__- Vgr4rple rqtfi _roeylaper ne nntlt . lzHltBe pe HTer *#I85"ffi##*ffi ftrfi"$"il3iffi "ffi,ffif,tilSf fTfil,," : IIayqH6-MeTOIl{qeeKoeoore$rseHue,,rof,- ;l1fggrr IPAmr{ECSAfl COHmf,f,rfi|rJrttncffo[ro (rnonp-noDpengrsrut rS'F) frttrna . CoetasnteJrt: J[ E llfirrnnsa I. C.Tpo0rr'pBa , lfiegcn tg93 - 3 IIPEffiCJIOEIIE Ilacronqge uoco6ue npeIeraB.[se.T eoOofi BBoIgo-lroppercrusghdl Kypc anr.uraftcnoro f,aura, npegua8naqenHufi lna cryAeHToBcneqi{?rrhHbD((hrcyrbTeroB, tStcyarrerog notsblseflHfl Kgarrr0ntar$n npenoAaBareaeft arrrurficKoFo 8aE[ca,'rl/ila$]ITapHHx.[fiIlee8., aonrypneHToB,a raK- ' Ie IJIE ff[{, l,lByrlaf,qttf anf.nnfiCrutftgaUntcaMOCTOflTeJIbHo. Qettosttag qenb npeAJlaraeMoro BBoIHo-KoppeKTr4BHoro Kypea aaKrrroqaeTcfl B nocraHoBKenpontsHo$eHufi, coorBeTcrBn0qero nEroaHrJMrtcnouy Jrr4TeparypHcMycTeflAapTyE nporcHoel4TeJlbttHl,r palnoneHopMatfJloHgoHcnoro ganneagnur luFllHfl. B renctax, T. i(ypou, Hb{euref,npu[tepu a\repr4KaHcKoro nponglloruewtfi:.nporsrffioet€l B croBax ?an't,, grass. Ouauwe IaHHoto noco6l'If, or HMenqfixeflB HarrurrunaHalrornqnuH yqeGHbD{nocodnft coerol,tT B ToM, qre B Her,l6o.uliloe Bnr{M€urne yAefferc8 He rbalrro HoppenrnponneH aBTouarfisaquurponaxocnre.[bHbD( HaBbrKos, Ho I{ rhp}rtpogaHupr,pa!ffafr{qeeHHxHaBHKOB. lagnoe noeo6ue cocro]rr Hs 9 yBoKoB. ItaffiHil ypox Bnmoqaerrp]r pasAeJla I. OoHeTI,lqeeKI{e ynparffeH}Ig. I I, fpaweruqecrcr,re}TptslrftIg: Hltf,. III.Tercc$l . OOHEII{IIECITI{E nIPA]THEHTffI BJIb: t. 0o6ctsengo ttoppenqnanonrcperHoroBB!ffa, elo npodnar aprqKyJgIIIIS. Z. Orpa6ornagroro agl4t4 I pagfir{rrnbu( noE}rr{trfix B eJroBax,ero-Boeoqera$ufix,npegnorexnax, eBrrtstrbo( Tencral((ercoporoBopnax, crltxax, neengx). CTPYIiT}ryA. . VupaaareHlrn 1, Ha KoppeKq$Kl aBylra, cHsrne rpyAnoerefi B ero apTHKyiISI${H. I{uepu$teefiB noco6s6 p€}toMeHAaqHI4 rio rexuilF,e rrocranoBrtr{BByttoB BarrterBoBaHH ua yueoHsrcaA. J[ TpaxrepoBa "Ilparcrnuecrulll $pe (pneutru aHrrutficttorogab[ta". Aprurcy.ugt{HoHHbre oco6ennocruBBytroB, $PE6]TNWEOCOoOTOEHHM€THHE, BHTEJEIIHB PAMKY. ?. Vgparuennflna orpadorKy aBymaB cJroBax,pa6ora Ha[ BByitoM B cJoBe coqeraeTefic llocraHoBnofionpeleilelruoro repMnHantruoro roH3, yr€EariHoro B eoAepiliaflHlr KaJ(4orolrpoKa 3. vnpanueune,coAepm,qeee.[oBoeoqeragflf,,nocrpoeHo.rn6o ro qepenpHllqnHynoBTopaoIHoro H Toro ,F3EByKa, rHoOno rlpHHr.fffly AoBafi'IfiaByKoB. I{olrtpactgue ynpanoregflflcoaAarrHfiJrfl TpeHnpoBKu t{ PABBNTHfi HASHKOB APTI'{HYNflI.IH}IH COETHHEHHfl AHFJMftCIS,IX ABYKOB P€- JllfilHof'o KaqecrBa Bo $ade.r€,gueoundorc TI{na ".[otrJtofi acenvnlnilg{n". Crosocoqeranl{fl f,g.[gpTcg ]darepr{EutoM IJrfi paEoru Hag crHKafiH eJroB, ganbneltmeft pa6oru farlfe a HaI Me.[oll,noft. IJIfi 4. Pnrlffiqecnl4eyilpa:K{enufl, npelcraBJlsrouu,{e co6ofi nocrenegxo yrJrlntflorrffec8.{bpasu, ooecneqHBafitrrtoBTopf,euoe'it H rpaAaunn rpyrHOCTefi. TpenHposKa a8${oB B rrpeA'(orfefiuu eonpoBor\4aerc8 paomofi - 1 HaI eryneHqa?ofiv$€-tof,t14pr{TMolt 5. Pa6ora HaI aByKoM,crlffiaMn cJIoB, IuHaJIofi n pnrMoy npoAo.[ila,€ref,'Ha rdarepHa.[enoe.[oB]tt{, noroBopoK, c}foporoBopoK,crlfxoB H neceH. cnoporonopK[ noaBoJrfltor ocooeHHoyeneruHoBHpAoarhFarbqerKyn aprnrcyJlsqflp. Cruxu u neeHu Bgoef,f paapfAny B Hairpgr€HgHfi yqeOHHfinpoqeee, a raKlgg.cfloeooerByror paaBfiTr{to H coBep[FHerBoBa(hgeMarnqeenoro Hun cJryra y eTy,qeHToB. . Bee etrxn r{ necnr{ noao6palrH c yqeroM orpa6aruaaeMbrxu yxe noeragJrenguxaByKoBlt noaBoJHar npoloJufiatbrcoppeiiul,rn srrdx BByrcon*. METOil{ITECIII4E PEIIOME}ITAI[',9{. Ilplr rcoppercTl{poBne EB}rKoB, a r€rt(Jrcnpu paoore Ha,[ I{HroHauI{oHhHMH oeodeugocrf,Ml4 aurnnficnoro flabrrca aBTopH-eocTaBr4TerH peKoMeHAylOT HCIIOJIbsOBarb aHaJu{fr,tKo-}twmarr,rBHbrft nrrb, npeAeTaBJrf,nryr/t eoOorl coqeragr,repatsnfiqguxcnocoOogcoBIaHI{fl HoBHxaBynrlgbut o6paaou: onHeaulteaprl{KyJlfilqcrtl , fleMogerpaqnl4,I{Mr4TaII}u,t, [p]tBJleqeHt48B KaqecrBe l{cxolHoro nosHur,{oHHoro BapnaHTapye3t(ofiooueml, Hau6o.neeO.nuarcofi no cBoHMafiycrr{qeeru,tM xapanrepneru6aMK o6taeHf,eMOMyAByKy. JLB. I[ep6a, oO.nagaaunfr6o.muuu onbnoM ]reeJrelogar{Hfl f,sHKoB B eereerBeIIIIb[YyefloB!{flx, IIHC&JI'"EeJtr{xoqeutb l{ceJieIoBarr ttamglrJr6o aBuK, To ueJIbBffI{ATH14eJr}nu€rrb,KaK roBopST, norow qro roBopfr HMeHHO npn6.mtsfiTe.[bHo,HenoJrl{o,a Hyr(HoflarlepeI yeBomb ,utreaJIbHHeHopliflJ, lfOTOpHe, TaK eEaAaTb, Cyqeetg)4ur B COAHaHt4li....,: (Ji. B ll[ep6a, q]rr. no: Il M,Ito.uocoa, tg?9, c. 1E) IIo lfiegr,uoK ]L lto.uoeoBacneflyer, qro: 1) a eereeT_BeHHoM peqenoM noToHe MHorI{e.c}4ecfBeHHHe cBofterga r4gofiaHqHHx AByKoBr{aeTO HeAoCTynHH HenocpelterBeHHoro IJr.s HabapfleHus; 2) sru csoficrBa B Cr,r4yltx gena6Ju0Aaeuoern, a Tatorc B eBfiaH e r{eKateggul eytrcrcTUBHbIMBOenpI{8THeM AByKOBHHOerpaHHoro8tsffiia no.q BnHfHileMycBoexHorl OogernqeercoffeHcreMHpognoro fltsutraHe Mor]r,r 6mr afleKBaTHo oTpailtellbl B coaHaI{I{H o6yuaeuoro; 3) AJrs ycBoenufl @Heruqecrcorl cI{ereMH HHOCTpaHHOTO sAHKa neooxogHMHnperBapspql{e 3HaHHflO Hefi. neperaqfi uH0opuaryrn Aru o 6onerrqeercofr clrcreMe rsuxa HettoJrbaytorcfl pa3fiI4qHhle epe.qcTBa: cJIoBecHHeHHerpytdl$4H,cxetirbt, plIcyHKI,t, Sororpa0ttn, ycJioBHbtetsHaKId,anycrr4qecnoe oro6pareHue, I{nrnot e.[oBatM' HeJIbasnpele6peFarb HnKaKIIMI{cpelcrBaMn HarJIfiAHoc?It: HI apttre.nnnofi, Hn ctyxcnott, HH Tarcru,[buoft. c.EOgecHHe otlHcagun u nflcrpyKl{Hl4 noAqepKI4BaFT HarJrrrAHo-qyBerBeHH}4o cropo}ry apTr{Ky.llgql,tll ( n U ltrc.riocon,1g?9, c. 155). IjpenwuperBeHna"flonopa ila cryr(. yrrc Ha eauofi paunefr cra$nu, *croBa, KoropHe corepxer He orpao0raHHsp paHee EBytrn, B TeKCI'e [OIqepKHrrH. ItonHqecrso noIooHHE CJIOBB KafiflOMypoKe M4llHlH:lbllo. IIo yeMorpenua npenoEanagb.ugranre cJIoBa ml6o aaMeHgFTcs eJIoBaMI4-cI{HoHHMaMI{, r}t6o npoltgnocnTca c oeoOofi ocropoilfiroctblo.. - 5 'nro yqaqifies rJlyl(o K 'tHoflEHtlnbrM KOfIa roHKOeTf,Mf'( Jt R lllep6a) , eoagaeT fiepeAno TynurcoB]tpCt{ryatllrft asyrcogoil oopageq He BoenptlHUMEle?e8 Ao.[nHHMo6pasou, uTo np}tBo,Er{TK HeroqHofi aptnrcyJrstlnr,r,a 3To nopoilfraeT HeFoppeKTHrSarycrnqeeKilfr etfrHall,'He Boenprrt!!]raeurfr e.uytroM]nlaryIxefl IfftK OUnadoqnbfr. 06tneseslre agfnry.lsryfl{ BByKa Bnilpqaer qerbrpe srana: 1) Ie!,lonerpaqilf, gBlma; 2) o6tgesesr4e enoeoOa ero,npougneceg?rn; Bi ynpafirenua B gld0epeuq$aqnt4; 4) BoenpolraBeleune HoBoro BBjrKa eryAentama. B aaBncllMocrll or cneqndnnr aByrcanoeJreAogarelbnoerb .gInX gtzunr-BMOteT Eapbl{poBaTbe8, HO HaJl}tqneBeeX qeTHpex OdgaaTEJIbHO. 1. Ileuonct llg_ aByrfa [peAnoJraraeT oTqeT.[r{Bo€rlpot4sHeceHHe ero npenoAaDalrene.M HaK B HaorgpoS€utHoM BrAe, , T€rlrr B aByKoBoM (g CJOge, eJroBocoqeranl.rr KOHTeTCCTe !t r;tr. ). thu srou BoaMolsIH nrrn: or lrsoJrlrpoB€nrHoro aByKa n c;roBy ( pesessuy oopaarty) n ABA or efloBa ( o6paaqa) r sao.nHpoBaHfior,fy aByKy, , IleJs nepBoro .sTalra oauaffom{TbcryleHroB eo sg}4ropoftmolemn 2. o6tsesegne troJlrcronpeAgoexilqarbBoaMo)tatue onrorn lr onrpaTbcs Ha eJIyxoBHe, IBI{raTeJIbHHe, Oef,SaTeJIbHHe}t gprTeJIbHHe o[y- qeHrf, o6yqae'Mhu(;npu groM peKoMeuIyeref, uenoJrugogarb exelyrlfapru(hrorpasnro) . Kynf,q}'H ( pncynorc, ]bo6xoAH]do noMoqb yqaqeMycfi yeTaHoBltTb, HaIIpIaMep, xapaFtep uarn6a gabrra, , Meero uanoo.uluero . npn6.mlenug gaHna K nedy il T. n. yqa$rficf, KaK ou "'npnMepRer B ylre:' npegnueuBaeMueeW onepa[il]t. & Vnpaffitegua g il{Odepegqraurn tlpeflnolarotgr 6eaee]n{Hoe nporoBapuBanile rIpH a)c.nyuaswi ri yBHaBaHrnBByKa; 6)c.ryuaxwn n onpeIeJIeHHTKonHqegrBatsByno8B cfloEe; g)cJyuaHuu n onpeAeJreHHrKopeqeBoM o6paaqe; .E[geerBa eJIoroB (eJos) B r)e.lynaHlill n lnOOepenwal4fiu orAeJlbtlbll( agyltoB, paafiHqarflr[lxes no onnosrur]r. 4. Eoen]ronsseAeirreesn{a eryAexTaMr{ aanagqgBaer o6rneneHne aEyK4 n RBJrseTCfl flaqaJroMcneAylorqerosTana - TpeHr4poBM., Ilpouer$rro{$Ib&tsranoM Mqxgy o6rscneuueM aByna n ero, Tpeu}tpoarcofif,BJIfleTcfiKoHTpoJIb,To eerb cJrnqegnepeayJrbrata Aefiergnf, e' ycJIoBl4f,MIl,SanaHIIbIl'{t{ MofleJlbro, H Bxecenue ueo6xolt{MtD( nonpaBon lfeno*naynrefl paBHHe enoco6H ttoHtponfl, HarrpnMep: floror{egne ry6 llo.lolo Ha6apfiatn B seprcaJle! t{aMepuTb, lrpoBept{Tb oqynHBa}tneM u T. II. , TpenHpogrca ynpar$eoeytrBcro.[fleref,e noMoupn HuuraqrloHxbD{ Hyrft,06paeeq npouauoentsefl aa npenolaBare.[eu6ea rcanrx-nn6onpeo6paaogaHrfiOoprruBHerasbtsannrr e yerauggtrofi Ha noAparragne: elntily$ (yerHoe aaranlre, nanpmep: "c:yruafire n nonropRftre") - nalraa 3a[aHr{8 eTyAeHTaMr,r A.[a BHrIOffIeH]rfr It uunraqnonuHhtynpaxnenr4flM oTnocarefl c.EeAnoq1e: - e.QngaFlne oTAerbHblxaByKoB,cJoB, eroBou Eocnpo}|aBeAeHue eoqetaur.dt, peqeBuxodpaeqon; - 6 - ryoeJyrru{gaH$eI{ cHHxpoIIHoegporoBapnBagflererneTa; - cJSruaHHeregcra ( ntpal$eH1ts) u saIIHcb epo Ha 6Wary rpanncbMoM( ihaerfiqeenue ErutTalrtu); trtflg,lorub$rnu1,t$onerfiqecrcEM - saynryIBaHre H€MayeTbco eJsruaeTr{xofBopellHfi,.ofpil8l(o6 tlpoU treeefl; 3H, nOTOBOpOK,IIOCJIOBI{q - npoe$4m{BasHeTeKcTa n ero BocnpouaBeIeH}Ie B flayaax c aanHcbpHa iFppoMarnnTlln0neHry u r' [l' YIIPAffTSJII4'I TPAHIIATIIqWfiI,IS mJrb. t. Oopt'fiaposannerpalilMa$rqecr$rx Hasbll{oBy eg}Eenrots. sByKaMI{, flAn ruIZ, Ilbo4o;uenue pa$orH Hag KoppeKTI4pyeMHMLt ronaqnefi gTPYIIT}|P}A 1. , JfnparueHHe, colepiltsqee HenpaalIJIbHHerJgroilH, eocTaBgeHo rI llpef,noJlaraer BByICOB c !ryeroM oTpaoarbtsaeMHxH yme noeTatsJteHHh[I( a6yq!{gaHHeHafiaycTb ocltoBHblxrJIaFonbHHl(6opu. rpaMrdaTltrrecHile 2. ilstrcrasoBorrHHe ynpaJfiHeHfig ga onpeAeJIeHHHe C y:qeroM ttoppeKrHpyeMblxa8lrulc,B. SBJIeHlIgeOCTaBJIeHH 31 llaqr,1tiaf, e ]ryona 7, $JrJlroetparyrf $afforo-JtrIoo rpaMfeu!ffiecForo B3;1eHl{flIIp$ IIoMon&IMaSepI{a$OBUs HypcOD C. Graham " Jan, Cl,1ArtS" n TpaMMASInIeG' "smal} Talk", noaBoJlfi$m{x6ea rpyga aatroMHrtTbc.tIOlfiIIWe nOMeqeHHaBeailo![fofi). Kne lcoHcrp]r6rtlg,t( Irasnue y11pAilIIeHHf, MEtopfrscnusPEItoMEItlAgfit eoqerarb pa$Osy HAfi rpa;tMarurcofic _Ba$orofiHA,il Percofuegf,yercfr yrsepltfitenbrrul(, orpuqareJlbgul(.ripeAaoaeHl,tfr, t{Hrogautleft( uHToHaqr{B BonpocoBpa3luquoro rmra). IlrreranoBortHne fa5rgluu sBJIfiFrGSotriltlo,tI{B B}IroB rpa}([{aruqecyIIpaJlHesI{fiMIl8BJIEnoleTaHoBotlHh&fi4 ;srx ynparcieHr{fi. TpagurFroHHHMr.{ t@cff: c perreBoroo6pasga; aah{eHaoTleJIbHHxlcoMIIoHeIIfoB BaMeHaeronocoqeragl{fr.B petleBouo6psage; npeAxolmHnfti saBepueHHe pacrunpeHHe npegiloileHl{ft. Haah[toBy nepBotttrlpcHltqe.srp $sprotposaHHflrpailMarEqecKr,rx tjg3 MoXHcJUenOJIbaOBa1tbrpana$opMaIIBoIIHHe ]ryIpaffitegl[fl: MgMeHeHI4eqlle$ar Jltlqa, BpeMeHn, HaK.ltOHeIIHSrJiaronoBi : EatrteHs BOnpoeI4TeJIbHOfi00pral IruEepfiH3e'ilbHoft, OfpHllareJbHafr; - aaMeuanPnvofi PeIIH Koegenuofi; oTBetH Ha noeraBJleHHlreBoIIpoeH; oTpHEareflbHHMilpeffJIoreHrIEMi II{aJlOr e AruCropoM; - RpoerprfiaBanr{ergrtcfa I gt,IaJnrnteercofi 0opue H aafiI'Ieb ero B -.7 Mouororllqeercofitppue u Hao6oPor. ynp6ulgteggflltarc TaKoBHeB uocoonn oTclrleTTpalre$opyaql{oggge 'BToporo paBAeJIaKafiiloro Bjnm. IIo upn seooxogl,tuoornMaTeplIaJH ypor€ Moryr 6urr HenoJrbaoBanH AJrffrpagc0opuaruft. Tpzurc6opMal${oHB Ha 6aee TeKeroB, BKIllOqeHHHX ubxso BHnoJI]rf,Tb Hbrey11pa;firreH]In rperrfi paaIeJI YPoKaTEITCTH TEJIb. t. Paegurfie HagbtltoBtlfeHfifl BcJIyx. 2. Asrouaruaaql{f, npol{auoe}ne.[bgbu(HaBEII{oB. CTPJBT}ryA xapawrepa. 1. Tencru Al{arorfiqecKoro xaparrepa. Z. TemcruMonoJlorilqecltoro rtraem TeKcToBeocraBreHa aBtopaMl4nocooltE, t{aeTb SEIHMCTBO'lAnr.nuftcnufi narm: Kype BaHa Hts lruedriurcaIt A. Fonrc u Yt ltLJIegHHofi !'SoUnd RighL" .t/t Irtr HaII{Hal0[g{x", a TaIofiBllts K}tpcog C }rofLiner aBealoqA. Baker "Ship or sheep" (aauuerBoBaHHhleTeKerH noMer{eHH Kofi). : . UETOPfIIECIilIEPE}IOIIEIilAWOT. FenouergyeTcrr npoBoIHTb paoory e reKeraMH B HeeKoJtbt{o ara' orpadofffi HBlIOoJIee crolclto( cJloB 14,eJloBocorroB: npegBapnTeJrbuag qerasuft, a rargffe orIeJlbHrrx ilpeilJrolteguft eo cJlolfilHM!4HTOHaI${OHHHM loHTypoMi nepBoe qTeHlIe Ecero reKcTai KoHrpoJlbHoeqTeHlle Bcero TeltcTa Ha$aycra' npH TeKCTa; pOIeBOe$enoffIeHHe AHaJlOrnqeeHoro Goqeraercfic ABI{)reflI{eM, KoropoMroBopeHHe , c Hcn?PTlTi9ti lli.. reKcra Hanaycrbe co6mleHueM MorroJloruqeeroro B!{aHTairaenoJrlrenr{e i OCHOBHbIX TOHOB. * : * t c (pHoreBnolso-nopperrnBHrfrr$pe o6eeneqerayguouarepHaJlar{H V[FV. Ileu $oneuffiHanrJlaficxoro,sabn'ia KH r nedenpuregcurcoJrorfiu BeIeT K I{HTeIicHSUraqgn fredgoro nponorb3oBaHue$oHoMaTepltaloB Bo3etyAeHTHl,t]deloT qecea, noel@Jlbnyo.uaroAaps sTltMMaTepI{a[aM Uolrutocrn OeyqecTBJIfiTb Cal,toltoHTpoJlb Vl CaMoltopp€1fl$!10; ttldelgT noauO*riocTbMHofoKpaTHo Bocnpo4aBggllTb O6pa.rqu peqg Hocgreuefi tt*o"Tosqee Harep'aJla dsnoeooueHe corepmarop$oonnqecroro pa6o= BulleernoplfoannnHa caMocroflTeJtrnyp TopHcrrtrarorBoaMorfiiIHM TJI. cryAe:$u nolonpasr BCe BspltallTHnepeAalrH ltsyqaeMoro aByr'a' BgngcbrBatorgafiAensue npr{MepuHa iieprottnl4 (no 5-7 cnoB Ha ltail[oe npasgno), r4cnoJibsyffI'CroBapb'aHrmlfienoronpctltsHoueHHB"n IJtoyHaa,ra6illqg 11o[paBHJraMqrenfin, KoropHe ]il'{etr}rcgB KatqoM yue6uune aHrJllrficKoro fiabrna Atts HarruHarflrg,lx, a ralure Eogern,reeline y'npat}leHHE, AaHHHeB rpaHe6punq!