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Project 2021

Weight: 25% of the total mark (12,5% text and 12,5% defense)
Deadline (text): December 4th 23:59
Deadline (presentation, should be sent in advance): December 6th 23:59
Group. No more than 3 members – Google sheet with the members should be done before
beginning of November
Most countries have been heavily affected by the COVID-19, this has shown a negative outlook
on the development goals or projects for these countries. It is believed that the crisis has
worsened existing development challenges.
Kindly identify a country facing an unusual economic, social, environmental, and sustainable
development consequences/ problem thereby reverting development progress which have
further affected efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Suggest the possible solutions based on the theoretical, empirical, and case-study materials
answering the following questions
1. Why is it a problem in your selected country?
2. Why are you interested in this problem and no other?
3. What is the scope of the problem? (Regional, country, international)
4. How does it affect development of the territory and world development? What are the
externalities of this problem?
5. What is the existing relationship with the identified development challenge/ problem to the
successful implementation of a particular SDGs goal/goals?
6. Who are the main beneficiaries of this problem solution?
7. Who could be the other interested parties in the solution as partners or/and beneficiaries?
8. How are you going to solve the problem? (Main mechanisms)
9. What are the funding sources for this problem solution?
10. What is the public and private balance for the solution? What is the role of non-commercial
and international organizations in this process?
11. What are the possible risks within the process of solution?
12. Are there any parts that will lose from the problem solution? How these losses can be
The solution should be done in the written form (no more than 12 000 characters, excluding
literature review and annexes with statistical information). The texts should avoid plagiarism,
be logically coherent and written with introduction, conclusion, literature review, footnotes.