Загрузил Christian Barnes

Skills List (Necromunda 2017)

Finally, we isolated some Skills that were rarely taken as well as a couple of Skills that interfered with random selection due to assumptions
regarding equipped weapons into a General Skills Category to widen their availability or avoid the unfortunate outcome of a fighter getting stuck
with a random Skill that they simply cannot use.
Standard Skills
Standard Skills are divided into eight Skill Categories: Agility, Brawn, Combat, Cunning, Ferocity, Leadership, Shooting, and Savant. Different
types of fighters may have Secondary or Primary Skill Access to one or many of these Skill Categories. Additionally, any fighter may select one of
these skills using the "choose a Skill from any Skill Category" Advancement option in campaign formats where it is allowed.
1) Catfall: When this fighter falls or jumps down from a ledge they count as having moved half the vertical distance. In addition, if this
fighter is not Seriously Injured or taken Out of Action by a fall, make an Initiative test for them; if it is passed they remain standing rather
than being Pinned. If this fighter must make an Initiative check to avoid falling into a Pitfall they automatically pass their check.
2) Clamber: When this fighter climbs, the vertical distance they move is not halved. In other words, they always count as climbing up or
down a ladder. Additionally, when this fighter moves across a barricade, it does not cost 2'' of their move.
3) Forward Advance: When this fighter is set up onto the battlefield following general or scenario specific deployment instructions,
they may immediately make a Standard Move + D3''.
4) Mighty Leap: When this fighter leaps across a gap or jumps down, ignore the first 2'' of the distance when measuring. This fighter
automatically passes any Initiative checks required when this skill is used. Additionally, this fighter may Step Up an additional +2''.
5) Spring Up: If this fighter is Pinned when they are activated, they may make an Initiative check. If the check is passed the fighter can
make a free Stand Up action.
6) Sprint: As a Double Action the fighter may take three Standard Moves. If the fighter moves at least 12'' on the battlefield during this
action, ranged attacks against them take an additional -1 penalty to hit until the fighter's next activation.
1) Bulging Biceps: This fighter removes the Unwieldy trait from one weapon they are equipped with that has the trait; text from the trait
itself and other rules text that refers to the trait do not apply to this fighter for that weapon. This fighter can change which weapon they
apply this skill to during the Update Roster step of the Post-Battle Sequence.
2) Bull Charge: When this fighter makes close combat attacks as part of a Charge action, any attacks they use that have the Melee trait
also gain the Knockback trait and are resolved at +1 Strength.
3) Burly: This fighter's unarmed attacks have the Melee and Knockback traits. If this fighter has one or zero close combat weapons they
gain the Dual Weapons bonus dice; the additional dice gained is an unarmed attack. When this fighter is the target of an attack with the
Knockback or Drag traits they are only knocked back or dragged on a natural 6, and when this fighter takes the Exert action they may add
+1 to their Strength check. However, other fighters gain +1 to Detect this fighter.
4) Crushing Blow: If this fighter is Engaged and is able to make a Melee attack, they can use the following action:
Crushing Blow (Simple): Select an Engaged target, and choose one of your Melee weapons. The target must make an Initiative
check with a -1 penalty (if able). If the check is failed or cannot be made, the target suffers a hit resolved using the selected weapon
with +1 Strength, +1 Damage, -1 AP, and the Knockback trait added.
5) Headbutt: If this fighter is Engaged, they can use the following action:
Headbutt (Simple): Select an Engaged enemy fighter. This fighter rolls a D6 and the chosen enemy fighter rolls a D3, then each
fighter adds their current Toughness (including modifiers such as from Flesh Wounds or a stimm-slug stash) to their results. If this
fighter's result is higher, the enemy fighter is momentarily staggered and cannot make Reaction attacks the next time they are
attacked in close combat this turn. If this fighter's result is lower, their turn ends immediately. In the case of a tie, nothing happens
and this fighter's turn resumes.