{fi. IaHHue }€pToqKH l:ory3 Hei1o1bAoBaTbefl Ha ypo6e gnfl cab{oc1ofiTe;1buoftpa6oTg H.aUAnq pa6o?H B napax' IIpH ItPyr Apyra' sToM cEygeHTHMorlFI ycneuu.IoRoHTpoJIlIpoBaTb ,fu8r' TE[I. B a y x l[ r] :, t i , _ p ; b , _ k - 8 , t-d, m, n, l, h, .jl llleaogma nnatsfit HHexoIBWfiron. Ipawarrue t. 2. 3. r_.y, s_ z, rMeH cyqgcTBt{EeJlbHbtx. r,[MeHc]44ecTBl{re.[bHbrx. I eIHHCTBeHHOTO ql,tc.[a L,eTense). ry{ecsc "it'f (yrgepAn?L Bonpocuremgub).. Conttnubus fense IarenbHHe,BonpoerrteJlb_ 4. 5. 6. )Hre 7. xHTeJrbHHe,oTpr{qareJrb_ rcg"uoxeuna). (yraepgnre.[bna.s I. OOHHT$IECfrI{E YIIPAXTTEIIHfl t. [p, k] rp - P - p - p k - t { - k - k Crepne aa Hanpf,ilr,nnoerbn P : p - k - t < k - p - k - p l Z. [b, g] tbe- baga- gabe- b B a- - bg D b . - - g ! b bagab s g t be ge b g Ctpwtre aa nnKwwhneu au6- Br$'tfi eBf,AOK IO FAUWAHnS NFEFN. e gJ' b p k p e bl Ile nonycta,ftte qryetrepnoeo npnievtitr ey6. lctpanaftre TSHEU,Mfl"t{p,enlr. E l, tnl - Bnn&rt{rb eoJw Ea BArcXe. - g m g g b bm- gn bm.- gnl 6. t b n n bmnnuunn gnnnnnn 7. [f. m v] r fffrrffr wvvvvvvl Cilegtrce aa Hanpflilta,urloerbro utwtert_efiu -npn nFonaweceHHn tfl. Cne4tne aa Bfr- Jrocrbtl ttww4 npa t vJ . 8. [n, t, d] - o1nam*n Bepxulie $ HrntslweBfrH, ocraBr4B rieilqly HITMH ya+yp rreJb; - raevyrbaf, neFilHaM HpolevflEata BHWpHHefi noaepxuoerr,r Eepxw]lx ayooB raff, tJTooH IfilItIHx owIWJI w.IIb lileilwy ABWfl eewIHHHHMrr - wauaMH; nereeraBrtrb nepguurt EWil qryb BHne, Ha - aareM e4BnHytb flawn Ha alrbgoJrflpwyro Wqy Aeevy; y caMoeo Kpaf, xedxoeo rcynoJra; - onycrwB HnxHmoqeJilErb, BHBeeTfif,aHHc noIHfrTNMngFAHHM KFeM Hapytty ( aautc pr,Jt$enr4t#Tb bpuy aafratnao raBwa e oripeeuo no4HflTHMTI rcFenuw)i noilnecrtt aaenpurt j$epxy-neryilnuft x,Frt f,aur+aE Bepxyefray6e w flpurnevyrbef, n nert or oilxozo yeJra Wa ilo lpyaoeo; nbqyweoBarb tfrHrarsr BAoJrb xpaa flaHrra c BepxHefrzydoil; Io1naarnea yerofitn" Boerw "rnaula"; coirne,Hnnbo$pfeJrenvyn @Wry nep4Heeo Kp,fr, He SAACTDflT6 NDH\IHICNSHI+A: - coxpznfln fupuy "IfiBIra"', Baeern ,frpnyc flsurffi BHWpb noJloern Wa ralf, ttno'u owruFRae T{pHTaKIaBNfr np€,n aoao'aogrrJrocb-8 Lnr&HT eeo npnrecmoreHrlfr rc allbEeonnpxort 4yee. 9. tnl I nnnnnnnnnn] nan odrypoaavrrflnp"WW fioera- I+Wfl f,aulr,aK aJrbaeowpnort AJEg, 10. IL, d] lnnnnnn- t - t - t nnnnnn- d - d - d tn-tn- Ln-tn d n - d n - dn - dnl tt. I s, zl lnnnnn-ssss-zzzz7 CaxrynafrrerBepAafireu5p. Aef ffnre xpart fraHKay a.rlbwo.nspnort AYEH. t2, t 1l - npililarb f,aaryywBrcodryaWrl bphtl, rtg,Knpfi npuageeeuna[d]; - YSTFHHB HAnWifFHHOetb MHULIf,3Hr{8, npwAfleeril, He MeHnS yEnAW, WgBtt;lttl coeaaeaurt Tilna pyecrceo t JII ( noawennufi aaaanficnnfr coetacxafr flBJrflerefl"cRtJHil' ataoifunou t ll ); - ocraalrfra xrg,rt fraurta Ha aJrbwoanpnofi Ayz€, yzilydgrb "tbBsf' EJIfr noJIWeffilB "trew&o?o" a,n;pthna t |J, - 10 - i3. thi - c4eJiaTbeiry5o&HfrBtoxt - HAqATh L*9falr?rrrrHrtBHAOX; Ha EL$tOXenpwaqecrH pyeetae 14, ThA - I N. A ro -- 3o C,tpfrrte aa oBeweE&r@h!Iranw- h3 THHOCTI| y IApHfl flaufiA. 15. t tl - np_Hameera[6tn] n t6wJ; - rlarlnrr rrrpueil(Wo_trault ren6p rctrnl pJleewmwrf enacnm,mt,nl n t N . coorwTcrByrffiltfr a&eJrrrfre,avyeJraeHouytiJ B eJDBetbttJ. 16. [trit, mrun- mtt, fff gifL, Ctpfiue aa anurolulbsoernntLl ' m i n i k lvvv vlk, mmm fi HeeMeqeHHoenb'n t bJ. r'1. Anuxalrso- arbBeoJlf, pHag aprttriyJlnqr{fl. t t' ,rirpi n , .i vl il k, , . ' n t k i l . n i ! , . . l i r i n l ! , . , m i f r ! ,_ .. m t d t , . gEt n l , dip, dik, ,iliki, ,ditt, ,rifbrl---' 1 8 . $cryirnaUryn, Ho-a,rb8eonfi l$an. FHaf, fl.ptrnrsyttfi . arlnKaJrb .Liklb, kip, i' kl pi a, .n i!li t , - t i f , - i p l ! , , . ' p i t c 'i kt ,i .tpt i t , : p. l q l , kik, kit, kidi; i . 19. Couagrg I m., n] B KoguecJroBa. I blm, vim, klm, pinF, dim, tlm, 20, [s, zl + t i] I s' si ki k. ,s .Lsi i,p- ',' s_ i.f' u t ,-, s lag,nt iin f in, pih, Itn' 'srs'. 'sisr' siks' =iilt" r=itnn' "?i3f 'DiI, lip I l t , ' s- i ltii l , i' lbi n- i nk i l-, : I iI, f , t I , -i l i l i [,'slstli,-'IisLlisltj 22^ tf'l + [i] ilrim, hlp, 23, til htnL, htt, hll, + lnl ,,hilt, i p i 1 . - S' ifni ikL,i 0l,i n- s-i 01 i q t ( ,s i n - s i r i k , - "'itryi{, fl fg rni[k, htltl ki0, li?ii{[i'D' qi0k, 24. ' ,F"rii-l$'ll:i"-sft ]t$J.4il 25. lbauqNoxna^fl lloJrrora rracfofo. t }rig - pik, iz - kis, giv - if ?6. Haaamuufi naprm Ltn. dh . [' miritt, 'hidn, 'diclnt, 'htitp.5 .'bi'.,tn.,'kit.. } =tt)1, kl, gll . i n d l i , ' n fj .pkl ,r d l , ' d.l'rkr lpnl d, l , ' 1 i t l . 'sinpl,iqk, ' : : 28. Onrgrnenne tll B tkI. pll. ' k aByrcocoqeralrr{f,x tr1ri, r l' tpj n , l k lil(; ?klinik, klin, ,kI!ft,, l i n t-l k I i f ; skip, ,skin, sLin, sfill J. kllBk,, skim, it, 34. CoHanruI m, n] g KoHUecJrow ' [,bi: ft, .ti: m, sl: m, . bii n, 38. t j,l I Ji: ld, j i: st] 39. BBottnnficoraacnurfiB KoHqeo.[oBa. t 1 i : g , f i : b , h i : v , s n i : z , m l :n z , ' m i : a \ z , p i : v d , m i ld , h i : d , n i : d , I i : d , l n ' d i ! d , . . ' . ' ,t,, . ; 40- Itrcanr{uoHHa^F4o.[rorarJacHoro. si:t [si: si:d bi: nlt hi: -'bild ni: d hi: d -,bi:t ni: t htr tl :,.. fl: d, s i : d, I ' bl: d, . . -124L. Haaasmnafi naprn I tn, dn] . ['t: Ln, 'bi: tn, 'hi: tn, 'bi: dn, .ni: dnf] 42, Eorrosoft sapHBI tl. dI . bl . srl]. ['bi: Ll, 'bt:dlr- 'ni: dl, tfi: b], ,ki: bl, 43, Or.nyueHne t 1l B aBynoeotrbra$Hnx t pl. kll. Lpli: , pli: z, pli: d, pli: t, kli: i, kIi: k, ,bt:glJ klt: v, kli: nl 44. Ibrqp,q aennpar.Irr[st, sk, sp]. tF ' spt ll l; Kp,l -l _ s p i : n , s p i : d , s k i : , s l c i : I , s t i : m , s t i : I , s t i : p , 45. _C.uogoeoqerannn. I l: - t: ] evening meals,. steel needles, lffiwrure BHrrMa,HHe Ha geep earen pes, seas, a EE BspNE_ lcouerailne ilByx DNEww :l::n_p?-, deep Frgep, hts neat niece, lcoqenaRne lnux coeilagngxH8 CTH= BEeLPete - -:-*' lrc eioaa. I t: i] bie]Teces,. sleepy. Liz, l,{tsFl DeilEtsvisit, mjngjei, iinitting needles, asTusvas a b€€, beat Timi- visil peatEie b. o. peace A lve in peace. Ltzzy live in peace. d. K r t t y t s a k i d . Krtty is a kid or 6. !{innig is Kltty's sisler. K i t t y ' s s t s L e r -M i n n i e k n i L s . Kitty's sister Minnie is 16. e. a h i t -13' pleasel ptLs, ptreasel II. TPIX}IATHTIET'IIIEYIIPATIIIIEHHN &1, &ryls{gs rpn ihpls cJreg}4orrp{x HenpaB}r.[buu{rJraroroB: beat, build, hit, spliL. 48. enreernetarce qtrc:rc roFH cylegrBlmerrBxlu. Pacnpere JIIme ene']@{e cruec3gffii#-il?ofiB.lB8il"5lf"[il8]"1 , Lirr, beeL, kiss, zip, knee, i n p l e , f i n , d i s k , b € e , -c l i n i c , , needle, king t izl 49, Ilporrare:nrrufr nAiler ro,€NcylesmrcseJtbr$Dr. Iaaro:t to be. ttittt. e It ts ( It's). b. Is iL O. It is It lsn't. Beattie's Minnie's Steve's KitLy's lbs. Dene's Pete's Eve's Lizzy's KitLy's clinic? tickeL? gif*t? Leam? kitten? st,ick? IT is. IU i s R ' L . Biddy's Steve's Eve's Pete's Minnie's fi lm, dlsk, isn?t it? Bi lly: g hbs. Dene's d. Is Bealtie's Biddy's Eve's Minnie's Dick's Steve's Llzzyt s Pete's fi lnr kitlen. disk. tean niece. cl inic. kiften disk city cl intc team niece sisLer skin Fl h' needle, stick, is it? city kitten stick niece teath cl inic clean? sick? big? I itLle? slim? busy? bi9' iS ign't Iittle, ! I1, clean, neat, sick. sl im, si lly, i s n ' L. i t ? rs iL? t4- ItE Fresent ffi,tmnrs Tense (3 a. etl r1.). Coetaglre npegnofiE*ufr,paanbrr(rlmoB, iabnoaiiys NOTETAHOBOqHHE Ts6.uxlllrt: a Pete Beatt te BrdCy Eve Mtnnie Drck Is c. Pefe Dick SLeve Btlly ls isn'L speaklng. PeLe Beattie Biddy Eve Minnie ii isn't he? is rF? lsn't 61. [hrermerbnoe railt"ltonerfie(yrnepgnrenbnaf, ippua). coeraglre nperJlor€Hldflg noireflflberuHouHaKnoHeHnH, ueno.ubays e o6paaqau I eaL, see, slng, l<ntL, keep, speak, clean, butld. 62. lIrurGrGfr aafiF. Cocraetre npeI.[o:rpultfipaafl:qnbfr ?HnoB, HenoJlbaysnogera;1oBoqEbrera6.aru+l a knifted. trt is but 1t. ( It's) hiL. It lsn'L spl it. eaten. cleaned. Is IL o. bui lt? cleaned? hidden? kniLted? It is It isn't lsn'L lt? is it? TI[" ls Tlm in? T t mi s I 1 1 , Is he lndeed?IL's a pitvl See hin, plea*el - 1 8 - Is Pete eat,inB? He is sleeptrlg. Is he? He'l,l sleep tlll 6. Give hlm sonr mtnt tea at 6. r . . . . . : .' '5. SLeve keeps :s[tr'B hlnL It,, lsrt-'t e'asy.io keep bees. His beeg '. 'r ' i' . ,,,i. : ,, . -,t.t .:' , .. ., ._ treesi ts itt , , . l l t. :.;..' .. . : . i . : . : l i 6. It ts 6.,'Mlsslbne lsn't sleeplng. ltl€s Dene Dene'skltten ls eating. It ,ls eatlng nEaL. - 1 6 - ynoRI ffillr. Bapor[o, €t, , J, J u] I.broAmtar,BueottlffiH}rexoflf,u$droE. ( npoaoarenre) . snt do snth). T. EOIIETI|IIECIT{B VIIPTffiNUN l, tel I py_eeHazo {Iu; we'rtqeylxanrl,nplaqeerrr Hecru,lbwl{c- t eJ. 2. l e m r , l e m ! , . € o , € g , e L , 3 e s J & II$Ig. o"g:lil, ,.i?:ntE;=, dfi:*'r*ff:r, ?fl3try*ffi;',.', ###Bff kenr, ren, tsfftlsl"E$;;; 4. Aenrparyu, anHKaIIbHo-ann,ggoJtgpuag aDTltl$rrf,rrr.rs- E. gsoHlg[Acon.uaegrfiB nonqe e.roaa -a'd, ' '3?,,rffi:, ;l8f 'r*3fil--seo- I send,brd, spend, nend, 6. t t l Ileg - B€1, lend .- fuI,. left - fel, led - del, .slept - peltl 7. tnl I rendln, 'bendin. dl I felidig, 'telig, 'ry3Si?i, 'sendifr'spendtg, 8. EonosofiBaDbrB. ['bendl, les - sel, ?pedl, ,pebl, g, t k l + e l ;- t p t + e J Iklelt, kle!,'plenLi, 'l<eLl, 'Lenpl, let - tel, .lendij, .seLll plebzl 10. Ibreps aennpaqnn. ,3ffiffj spend,sp€k,spel, spelt, 'skepLik, step, stem, rcemx I II, lE] ( nepWtfi xprt f,a*nptrcprn TaE -tne,rEK trrt- AmeeilfrF&; f,EHtNB @pte ntaa@,,); - IloWratn No BHw, flpH #u- ror,ou*Ho-a,Ebrceo.ilnp6a1 fl.aoe-':ryBua" ^. g,b_^o_erae?cs Heaatexnoti I ] .5 ; H J', LJ, JJ IoJDtfr{H coilepila?b orrenolc undtpern. 12. tt$ - fil si: -J i: l iii"- st: tJ,'miJn, 'vl3n, di'vl3n, t r - l ' crl [r', telvz, 'fefi: ld, 'sefn, 14. twl - ey6v pJDrHa 6gtn EHnfiIeHHHaETzJIuIE),rrro tte laeatcref, neplnnx ay6oa; ey6_auailoJnr,Ha .6wr fioeraroq*o yatnrt; - fp^E9!-ryq.-rreryy iloor'raarbetrHanpflzteunort crpya Bosilyxa; Hatsan, r€.ri npa_aytfi+yanwu pyecweo tlJ; 19g3r_rf,Hwb 6wa -: TStop nb wny e- ycioilrtinua orrehttr,u rBgpfioeWJIJTP.H HTISEInM TH. 18. t rnvwwrrm{ n*ls$ifif- - i: w t :d wl:t, nig - wlkl 16. tttl + flkit,.w_iI, 'wlmin, win, wind, llD, WIZJ i: f,, wi: kl zdi, w1sf, weL, 'tri: k'end, webl [, 'kwlbl, kwt'nl: n. twt:d. , tI , slri ff , gwimr swi ry, swigi q, 18. C.uogoeoqeraHnE. te - g1 Len steps, ten shelyeFr ten felL F€nQ, seven sleps, .seven.pqns,..seven fell. D€rrs,_heaVydilsks, get wei1, next Wednesday, wet -llet},s netb, -ains;--spieiidid bteasanl even[s te - rl sl.i{n. NetI, emply -tris-heip;' evenLs. pe!s: Ed.Bennetr's-sinrpte'tesii, litllg tn bed, dead ktttens, btg elnts, Shellel{'s lyib; onEn ln steel needles, inLense heab, leed,. even sLreis, . next week, ri attenLion, pleasel , neat becls tg. tetl el Eeer JrbrrnFa noaWHMnilln ,trEatsalr-rnafinpwnyrc [iJ B catioil{ ,ETfrHWAnO zopuaognalw, qertjwnb eik, ffi, tei - t g €iP, ei - elL, 9i etmr ei el 'eiml, e! 21. - - Anma.unno- aJIbBeonfi pna.g aprlllqylifl 'Ieizi, ' i l e i zIIltfl i, . Iei, g ri l- d e i m , l n e i m , n e i l ,- s edi 1 -sl eeii\d, l , ' elt, seim, se1k, Seintr Iein, sei, heisl, heit, vein, rEin, feisl lein, geiL' aprl'ffynfi$4fl. Aenrpa4as, 22. ' p e i taIIHKarbHo-aJIbBeonEpHag , p e l s , p e i n L , keim, keis, k e i , tpei, telm, tetpl teik, 23. Bnogxx{frcortacuuft B Konqe efloga. 'deivid, de!Z, [nBiO, letdl 24. t I l t l e i n -' t enl eb tl l, , ei1, br-iz, nelv, 'nelkicl, - teil, l' ke ei m l it i b l , r r e' si le, i b ll e kelt, s1eiv, eid, lei - hetl' Ieik - 25. t n l 'neipi1, 'heiLiq, 'sei1i1, 'peinti!, \' Il er et liQs rl r" 1 , . e v J seilr;1 'teiki1, . 26. t k l + e l l : [ p I + e i ] kietin, pIei, lklel,' plein, --spbici, 27. Ibrepa acnrpaqul{. speis, tE$in, ?,8. r f plels, pleifl 'stelsil slceiL, sfei, stelk, sLeiI, r 1 iJh8, Jelm,'nelfn, dik'tetfn, b*iJ, 1n''vei;na , 'kei3nJ 29" twl 'wi: kdei, well] Iwel, Heif, we1n, welstr' weiL, weiv, 30. Ilrarugaosuaf AoJrora rnacnoro. ' t et get . kEeet l pei eiiTl geim setm keim r pei I eik geit seik keis peis fed sed led Peg fek set letPeLl 31. Cnogocoqeranrfr. iet maidennanes, snail's Pace tests,- daily evehts, best.tapes, best'' daily el tet tei ltr pai nt bignt sticks, lei i: l ileep lalces, even paco, maLesheeP Dain 3e. VnpalatettusHa pnTM. a Ben Ben senL hens. Ben sent ten hens. pale Dicl-<' his aim, ^ sl1ly. faces' -.tgBensent Nedten hens. Ben senL Ned ten big fpns. b. Ted sells eggs.Ted sells hens' eglgE. i;d ;eiiE nenst egEson \+rednesdaYs' ITE. ] ms on !*ednesday. 33. IbeloBIiIIsl. li-Ddnnt=aved is a Penny gained' a micKre' l,tairya ltttle tnel<es II. YIIPAfrIIEIIIIfl rPATHATXqECSTIE ITENPABHJIbHbHTNATO.IOB: eat, feed, feel, give, keeP, let, nrake, rpan' neeL, PeV' spel1, spend' sweep, weep. 35. Lgt + ... Cocraenre npeAnqr€HHE,nenoJlbayEnolc rallogot{Hyp raf ltrtt{7' [.et uH (-Let'b) re Eve NelI Miss Blddle 1 isten. speIl "needlett. sbttle tt. .slng. swlt(l wait. Finigh tt. help hin Shelley llason Ted 'it" (npoAolileHng]t---_ 36. Ibelrrrerom, HarrilIaryecs e IlpeIJOI€H]ts u Coeraslre yisepnl{re1;)HHe, oTpHqaTq4bHb1g no1eTaHootrHofi irenoliayf, IaHHHe patsAeflnfe.liiue-Eonpoeu, bourofi ra6anrH. | 10 (6, 7) impre s IItt iis I ssimPle (iu;it lsiiiv tinp- It isn't I fine I l i qisn LL? it^LL? | Wirrdy splendid 87. Lbga.nrgrfr rnaroJl lrya)pa3p€EeHllgqro-$6o cgeCocragrre npegJlotr€Hltff,Bb1paJfa[u$e -80xe (qlce $!b do. silfih). 