Telegram is a social network for communication and friends . Got its popularity for the user-friendly interface and stylish look. Recognized as the most secure social network. What is Telegram? The project was born in 2013 as an experiment by Pavel Durov. He decided to test MTProto, a correspondence encryption technology created by Nikolai Durov, under heavy loads. Thus, in 2013, the world saw the first version of the program. There are only a few official versions, but since the code is open, enthusiasts have already riveted a whole car for all axles in the world. Telegram is a program designed to replace the exchange of familiar messages. SMS, Hangouts, Viber, WhatsApp, maybe even Gmail. After all, you can send not only text, but also files of different formats - from pictures to documents. You can create conversations for up to 200 people. Create your own channels where you can share some important information. A huge plus of this application is that there are no annoying ads Also in the application there are many bots that can do a complex operation in one second. For example, check the text for grammatical errors or find a person in any social network by phone number. Everything in this app is free. Starting from downloading and ending with various stickers. You can also create your own stickers and change the design of the application. So, if you are still wondering - "What is Telegram and why is it needed", then the answer is simple - it is a marketplace, cloud storage and a bit of a social network. The messenger is developing rapidly and every year its functionality is only growing and improving. I am sure that in a year he will get a bunch of useful chips and use it will become even more pleasant and convenient.