6) Iron Jaw: When this fighter would be Seriously Injured in close combat, roll a D6 and then add this fighter's current Toughness
(including modifiers such as from Flesh Wounds or a stimm-slug stash). On a 7+ this fighter is not Seriously Injured, and takes a Flesh
Wound instead.
1) Combat Focus: This fighter does not have to make Nerve tests when nearby friendly fighters are Seriously Injured or taken Out of
Action. Additionally when another fighter (friend or foe) is taken Out of Action within line of sight and the vision arc of this fighter, you may
discard one Flesh Wound that this fighter has suffered.
2) Combat Master: This fighter never suffers penalties to their hit rolls for interference, can always grant assists regardless of how
many enemy fighters they are engaged with, and is considered to have a 360° vision arc in close combat.
3) Counter-Charge: If this fighter is Active and Readied, when an enemy fighter Engages a friendly fighter within 6'' of this fighter this
fighter may interrupt that fighter's action. This fighter loses their Ready marker, then immediately makes a Charge action targeting the
enemy fighter. If the enemy fighter is not Seriously Injured or taken Out of Action by this Charge, their action resumes from the point it
was interrupted.
4) Parry: This fighter can parry attacks as though they were carrying a weapon with the Parry trait. If they already have one or more
weapons with that trait, they can parry one additional attack. Additionally, the parry granted by this skill may be used on an attack that is
not normally able to be parried, such as an attack made by a weapon with the Power or Entangle traits.
5) Rain of Blows: This fighter treats the Fight action as Simple rather than Basic.
6) Step Aside: If this fighter is hit in close combat, they can attempt to step aside. Make an Initiative check for this fighter. If the check is
passed the attack misses. This skill can only be used once per enemy in each round of close combat – in other words, if an enemy makes
more than one attack, this fighter can only attempt to step aside from one of them.
1) Backstabber: Any close combat weapons used by this fighter gain the Backstab trait; weapons that already have the trait add 3 to the
attacker's Strength rather than 1 when the trait is applicable. Additionally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect this fighter.
2) Bushwacker: When this fighter uses the Charge action if they declare an opposing fighter as their target and are not in that fighter's
vision arc, they may take a Double Move for their Charge instead of a Standard Move + D3''. Attacks made as part of this Charge to which
the Backstab trait is applicable cannot be parried.
3) Escape Artist: When this fighter makes a Disengage action, enemies the fighter was Engaged with do not make free attacks against
them. In addition, if this fighter is Captured at the end of a battle roll a D6. On a result of 2 or more, they slip away and return to their gang
4) Evade: If this fighter is not Seriously Injured, other fighters suffer an additional -1 penalty to their hit rolls for all attacks (ranged and
close combat) that target this fighter. Additionally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect this fighter.
Infiltrate: Fighter may Infiltrate, if scenario permits. In priority order set up fighter so that they are not visible to or within 6'' of any
enemy fighters (unless scenario specific guidelines are given).
6) Overwatch: If this fighter is Active and Readied, they can interrupt a visible enemy fighters action as soon as it is declared but before
it is carried out. This fighter loses their Ready marker, then immediately makes a Shoot action, targeting the enemy fighter whose action
has been declared. If the enemy fighter is Pinned or Seriously Injured by this attack, their action is not made and their turn ends
1) Berserker: When activated, prior to changing facing this fighter may pick an enemy fighter within line of sight and within their vision
arc as their target, and declare a Charge against that target. If they do, this fighter may take a Double Move for their Charge (instead of a
Standard Move + D3'') and automatically passes any Initiative, Cool, or Willpower test they may be required to make during their Charge
(such as when leaping across a gap or engaging an enemy with the Fearsome skill). This fighter must engage their selected target with this
Charge if able, and may not engage any other enemy fighter as part of this Charge.
2) Fearsome: If an enemy attempts to Engage this fighter, they must make a Willpower check. If the check is failed they stop 1'' away
from this fighter, cannot Engage, and their action ends immediately.
