of land, from its first owner to the present one. Also termed line of title;
string of title.);
capital appreciation – увеличение стоимости капитала
cadastral register – опись и оценка землевладений; земельная регистрация;
stamp duty – государственная пошлина
notarial deed – нотариально заверенный документ
asset – актив, основное средство; предмет имущества
dwelling house – жилой дом
fixed term – установленный срок
shorthold tenancy – краткосрочное владение на правах аренды
redeem – выкупать (заложенные вещи и т п); выплачивать (долг по закладной)
renounce – отказываться (от своих прав, требований)
Unit 8
litigation – решение вопроса в судебном порядке
arbitration – третейский суд
government agency – правительственное учреждение; исполнительный орган
государственной власти (A government agency is a permanent or semi-permanent
organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and
administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable
variety of types of agency. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally
distinct both from a Department or Ministry, and other types of public body established
by government. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character since
different types of organisation (such as commissions) are normally used for advisory
functions, but this distinction is often blurred in practice.)
pre-trial work – предварительная стадия, досудебная работа
discovery phase – сбор и истребование доказательств
pass an order – издать распоряжение
ADR (alternative dispute resolution) – альтернативное разрешение споров
mediation – медиация, посредничество
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
impartial referee – независимый рефери (лицо, которому суд направляет рассматриваемое дело для снятия показаний, заслушания сторон и последующего
доклада суду)
arbiter – посредник; третья сторона; третья нейтральная сторона
arbitrator – арбитр (член арбитражного (третейского) суда
arbitral tribunal – состав арбитража, арбитражная группа/панель (panel of
one or more adjudicators which is convened and sits to resolve a dispute by way of
ODR (online dispute resolution) – урегулирование споров онлайн
enforcement phase – стадия приведения в исполнение решения суда
“peanut kernel” case – дело об арахисе (дата решения 01/06/1999): голландская сторона заключила договор с китайской стороной о поставке арахиса.
Согласно договору, оплата проводилась по аккредитиву до отправки груза. За
долгие годы сотрудничества установилась практика инспектирования товара перед отправкой. В очередной раз, осматривая товар, покупатель обнаружил, что
арахис не соответствует стандартам качества и отказался произвести оплату, на
основании того, что условия контракта были нарушены. В свою очередь, продавец настаивал на том, что отказ от оплаты груза является нарушением контракта. Арбитражный суд решил дело в пользу продавца, т.к. письменный контракт
имеет преимущественное право над подразумеваемыми условиями контракта
и сложившейся бизнес- практикой. Однако суд отметил, что продавец должен
смягчить убытки покупателя, предоставив ему возможность продать товар по
рыночной цене.
CIETAC – China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
– Китайская международная экономическая и торговая арбитражная комиссия
(The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
is a major permanent arbitration institutions. Formerly known as the Foreign Trade
Arbitration Commission, the CIETAC was set up in April 1956 under the China Council
for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). To meet the needs of China’s everdeveloping economic and trade relations with foreign countries after the adoption of
the “reform and opening-up” policy, the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission was
firstly renamed as the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in 1980,
and then as the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in
1988. Since 2000, the CIETAC is also known as the Arbitration Court of the China
Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)
litigation burden – судебные расходы
constructive dismissal – вынужденное увольнение “по собственному желанию” под давлением работодателя
remuneration – гонорар; возмещение; плата (вознаграждение), оплата услуг
Unit 9