38. IhneJurerbrne HATTiiiEFHHE him eat a 1lttle. pay hts debt. Pete NelIy Ted [&ke his niece his sister [{ason Hecr$ e.[elJn@{e GJroBano Oytteam lnt, defend, felt.p6h, eleven, 't, Pleacg. - settle. trII. rEnC[U 6 €. Is Ted better? He,is. : !ihe! wilL he,be in ltaly agarn? In lhcenbet, libl.l. Wermtss'Ted. 4. - His film is a btg hiL. Is iL indeed? It ls. - l{hen trill tt begln? : IL'11 begin in 7 weeks. 6. Let ne helo Wrllie. - \rtell, help'hin. Listent Yes? !eL's p1ay. It's sinple. Is if? It ls. - 1*elI ,, , let' s. ' . ,.- :." '. t 9. stll, . he be.e.l.gflt? !fien t2'-'il8try'#i.lry'83€u'' " -:ilr er -?,2- ypotr3 tEtf S g }tl $ fi E & , l&aoAne lbamrarr*e 81, e, Al Huarc!fiBoexoIf,EFfrToB. 1. VnaaareJrbHHe Mec ?.I.naroa to have,l Indeftnite Tense VcroftDrBbreenoBc 3. [bIaatgufr rnaro.l 4.fiT8#fiffi F33f$g shall. I. fiOHET}IIIEC$ITE YIIPIilIGTII{fl 1.. t ael - npteneera pJlcercet9l; - p€crrrfl,b pr qnw;_ - npwlarb f,Bu,cynatfroaeeBHpn$Woe BneIp.nnowilenrie, EnwTHW lC Hmwrrual6au; - aytu o6xatmtU , - noawaaM azw tel wrtg{ t'n&Tbonrenr&tpwetfrtx,earcxw t1l n tN. 2. Ee. e- - eRL, & - epL, 'ebi, &fi6 Inap, &n - m&,n, a,d 4p paekL, fekt t &n fen, &kL - '&,li baed, akL baek, ed 3. [k, g] + [e] Ikeb, kazp, k&n, gepl E&8, kazt, 4. thl + E e , 1 ' I e m - Fngm, ad - h&d, fE v, epL - 'ha pnl & - &h, e - - & A , & - m&,d, eL rEeL, ekt ' & . L t pa.l, aet D*t, vaell 06prtne- axuuanneHa'onpBpt&nHoerbo1paoaalruf,Bafrrenawnofr nepr npeewlu r4 nprr$DeiloreHnfr Heeo rr6f, f,Bare,E rrr{mrrvgJtday. aeL- h&t, &n -.lrend, eL - 5. Annrca.ugo-A rrbBeonf,pgarr aprlrryJlrrlqyrf,,, acnrpals{F. 'deIni, I n e p , ' n e n s i , ' n e . n i ; d'la€Lin, e.np, od&di, 'dali, deen, IEanp, Iaek, Iae,m, I€s, saet, sa3k, s&tn, .'s&nlti, tEeF, 'taeksi, t&nl 6. 7. KOHqe eJIOBa. daad, Iaend, O6wrtne BHrInaHHe Ha npnr&d, baeg, froJaEHHO?nprB HOIrE HI,Ie debl ta.l. rJIacHofo. - n&d, laak led, het - ha,.d, saet - -2:' InJ t5*tJ, g&1, pe?,'akltg, l^rej,'h€D?ig, bal,'baliry 9. Conanru[n, n, I, nf B FoHI[eeJIoBa Caeprte aa noay4oJlznv I aem, ha.m, fe n, vaen, m€n, pe g€ pel, npIE saer], Feen, I, t, r,e$ 10. 'v' rJl - . t. _ , | _ r rde[, 'faeJn, Rnt,'vaentJ, slaeJ, snraeJ: iiaJ, 11. [w] I wagg, 'w4glf , 'w€ganJ tpl + e.l t?,. tkl + e): ktaa!t, klaar!, hl?srrpr..klaen, klel' tklek, plaan,- ptaelk; pIa€J, 'PlaasLikl 13. Ibreps aenilParFll,l. qp:eL, - FPe4k, tspan, 'staetikl ' stbend, skeb, t4. Boronofi BaPHS. ' k a e t l , 1baetI, i'e.pl, sl<elp, 'handl, klaap' skaemp, sLaemp' 'fetlrrf 15. tgl - odnaffilrb repxgte a Hwgt1e 81dlg, oeraBnB rc;qy HnNaWrcW w16 ( "oette,.t'); - efrH He Hanpf,"arb n He BunfilltBarb Bnepn wcnaacraTb- EaHHna wevy nosylrpyey n eneela npwfiHwb BneFA ay6a*tn; neretnart ItPfr rreilIy repxHalduI4 HIafiHtaMu - o{;fr;;ni{{iepffian rifizn nonres BHBnHWbes ba ,IIInIIIIoay6on xa 8-4 ua; - SAHI+He A?,Js4hnTb. 16. teoe - fff e - f - e - r 000i: 080i:f - 0i:fl t7. tel + t ii f i: t t el Iei'] te-l 'nigikl t g e g i k , ' g 0 g l k i t ,' O i g: l n , e l n , m i 0 € 9-, sls, 0i: vz, ti:0] I e B A l :f , 0 i : m , t080eftl t€einl t '6ee1ks, ' e01i: tl 18. tg1 ibbe- asz- 3a- 7a- 7a 322' wv ?!'. vl: - ?iz 080er - ?77etl 19. wi'7inl tel ETaeLJ - 2 4 ZO.I€ - sl; fA- zJ -FJk,. eil - sin, gil - sif, lgtt< 51re's the tenll'r" 'She's tense. The tenth gane wtlL be tense. I think if tlill sink. q1 AtLt cL gein - seln, bei? - beisl C"uogocoqeranrfi . , npegrorteHl{fl te - *,J barl apples, bad ham, sad Ann, t a - 1l hatpy famil i es, happy'f i lms, _sad his hat, h.is.1ab, his family, lacking, thaL thing, fhis acL , , te - i: I happy people, bad beef, celling bad teeth, these fscts fat caLs, black Fi lil!3, his fnrrds, his flaL, barllyfans, , weakhands, te. at second hand, a helping hand, nany - thanks te,. - eil baked ham, Fasiq facts, bad tapes, black slaves, back pain, Lhey have te el Bend the band. Welike fo paL the peL" His hat is on his head. The marrnekes pens. This bed is bad. The lad led Debbyby the hand. He Led a bllnd nan.. His head and lris left hand ached; 22. t ail - npremacrrr pyecw:e I AJ; - npWHHWb tnpnye f,abruaBnepq ra$, qrofa eeo neplunrt nHrt cneera, HatHMaJrHa repHw Hwlurilx ay6oE; - pr re,cxpwb rrrrqe,qeMA.r.flpyecrneo.tAl; - Kffi,f, Fgpxrlnxrr Hmtirwxay6oa odaateflu noaluenaufi aBytr - ,rwwpotne" t aJ - ocropiltJto ;god.antnnB eailnM r{rHrle augeprunt,t aJ eBBe eauwaufr ctoanaawgfinpnaayn t i). 23. .tai bai ai rnei baik rnaikl Ilpt npua*eceirrrweaartla eoxpuatre Erl{p}ne &zccTonHrreMeilAy rJeJr}ErfrMH. 24. Ann lsHo-arbneoJrspuas ap?r{lryJiflrlrrr. [.nai, naif.. _nain, 'nain'ti: n, 'naintl, naig, rr&iL, dai, daim, lai, laif , Iain, 1aik, lait, 3ai, sbit, fuain,' vain, dain, sain, dail, maill 25. AcnupargrR,anr{Kanb}ro-eJrbseoJrfipHas apruiryJisrltrn. I p a i , p E i p , , p a i k ! p a iI , k a i L , k a i n d , t a i , t a i m , ' t a i n i l 26, IbanryoHHasAoJrrorarJracuoro. lnai - nain - nai.f tai - Lald - tsis sai said sait mai main - mait lai lain lait bai : baid - baikl dai daiv dais --4527' 'lainiB, 'baltlrJ, 'haidig, 'dainl!] [4"rttry, rL { fJ r illi, T Jatn, 'JainirS: ?,9. t w l I wai,, ' Hain, walf, vaid, Ilorepr acnnpaq{r{. IEpai, spain, skat, 31. --: iEottogoft BapHB. --tF;ikt, r iriEi[i, yraiI, ryait, waiz, kwait] stat ]J ' aldl, ' baibt] : &,, CJoaocoqefanufi. tai - ail Size five, nice w nine Lles, my eyet t i n e s , H i g h D' i v e , [ai ei Darldy's pip'e, sad mrnd,rhrs rar ir Hff*.?ill='",lHlt!", in urme,qurck lai - i:l Iai pie ny.people, vlse people, nest pies, keen mind, et g!'i!fi lfi?llr, wtseripn,ebbtides, heavyrislrtihe, like Lhem [at - ei] slight patn, they dive table ulne, daily tldes, legy wives, 33. Vnparuanl{fi Ha p[T],t . a He I'ns a cap. He tras a eep and a hat. .and a bag. He Fes a crp, a hat He has I He tes I He has a . He frag a He has a cEF, a hat, cap, a haL, cdg, .a hat, cfF, a hat, cap, a'hal, a a a a a bag and a mal. bag, a mat and a nap. bag, a mat, a rrap and a caL, bagi, a mat, a map and a fat cat. bag a mal, a rep and a faL cat in his fnrds. b. It's a f ine thing. Yes, lt's a fine thing. . Yes, iL's a.fine thlng to sing. c. as thtn as a pin . Tin's as thin as a ptn. Eo be Lhin It lsn't a sin to be fhin. BuL t! lsrr'L a sin to be thin. T i m ' s a s t h i n a s a p i n b u t i t l s n r t a s i n to be thtn. 34. Ibcrogns't, noroBopm, eKoporogoPnlt,cfuxn a It is better Lo die sbanclingtharr to live kneeling. Let bygones be bygones. l{hen Lhe cat is away, the mlce will pldv. Bettel late tfrarr never. b. The net ig neal. This ,r-"T*., rret. lyilnen ltss, miss, little Miss, miss; sna mlsses, she misges l ike thts. e, Htclrety, ptckety, W blrck caL Lires to sit ln rnyblack haL. Hickety, ptckeLy,- ny black-cat. It. rptult TttrtEcfixByIIpAIIIEilItfl 35. &rywre. TpH Ooptq cne,qyl@trx_Henpagvt-[bHbrx - rraro^[og: --' biLe, l'rave, hlde. lie,' lighl,- sti, itid;. J, tlte*, thaL : yKaZaTeJIbHllMt{ueeD0/yt .F-P{tif,tfr!. ,ane rats rrr's flat rdlt'lEll's nallE tppy rrEn rLs b. Cocrastre npe&lo4eKnl e y7/iaaarFerbHHMn ]@eTor&€HHsxrr This That is lsn' L a big city. a l'tappy faml ly. a sad Fi ltlt Slze 5. his uife. Daddy's pipe. ocoqeraguf,,c r.uaroroM to here. o have a nice Lirm c have a swim I have masles r have a healache 38. Coeraslre npelroileH!{sc rJarorou n Pas[ Ind. Terrse. d i nner a Swim a nice t irB tea a headacfe rBasles to hase g present trnd. Terrse ton i ghb. in rinler. at 5. in.the evehing. Loday.. 39. lbramsufr nreFoJrcgrr a Cocrastre yrBeptrlrrerrbnHenpe,qJortenns. ?7swlrn play Lennls. knit sweaters. kntt mtLLens. speak Engltsh (Spantsh). skt. skate. dlve. I te. I We He She They lly daddy This nert That baby These wonpn b. -Coctagate o6nuaeBonpoebL knt[? he swtm? she skate? hls $ire olav tennts? his slsLer Spelk EngIish (Spantsh)? this mart these wottpn dive? nake cakes? that haby Lblamnuft r.fiaroJl shaLl. Cocraglre ra6.nn$r. uoActanoBoqn!4o Yes, 'please. shal1 III. .IEmCTII Can he play tennis? Yes. he cart. Shail I invlte him? Yes, please. Havea nlce tlmg. Thanks. See rB next week. ttJq}1,y€s. Have this 8PP19. It mtgnL be LasLY. IL's deliciousl -A za Sendhtm thls telex ln tirp. Shall I send if LodaY? Yes, please. !fu narB is lanthe. Say lL agatn, Please IanLhe. I see. IL's a dtfftcul'L narrg. 6. b65-?65? Yes. Can I speak Lo Allen? Speaklng. Hi. Allen. It's Atn. Hi; Ann. l{lren shall we reeb? Any tlrne. Fine. - LeL's rngel 5. - I ' 1 1 b e i n aL L i r p . Byel - Bye-h'yet -eg- 7x (tn a shoeshop) SoP a<tqistant. Yes? Grgtomr. Size 5. S .a F i v e ? C. Yes, five. Size 5. 8r. rl , and salad), 9rt ( in a shop) S a- Yes, rnadam? q. Please, lel rnehave these pens and this pad. 'lvladarn S. a Yes, 1 0 . Bat is a lab assisfant. He is - 'uo yP08 4 tu! TEHA" Baynu:[a , A, r] lde.uoAruca: BHeoKHfiaoexogfluu'rft rou. lpamlarrue: 1.. I.naroa to be s presenl Indefinite Tense ( rr_ ' BeprflTeIbHHe' orpHIIareJIbHHe, Bonpoc!{TeJIbHHe ttpel)Io]r.eHrtq) . z. ldongtrsunl raqlg{ palt ( orpr{rlareJbHue rrpeAJror€_ tlilfl) ( npoAoaxeuue). 3. ldogarunrffi rqg{ must ( yreep4nreJrbnue, orpr{r.lareJrbuue, BonpoeureJrbubrcrIpeAJIoreHHs j. tr. OOilgTHTIECfrilE YIIPAJTHEHIN 'I. ta.l - qprrameerr4pycew,rfietacnufi [ A] ; -iarc, - oro4Er{Hwb qro6u nerernart rcpartororrreJt saurB naaa4 rypnye oT HnifHHN sy6oa; TH.qdHYN qACTb flaMFffi OTTf,HWb BH}IA, HO qEJIrcrb HE ONYCIAT\; - MHEIEI]HOEHANPNil€HTTE f,AUI€ TOJNCI]OAWN--&N IIPH Y OCHOBAHT.Tf, ocMoTF e}pJra; - Ee oTltpuBaTb pT rMF; - rem€,rb ey6u no.toilefitrn, or&ewrfte N.Zffirro 6wn __apyeerneo _ ryertrr€,,m_HoM ffirFrc, qeu Iiln tAl; - a_yfr4enpm* noayrcnuoe ,reiy6otne, HJfr[',troneoe,, - - [a: ] rflrler elc,rofr retfip, enfronnrt orrenbrcHnarfraoro-tti.-2. tFa: - kam- kap, ka: ba -pa: kap - kam- kaa k a:m ant bas bam bak - bam pa:. pam paK - pam - pa:k - bak - baBl bak ba pa:k pa! 3. Anrutaano-arrbEeoJlf,pua^f,aprrrnynflrlr{fl. 'dfo 'da liq, la st, ndiri, kla s, . 'fifu .rrdmaieral' sta:t, vI, vaist, r.-ngsLi,'Ja'pIi, n 4{ k, dg'.,=,' sta , lS Fia, 4. rarr apTr,{KyJrf,uHfi. s, pa st, pa sl, , pdit, . pa:t i, 1, KA nt, ka: p, . ka stin, l<a:t, 5. CroaoeoqeraHlrf,. 1,.dancing aunts, aanl Mar.garet, nl< pasf , shan't dance stars, ciLy pafks, in class, rqaCIlng paJrE farns, the evening sLar, I a - el_ after lifednesday,.a membershipcard, -oariv ---'frir."o-.o' send a parcel parL in the t a - ei, slate state parks Darks. Lake parb LhA parfy, dark grey, Lasty marmalade rs..e, a CI- the parf of Hamlet, can't act, 5 minutespasL S, mydarllng, 6 . t l - npaaaeeru [a:]; - He IraLpHflf, oTTflHWW noaal&rr| rfrpnyea flsur€,, eoxpeErrrbFcenof,- qewbrfluu; \y9_!qW_ _aepxnefi _a Hailerert - ?wH eoxprflrcl, nefrtp.nmoe noJntemr.re t n _ r l - n - A J , 7 . I n A ,tk D^g kab - Fnm .k^p bik m^g_ pAnJ g^m ^p mrk p^g bnm knp IIe onprcfrte .qeJrrnrb. 9. Aenrparyra,. srutrralbiro-aJrbBeoJlgpgas - aprrrqrrf, Isrg. oilii,oifi,t^lflili^rFl^*iniJ^F]ofi", Ifli?;,o*f,',, t{nb; k^d, t^$ roBa. Ibaru$onuafl troJnora , : tft !1., t hl [hnb, hng, hnlr|, .lrnD, pnt, mnk- frA8, d^k- dns, hant, ,hanttg, ,hnzb*nd, hArJ] t2. t0, 5l t ' n ? a , ' m n ? a ( N B' f a U a ) , U n s l 1 3 .: [ w ] I wnn, }llns! .wnnz, , wrrnda] !4. tnl 'n I htf it, *n35;,*?fi?, 13, . ilgl p llct, FA!k, t^r$ hng, ' knmi 15. nDyc.norcrue H MuorrJeJrotrorue eJIoBa [ ' n r r ' k a . n d , ' n n , d g a s L r , r r n , b l e s n trra n d a , s b € . n d r , n n , f e d J 16. tnl \ryri-arrccr$pycerne rrepfroe tmopr,mrl; - e_4eera eereiltr&Hyn,w4 lo rftareailoreHwsirtparcraano2-ownn rywrpryrb ( nrynpnefrtsHealaas ,terldret {ic,nieTieuotr;tro---' Feioprnr yglo_llEoaarh yanauilArrl BailnB eeo MeMy ayfiauuh qeJrrzTflM$ Mehny Mn{rrwarrbnoe;. - #tceroflHhe pepxrrHeH Hwttt*r4e sy6* o1xatexu; Beyrwrfr,JEHonaw,qToeofrsuna Harpwtret y aafire?o errKo*a lDrrLrHK aJihw o Jlitpaoeo BH?,Iyna; - cJ:'eliwb aa orcJrrcrBueu aazfi1a Itr.wIHItaflaate,, rcOnzarncf, Heno* BHtgoeTI{ naMl{a. -31 17. I mrai rrrei rats 18. I r t : d rim r€st. feg rt-ri r1*rl rl r1 1 1 'p l : t rai rail rei rein rei 1l 'ri: zn 'ripl 'riviL 'rebl 'redi 'redij - 'rebit 'n|gri 'vgri 'Laerl + 'tnari i 'Rari - rl'kwestl He namra.wnyrtte ErJ. 19. [br, gr] -.breln - 'britn - 'brekre-sL [brrr 'brn ?e brt: ? - bra:s greg -gmr-grein- -grip 'grnrlrl grt: f gra:sl @lyuatte t rJ . I Aptunywpytue t t, dJ aa Begtnort a,ilbFBorf,pHo@ wwwHor| a.nbwa,rf,pln@ Oeaywfrte t rl rcere [tJ. n. [gr] 'glrel 'B,uabred, €00r1: t '8reLn,i r '9rifti , 0€8red, O@raiv, eraJ, Ortl, 'Sreparrsl r ?e trt + trl tt:l tel teil ' 'nium, 'r,rvrtJ t, ri'Lrr:tl ;;?i' 'retsirj, ,1, re 1s, re tz, radl fl ,s, rbtt, 'raiti$ t rn , ' rr. n, ' brn?q rnf , Ja Ja 24. elogoeoqetagilg. IA - Al unpleasant, Sunday, lrbther's brother, my lucky uncle, -tough-nuts ,gneronth, one bousin, one hundred, [ n - a ' ] large colrntries, large suns of noney, haFd dnrgs, Iast rnnfh t n - i l this month, city buses, a ftfLy-mtnute run, Rrssian ciLies, a big brother, a llttle brother [ n - i : ] even nunDers,easy npney, reading publtc, a ski run, a free counlry, his dull speeeh' t A - e l well-spent rrnney, nexl mc-nth, a hurrted breakfast, rough and ready, a rust-colouned dress I lt - ei] [n- e) [n- ai] roush paper'a dulr $f;rll3tl$riTa,ni#-rmnev' pubiic, an Acr banninsLhedrus, pareta,s Bl3lf,:itns sis', a rive-mile lffi,*i*llufHnir#ubus, a ftrnnv 25. {np?rgI,eHHIHa pr{rM. a I shan't. I slran'L dance. I :R:l;! gp:: 9*qi q.Lpf'eparrv.p6*ry. rl:H;F shan, r oarice;iti i[i;ilJi' ;ffi Effi;ii fiS.iil.ar myarrrrrs farm. b. cong )ggs. )ggrsevery lrbdnesdav. )ggs every Hednescta!,tn the ,markeL. d. Qone to tea Qom to tea wtth nB. uonE Eo fea^l?ith ns by the sea If you are ri#:' ;6#'t,j'[ei"ilth e. the others nB by the sea S. he ot}ur:s. the others. ask the others. . f. train the last train li,n. g. green re gr.een. re green at this season. fL rnathematics i t mtics Ithematics ir3 - Somem-annay make nany misLakes in mathematics. i. ArLhur brobher Arthur with his brofher Arthur wenl away with his brother ArLhur He left his father and nrother and went away wiLh his brother Arthur. -i. a !