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The Fire of God by Joy Dawson

The Fire of God by Joy Dawson
The Fire of God
Joy Dawson
Discovering It's Many Life Changing Purposes
The Lord baptizes with a fire of the Holy Spirit to test us, purify us, and ultimately to empower us. But as believers, we should not always fear
these flames as a sign of His wrath. The Fire of God shows how to press through those scorching situations, which are allowed to burn so that
we become conformed to a Christ-like image. Not only do God's flames incinerate the impurities in our lives, but these fiery ordeals are also
for righteousness sake, so that He gets glory from our earthly perseverance.
The Fire of God in Testing
Know God. Expect heat. It's that simple.
Contained fires have a compelling and unique fascination. They give warmth and comfort and distinctive beauty. Because our God is a
consuming fire He has all those attractions and functions. It couldn't be otherwise. There's a magnetic attraction to a contained fire. We
instinctively want to get close. The same thing happens when we want to get serious about knowing God intimately.
The truths in this book about the many aspects of the fire of God are intended to ignite our passion for an intense love relationship with the
most awesome, intriguing, fascinating, and at times, mysterious Being in the universe-Lover God-and to really experience Him as such.
But, for this all-fulfilling relationship to develop, it's imperative that we understand and embrace every aspect of this " consuming fire " God.
The closer we get to Him in friendship, and stay near Him, the more clearly we understand how important, in fact crucial , is every aspect of
the fire of God in our lives experientially. To dodge any aspect by not studying it from the Bible, or to be non-cooperative with God as He takes
us into any aspect of it, or to be casual about the subject as a whole, will inevitably mean missing the fulfillment of our God-ordained destinies.
We know that God is love, God is light, God is life, and we rightly embrace those realities. He is no less a consuming fire, so we need to
embrace that reality with equal certainty and security. That is, of course, if we're deadly serious about getting as close to Him as He will allow.
I believe, as God's children, we're all either in a fiery trial (with varying degrees of heat), heading for one and don't know it, or have been in
one and need more understanding of how to get through the next one more successfully. I believe the degree of the heat of God's fire in each
believer's life is proportionate to the extent of God's plan to use each one for the extension of His Kingdom and to bring glory to the name of
the Lord Jesus Christ. This is vividly illustrated in the lives of Job, Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel, Mordecai, Esther, Jeremiah, Mary, Paul,
and the apostle John. In each case the intense heat came when they were living righteous lives before God and men. This means we must
never presume on God's purposes for those in the fire. We must never judge.
The Fire of God to Purify
Acts of God's Love
Now let's see how the tender, strongly ambitious love of God manifests itself, or Himself, in relation to purifying us.
Sin in any form is the most destructive force to the well-being of our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. " The wages of sin is death "(Romans
6:23), the ultimate destruction. It is like a disease. Let's take cancer as an example. Ultimately, it is destructive if not removed. We realize
when we go to the doctors for tests that they help us by giving us a correct diagnosis. Our very life can depend on it. When we realize we
have the disease, we desperately want to be rid of it.
The Fire of God by Joy Dawson
Wouldn't it be ridiculous to either avoid the doctors' ability to give us an accurate diagnosis of the disease, or resent them when they do;
worse still, if we would do nothing about having it removed in the many ways that God has provided. It could be through medical science or a
miracle healing directly through prayer, or through applying natural means, or a combination of any of these ways.
Following this analogy we can only conclude that God does us the greatest favor by convicting us of this most destructive force called sin.
When we realize that He is equally motivated by His love and His holiness to bring conviction, we see it as one of the greatest ways He can
bless us. Sin not only destroys us, but it separates us from the only one who can fulfill us. " He disciplines us for our good, that we may
share His holiness " (Hebrews 12:10 RSV). " I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white
garments to clothe you…. Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent " (Revelation 3:18-19 RSV).
As we cooperate with God through genuine repentance, which means a change of heart, mind, and life toward each sin, we experience the
wonder of not only getting closer to the Maker and Sustainer of the universe but actually becoming more like Him. What a break!
Who to Forgive
The deeper we love people the more we will suffer when hurt by them, particularly where injustice is involved. Therefore, the ones
we need to forgive the most are often those closest to us in relationships.
Let us check through the list for any hidden resentments: wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, friends, schoolteachers, spiritual leaders, people
we've been teamed with in ministries, people with whom we work, people over us in authority, people under our authority, politicians and
government officials from our own nation or other nations, governments that have hurt those who are close to us, and any other categories
you know of. Unfortunately there are times when, in their human frailty, spiritual leaders misjudge us. The greatest saints who have ever lived
have all had clay feet, so don't expect perfection.
Often leaders, because of the weight of their many responsibilities, react too quickly and make wrong judgments of others. We need to learn
from Hannah in First Samuel 1, how to pass this kind of difficult test if we are the one who is hurt. Eli the priest totally misjudged the godly
woman Hannah, in the temple, when she was fasting and quietly pouring out her anguished heart to the Lord in prayer. Eli accused her of
drunkenness and rebuked her. How painful; how unjust. The very person who should have been the one to minister comfort, understanding,
and encouragement to her in her hour of need, was an instrument of great pain.
The Fire of God in Persecution and Suffering
The Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings
By far the biggest test is the perplexity test ; by virtue of the extent of the pain and the length of the years of waiting for the fulfillment of
God's many promises. Job's greatest tests were related to perplexity. Abraham's tests were related to the length of time he waited, and to the
impossible-to-man promise. Joseph's tests were related to everything getting progressively worse the longer he waited. As my mobility has
considerably decreased in recent years, I can now relate to all three men in some measure. Their lives are a great source of encouragement
to me.
Before we look into what it means to experience the fellowship of Christ's sufferings by listing some of them, we need to hear what the apostle
Peter has to say about it. He says that we are to rejoice to the extent that we are partaking of Christ's sufferings as part of the fiery trial, and
that God's glory is going to be revealed, accompanied with exceeding joy. That's a significant and wonderful reward.
Our fiery ordeal, related to sharing Christ's sufferings (which is seldom taught or understood) can include any or all of the following
circumstances, taken from the life of the Lord Jesus. Perhaps we'll recognize some of our own experiences.
· Being betrayed by a close friend (Judas).
· Being misjudged and misunderstood by close family members (His mother and brothers).
· Falsely accused by spiritual leaders (Pharisees).
· Denied by a friend (Peter).
The Fire of God by Joy Dawson
· Entering into the pain of others' sufferings (John11, with Martha and Mary at Lazarus' tomb).
· Weeping over the unfulfilled potential of others and the subsequent judgment (weeping over Jerusalem ).
· Being ridiculed and humiliated by many (at His trial).
· Intense physical suffering (the scourging and crucifixion).
· The validity of His ministry being questioned by those who once acclaimed it (John the Baptist, His cousin).
· Having to be the mentor for others in relation to suffering (His intercessory ministry with forgiveness for Peter's denial, and
those crucifying Him).
· At a time of greatest mental and emotional suffering when He most needed His closest friends, He reached out to them for help,
but they failed to give it ( Gethsemane ).
If we have earnestly prayed Paul's prayer in Philippians 3:10, we shouldn't be surprised if we experience some or all of the above. After all, it's
simply God answering our prayer to know Him. During these past 12 years of physical pain I was deeply wounded in my soul through being
totally misjudged from a most unexpected source. No matter how I tried to explain my heart, it was not received as truth. A real measure of
healing came from my receiving God's grace to completely forgive and unconditionally love the person. But that wasn't a new experience