public international law – публичное международное право
private international law – частное международное право
Active vocabulary
supranational law – наднациональное право
conflict of laws – 1) коллизионное право; 2) коллизия (конфликт) правовых
framework convention – рамочная конвенция
intergovernmental organisations – межправительственные организации
treaty – договор
sovereign state -суверенное государство
peremptory norms (jus cogens) -императивные нормы
universal jurisdiction – универсальная юрисдикция
body of rules – совокупность правовых норм
nation state – национальное государство
custom – правовой обычай (исторически сложившийся источник права и
правило поведения, санкционированное государством и включенное в систему
правовых норм)
legislation – законодательная деятельность, законодательная инициатива
treaty – международный договор, конвенция
law of treaties – право международных договоров, международное договорное право
convention – конвенция (разновидность международного договора, в котором прописанные нормы являются юридически обязующими для сторон, подписавших конвенцию)
charter – хартия (правовой акт, не имеющий обязательной силы, являющийся декларацией по смыслу и формулирующий общие принципы и цели каких-либо международных договоренностей)
framework conventions/outline conventions – рамочные конвенции, в которых подписавшие стороны обязаны исполнять их положения на национальном
customary international law – международное обычное право
laws of war – правила ведения войны, законы и обычаи войны
codify – приводить в систему, составить кодекс
implement – приводить в действие, осуществлять
enforce – обеспечивать соблюдение (закона)
intergovernmental organization – межправительственные организации
advisory standard – консультативная норма
conduct of war – правила ведения войны
armed conflict – вооруженный конфликт
the World Health Organization – Всемирная организация здравоохранения
the World Intellectual Property Organization – Всемирная организация по
защите интеллектуальной собственности
the World Trade Organization – Всемирная торговая организация
the International Monetary Fund – Международный валютный фонд
private individual – частное лицо
business entity – коммерческая организация
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
international body – международная организация
supranational organization – наднациональная организация (организация,
учрежденная и контролируемая акционерами – суверенными правительствами
соответствующих стран. В число наднациональных организаций входят крупнейшие эмитенты на международных рынках капитала, например, Европейский
инвестиционный банк и Международный банк реконструкции и развития)
legal framework – правовая система, структура (государства), правовые
constitute a new legal order – создавать, представлять собой новый
the East African Community – Содружество государств восточной Африки
customs union – таможенный союз
political federation – политический союз
parties to a treaty – стороны, подписавшие договор
bound by a treaty – обязанный по договору
signatory to – сторона, подписавшая какой-либо документ
binding on – обязательный для к.-л.
interagency – межведомственный
bilateral – двусторонний
intrastate – внутригосударственный
non-aligned – нейтральный, неприсоединившийся
non-governmental – неправительственный
social law – право социального обеспечения
in-house counsel – штатный юрист, юрисконсульт
flexicurity – баланс гарантий занятости и гибкости рынка труда
academic – научный сотрудник высшего учебного заведения
directive – постановление, инструкция
exercise of rights – осуществление прав
merger of companies – слияние компаний
division of companies – раздел, разделение компаний
communication – представление (на ознакомление, одобрение)
business environment – условия предпринимательской деятельности
accounting – бухгалтерский учет
auditing – аудиторство, ревизия отчетности
complement – дополнить
member state – государство-член (ЕС)
recommendation – представление, рекомендация
opinion – заключение (правовой акт ЕС, не имеющий правовой силы)
regulation – распоряжение, постановление
decision – решение
collective bargaining – заключение коллективного договора
allege – ссылаться на факт, утверждать
voice-compression – сжатие речевого сигнала
Active vocabulary
to be entitled to – иметь право на что-л.
