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Education System in the UK

Education System in the UK
The British educational system curriculum is divided into primary, secondary and
higher education. Though each country of the UK has its own curriculum, much of
the content is similar. Nevertheless, there are some slight differences.
Children are required to start primary school education at the age of 5. And must
leave primary school at the age of 11, moving on to secondary school. Parents can
choose to educate their children at state or private schools. All children in the UK
between the ages of five and sixteen are entitled to a free place at a state school, or
to the private education schools, where tuition may be quite expensive.
In the UK there are four main types of state schools. First is the community school,
which is run by the local authority and has strong links with the local community.
There are also foundation and voluntary schools. Foundation schools are run by their
own governing body, which employs the staff and sets the admissions criteria.
Voluntary schools are mainly religious schools, although anyone can apply for a
From age 11 to 16, students will enter secondary school. From the age of 11 to 14,
students study a broad range of 10-15 subjects. Among them are: English, Maths,
Science, Design and Technology, History, etc. Secondary school graduation covers
the period from age fourteen to fifteen. After this two-year period, students take
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) state examinations. After this
examination, students may choose to either leave school or continue with their
Once a student finishes secondary education they have the option to extend into
further education to take their A-Levels. UK students planning to go to college or
university must complete further education. A-Levels are state examinations and are
recognised by all UK universities, and by institutions worldwide.
Higher education in the UK is not compulsory and is not free. Nevertheless, there
are a variety of scholarships available to students who wish to study in the UK.
Furthermore, education in the UK is not as expensive as it may seem first. For
example, it is twice as low as in the US. Furthermore, it is important to understand
that education in the UK usually takes less time.
UK higher education system often begins with a three-year bachelor’s degree. The
Postgraduate degrees include master’s degrees. Postgraduate degrees are of four
main types: taught masters, Masters by Research, Masters of Philosophy and Doctor
of Philosophy.
The doctoral degrees that usually take at least three years to complete there are also
some specific subject such as LLM in law, MBA in business and management,
masters in arts, and masters in science.
Unlike school education, university education in the UK provides students with the
ability to choose their own educational pathway and to learn more about a subject or
job they really enjoy.