Загрузил Павел Абидуев

Итоговый тест

Final Test
Headway Beginner
Name ________________________________
I. Correct the mistakes
Each sentence has a mistake, Find it and correct.
1. He haves lunch at home.
He has lunch at home.
2. I can speaking English.
3. She want to send an email.
4. “I like a coffee, please.” “Here you are.”
5. “Do you like to come to my party?” “Yes, please.”
6. We learning English.
7. I’d like shopping.
8. What do you wearing?
9. He no working today.
10. I’m do my home work now.
11. That’s my father over there. He wears a black
12. Where are you coming from?
13. We go on holiday next month.
14. We have a good time last weekend.
15. How much did you stay in Spain.
16. Does he work tomorrow?
17. Jack always get up at 6.00 in the morning.
18. My son lives near you. Do you know he?
19. I’m born in 1979.
20. My birthday is on the five of May.
21. I usually have lunch in my office in 13.00.
II. Past, present, and future.
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Present Continuous for future, and Past
A: What (1) are you doing (do) tomorrow?
B: I (2) ______________ (play) tennis with my
A: Really? (3) _____ you _______ (play) every
B: Only in the summer. But my brother (4) _____
(play) two or three times every week – he’s very
good. He (5) _________ (start) when he was a child,
but (6) I _______________ (not like) sport very
much when I was a child. (7) _____ you ______
(like) sport?
A: Well, I (8) _____ (go) swimming every week,
and windsurfing in the summer. I (9) _______ (go)
to Australia last year.
B: (10) _____ you ______ (have) a good time?
A: Yes, it was fantastic. I was with some friends and
we (11) ____________ (travel) to different places.
We (12) ___________ (visit) Sydney and
B: (13) _____ you __________ (go) to Australia for
your next holiday?
A: No, we (14) ________________ (go) to the US.
My sister (15)____________ (live) in Florida and
we (16) __________________ (stay) with her for
two weeks in August.
B: That’s great! Have a good time!
A: Thanks very much.
III. Circle a, b or c.
1. We ______ a small garden and two cats.
a. has
b. are
2. A: My wife is an architect.
B: Where ___________ work?
a. she does
b. is she
c. does she
3. I __________ feel well yesterday.
a. didn’t b. not did c. wasn’t
4. Who ________ the window?
a. opened b. did open c. did opened
5. A. He can’t __________ the guitar.
a. plays b. playing c. play
6. A. Can you tell me the time, please?
B. It ______ two fifteen.
a. are b. - c. is
7. We ____________ to school tomorrow. It’s a
a. aren’t going b. don’t go c. not going
8. I have three ___________.
a. childs b. children c. childrens
9. My father never ________ TV.
a. watch b. watched c. watches
10. Where ______ last summer?
a. you went b. did you went c. did you go
11. Jack is a doctor. ________ hospital is in the
center of Tokio.
a. His b. Her c. Its
12. Anne is ___________ mother.
a. Philip b. Philips c. Philip’s
13. He went to the supermarket __________ some
a. for to buy b. for buy c. to buy
14. When ________ she go to the concert hall?
a. do b. does c. is
15. Mr Jones teaches __________English.
a. us b. we c. our
16. There ______ a table and two chairs in the living
a. are b. is c. were
IV. Can/ want/ like/ would like
Choose the correct word.
1. “ Do / Would you want a drink?” “Yes, please.”
2. “Do you like Italian food?” “Yes, I like/ do.”
3. “Do/ Would you like to watch a video?” “That’s
a good idea.”
4. I’d like/ I like to buy a computer, please.
5. My father wants to/ wants learn English.
6. You can buying/ buy stamps in a post office.
7. She doesn’t/ don’t like dogs.
8. I cant/ can’t speak German very well.
9. Do they like sail/ sailing?
10. He can/ cans use a computer.
11. We like/ We’d like our new house.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. I always make my bed in the morning.
do make put
I’m not _______________ good at geography.
very much many
3. My brother’s birthday is ________ 14th February.
in at on
4. The opposite of ‘noisy’ is ______________.
comfortable clean quiet
5. There are a lot of photographs of our families
______ the walls.
at on in
6. They ___________ a really good time on holiday.
had spent did
7. We’re going to the cinema ______ Sunday.
at in on
8. The shoes are _____ the floor under the bed.
at next to on
9. What do Lucy and Nicolas do ______ the
in on at
10. In the evening we _____________ television.
see watch look
11. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, go ________
Station Road, turn left, and it’s on the right.”
right down on
12. Kate and David stayed _______ home yesterday.
at in --13. He ________ a shower at nine o’clock.
went had liked
14. Hannah and Rachel usually _______ tennis in the
have go play
15. “__________ do you usually have breakfast?”
“At 3 o’clock.”
when where what time
16. Do you eat in restaurants ______ the weekend?
in at on
17. Do you have English classes _______ Friday
in at on
18. The weather is ____________. It’s wet and cold.
lovely horrible
19. We ____________ the hotel and the flight.
had took booked
20. Last Sunday we ________ sightseeing in Paris.
21. “I’d like to ____________ a pair of jeans,
please.” “Sure, the changing rooms are over
buy try on
get on
VI. Read the text and do the task.
A wonderful surprise
Last Saturday was my forties birthday. I got up early but my husband and children stayed in bed. I
thought, “That’s OK. I can open my birthday cards now.” I looked in every room in the house, but nothing –
no card, presents, flowers, or chocolates. I was upset* but I thought, “It doesn’t matter*. I can wait.”
An hour later the postman arrived and gave me lots of envelopes. “Fantastic –my card!” I said, and then
I saw that letters were not for me. My husband and children got up and said, “Happy Birthday!” but didn’t
give me a card or present.
Then at 12 o’clock a taxi arrived at the house. I thought it was a mistake but my husband said, “Get in
the taxi. I’ve got your jacket and bag.” We went to the airport and arrived in Paris that afternoon. We went
shopping for my birthday present –a beautiful painting of the city. In the evening we had a delicious dinner –
champagne, seafood, steak, and French cheese.
On Sunday we had breakfast in the oldest café in Paris, went on a boat on the River Seine, and walked
along the famous streets. We arrive home on Sunday evening after a perfect weekend. The next day I asked
my husband, “How did you keep the holiday a secret?” “I booked it on the Internet”, he answered, “because
I know you never use the computer!”
*Upset – огорчение, расстройство
* It doesn’t matter– ничего
Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F).
The woman got up early to open the birthday cards.
The woman didn’t get any presents on the morning of her birthday.
The woman waited for a postman.
The postman gave the woman some birthday cards.
The woman didn’t think the taxi was for her.
The woman and her husband stayed two nights in Paris.
The husband presented the woman a painting of Paris..
The woman and her husband left Paris in the morning.
The woman didn’t know about the holiday.
The woman doesn’t use the computer.
TOTAL __________________