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1 - ProHeli Agency Agreement 03 20221109

Agency Agreement No 03-20221109
Kampala, Uganda
November 09, 2022
PRO HELI INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LTD, Kampala, Uganda, further called The Principal, on behalf
of Director Caroline Rukaari, on the one hand, and BRAVO AVIATION FZCO, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, called in the further The Agent, on behalf of Director Artem Fetisov, on the other hand,
together called as Parties, have entered into the present Agreement as follows.
1. Subject of the Agreement
Under this Agreement, the Agent undertakes for remuneration and under commission of the
Principal to carry out legal and factual actions to search for sellers of goods, and the Principal
undertakes to pay remuneration to the Agent.
The goods under this Agreement, called in the further Goods:
MI-8AMT helicopters
Year of Production
Not older than 2016
Flight hours
Unit cost
Not more than
Not more than
1000 hours
9 000 000 USD
The Agent should search said Goods (as per 1.2.) on the worldwide basis, except the territory of
United Arab Emirates.
Obligations of the Parties
2.1 The Agent undertakes:
2.1.1. In accordance with this Agreement, to search for Goods, conduct negotiations with potential
sellers of Goods and organize interaction between the Principal and sellers of Goods.
2.1.2. Send to the Principal the Notification of a potential seller (an integral part of this Agreement) with
the seller's details and information about Goods.
2.1.3. Prepare and submit to the Principal a Report on the services rendered (an integral part of this
2.1.4. Offer a potential seller to conclude contracts exclusively on the terms agreed with the Principal.
2.2. The Agent has no right to conclude contracts on behalf of the Principal.
2.3. The Agent's obligations to the Principal are considered fulfilled at the moment of signing the
contract between the Principal and the Seller.
2.4. The Principal undertakes:
2.4.1. Conduct negotiations with potential sellers of the Goods.
2.4.2. At the moment of signing the contract with the Seller, sign a Report on the services rendered
received from the Agent. If the Principal evades signing the Report on the services rendered, the Report
on the services rendered is considered signed.
2.4.3. Pay the Agent's remuneration in full and on time.
2.4.4. Not to enter into any contacts with potential sellers in relation to the specified Goods proposed by
the Agent and specified in the Notification of a potential seller.
The Principal __________________
The Agent_____________________
2.4.5. The Principal is obliged to notify the Agent of receipt of a notification of the readiness for the
technical acceptance on the same day. In case of non-fulfillment/delay in fulfilling the specified
obligation by the Principal, the date of notification of the Agent (to determine the period specified in
clause 3.2.2. of the Agreement) will be the date the Agent receives information about the readiness of
the Goods for technical acceptance from the Seller.
3. The amount of remuneration and payment terms
3.1. The amount of remuneration is determined by the Parties individually for each unit of Goods. The
amount of remuneration depends on the marginality of the sale of Goods, the complexity of the search of
the Seller, the costs incurred by the Agent, and is reflected in the Notification of a potential seller.
3.2. Payment of remuneration is carried out by the Principal in the following order:
3.2.1. The First payment in the amount of 10% of the remuneration amount shall be paid within 30
(thirty) days from the date of signing the “Notification of a potential seller” between the Principal and
the Seller;
3.2.2. The Second payment in the amount of 90% of the remuneration amount shall be paid within 7
(Seven) days from the moment the Seller sends to the Principal notification of the readiness of the Goods
for technical acceptance.
3.3. The amount of remuneration indicated in the Report on the services rendered includes
compensation for all possible expenses of the Agent.
3.4. All payments to be made by the Principal under this Agreement shall be made net of bank charges (if
3.5. Payment is considered received when money is credited into the Agent Bank Account.
3.6. Each Party shall pay their own respective taxes borne out from this sale/purchase when applicable.
In case the Principal delays the payment of remuneration, the Principal (at the request of the
Agent) shall pay to the Agent a penalty calculated at a rate of 0.1% of the remuneration amount, per
every day of delay.
4.2. In case of unilateral refusal of the Principal from this Agreement (until the Agent sends the
Notification of a potential seller) or in case of unilateral refusal of the Principal/the seller from the
contract between the Principal, or in case of termination of the contract between the Principal and the
Seller for other reasons, the First payment (indicated in paragraph 3.2.1. this Agreement) is nonrefundable.
4.3. Unilateral refusal of the Principal from this Agreement after the Agent sends the Notification of a
potential seller is not allowed.
5.1. This Agreement is confidential and shall not, without the prior written consent of the other Party, be
disclosed by either Party in whole or in part to anyone except to assignees or transferees.
6. Applicable law and submission to jurisdiction
6.1. This Agreement shall be construed and performance thereof shall be determined according to the
laws of the United Arab Emirates.
The Principal __________________
The Agent_____________________
6.2. Each of the Principal and the Agent hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that any suit,
legal action or other proceedings with respect to itself or concerning this Agreement or any document,
instrument or agreement required hereunder or entered into in connection herewith shall be referred to
and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Arbitration of the DIFC-LCIA in accordance with
its applicable rules and regulations. The arbitration shall be seated in the DIFC, Dubai, UAE. The arbitral
award is final for the Parties.
The Tribunal shall consist of 1 (One) arbitrator.
The language of the arbitration shall be English.
Parties have the right to change applicable law and submission to jurisdiction in the Additional
7. Miscellaneous
7.1. This Agreement is valid until June 01, 2024, but not earlier than the moment of payment of the
remuneration in full. If the Agent does not find a seller before this date, the obligations of the Parties
under this Agreement shall terminate.
7.2. All notices and requests required or authorized shall be given in writing and submitted by personal
delivery, registered or certified mail or e-mail, or by delivery services. The date upon which any such
notice or request is received by the addressee shall be deemed to be the effective date of such notice or
7.3. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing.
7.4. This Agreement drawn up in 2 copies in English language with equal legal force, one copy for each of
the Parties.
7.5. The Parties shall inform on any changes in the bank details within 10 (ten) days.
The Principal
The Agent
Bravo Aviation FZCO
Legal address: P.O. Box 34855, Unicalo House,
3rd Floor, Archer Road, Kololo, Kampala, Uganda
Bank details:
Commercial Bank of Africa Uganda Limited
USD account: 202091200024
EURO account: 202091200031
Swift-code: CBAFUGKA
Legal address: Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Dubai Silicon Oasis, DDP, Building A1
Bank details:
Account Number (AED): 1005711435
IBAN: AE370230000001005711435
Bank Name: Commercial Bank of Dubai
Swift Code: CBDUAEAD
Phone: +256 776 096 391
E-mail: procurement@prohelinternational.com
Phone: +971 58 575 2309
Email: sales@b-avia.com
___________________________ Caroline Rukaari
___________________________ Artem Fetisov
The Principal __________________
The Agent_____________________