presumption – презумпция (предположение о существовании факта, который считается истиной до тех пор, пока не доказана его ложность)
govern domestically – иметь юридическую силу, применяться внутри страны
patent law – патентное право
infringement – нарушение
extend – распространяться
test – исследование, анализ, прецедент
narrow – ограниченный
rigid – косный, негибкий
ruling – судебное постановление, решение
combination – монтировка, установка в качестве составной детали
component – аксессуар, деталь
master disc – диск-оригинал
intangible – нематериальный
dissent – особое мнение, взгляд
amicable settlement – разрешение спора, удовлетворяющее обе стороны
execute a contract – подписать контракт
hard copy of a contract – печатный вариант контракта
multiple jurisdiction – множественная юрисдикция
forum shopping – поиск удобного суда
cause of action – основание для предъявления иска
assets – средства, имущество
renvoi – обратная отсылка (конфликт правовых норм)
Unit 10
civil law – здесь: правовая система, основанная на римской системе права,
кодифицированной в законах
common law – прецедентное право (система общего права)
religious law – религиозное право
socialist law – право социалистических стран
comparative law – сравнительное правоведение
mixed (pluralistic) systems – смешанные (плюралистические) системы права
commercial lawyers – специалист по торговому праву
private international law – международное частное право
harmonisation of law – процесс принятия разными странами одинаковых
the applicability of laws – применимость законов
sovereign states – независимые государства
uniform law – право, ставшее похожим или одинаковым в разных странах
a global intergovernmental organisation – международная межправительственная организация
progressive unification on law – последовательная унификация в законов
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
international civil procedure – международный гражданский процесс
child protection – защита детей
matters of marriage and personal status – вопросы брака и гражданского
recognition of judgments – признание судебных решений
enforcement of judgments – исполнение судебных решений
stare decisis – лат. «стоять на решённом», обязывающая сила прецедента
the doctrine of stare decisis – доктрина судебного прецедента
enacted law – установленный, предписанный закон
unenacted law – неустановленный закон
legal tradition – правовая традиция
reported judgments – решения, включённые в сборник судебных решений
to adjudicate – выносить решение, судить
the Western law family – западная правовая семья
case law – прецедентное право
statute law – право, выраженное в законах, статутное право, писаный закон
applicable statutory provisions – применимые положения закона
overturn case law – отменить прецедентное право
paramount – первостепенный
compensatory damages – фактические (реальные) убытки
loss of anticipated profits – потеря ожидаемой прибыли, упущенная выгода
non-pecuniary damages – неимущественные (нематериальные) убытки
to act in good faith – действовать добросовестно, честно
to act in bad faith – действовать недобросовестно, бесчестно
equitable remedy – средство судебной защиты по праву справедливости
promissory estoppels – заключающий в себе обязательство на лишение права
equity – справедливость
injunctions – судебные запреты
specific performance – реальное исполнение договора, исполнение в натуре
the Court of Chancery – суд лорда-канцлера
the Judicature Act – свод правил, регулирующих работу судебных органов
an equitable defence – справедливая защита
the burden of proof – бремя доказывания
litigants – стороны в судебном деле
claimant – истец
defendant – ответчик
the abuse of rights – злоупотребление правами
a tax haven – налоговое убежище, фискальный оазис, «налоговый рай» (страна, куда переводят капитал с целью уменьшения налоговых выплат)
tax avoidance – законное сокращение размера налога
tax evasion – незаконное уклонение от уплаты налогов
asset protection – защита имущества
Appendix 1
beneficiaries – лицо, в интересах которого осуществляется доверительная
собственность, выгодоприобретатель
income tax – подоходный налог
capital tax – налог на капитал
transfer tax – налог на передачу собственности
inheritance tax – налог на наследство
fraudulent – мошеннический
investigating authorities – следственные органы
a foreign trust – зарубежный траст (доверительный фонд)
settlоr – лицо, распоряжающееся имуществом, учредитель траста (доверительных имущественных отношений)
contempt – нарушение норм права
Appendix 1
Planning your Presentation
1) What is the topic of your presentation?
Summarise the topic in 5 words or fewer.
2) Why is this topic useful, relevant and/or interesting for your audience?
3) Write a question that you can ask the audience that will highlight their
need to listen to your presentation. For example, if your presentation is about
how to get a good job after graduation, you could ask “If you are worried about
getting a good job after graduation, please raise your hands.”
Write your question:
4) What is the background (why did you choose this topic?)
5) What is your objective (what do you want the audience to know at the
end of the presentation?)
6) What is the first main part of your presentation?
Summarise the first main point in 5 words or fewer (to put on your
note cards).
7) What is the second main part of your presentation?
Summarise the second main point in 5 words or fewer.
8) What is the third main part of your presentation?
Summarise the third main point in 5 words or fewer.
9) If you have a fourth main point, type it in here:
Summarise the fourth point in 5 words or fewer.
