Загрузил Александр Шеин

G20 glossary

Abbreviation, acronym or term
Anti-Corruption Working Group
Automatic exchange of information, usually referring to the
transfer of tax information between national tax authorities
Agriculture Market Information System
Anti-Corruption Action Plan
Two-year plan of anti-corruption initiatives – a new 2015-16
plan is being developed.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Association of South East Asian Nations
African Union
Basel III
A series of reforms aimed at ensuring financial institutions
can withstand volatility in the market.
Beneficial Ownership
Owners of companies and legal entities who benefit from the
actions of those entities, but are not always publicly known.
Base erosion and profit shifting, the minimisation of taxation
by multi-national corporations, avoiding significant sums of
tax and degrading national tax bases.
Bank of International Settlements
B20 or Business 20
Business 20, a group of business people and business
organisations from G20 member economies.
Central Bank Governor
Head of the national bank, usually overseeing a country’s
commercial banking system and managing a nation’s
monetary policy. The G20 member map includes information
on current G20 central bank governors.
C20 or Civil Society 20
Civil Society 20, a group of civil society organisations from
G20 member economies.
Deputy or Finance Deputy
A senior official who advises the Finance Minister or Central
Bank Governor and represents them at preparatory meetings
during the year. The G20 member map includes information
on current G20 finance deputies.
A financial asset whose value is ‘derived’ from another entity.
Development Working Group
Energy Sustainability Working Group
Engagement groups
The G20 works closely with non-government groups from
across the global community. The G20 engagement groups
for 2014 are the Business 20, Civil Society 20, Labour
20, Think 20 and Youth 20.
European Union
Fifth Anniversary Vision Statement
Statement released by G20 Leaders at the St Petersburg
Summit marking five years since the initial G20 Leaders’
Summit in Washington.
Finance Deputy
See ‘Deputy or Finance Deputy’.
Finance Minister
A Finance Minister is the government minister responsible for
the national economy and budget. (This minister is the
Treasurer in many countries.) The G20 member map
includes information on current G20 Finance Ministers.
Finance track
Thematic G20 priorities which are progressed by finance
deputies, including financial regulation, macroeconomic
policy, taxation and investment. Further information is
available on the 2014 working arrangements page.
Framework, ‘The Framework for
Strong, Sustainable and Balanced
The Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced
Growth, agreed at the 2009 Pittsburgh Summit as a means
for G20 members to coordinate policy.
Financial Stability Board
Free Trade Agreement
Framework Working Group
The Group of 20, consists of the following major advanced
and emerging economies: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and the European
Union. Further information about members is available on
the G20 members page.
Growth strategy
A national package of reforms and measures aimed at
improving national growth – together, these form the basis
for the Brisbane Action Plan.
Global Financial Crisis
Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion
Guest countries
Guest countries are invited each year to participate in the
G20 Leaders' Summit and other meetings.
Global Value Chains, when traded goods involve components
originating from several nations.
Investment and Infrastructure Working Group
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund
International organisations
The G20 maintains close relationships with international
organisations that provide members with policy advice,
including the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the
International Labour Organization (ILO), the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations
(UN), the World Bank (WB) and the World Trade
Organization (WTO).
Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting
L20 or Labour 20
Labour 20, a group of labour organisations from G20
member economies.
Macroeconomic policy
The combination of fiscal (budget) and monetary (currency)
policy, used to stabilise an economy and boost GDP and
Multinational development bank
New Partnership for Africa’s Development
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OTC derivatives
Over-the-counter derivatives, stocks traded via a dealer
network rather than a centralized exchange, also known as
‘unlisted stocks’.
Engagement with non-member countries and other
international forums.
A key focus of the G20, the resilience of an economy refers
to its ability to handle unexpected and volatile shocks.
Regional Trade Agreement
Shadow banking
Non-bank financial services, which do not have the same
regulation as the formal banking sector.
Each G20 leader is represented at preparatory meetings
during the year by a Sherpa, who advises the leader,
negotiates on their behalf and coordinates G20 policy in that
country. The G20 member map includes information on
current G20 Sherpas.
Sherpa track
Thematic priorities which are progressed by Sherpas –
leaders’ representatives, including employment, trade,
energy, anti-corruption and development. For further
information see information about the 2014 working
Small and medium enterprises
Special Representative
Representative of the Australian G20 Presidency working to
the Australian Sherpa.
T20 or Think 20
Think 20, a group of think tanks and thought leaders from
G20 member economies.
TFA, trade facilitation
Trade Facilitation Agreement
Taskforce on Employment
Trade Ministers’ Meeting
'Too big to fail' institutions
Institutions that, if they take on too much risk and are
threatened with failure, threaten to destabilise the financial
The G20 troika is made up of the current, immediate past
and future presidents. In 2014 the troika members are
Russia (2013 host), Australia (2014 host) and Turkey (2015
'Two per cent' G20 goal
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors agreed in
February 2014 to aim to lift collective GDP by more than two
per cent above the trajectory implied by current policies over
the coming 5 years.
United Nations
World Bank
World Economic Outlook periodically produced by the IMF.
Working Group
A senior officials’ level group working on a specific theme in
the G20 agenda.
World Trade Organization
Y20 or Youth 20
Youth 20, a group of young people and youth organisations
from G20 member countries.