<nife with a !<nlfe cut if yliLh a knife He cuL ib ',rith a lcnife. Ir,ecut Lhd bread wiLh a knife. He cuf the breaC trifh a sharpened knife. cut it lle can'L cul He catrr'L cuL He can't cut He can't cut He carr't cut He canft cut it. Lhe cake. a piece of a piece of a piece of a biece of cake. cake with this knife. cake wtth this dull knife. cake with this very ctull knife. the sprl ng. the spring and to linger in the field. crnxlt, neeHll. ?6. Ibeaonns'lr uorogoptttd,exoporoBopl'"!1, a A friend in need is a friend indee{d. hrell begun is half done. Friends are fhieves of tine. EaL at pleasure, dririk wlth reasure. Custon is a second natune. As,snug as a bug in a rug. iT' iL-;ains-a[-5feven,- tfwiIl last tiII seven. It is erpugh to rnakea cat lzuglu Needles and pins, needles Ald Pitts, whena mannamies his trouble begins. Winfer's thunder is summr's wonder. He latghs best wtm lzughs last. b. Wewonder whetl'ler the wether wtll weather Lhe weather, 0r wlrther Lhe weabherthe wether will kill. c. TFrreegrey geese in a green field grazing, Grey were the geese and green was the grazing. A cr'itical critic matcFr. e. \rlnenI am ten, I'Il get a p€h, ThxenI shall wr'ite Like brolner Ben. cricked his neck aL a crttical cricket t s 3 4 - f. t, II" TPAUIEATHHECfi}IE YIIPASf,!ffiHfi tenpagt?Jtr,Hux rJIaro.EoB: digr drink, . hang, rlng, Fun, $prlng, stlcl<, sLlng, sHtn, 28,' ato be Ian . He, she ts I'le are They are co-grgqgre npelsot€Hl{R pa.?JluuuoroTlna, ueflo.Ebaysnotrctaflogoq* nrg?ra6.uutlu. b. I He She We fhey It, ant ls are am nol ts not ( tsn'L) ar€ 'not (aren't) SlTr is funny ( flrssy, Iucky, rpmy, dark, windy).( , ) Russtan(Sparrtsh, Ftnnlsh, Swedtsh,Enellsh) , n he? she? are isn't iL? aren'L we? they? rny uncle (his zunL, rfly cousin, hts rmther, mv faLher...). ( r) - --:------ ----af the ctneffa ( tn the' c. Am Is Are I fre she iL se they sl,lh? heavy? neat? wltLy? thi n? thick? heppv? pretty? clever? snart? unhaopy? ' sad? P9. Itrogamnufr F.laror can ( orpr{r{areJrbuue npefiJtotreHr{g) . Cocragtre orpur{arerbxHe pasAeJt!{TeJIbHHg irpegto:r.euuR, BOnpoeH, HcnorbaysnoAc?anioBorlnyro ra6.nru$r. -35A I He She IT We They His uncle can oan't cart't can I? he? she? iL? we? they? 30. ltogaarnrfrrraror rust. Cocrasore npelnonenuf, patsJlr4rrHoro T}tna, uenoJtbBy8IloIeTaHOBOqHre ra6.ulu&u rmst musLn't needn'L Nfrrst I he she we they Yes, he (stU... ) musL. He (she...) trustn't. He (she...) needn't. III. 1 . - 'l-_cqn'L. lrlait for Bessie. TeIl Besste to IEm$I corB at onee. - Veet llartin at ?. I carr't. I.'m busy aL thal tlme. I see. It's a Ditv. Il II ask garUib nBeL hirn - I t ' s f l n e . I L ' s ftir ine lndeed.' a Readthe text, please. ! can't. I can'_!.seeiL. MyslghL is very weak. Take the specLacles. 4 . : Bgss nF.tbg black p€h, please. It isn'L black. It doesn't matter. Be quick. taxt. lle'11 get bhere i n 6. Is It Is It this Piceadtlly sbreeL? 1s. the bank far? lsn'i. IL's at fhe end of Lhe street. ' 9 6 - lrn bananas6re .rl,p€, aren't thel/? They are. Are they tastff They are. Buy then Thts ls ny car. Is lt? It's a ntce cart Is tt fast? RaLher. Give nB a ltfb, please. 9, [tarttn Russell ls 50. ,He,ts s[ill unrnamledlHe ltves wt llttle tmney - in the barrkbut in surupr. He ,loves thts, Russian. He aLtendsR\tssian. . 10r,- I love bung' - Buns nrakecrufibs. , ,' - 3 7 - yP0n 5 TEIIA. Ba5nor:I o: , o, tJ, dJ] ltreaoArura:HuexoIflqp-Boexolfiuptfrron. , Ipawarruta !. I{o;rruecrBeHHHe qneJu{TeflbnHe. ?.lyiar.ry,much, a lot of. 3. Inaroa tg_frglg (frnepnnTerpHye, orpr{qarelbnHe, BonpocnTeJrbgHe npellotfiennn) ( npoAoaxenue) I. OOHBTHqECT{E YIIPAiITIIEHT{fl 1. Io:] aseu,rrtercil aByrct a J; - lporaaeern nanilEmne sawa, Iag aaaenoeot a: J : - ?pwpmnb npepunafi aBwarrnfr [a:1, anpyewnb T6H, He BHIBHIaEHx rye BneFft iW" ne 4g.mna o1natartca; ryHbpecrcp*rtb - pr nillp, qer 4,nf,pyeetneo tol. ?. [a: o: ka ko: He aumteafue ey6v Bnem.A. fa fo: std: stol pa: po: l 3. Ibaru$ogHag nolrora rJraenux. I ko: ko: ii - kor t sto: to: n do: do:z - ldo:.ta fo: fo: m fo: s bo: bo: n tro: t 0e: 0o: n 4ep4 enyxrriltweoeJHEHHMH iloonBawreeb ywpuHoeo eonl€,WHua fiJril?eftHoern w ua5etenne ffip8Bil,I€:B€CTB8,, 4. [l], I ko: 1, ^.foi I, lo: , flo: l kro: I, smo:1, dro:1, lfo: d, wo: l, 'kwo: L+, ho;l, Ero: ld, ,o:lle, EbrcrponewrtNne n n.mernMy onpyedeHwn afr, anycrtne qeJIIocTb. jo: k, jo: n, ;;3: x{i: 7. I o: J a Oeaygapuofi noan{ur j o : ' h a n d z ,Lj o : ' n e i m , flo: 'nr:el iLi, fo: 'neiJa nl . Iod aaatrecb Dtrrmr,riltalrb noil etuwuwera I i1, jo: 'self, jo: r 'aiE, - 3 S - B.cf: tJo:, .[o:f, '.[o:tfre,nd, e '.[o:] 9. tgl [ 0o: , 9o: L, 0o: h, fo: 9, .no:0] rhBeoJlflpua.fl 10. AngffiaJbHo-n ' d o : t g , ' n o : t i , aprulryJlfrwf,. 'no:maI, Ido:, 'o: djons, 'o: gest, lg: da, 'fo: Li, tlo:s, gv'ko: sJ o: t, s p o : t , ' fsoL:o' :L. i,: ' o : b i t , Erc: t, n, 77. Aenrparyan,- anuxaJrbxoa-[bBeorspnasaprrutyJlflIIr,{s. potp, pq: ], , lpor Fo:.,_ ko:d, ko: 1, ko: Id, kotz, Lo:n, to: t, to: kl ko:L, ko:i 12, Cnogocoqerarrug. Io: [o; i] winter sporls, I o: 1:] sweet ta][<, streets a big sLore, raw sil.k,. preLty 'seaslmre, fhts a raw deal, broad a naughLy sLepdaughfer $le fatrk, wallpaper, all day, pouring rain rndy sLore:, a saddle horse, [o: - at.] an exciLing spor!, a wrlld horse, an tdle Lalk, aII.the tirm, all night irass courL, your amnt, a a hearL-to-heart LaIk lur uncl.e, sum up your .thoughts, 13, tol - IpHSH9CTII. affi",Ut:ileme ta:,li - qnWrHIb qeJrrcTbeW HrrfreH rlpltara eyfau rnwpra o$pWJreHHW (ppnyt " - ereerw o1aanrr.n Kne;f,EepxHHxu Hwfir$x,ay6on; He Buntrtwaarb.ey6a Bnepeil, - voks, oks ; poks, oks. - boks, t4. gkq t' oks - foks, ' ' o n a , ' o f i s , 'onist, 'oktepbsl ' ofa, 15. thl I hck, hot, h,&, 'hoki, 'hospiLI,'horibl,'hospitebll 16. [lpa apruxynary+xI k, TT{TE qEJIJETb. 17, r f l A tJon, Jot, Jot, Jop, 'Jooij: 18. ISo, rot, Ion, bi' lorJr ' lolgeJ 19. t s l Isoft, 'sogi, t jl I jot, 'jonda, 'solld, =39'soliteri] 'ioLsman, bi'5ond1 Ilpt aytw+yanqna tb, p, ril eJEArrTeaa nacc$nn p€fno,rnre$telt qw np$ aarBore u HaMurfrrriltr. Onyetafite qe.nornb. 22. twl + tol I wof, won!', wez, ! woznt, swon, - ', sn3np, ' k w o l i tstYo-l i , :, 'kwonLitil kworgntin ErcrW yflnfre,trreBHnEr*eHHt# . el6H, onycrartte qerrrnb H odnanfrte aydw, 24. Crogdcoqeral{ug. --[ot-6LLres, f o-:-of ho! dogs, d soft spot, non:sLop, bottle tops, a long song, what nof [o - ot.] hot Augusl, 14 boxe a lcng pause, hot' i ] a lo silver fox, gift [o - i: ] field hockey, comp [o - e] a letter box, chem .the best quality, sl stress greaL quantity to - eil the natn office, lo - e) bsrrk holidays, bapk pockets, blaqX swans [ o - ' a i ] i c e h o c k e y r -a s l y f o x , ' i n ' s l d e p o c k e t s , why noL [o - a] the wrong answer, fror. France, an arctic fox, my honest aunL to - nl a sofL cover, sof.L colours, a wrong number, in Lhe long run : - eox*H*rb ycrofi;npnu np, no,tfr,Heeefridllxunu, ne*rra qro6a tle,denqrn xai tt{J, "rrr*7,,Efr5g nailarairr'rEaqilit, 26, tLi: Lin faep - tfi: tfi:z t j i n - t J b k - t l ev i s tJen - tJa nsl z?. Li:tJ - ti:tJ, Fitl - tnLj, eltj - kaetf, r*tf - ma:tJl -40- p,rntJ , bentJ, C.reprreaa erpeort anw+anwoerbn 29. t ril + rrl Illtf 'rf rrdren, , tt: tJ, 'ti: tje, 'tekLfa, f, I i: ] rel teil : tel ; !'et nbal .Idiiii , Ra,-L!,nretJ, 'letJkr: , t atl tal tnl I o :] tol otJ-notJ noLJ, 30. td31 ' IJIfl nonwewnfl ilopallbwo@ ati,w(bna t$l noBnoprnb rcrrAyn AWy e lnrttrE..nilHv edEEHilr te]. qebna td'1J oero**,o ne*rnurt Ewt f,aaro-. npwoffiflTb 31. flopeamnrfra.ruooontd ] nepel I l: , 1, e, €1, &r pere al, au]. tdSi: - d5ei, , dStm- d3etn, dSet - ajaem, ,djtbs1l 32. Anuna-msrfra.u.ro0oH tdql nepetr [ai. €t:i 'ma: A]. 'etcl;airsl tdSaib, dlo , 'dysf,ts, dgtrrJ r4.2 tJetndJ,tindg,'endStn,'An'd5nstJ d'b* r e s t . e i t f - e l d\'.' z. dJ, tJa cl3J ketf - kaed3,bi'sri tJ - 'd31nd3O,brtd5, ttndgS psr S1, i rrz nzl 1 li,, ' d 3 e n l , 'd3es{a, sled5, i ssfa f all e ili nn t. - ,,ppe i d 3 , eidg, weidJ, ae *k , be.d ked3, 'kaerldS, b t l 3;' 'passtnd' -4L gllPe, 'd5nsLis] rl IILJ koLidJ, Ikolid3,'po4idl, 86' C'nosoeotrerall'1f,' a french feacher, a teacher of chtldren, a rich child, a , J . Vnpamreui{gHa pyFM. a PauI called. Paul called from bhe hall.: . . : , Paul called frorn the hall that ne'o sltpped on the floor. t . . ' ' { . j : day. '' i. day to save it from stalns. ,d. That's the That's the That's Lhe ThaL's the e.' Al,l Lhe daughters'of, [bs. Crall are tall. All the fouF daughbersof lbs;Orall are tall.. I All the f,our daughters of, hbs.erall are very tall. ir. the wall to the wall Iike talking fo the wall To talk to lvbrt is like talktng to the wall. i . t h i s pond fond ofl this i a m fond of I a m fond of I a n fond of j. 42pond this Dond. tl'ris bond and I }ike it rpre 1 n this bond and I like if Imre i n a EraIl a ball and a doll olavs with a ball and a doll i'loti Small plays Ylith a ball and a doll. Litfle MoI1Srnall olavs wiLh a ball arrd a doll. LiLLIe lvbll Small.blways plays rrifh a ball arrd a doll. LiLtle MoIl Small always plays with a ball arrd a d o l l t i l l she is cdll.ed. l<. the cat on bhe cot The caf on Lhe cot got, caught, Dld Lhe cat on fhe oot get caugh!? I : , ii uae. Lrying. rery trying. train very trying. ' rn utth Jflre. Ilreroet4ul, noroaoptg{; crcoporo8qpn$,cryD(rr lIg-cHI{. . - ' a AfLer dinner sif A while, afLer supper walk a mile. Blood ts thicker fhon waLer. The tongue is not steel., yeL- iL. cu!s. BeLLer shorL of pence than shor! of sense. A fault confesseil is half redressed. AII ts weII bhat ends weII. If ifs and ans were pots and pans. at ni,o-i[vln ttie npinihe-is saiior's warriing,led.s[y :delisht" is sallqr' Takeheedwhencrossingthe =ii5!t. WhaL's done cannof be undone. \ft1enEne windts in the l{est, the weather's always best. If a mrn decetves rP once, ihArte on hlm, lf he 9ecelves re Lwicg' shanBon ilE' your lald. egg is Never cackle till Las[, buL not least, The stream carr'L rise above its source. A stitch it'r tittB saves nine. dhen chi.ldt'en stay sbill, they ha're done ill. b. I'l1 have a proper cup of coffee ln a proper cofflee-cup. {B0f all the saws I ever saw saw. I never sarr a saw sarl as this saw savs. llfrich is this switch? lffrich stlitch is which? g. _If g white chalk chalks on a black blackboard. Will a black chalk chalk on a whrte ntackndarOZ F. The net is neat. This is a neaf net. Necllns nol a neirt nef. l{hen it ig lrlay W.eplay ana sing, !e are all gay, Wegreel the spring. y headl all day, to bedl leepy headf i . S0, p. ?0, Suiny Sin, lbrds and mtstc ,by lf.6uthrle. atorg er; t t I syin , I:ll swtmarrdI'trl swinl , I'lI swimand swim. *o I'rI.swrm' I:ii :illg i ater; aLeri t I, swin tater; waLer; a ) I swln II. TPAINHATI{TIECffT{E YIIPAIiIIEHilA 3g Buyuure rpu ippw ene,qlno[gdx HenpaBn.[bnbrx rJraroJroB: pling, bpyr cost, ehink, shine. ,fall, flght, forget, lloJllflteelrgeHHbp qtsrmexbu[p. ittEs( b, c)'. a 1 - one, 3 - fhree, 4 - four, I - eight, I - nine, 10 - ten, 14 - fourteen, 15 - flfteqn, 18 -etghteen, 19 - nineteen, 40. Bgurre BeL, see, seek, Banotmnre crnxorBope- forty, 50 - fifty. 90 - ninety. b. Qrre's none; Two'g sonp; TFee's nrany; 44_ 60 - sixty, ?O - seventy, gO - eighty, Four's a pennyi Five's a iittie hundred. 41,. liuUr, ruch, a lo't, d a Hcnomayanoler agogoqnyora6aut{y, eoeTaBbTecJloBoeoqeTaHnfi . many friends milk cars nruch tirB people salf a lot of luck blood counlries lots of nsney baLls energy plenly of b. npoq4raftTe npHBereHHHeHfile _TeKerH, B r€Tophu( ueflo.