Acid rain Abliazizova Eva 7a Acid rain is a natural phenomenon in which precipitation with high acidity is observed. One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain. It results from the release into the atmosphere of sulphur and nitrogen oxides that react with water droplets and return to earth in the form of acid rain, mist or snow. One of the causes of air pollution are enterprises of the petrochemical and food industries, ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Air pollution, including acid precipitation, thought to exceed the critical levels and loads for forest ecosystems, represents a serious threat to the sustainability of forest resources in central and eastern Europe and, as regards acidification, northern Europe. Acid rain is thought to have contributed to the disappearance of fish from thousands of lakes in both Europe and North America and to extensive damage to forests. Acid rain corrodes even metal, as a result of which bridges are destroyed faster, planes are broken. Many historical monuments that have existed for millennia and have survived to this day may now perish due to acid rain. Acid rains cause great harm to nature and human health. Water in seas, rivers and lakes becomes uninhabitable. Scientists around the world are looking for solutions to the acid rain problem. One of the main methods of control is the installation of expensive treatment facilities at each enterprise, the filters of which will prevent the emissions of heavy metals and hazardous oxides. НАШИ СТРАНИЦЫ В СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЯХ: НАШИ УСЛУГИ: Разработка (оформление) презентации «под ключ» Разработка авторского шаблона презентации Оформление раздаточных материалов Разработка фирменного стиля Детальнее: КОНТАКТЫ: – это самый крупный портал бесплатных шаблонов презентаций PowerPoint. Premium шаблоны презентаций PowerPoint шаблоны Word для создания эффектных раздаточных материалов шаблоны диаграмм и графиков для большей визуализации в презентациях шаблоны сертификатов, дипломов, грамот А также видео-уроки, статьи и многое другое…