3) Impetuous: When this fighter Consolidates at the end of a close combat they may take a Standard Move (instead of up to 2'' as
normal), may Engage one or more enemy fighters when doing so, and automatically pass any Initiative, Cool, or Willpower test they may be
required to make (such as when leaping across a gap or Engaging an enemy with the Fearsome skill).
4) Nerves of Steel: When this fighter is hit by a ranged attack they may choose to make a Cool check. If they do and the check is
passed, this fighter is not Pinned.
5) True Grit: When making an Injury roll for the fighter, roll one less Injury dice (for example, a Damage 2 weapon would roll one dice).
Against attacks with Damage 1 roll two dice and the player controlling the fighter with True Grit then chooses one to discard before
resolving the dice effects.
6) Unstoppable: In the End Phase immediately after Recovery tests are made, you may discard one Flesh Wound that this fighter has
1) Commanding Presence: This fighter can group activate one more fighter than they normally could. For instance, a Leader can
activate three other fighters instead of two while a Champion can activate two other fighters instead of one. If this fighter does not already
have a Group Activation ability, they gain the following:
Group Activation (1): this fighter may group activate with up to 1 fellow gang member within 4''.
2) Inspirational: Friendly fighters within 12'' and line of sight of this fighter may roll an extra dice when making a Cool or Willpower check
(including Nerve tests) and discard a dice before resolving their roll.
3) Iron Will: This fighter counts as two (2) fighters for the purposes of Bottle tests while they are on the battlefield and not Seriously
Injured or Broken.
4) Mentor: Make a Leadership check for this fighter each time another fighter within 12'' gains XP during the Battle Sequence. If the
check passes, that fighter gains 1 additional XP.
5) Overseer: If the fighter is Active, they can attempt to make the following action:
Order (Double): This fighter must make a Leadership check; if the check fails nothing happens and this fighter's activation ends
immediately. If the check succeeds, the controlling player may select a friendly fighter within 12'' of this fighter. The selected fighter
can immediately make two actions as though it were their turn, even if they are not Ready. If they are Ready, these actions do not
remove their Ready status.
6) Regroup: If this fighter is Active at the end of their turn, you may make a Leadership check for them. If it passes, each friendly Broken
fighter within 12'' recovers from being Broken.
1) Fast Shot: This fighter treats the Shoot action as Simple rather than Basic, as long as they do not attack with an Unwieldy weapon for
either action.
2) Hip Shooting: If this fighter is Active, they can make the following action:
Run and Gun (Double): This fighter makes a Standard Move, adding +D3'' to the distance they can move. At any point along their
move this fighter may make a single free Shoot action resolved normally, using a weapon they are equipped with that does not
have the Unwieldy trait.
3) Marksman: This fighter may Check the Range before selecting their target(s) while taking a Shoot action and is not affected by the
rules for target Priority.
4) Precision Shot: The Armor Penetration of Ranged attacks made by this fighter are increased by 1 step. For instance, AP - becomes AP
-1, AP -1 becomes AP -2, and so on. Additionally, when this fighter's Ranged attacks miss their target the Stray Shots rules do not apply.
This skill cannot be used with weapons that have the Blast, Rapid Fire, Scattershot, or Template traits.
5) Prone Shooter: This skill allows a fighter to shoot normally while Pinned. While this fighter is Pinned they may take the Shoot action
with a ranged weapon as if they were Active. Normally a Pinned model has no vision arc but a fighter using this skill does for purposes of
taking a Shoot action; a vision arc template should be placed on the battlefield to mark the fighter's vision arc.
6) Trick Shot: This fighter ignores the first -1 penalty that would affect them when making a ranged attack. This skill cannot be used with
weapons that have the Template trait.
1) Ballistics Expert: When this fighter takes a Shoot action with a Ranged weapon, the Short range of the weapon gains +3'' and the
Long range of the weapon gains +6''. This skill cannot be used with weapons that have the Template or Versatile traits.