[baoBa]rg e-roBa many, much, a lot of. npu,qlndafire eiou ripiiv6pu ynorpe6.neHrneiiax caog. 'tAlex Dale has goL a lot of maiI on -iie'ha his table. He,s got a IDo d cablesand reiexes on-ii. ;T-ibt" iliril rine. "lt's a busy day Lodayl" sayi ltex.-' tJiFs l,fash'F.got a lot of pets. she's- happy to have them, but it isn't-easy to keep'EanypJCs. He's 80, he hasn't got Eany teeth. Has she got nany difficult exars this vinter? - res, very !any. 42: f.uaroa to hare. Coerasrte ttpeAJloreur4flnatsJurrHoroTHrra, HcnoJIbSyR IaIIHbre nol- erauoBorrgrnr ra6.ruru. a I l h've avegot got llg | She got nas I 's g5t y.e | Ifpy I hav6n't got J.ortn I hasn'L gof George b. Have Has I he she they got any mcney? a car? any change? enoughtinB" the ttne? an undrrella? 45- I He Sfte lle They Bess Johrr a nlce watch, afty nrcney, a catr, any frtends, a blg flaL, a chiIl, an lnteresting job III. haven'L hasn't have has Xre ? she? we? they? !? TTfiCru ; a small shop tn Boston. She is us. goL 4 {aughters, Pau}a, Polly, ugtrtels of hblly Locket are very ;on. _They ar.e fond of spendt ng py always sbay ln Dombosbt- hfr.s. 2x - So, thls is your small daughter?t - T-m called Pbula and I'm n6t small, I'm tall. llk and ltm never naughty, rght you a small pres6nt. It's ts for Paula ,ball 3't - I've bought a rlog, Polly. lihat sorL of dog, PzuI? - 0h, Just an ordinary dog, Polly. SF6t's iL called? - th, lt's got Just an ordlnary nanE. T3 it callecl Soot? &, iL's calleb P.oIIy. a ,*n8 - TtsTf, 9oyan: [0, a: J baogruta: Bocxolsqe-HnexoAauflaft Tos. lpalararurca !_, ^ppaffrogHeqr,{e${TeJrbHHe. z. orbnesu cpaBHeHHf, npttai,areJrbubrr(. yIPtl[HEItt{fl I. fiOtIEfHrtECfiI{E 1. tol pycewrfi edacxart t N; !ry_ry_y9crrr - nww*rpJuwBSrn noJnilte*ae nn4amfiqeJ'&TI\ eJE; - npnsaoeg tN, npanowflrn -aawa,,ae-itoirn, uumttw ywrrburaflonratt noJrle_ rH wa; - eoxWlrf,Tbn.-?W,ytrnqq saga a HefrIH&Hoe no&lgrrne e!fr co e,Rera odnarcsnntu-at6auu, 3 a) rawye aaut6, b) IAn IIf, eo tAJ; PWCHD- H Irr,rJEnHMIr ayfiaufi qJrlb un_ tlutrntrfronJreHa, oflname t Wcwat 6ea nungtunnna, iea eoptnonrasnioeoW:' e) t?, stral-'otro, l.T.l- ^"'rl.fifr [; lyi\ffiIWffH'*Wry#o AV, .e,.L&R, lfroutp,srpnpyfrt t gS. 't3 nat L-- lnrnir,.npb ?hr+t 9?:qei , r":Fpli !l - ::'' n Ep:rycri,r, npnpcr il.ruyrap1gx Ha I'xa ?Ii,ii,ilr t'?Ilf?l 3:F?"f*lll, l**?r.e _ . liTfrnoerat vdiii, t,li"if,dat f . " ;5fgil; q. !:kemara, 'F.en?cig,sinlm?, ' _ --l pi-qiqrybi;'^iLd'rrabrl :n$p:l' I: F:f?P3fPi' 'i;*i;?;;i: ,f^iilii;;#ij ttaiarr. .seni6ri; s.r't n'tr3glt3: :5$fu ,'*i$anr.i;Eiii'i;,"i$3;:;tffiljg 3. Ial J ' e&rcBarb rreu nFAUn*t nearpae'noern rrfr noJrwenwrrfrE/rrf,eo tsl; np&rtnb t7l + [a: J. B ynrymenaf,xc 4'no ll eoxBnnrtTe noeroglriloenoJrolrcHne ?fr' onIEneJreHHoe nFBHtnu b) Itpg,,BfiJra uefrrpw Hoerrt') . (cM,."3 4Vg: 4. I a : 5. trd Ife: b,. 'fe: dI, 'g: minl 'h8:mit, f]a:'f'eis, fg: 'selfl r' 6. [k, gl I'.ka: k a : s , k E :n , k a : 'gB: 1 , ' k g : L 'ga: s i ; ' k a : t'gg: n, 'ka: dI. gl, s5ri r- ga: 9, de, r iJr 7. tol I'Ba: s: udi, ' 0 8 :L i , 'Ba:.'L-i: nl 'ka: nl, 'Ba: st I , 8. 9 . t s l + [ g : ]'sB: 'sa: Lnr. Isssa: , 'sa: vant, 'sa:kes, 'sa: fis, 'sts:kerEtens, ' pant, ,sa:'pa: s, ' sa:'vaiv, sB:'naizl to' C.EeeIfronJrcr4Tage-arcrD noere tsl. [j]Jr, , Ja:k, fa:b, 'Ja:baLJ 11. l J l Ija:, ja:n, ' 5 a :l i , Ileunoa pnyerrrre qeJrcTb noere tt'l. ' J a :n i S J pueTcfl e notnwn pE.sJrwrHwx rcnurt ey6. - vftreHr.Ee aep@row Ixf, ra$Tpa8 ,Ji 6atm BHIIHHwpxnre sy.Uu; eJrKEraa repxwefi eyfu, orreera Hrffixnp ey6y BHna, ojnaxas Epgn HutunN WBTIqB( ilBnxesae 6wrpe n ,IETTc,E); "y6H Hy,f,; eoxpglrflTbnaaewrt firtran 6ea nangqnaanwgu orgneaAa.wfrtru - nprg&eetn tAt J; . noeJrenF.rlp.mecenntr t e: J aabwnapwTb nasitwfH ropnyea f,sbnrg,, qearmwi a repxxefi ey6u; - no,qwcrn Hrg$gmleyfrt E BepxHnM ay6au u, npr,anees tfJ , orreerw ee cHoH, BHua, oIHoEFITHHO 1 3 . [ a' fra9: - f a : 8 , ' f aaz: n - f a : n' f.a : a : vent, narl, ti - v a : , 3 ; s - v a : s , a : d a? z ' va:d i lct, ' va: d.3in, , vaise 14. I p, b, n0-+ [a: ] (-aunotwsrbynrytarenwe e aefiatou). - n4nwawecru [a: J, aafrntcupffiTl nbaoxeanesaut& fi lpaem 9EJTITTTII; - npfigBeerw qernne cMgra,Hurr - paexHlrananey6 a oilnofi reWwraffinofr n.toerfrer!!, 6ee nunwta*awaf,; - qpw gaBMHIaHI[HAoJIil;HHo1uanarneg ay6at Ho Ha]filf,fr qeJlrocrb W 6wn xenofianmtort. 16. [w] + [a: ) _(aunoansrbynwnpuwe e aepmnnu) - nwnaHeern t*l -("NH BuntruenaBneFI c yawfr xpyeaofrWJbrl dnpva"xo6orl+a")'1 npowstreera5eaaaytxufi nep-lio4 or "xo6orla" N Eefrt"patmmot'ty yt+Jlapcratenwx tlacrwamt na1eeas e56, c oluareMeu neryWnx af 41, 6oa; wslrctturueowu5waH trx $cnwBJre*rte: twl + [e] - f,aun nwrBaHw eJrrffrr{)M raJrera BneF.I; pEpHWbe"o I aefrrp,mHyp noatwn; tvl + [ a'J - trawr oeralref, B orrf,Irwort nna tw] noarwu H He np- IBHEyneB r+ UeHTpy; He OnycraTb qeJrrerb; tvJ + pyccrae tdl He yerFHeH "xodero(, nryt ner.xo4e B [a: ], !7. [a: -w-vla: ?:k- w: wa:k a:8 - w - wa:B a:d a t d - w' y- q. w i ' t v a :k a , . w a :9 , . . Jip, ' w a :i l i , " { Y 3 l: d ' w a i d l ' 18. Crogocoqeranuf,. Ia: - a:] t.he-fir-sLyeer, ,her vork, ' v B :k m a n f , i p , ' w a : 0 l i s , thir.d Thursday,a dirty =?il"Eill;, thirtvGerm-err rirrs ra: -- i r 5t$l;ir?nB'ilf;i331 [g: [a: [g: [a: la: [a: i: ] - e] ei] - e.7 - ail - a: ] herbal tea, an eaply npal sLeadynerves, turn left, Yes, sir? a Lazy worker, the girl's face, an early plane an altack of nerves,- a farnily bircle ]ig:hl purple, a nice person garden.furniture, an arLtcle of the Arcttc circle, ra: - ,u lH"ffi.l$"[i"forH3t[n,"0 ]rbnday, ufrera word, re: - o:l tiiSti?i8gH35f:onrheLhfd f10cx"onfhenirsLor[a; o] August thirfy boxes, a dirfy hospital 49- 19. VnpamternnHa DHTI,I a. the srlliesl Film Ihis is the sillies[ FilrTL T h i s i s L h e s i l l i e s t r i t n I ' v e e v e r seen. T h i s i s t h e s i l l i e s L f i l m I ' v e e v e r seensince I first went to the cinema b. oranges and oranges Lo cnerries and ,oranges. gust n the firsl :n of Augusf. Jge tind the hedge. e. Gerrnarr nan. nan but he learns Turkish. day. day on Thursday. rpKltl eTl{x]!, neeHh. ,se. :ether. ords. rst shod. ches the worn ge.thcr (poantutremcr xa crp. gg). iethen, together, I happierwe'll be. rds rds, -50d. Early to bed aM early Lo rlse. llakes a man.healthy a1rfl-weafthi and utse, Htse, healfhy arrd iyealthy. IT. TPHI}T*THIIECNilE YIIPAHITEIIHf, zt, Br-rusre.rpu. (FpFJ erern@{x Henpagrurbnbrx rraroJroB: Durn' bursL' hurL, Iearn, forbld, forgtve, forgeL. 22. Ibm,o,onse qlrul'nqilBl*E :eJIbHHe: r,. ftfth, Flxth, sevenLh, etghLh, .fth, thtrLeenth, ... , tirentieth, rile e.[oBoeoqeTaH]t8 c IIopf,IrcoBHMI{ rHMepH. tone, thrrd degree (coll. bruLal ourth packeb of ctgareLres, the' )JtblGlx. i e?eneHefiepannelrnf,npl{^Eefa[eJrb longesf biggest dtfftcult I iftle rruch rtEny fan - tmre dtfftcull beLfer I'orse less - fhe nEr;Ldlffreult tFe best the worst, - the least mrrs the frbEE further - Lhe iliFEhest farther - the farthest b" {afire epatsrrnTerbHlno n npeBoexotrE}m crenefi}rc.[eg]mu[{x npH.laraTeJrbHHxi clever, 9ly,^ tuppy, .stmple, early, Iucky, large, cheap, late, tall, fat, i6'lely. c. fiafire cpaBnnrelblryro crenenb c.[eryw{x. nprrJlararetrbuutc Ianuus,. exact, Lragic,. conulcn,fpndsonF,poltte, pleasant, gentle, cStasLrophtc. III. rlcked, TEffiTTI 1* l?ro Worst llurse. A. N u r s e , I ' m t h i r s t v . s. llurse, ilV lrcad huibs. c. Nurse, curse these nurses. A. Nurse Shernranalways Ueefs such dlrty shlrLs. B. And such slrorl skii'ts--c. She nF6-n amives at work early. A $he and nurse Turner weren'| aL rork on Thursday,' were rY' Y. they? B" !Jg, tl'rey were noL. c. Nurse Shermant:-!tq rgp=t nf,lsl rn fhe word. she A" No, she lsn,t. is the norsi-n[ii6'Jn'[LJ' world. 5E- vpm 7 IEHL Sgyrcr: I u, ui , ou] lJe.uolurca:Hrcxolguptfi u ro.exoIflts4fiTolIH. Ipantarnrca L. The Present lndefiniLe Tense (ytgepgnrerbHHe, npe&norcHnfl) . orpr{Iare.trbnHe, - BonpocI{TenbHHe 2. IlcbeaureJlbnoesarcabHenrle( orpnlaceJlbHarl0opMa). ' Lhat - lhose ( cn 3. Vxbsare.[bnHeMeefoHMeHHa yp. t, lhis these) fi MnoroefioncreneHb IlpesoexogHafi 4. ,qByeJIoltGlEIr HI{X IIDUJIA ATEJIbHbTI(. 5 . S o a m (- i s , . . . ) I ( h e ' . . . ) / N e i t h e r a m ( i s , . . . ) I ( h e ,. . . ) . I. EOIIEIilqECIII{EYIIPAffIIEIUfl 1. tul npHSHeeTH p5rgs4?e I Y].: yleprfarb fl?aft B oTTflHWOM ilAtsa.l nOJIOileHHTI; - fipnaneern t ll ElenoroM; - OeTABJIg,fr flAArcB oTTfrHWortnoaW-ltt$,yeTryHtnb BnnfiIhaanae ey6, eJreetao1naxas KHf, newilHwtt ay6os * [u]. '[ yeJroBHsAJIFnpo!{aHeeeHnsu] - noflott03-' ?. llauoo.neeonaronpi{flTHHe h, J J. l e[ k , B , t , f-, 1 , 'tdtl l n o c J-tuil, H A et u-'kiid; t'ii[rr, 'kuJen, -'iqdi- iu*, 'kukiql " stud, rut, fuk, Jud, huk, + [ u] eorJlaeHHe 3. IByry6Hue ynrraJslegfie) ( a fuorrorosl,[TeJlbHoe Coutstwn Faowwtwb Werf,HWre ey6u HeeIQJIb"opr4ao*Ta&Ho In m3 noIIDfrII. n.tiuilpiij;-fifii,, , bul,' buzern,'kukbuk wud, - ' f r i r m J n , ]' putin,-:buk,bu,f futm#nl t'rul, 4. C.ltogocoqefanl,Iff. iu - ul tu - il tu - l:l lu - el tu - ei]. tu - a,J Iu - ai] lu-ol iu o: J good looks, good books, good woods, yool goods, 6outd cook, sltould -vicious PUL, a cookery book Looks, thick woods,a b6okcases.. built-in g o o d sl i f L , ful} of his visit tBat hooks, a nearringful look, a pleading lool< a good teXLbgok, a pensive look,- a sKep|ical look, a SLeadylook, pelt wool, a cookery lesson, a bosomfrtend a vacanl look, a goods sLation, a full tl'ain, a verv full dav. his full nane a g6od handbcbk, a blank look, an anxious look, Iarbf s wool a r r l n v i t i n g Iook, full height, a full life o n f o o t , a po! fuII of sfeaming:coffee, wine with a full body, a story- fuII of sadness fotr-fooLed animals, a short wornan, a ball wonan, a divorced wornarr j tu - a:J a fu1r..ski.rt, : y"*, on a frrrn f'ooLr*g, a woodlqndbird, " "9"5.!ig _ -i'eooo a woolenst<iit [u a ] a hard look, b""#ril, " in" goodpart of t]re book tu - nl a womied 100k, an ugly yfoman,a youngwoman I u :] lporameernrcHrwrfr etacnurt tul; He t&Hf,f, n.neKDeo Fcnotntexna' ey6, np4il,rrb eaaenatt. - tuk - Lu: - kuk - ku: - fuk - fu: fut - iu: dl 6. 7. u:f - hu:f, u:z - hu:zl 8. IFu:n, su:p, su: t, su:5. du: , du: -iil,-m, m, . du: iIJ, tu: l, L u : 0 , '5.r.1, . '_gu: 1, skui i, i Flu s, , fu: I, , p, ru:s. ru: -:fu: -' f l u : , blu: , blu: n, nu:J n, zu:, 'zu: Iu: , Ju:t, tirJj 9. FYrytuue eorJraegue + [u:]. I Du:n, rtt: n, mu;d, spu:n, wu:nd] 1 0 . t L [ . d 1 ] - +t u : ] ttir --tJu: - t(u: z du: d3u:'- ctju:s - d3u:nJ , : - tl u :s , p e i p e u:Li u: zdi u :b i k 'stju: dant 13. thl + [ iu: ] [Tly;;ljutoJ' 'h5u:men, hju: r|leeniti, h3u:,niri'eijan, L4. C.nosoeoqeraHr{fl. [u: u: J blue shoes. a new mcon, beaufiful spoons, true blue ul in fuLl-bloom, . a. full. rmon, good news, full_Lirne studenLs, goda studenr,s I u ; il_ thick soup,- delicious-iood, a civic dut,y, pretLlj lu: Iur Iu: ), a weak student )nnis.sl.roes, leisure suits, rnt student, a true friend' 'ood, plain food, sensational a thrcugh train 54- l u : - el bad news, band nulsic, olassicaL mE ic, two-way >s round, ltght food, a dtvtrg: Iu: man rlghts in a holiday mrod, on duty, Iu: (, to lose an ogporlunlty p 4 o'clook netrs, a newborn lu: I AugusL, to nrcvean zudterpe Lo learn a new furnlture, Iu: , new language, to stir coffee wtth a spoon, a good universi ty l u : a: I an arL school, arr amtserpnt park, a nelr catr, a new starL, a food market l u : - Al nouriihing food, an utLer fool, onion souP, an upper tooLh, . a touch of flu 15' [ou] te., erelyfi To,M n*aut*' I#frr- ?:rlilnwev eg3ft BalEIIIoeo o&pyeJle- 1.6. t ga lca . tade ge ka be cle ge-gou-gouL ka - kou - kout te - tou'- fould de-dou-dountl 17, Ilram{laosna.dIoJlrora rJlacgoro. [ouk-kouk -koud soul ouk - soUl< ouk-klouk -kloun ouk-strouk'stroudl tr8. thl + [ou] loup - hcup, oum- houm- thoumra:k, lxcnstl 19. [s1, snr' =1, + tou] tlou - slou, nou - snou, tou - stoun, ouk - ''houkes, ousf 'lougen - 'slougenl + [ou] ?0..Fltry6gne eorJlaeuHe tbou-- boun, pou -- Pouk, nrru - Ilpust, wou tYountl Iodamtrtecb nJlocwpeoFeuwa- 21. I56no-ay6Hue I fou - foum ouf - louf vout - 'ouvol voug sLouv - fiWnanWrre flrcrm,e onwla$ne stlwertefra noeJleeoeJlaello4o, ZZ, t rI lrou - roud, krou - grou, fnou -'fnouzn, Srou - Orout 'rouziz) rouz - nua ay6 e oflnatenrleray6oa ler&mtre Wacrue eyf W,nstwt t rl . 