Загрузил Natuf57

Maksland( страна, где я хотел бы жить)

The land of Hope and Attractions.
The authors:
Alenichev Maksim and Adischev Nikita.
Grade: 10 “A”.
Code of laws.
1. Which is the country?
2. The government.
2.1. The state machine
3. Maksons.
Code of laws
Code of laws
The first Article.
Which is our country?
1.1. Maksland is a country that flies in clouds between sky and earth, that’s why
almost nobody knows about this country;
1.2. Most of the state is Amusement Parks;
1.3. Maksland is the country where the biggest part of population has the name
1.4. All physical and biological laws aren’t valid in our country.
1.5. The official currency of Maksland is Maksiks.
Code of laws
The second Article.
The government.
2.1. The potentate of all attractions must have the name Maks;
2.1.1. If the head of the state has any other name, he must change it as it was
mentioned above.
2.2. The state machine.
the Great and Powerful
The Vice
The Attraction
2.2.1. Maks the Great and Powerful is the official head of the state and
potentate of all attractions; The head of the state has mostly representative
2.2.2. The Administration of Maks consists only of the Vice Maks;
The Vice Maks is appointed by the Maks and represents the executive
branch of power;
The Vice Maks must rule all Attractions, because the Maks has not enough
time for this;
2.2.3. The legislative branch of power is represented by the Maksenate;
The Maksenate consists of 99 members;
The Maksenate makes laws and examine bill for development of all
2.2. 4. Maks appoints the attraction judges; The Attraction Court must
control how the Administration of Maks rules the Attractions and also can
veto laws passed by Maksenate.
Code of laws
The third Article.
Maksons are people who live in Maksland
3.1. Everybody must obey Maks the Great and Powerful;
3.2. Every citizen must walk on their feet for the first half of day and walk on
hands for the second half;
3.3. All citizens must be working, if some citizens laze, they will walk on hands
all day and also sleep on their heads.