Connected: If this fighter is in the gang's Crew, in the Pre-Battle Sequence Choose Crews step after crews are selected and before Crew
Rating is calculated, you may use one of the following options to add more fighter(s) to the gang's Crew: A) Hire 1-3 Hive Scum for 15
credits each; B) Hire 1 Merc at 1/2 credit cost for this battle only; C) Include a Hangers-on from the gang's roster.
3) Fast Learner: When this fighter gains XP during the Battle Sequence, they may make an Intelligence check. If the check is successful
this fighter gains 1 additional XP.
4) Fixer: This skill only has an effect in the Post-Battle Sequence. If this fighter is not Captured, in Recovery, or Critically Injured, they may
take one more Post-Battle Action than they normally would be able to. Fighters who are not normally able to take Post-Battle Actions that
have this skill are able to take one Post-Battle Action.
5) Munitioneer: When you set this fighter up onto the battlefield, you may also set up D3 ammo caches within 4'' of them.
6) Savvy Trader: This skill only has an effect in the Post-Battle Sequence. If this fighter takes a Seek Rare Item action you roll 3D3 + 6 to
determine the rarity of the item available to them. If this fighter takes a Sell Equipment action they count as being two fighters taking the
General Skills
General Skills are outside of the standard Skill Categories (Agility, Brawn, etc), and are available to all characters who have Skill Access of any
kind. Any fighter may choose a General Skill instead when they would choose a Primary Skill, and any fighter may choose a Skill from the
General Skill list instead when they would otherwise be forced to randomly roll a Primary or Secondary Skill.
1) Dodge: If this fighter is not Seriously Injured and would be hit by an attack (even an auto-hit attack), you may roll a D6. If a 6 is rolled
this fighter is not hit and the attack has no effect on this fighter.
2) Gunfighter: If the fighter attacks with two pistols (two weapons that each have the Pistol trait), they do not suffer the standard -1
penalty to their hit rolls. The fighter may target a different enemy with each pistol.
3) Lie Low: While this fighter is Prone, enemy fighters cannot target them with Ranged attacks unless they are within the attacking
weapon's Short range (weapons that do not have a Short range are unaffected by this ability). Additionally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect
this fighter while they are Prone.
4) Medicae: During the End Phase immediately before Recovery Tests are made, if this fighter is Active they may make a Standard Move
or if they are Pinned they may make a Half Move towards a Seriously Injured friendly fighter. When this fighter assists a friendly fighter
who is making a Recovery test this skill allows a single Out of Action dice result to be rerolled.
5) Pistoleer: The fighter may ignore the standard rule that only one Attack dice can be allocated to a pistol (a weapon with the Pistol
trait) when determining Attack dice in close combat. Additionally if they are armed with two pistols, they are considered to be Dual
Wielding and gain an additional Attack dice. Finally, the Short Range Accuracy modifiers of this fighter's pistols do apply to hit rolls in close
6) Pugilist: This fighter gains +1 to hit with unarmed attacks and their unarmed attacks have the Melee and Knockout traits. If this fighter
uses zero close combat weapons in an exchange they gain the Dual Weapons bonus dice and all of their attack dice for the exchange are
unarmed attacks.
Elite Skills
Elite Skills are outside of the standard Skill Categories (Agility, Brawn, etc).
They may only be taken using the "choose a Skill from any Skill Category" Advancement option in campaign formats where it is allowed.
Acrobatic: When this fighter is Active they may ignore enemy fighters while moving or charging. In effect, this allows them to move over
other fighters. Note that this fighter must still adhere to the 1'' rule when their movement is complete. Additionally when this fighter
moves across a barricade, it does not cost 2'' of their move.
Adaptable: Once per battle at any point during the Battle Sequence, the controlling player of this fighter may select any one other skill
from the standard skill categories (Agility, Brawn, Combat, Cunning, Ferocity, Leadership, Shooting, Savant). This fighter gains that skill until
the end of the current round's End Phase or the end of the Wrap Up step of the Post-Battle Sequence, whichever comes first.