55noelns{H. Ioul s OeaylapHofi 'wihdou, ' jglou, 'sp&rou, 'o: 'nalkr€skoup, ['felou, ' t e l i s k o q p , ' g r a g m e f o u n , ' t e l i f o u n , h o ulsou, ' L e l , 'soulou, 'koul{ou, ' 'houbou, 'pouloul toul + tll Iould, kould, tould, gou1d, bould] [ o r , r+] [ 8 , ? ] l r c l + [ o u ] [bouO,, k1ou32, ?ou, Souzj Cnogoeoqeranug. l o u - o u l o h r ' n o ; d o n ' t srnoke, Bo s.lowly, don'L Bor don't go homealone, an old oak, old clothes, over tfe telephone [ou - u]- with his nose in a lrook, to pay through the nose, puf on a show, as good as gold lou - u: ] do ygul fronework,. cold soup, an old newspaper, a . new hotel, a gold spoon lou -. t] Q f!ph!ng.: bopt,. so simple, old filns, open it, don'L listen to him l [ou -- i:,1 a TV show, so sleepy, old people [ou el . Nglly's l itf le nos_e, l ittle Nell5t's nose, sinple old tesLs, emp[y old tlrrsaloes [ou [ou lou -[ou I toasb, at, hore on Sa[urday, rone, fine o1d film 'ice, a a hoLel lobby show raL, the worst hotel msf FaFt, to go f€x, a, ' to fuss over everything, lou [ou [ou * [ou - Ha plrrM. 27. Vnpararengfi a The nurse told nursery tales. Nlghtly the nurse toltl nursery Lales. Ntghtly the nurse fold nursery tales to the Lwins. b. a lorry a load a load of wood a ful.l load of wood c tfith tt bo do wiLh it what to do with iL told nB whaL to do wiLh it Nobodytotd rnewhat,to do wiLh it. d. I'd I'd I'd I'd I'd choose blue. choose blue shoes. choose blue shoes to take to school.. choose blue shoes Lo take to school to use. choose blue shoes trr take to schcol to use if I were you. -56e. The weather is flne. The weather is ftne. flry Oo you say good-bye? The weather is fine. lfiy do you say good-bye', Mlke? f. poers to makepoere . has rmved rpn to make poens lhe rcoh has rcved rBn- to nrakepoens Since tinB lmpnprial, the npcn iras rmved rBn to nrakepoems. fhe telephone. : 'over the telephone rasLe Line speaking over the telephone. I manyplaces. ; and ls played tn manyplaces. 1. He aLtacked the He attacked the He aLtacked fhe He altacked the 'man. l man in the'van. man tn the varl with the hammer. rnan in the van with ' tm ilamlrei-which he hld wtlh, boLh hands. J. a book .: . : ( k. I. read 'a book.- -, I read a good book. I have read a very gbod book. I have been readiirg-g very good English book. : t. 'Corp CorB fo Lea to tea with ne. ConBto tea with rrp by the sea lfl you are free, corrp-to tea wifh rB by ,fhe sea Do you agree to coma to tea ttith me by the sea? ru I I I I I sl'nrr't. shan't dance. shan'L dance at .the garden parly. shan'f dance at the farden barUi' ab my aunt's.farrn shan't dance aL the garden itarty at my aunL's farm . t'onDrrow. n. Paul called. Paul called from the hall. PzuI called f'rcrm.flrehal!. Lhat hefd slipped on the floor. Paul called ffom the halt that he'd slibbed on the floor and couldn'L gef to the door. -5iro. elold giffs of gold gold tf gifts of gold lsts magnilident gifLs of gold. p. skirts short skirts the latest fashion in sliorL skirts to be shown the latest r'ashion in shorf skirts . I wish to be shownthe laLest rasnion ln-sn6rE skirts. q. Peter camelate. Peter has conB very late. PeLer has corB hon6 very late. Peter wiII have comeholrBby 10 o'clock. l:oo*, crr,rxs, neeHH. wind be sLi11. re'F no place like honre. ripst lelsure. ers. w what you carr do today, b. Fill had a billboard and also a board - bill. Blrb fhe board bill bored BilI so--That he sold the billboart to pay the board biII. c.' tilhether the weather be fine 0r whether fhe weather be not tlhether tl're weather be cold 0r whether the weather F-Fot, ltreiI I weatlrer the weather l'JhaLeverthe weather. hihethenwe like it oi not. d. I scream, You scream, l{e al l scream For ice creafiL e. A sai lor werrl to sea To see whabhe could seer And all he could see l,fas sea, sea, sea. . f. For lunch Ct-rerlesohose a cheap chop. g. Llhen. a Lwister fwisting would twisb him a twist. r'or tvJisting a Lwtst three bwisls he will twisti Bub if one of the twisLs untwists from the- iwisi. -' ---' T h e t l y i s b u n b w i s b i n gu n L w i s t sL h e t w i s t - -58gripptes fL Three crooked Wen! through G?ipplegale, And Lhrough Cripplegabe l{enL three croo}<edcDtDDl eDlpples. t. Betty Botta bought.sonp brrtt.er, lBgf"r. she ga_ld,"Lhis buft-er's bitter., But a btc of bebter buLLer Will nrakeny batter beLLer.'! So she boughba bib of bufter Better than her bitLer L.uLLer, And lL n:de her baLLer beLter. 50 tt was b'etLer Bettv Botta Boughf a bit cl bettei. buLter. supposeshts Loeses (=!oes) are roses, J. LloseF. But }rtcsessupposes emoneously; For nobody's toeses are posles of roses As [&ses supposes.his Loeses to be. k. Donlt trouble froulile unttl troubl,e troubles vou. Ib only doubles trouble arrd troubles oLhers t6o. l. Swanswamover the sea, Swim, stvai, swiml Suan sh'amback ag-ain. - \{e11swum, ="*t n Seplenter mtld, Ocbobergold Are followed by Novenber-co1d. o. Do a]l By all In all In all A[ all To all , As long a5 ever you can. P' G'e'oo' do you do? lay, rilh a wiggle and a giggle, r a giggle and a grin, a- googl.e and a woogle, ,e and giggle ra and a grin. -592. ljy mamasaid, and Ifly teacher, too, Alt kinds of work thaL I can do: Dry nry dishes, Sveep rry floor, fut if ive all worl<togeLher, well, lt won't take long. 3. lvly daddy said, and my grandpa too, There's work, work, work for uP to do. I-Ean-p;alnt ny fence, . ldov rny lawn, But ii re ail work Logether, well, tt shouldnr t take I'. S0, p. 99, L:htte and Say Sard. ( Round) Irllrite sand and g'ray sard, .lflho'll buy my gray sand? kho'll buy ny white sand? l SO, p.8?, Higbland Gbadle Scrg. Refrain sleep Lill dawn(2). ee-ree-ree 0 fp-ro ' 1 : ' r i : ' h o u ri:J rou [ou NtrTffIEH}TT II. TPA}II{ATI.TIIECIT{E 29" ,!rJHGJI€IYIoWE( HegpaBUJIbgHXrIafOtrOB: - choose, draw, drlve, fIY, fbe-eze, Eo, 9rg!' ose, Imw, oversleep, PUt, rlde, rlser - sell, oH, shoot, sow, sPoEI(, stand, sUeal, stricle, ,hrow, wake, wrlte. Terse ( yrsepguregbure llpeuloreIlufi). a Sally Sealcs Sanislt Salll sbealqsSbanish" pu! not'very well. ktren-shb tries- to speak Spanish You'reaIly ca.n't tell t*hat-I6Fage :she"s speaktng 0r trying Lo speal<, - The'first tine I heard her , I,thought if was Greek. 90. Ttre Pnesent Indefinite b. IIod s his Er€f islr? Hts Engllstl'is wonderf\rl,. I He speaks vcry well, Hls accent is perfecL, tell You reallv can't 'tSI" That-nE--IgnfL 'a native of - the TIrere's,only one Proilem He has noihing to say. d. uell, Ib Eats Lite a Prg] WeIl, he eaLs llke a plg, He can'L geL enough. He works like a dog, He looks real tough" He snpkes-TlFe a chlmney Four packs a day. He sleeps like a log, llhaL nlrre cart I say? 3-. The Present Indefinite 'tUalaeUpl Hake ltpt ''akeuPl*ilf€r"Bl* 60 - He'drtnksltke a ftsh Scotch on the rocks. \{henhe'eets real mad He hardli mrkil He cries }lke a baby llhen he's feellng sbd. He's the dearest-frt I've ever had. Terrse(orpnqare.[bnHerlpeAnotenus). is ir? l{ake upl l{ake upl l{habtlme ls lt? It's tlnB to get upllthat t t rB ls tL? upl upl upl I don'L want Lo get upt got You've to get upl tr don't want fo geL upl get upl Coneon, I don't wanL'foget upl Cietupl Ge[ uol You'rb golng Lo be latel Late l'or whaL? LaLe for workl LaLe for work? It's Sundayl Tense ( sonpoenreJrbHHe npelnotlenuR). 32. Itre Presnt Irdefinite a *'Bar{er's Uife's Blues. lfrrere does John livea H e l i v e s near the bank. $frreredoes he 'lework? works at the bank. liherr does he work? He works all day And he works all nighf At the bank, ab the bank, At the greaL, big barrk. tylrere does he study? He sLudies at Lhe barr!<. t*rere does he Sleep? He sleeps aL lhe bank. iihv does he spend A l l day, all night, A l I day. all night 8L the bank? AT the barrk, '.Because he loves hts bank ncre fharr his wife, And he loves his nrcneynpre than his llfe. -61 [{arvrcnonatF who? Doyouknow il8;'r?f.?3$3r,lr$?. YeF, of course I do. I tfiow hen.brother and her nnther, hen faLher too. older sister? of course I do. ow her older sister Bbttv -' her.ygupgerstster Sue.-aunt Esfer? of oourse I do. rw.h91ggnt pnd her uncles,, ter oouslns too. rusirandBobbv? of- course l-do. rsbandand,,her br6the-r, >ntoo. , rpgriarefiDrasibpma). ' I wlll-r ' I wlIl. ; ' ' Dgf,rt pomy I won,t. ,,, ; Don't forget to c5ii for. t, - thee. res. lE lsdid:iii.lll'iir,, Fery tt at lr'hcv's' It,s ur"uirF8l. you ltke lt. i. you ltke them. 35. ^Iipenocropraf, qnerrexbrrpxJlarareJrxts. uoe'JaBbrenpelJlo?reHlfs e npHnarareJlbHbtM{ I npeBoexo$toficreneHr, HenoxbayfirlolerarroBorru5no ialinnqy. - 6 2 IL'S This ls That is They are These are Ehe rmsf Those are lnLeres[tng beautiFul d i fft cult expensive generous del icious extravaganL inLell igent valuable dangerous I have ever you have ever he has ever she has ever we have ever they haye ever So... | / libltisr... f. a. *Returrl G€e, it,'s good.Lo see you. You look wonderfull So do voul It's beeni-r6ile'ii*t It sure has. Ib's beena lofrFttnret It sure lras. I missedyou tEIFibIy. lvleLoo. I'm so glad you're backt So am I. b. 'tYan Ltrk l{anrcrlurst Yur llarren't @rged You look nrarvell.ousl You haven'L changeda bitf NeiLher have voul Neither have loul . You look marvellousl So do voul You took wiilaEirilii' ' So do voul You look temtfi6l So do youl You haven'L changeda bitl Neither have yout III. TErcru 1. :k 2 . * : !'4_going Lo the grocer's. : Ca]l af tlrc posL office, will you? ilBt. seen. flad. bought. writuerL fasted. tatrked to. heard of. designed a BiL It closes aL 4. Theshop 4 Loct.Can't you go to the post offtce? I want a"io33","u lof of grocerles. - 0h, a1,1right. I'11 go. - Get rm sone stamps, will you? 3.* A Ldst, Bock - llonan, could you bell me where you've puL my book? Isn'L lt" on the book-shelf? No, bhe book-shelf ls Full of your cookery-books. Tiren you should lool< in the bedroom, shouldn't you? I've looked. You Look the book and put lf somewhere,cltdn'! you? - The llving-roon No,. I've looked. I'm gotng Lo puf all my boqks tn a'box and lock iE.. - Look, [hr Coo]<. [t's on the floor next Lo your foot. Ah, goodl. 4. SS, 11. In a GocdSclrml. Teachen GoodafLernoon, girlsl Girls. Goodafternooil, Miss Lukel T. Thts af[ernoon_-weafe going to learn how to cook soup. Open your books at UniL 2?.Hxre, Excuse ne, Miss tuke. T. Yes, Prue? P". There's a chewtnggumon your sftoe. I, !ftro threr tha[ chewing-gumon the floor? litas tL you, Prue? P. No, Miss Luke. IL was June, l,{l.y)? T, I was Sue. l'ty rcUlh's full I foplt -ukel (rrew tt was yout of f. Excuse nel You've been very rude. You two nulsance can stay in school thrs afternoon tstead oF gotng to the sstmnlng pool. 5. - Please, see me af nry place a[ 11 on Thursday. At 11? -. Yes, at 11. - Shall I phone? - 'l'lo. onlv. please don't be latel - Nol TiIi ihr:rsdayl Byel 6. - Thts city's gof boLh excellenL hotels and restaunants. 0h, I.laSit? - Yes, and iL's also got splendid hospttals. 7. - Is thts cafe open? * No, it's closed. IL's laLe. - Is it? It lsn'L ? yetl Yes, rL ls. It's exacLly 7. - Then lel's go hone and have sonp coffee ilith cakes, - Greabl 8. Berfha is ill agatnl She's tn b€d. She's got a cold and a barl 64- headache.She'q ggt no_nedictne aL honp. She hasn't goL anything Lo eal. She's only got sone tea and coffee. She has nobocly fo help her. g, I am a ftrst-year studenb. I do English at the UniversiLy. I clc nol learn Gerrnan.I'Il be doing GermanwhrenI am a thirdyear studenb. Gerrnarris not worse than English but I prefer fo do English becausqthe English language is widely spreed all over the world. A11 my grrl-friencls work hard at Englislr We learn new words.and gramrnar_ rples; t{e work at our pronunciaLion and intonation in the lab every day. . 6 5 YPffi 8 TE T. Bslaor Ila, EE, ud l&aorne: Hr{exorsqe-Boexorsrprft u Boexorf,qe-HuexoAgq{R roHH. Ilaralarrna 1. The past Inr oTpl{qaTe,[bItl ?,. l,bAa;rxue r; _ got to) (nor 3. Iicxerpyrupla I. EOHETIITIECTU{E YIIPAfiTBtIT{fl tual 1. = Itprtaa€ern [u]; - nprctmecrrrtaJ; , - anoBbnpterreern [u]; Bbt4eryry! tul or$rtfrb tIWb wnp pr (ero "gBqtannenefirl--tttp nolnrcnne ey6 u eonpgoMehnca eina aaffiinbr wwyer onyera* HTE'{ IJ;E,NETI,T). 2. [pua, tue, Jun, mr?] p1wafrteeb orre:rra B nexole e_dafrtra a_o4tee eaydotaeo retffire, 1ntataeo n tAi wM IlailE faJ. , d5uari, , bru€ri, 3. Ia' [ua. ln'' fua. a' rfuararrs, - ---'-' -" iD,Jf uarans, --' 'djtrcril, jujrapj ' t - 4. [ 'kontue, ' Lenbua, ' bo:dJue, , broufual 6. ['kJuarjasr'sp3uarjas,'fluer5as, in.dJuarjas] 6. t in'djua, im'pjue, mornjua,, grc.vJual ?. I im'petjuas, ken'spikjuos , 8. Caoaoeoqeragl{E. , sidJuas, kan'tinjuasl b-ourEurope, curious Stewart poor health, the present a sure signr during the. night, Tense rg the surupr durtng the war Lour.r a poor orop, a furious :contrnuous Tense -66l u a - u : ] the Future ContlnuousTerrse,a student four, a curious student [ua ou] 5-i,o[iorA-maii; to go Lo Europe, th contour of the coasL llrnnoYr", B l nofzlrxwrpqaercf, n InibtoneateeJ, HeodxafiIln anacree trr:AJ,'' bnYcrcf frgblle t ea. E HaIFFrenm rct6$ t\l 1 0 . E € -a - m t a"ita, , € . ?- -- b € -a , e 9fl82l - . t q'enlwtel a,9?a-daad'kEa-kea wLa bl' oea peail, 'prEarl' 'dtart' 'f6arl' 'h€er skta, spt?, tfea, tfee, 11. 