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Saint Patrick’s Day
Give the right answers to the following
• What was Saint Patrick’s given name?
• Maewyn Succat
• Where was he Born?
• England
• What did the pirates do to him?
• They kidnapped him
• Name this
• Shamrock
• What does it represent? Explain.
• God the father, God the son and God the holy
• What happened to him when he arrived in
• He was slaved and had his name changed.
• Which name did he receive?
• Pig boy
• A member of an order of priests in ancient
Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and
Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers is a…
• Druid
Gaul = an ancient region of W Europe
corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium,
part of Germany, and the S Netherlands
• What is the name of the religion practiced by the
Druids and what do they believe in?
• Paganism
• Name this
pond scum
• How many times a day did he pray?
• Over a 100
• How many miles did he walk before reaching
the sea?
• 200 miles
• How long has he lived in Ireland before going
back to England?
• 6 years.
• Which country did they arrive in when they
came from Ireland?
• France
• How many days did they walk for?
• 28 days
• When he dreamt of Ireland, what did he ask
the man to do before coming back to Ireland?
• Finishing school.
• What did he become after he finished his
• A Bishop.
• How old was Saint Patrick when he died?
• 73 years old
• When did he die?
(Anno Domini (abbreviated as
• AD 460
AD or A.D., sometimes found
in the irregular form Anno
Domine) and Before Christ
(abbreviated as BC)