Artifex: During the Post-Battle Sequence, this fighter may select an item from the Trading Post and then take the following Post-Battle
Craft Item (Post-Battle Action): Make an Intelligence check. If this check is successful subtract D6 x 15 credits from the
selected item's cost (to a minimum cost of 0 credits); you may purchase the selected item at this reduced price (if able) and add it to
the fighter card of any fighter in the gang who has Equipment Access that allows them to be equipped with the selected item.
Blade Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with traditionally bladed close combat weapons such as swords, axes, and knives but not
chainswords or similar mechanical weapons. Additionally, all of this fighter's applicable weapon profiles gain the Accurate trait.
Bow Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with a bow of any type. Additionally, all of this fighter's bow weapon profiles gain the Penetrating
and Deadly traits.
Bring It On!: If this fighter is Active and Readied, this fighter may choose to lose their Ready marker to interrupt the action of an enemy
fighter that is up to 12'' away and within line of sight that has either declared a Shoot action or a Charge action that does not target this
fighter. The interrupted enemy fighter must immediately make a Willpower check with a -2 penalty. If the enemy fighter passes this check
they resume their action as normal. If the enemy fighter fails this check, they target this fighter with their ranged attack (even if out of
range) or must attempt to Engage this fighter (and no other) if charging.
Captivater: When this fighter takes an enemy fighter Out of Action in close combat or from no further than 6'' away and this fighter is
not Engaged with any other enemy fighters, this ability may be used unless the enemy fighter is ineligible to be Captured. Instead of
making a Lasting Injury roll for the enemy fighter being put Out of Action the controlling player of this fighter may choose to remove this
fighter and the enemy fighter from the battlefield; if this option is chosen this fighter gains the normal XP for taking the enemy fighter Out
of Action plus 1 additional XP, and the enemy fighter is Captured.
Chainsword Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with a chainsword of any type. Additionally, all of this fighter's chainsword weapon
profiles gain the Deadly traits.
Counter-Attack: When the fighter makes Reaction attacks in close combat, they roll one additional Attack dice for each of the attacker's
attacks that failed to hit or failed to wound.
Crusher: When this fighter makes close combat attacks as part of a Charge action, any Melee attacks they use gain the Pulverize and
Intimidating traits.
Demolitionist: This fighter starts play with a Frag Trap, Melta Trap, or Gas Trap Tactics Card. When encountering a trap that triggers
automatically, may make a successful Intelligence check to prevent the trap from triggering.
Determined: If this fighter is in Recovery at the beginning of the Choose Crews step of the Pre-battle Sequence they may recover
immediately. Additionally, if this fighter's gang has Bottled Out this fighter does not have to make a Nerve test to Ready.
Exfiltrate: If this fighter is not Engaged and is not Seriously Injured, they can use the following action:
Extract (Double): This fighter (along with anything they are carrying) is removed from the battlefield; no Lasting Injury roll is
made for them and they will be available for the gang's next battle. This fighter is considered to be Out of Action, but in scenarios
where gangs gain Victory Points based upon opposing gang fighters that are Out of Action, no Victory Points are gained from this
fighter going Out of Action in this way. If this fighter carried an objective item off the battlefield, their gang claimed that item.
Force of Will: If this fighter would suffer a Wound they may make a Willpower check with a -1 penalty. If the check is passed this fighter
suffers a Flesh Wound instead of a Wound.
Got Your Six: Once per round if this fighter is Standing and Active, as soon as a visible enemy fighter declares a Charge action but
before it is carried out, this fighter may interrupt the enemy fighter's Activation to perform a Shoot action targeting the enemy fighter
whose action has been declared. If the enemy fighter is Pinned or Seriously Injured by this attack, their action is not made and their turn
ends immediately.