12. [,sol {Lee, ,tnl1Je'nte, ,kwest1a'n0a,ka'mlJa'neal prl',kearjas' 'mnltt'feerjds' 13. -v' t'vterjas' ' 'hl:t€€rj?sr t' ,proul , iai'!;liaiian' i5oi, 5'elpiqlgt ire;-rlf pa lff[J3lj"oo lenE gre'msarjon, ' ,;;nii;;1ijeian, 5i kirsiribm' 14. C.nogocoqerafiHfl. t ea -- tal a barePralrie half, a lParyiilufe -Fiiid-i$oiri . tee tl thick hait, [linniqe caie, air easvchair t: I 6[i,E"ri?ib3, tte rarv tqles iht Elrr iry.catcre Itg: 31,[: a ica-e) tee - atl 1: ila - al di fta- nl a i e a -- o l l s l o1- ii iia ttg :- a:l cl iea - u]- vi t€? url a ] t'll{re' ils oBFS king clelr spare bedroon oes iia -- 6i,i L, [e.a ua] a Poor ltbrarlail 15. I te] - i()ftanwb N eJrAcnouytil 1 6 . t n i k -- n l a - i e dik dta La t i k - t i a -- i e ia - hla hte foldrns clrar eaartl toJ, 1waturt no retfipy tc tAl' ' sr'r) , gii; , tili, ,ili f ,nr*in kwta 1?. ttg -'lare, 'nlerlsL, 18. t rend;l'nlar r v o l o n ' L l a, 19. Ib@r'ttgr3a, klia'' tfta' smla' 'diartsL, kou'higrarEl 'paia'nia"mnsk?'tlal his'Liar3e, mls'tiarjos, dlf'0ter1e) -67'+rj?1, , . plogkla], 20. E',.Ro| dj?Ir ljeib3al,. , drkte, to: r_iel, m l ' I t b :r j e l , ,Leii'to: rjal, , e k w et,o / i j a i j 2L. I seb'sidjari, oig' zil jart , in'send3art, , inta: , ni: dJeri] 2 2 . I k a ' m i :d j a n , m o ' r i d 5 e n , , s n b t a b e i n j s n , , n p d i t a , r e i n j a n j 23. [ 1i'noul jemr r s4na'Lo: rjam' mor+,to: fj+mr rkrema,to: rjenr] ? . 4 .[ ' f M n L j a , ' p r i t 3 g , ' h e v 3 o , , a : 1 5 a J 25. CaosoeoqeraHns. t ie - ial !'he mysterlous disappearance,'a real comedtan,near I ia -- i] t ia fiig." Lears, clear skin i: I weakbeer :, a dear friend )n ., a highway engi.neer, clear eyes ts ltarl/ verb tood idea rlear blue sky rld beer tS*o, their brtter Lears , e6. Vnparurenr{sHa pr{Tr,{. a trlhere's the- watch? l{here's fhe watch I out tn lfrrere's Lhe watch I but, tn khere's the ryatch I but in b, The end of the pier ls near. The end of Lhe Dier is near, I fear. The end of tne pier !s near, I fear, arrdtte mtst hasn,t cleared. e cured. oon be cured. ill soon be eured. n5ured aLthet"Hi3ilB3t"$ill. 'Lo wear. to wear every day. e. the fair will be held Wherewill the fair be held? lhat's the square wherethe fair wlll be held. There, tiraL's the squarewherethe'raii-wiii-be neta. -68f. IL's IL's IL'g IL's not fair. noL fair fo stare. not fair Lo sLare aL the dress. nol fatr to sLare at the dress she's wearing. g. near. anywnerenear Don'L Put iL anywherenear. |fear Lnat rubbish out of here and don't put iL artyifhere ngar. fr Lo cure the sLeward to cure the Poor stewarcl to cure Lhe boor steward of his obscure illness ine-Ooctoi ib sure to cure the poor steward of his obqcure i Ilness. i. The jury were surg. was tnnocent. ' The jury were sure the poor man The,jury were sure Lhe boor rnanwas innocent of stealing the 1eweIs. -i. Take care. Take care noL Lo makemistakes. Take care not to makenany mistakes. k. a Europeahuniversity fne-new student lras been to a EuropeanuniversiLy. i assune that the new student lras been Lo a European untversltY. I. a bear a rare bear VJesLared at Weslared at Westared at l{b stared aL bear at the Zoo. bear that was cl.imbtng the sLairs. of rare bears cllmbing the stains. of rare bears clirblng the stairs in the square. lrb stared at the Pair of rare bears clirbing Lhe stairs in the square near the Zoo. the rare the'rare Ehe Pair the Pain 27. IloenosnlH, IIoroBoPKH,eKoporoBoPttlt,ernxl{, necH}|. a Habit cures habiL. Neither here nor there. 'tween Lhe cup and Lhe lip. Thene's manya slip trhet can't be cureil, ttttJsLbe endured. Fatnt heart never vlon fair ladY. If you wish for peace, be prepaped for war. 0ne'musl be sorrplines cnuel to be kind. b. For every evil under the sun, There is a rerredy or Lhere is nons. If there be one,-try to find it; If there be none, never mind if. c. She sells sea-shells on the bea-shore, The shells thaL she'sells are sea-shells, I'n sure. Fcr iF she sells sea-shells on Lhe sea-strcre, Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells. -EgA big black bug bit a btg black beatr. A big black bear bit a big black bug. e. A thatcher of rhatchwood went Lo Thatcl'ret a-thatchine. Did a Lhalcher of rhatchwood go. to Tlrgtchet a-Lhatching? rI a thatcher- of rhatchwood went to Thatche[ a-tha[elrtng, the thatching the fhatcher of Thatchwodt Tr"*'s Htcf,"AZ f. Peter Piper picked a peck A peck of pickled peppers If Peter Ptper picked a pe hihere's Lhe peck of pickfe 0h that I were . l{here I would be, Then would I be lvhere I arn noti But where I am There I 'mus! be, And where I would lle I can not. No one can tell nB, Nobodyknors lihere the wlnd comesflom, lYherethe wind gioes. l. I llve here, You live near, Tomllves so far That he goes ln a car, J. ? iaQ l v . There's a tear tn your €Ve, Itlfrv,t.rlrllie? !lhy, llittie? lihv, t+trllie? vhv? I. "0h, where is my uhtsLle?" Askedtfillie one day. dear little whistle, "l'ly rfy liftle whtte whistle, -[y dear ltLfle, rthite Litlle whtstle, I sayt" "lihy, here ts your whistlel " His brother replied. "Your dear litLle whisble, Your Ilttle wfrite whistle, Your dear litfle, Hhite little whistle," He cried -?o- -L, Hln 'hH; in a frying-Pan'^ a chalr' iit'[ if'g'6ac-t(-oi ' Lr'ealr' ' ffifii I'ilioiltacl't* in o. L" There was iriib^ne tra firii rte rta And she t ,-,^* Cob,saVF r[?"!uy=uon. ,b, hbb' lob' )b' Chitterant dog' db-ias Dob's cat" EiTtterano-n}trb' s irundv, H?Ee" 't"3fiu,t"?qqPY' THil' 'onllednesQaY' cn Soior Thursday' g.e? og gOne' 'r.I. cut long, p.9, ct. - $0, shere Oh 0h $hpr€ lJttn. nt-s 0h whPrt ; he? r' be' should l 1,3"?3i1 F#i rgot' s. S0, p,8 t ' Sl'lqt rl^got' ano Shot And r6f,' &nrtl$ Yet l*fril"";i l<indness friend, i{ f,il'?;us+_y fia ;f ihine' .. Yet I i'Efi.inanes3 2' And nnq Wet Ine' Fot Ctsnlg' II' $IPAffiTAIilfl -rPA!.{LtATIttIE[ff'{E I'H&l'trurrn-l*,erF rraroJloB: ft"H"Y"*: :9,,El?:'ttHx' tHH* ?8. H{:"r, "* n:BI, uc! h€El t - 'it rrBeplnDe.[bHbFnpelJroreHHf, ). n. I, ,n sLraw; . on grass, rg-g1ass. ry tratn, rr' It rouldn't go, Kicked tL tvice arrd sfubbed nry toe, trrl Le, '1ght, c. &r a DteL flrst Fhe gave up snoktng, Ihen she gave up-gtn, Then ste gaye up clrocolate cakes, She ranted Lo be thrn. et, UP' For dinrrer every nighL. d.' nE Frcd Poers. ht' fl Luna flsh mdy canE, rcAV care, party alone. 30. Ib a* b* Past lr*{f-ni!e'rten? T_e4qe( a^onpgenreJrbHue npetrrorseHng) . Vho? fbat? l,here? Ytry? t*ho? $rat? lvhen? lvhere? lrhv? fihv? Uho? ffnt? lrhen? hlrere? \rhi" \thfr tho did it? $tat did you do? *trn did you do iL? khv? Ben Yes, WLLy? - 7',4 - Did You eIrPbYthe. btn? Dia'you send Lhb letlers? r fence? ,y. EveryLhtng. ,o., 31. The Past lrdeftnite npelnofieuua), Terrse(eonpoerrelbgbp, orpl{IlarerbgHe * I 6ave It AraY. I savettr3il"ili*t I gave rt -awgY! tio.il3$.-safr I sardI ffi: Gave tL awarfr : That's rr'irat I sald. gave away. lL I satd I Vfty? Beczuse I wanfed to. You wanLedto? . Yes't "tl;ool8;'r vousen ir? 1l lL. eIl lf? I dtdn't ? hTtnS?,*u no'? 'lve' i[ to ttB? 'tve tL bo hlrd? tlve lt to her? live lt Lo therP .L wanb !o. g2. can. lrrstr have to (have gp't to)' t^o Be scse**rere *_ll';-Gci -iti-wtrere unreie-rs ls lt? I can'L flnd it. She can'f ftr g o t t o IL's @ h e r e l. I L ' s Itl: !ffi-l"tFt IL'ssonet Take it easyl Ib lus to be heret It rn'sl IL can'f be : IL's go[ Lo be heref IL's TrY Lo rernend , t rerrenffi' t Parrl Lo rerennber. - 7 . BI can'L renember. Think back. I carr'L thlnk, Think back. I cen't thrnk. put tt? dtd r can,rr"*n,HiltrolSnYt""BH*^i:f.uht""vou 0h, here lt ls, here lL,isl Tfrank heavensl Tharrk heavensl I flound lf. . 'i" .. She found lt. Here tt isl Here rt isl l{hewl i 33. Ibgerpjnsrys tbe^re iVare. a. I{euo.uraysnoIerarloBoqnuera6rualu, coeraBbre npelrorenuf, patsJl"qHoro Tlma. There i s a square There are a chair There i s n ' t many interesLlng p.lcbures There aren'L isn't there? aren't bhere? ls there? are there? a neeting Lears another bookshop a lot of fhings nnrchfurniture any interesting nelfs a:ly English books Es.there Are'Lhdre any beer any bears a car park ai'ry mistakes any other museums manyfairy tales near here? in their tests? in the 7oo? ln the bottle? in the city? in the book? ax'eonHeblBaeL{yro rlJoqatrbHa Hap[orTFtr{H. ie in fhe picture. Therers a I in the middle of the square, lEs on all sides. There are a lol of trees in fronL of the buildings. There aren'L many people in the square: sornechildren ere playtng at fhe rnonunre_nt,Errda wornanis Lelllng her son abouL Ehe writer. You can see she knowsa lol about,'htrr * Halk. Tso $lock ard Turn Rieht. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. l{a}k two b}ocks and turn rtghtr, Is there a phone near here? Yes, Lhere'ls. tr{alk Lwo b}ocks and turn right. Is there a newspaperstand Rsil' here? Yes, there is. Yes, there ls; Vialk two blocks and Lurn Tight. Turn left. Turn lefL. S/alk two biocks and Luri-r left. Turn rtghf. Turn righl. Walk lwo blockg anOturn rtBht-. You oan't miss it. - 74 III. ffiNCTfl iday tn Austrla) 'n*?il.t.ry goodbeer here' lle i very olear' last Year' raL rmuntaineer drtrrktng beer' )er. iabbearedlnto hts beer' lr' r beers. beardedmountalneerl Hl3Fltti"[u""u**""t anyand downstalrs' TheYaren't ) anYlrushes. HaveYou seen them n on Your hair' ! 3f,3?". '^ - MaYte oIaY ln the r$9' nrcther? tt'"rrr.d1-nrcther' 3* Riii :- Hh!"te$Cfii? l|"":8.plp.v^ll ihe"iril!'clothes' dear' doesn't we-sh Father g to leave EuroPe? : urinan several lt sLal/ there dutlry it' heara us whenIii6- | I l ts alwavs ;"?Hil'J6i^health arrdher nnther tour? .iEi'*irr read lecLuq , r. Sure. thls tour might be -76- , ttotns. Theodorearrd Valerta en share the other bedruomand thtrd one. Ihey alvraysnave a servants whodo all- the work rns are always clgan and cosy. rare things in _lh€ir mansioir, ues. Thetr Sewelsand antiques -76YPOEg tBlf BgFg{: Iot, ola' ale'. au; aua] n t&rcRnca: nuexonguprfi,aoexoAsnf$, Huexotrsqg-EoexoIsu$afi rosru aoexojiqg-Ht{exoflnwfi L. r!?,0,nart-n€: *t51ffiffifffi (rpucoe$ruselras u' lreesouuesns Z. The FuLure In orpHllareJIbHHe 3. to- be going ,t 4. 06[Pre, eneqna the Past Inde I. COIMffiWUSG YIIPTfrHEHTTE 1. t oil f,EF Mbtonza; HeHuf, - no awiriinia,- nrp.ier,tto xrplrwil ' o i n t m o n t ,. k o t l , s o l I , o i 1 , d 3 o l , . k g l , 2 . t t r o o t i , i , ' l s L a , ' r o i 1 i , ' d o i 1 1 , -' toi11r" v o l s , n o l z , tf ots, koin, Iotn, groinJ 3. tfplk, tmtstr''holtl'tottll 'n|3tsn, dbolle, 'tOtIA, - 'bOlkaL, pol 1potZn, Iml 4.. t bol r spoll?l 5. [0 'notntmanL, dl'plolmanL, - e'potnLrontl q€atroid] 6. IlnBtoloid,'aadinold, iel ?. t o i 7i6ier, ' rotel 'nolens, n e 'folaz, ' sola, ' doianl v8.' t alel --'I8i3' 'talg, hal fale, tai ; l h a t a . . l a l -.'spa-10, i ; i - : ' a l e , f a l - r :-iritsira, - .ip?i sai Dai,:',bEia'.nte, ;.;i -. FiiStl l, daie' rctrikalil _, Oar tcwaiJ, nai-I, kuait, Xwiiet-l;kwalStii, 9v '. . t e t a l t;ieio, 'plelar' 'sLel?, kan'velal ted choice cholce Lo coll.ect colns great JoV, the Royal NavY ssive Voice noyal Hlghness' a quiet boy, red Joyce ood Potsoning 77_ nse voice, Morna's toy, botled n nt nolser a copper coln, at fle trty boV, 3O cotrrs xJ chotce, food poisoning )1ns '"Xi1"3", n" 1ce, indi'Jldual ohotce, valuable coins 11. taul ttpeo I N, nepgnurt nWil flour@,Hd tN; rcWs re-pxnuxn xumnxnydoi 7a weTaToqHoeilBa aateuro"o eyWeo npafi ay6oa, gJn norryenrn !2. [a.tt - kau, €m - Fil, au - barJ, au - mau] 'autlain, ,eutput,, .autsald, na!L,satda, 1A Iarr9, .'zutka: sL, 'autuedJ 14b [datur, paut,- fagf, -fzund, Eaurt,. f]a!, kautf . ka$t. klaud. KIaUn, Frafd, nlapd, rl8us, mzug, DQtl, rzund, d.-'v' saUfid, ' praud] 'gauzand, sau8, stalL, J*t, taun, 6[: -aut; -;uf 1A .