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ReSharper DefaultKeymap IDEAscheme

ReSharper 2.x/IntelliJ IDEA scheme
Symbol code completion
Ctrl + Space
Go to everything
Ctrl + N
Show available quick-fixes
and context actions
Smart code completion
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Go to type
Ctrl + N (second hit)
Alt + Enter
Import symbol completion
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Go to symbol
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N
Inspect this
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + A
Complete statement
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Parameter info
Ctrl + P
Go to word
Ctrl + N + N + N
View type hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H
Go to file
Ctrl + Shift + N
Go to file member
Ctrl + F12
Go to next highlight
(error, warning or suggestion)
Go to previous highlight
(error, warning or suggestion)
Shift + F12
Go to next error
Alt + F12
Go to previous error
Shift + Alt + F12
Go to previous signature
(in parameter info)
Ctrl + Shift + P
Quick documentation
Ctrl + Q
Find usages
Alt + F7
Move code up/down/left/right
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + / / /
Find usages (advanced)
Shift + Alt + F7
Extend selection
Ctrl + W
Find Results window
Ctrl + Alt + U
Shrink selection
Ctrl + Shift + W
Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Refactor this
Ctrl + Shift + R
Duplicate a line or selection
Ctrl + D
Go to previous usage
Ctrl + Alt +
F2 or Shift + R
Select containing declaration
Ctrl + Shift + [
Go to next usage
Ctrl + Alt +
Move type or static member
Comment/uncomment line
Ctrl + /
Analyze References window
Ctrl + Alt + Y
Safe delete
Alt + Del
Comment/uncomment block
Ctrl + Shift + /
Extract method
Ctrl + Alt + M
Navigate to
Ctrl + Shift + G
Introduce variable
Ctrl + Alt + V
Go to declaration
Ctrl + B
Introduce field
Ctrl +Alt + D
Go to type of symbol
Ctrl + Shift + T
Introduce parameter
Ctrl + Alt + P
Go to implementation
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + B
Ctrl + Alt + N
Go to base symbols
Ctrl + U
Change signature
Ctrl + F6
Go to derived symbols
Ctrl + Alt + B
Go to usage
Ctrl + Alt + F7
Code cleanup
Ctrl + Alt + F
Apply code style
Ctrl + Alt + S
Ctrl + Alt + L
Generate code (constructors, properties,
implementing/overriding members, etc) Alt + Ins
Insert live template
Ctrl + J
Surround with template
Ctrl + Alt + J
Create file from template
Alt+Ins in Solution Explorer
or Ctrl + Alt + Ins
Go to last edit location
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
View recent files
Ctrl + E
View recent edits
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Backspace
Go to related files
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + G
View bookmarks
Go to bookmark
Set/remove bookmark
Ctrl + `
Ctrl + [numeric key]
Ctrl + Shift + [numeric key]
File structure
Ctrl + F11
Reformat code
Go to next member/tag
Alt +
Run unit tests
Ctrl + T, R
Go to previous member/tag
Alt +
Debug unit tests
Ctrl + T, D
Go to containing declaration
Ctrl + [
Run all tests from solution
Ctrl + T, L
To-do items
Ctrl +Alt + .
Run current session
Ctrl + T, Y
Explore stack trace
Ctrl + Shift + E
Repeat previous run
Ctrl + T, T
Locate in Solution Explorer
Shift + Alt + L
Unit Test Explorer
Ctrl + Alt + T
Structural navigation
Tab / Shift + Tab
Unit Test Sessions
Ctrl + Alt + R