Grenadier: When this fighter throws a Grenade or shoots a Grenade Launcher, their Long range is increased by 4''. When one of this
fighter's Grenades scatters, their controlling player may choose to increase or decrease the scatter distance by up to 1''.
Headshot: When this fighter makes a ranged attack against an enemy fighter whose head is visible they may choose to take a -2 penalty
to their hit roll. If they do and hit the target, their attack gains the Pulverize and Deadly traits, and is resolved at +1 Strength and +1
Damage. This cannot be used in conjunction with weapon profiles that have the Area, Rapid Fire, Scattershot, Blast, or Template traits.
Heavy Metal: While this fighter is equipped with a Heavy weapon they suffer a -1'' Move penalty but gain +1 to hit with Heavy weapons,
+1 to Ammo checks with Heavy weapons, and their Armor save roll is improved by 1 (if the fighter does not already have a Armor save roll,
they instead gain an Armor save of 6+).
Hit and Run: After taking their attacks as part of a Charge action and before enemies take their reaction attacks, this fighter may make a
free Disengage action. If this fighter has any movement remaining to them and are still Standing after disengaging, they may use that
remaining movement immediately (the 1'' rule applies).
Hive Attunement: When activated this fighter may attempt a Willpower check. If this check is successful the fighter is considered to
have a 360° vision arc, gains a +1 bonus to Detect, can attack through smoke clouds, and is unaffected by low-light and darkness
conditions. These bonuses expire the next time the fighter is activated.
Huntmaster: When this fighter or a friendly {animal type} within 12'' takes an opposing fighter Out of Action, this fighter may make a
Leadership check. If the check is successful this fighter gains 1 additional XP. Note: {animal type} must be selected when this skill is taken
and cannot be changed afterwards.
Hurler Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with thrown objects such as Javelins, Thrown Daggers, Hurlys, and Grenades. Additionally, this
fighter gains +1 Strength for purposes of determining range and damage for thrown objects where relevant to the individual items'
weapon profiles.
Intimidating Appearance: All enemy fighters within 12'' and line of sight of this fighter suffer a -1 penalty to all Cool checks and
Willpower checks (including Nerve tests). Enemy fighters within 6'' and line of sight suffer an additional -1 penalty.
Lightning Reflexes: If this fighter is engaged by an enemy fighter while Standing and Readied, this fighter may choose to lose their
Ready marker to interrupt that enemy fighter's action. If they do, this fighter immediately makes close combat attacks against the
interrupted enemy as if this fighter had successfully made a Charge action against that enemy. Afterwards, if the enemy fighter remains
Engaged with this fighter they may make reaction attacks versus this fighter (instead of any attacks they otherwise would have made).
Low-crawler: This fighter treats both the Crawl (Double) action and the Crawl Through (Double) action as Simple rather than Double.
Additionally, this fighter may make a free Stand Up action after making a Crawl or Crawl Through action if they are not Seriously Injured.
Finally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect this fighter while they are Prone.
Mark Target: Once per battle, when activated this fighter may select an enemy fighter within line of sight and Mark them (put a marker
next to the selected fighter or on their fighter card). For the duration of the battle members of this fighter's Crew (including themselves)
may ignore Target Priority when shooting at that enemy fighter and gain +1 to hit that enemy fighter with all attacks.
Motivated: When activated this fighter may attempt a Willpower check. If this check is successful the fighter gains one additional action
that they may use during this activation, but if the check is failed the fighter has one less action available to them during this activation.
Packleader: Group Activation (3): only {animal type} fighters within 12'' of this fighter. Note: {animal type} must be selected when this
skill is taken and cannot be changed afterwards.
Pistol Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with a pistol of any type (a weapon profile with the Pistol trait), for both ranged and close
combat attacks. Additionally, all of this fighter's pistol weapon profiles gain the Scathing trait.
Point Blank: This fighter may use a Basic or Special weapon in close combat as if it has the Pistol trait. This skill cannot be used with a
weapon profile that has the Blast or Template traits.