[anta].'a1le ' -- paue lau ' a u - ' a u ? - r flaua gu - taug - ' sau? . al - tanla - 'I tau e au-'a!ehauad a u - ''allo a u a - '' kzued alr - 'a1a - ' vauel - tzuall 3ll : 16. Ioua] ['gouo, 'sloua, IIpn n-prcrc,eefltmeAfina tul p- oHBAnrTeCb eilBa aatnriloeo enHI{wI ey6. e9ilI8- ' loua, . npuoJ 17. Caogoeoqerarrus. [ar(e) -- aqJ a house nbuse, out and about, [au(a) i] to mtl!. a covr, a btg noutho a dtsh towel, lD round figures . ii] an eveniig gown, a TV tower [au(e) tau(a) el a weddlnssown. a bell Lower rce towel, a papen towel, ln a tarrd.towel ; qulet as a rcuss, an out,-andt fnw come?,the other way rourd ' I s otrcus ol0rrn tzu(a) - ul u: I - oul - iel - e+) uol oil -78oun books. a sour look a huge crowd, 2 thousandroubles no d6ubt about lt, South Pole Dear Ho;'iard a prou,3parent our tour a loud volce Ha PHIM. 18. ltnpargenl{f, - a You rusf come. You rntsL cone Lo SuPPer. Yourntsbconp to suppef wi'!!r us. iou mdii cometo subipr with us arrd Joln tn uhe fun. b. The nurse told nursery ta1es. Nlgh[ly the nurse tolC nursery -La]es. Nightli the nurse lolq nursery l,ales epou! gnores. gnoresOt*lH. liisriaii ihe nursetold nurserlrtales €bout c. Havea look at tFe book. liave a fook at thts bool<which I found near-a brook. Havea l6of at thts book whlch I found at the prook and gave to her coolc d. Verv weII, \{illtant veiil weii, t/illiam, buL why were you worrled? v;ii t;ii; wiiiiad bu! whi'1yerevou so worried about it? Veii r6ii, witriam,brrbwhvwerevouso vervtuo:ogfll"lt$ e. I was annoyed. I was annoYedat the boY., I was annoVddaL the boy for spolllng tle toyr. ab rhe-bov ior spolttnLr3ffi"l"il"yll;l i tas annoved f. . Hon? Howhave vou found out? Howhave vou found ouL abou! it? tlow have you found ouL abouL thab nor/? g. taL's nrcst annoytng. tat's lttcst annoytng. Hls onlY rtng hinself ls to makenolse. lr" a a I I [rf,use brown rpuse found a brown rcuse. found a brown n)use in Ltle house. i. ;he mountatrrs. tn the rourrtatns. -'79-. j. Clear the rubbish out of here. Clear the rubbisfi out of here and don't put tt *Unnf,:L. 19. Iloe.nogutlu,ltoroBopKll, cttoporoBoprc]t,erl{!o4, IIeeHB. a An hour in the lmrntng is worth two in the evening. Burn not your house to rtd tt of the rnouse. llarch winds wtth April showers bring forLh llay flowers. No sweeLwithoub somesweaf. OuLof s,ight, oul of mind. lfealth is-nothing wtthout healtfr. LosL tine is never found agaxn. Joy anA.sorrow are as near,as today and tomcrro$. Cowardsdie rnarrytires, the brave but once. b. 0h, 0h, 0h, 0h, swing the ktng and swlng the queerr. s'rring the ktng arrd swlng the queen. swing 'en round and rowd the green. swing 'em round the green. c. RoberL Rowley rolled a round roll round, A round roll Robert Rowley rotrled round; l'ilrere rolled the round roll Robert Routreyro1led round? d. I would if I could, If I couldn't how could l? I couldn't, wlthouL I could, could I? Could Vou, wtthout you could, could ye? Could ye? Could ye? Could Vou, without, you could, could ye? e. I need not lrour needles, They're needless to nF For kneading of needles Wereneedless, you seei But did rny neat Lrousers But need to be kneed, I,then slrould have need 0f your needles indeed. r. Howmuchwood would a wood-chuckchuck, trf a wood-chuckwould chuck wood? g. Jaek llall He trs so small, A rnousecould eaL htm, Hat and all. fr The trans and cers ! n our town Run up and down, uF and.clotrn. Stopl Look aL tne lightl Frrsf look Lo the left, Arrdthen to Lhe righl. 1 . If a1l the seas were one sea qhat a great sea Lhat would bel If all the Lrees were one tree ffiiat a great tree that would bet BO- tarl, fi sea, lrthata spllsh-splash Tfrat would bel J. k. Lrftle Llnda'lost her loct<et, Lovelv. lucky. l,lLLle locket. LateIV-Llndafound her locket Lying-sLi 11 tn Linda's .Pocket.' l. Il:], ofl" ."\lhere tre yqu going -toto, my ltttle cal?" to-t5wn, -A"nat - a hatt " buy" i;'m eoini A caL ln a hat?l cal?l a for "vinat?f 'ever saw a oat i n a hatf " lvlro r shop. t - Tillt rs - loss t' red "Flredi lrlork- shirk; Gal Dal' Splabh cash" BbLs - debts, Fot "Dt Gr 'tDe Se o D.C. . Death Certtfleate S0.-The D.14. Ihe Bear Hen[ OYrerthe $runftatn near wenLover Lhe rncunLatn, t. : The bear trent over the rPunLarn, Tlre bear wenf over Lhe mountafn, To see what he could seel see And all'that he could 'of t{as Lhe rmuntatn' side other the 2, the rnunlaln, of oLher side The *6i Lfe oll'er s r de of the munLain, Wasatrl that he could see. le Eoys Xde af? Je of? le of? 3py-dogs' tatls. loys are made ofl ile of? rdr of? things ntce, flrls are rnaile ofl leby. r. SO,,,F.43, Birthday SGgt. t' (s) ff,X'0i"il"$"13-l*3['"l;f,irolder' 2. Utlliam Be-Ills one year older, (U) E-l11tous'JiIlte's one vear-oiiei-' Tharthe was last nient:of 3, Susie Jq". is one year ol.der, (?) $ofy Sue ls ohe year order rnan sne $as IasL l,bndayt ;s you, rd you; .der idayl All hold hends and dance around (Z) Hou do you feel one year oloer Vou, rnan you sere last $lednesday? 9lap, clap f*!=,to_rmke you feel good, (Z) Sreety. Swltchen ts one year oroer lnan srre was lasf Thursdayl 7. :ri€'11.sil down, you can feed us. (pt Iour Leaand cake is-one-'ve# oiolt TfEn lt Has tast friOayf -88:. II. 20. &ryru,tre grlnd, IBX,f oY, rpfii[UAnir{ECt[tEmpAtIIEHItfl HerpaBHnbHrD( rrrarorroB: fifeAy,onu{x 27. Jlruuun, rtrlcrslaxie.nbHr€ l,feeroHMeHHfi. a JIHqHue lLnuynennnrs O6rcr,rurfr rraAejri I you he she rt we tley ne you Ilalerr IlpursmrerbHHe llpneoenrnaeMarr ---dnpua him her rt Lrs Lhem b. Coerastle pacchaa, eJre,qys o6paaqy" @aaeo c. :t selftd'r my your hrs her its our thetr She .ts my fftend. ,^know,her. l==f;8"S%", ooot(ls very tnterii6tri.6.-..," Thts ts mrnei Drn,r b[Ht;?"voursl Thrs,= ff,lul'ourorrni Thrs,, ;H}is l,oursl This," f,lfil;svoursr d. * TalctrE hedlt" wttosebook is this? Areyousure,J9;=.Iinf;i=it'smtne. Hc, ho, ltti nlne. "uglihose.work fs this? rnis beaufiful work? iL's nine'it's mine'rt's minel m;"#ilf i3"ii,Srttn*' hls, it'S hls, lL's hisl il3iilil8l ,o, mrnei Normrner : Not minel Are you sure? I'm surrel IL,s his? It's hisl NoL yours? Nobminel 22, Ttre Fntrre lrdefinit^ Tense rfrrl. rderful. ttlrll l{ill l{ill r,gill vou vou vou you ith windort:s "e just like us free. , Wlll you core bo ,ttrepart]4,... lfill you cometo the party -94b. t t-ove Silrg. Does she love him? Yt"' she does' Is she lr"poy? Ilceshe know,l?=' she ls' Yes, he does. yes, he kno*s lL. hllll she hug hlm?- she wil'l' hrlll she kiss ilif,l wiIl' t,lll she t.ru.Yrl?fizshe she w111,tf she has LoDoeshe love nJi?, Yes' he does' Is he rrappv? he ls' Ibes sne rnol,,It?' she does' Yes, she knowslt. WllI he hug *I?=' he wtll' ldlu he kiss #i?' brlll he leaveffifu Are they n"ppvlt=' Are they tucrv{es' tlc they xno" I3?' he wlll' he wtlln lf he lns to' they are' tlev are' Yes' thelt knou it' ldltl he flnc J 5 ' Wrll she frnd :;i? Y It. Yes, tlrey wtll, tf tfrey hAie Lo. c, qh' Parry, llfer nramv?lrher I peirrs are -rlDe. ---' I'Il rur weddlnt tft !l And ldtng ;ing-all, nlghl. d. Faq, -pg!, corneunder ilV haL, And I'1I gi.ve.you a sf ice oi bacon; And when I bakb I'^Il gtve you a c,ake, If I am nct mtslaken. 23. to be goirg tD & Ernth 1 lfhat Are Ycu Goine to Ib at -iz-'T? you going fo oo-at ltrap are you goi ng to are .qnaE y{rEre are you golng Lodo? be aL B? Ilhere are you eornE to feZ-lllro.are you goine [o see? unag are you going to say? Howare you golng fo go? 24. t2, t?.. Howmarrycans? Did VoU sav !2? : Yes, I said 12. . 12 cans of what? 1? cansof fislu- l*lat,ktnd of fish? : 6. luna, Luna 1? cans of tuna - ---- -ftsh? --": Yes, 1E cans. ' att ea! !!"nse lZ cans of tuna? eaL tF+ 1A carls, nrgrcansg rtt If sure is. Thaf's a lot of tund IL sue is. John Brown. John Brown? Yes, shat did he safr He dtdn'L say anythtng. NoLhlng? , that? He never ltstens to rc.. He never talks to rm. HeJustsits "*T_fl"T3"iitifgi"l].rone. hever taLks' to-ne.:lhe Slre JusU'stts around and uatches TV. . Shenever lrstens-Lo frt- shenevertarks dT"J*L He just He never tall(s to ne. Hq lust He just stts around. He Just And ratches TV. He Just stts around' stts around. stts 6r€und. aLclresTV. slts around. st[s atround. sttF around. stts arpr^md stts around. r 8 7 - III. TEruIU ) the garage). ; ts the notsiest Rolls_RoyceI,ve er's boii.rng., ltradarrB.The Rollsyou spoif t tfls nrctor, you,ve-even changtngthe oil, I,m going to ly, Stb downand don't shout: ['s ,runnlng,aroundin the lounge. [. ] 1., watLa mcusein oui house.-'0irs-ii ine-diefi&U-ftusre in the towru Brt - IS HOward in, Or OUt? ---' - ' HowardlHo.n'ardt rerdl i: ,' 4r. - lnat was the row abouL? - He took m+out in his inat. It,'s a rrrctorboat, but rf broke down. hlm to rov. He,s ha<l gd and we had a roul- a broken houlden, nowcouiO-nerow? " ' , _ -[et" ss_ f,our arrdhe ts r-ull of energy. htm enloll hirmelf. 6. lh. HowardCook_-fus a stsLer. . Her'-nalp iq tbtet. Vlotret is oFr,ofifidil'.rrn, a,'met] P*^ ff;,3:* .Sp^liya:, il.ine"iirniiFdi wooden h6r*e.F.ry ttasF rlpyer,E4dF;'{[oili,o.IiiE"ii,oi5r: VlEiS ll5:: fi$3ffi , yfl y*{ffgh* : Ff,9h*E-i5!t 6h.Iliem-;##-tf,;housE: t -99IIF'IJIOTEIIT{E I. UAIGT'P wake up ( 4) I eyes, openeyes (p) wakeup; youl toyst waKeup s and boys, wakeup. Ither, together, .happienwe'll be. ]S : rdsi now won',t thaL be ftrret -90CTMCAII J{CNOJIbBOBAIIHON JI'ITEPAT}?H t, E.fl. AgrrnoBa, C..rLldaseBenarr,f. A. IluryteBenarr. Iloeo6ue no agr.uldlenofiusrosaqnu. JL: Ilpocseqesfie, tg?4. ZgZ e. 2, r[ EeseoH, B, Eexeog, p. I{acos. ItcruornaropnufrcJroBapbaHF_ tulrcttoro sau{a. l{.: pyceralfi sabnc,1gg0. 2g6 e. 3. r. ilrEyrra. c.uoaapr agr.ugfrcrcoronpogtsHoliegns.ld.: coaere_ ftas anrlrKlonegus, 1964. EBg c. 4.' rL A-Bosrc, IL-IL IIeiBkHa.Anr.ufiennft 83bns lf1pe,trJrfi Hasr{Har qI{* Vq. noco6ue / htr" z Brcnas m{ora, 19g6. F1p e. 5. Banegafil: c6.- neeeHga asraufichoMf,ab[re rJrs ]4r-eg eper. Er<. / Coer. E. B, BtropoBoBa.I[ ; IlpoeeeqeHue,1gg0. 1g? c. 6. E r. rt4s{Ha. 'iDoseruqeeruafiBgofl'o-KoppenrrrBHsfr rcJpe a'rnrficrcoro sauna: Vq. nocodneIJrfi t{H_Toau San r{Hocrp. fra. / l{": 7. lleroflnqeenre ]n{aBaHrfiK BbrrroJrgeHr{to .. ynpaJffienxlt rro npalflu,rqeercofi(hgerulte e ttpuJro]fieHuex / Coer. f. C.Tpo$rruosa }frenerc, 1978. 24 e, 8. l,tap BBepx topMaultaMn: A.rlrrr,fftcttrftr o M o p B e r r { x a x /Coet. E lL Ieb{yposa. }L : tlporpece, 1g?g. BEOc. g' o. u. Poltffosa.IbronopltMno-aHr.usfiorn: Ilocooneno axr.uufieKolryflabrlrlrAJIEBxeqytrHnopHofi ,/ padoru lL: Buena.s,ndco.na,196g. 255 e, . to. c6opnrrc anrfi{ftcxoro noor}rueenoro Oo.unsnopa/ coer. O A.JIesrMHa l,l C.]r[.ftr:ruaH. l[. : Buemagm{oJra,tg?4. 102 c. 11. CttttxuMarym$,rrycuuil: C6opunn/ Caet. H l[ Ieryposa. ]tr : Palfra, 1988. 684 e. t2,, A. JLTpzucfepoB. IlparcruqeercrfiKype dpnerrrcn asrnsfiercoro gaHl€: Vqe6Hnn,q.lr^R r{H-Toar.t @r<. I{Hocrp. ga. / Itl"z fueuia.g IID{oJIa, 1976. 312 c. 13. J[ B Eep6a. fiarmosaf,cucfeMa r Der{eBafi IefiTenbnocrb. U, 1964. CIMCOH COHPA[lETiIf,t S) Sing Oubt (Banesafil: C6. reeeH Ha asr.urficrcoMflaHKe fl.,tff yrr-efi cpeI. Elr. ,/ Cocr. E. E. BnoporroBa, ld,: Iipoeaeqenge,1990.) S - Ship or Sheep: An Intermidiate Pronunctatton Course / by A.Baker (AWI:ZB0). : .- 91;-' COIEPTAf,I{B IFEruaxE ' ' x' 'E' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|.... . . . . . . . . .g . . . ! . I r .I r r r o . . .8, t-d, . . . . b . r r r . r i . ? . . . f-v, s-2, q l, roH. 13) IH EYI4SCTBNTETbHTIX. : eH c]4rleeTBItToJIbHHt(.. eJlbHbre,BorlpoenTeJlb9,,(lFlBepgllre"[bnaf, re.[bHHe, oTpnlalenbtlofieHufl). III. ?encru(ta1 | . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. . r . . . i . . to TOH, r9) r e it (npotroJEGHr{e). ( nrakesnb do snth) . III. Teneru(A0) ' lii "'r"..r"o""':"""" 22 rl roH. ( ?6) r !his_- these, Uhat. t Indefinite r-past npetrfloreHlt8). AlrTeJrbHHe ufl e rJraroloM to have. IBepF,i4TeJIbItrUe, BOIIpO- III. Tencru(ZZ1 yFOE I . , '. . . . I r . . . | . . . . | . . . . . . . . r . . . .. l 2s 92_ I. Oogerrqecni{eynpatsreHna(29) r] 3 g l t t o r[ a : r . A , tleJrcluKa: gueonnft BocxoAsnltfirgn. I I. Ipamraruqeenre fnpaffiIeur,rs(eA) L, faaro.u to t:e s'Present Indefinlte Tense (yrHHe, BOnpOeUre.[bHHe prqaTeabEue llpellore]rrBeplurerbHHe, orpnqareJrbnHe,BonpoeureJrbHue tlpefi.uolrgglttla) . III. Terceru(35) y F e t5 . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . g 7 ynpaffiIennr(3?) I. Ooneruqecrclle Sgyt${:[o:, o, L[, d.]l l,le.noArue nnexolfrqe-Eoexonflu$ft II. ' fparmarnqecnueynpafiIegng (43) qfleJMeJlbnble. t. i{o.ufiqeetBenHHe : Z. lvlany, nuch, a Lof of. 3. P.naio;rto have (JrrsepAltseJlbnHe,orpt{IIareJIbHDF, npeAnotrenna)( npoAorcslte) . EonpoenteJrbHHe I I I. Tercru ( 45) y F O t t 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . o o a . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . 1 .. . . . . (46) I. Oonernqecnneynpar$egus Bgynn: [?, a! ] r[ts.nognra;Bocxolf,@-HrexoIfiIr$fi ron. 46 II. IpamntnqeeKne ynpaffireHua(50) t, Ibps3rcosHeqficfftteJrbnHe. 2. Oreneuu epaBueHr{f,np}uarareJrbuulr. III. Terceru(50) I I P U .I 7 . . . . . o . ....r...... r........ r........... e........ (52} yrrpalfiHenus I. QoHeruqecKr{e , BByxll: I u, u! , ou] n socxolf,[Urn loHrt l,ieJollrKe HHexotrnll${ft I I. Ipamralr*qecrc[e ynpaJffieur,tn 1. The Presenf Indefintte oTpHIIaTeJIbHHe,BOnpOCHI 2. IloneaureJlbuoeHaK,IoHeHt ua). MeeroHMeHHf, that, those (cla 3. Vna,aarenbnue these). Ip, t, this 4. Ilpesocxolnsf, cretlenb trBycnorurun]r MHoroc.lonHbH NDHNAFATEJIbIIbD{. 5 . S o a r n ' ( . , . ) I ( h e , . . . ) / N e i t h e ra n ( . . . ) I (hen ... ). III. Temu (62) 52 I. (Donequuqexre ynpaxuenns(6F)- 93 p3ns,itlr , e ul l&'Eorrffcesuexoisd-ioexo'sryd ,, Eocxotra&-Hxexorf,qrR ro'br 'e. tti. ?eneru(?4) i" . . . . . . . . . . r ). . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 2 6 lg#.1lnexotrnqe-Boerotrn wfi n Srfi roubl II. rpqymrrttecly_e_ ynparye''f, (gz) t' III. : n *33iFlqarBid-l{9&otnieffi'( npr*ortrrsaeuan z.iffi"ffififf .fiStirrtr.Jgpq,,",,;;;ffi . esissn#i$gd'ffiin5#ffifri:' e ffiltr$ifiF-Tl 4.a*FiE'?"Ti#tfi *i]fu#sndit ffi,5ffiffiiend Terccru(g?) I E l t i l 0 E I i. l. G . . . . . . . . . , . .] , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 9 cnHoott xcuorb3tctsAHlon .il{TEprTypH ......... . . . q . . . . . . . . . . . 90 c n H msnf i P a q B x. .i lr f. i. . . r . . . . . .q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . g0