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Classwork - Future
Будущее время = Future Simple (will/ shall + verb)
I will/ shall go = я пойду
We will/shall go - мы пойдем
you will go - ты пойдешь
He/ she/ it/ will go - он пойдет
They will go - они пойдут
Вопрос: Will you go to the party tomorrow? Yes, I will/ No, I will no(won't)
When will he come? - He will come in an hour= Когда он придет? - он придет
через час
Отрицание: She will not go = she won't go
1) "The Future Simple" (will/ shall) используем, года точно не известно
произойдет ли действие в будущем (мы только предполагаем)
2)"to be going to" - используем, когда говорим о том, что собираемся сделать
3) мы используем "the Present Continouse tense" когда говорим о заранее
запланировнном будущем
4) мы используем "the Present Simple Tens", когда речь идет о расписании
двжения поездов, самолетов , передач, концертов (поезд прибывает в 15.20 =
the train arrives at 15.20)
1. Я думаю, мы покрасим дом летом = I think we will paint the house in simmer
2. Летом мы собираемся покрасить дом = We are going to paint the house in
3. Этим летом мы красим дом = We are paining the house this summer
1. Мы уверены, что он поступит в университет = We are sure he will enter the
2. Он собирается поступать в университет после школы = He is going to go
university after he leaves school
3. В этом году он поступает в университет = He is going to university this year.
1. Когда они будут платить за квартиру? = When will they pay for the flat?
2. Они собираются платить за квартиру в этом месяце? = Are they going to pay
for the flat this month?
3. Они уезжают из города = They are leaving the city
Variant I. Fill in GOING TO, WILL future or present progressive.
1. They ____________________ (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.
2. I hope the weather _____________________ (be) nice.
3. I offered him this job. I think he ________________ (take) it.
4. I promise I __________________ (not tell) your secret to anyone.
5. Take your umbrella with you. It _____________________ (rain).
6. They _____________________ (play) cards this evening.
7. I _________________ (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
8. They _____________________(fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.
9. I ___________ (invite) 50 people to the party and I hope everyone
_____________ (come).
10. That exercise looks difficult. I _________________ (help) you.
11. _______ he _________________ (go) to the football match?
12. Are you sure they _________________ (win) the match?
13. She___________________________ (probably stay) till Thursday.
14. He _________________________ (not leave) tomorrow.
15. We think he _________________ (come) home late in the night.
Variant 2.
Fill in GOING TO, WILL future or present progressive.
1. When the weather is fine we ____________________ a picnic in our garden.
(probably have)
2. ___________________________ him for help? (you ask)
3. Susan ______________________ the bathroom next weekend. (paint)
4. I think he _________________ her name. (find out)
5. I _________________ a walk in the garden this evening. (take)
6. Let's hope that the wind _________________ away the clouds. (blow)
7. Mary _________________ a good mark because she has studied hard. (get).
8. Are you sure, you _________________ in a tent in your holidays? (sleep)
9. Peter _________________ his new bike in the park. (ride)
10. I hope Jane _________________ me to her party. (invite).
11. I _________________ dad's car tomorrow afternoon. (wash)
12. Mum thinks dad _________________ home early tonight. (come)
13. It _________________ very cold in the mountains. Take a sweater with you.
(probably be)
14. We _________________ a barbecue on Sunday. Can you come with us? (have)
15. It's my birthday next Friday. Mum _________________ a cake. (bake)
Variant 3. Fill in GOING TO, WILL future or present progressive.
1. I think Susan _________________ in love with Mike. (fall)
2. John _________________ to his new CD all evening. (listen)
3. It's late. I hope we _________________ the bus. (not miss)
4. I think the police _________________ the burglars. (arrest)
5. __________________________ the new words this time, Peter? (you learn)
6. Jane and Sue _________________ a present for mum's birthday. (buy)
7. I hope you _________________ me with the dishes, Julie. (help)
8. Next summer we _________________ at a campsite near a lake. (probably stay)
9. We _________________ to Scotland this summer. (go)
10. I promise, I _________________ you tomorrow. (phone)
11. Maybe he _________________ any time next weekend. (not have)
12. She _________________ a baby next April. (have)
13. I hope the train _________________ delayed. (not be)
14. They _________________ the exam. (probably pass)
15. The sky is cloudy and grey. It__________________________. (rain)