Prepared: This fighter removes the Scarce trait from one weapon they are equipped with that has the trait; text from the trait itself and
other rules text that refers to the trait do not apply to this fighter for that weapon. Additionally this fighter gains +1 to ammo checks made
with that weapon. This fighter can change which weapon they apply this skill to during the Update Roster step of the Post-Battle Sequence.
Resilient: When this fighter suffers a Lasting Injury, a Grievous Injury result is treated as an Out Cold result, and a Permanent Injury result
is treated as a Grievous Injury result.
Retribution: When this fighter makes Reaction attacks in close combat they may re-roll all misses and all failed wounds. In both cases,
the re-rolled results must be taken.
Robust: When this fighter makes a Recovery Test for themselves they always count as being assisted even when alone, and may reroll a
single Out of Action dice result. Additionally if this fighter is Pinned at the end of the End Phase, this fighter may immediately stand up.
Scattershot Savant: Attacks with the Scattershot trait made by this fighter also gain the Penetrating and Knockback traits.
Additionally, after making a successful hit with an attack that has the Scattershot trait this fighter may roll an extra D6 and choose the
highest dice as their Scattershot result.
Sentinel: This fighter has a 360° vision arc, gains a +1 bonus to Detect enemy fighters, and has a special 4+ unmodified save against all
attacks made by Hidden opponents. Additionally, this fighter ignores partial cover within 12''
Shadow: This fighter may be set up onto the battlefield Hidden, even if the scenario does not normally permit this. When this fighter is
activated if they are at least 6'' away from and outside line of sight from all enemies, they may become Hidden if they are not already.
Finally, there is a -1 penalty to Detect this fighter.
Shredder: When this fighter makes close combat attacks against another fighter each of their unparried Melee attacks with a hit roll of a
natural 6 automatically wound (no wound roll needs to be made); the target fighter may still make armor saves against these attacks but
suffers a Flesh Wound for each successful armor save instead of cancelling the attack entirely.
Sic 'Em: If this fighter is Active, they can attempt to make the following action: Note: {animal type} must be selected when this skill is taken
and cannot be changed afterwards.
Order (Basic): This fighter must make a Leadership check; if the check fails nothing happens. If the check succeeds, the
controlling player may select a friendly {animal type} within 12'' of this fighter. The selected {animal type} can immediately make
two actions as though it were their turn, even if they are not Ready. If they are Ready, these actions do not remove their Ready
Springing Charge: This fighter may declare a Charge action while Pinned; this fighter may take a free Stand Up action at the beginning
of their activation when they use this option.
Strider: This fighter's movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and they may move up to an additional D3'' of distance whenever they
take a Double Move or Charge action.
Tactical Guidance: When this fighter leads a Group Activation, one other participating fighter may reroll a single failed roll they make
during their activation.
Tactician: +1 Tactics Card. If the chosen Tactics Card must be played on a fighter, it must be played on this fighter.
Teamwork: When this fighter participates in a Group Activation, one other participating fighter may apply a +1 bonus to a single D6 roll
they make during their activation.
Trigger Happy: When this fighter rolls to hit with a weapon that has the Rapid Fire trait, they may roll one additional Firepower dice.
However, if the attack results in two or more failed Ammo checks, the gun has jammed and cannot be used for the rest of the battle.
Tunnel Rat: This fighter may move through Ductways as part of a Standard Move or a Charge with no movement penalty. They may also
Consolidate through a Ductway if they have enough movement to get to the opening of the Ductway; if this occurs set the fighter up within
1'' of the other side of the Ductway but not within 1'' of any enemy models (if this is not possible, this action cannot be taken).
Vet: This skill only has an effect in the Pre-battle Sequence. If this fighter is available at the beginning of the Choose Crews step of the Prebattle Sequence, for each {animal type} fighter in your gang that is in Recovery you may roll a D6. Each {animal type} fighter that gets a
result of 3+ recovers and is available for this battle. Note: {animal type} must be selected when this skill is taken and cannot be changed