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
10) Are there any key words that you will need to define or explain to the
audience? What definitions will you use?
11) What references will you use?
12) What information will you put on each slide?
Appendix 2
Language for Oral Presentations
Addressing the audience (if necessary)
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Fellow students!
Good morning!
Hello everyone!
Introducing your presentation
Today, I’m/we’re going to talk about ...
The subject of my/our presentation is ....
I’m/We’re going to (look into/discuss/examine) the (issue/question) of ...
I’d like to ask you to consider?
Specifying the scope of the presentation
I/We should like to concentrate mainly on...
I’m/We’re going to base/focus the discussion on…
The area I/we shall deal with concerns ...
I’m/we’re going to restrict myself/ourselves to discussing...
Stating your aim
What I/we hope to do, is to show how/why/what ...
The aim of my/our paper is to show how/why/what ...
What I/we want to do, is to show how/why/what ...
Signalling: introducing Sections of your talk
First, I’d/we’d like to consider...,
I’d/we’d now like to turn to?
Appendix 2
The next point I’d/we’d like to mention concerns ...
We may now look at...
Having (established/described/explained) XXX, I’d/we’d now like to
(turn to/talk about/look at/ deal with) YYY?.
Another aspect is?
A related issue/problem, is?..
Summarising and concluding
In short, there are...
To summarise/sum up what I have (shown/said so far/tried to establish)
We may therefore (conclude that / draw the conclusion that)...
In conclusion, what I/we have shown/pointed out is that...
Also you will need:
It is commonly believed that/It is taken for granted these days that /People
tend to assume that
The fact is/In reality/In actual fact
The figures clear show/ According to our latest research/Statistically/
recent studies show that/Our research indicates/ In one study
In terms of…, it compares favourably with…/It’s in a class of its own/As far
as…is concerned, there’s no comparison
This allows you to/another plus is/What this means is…/The greatest
advantage of this is…
Now, I know what you are thinking/I guess you are wondering/Let me
reassure you/If you have any doubts…
One possibility would be to…/Another alternative might be to…/We can’t
rule out the need to…
The basic issue is.../ We must take into account…/We need to consider…/
It is only a question of….
On the one hand,… So, on balance…/On the other hand…/One possible
drawback is…
Appendix 3
Oral Presentations Marking Scheme
An effective introduction
Introduced the topic and purpose and outlined the talk
Some attempt at introduction, but with some omissions of a
good introduction
No introduction or an attempt at an introduction but no
outline given / too much information given
Very clear, logical progression in more complex arguments
Appropriate use of linkers/ signposting language to help the
audience follow the presentation
Generally well organised, with some lapses in structure or
unclear links between points / Sections
Some evidence of signposting language evident, but lacking
clear linking in places
Poor organisation
Little or no signposting language used
Recapped main points very effectively and drew the
discussion together
Did not summarise all the main points and/or did not go
beyond a summary
Little/ no attempt to summarise points/ no conclusion
Quality of Discussion
Chose an appropriate topic for the task set and took a
critical approach
Discussed an appropriate amount of material
Appendix 3
Topic was appropriate but lacking in critical thinking
Either too much or too little material was presented, and/or
there was not enough depth to the material presented
Inappropriate topic and/or no considered analysis or
critical approach to the material
Reference to Sources
Well researched/ well supported with very good / accurate
use of references
Supporting evidence discussed and clearly referenced on
visual aids
Adequate/ Satisfactory use of references but omission /
breakdown in places
Inadequate / insufficient referencing and no referencing at
the lower end
Language Use:
Register and Style
Used formal presentation language appropriately
Some attempt at academic style
Little use of formal presentation language used
Vocabulary use
Appropriate use of subject specific lexis
Some inappropriacy with more advanced vocabulary at the
lower end of the scale
More frequent errors with subject-specific vocabulary and
more advanced / complex word formation and choice
Basic errors with word formation i.e. confusion of verb, noun
adjective, adverb and/or frequent inappropriate choice of words
Limited range of vocabulary / use of mainly general
Choice of words causes significant problems for the listener
Demonstrated accurate use of more complex language
Accurate use of a wide range of sentences structures with
only occasional minor errors e.g. with verb form
Английский язык для студентов юридических специальностей
Frequent errors with verb form / noticeable errors with
subject verb agreement / some errors with tenses
Limited range of structures/ basic errors predominate
Intrusive errors & severe language difficulties make the
meaning unclear to the listener
Spoke confidently and fluently
Maintained a good speed of delivery and used silences/
pausing where appropriate
Used appropriate volume and pitch
Used notes but did not read or recite from memory
Some stuttering / pausing
Recited parts from memory / read from notes or visual aids
Spoke too quickly or slowly at times
Problems with pausing, rate or volume caused the listener
significant problems in understanding
Pronounced words clearly with good use of word stress
Made use of chunking and correct intonation patterns in
Some errors with pronunciation, but these did not
generally impede understanding
Significant problems with pronunciation, stress and
intonation which made caused problems for the listener
Body Language
Maintained regular eye contact with all members of the
Used appropriate body language and facial expression
Lapses in eye contact / eye contact with only a few
members of the audience
Limited use of appropriate body language / did not exude
confidence/enthusiasm through body language
Appendix 3
Rigid or extreme body movements which distracted from
the presentation
Little or no real eye contact made with the audience
Visual Aids:
Used the overhead projector/PowerPoint/ other visual aids
Used appropriate language to refer to visual aids
Clear, useful & interesting visual information, appropriately
Some irrelevant information on visual aids
Material not correctly referenced
Material not clearly explained or referred to
Material presented was totally irrelevant
Vаs confused rather than assisted the audience
Overall Communicative Proficiency
Answered the audience’s questions confidently and
elaborated with further points or examples if necessary
Maintained the same degree of fluency and flow as in the
main presentation
Promoted further discussion of the topic by asking the
audience relevant questions and encouraged audience
Attempted to answer the audience questions, but
sometimes showed a lack of fluency / confidence to do so
Answered questions well but did not promote further
Answered questions with very short answers or no clear
Showed a marked lack of fluency compared with the
prepared presentation
Appendix 4
1. Stages of Law Making in the UK
2. Magistrates’ Court in the UK vs Russia
3. Juvenile Delinquency: Types, Causal factors and Methods of Control
4. Penalties for Juvenile Delinquents under Russian (UK/USA/European)
5. Procedure of Passing Laws in the RF
6. European Court of Human Rights: Structure, Jurisdiction, Procedure
and Decisions
7. The Doctrine of the Separation of Powers
8. Intellectual Property Law. Regulation in the RF/UK/USA
9. Copyright Law in RF/UK/USA/Europe
10. The RF Trial Courts – Work and Organization
11. Types of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the RF/UK/USA/Europe
12. Pre-trial Criminal Proceedings under the Russian/UK/USA/European
13. Religious Arbitration in the USA: Jurisdiction, Parties, Proceedings, Cases
14. Lawsuit vs Litigation
15. Litigation vs. Arbitration
16. Contract vs Deal
17. Adversary System vs Inquisitorial System
18. The Origins of the Jury System
19. Current Political Status of Crimea
20. The Jury on Trial in the RF/UK/USA
21. Brexit: Reasons and Consequences
22. Law Clinics in the RF/UK/USA/Europe
23. Major Differences Between the US (UK) and Russian Legal Systems
24. The Inns of Court and the English Bar
25. The Difference Between Barristers and Solicitors
26. The Legal Profession in the RF/UK/USA/Europe: Education, Internship
and Fields of Practice
27. Equity law: Origins and Development
28. What are Frivolous Lawsuit Disputes?
29. Equity and Trusts in the UK
30. Fashion law in Russia: Origins and Perspectives
31. British Constitution: Historical Background and Sources
32. Globalization vs Glocalisation
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Оформление, верстка: Т.Н. Филиппова
Подписано в печать 22.08.2019.
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